HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-31, Page 6A
.August 81, 1906.
Stolen Pleasure
The children will show you
the merits of Mooney's biscuits
if you give them the chance.
Il tion ey's Perfection
Cream Sodas
have 'made themselves 'furious
all' over Canada in a very •s 1prt
time. Crisp, inviting tasty.
Different from any other cracker
you have ever eaten.
Shy "Mooney's" to your grocer.
]rr j A. Queer Care.
"Riding on an elephant in Ceylon, be-
hind. a native prince on a hunting ex-
pedition," said a clergyman, "the, con,
vorsatiou chanced to turn on indiges-•
tion, to which I said I wtis subject.
The prince at once pulled out a black
leather button kind of thing, which he
, was wearing An a string round his neck
under his clothes. .
i "'What's this?' said I.
" A hyena's scout' was the startling
reply. .
"'What for?'
" `To cure indigestion.' digestio
.'iow.ca iti this?"
"'It is very simple. A hyena gets its
living by.digging up and crunching old
bones. Now, it possesses In its snout'
this peculiar virtue—that when its nose
approaches anything hard, such as
bones, these tough substances instantly
grow soft and enable the animal to eat
them with comfort and benefit. So you
will find that if you keep• this charm_
hanging round your neck the proximity
of the hyena's nose, though dried up
and lifeless. will soften your food,
however indigestible, to such an extent
that you will never again suffer from
indigestion,""' e
PoP nlouif"'CLeese:
A professor of the Swiss Dairy school
at Sountal has compiled statistics of
the 'lumber 'of micro organisms found
in cheese. His experiments lead to the
conclusion that every gram (one -thir-
tieth 'Part
one-thir-tieth'Part of an ounce) of fresh Ens.
menthaler (Swiss) cheese "contains be-
tween 90,000 and 100,000 living germs.
After two months the number has in-
ereased to 800,000. • Cream cheese coni-
talus a still larger number of animal-
culae, a gram harboring after three
weeks 750,000, rising to 2,000,000 after
a month and a half.. These figures ap-
ply only to the center of the cheese,
while close to the rind families num-
• bering 5,500,000 bacteria may be found
In• every gram of cheese. In about
one and 'a half pounds of cream cheese,
the professor estimates, there are as
many germs as there ate human beluga
on the face of the globe. It is sup-
posed that all or most of these mi-
crobes are•"friendly" ones and assist
in the digestive process. `We hope so,,,
King's Duty and King's English. •
Exhibited in the window of a
maker's shop in Manchester is a faded
letter of Nelson's. It tells an old, old
story, reminding us of the time when,
to detaend the shores of their native
land, Englishmen had to beg and im-
plore for the bare material means to
do it. It was so in the days of the
armada and in Nelson's day. It has
been so in"our own. The letter reads:
My Dear S"ir—If you will order the Aga-
memnon to be supplied with 200 fathoms
of three inch rope and 100 fathoms of two
inch rope' purchases will be rove to drag
the guns. We have not a fathom of rope
in the ship. If you could spare us two
threefold blocks and tt'Fo twofold blocks
I am to be much obliged. Yours most
faithfully, HORATIO NELSON"
Evidently in his care of the king's
ship the national hero was at the time
somewhat careless of the king's Eng-
, lash.—London Chronicle.
Litt1eLivr Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
See rec.sImIIe Wrappor Below.
'Very smell and_as eller
tat,tl ke as traders
0 N$T P TIO- ii
osagnimixMurYNAvt gAtt111 -.'
. Ye)tet*ble
supplements to the Deesiogue,.
9ur ._social orgaufzatlou has deve-
tined to a stage where the old right-
eousness Is not enough, We need, an
annual supplement to the Decalogue.
The growth of credit institutions, the
spread of fiduciary relations, the en- ,
meshing of industry in law, the inter-
lacing of government and business, the
tuultipllcatiou of boards and inspect-
ors, beneficent as they all tare, they in-
vito to sin. What gateways .they open
to greed! What fresh parasites they
let to on use. • Iiow idle in our new
eltuatiott to intend the old litanies!
• The reality of this Close knit life is not,
to be seen and touched; it must be
thought. The sins it opens the door to
are to be .discerned by knitting the -
brows rather than by opening the eyes.
It takes imaglnatiou to see that bogus
medicaldiploma, lyingadvertisement
and faket.testlunonitl are death dealing
instruments. It takes imagination to
see that savings back wrecker, loan
shark and Investment swindler in tak-
ing livelihoods take lives. It takes
imagination to see that the business of.
debauching.voters,fixing juries,se-
ducing lawmakers and corrupting ptab=
lie servants is like sawing throngh,the
props of a crowded grand stand. E A.
Boss in Atlantic; • • '
Liviaaq;n Coral houses,
The church built of coral is ting of
the curiosities of the Isle of Mabe,
one of the Seychelles islands, in the
Indian ocean. 'Tie Seyehelnes islands,
which are supposed by many to be the
site of the Eden of the Old Testament,
form 1111 arel 1pelago of 114 islands and
are situated. about 1,400 miles east of
Aden and 1,000 miles of Zanzibar.
Theyrise steeply. out of the sea, culmi-
nating in the Isle of .Mahe, which is
about 3,000 feet above the level of the
ocean and is uearly. the center Of. the
group. All these islands ere of coral
growth: The houses are ;built of a
species of massive coral .hewed, late'
square blocks, which glisten like white
marble and show themselves to the
utmost advantage In the various tinted
green of the thick tropical palms,
whose • immense fernlike leaves give
pleasant and much needed shade, These.
palms grow as high as 100 teeter more,.
overtopping both the houses and the,
coral built church. 'They line the sea-
shore and cover the mountains,form-
ing in many places extensive forests,•
” The Boring of Canis. .
Strong glass platesare. bored through.
by means of rotating brass tubes of
the necessary • diameter. which . are
filled with. Water • during boring. To
the water there is, added finely pill-
verized emery.: It is. sok.' thatthinner,
glass` can be perforated with holes in"
,.an• easier manner. by. 1)lesaing t disk
of `wet clay upon the glass and malates
a hole through theclay of .the widths
desired, so that at that spot the glass
is laid bare. Then molten lead .is
poured lute the chole;' and lead and
glass drop down at once. This method
is ` based 'upon the, quick : local heat-,
ing of the glass, Whereby it obtains..
_circular -trade, _the_outlinesof_wlau;h_.cor-s
responds to the outline of'. the hole
made in:the .clay:" The cutting of glass'
tubes; cylinders, ete,, .11i factories is
The Human
Barometer ,
b the trine. Wllerr third is s
constant de,itte to tIruus:e— when
the trine 18 blot and scalding --
it means Bladder 1 rr!:t,t ton. It
• the • urineis clow: s, highly
colored, or Offenisive--it ts,tivates
Kidney Trouble
Seed the clanger signals. fake
•'llu•ju" I.tiniulates a
Ptrengtilens the w ea i; nn ed,
clogged,'ove2werkea1 Kidneys to
"'healthy action—fed Neale ■.esti
sloothes the irritated bi:ttia,a•
° "i;3u-Ju" coxes. We pia:eon:a
It and you Imo Ret your thane,))
back # "" na-Ju " disappoints.
Sill druggists ,h■'ve "" kin -Jo " or ,tali
Wei tete fur Xw,, . ' '
!lint CLAFUN CNt11Nt,a. CO, i,tMrrss
4wH,i,ll il, env, • •
,,tions ui' ox sainue.:
Too many people who aro well bred
in nearly every other respect are guilty
of the solecism --to call it by the mild-
est name—of cutting up#heir salad on
the plate, Of course salad has some-
times to be reduced to lower dimen-
e;.signs, • so, to speak, but it need not be
I bone by the wholesale or ciuite in the
and a Orli*. in the ether, 'they slash
away at the . inoffensivegreen stuff
with.a vigor and.a noise of a miniature
mowing machine until the bruised
leaves .are converted into shreds of
their former selves. 'There is common
sense in the convention that ,prohibits
such a course.. • Nearly' all green' salads
sire broken—into pieces of connient
size before sending to the table. Even
9.'when these • are "too large' the leaf
should he quietly divided with a Cork.
Why •Thunder Sonrn .Milk.
. 'To many persons the curdling sof
Milk In a thunderstorm 'is a mysterious
and unintelligible „phenomenon. Yet
the whole ;process really is simple and
native!. Milk; like- moot other sub-
t,tanc.e� taut iIn . lutilion' of batt t'h I
e in c )ac min t Ia •• in . a day or
two ruder natural conditions' would
cause the Quid to sour are peculiarly
susceptible, ' to. eleetrieity.. Electricity
inspirits and . invigorates them, affect-
ing them as alcohol, cocaine or strong
Bea infects Hien: Tinder the currents
inituenc'e they fall to Week' n ith`.afuaz• 1
(i)g' energy, And instead • of tal;;isig . n
couple ,of il:i$a' to stint' the iIJ'k they
nceoii)Ialish the iaslttom Ietel
n Y
half. hour, With an electric battery it
is eider gin •ihe same •pi�iucipie' to sour
:'the freshest milk. .
• businesslike fashion practiced by
some, Grasping : a knife In one hand
based'upon the same principle.• •
Moderation In Exercise. :•
It is better•to be lazy then dead, -and ,.
itis:probably just as comfortable. For
obvious reasons the prescription to th-e
moderate exercise is miSiefaling and.
unsatisfactory... Most'of•'tis. are Consti-
tutionally incapable ofexereising mod
erateiy, We begin* violently' and end.:
quickly. And what is moderate exer-
else? One philosopher who tried it•for
twenty years arrived ,at this conclu-
sion: "Beep a pair `of.Indian ;clubs in
your bedroom. ::Look at theta .frequent-
ly. Exercise by .their suggestion.".
This has the merit' of • moderation.: It
is the same as' to *diking, -Smell, the
'morning, look down the long way that
separates you • from your 'business.
Then take a car..—Detroit I?ree Press.
Anticipating Hint.
"Is`ailiarine," said Bob as he brought.•
his : club chums down to the depot
platform, "these are all my friends." •
"Glad to meet you, ,gentlemen," re-
plied the bride sweetly, "and'.3 am'
so sorry that you are going to be sick."
"Sick?" echoed 'the, crowd in aston-
ishment. "Why .should you,think we.
are going, to be Sick?'
"Oh,. because •soon after the honey-
moen aKmarried nian always finds a
great 'many ' sick 'friends to sit up.
;with."—Columbus Dispatch., •
Not of Much Account.
The lord chief justice of England used
to sing In the choir of a parish church.
A woman once asked the verger to
point out Sir i Webster as he
Richard har d W St
then Was. The verger replied, "Well,
ma'am, that's the vicar and them's the
curates and I'm the Verger, but as for
the choir, as long as they does their
dOoty we don't inquireuire into their
"I wish I was half as beautiful as
Miss Brown," remarked the fair Edith
to Mr, Green.
"Well, you are, you know," . replied
Green, thoughtlessly.
Then he wondered why she suddenly
rose rind left him,
Oi,c"aliesat, but 'Indianant
!`nielt11," said the literary )soman, ".i
wish you weal(' go down to the libl:ary
-ands Ming .Hie `Plaines Tosepi'ius.''"
The : -new 'git•1 left the .r room to exe
cute the coinntitision. • ' . ' •
PIeSently a terrine, noise" was-
on 'the stairway, and Norah'+• pushed
' the 'door olieu with her loot a iit'onn;nt
later; dragging•(u by tl1.e collar a large •
and reluetant.Newfoundland (Rig.
"If ern 'lie Is. Mts. 1)nlnls;" ', re': s:tld,•
"but 'ye oughtii't tri' hive sint we for
'im:.' Its a luau's' loin. The b>i'te
Varied to bite tne, an' I had to fight
'%m iv'ry 'rut ;o the wry.'—('hicag.)
'Tribune. —
: The Little ..Ones.. •
Many wrinkles are.smootfett,r'rry- '
the soft fingers of little children. . The .
'music of their flutelike voices ,talars
the .most turbulent mood and b;tnistlos
the darkest frown. The power of the
little ones consists in their iirnoee;tce.
They, bear, In their h mils that tily the
magic might of which mite:) of llrttss
Wallet resist.
4 -Sailor en Sea Pictures.
"I'll take it sailor along with me, he
next time 1 buy to marine palnlhl(;,"
said a millionaire, "I bung':t two in:t-
rlues last mouth.,.uu+l yestt'l.ley my ol,f
friend Captain Solthorie hael e.1.. look'at
them. '
"Saitltorse said:
" this first picture • we've got a
trading scliooiter in '=hard•" of a t:t:,
towing away from a rock bound •eo.):it
through a' fearful jumble of sea. The
.schooner's maintop mist 1, toss awl
all sails are lowere"t e erl) her sets. -
sail; which is kept h) ,t•'.l, ' t) :iii s::"
Is towing- head on fa the. gale. C i by
that hoisted staysail? .1.:1. st:ut,i<. I
suppose; are drunk.
t"Ito -the second picture,' vontl:rr",l
Captuint Salthorso, 'tide prar.ipal
an eighteen renter, 1,4-racing.;'t't h l..
no flag tivlur, Thut"s as iueurrc'et-as it
'would be for -yoti .to go to a dinner
party Infants a shirt, The crow of this
boat are getting iu the spino t" t t•. as 1.
if they lower nSvoy, both piu.i.i'.;*. tori
boom will be lu 'ti' water, fir iii+'y 1
have negit etetl to let the , bo) ai iii 1 a:'
}vatil _I'tit 1'l>;new what the ti:itit)te ,a
withtlielu: liney,'to,:),are d.•t.til.,'" ,at:.•
Louis Glebo Denim:rat. •
Fids: Visit'4 to the purl.,
There is a well h 1) vn I', t.,,iett bishop'
who writes a se::' .i ,tl f aa't TWA bad.
hand cattiweti 0 sa.l error to hipper
some years' ago. \ your. t clergy:uan
had vt)i.ttu• to the bishop to iuQtti: a talk of. Liner (good natttretll )—
about tl 'venni• 1. 11It : , and 1e.,:" reply p (g y
Waiting for the moon to come np, eh?
Sufferer,- Oh, dear me! Has that got.
. to come up too? -Tatler,
In 1305,
7'lstri eonple altt:trreled in '00,
.And tlrl'a tl e r ;sun, why:
5h 1 wished a V Along bieyt'le,
• Anel only S4urns' he'd bay,
In U00.
R ;nln this year they s'pTabhleti,.
Arvl now t't it treein •a are:
taints a. Filer luau;
II' Luys ti tsser.•nt cart
'' rrs f i reef umlonbtedly
b.'.' ' thora ,'l:wh.
11 , aa•• :)n Arrr:: airship,
v: i,:ul r:1; •„lit want it Dash!.
—Puck. .
At Sen.
that the young orae got informed idler
that the salary was aa):t;i au:i the work
difficult.. but there was one raitir'atir4
circumstance. '1'i e lueitu)be,it, anon;;
his other duties, it'ould vIsit.'the earl
every nrorn:ug and spend tWa 110ura
there. The curate would have rejected
the post but for the daily visit to the
earl. That attracted tJi:7i, There is'on'sr,.
no doubt, he tolti himself, 1}e' many
lTashionable.`Ulrwt'rs• to wiiic:i lie would
naturally be invite.1.. -ole. would 1 utak,
many •frie.ids aux) i,- • the rich duel
r s
powerful. Thefie r 3 lee
i r e ul. T ', I � uulel ins. tt
to help. him In his. career, ee 'The earl,
perhaps,' !nal daughters. O1' of them
—who •kuo, •J+ se. tag'r 'things . l>..te
happened. 1 t 1%se tiro Curate. accepted
'the difficult null tn)a • pall ctnl•tiey.to
dlseover ou dais i1 visit to tiro rot ri'
that he had misreod the t)i.;:i•)n':, letter''
and that hi; daily two torr a s:s:t Was
not to the earl, but to tin
The b ie l.i •t of 1 e a . n.
It;ts ills : lr •:a'. of t..c , anr•l;."n;
Egyptians, aet.orthug to a r,�',ut t,'r;t•
eo', that •evo ythitr lit•lte:gt.! my! ina.
material, had its : i .salortnl t: )n'., e, Out
of this ,,row the -bits, : tt t':t is t.i_"
future st:: o` ••ie' r.'et' hl time s t;t
the "tickle of ;pe,te ''uta : �.)g time •
the . esi:i:uoa te.) )1 , re ur�ie:l•+'1''.c`
.! 4; r•
"" r
x ., a
``fields of Peace". t ). 1•
'c'cic � u•`
" ,t
place, but as situ,tte.1;i't •t•t;�
:rind well .watered re.th:as x f the Nile
delta in the ria::thst•e !' t' i"t: Where
the• -blessed •.e, i b....ith •l,'.t::';e • caiii
;forth wind Hurt they lived. tin ideal
forth ef• their. 1il'tl t > ):a car/ Thee
plowed tiled tick. 't ill ;;r ,, the: giaia
wl)ieh supplie.l Sem with. the -bees!
svl teh grew 'uot• stole a,ati beer that
.never "wea:uc s:)ar." •Lien' was site.:•
ated the d " it tato- se. their .eartiity
towns' o; i ilia ;des;
' The Silk Ilat.'
• . Portuguese Innilfig2iti..
At I'ortugaese bullfights not only are
the ,iiaint, •of ttie Amite' ba ns suwe.i'
•off, but; the stumps. that t' n iia • ar,,
care ttii;i . pa dile 1. • The 11:)I . es .1lsJ are
ridden with eottsu.:n:nate tiS!Il, and .ev-
ery Preertitian.�3',t ke:a to•i)l,t'1'6ilt•tiit
bull tduebiite. the,u, i;tt.ld0r! I:t are
. used by the .uten on font and on horse.-
ouse.back, and are. pi.t'ilte 1 in the neck of
the' bull,which irritates tire, buil, tial
cannot be described itis to :tr:re, ' Just
as much 'skill is shewu ;as iu it S;tanish
•bullfight, and tide) c may be : just as
beautifiil: a display •eosttttnes, hitt
•there is no killing either of tins bull or
of fhe horses...' • 'm
The •t'idiculous custom • of wearing
that shining fiinuel,the sill: hat. iti lap-
•pear as stupefying to our great -grand- ..
children .as the custom' of 'putting :t
hone. through •th0 lip or ti ring thrott2i 1
the nostrllie appears mot)st:'ons• to us.:—
,Paris GauloiS.•
s.-Paris:Gaulois.• ,
A11 ItIJ Lt
'Com 1•Iere: ~, You'e stair"ed • yc .u'
note to Derrotighs ."Dr. Sir." Don't you
know that sort, of ' abbreviilti5u i:t very
• slovenly? .Tick -No, si), '"1)r." •I;
right' in this' ..case. Ile owes one
• money.
Delicate Operation.
"Taus," suddenly. 'declared Cho11y
Iiraneless,.• "Pre going to work. I've .
made up my mind,"
"You leave?" exclaimed Miss Pep-
pery..''Myt What a delicate opera-
ttonl —Cathode Standard and Times.
• Bringing It iionme,
Her Father—What are you and young
Shortleigh going to live on in case you
marry? His Daughters -Well, if yon
'must know, papa, look in the mirror,
iTe eenstires God who (1iinr rels with
the imperfections of men.—Burke.
Olaf 1''sipt'r 1
old paters fa. Aat , :5 C'?rr s ti hentil',' 1
' Nlu'W" ERA 0ft11t,
:14Wondertnl' woman.
"What 'sett of a woman is your.
friend Madame the .eotintoss?"• . • •
.lie is a woman 'f
a o sixty. a nh .o..
fifty, think s. 4be's forty, .dresses Ili:,
thirty, duel nets' ince twenty."
lileart-and Nerve Pills..
1 diseases And dia.
Ate s . eciiIa for al a e a
a s
orders arising from a rtin•down
tion of the hcrtor nervesystem. stoh
aa' Palpitation et the Heart, Nervous
Prostration, Nervousness, Sleepless-
Ino.s,Paint arid Dizzy Spells, train leNtgg,
aro. They'are especially
wwanton trubled ith r'bonefidal to
regulars men-
Price SO Cents per box, or 8 for $i.25.
.A.11 dealers, or.
Tint "14 Mummer do.'aL
0!pronto, On$. +nt motion.
••A.Woman'u Revenge::
It 'is- Perfectly lucornpreho ustbie .how
Man .eau go on wearing the clothes he
does—how he eau ba!auce an his head
a huge black jam• pot ;with a ledge to
it, incase his. limbs in long, tight sacks
• of dingy hue. and wean' round his "man-
ly throat something resembling n shin-
ing metal band. Every. new fashion
for .man that comes out appears to
nue .uglier than the Inst.—Spinster
M. A. P.
A Lafty'Dett.. . _
Asama is a volOiuio inthjapanP. • : A
young man of that. country grow' de-
spondent the otherday and tlire v him-'
Self into the crater, leaving this setter:
"Suffering'd feeling of despair impels
me to throw' myself into the Crater of
vehement, x1.,atna, thus winning a
splendid • death t c.at and: ascending the
mountain's smoke to a lofty lifo'above
the sky." '
• Ltnslaked lime e is usefult tt prevent-
ing rust because of its extraordinary
.capacity for absorbing moisture. Some
careful' workmen Who take ' palus that
• their toots shall always be in the .best
eoniditiou make a pra.ct4ce of keeping a
.piece of lima in their tool boxesto
absorb any moist. Gs lv
hich might ooh•
•I ertvise cause rust,
A Safety Match.
"Papa,, what is it Safety mately?" Ittr.
Ilenpecked (looking carefully about to
sea 1e.: his wife is within bearing dis-
three) -•••A safety match, son, is When
a baldheaded man marriesau armielis
Poor Fellow.
:Sirs. Brownie ---Ile certainly does live
high. It seems to Inc his whole thought
is of his vic'tals. !Sire. t t frit, Mala)ro --
That's the' truth. He's jest what you
might call a realer ipecac.
It ;Is with feelings as with Water—
the niur, our sital ow t
1 Ja , but the e deeps' Are
t J".
The°NEW ERA to the end of the year for 25c.
.ere. LILVa7,
"You. seemed to size that man up.pret-.
try well,". remarked the talkative p'a-
tron, •
• "Sure," replied the waiter, "It's easy
for us waiters to take a man's meas-
.Yes?I"su suppose you measure. him
m 1
from tip to tip."=[Philadelphia Press.
Mayme- Oil; (fear; I wish I (had
money enough to enable me to be char-
I.aytli—What would be your first .
charitable act in, that case?
Magme-i'd . refuse to marry. odd Got-
rqx.-Detroit Tribune:
Jumping. at Conelnslons
• "I see that • th thumttn ostrich' I
more.' • He's the chap who swallowed .
nails,: needles and hatpins.: Aud • he
chewed glass too." .
1lP- eliewell So: knuch, glass
that tttt got:. a p:iiu,`' Detroit free
Press. •
•More 1 lr:tsnnt.
i in:air :�' 1 did... ('
}.Ol �.,n l ,II )t:t0
'ite01110 ,'
out and weather the storm the other.'.
, day. .
tjfibbubs \o, i ; preferri d , to stay
i'on foi't.ib.y':tt 1 n +: ;2''1 ;;torn) et•ttft. •
'Fei• thet 1'lrilallc'(th it.;i t i1 eC.
As Pala. :/s 1e.' Would. Go.
What kind of work (toes your 'son
josh excel in?"
• "I dua:1o." a.Is., . re,l Vernier. • Corri-.
tassel, . ` 13nt T'iit sees, it's something he'
has .never hail a chants) to try' yet."—
Washington Star.
''"What do
an actor?"'
don't "
"Don't what?"
"Dolr't thinkof I•Iamfatte as an ac
tor."-J'ut te. +
• He Dbdet't..•
you thine: of HIitrnfatte as
III, Itedeeindng Trait.
"I'll say one thing :for Sotekleigh. He
generally.•.knows whets he • has had
enough." " 'It • • • '.
"But .then he's toofar gone. to know
anything else."— �rneric'a 21 Spectator.'
Spaniels .Sheep.' •
There are' said to he '10,000,000 nit-
'gratory sheep in Synths which travel
ou occasions as much as 200 miles
from the plaiins to. the moilint:tins.
They ' are known as transhuinantes,
and' their march, resting places and.
behavior are governed by spedial re„ u-
lations dating from the fourteenth ecu
tory. : At certaintimes no ,one, may
travel the same • route as . the sheep,
'which have the 'right to graze on all
open and common lend on the way,
Meeh Lxaggeruted. ..
"Tell: fne,'•'' said the inquisitive for
eiguer, "do American girls affect men's'
"No," replied the guliaut native, "mot
to 'any extent."
"Web, Well, is that really true?" '
"Web, of course, a 'little rouge may
stick,to the shotticler' of n fellow's coat
occs[onalt but then it's
easily brtfsh
off,"—riniladelphia4. real,,,,,
Right Here's Just the
Bowel Laxative •
Ade, Sure—Pleasant to Talo --A
Tried and True, Genuine,
Nature's Remedy.
it you do not have free, easy and regular
movements of the bowels you lack the prime and
drat essential of good health.. There's More
harm done than mere uncomfortableness. slug-
gishness and bilious Hess --retention of food
wastes to the bowels t pollutes, irritatesand
p015ons. You make { the circulatory sys-
item -the' blood --a ') ' scavenger instead
of a. fountain of ° (>+ y purest lifealtdun•
itainted vitality. . , "' <,.y, The ills ofycon-
a e t
r•, : ,. not rldia but:
stipation a e 4r , f.
idearlyalways `' ` 7' •"`• aro fraucho
with VItit 1 > " y •, i, signtfcance.
d8eky our "•
`��••. relict In
:� fi
Neuro 1 °dna,•,' i;r Accept 'thb
ntle,naturttl , s, r ' aid of Lax•ets I
it error not to � . • ..I i o r o o ata d
tt, r
crowd tike deli- . ',, R. Date ort~nne of
�letomaoh I -"y Avoid all the den -
r of Powerful and unknow Inca-
s Yte t and your health are '
our sa
Payaseoured--if)ou Y`'_ oakeSLax•ets. fhb
?mule is on every box --show 1t to your fatal
ert taeaBametal • In handt tablet ton--oneb t fiat
re monde or on retiring 'always brings relief.
Rine to taloa-the most potent yet gentle of
ilio remedlee--a genuine bele of Nature's" -o'
lwweI laxative which bursa constipation. INV
Aoaomonaso lust for late by
hen Overheated
Mill Prove Most
tRefresl ing
'Lead rackets only. sae, apo, 40e,10e, and doe per lb, At .t 1 Grocers,
I111;IHCsT AWA1tD, ST. ADM. i9o4 •
Canadian National Exhibition
�iNEQ�A.LED �' �
No up-to•date Canadian will miss this Exhibition.
• To avoid the great crowd come the first week.
Lieut.-Col.J..A, McGillivray, H. C. Or. 0. Orr, : •
h b h
Exhibition That
Fall Fairs Famous.
An ideal occas ion for a family Outing.
• Daily ascensions. of a navigableairship, al
perfect Control.. The most wonderful invention
of the e, •
Royal Venetian Band, -the most' celebrated European
musical organization, under the great leader,
• Victor, will give concerts daily.
Fireworks on a more magnificent and imposing scale,
picturing the great' Carnival of Venice.
Many splendid educational, featuresfor the boys and
We' I. REID.President,
o art; ul particulars write
r to
A m;xU>vr
;cr tar
Nip 0 AT
SEPT. 7a l5, 14
''Canada Rusiuess Colleg▪ e.
BA ..
d ilathsinl,' Ontario.. .
'111e.onlj building of the kind in Canada built
and used exclusively .for the Business College _,
purposes, nadthe finest e'iuipntent of the hind e'
AnthA Aptinent.:.. Subscriber . having
• , his Restaurant tO .the' store
1• '
':•,. recentlytiter led b F. W.
,,iP Y
Watts, Will heg lad` to: meet e
his old` customers,and as mar, •
new ones; as may favor him
With, their patronage.
Fall • Term' opens in. the new building
.._..._,,, TuesdayrSct.•4th- _; . -
' Our catalog:Ms •at•e freo for the asking, and will
11 you all about this splendid school—the finest
its kind ot1 the Uontinent—and the grand' work
has been doing for thopast thirty years.
If you cannot come•to (,Lathan), and want tb
' be a •J ool(=kceper, t enographcr, or Penman,
take our home training hymen.
trio ue li will - Yon 'ai abo * t r home
g 1 y 1 u ou ue
es, .
t I• .{ ill' l n 1
C�a , o ue v to ou e about tit o r Train
i ti, ,y. A U
at Chatham .
Write for tl• you:want, addressing
n. McLaehlaniteo., Chatham Out..
P.S.—Mention this:paper when writing:
a de5n lit.
Farm 01 160 acres
comprising bots 1171-105,' Iiuroh Road,
•• Goclerich • Township. ,
Situated within half tn o9[ the.
town limit
of Cialerielr, ono of the. ufo'st progressiwel dbed
hltMinfM9 towifa I t Ontario
MIt.,,LOt IA DRY DALE will oflcr for Sala
• bv'I'ttbli,:,Auctioll, at the
in the Town of Goderieh,
September Y
Sili.ln'iiaa, heptenlbel 1, 1906,
at the hour of 2('clock J1.u)., thn above described
property which, from its admirable situation,
good, productive toil, and other'nn.tural advan-
tages, will Malot a tIrst.eias s investment for guy
ono looking for a chance to inalto inOIICY by be-
ing cloteto tate Market, and bare an easily work-
ed farm.
The Farm contahls 160 acres, has abuedanen
of water, two wells, anti a uever•failing spring In
pasture.. 'Titer° is a geed Frame Dwelling, also a
)intro Clottage 1.ixin feet .A good drank Itarn
J2x•;O, with a. large shed. 111 couueetion IICx.26 foot,
and a good I)rltidng Noise, All the bnnldings and
fenced are in good condition ' ,
There are 10 roves of bearing Apple Orehard,
40 acres in Pastures, 40 n" tali in clay, 7 Oe let; in
;,Inntue r ral1A)v, the balance under crop, .
lite place can be insapet'ted any time
before the salt*,
, • ! of a ,t;`c 'KA
7'M It US—Ton pet th 1 n 1aa utonay
time of t:ltlr, and the balance
to he P'titl:at the 1
wits ss at) days, 01' u. p0rtipn of purchase money
h on Hart n with i
,g may rout 1 t g a u
up9000 Y g
1 to
((Test al. it ver) rea';Ant)ir, rata. 'filo Learnt Will
be aircird Hubjeet to a t't'2erxe bid.
a determinedto on this pro -
)r -
) • •sdele it o
AtrH. 11yt
lterty'at+ lu'r heSiltt is mot g0Acl, and she 1)111Nt
give up farming, y0r further ImrtiouTars,a)tply
on the promises, s ta i••en or to
lulU)U1)1''()OT, IIA"5t"'S a:t .i3LAIR,
T,GUNI)It,Y I3arrif+
Auctioneer. Gotors,derich,
'Having also bought out 'the
King Bakery,Supply he'. will su ' -
a.• ,-Y -
the public ` with ''first class
Bread and Cakes, .:
We have opened upa choice, fresh.
stook of Groceries at Olson'a Old
Stand and now ask a, share of th
patronage of the citizens : of Olinton
andthesurrounding community"
Good;alit 'ale ' Fair Price
Q y, Prices
are our special cares.
Customers will find our stock the bes
value. in town. The Bed' Feather'
brands in Teas and Canned Goods
are sanlnles of the values we handle
We -are 'str •'n ers
a a g and must
it Will pay those who sell farrn pro-
duce to see us, before disposing of their
butter, eggs alid potatoes, elsewhere.
We will buy, at it, good price; wha
you av to sell
uh eand yat a fair
price, what youhave to buy.
BYARD HILL, 'Phone 114 '°
Nothing adds so much to the d'eeora
tion of a house its good Wall Paper. l:
am in a position to show you the vett,
best and choicestatterns, as i aln
agent for the p
End ire Wall Paper Co.,
of Toronto.
The sa.inples. for 1006 are entirely.
new.. Prices rmn front 5e a roll to 35c,
with . borders at slatnne price. Every
nil Of paper guaranteed to contain 8
at'ds, Samples gladly, shown to In.
ending purchasers,: at any tinge,
�Xlousa Teaer t r n1 'Paper;fano
r" Queen and �t
nncessSt, C1in o
25tAvid llay for tbo New •E 'a for the balance
of the year, for now Aubtertbct•e