HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-31, Page 5} Aust 91,, 1900 THE CLINTON NEW EBA it The 11 Know How Is the valuable part of our 1 business. It is the best foundation; it is lasting, We know how to repair Watches, Jewellery, etc. We know what is required and fix it, We know how to do a satisfactory job, - how to make it lasting I f yourwatch is not runty ing just as it should,bring it in for examination. ' It costs•rlothing to know if it is 'n order. If it 'requires fixing we can do it. .'••-- "Knowing how" has been the means of giving us the right of way: We are leaders in our line IIELL VAR Jeweler and Optician. ['Eyes Tested Free) Clinton Market Report. I Births, Marriages, Deaths Ootreoted every Thu rtaltw att.rnoon Wheals #,#.,# ##. i) 70 to 012 PORN Oils, •, • .. • • • ,, • 0 27 do 0 '28 sNYDEn-In Colborne, on Aug 94, to Mr. and Sprley ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 40 to 40 Mre.Levi Sayder, p son. Poatl. .... , , ., , # 0 .85 to. 07 McFALLS, 7n Usborne, on Aug let2�, to Mr. Ego. , . . $ .. 0 15 to 0 Id . , bel are, Ales siccants. a son Butter : , •, . #.. , 015 to 0 1$ and ikirs°s Ll Brussels, kfflls .3rd., to Mr. R • , 241 August slat, to qtr, Wool (waelied) Q � to 027 1 VYID1SAi�-fn Go4erleir, Woel ((uplPaehepj • 0 18 to 0 18 i acid we, Barry Videan, seat, STRANO-In risbu)nb, Aus. 26th, the 'wife of R Henry Strang. of a son. T(iiItb,NTO HiliRfCET$,, From the Sun, Dullness contin'4ea to ".characterize the Ontario cat ;its markets. Dullness in this lime, '.chile in all other linos prices are 0;1 a Most• satisfactory level, 1S not calass for surprise. The North- west fa pouring' out its autumn and fall,„ shipments of prairie fed steers. in a ( Oah'ilious stream. These cattle are ot only connng forward in large pupi- 1 sntiers, but in prime condition, the aver• are ofot quality being above the tt- The e f that 78carsof in oronto stock market, the Junction Cattle Markets, Tkesday, with 1,572 cattle, The quality was only .fair. Some very ,good export cattle were in the market, and some very choice lots. brought about $4,95, but the general sates were between $4.40 to 4.70. More; routmon butchers' stair than usual appeared at this tnai'ket this week,• and these Sold lower than last week, but they sold equally as good as last week. 'Lion• MARKT T As foreshadowed last week the price of hogs has dropped ' again-. The buyers apparently are lowering the,prices systematically to reduce them to a paying level. without .doing injustice by toosuddena decline. Mr. Blackwell, of Park. Blackwell & Co., says that the Danish rnar•kets and the Trish bacon markets have each fate» len off this week from three to four. shillings. He does not venture the in. foitnation as to future markets for hogs. This firui quotes hogs at country points at$0.40; off cars here at $0 80, SHEEP Sheep and lambs in Toron, to are corning • forward very liberallyy,. and prices are a little easier, and feed. ers are slow to buy them,. for even fall rape- feeding, at the prices. Prices ranged as follows: -Export ewes $4:50 to $p4.75, export bucks 13'50 to $3,75. Lambs on Thursday last were as high. as $7,but to-day0 3`1c a ib. was the top price. , PotJLTRk.. - Not much poultry is corning forward, says M. P Mallon, •of Toronto Fowl are bringing 10c to12e, live and "12e and 14e dressed. Chickens 1$c to 15e live, and l5c to 170 dressed; Your Friends'. ducks, 10c to 12c live and 12c and •1•M.. dressed. Pigeons are selling 25c a pair Want a Photograph of H`(}11s1;s.•--The Monthly' Thtrs day sales bast week at the: Canadian you that will be to their liking;. horse ,ENast xchange were exceptionally we take the kind ou both will well attended. At Monday's sale some, like. The style d one hiindred and twenty horses were .pends upon .olfereti, olid nearly all found a pus Our select• ion, we will see that chtiser, It, might be here. stated that. Y one dealer disposed of nineteen of ai you get the best. ' Well posed: possible 20, which lookspretty geed for the so-calledslack season of the year. A. bay gelding; Of good fort�hn and style, broii hti 21.0 'Another b}t. , eldin soli for $190.' A chestnut mare , fat , and , well finished. Commencing Sept. 'St; I g $ A x s g will be prepared to go out In 'blocky '1'500 tbs young with gond the county to take ictures of action,'inndf}ill of mettle, wars knocked. Y p down for. $220 outside groups of' Dwellings,•: A telegram .fa om London. Eng.; says: Barns, etc. Outside views on • Post Cards a Specialty, The Canadian Associated Press learns. ;that the Canadian Governmet,tiiforn- The Gallery will be kept open by ed Israel Zangwill, who proposed to es my assistant _during my absence tallish a Jewish. colony in Canada, � that any project a the kind, based on J. ®O AF . ♦7 a grant of Jews or nominees of any •\ f Jevvrsh organization, was, entirely out Photo Artist, Clinton. of the question, 'so far as• Canada was conoered, • .1010 leiseemeeesiesampooseiriiimir I A Gasoline Stive ...6ARGAlIV SALEd:. 1 1 Harland Bros., STOVES and HARDWARE The balance of our stock . of line Stoves' at cost, ,to clear. Gaso- One good second = hand Coal .: Oil ; Stove CHEAP IssaimenaliarsernsiWare i 1. S. Hoover, • Nelson Bait FURNITURE We always aimed at m'aking•this the CHEAPEST , SPOT in old Huron County for Furniture, and.mean to continue doing so as long as we • are in the business. Our prices will convince: you that this -,is true, y A few Oiira Curtain Stretchers left. }ioov EF- C� ALL. --i-Furniture and Undertalting» eIINTeN, - ' -e T. . NARLtIED litttA1iz1ER FREEMAN At the residence of the bride'a parents. Hallett on Aug 29. by Rev. Dr, Stewart, Aar. Thos W. Glauzier, of London, to Gertrude, daughter of Mr.11. Fredman. SAWKINS—FISHER=On May 15th, at the re• sidenee of the bride's mother. Egg harbor, N. J., Dr. Wm Veitby Hapkins. to Della Fisher, young- est daughter of Mr. E. Fisher, of God@rich. LARLONT--HEUTHER—At the Methodist Parsonage. Corrie, on August Oth, by itov. 0. P. Wells, B. D., .Mr. Chas A. Lamont and Miss Elizabeth Houther, both of Grey township. FINLAX—CAI'.VET—.Al the residence of the bride'sparents on August Uth, by the Rev C. P, We11s, hiss L� aura Calvet, of Corrie, to Mr. Alonzo Finlay, of Wingbant. HORNS—FAW.1ER-*At Mt. Carnal,. ort wed. oesdaY, Aug. 39, by Rev. Father Forster, Mr. Edmond Westropp Horne, managerof the Sovereign Bank, Stratford, the youngest son of the late Qilbert Horne, to Miss. Ethel L, eldest daughter of 11Tr. and Airs. John Farmer, Exeter, • 30 ., DIEL ' WILLIS—Tri'Exeter, otl"8aturilay, Aug. lith, Lily, daughter. of Mr. and -Mrs, John Willis, .of Marlette, Michigan, aged 13 years, 9 Months and "`.r.5 daYs... , dAOESOx-In Morris, On August 16th, Wifipnt' Jackson, aged P1 years, 10 months and 11 days. 30 SHOWERS --In London, on August flOtb, John Showers. infant son' of William,; and Mary bllawers, formerly of Wfngham, aged 7 months and 9 days, HENDEIiSON,-In Saltford, on WrdneNdnY Aug. 11, Alex Henderson, aged 67 years. and 10 months, • COSTIE=In Goderielr, on Tuesday, August «1st, Mary Clark, widow of the late Wm Costie HALI,IDAY—On Tbi,rsday, August ]6th, the infant sen of Mr, and Airs. Thos Halliday, aged 3 months, grandson of T. B. Somerville, St, Helens WAEWICli:-At the House of Refuge, on Atig.. 17, Thomas Warwick, aged 97 years. 114 71. 'New Advertisements. Rooms to'Itent. ' Accommodation tor •three .or four Donne ladies attending the Model term, Appy et the KEW ERA. rouse for Sane. The comfortable and conveniently-situat- ed onveniently -situ at- ed house on Ontario St., at present occu- pied by the undersigned, is offered for sOe. • rpt, as • 5„ ., U...' t r ., •. !louse for Sale. Subeeriber_c'ffers for salehie house and three-quarter-of.an.ecre of land on Mary St. Fruittrees; good hard hued soft water, elect' stable 1'4''ill he aced on reasonable terms, ..GEO. DAVIS'. Auction Sale of Farni. •Tot 8 , 'I1ase Line, Hallett, correlating of f}b arcs, with,frame house thereon. will be sold , by Public Agctioo, at :3 p.tn., on Saturday, Sept. 8th.. Terms and particn- tare on application, " D DICKINSON Anat.. k • 141oI.LVEEN,.Exeoutor., Bull for: Service. The ucdersigned will keep for service -•tire -4• zerina i and Can-adtacrr--registeren-- Hereford balls Proud Duke "and 'Donald Dinnte.. Terms $1..501 Also young Mere•' ford. balls of the beet breeaing,'will be sold cheap. E. L. IRNIIAM, Lot 'll,. Cor. 9, Hallett, Constance P.O, •• 'house to ReuL. The comfortalnle brink house on `Ontario St„ at ijresent'o4capied by subscriber. will be to rent, for•6 months, after the. Ist of °archer, eitherfurnished or unfurnished. Everyponveniencre, with stable, etc: A few choice tbotobred Bsrred Koch' Cockerels, of the Spruce -Rose .strain, for :dale: DR. FOWLEK, Clinton. • • TEL_E.GR-AP.HY is the first stop towards positions 1.5000 to 150,000 per:annum in railway soy- ' vice. You can become a good operator in U months, if you study in the CENT RAL . TELEGRAPHY SCHOOL, 2 Gerard St. P., Toronto. The finest School' in Canada write for particulars ' ' • W. H. SHAW,' T .t: JOHNSTON", President. Principal. . Clinton Evaporator APPLES WANTED'. The Clinton nveporator is now open and t,repared, to reeeive• any quantity • of Apples Highest prices paid. TOWN -Sc CASE. WANTED, -Women, men and boys to help at the Evaporator. Appi at once. Girls Wanted. Two girls, for hotel Service, a kitchen girl and a ohawber.•ntaid. Ggod wages. Apply at NEW ERA Office. - Seed Wheat. -- The undersigned has.a quantity of Seed Nti heat. for sale, of the Old Scott variety, which tested 62 Ms per bushel. 2i HARVEY JOHNS, Clinton, P. 0.' 'Caution, The public -,is hereby notified that the bridge on the Side Road 25-20, Concession 10, at Londeaboro, isdangerous to public travel, and Moro especially to traotion en- gines, and must govern itself accordingly, T. MeMILLAN, • Reeve, Poultry Wanted• WANT1•.D, ALL HINDS OF LIV13 POULTRY, for whioh the hi hent market bride wilt be paid, Call at gMoKOWN'S I1ARN :S$ 81101,. Clinton. • if - Apples_Wanted PALL WO WINTER fighest price paid. 1 . CANTELON, CLINTON. ,,- mr�+wrvmmrr�rrww,�wwr�nmmrr�mm�ww ; WANTED, * B.;:.1 wanted', to -= learn Coat beaking. $in Tanago 4. t Vest Maker good opportunity wanted at once, r ng for you u n g man � IIIII1VBS t e a d y employ; tr anting to learn $ ment all the year Tailor in under a F1' IeCtioll is that contlit�i011 of absolute completeness to you f r fir . t+ a ted o a st capable Cutter. winch many aspire, winch few attain and none pass, class hared. In the making of Mens Clothing we have attained that coveted degree, Our cutter,r. Richard Belcher, g , has just returned from the Chicago College of Garment ent Cutting, where he has securedher M e a diploma in cutting Men's garments and also visited a number of high.class trades and is i11p g touch with all.the" newest styles and designs in the Tailoring trade, Our Tailoring trade has grown greatly in ,the Fest six months, under the able supervision of Mr, Belcher, and we can say, without doubt, that we are turning out the NQBBIEST and BEST Tailor-made Clothing in the County of Huron, or any other County.. We want your business, ifyou are at all. articular, and style and workmanship count for anything. Don't leave your4 P Y . p anything. . order too late, but ORDER NOW, abet'give us•.a chance to turn it out right, and:. we will guarantee satisfaction, . Navy blue Sergi; and 'Worsteds .promise to be the favorites in Suitings, with grey and greenstripes and checl s: a close second, while grey Cheviots and black Mekong promise to be the vogue in Overcoatirrg s. We carry a large stock, attd.extcnd to yogi a heartyinvitation to call and examine. our range, whether you buy or not. ast f vvn lts Lawn WaiSts At 79C.. w. 9 Saturday we want to c'ea: out all our $1,00 and $1.225 White Lawn "V r7; is t*, necessitating this great reduction, all at one price',; 79 .Cents. ts Lawn Waists' Ai At Is49 'We want t-oo171 I far our new Pail good, hence this big bargain: •• . Your choice• of any of :our $1,75,, '$.2.00 and $2,25 W.h i t e Lawn \Vaicts for $164.9► - r { THE. RIG -HT. 1 X V PAMIW i 1 11 ` s . ' 1 -`,,• s , M ' • ts.. vim.. eximu inorv,aar es.o , kw,=Pr ; : 9 of ;London, Oculist arid' Specialist in. dist ases'of' the Ear and Throat, --xi III. I,'F: Holmes' Drtig Store -4hursday, Sept. Eye,. •�A If you require Eyeglasses or Spec- tacles for the relief of failing eyesight, headaches etc. do notfail-- to consult Dia Ovens. Deafness, :noises in head, and Nasal Catarrh treated. '!\ Ladies' $1.50 Slippers•.:to $l 25 Lades'' 1.35 Slilepers to 1.1.0 Ladies', 1.25 Slippers to 1.00 Ladies' , 1.00 Slippers to #75: All: muslins have been reduced. * All Gents' suits have been reduced. ` rrell only' L ndesboro. **Ir.**** ***ME GO TO — e Galbraith .Clothing .Co. 2 , • For BARGAIN'S. rn . ROOMWANTED.} ,64 'As our new goods for Fall are beginning to ootne forward,! t we are short of room,. •w�, and are pushing nut our summer stock; You would benefit yonreolf by purchasing 1 +- soma c f it: • Do not be af'r►id to sek, an we may have the goods you want, A fresh en ply of Timothy Seed, Silt, Barb ns Wire, Boots and Shoes, etc. We constantly aim. t ' meet your waste. Doy,c intend to dry Apples? It so, please oatt ^und get special instructions, as issued by,:tt r extensive dealer, Now is the time to buy Poultry Feed _- • Aug, dist,. 1000. •e\ ADAMS, ihnporitnm, Londesboro. OF ' COURSE tar Yon will give your Iteys or (Girls a busi; nese course as they Ilnis1i Public or .High School work, and before you select your school, be sure and write for our new catalogue, Wo are doing better work than over before, and can guarantee ex- cellent results. Fall terra front Sent. 4th, BritishAmerjcan Business College Y.M ts.A I3ulldlnd, Yonge & McGill Ste, Toronto T led' "WATSON Principal. ;raw._. C T AL STRA`t'i:ORD, ONT. Pail Tenn open Sept. 4th Those Interested in tacitness College work should writeto for our large cata- logue. a- logue. This Is the largest and best Cont. n ercial and Shorthand School in West. ern Ontario, We give a praetleal training and assist our graduates to reg ,onsiblo positions, Many of ss colleges employ our the graduates as'tteacl.- era, Write now for frog catalogue, Elliott 8ltfcL.achlan, l rlasclpais For the balance of Aug'us't we will offer the remainder of our Summer;. Underwear. at 'reduced prices. This Underwear is all good'quality, in fine Balbrigan, In order'to clear it - all out, to make room for our' Fall and Winter Underwear,' we are offering it atgreatly reduced prices; . lleguiar , i3Oc Vndcrwear at %5c s. piece t' y7:ic 0170 .. 14$1.00 .. .. 40e c ., . 1.50 $1.15 in sizes troth 82 to 44. We also`have a few more soft front Negligee Shirts left, in odd sizes, which sold regularly at $1,00 and $125, for the balance of the month we will offer thenn for 60c, Now is the tini0 to btny^, ._q as they are the best value offered in Clinton this summer for the 'money;--1;regular $1 and *1.26- Negligee Shirts for^ riN" Ggc.WConre early, before the beat patterns are sold. All guaranteed fast colors. In order to clear out the balance of our Straw Rats, we are offering 25% discount -50c Bats for 373e- 75o Fiats for 570c; $1,20 Rats for 000; $1.50 Fiats for $1.121; ,$2,2,5 Flats for $1.071. 4i The dalbraith Clothing Co,,.4 SUCCESSORS TO TR.OS..'AO.KSON SR. The place to buy your tip-to.date Clothing and Mens and Boy's Furnishings. -44-*> A3.a*** ***4 T'* **44**