HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-31, Page 4aoaw- a • 'aaa'aill1PfaillearrilIPPIPPI. THE CLINTON NEW ERA. Ready for Fall Business We're ready for our first Fall's business in this store, and, if a bright, new stock and downright good values have anything to do in bringing you. our way, we're pretty sure of your patronage, Every department is full of everythino- that's new in Ladies' wear. Dress Goods and, Silks are nearly all in. Ladies' ready -to -.wear department has been remodeled and is filled with new Coats, Skirts, Silk Waists, etc. Corset and Underwear depart– ment is now at its best, and next week our Millin- ery department will be ready for early buyers. We'll be plesaed to have you call apd let us show you this new stock: kadium Latnind- The New Dress Gods Radium Lamm a is a new •kind of Dress Goode, ehown for the first time this fell, We've secured the agency tbO it this yette; and have it in' all the new colors to. 4W1',Xi°0131 tiet10-4444. 52 Inches wide, a sinorita fie ish goodsawhich s gueranteeci not to spot, 850 already.shrunk, spectra price....., , ,,,,,, u i•5•440.10.att.I.41••••••"1•••f••••:. , • • • • Broadcloth Seo $1.50 - • - • . Broadcloths'. wilt be GOOD this seeson-very faShionable for snits and seperate iskirts— shown, here in black, navy, royal, brinvn, grey, fawn, comb- el Kn PO; 3 shades of green, etc, per yatat ..... and Foulard Taffetas ItOe wad 8c. Fouiard Taffeta, Dress Goods, in allthe wanted colors, including 'several light shades of grey and fawn, 40 in.,hes Nnittl — all wren of course, (10e and Pat anta Cloth 81c All -wool Panama, Cloth. 44 inches Wide. 'suitable for dresses, suits or separate Skirts, all the new 85c colors, at per ) ard . .. • Pa ns ma Cloths $1.50 • \ A special cloth, CO inches wide. for Suits and Separate Skirts, notey blue and hltu:k only.; one of the finest lines we sell, at per yard WI i. Mack Dresst, Goods 85c We have not the space to give a. description of our black •Dress Goods, hnt we have every new make ehown this year, including Cashmeres, Venatians, e • • Broadclethte Poplins. Henriettaea Roxane,s,• ()ris- 5t.. ; ..... S. • ing at 2e per yard, and ending aLEU pines, Foulard Taffetas, Pebble Crispines, etc , start- n The New Tweeds Lots ef Tweeds for Fall, greys • in an :Shades,. ' weights and prices -a nice line. for 'Skirte .or.Child- ren's Dresses, 40 inches wide, at per. y tal „ . uou Light, mm edidand dark grey Tweeds, in , a - variety of good patterns, 40.inchea'wide, , :600: Grey Tweeds, in all shaaesa TB inches wide, in .a fine range of newest. Fall patterns, at per yd $1 .arid$115.. New•Silks -Silk to 'mtiteh any velar in Dr(iSs Geods:•-4aptinese . Taffetas. Lousin.es; Taffetas, Ventes, Tantalines, ect. 'BOY'S ,KNICKERS ,•••••0, F -R From now until the opening of school, we will give away with ever)? Boy's Suit at $3.50 or over, a good strong pair of servicable Knickers, With Boy's Suits under $.3.5o, we will give a pair of " Hercules" Stockings. Our. Boy's Clothing- trade has grown larger every year, and this Fall we are better prepared than ever to look after the boy's clothing needs. The stock we have for this Fall is larger •than we have shown any other seasol, and prices were never lower, Here's how we sell Boy's Suits:— ROy's Suits at 8%59 Small boythree-piece Suits, blause stile, tivo collars, made from all wool English tweed, ale dozen suits only, regular price $3.50 pec salt' Si ...Spbe1 price ...... ••• ... .. 150 , • , • . Boy's 'Suits at ti.5' 0 Bay's Tweed Suits, sizes 23, 24 and 25, Norfolk style, box pleat's, made from pretty patterns, in er) good Canadian Tweeds, splendid value at $2.50& 042 I j pale Hercules Stockings FREE.) Boy's Snits at $3.00 Boy's two-piece Suits in Norfolks, three or four . four styles in a dozen or more neat patterns of Canadian and English Tweeds -a splendid snit for. n the money. . $3.00 $3.25 and 001 UU • ,(Boy's Hercules Stockings FREE.) Boys Suits $4.0.0 to $6 75 . • From $4.0b to $6.75 we show our largest as- sortment of Boy's Suits. Dozens of the newest patterns, in light, medium and dark patterns. No better values can be had than thh suits we sell at 'these prices. %Besides giving:- ).iou the best possible value for your money, we give the boys • a good pair of 50c Knickers FREF,. Kir This offer is good only till . school opens; on. September .4th.. 13.oy's. Caps at 25C. • . Eight dOzetr *Boy's Caps, rn Tweeds...and. Serges, variety 'of :new fall. styles,- ea , „ • Special; till school opens,. at each:;;.-..: mwwwkikmmimpcki mwimMymimmmmiwiwwwwwimAmmw. ellarZTVOMATMAM'AMPIAM”.7.19.-,..-nir _ **HO •0.4. *ON •••• •••• 444444 • '••44 .• • • •••• •••• ••••••0 WILLIS Rev. Dr. Stewart will occupy his' own pulpit on Sunday next, after a. two months' holiday. a The Young Ledies' Gen° will resume its manthly meeting next month. 1 he first meeting to be held Monday nigh, Sept. 10th, ONTARIO ST.• Pel1owshi iureting nt 10 Rev. Dr. Gennuill, of Ottawa, KS., are eve ugelist in the interestof Lord's Day observance, will occupy the pul- pit of this church on Sunday morning. • WESLEY Rev. Mr. Jollifie will be in his own pulpit on. Sunday next. Fellowship meeting ou. Sunday morn- ing at 10 a. in. Rev. Mr. Philips, who occupied' the Church Chimes :1. pulpit for two Sundays during the ab- sence of Rev. Mr. Jolliffe, is'agood and 'convincing speaker, capable of holdn.g the attention of his hearers. • The holiday season and hot weather seem to affect the inembers of the choir ; last Sunday morning there were • only two members premenr, beeideathe erganist, and on Sunday evening only one.. Mr. Norman Jolliffe,who has•deligha, ed so ma.ny people by his solos .during his sojourn in town, will render (tam- pions -Ninety and Nine' on Sunday evening next. This will be his last for some time, as he returns to Toronto. . - - • Rev.. W.E, Kerr is to take charge, of the London road league meeting next Monde) 'light at the }Joni° of Mr. Geo. Layton. Middleton, St. James', and Cole's Methodist church had a union pichic to Bayfield on Thursday last, the•23td, Theweather was fine lied somewhat cooler than previously and everyone spent an enjoyable afternoon and•even- mg on. the lake shore. and on the water, Supper was enjoyed by about 150 per- sons, yoiing and old. . • Tisi ti ng Manufacturers, : . . • . • , Additional Local Nen Cr/pp• County: Clippings. tabo' paid for the cards. The pollee . - •• 1 beheyettOrtwomenatertretonfedeeatese- . , .......„ The barn of Mr Finkbeiner, 7tlacen.' a • The annual fall meeting of the Pres- . CLINTON. EVAPORATOR --- Mr:, of Stephen, wasdestroyed by aight- •, byterial Society an 'connection with Case, of the 11)10 0! Town & case,oir-. hmaa . ' . : . a• ' •• : .: • • !Maitland lateshytery will be held in rived in town this . v.veek, ana is put -O ...EL A. Gifford, Setiforth, liquor'dealer . the. .Presbyterian ohurch at Moles- ting the Eve,pdratot in shape for Ma- was fined last week for three infrac- worth, On Tuesday, September . 18th. mediate use. He announces that he IS tions.of thelaw; • On Sunday last Margaret. the three, preriared te latndle ,any eizantity. ofbasebelt t arne between the Orientsydse ear -old aughter of joph Murray, apples. , : • • I - .9.. g. i of London; and . Godt3richis behig G-odericit, •swollowed .. a •quantity Of Gillett's lye arid. as a:• consequenee was, 0 PERATION .--e Mee; Fred. 13rown I arranged foe Lahoe 'Day. e .--' , underwent an °iteration for turner an I L t AlendaY : Miss \I 11)01 . as •,z(t.nilit, on a very serums eondition ter a . tone. the leg. at the ffespitalaghorsnaYe tassunied heir ditties kateachet in S. S. a' Ori Thursday, Rel.*. a. P, Wells.. She had been ,troubled ani 'shad time No. 3 and Mr. Langdon, of Eaatwood,' B. Da Of Giarrie, tied the matrinionial. and The aleive was the _outcome. ' It is ! took charge:et S. S.•No. 1; Grey. - knot between Charlie Lamont, a Well i a fevii days since for Winnipeg where left , known Youngman of the oth con., and Miss Lizzie Huether, and daughter not sc serious bot tbat. she . is • likely i . • . . Miss Kate HallidaY, of Morru4, scieo to. be ont again. • ' • - - 1 . PouLTRY ASSOCIATION. .L.. A. .she beeame thebride of Dan Robert- of airs: Eekmier, of. Ethel. . • • • •I movement is one feet for the. ferroition • eons . fOrIller4* a reeident •of Best War : .Mr. Donald Froaertson, ihrmerly of , of • it Poultry -associatiOn for Clibton 'wane sh ' '•°' . " r• ..a. • • heata.Belgea.ve,.hOW Of liewerd, Sisk., and dIstrict. 'The 'poultry industry Is The taustees of V. S. S. Nis.17; Nee., witeanarrred 'on. Atiguet 6th, to Miss pining .ground rapidly, there bell a have engaged Miss Bertha Millian, of . Kate Halliday, alio ,formerlY • tif • B e el- eoodly number of fanciers and si, so Gioderieb, to teach there for the fall grave • yicfnity., Mr. •.Robertson lea .some who follonr the . industry for the term; the former teitcher, Ilfies Bailie,. Otaario about twelve years ago, . InOny there Is in Cg' and talale. Cowl. baling resigned.. • - , Rev..W. M. Mititin, pastor of the, i hire is every_pro abffity of a large An old' resident of Morris township Presbyterian congregation it Exeter, ' membership: ,We •anderstand, tin et- iassed away on Thureday of last•week is away for several weeks' holidays, Or 111, will be made to .bave poultry in- 1 . . —.... in tole person or %alumni Jackson, in• . and in his absence his congregation . eluded in the list at the next Spring his 93rd year. Deceased has been lis - Is worshiPPingwith the Methodist s un - Stock Show in pinton. . . - . int.,' at the hotne• of Mr. W. G, Nichol.. der -E. A. Fear, the. Methodise minis . SCHOOL MATTERS, a The piiblie. son, 5th concession. • ' ter. The :Union services are .hela ata • .btertnately in the Methodist and • Pres - school rooms will look inuell brighter Mr Thorzias Chambers, of Crediton . and more cheerfal to the scholars when, a y erian churches. This is real chureh WOula like 10 01 regarding the • •• • 'school opens tin.Tneaday,• Mr. Grundy whereabouts of Sydney Smart, a. Bar- . union, , • having painted.. the Several'.,rooms. nerd° Hbrae bear, wiap left .hie home As Thos Telfer, of Grey, was drieing Three pew teadhers will join the sta,ff aboot Aug..let. He is 12 years of age .e., cattle beast . to the G. T. Ita yard op the opening of school. 'Mies Chidley, but ver)r. small ;- hits brown hair. . Brussels for • shipment • Wednesday ' Mrs. Ellis, of .Toroxito; and. Miss Wise- . . morning, it took a eontrary fit and in Mrattempting . Edgar Clarkson Ambler, son .of to get away Mr. Telfer's mail *intake charge of Itit; Loaelfs . remit' during the Model term; which Mr. John Ambler, a .fornier resident of foot got caught in the loop on the rope e011 T d Wingharn was deownedat Wetaskiwin .and he was draggea. on the road by So far the Collegiate Board has not Alberta, on Sunday afternoon, . July the 'animal. from Alex Ellis, Qiieen. been able to secure. O. successor to Mr. 29th. The young man was in bathing street, to John Hill's, The beast fall. ; McLean. and at the earnest solicitation at the tnill: dam and got into water ing gave the trailing Man a chance to ' of the Board; alr,McLean has tonsent. beyond his depth.' release himself. • Ile Was yery hailly •ed. to take charge' altos department Mr...john A. Nieens serprieed his again* the openiog of the school, Un- bruised. . • friends greatly on Wednesday: • ' Sohn O'ReillY,.of alclailloiarnet with til a succeescr can be secured., Miss He drove to Beyfiela• and took to a fatal accident about :8 o'clock Wed - Halley. of Toronto,, has been engaged .. himself a Wife in the persot of .Miss 'nesday morning. at seems they were for a month to take the Place *of Ihr• Ella.13urnsicle the happy event' being', hauling in oats•on the Wingle farm, consummated at .the residence' of the 2nd con., McKillop. McKinnon Until lie recoeers from his illness, Mi. O'Reilly was bride's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Nivens on the load, and in some moonier he Aoea SpOr ing a . ers . • . In the severe. thunder and lightning striking his head. Re got .up and . • ,• • BO WL I N G. storm that passed over this township tvalked a short distance, when he col- tapsed. Those with him carried • hirri An effoit was made to .arranoe a early Monday inornitig . the barn tm- tniirnament With outside elubs ler longibg to Mr. Henry Charnpev, On to the side of the field. and Rev. A.Me. Monday next, lait the arrangemente the Oth concession AWLS StrUeli by Kew.). and rie. McGinnis were sent for. lightning and burned- to the ground. When the doctor arrived the tonfor- could not te completed. It is likelt therefore, • that the dav. will e atall this *season's crop tvas destroyed.' ttinate Irian had ratseci away. On ex - used to 'finish up the contest in Scotch The wind being froin the rioeth • and doublesaind also for the Counter prize. the hard work of the neighbors saved m the lower ribs (In lug left side were - Should the day . be Prier players . inc tile dWeiiktg and implement shed.' The fractured, Mid there were, irefieations lug. at-keet to he on hand early in the morn- . 'loss will be heavy as nowadays irtakes of a fracture of the skull., In the main- . considerable money te rebuild a barn. len of the doctor death urea caused by Tbere was om insurance of 81,000 on exeeseive shock, and by in (erten hen)- , PriddY last 'five rinks of bowlerS the budding and $1,300 on 11).: 0(1011 morage,ceused by one of the ribs mere. Went tO tO Brantford, where they. in the. West Wawanosh Pare Instar. 11.g the spleen. , • played five tanks of the Heather 130W- b — - ......4.0,4-.,....,...—............. ling club, end beat them. In the a'bee ' at)* . . aftetiloon they played fivetinks of the Mr. George Kale, son .of Mr. George . Sortie miserearot entered the stable Brantfordelub, and were in turn heat. Kale, of Seafortb, who is eniployed in of Dr: E. Bowman,V. S.; el! Gladstone, en. The skips were Messrs. Hoover, a jeWelity store at Niagara, rafts, had Man., and chopped the hind - legs off his home. , Mr. Francis MacKelcab, City Solid - tor, of Hamilton, died at Minnittogan- %shone, where he Was Spenditig a suet - mer holiday, GRANO TRUNK 7,4 islyea TO Me t44-1.44++44444444+14 411. Personal Notes 1: thIxte hayhut rolatiyeg or trim vioting in town or going ONO notify us et the feet each week. we Return Tickets will be sold at would announce it in the New Bea - Single Fare $3.70 1 Good going Aug. 27th 'to Sept. 8th, . except on the folkwing EXCURSION DAYS Aug. 28, 39, Sept. a-, 4 and 0, when the fare Will be • $2•7:4 All ticketsgood to return up to Sepall Secure tickets at G.T.R. Town office, and avoid delay at depot, Last Farm Laborers' Excur- sion Sept. 71h„ 1906 Faro.terpoints in Manitoba, and Saskotchewan,as tar west ABMs:x*03am, Yorkton and Batevan X44444444444+44044% mum Aikam, left for Toronto on Monday, Mrs. Gilchrist has gone on a visit to relatives in Toronto. . . Mrs. George Shipley has gone on a visit to relatives at Oshawa, J. D. McDonald, Passenger Agent' G. T. R. was in town on Monday. Mr, 3, 0.1loover, of Buffalo, brother of Mayor Hoover, is here on ,a visit. Mr. 13oh King left last Saturday to teach school the other side of l'OrOn tq Master Floyd Warrener, of Wallace - burg, is visiting hiS grandmother here. Mrs. Isaac Jackson anti grandelaugh- ter, went an a visit to Buffalo this week. The Misses Hislop, of town, have atarveanti stela sem been visiting theirrelatives on the 1.0th ta lexcuirtions ai Northwest seta tub eon of Grey, Wintnuir adoor.Thottoirtti,egrgrinitsBidnmpornotoonrusrud reit Mr. T. Hanlon, anti wife, of London, F. It. RODUENSI Town Agent. t It Pre, nitIoStilillnodut,ty with there brother; Rev, A Onslow Crich is attending the L C. The .thintan low Erh rttf,iws hwiecheki.s la se.8°°.a at U Mrs. Blume° Moore and two children FRIDAY. AUGUST 311 1000 of Michigan, visited at the home of . Mrs. Ecl. Oastle last week. —a • At atittlegarden party in Toronto' Le other day, Mr, Borden, speaking of the approaching b.y-elections in On- tario, said "What We have weal hold." Perhaps. Elections will be held in North Bruce, North Renfrew and East, Elgin. The COoservatives. held. these seats. in the last session. They are likely to lose North Bruce and pos. Mr. A• Marks, of OberliroKansas,and sibly East Elgin, but will hold , North Miseeflattimbury, of Brumfield, terve been visiting at the honae of Wm. T. Renfrew, because the Liberals are not O'Neil. united. , • • Mr and Mrs John L. Courtice leave. On a visit to friends in Eastern Ontario; they expect to be gooe for at least two months. August 31, 1906 rer$011111$ Mr. D. Beacom spent this week at his son's in Harlock. Misses Webster and Shepherd spent Sunday at Mr, 3. G. Steeps, in Godesich Tp, D. I. McIntyre and wife, of are visiting at the borne of Mr. A, McKoWn. Moe G. Blatchford arid SOD of Lon. don, are guests 41 ter sister, Mies Graham. Mrs. Wilbur Manning and children7 of London, who havs been visitmgbere twsome weeks, returne home today. Mrs, J. E. Between, of Medicine gat, Sask, and Mrs, llartley, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs J. Howson, Albert St, Mrs, George Roemer and son Justin, leave Friday for St. Louie. Mrs. Thos. Trick will go as far as Exeter with her daughter, . Mr. R. Norman joint -re will veturni to Toronto next Thursday. He Wilt continue his class'in vocal instruction here and in Goderich, teaching in Clin- noons, ton on Tuesdays and Wednesday fore- . H. Pullman 141\704E1/4 of Toronto, Pres. iclent of the Union Life Insurance Co.. and -brother of Frank EYetts,-ef-town has gone to the Old Country in the interest of the Company ; he is accom- panied by his wife. The low rates to Torento etartecl on Tuesday, a number taking advantage thereof, among them being Mrs. J.^ G. town after spentlioa a few d Oantelon, Miss Helen Hibbs,. Mlle S. Medd, Mrs. 70. Connell, Miss Pearl Mr. Sid, •H. Smith has • returned Toronto. He keeps improving. r .,t9 Davis, IVIre. J. Hodgens and Miss IVIrs. Albert Palmer retur:leadYs'01131.1' "' 'Mary Holmes, Mr. John Crooks and , Erndaintylaoattilisears1". °Well, Misees Louie and. ,7 Saturday: last after spending one I Miss Lettie Smith, who has been. Master E. Adams., who has been month with friends in St, Dimes, sictr sleomyeedtiwmit;h, ,hasglEleeelleyatre, Jsepweenldlera, away for a niOnth's holiday, has re- week at the home of his father, J. C. sullied her place in Mr. Bryclones Adams, Lonclesboro before going to l'oronto. He leaves Lor the city aarly offite. • ' ' ' in September, and will spend two years at the Watchmakers' Trainingschool in that city. , . Mr, Jarnes Campbell the efficient and popular Clerk of Hullett Town- ship, who with others has been travel- ing in Scotland and -elsewhere, tor several weeks, got back home on Wed- nesday. He was accompanied by Mrs. Campbell, also Miss Scott, of Lontles- boro, and Miss Tbonapson., of town. That they had a inost entoyable trip goes without saying. . • • . Miss A. Q. Macdonald, B. A , Na- tional Secretary cif Abe Young. Wo- men's Christian Association in Japan, for a short • time 'before leaving ' to: Macdonald will remain in Wieghtini : again take up her work in Japan. hav- ing just returned home froire•Paris, awndingdhaeungi,hwteasr inottowDnriast,Mw.atecedko.ni4ttalciv.; France, where she has neap attending the World's convention Of the Y•ounga • Women s Christian Association. Miss .T. Jarvis, of FairviewaNeiada, made ' a brief call ori his old fuends here last Saturday. Twelve years ago his father, John .Jarvis, wits foreman at Staple:, tore andafter a few hot words, the son ' left home, 'shim which time he had not communicated with his father. The son got into business in the west, .• and pecispered, a,nd when he game bete • be expected to surprise his father, but - was himself surprised trafind that the • father had eothe time ago gone back to the ofa C'ountry tO live. 1 -Le decided to put himself in • commtinica,tion with hirn. . No Dominion. Convention. There will be no Dominion conven- tion held by the Conservative party this year. This muchwas stated by Mr. R.. L. Borden. Air some time there has been desultory talk of a con vention at Winnipeg tiles • fall, at which it was hoped there would be much beuting of tom tams, and tate frandrig of a platform. ...a7 "I think you can safely say there will not be ally Dominion convention in 1006 at any rate, " Mr. Borden said, at Toronto, Monday. • • • Elliott, V. S. • Tne siteation in North Bruce is giv- ing the Opposition some con cern, owing to the good prospects the Liberals have of redeeining the riding. An .effort is heing made to induce Lieut. -Col. Hugh Clark, M. 13. 13„ to resign his seat and run for the florae of Commons. The ptestige he hilsgeined by sevet al Years itS it sitting meraberin Toronto anti his reputation as a bright w titer and speaker, are held to make him a desir- able candidate. It may safely be said howevet that the Provincial Goveria. went wilt riot lightly consetit to Col. Clark's opening a seat and leaving the Ontario 1 Eou..e. 11. is also learned from O reliabkasoarce that Ool. Creek iifl likely to yield to the importuilities Mr. Alf Rance,' of the Eaton Dtffg the Fedeva•petty, arid is ill in all probe. amity. remain rot, ti.a,k time bong Deaartinent, Toronto, after spending a. couple of weeks with relatives htiaa his present sphere.' • returned to the city on •Saturday. , Flank Watson, Who has •been em - Peter afclienaie, M. P., for South Bruce,. and brother a Mrs, McLennan, Ieft on a, trip to the west on Tuesday morning. . . • Mr. J. W. Newcombe, anti wife, left on Monday, on it week's trip to New York and other cities, to purehase fall goods. ' ' , Mrs. Ellitate of Hui:on St., was called to Winghain on Monday, owing to tbe death of her btother.in-law, J. S, • Miss Eva 'Stevenson, who has been visiting .her old friends here, for sev- eral weeks,returns t� Jackson,.. Michi- gan toonorro•w.. , • , .. • • Dr. Agnew expectsto leaye 'for the West next week, but will. be home again before Christmas, as tbe family Will•rentaitt here. . • Mrs. R.A. Nesbitt and daughter. pats guests of Mr. S.:W. Irwin. • Miss Nes., bitt has just returned from an extend- ed continental'.tour. . . Mrs. Fuees, daughter of. Mr. Sibley, who hae, been ...here for couple of nionths.a•t'cith her two children, yeturne to Brooklyn this week.• ' • hews 'Notes ployed With S. W. Irwin for some • The first tench of frost is re•ported in time, has gone west, and is sueceeded solithern Seskatehewan. by Gilbert Oat -Abridge, of Toronto. -.Impressive services were .condocted • W. Marshall, ion of Rebt Marsball,. For some time negotiations have been goingen between the Marion Manu- facturing Co., of Marion. Ohio, and the Clinton Thresher Co.,1,d., with the view of amalgamation and a large in- vestment of what in the Clinton Thresher Co„ by the An,erians, 'who wish to estabtish in Canada. On Tuesday. los Mr. Jas. Bastogne, of Marion, and Mr. F. Blasco, of Detroit, came here for the' purpose of looking Into the matter, aad had along inter- view with the manager rind some of the Directors of the Clinton Company. The Marion Company is putting on the market a Separator made entirely of steel, and should a decision to mail - gamete be reached by these companies this will be the machinerrianufactured for Western trade; provided thet after a thorough trial it proves seperior to the Monarch. It being made collapsible to that hi - teed of two separators only, being shipped, as is tire case IIOW. six can he shipped, which is a very important item, when then the matter of freight hi considered. • will !mile their borne in Gocierich. lost his balance antl fell off the load. •Agnew, Spalding, Jackson and Lough, quite an exciting experienee on Tues. On the way to the station, conning day in the store where he is employed. horne, they accepted an invitation to A man came in and asked to be shown visit the Roller Skatihg Rink. and some diamond rings. In a, few minutea started to make figures on the floor. he was followed by another who watt- After,one of the most jovial Clinton- ed souvenir eards, drawing Georgels ions there is, had got his skates on, a eon* of boys said, "We have a girl over here for you to skate With," and they gingerly led bite to where the voung lady stood. Looking him over frit a second she said, "Oh, got out!' I won't skate With any sheeny,' atul 4,Way she rolled, much to the merri- ment of the rest, attention front the rs, ingThe first Clair Adams of London, Ont., has comet, made good use of the time, and been awarded the priee offered by a changed a ring valued at etoo for a, Loridore Treagland, publication for the tvorthless imitation Kale qui cloy best, original sketch on cricket. . noticed the change and said "you had. Mr. Alev. Creelman, Manager of the better put that ting back.' The man Imperial 13ank, Valls View, died at shook the diamond tint Of his sleeve Guelph where he Went t visit his enatelied the substitute and made off, brother, President Oreelman of the 0. quickly followed by the second comer, A. 0, p funeral of the late Rev. Dr, of the Bayfield Road; left en Tuesdey BASEBALL. A game of baseball played at Blytie on Monday between Blyth and Brus- sels, 'resulted in favor of 'Myth by- aa score of 29 to 14. . LAMOSSE nads pnleasynelttleadt nt a wMary'saitk The semi-final game Of the 0. L A, • series between Seaforthand St Thomas on omas, vvidi a score of 12-3. erMobnycialt: . . engtrv. 7"----7-7-7—"—fiVa7riconyer and • • was Lk:Rated 'A rich find of goid is •said to have through by •W. Jackson, C. .1). R. Liskeard. been made 80 miles north of New Agent. Dr. 13.,alacdonald, of Kenora,' who is It is reported that a vein of almost solid silver has been, discovered. in Nipissing, . ' Wholesale boot and shoe dealers will advance prices about 20 per cent on spring samples. • 'Rev, 0..1): take, a, superannuated. employed by the C. P. R. reached here. last weak, but not in time for his mother's funeral, being unable to get a supply at the time. ' . • • Miss Dell O'Neilleaves for Milyerton next week, where she takes charge of Methodist minister dieti at the Gener- Velexfogl department o h f t e Pu ic e salary inducement being 0 t';,. • f School, than she was getting. Hoepttal'Teron g, ox bridge forernan of. the c45 was killed by a fall'at London, .. • • Thomas Murray Was si.roaing a Bear at the Toronto Exhibition, when .the animal bit hinron them= • Mr. Jamas' Riddell.' kbown as the "giant of , Alberta" died suddenly. at Calgary. , He stood 0 feet 7. ' :11.(r..Wittson Hodgson, 'aged 75 years, of Port Perry, vvas killed while driv- Mr. and Mrs. John Rice and sena Lloyd, left this weeir for Toronto, 'where Mr. Rice will be during the ex-. hibition with the Doherty Mrs. Rice apd star gp On to I3ownlanr ville, where later aft...Ride joins thent. .MiesJarrota•of Toronte; Mr. Robin. son, of 'England, and Kirk HoUsto,n•ait Hamilton, are visiting with. Mr. john Houston, on the lakeshore. Miss Bibby -ref Kernptville, who has also been yis- ing over a reilway crossing. 'dog there, has gone back. . Miss A. M. RObinsOn,'who has been -Premier goblin; it is said, will be the spending her .holidays m town has re.. Conservative cabdidate. for Winnipeg .„ turned to Milford -I -Wren, St Joseph's South at the Provincial election.. •• Island, where sbe has. been..teaching. The five-year old' clatigtoter of Gus. for some time ; so • well is she liked. Hartman, while picking tipples neer that she has been .engagedfor next the mill dem at New Dundee,fell heed year at an increased salary. • . first ir.to the water and vssdrowned. It Fred 3. • II111,, .Manager Earl Greyreceived some frotgments of Dolaerty & Co., left on Monday for grass IA his eye bY the exPlesicui or tn Toeonto, where he will stay for a few t electric light bulb at Winnipeg,. and dot s at, the Exhibition ; Mr. Doherty ' has to wear a 'sliede over the 1113i:teed Member. . ;. will go a few. •days . later • atalaremein . • Are.. on the heataint ter the best that' goblet Then, for a Breakfas4 severage,'.drink . • IT TIRRIVUEE. ERETIL OFFEIE. 1 SI THE BEST Better than the rest, because it is inade br tho latest and most improved methods kripti+n, and sella at hid . tgc perr package. . . Don't forget the name— 0artnie1 Cereal . Coffee -and, having once tried it, yon cannot; forget the flavor. A. D. BEATON, The People's Grocer', Prompt Deliyery. 'Phone 111. probably until. the fair is over. Lord Rothschild's brocti raare,Bly th- ........ womi Guelder Rose, sent to Toronto. Exhibition, broke frotn its stall. over- •••i• •••••••••••• 'tote **eat •••••••••••• •••••••• Vt.*, **4. ete itself •and died ot stoina,ch trouble. .. . . i ft wa,s vvorth 45000. ' °- It is repotted at Winnipeg that the SCHOOL RE --OPENS i Canadian Northern and the Grand • . Trunk Pacific Companies have agreed . • ePt.or Ir build a railway from Saskatchewan 1 to Hudson's Bey. tip ues ay A t flalfaaalespatch says: ari etto donee of the feeling that has been I aroused °Along Conservatives of the . better class over the vindictive atttack. made upon the Minister of Finance, . leadieg Conservative.% are circulating• and signing a petition in Queen's and Shelburne urging him° to continue as representative of that constituencY, end pledgingatiot only their support, i but his election by acclamation, This a te- is representative of the attitude of the .. IA people of Nova Scotia generally. Prom- • tat inent Conservatives everywhere coi n- re demo the tactile° of the coterie of sore- a . - ".., heade who haveheen behind ti t` ; tion against, labor There is not a e county in Nova, Scotia which he could * niot carry. with a thumping mejority. 1 Lurid titles ' ottont eerruPtion in this We have all the new Text Books- 13roviotei wited to Opposition papers men 0 io 3 par a, eon Awns ere in other Provinces are resented by i and an excellent line of School are not diAsimilar to those in other parts of the Donainloo, but the charge that the electorate is cortrupt is a. gross 1 Planks and School 'S.p11 e s. libel on Nova Scotia and without a, ' , bad f foundation. N ScotiaI ported Mr. Fielding because it believed in him and this .policy of the Liberal patty, That it is strongly Liberal iti F shown by the Provinelal eleetitazi in • Attie, Which was free from dOrrOptiOn f COOPER'S BOOK STORE., f and campaign ftinds when the Murray Government swept the Province. elec.. CLINTON` . Wig thirty-three of thirty.eight mein- bers, bears Witness, •••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••*•