HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-31, Page 3t.iur Stomach"
t e wayea
le in China na sa
"Good Morning." The greeting of
almost every nation 13, .an inquiry
after health. The Chinese have the
root of the matter. A strong stom-
ach is the foundation. Look after
this organ and the general health.
cares for itself( Man is so consti-
tuted it cannot be otherwise. It is
the mission of
Fire as al Temperance Agency HQT WEATHER ►THER DEBILITY
g t1ow to Protect Oneself' llgalnst
Hoot Patlgilie and St mi elto
people e ar
by the hot weather a
be capable of
hut littie work during thesixmmer
months. Inquiry among this class
will show that in nearly every instance
there isa weak stomach and more or
less indigestion. Put the digestive or-
gans right by using 14fi.-o-1ta stomach
tablets and 'the' summer time will
prove the. pleasantest, most desirable
and enjoyable season of the year.
One little Mi-o-na tablet before each
meal, will give you Life, vitality, en-
ergy and physical endurance during
the e heat
ed Cerin and ward off he ' a t U
� rdi•
nary diseases of summer. Mi•o-nu. is
not an ordinary surnmer tonic or
gestive, it is a true strengthener of the
digestivesY ste :b building up the- ox-
gtne4o perfect healthandvitality.b .
curing the indigestion and absoltely
removing all pains and distress in the
stoniach, specks before the eyes, sick
and nervous headache,and other symp-
toms that come from a weakened,
i\li•o na makes • positive and lasting
cures and. is sold under an absolute
he reconsttuotiou of San Francisco
isproving an object lesson front which
economists are drawing malty lessons.
Here is one discovered by the Phila.
delphla Press : The owners of the
3,0(10 high licensed saloons. that have
opened i
San Francisco
s t
intra lx
I are greatly disappointed in the amount
Of business they are doing, San Fran-
cisco was a bibulous town before the
fire, brat Its people seem to have lost
their thirst, The San I+rancisco Chron-
icle notes the poox business done by
these saloons, and thus coninlents on
it 'Their diminished sales. _._les. as corm -
pared with those customary before
April 18th, cannot be accounted for
except on the theory that a great
epeople pbeen
drinkers oliq r haveo been cured4f
the habit by an enforced abstinence of
79 days,' •
"The fact that San Franciscans hare
ess money to spend on lig uor and less
disposition towards conviviality than
they had before the days of their cal-
amity ,may account for the present
avoidance of the saloons. The Chrou,
idle attributes it toe change of habit,
Men drink because they are accus-
tomed to drink. Itelahns that 'the
vast majority of those Who drink in
saloons do so merely because, in the
poverty of their intellects,.they know
of no otdter way of manifesting good
fellowship towards friends when they
yet,' They had to abandon that cus-
toda while the saloons were c'osed, and
they find the change so satisfactory.
to keep the stomach well, the liver
active and the bowels regular, They,
dispel sickness and create health.
; Dyapepsla,.. Indigestion, Bilious.
nese or Constipation cannot exist
when Beeecham's Pills•are. used ace'
s cording to directions. For over•50
years they have cured disordered ' m
► stomachs, and are now a world -fa -
mous remedy. They merit your
,. •confidence.
t •Sold Everywhere in Canada and U. S.
America. In boxes 25 cents.
The Busy Hen
Linseed meal or meet meal will help
the hens that are moulting.
Don't allow the chickens to become
, crowded in their coops these warm
Overfeeding, dirt, and a want of ex-
•ercise work destruction in »the bock,
especially in warm weather.
Take the drinking fountain out of
the hot sun and keep it out, unless you,
want the poultry to contract diseases..
unless they have a good rest during
late summer and early fail, old hens,
seldom lay many eggs in the early
part of winter.
Don't neglect the grit •and• fresh
water. especially the latter„and
there is plenty of milk the fowls will
relish an occasional pan of milk..
Olean the droppings from the houses
every day. Sprinkle lime on the floors
and dropping board.. and dust insect•
powder into every crack and corner.
Don't feed so much that there will
be food left over to sour and breed .dis-
•ease. It is better to leave them a little
hungry, so they wilt scratch around
and take needed exercise.
If new buildings are needed for the
hens, now is agood. tirne•tti'erect them.
A southerly exposed .location is, the
•best, for tha .,horning .sun getsaat the
building and helps warm it up.
'['he profitable bens to keep are the
ones that moult early. .Thaytnay be
depended on to produce eggs durin
the fall and winter; providing• the
':Owner has the gumption to- care for
them properly.
While early maturity is a desirable
:characteristic of fowl, because it isa
profitab.e one, early laying -before ma-
turity has been reached is not so desir-
able, because it is made at the expense
of needed growth.
Plan to keep a.good-sized load of oats
in the sheaf. Put in • the dry some
place and keep especially for the hens
next winter. Give them in the sheaf
for the 'hens to scratch out. This is
also the best way to feed wheat. •
If the poultry raiser wants -the larg-
est, best -developed and most perfect
foals in all respects, the cockerels and
pullets should be .kept. apart from the
time the cockerels first• began to pay
attention to the pullets, until they are
well grown. s •
Insteadof trying to make a Leghorn
proof . fence of six-foot wide netting
placed upright, nail a, piece of scant-
ing-twa feet—long.-o.n__tap_of-posts-at•-
an angle of 45 degrees, the incline
beim toward the yard. .Fend . the
netting over and fasten to these pieces,:
.and the smartest hen will not have
Twit enough to get over such a fence,
When a woman suffers from de-
pressing weaknesses, she then keenly
realizes how helpless—bow thoroughly
worthless she is. Dr. Shoop has
brought relief to thousands of such
women. He reaches diseases peculiar
to women in two direct, specific ways
—a loda1 treatment known by drug-
gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Night
Cure. and a constitutional or internal
prescription called Dr. Shoop's Rest-
orative. L)r. Shoon's Night Cure is-
applied locally, and at night; It works
while you sleep. It reduces inflame-
tion, it stops discharges, it heals,zit
soothes, it comforts, it cures.
Dr. Shoon's Restorative (tablet oe
liquid form) is a constitutional, nerve
tissue tonic,. It brings , renewed•
strength, lasting ambition .and vigor
to weak, lifeless women. These two
remedies, singly, or used together,
have an irresistible, positive helpful
power. Try them a month and ;see,
Sold by W. S. R. Holmes, Clinton.
It has been decicid by the C. P. 'R.
and G. T. R. to run four more harvest-
ers' excursions to the Northwest this
season from 'Ontario. Already three
excursions have gone from Toronto,
carrying appoximately 12,000 people.
The dates on which the remaining ex-
cursions will:leave and the territories
from which they will draw are: Sept
5. Toronto to Windsor and south; Sept
7th, Toronto to Windsor and north; •
Sept. 8, Toronto east to Kingston;
Sept, 10, province of Ontario, west of
Kingston. A two -fold reason is given
for running these additional emir-
sions. One is that not enough mien
have now gone out to meet the re-
quirements of the farmers in western
Canada in regard to help, • andthe
other is that running harvesters' trains
in September will give those an oppor-
tunity to go out who have been unable
to avail themselves of the earlier excite.
sions because of harvest work in this
province. It is believed that 'several
thousand persons more will go out on
the four days arranged.
Annie S. Swan," widely known on
this continentand .rad 4 `n
lJg la
rad as az
writer of fiction and contributor to.
various periodieale is now•atToronto
with her husband, who is attending
the British Medical Aeeeeiatinu meet-
ing. In private life the ,authoress is
known as blrs. Burnett Smith, wife of
Dr. Burnett Smith, an .eminent play'•
sioian ofLondon, England,
that they are in no haste to 'resume
the old practice.
"The destruction of San Francisco
carries with it many lessons, some of
which have not yet been fully learned.
The suppression of all saloons for more
than eleven weeks after the fire, ap-
parently with the entire approval of
most of the people, shows in what es-
timation they are held, even by those
who normally favor them; The In-
fluence of great calamity and eleven
weeks' abstinence on the habits of free
living people has. also , great signifi-
cance. San Francisco will berebuilt
on an. improved plan., If. it .contains
less saloons and a. people• much less
given to the saloon habit than the old
one, there will he something of value
•besides the insurance moneyto make
good the city's great: fire loss."
Nothing can cause more pain and
more distress than Piles.. '
No wonder'Many Pile sufferers say
theirlives are burdens to them:
Ointments and local treatinents may
relieve but cannot cure.
Dr. Leonhardt't Mein -Roil :is- guar-
anteed to cure - any : case of Piles.
•If•Hem=Roid doesn't cure you,; you
get your money back. •
Hem:Roid is, a • tablet taken • inter-
nally; thus removing the cause.
:$1:000 guarantee goes - with every
A month's..treatnteutsfor .$L00, at
ell druggists, or the Wilson-Fyle Co.,
Limlited,"Niagara Falls. ,.
The 'despatch from .Ottawa to the
Meil'and'Empire suggests that Han..
W'v S. Fielding may secure 'a Seat
Ontario in order that he may Stand a
Netter thence of succeeding . to the
Premiership on the retirement of Sir
Wilfrid Laurier, Bosh.
Geta 5 cent box of Lax-ets. fit ons
store please. We think they are great.
Just test these toothsome, candy -like
Laxative Tablets for constipation, sour
stomach,: '.biliousness, bad breath
tn>,idciycomplexion. etc. Risk • 5 cents
and see. Sold by W. S. R. Holmes,.
t. Q IQil►es .under Two Moura. •
Recently, Sir.William Van Horne has
been smashing railway reemrds. One
everting lils'.sJedial'.train came. in to
1'\*innipeg from. Brandon, •a distance of
134 miles, under two hours tie average
'Speed of 67 miles an hour. At• or time
the speed .indlcater .registered 79 3-4
miles per hour for •a stretch. A dig-
canes of 30. Mlles +tes.t ;of Portage is
Prairie was coverers in. 23 minutes, an
average speed of 78 miles Per hour. On.
July 31 Sir William established • the
long=distance speedrecordfor western'
lines, his train .making the run between
oose aw and Winnipeg, 400. mi es An
eight hours. flat.
Places of Amusement.
The walls of stations on the new
tube from Waterloo to Balser street are
etnbelltshed with . maps of -London; on
.Which, according to the index In a
corner - of them, "theatres and places
of . amusement" are printed In • red.
Among the . places' so indicated on the
body . of the maps are Holloway: .cat.
cat -
tie. market, the Foundling hospital, the
courts of Justice,' the hank of England
and Spurgeon's tabernacle.—London
Her Sea. Spots. .
Sir I2 t Ball on one occasion,' aft-
fter dellve g a lecture on "Sun Spots
and Solar Chemistry," met a• young
lady: who expressed her regret thalt she
had 'missed hearinghim on the pre-
vious evening. "Well, you see,' he
sold, "I: don't know that it would have'
Interested you particularly, as it was
all about sun spots." "Why," she re-
plied, "it ,would have interested Me;
extremely,__ for I have been a martyr
to frecklesall my life." •
IrellO,ved Clothes.
To whiten clothes that have become
yellowed in consequenceof being laid.
away for some time soak them over-
night In lukewarm water and next
mil -tieing wash in good clean suds, then
put them hi the waste boiler with cold
water and some pieces of white curd
soap end one teaspoonful of powdered
borax, Boll for twenty minutes, rinse
Immediately and leave them for anoth-
er night in clean cold water to which a
little powdered borax has. been addled.
An inching One,
Miss Country :\laic, --I - understand
that lit some hotels one often sive
palms about the dining rooms. What
kind of palm is the most prominent 7
Mr..l:)ineout•--'.rbcs waltei-
Society tithes us 'away 'from ow -
selves. --De Lambert. -
Not of; povef ty, hitt of eortrs•--heeling
writs, that can cured a
bet ed b Putnam's
Corn h lttracter ? Don't suffers - use
"Putnam's'°. Cern l+;xttactort -•• sold
everywhere in 2,10 bottles. •
Half an inch of rain fell Thursday
afternoon throughout Southern Onta-
rio in fifteen tnintttes,
ril`-`.tntee'tth.ttdaW `grate zsag;diseases
the stoptach, `oxer.• -t: des, or the
money -50c per boxpuncwill'be refunded.
For Sale• byall dealers, a lens, !•tie R. T.
Booth Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
News Notes.
Ex -Mayor George Haddon died at
Premier Whitney sailed from Eng-
land on the Empress of Britain.
The defence of Harry�_Thaw, the
murderer of Stanford White, will be
emotional insanity.
Mr. John Mack, of Picton, fell off a
load of hay and broke his back.. His
injuries proved fatal.
At Esterhazy, Sask ; J. Perren y•was
brushed off a freight ear • by ,nether
car, and falling on the track was .crit
in two.
Henry Anderson; actuated by jeal-
ousy, shot his wife dead • at Parry
Sound,.and killed • himself •wjth the
ray'biver,' s•+ • •. •
A number of men were arrested: in
New. York, charged with franking
counterfeit money to carry ona revise
lution in Venezuela.
The body nf Georg eS, Skinner, the-
Londgn street railway conductor, who
walked off the pier at'Port Stanley,
has been recovered. '
The seconil.son of Mi. James Carrie
of Sarnia township, is dead from eat
ing toadstools, and. the -little daughte
is in a serious .condition.
Boo In Farm LII'e.
The farmer thinks his life is drudg-
ery, and the city man thinks hislife is
hard •and monotonous. Mankind is
never sstisfled with its sphere of life,.
and each is ever thinking that if he
could a d dosomething
1 o hecot
s da'
9could it
beti t.
Perhaps .
he fainter'
s profes-
sion is a hard one in many ways, but
PO one can dispute that there are
many things that snake his life the
more desirable. His life in the open
air, living close to nature, is one that
will keephim in good health, while
the city ratan, shut up in an office and
breathing the dust and smoke, is lay-
ing the foundation for disease and ill -
health. This one thing is sufficient ar-
gument in favor of farm life, Emer-
son. says : "The teen in the cities who
are the centres n es of
Y, the delvingi
arts, and the woepolitiesf eetuy
genius are the children or grandchild-
ren of farmers and are spending the
energies v ic
h thole
fathers' hardy
silent life accumulated to' frosty -fit '
rows'. in poverty, necessity and dark -
It is a fMet that most of our succees-
fut tbusiness mien were . horn in the
country. atnd received their first train-
ing in the atdinatry duties of fairni life,
the sante things that many ;a farm boy
tires Of and longs to be r-idof, How
many generations of life in the cities
unfit as boy to be tt business pian a•' It.
hay k
teensatdat h
in h
tr eeenei:atiou'
this epeegy obtained in the•plow:'flu
row vanishes- in any family, and the
wheels of progress must he . again
taken by a hand that has conic from
the plow handle. This niay not be ex-
actly true, but it is not very far off.
Farm life has ever been a quiet one,
free from the excitement which char-
acterizes the city life, so much so that
it has led many a boyto think it mon-
otonous and tiresome. To those who
understand nature and who love farm
work, it is anything but tiresome and •
monotonous. There is always some
new problem coining up.which needs
solving, and nature is never the sante,.
If-tho term - boy can " be made to see
thiugs•in this light. there will heno
trouble in getting him to stay on the
old home farm. The most commend-°
able thing about, the present move-
ment in agricultural education is that
it is teaching the farm boy that farm,
life is not all drudgery, but that it is a
science that needs as much study as
any city profession,. and that there is
nitre need for: him .on the farm than
there is ha the . already overcrowded:
Scrub yourself daily. you're not -
clean inside.
ot•clean.inside. Clean insides means.
clean stomach, bowels, bloody .liver,'
clean, healthy tissue in every organ.
Mora:tt.: Take' . Hollister's Rooky
lc Mountain Tea. 33 cents, Tea or Tab-
-• lets. Ask yorir Druggist. •
.During the severe storm• on Monday
nighta span of horses belonging to
Solomon Jaques,r .Eliinville, wasin-
stantly killed by lightning.
Pierre Gatipeat,'a 'Mon treat .letter•
carriers• suspected : of sealing money
cfroletters, was trapped hy means of,
deeoy-letters: He confessed.
For dry cracked lips, or tough slip
use Dr. Shobp's Green Salve. It pos-
itively lips and skin like vel--
vet. Sold by W. S. R. Holmes, Clin-
' The forestfires raging in +\'Ianftoulin
Island and northern Ontario. were
quenched bythe heavy rain of Mon-
day, the first that the locality has had
for -a -month. tlx.
14 Ir. G. E. A.myot, President of the
Quebec Board of Trade, will accept
.the Liberal nomination in. Quebec
county for the seat- :vacated by. Hon,
Charles. Fitzpatrick.
The funeral of Mee.rs. I3eurv. Sunley,
'Eden Mills,
was postponed:The grave
was so full
of water, although the
cernetei-v is
sititated.crnhigh laid,
that the b•ody
y •could, not be interred.
Once hundred .
'million battles of Pain-.
killer used since Perry Davis made the
first Billions
of stotnach•aches. • .and
other aches cured what a record in
00 year's.H
ave abott'le always handy
—you will no
\\', Newton, of Hamilton, fireman
-on-a••-freight trai:in—passing---between-
Paris'atnd" Harrisburg; leaned ;.: out of
`the crib window and, striking a post,
was knocked off the engine. He was
taken: to Brantford Hospital; but died
before reaching it,
141iss Mary ':VlcAulay, • niece and
.house -keeper of Rev. Father McAulay. .
.priest at. New .Ireland, N. B„ was
murdered during the priest's absence,
and the authorities. suspect it sailor
nailed Collins, to whorls • the lrx'iest
gave a home, and who is missing with
•a large sunt of money. .
Death in hideous form awaited Mrs.
'William Muir,' wife of the well-known
farmer of that name on the 10th con-
eession-of East Zonr'<•aduring the height
of Mondays storm and- only the for-
tttnateand timely arrival of the risen
from the fields slaved her . horn being
burned to death. A,shaft of• )ight-
ning;strnek the' house and renderedairs
Muir unconscious,. The house was set
afire at the seine time.. The men from
thefie'ds hurried tot the house to escape
the .etortn and saw Mt it was afire.
When they ran into to extinguish the
flames they found Mrs.. Muir helpless,
dazed by the electric shock. ,The mien
at -once -set about putting} out the fire
mid .succeeded in extinguishing •it be-
fore it had gained sufficient headway
to get heyond their control.
Dyspepsia, Boils,
Plthples, •
Loss of Appetite,
Suit. Rheum,
and all troubles''
arising from the
Stomach, Liver,
Bowels or Mead.
MrerA, l ethangue,
of Ilallydulp, (int.
writes • 1 believe t
would have been In
ray grave long ago
hail it not been for
3lurdoelt Illood !lit-
ters. I was run down
to such an extent
that I rould scarce-
Ousse.kI woo siubject
to ver aches
severe headaches,
backaches and dint,
nese; my appetite
was one and I wags
unable to do my
housework, After
Ssit),' two bottles of
11.11.1). i found toy
Meath fully�restored.
I warmly reeomluend
it to alt tired and
worn oat ` (00101.«:
Love Plants of West Indies.
"Did you ever .hear of the love
plant?" asked a sen Capt in who was
showing several visitors over his .craft
the other day; "I have several 3n the
• He 'showed three shall • leaves at-
tached to the ceiling ,by, strings. .They`
-Were withoutany soil. or foundatioe,
.bait were green, and from oaclt there •
sprouted a dozen ormore-little leayes. 'I
greener and fresher than the main leaf.
"During our Inst cruise in the West
Indies," the. captain"continued, "I vis
3ted a deserted English fortress, which
was grown over with shrubbery. ' A
native plucked several leaves from a -
vine and told me to hang them setiie-
whereand write the zlenle of my best
girl on them. 'If they die,' he said,
'she does not love you: It they sprout;..
she does.' •I put my wife's name on
one and' my two daughters' names fin
the others:. Yon ' see, although. they
',have ' been,.evithout nourishment for
three montlis, all three are spraining
well and my f'itnfly'4 affections"'seem
.assured:'-Pliiladelphiai Record
White is the .emblem of light,regi..-
gious purity,• innocence, faith, joy and . .
life. ',In•the judge it .indleates integ-
rity;,111 the sick, humility;•iu the .wo-.
man, c . Mat •y, Red, 'the ruby, signifies:
fire, divine love and royalty.:•White
• and , red roses express love • and Wis-
dom. Blue, or the 'sapplllre, ,expresses
heaven, the . firmawent, truth from • a
celestial origin; constancy and fidelity.
Yellow or gold is the symbol of the
sun, of marriage •and Raithfulness.
(green, the emerald,. is the. color of
tiering, of . hope—particularly of the
hope of immortality and of victory, as
the color of the laurei and parol. :Vice
•l'et, the atnetliyst, signifies live and
truth or .paselon and suffering. Purple...
.aid' scarlet signify •things good.and
true from a Celestial origin. Mark air -
responds to despair, darkness, earth
braes.,, mourning, negation,: tvfclkeclness
affil dleath, .
:7 ltteainotty on O. liLut'ton crinin.
• . \\`lieu a pi'.linitive man Fonts break-
fast be takee a sheep, kneel§ upon, it,
• beide it betweenn Ills legs and eats its
throat.. Ile skins it, and, taking a slice
out of It, friea'iit on the coals for break -
feet.. We atl•so demand not less imi,er
' naively cutlets rm. our bi'Patla Vast, blit
we manage It tinnier way- We pro -
Cure' en individual some way: off to
kill the boast and,' another out of bur
sight to cook it, We have a paper frill
Taut ar'oundd the bone to disguise it, and.
set at pot of flowers straight before us •
to look at while "ave ettt it; but, tothe•
sheep—.to the sheen—it eat make little
difference which way it Is eaten. We
still do our unclean work, but we do it
by. proxy. And it may bo questioned
whether what we . gain. In refinement
we have not lost in s)neerlty,-Fort-
nightly Review.. .
Tide innetta Jnde.
:Bost people lutve probably seen jade
ornaments WItlioitt !levities a very'elear
Mee of the material of Which. such
filings' • are composed, • ,jade is an 'ex-
ceedingly tough but beautiful tnlneral,,
much of which is found in ('hlna.• 1t Is.
of tree colors, the most highly prized
jade being; .fled white, sallow and green
varieties. The rarest of all ga't'ed jade,.
but this is so scarce that it bits no place
in ti irket valuations. The mineral is
frequently round in the bt'i1 of streams,
Ct.:nitLiit scarclring.fru--.•it.-1•I4rhenuned.• is
,ire generally employed, es It ,is l be -
Tiered ,
lievt�dl drat people this faith are sen-
sitive to 'ifs presence, and, like the
dowsers or ryafcr• finders, are affected
with alitrddet•hig fits ivltelx passing over
n place vvliere, jade. lie found. n*1�
wiliu a for the New tire to new subrterib 'Y
wafer/41i° /the balance of. this year
Ares oombinatioa.of the active prtnoi ler o1!
the most valuable vegetable remedies ror dis-
eases aaddiaorders of the 1.1Ver, Stomaol} and
nick Headaohoi Jaundice, Heart.
burn, Catarrh of the Stomach,DJazie
n.:su,Blotohea andlPinmlan.
CoxtiPiatnt, Sallow or
Sweeten the breath and clear away all wsaI
tarot potsnnoua nt+ttter horn the system. ,
- !'rice 25e. at bottlx or 5 for $1,00. sill dealers
or Turg T. ISUL watt' Co., Limited, Toronto,
♦as tuner W uetx.
At the end of a day's journey a trav-
eler in•. the far west stopped for the
night at a • small farm. As he sat
on the doorstep, with his host a troop
of children began playing about them
"These children all yours?" inquired
the traveler.
"."How many?"
"Let's see," and the farmer hesitat-
ingly ,began Counting thent :up on his.
lingers. ••
Just then a flock of sheep carne into
"Yours?" asked the traveler.
""How . Many?"'
"Five hundred and sixty-three" was
the instant response.—Casscil's journal:
Evittenca Against Yt
"7he • Society Record prhited some
very flattering notes about nie• yester-
day;" began miss Vane• • :
"Yes;" replied, " Miss Chellus, "but
wasn't it hateful: of the editor to go and•
spoil it all the way he did?"
"Spoil. it! Why, he said I was a
beautiful 'belle •of the younger set,
"Yes, and then be put your. pictur •.
right -under 1t." -Catholic Standards r
Reli . ble Goods-
N no Jewelry Store in Clinton, or
surrounding t,rrounclu)� towns, wi.l be found
a more reliable and up-to-date stock
of articles usually ' carried bymerchants
dealing in Jewelry wares. '
Cali in, and we will CONVINCE
you that we excell in many fines.
Repairing" " •s p Y
-___ -.1 4l=t.�ec���t s.. ..
All articles bought here engraved Free of Charge,
Vi'e have the kind that will 10 risen and 4 hove.. You will find such se
table very useful during the thre.hin,±'se,isnn. Our tablet range at the follow.
ins prices $5.00..$0.00 $+7.50 $8.50. $10,00, Lind. $120), Every table guarantied;:,..
• to give satisfaction or money refunded. • •
SPEC - .gJ.
Ladies' and Gentlemen'sater ,
ti� proofs, .Ladfcs Wrappers
and .Waists, A Dirge stock: -
"•:, of Gingham, Linens: and Mus- •
,iris for Summer l)resses, Laces and Embroideries,
rl rorderies, Ut.derwcai~
and Hosiery, in great Variety. *Our \Val) Pt era are the best'..
We .sell the famous Sterlin? . Paint ' none better ,
.,.some'. may=
be as good. Lots of seed oa•hand,
fliam • oriin,'o.
•May. Ifith, 1900,
Disease takes no ;summer
:vacation. •
If ,your:. need flesh and
strength. use
.Scott's EmWWWs/Olaf
summer as in winter..
' •SSnd fo tree salpfe,
'scoTT & BOwNS, Chemie. •
Tomato, •. adarano..
soda: and;i;oo ail ci u i a,:
TRUTH H About - TEAS g
Truth 1 -They are strong;:
Truth 2 —They are clear.
';truth 3. ---They are Pure.
Truth; td—They are easy to to take,
'.L freshing an nnurich
• fishing, and lastly, they
• are its low in price as
theualit will `allow,
q Y
Our "Shoo Gunn" Japan Teas and
pure "White House" Coffees
are especially sure to please you.
Get sesain.pie from.
A. D.. B
The People's Grocer.
Prompt Delivery,': •'Phone 111'
Before placing your"orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get
our prices. The very best goods
carried in stock and sold at the ,
lowest possible price.
Orders may be left:at:Davis
Sr Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. J. Stevenson,
At Electric Light Plant,
11. Fitzsimons & Sou.
We aretill in the
s Buff{
chering business,. and are
in a position to fill all or.,
ders for seasonable rnhpts,
intrusted tc ci, Ca •e,
Our new business scand
is in the Combe Block,
Fitzsimons Sou
HOC 76 Clinton
'Buy your LuS�Ywhere qual4 as well as
appearanee is oivi tdercd in ,Manufacturing,'
and have your repairing .done by -,exper-
,� P i'
ienced •men.
All are found at
Rumball &: McMoath
Huron,Street:, Clinton.
gash., Door, „
Blind -Factory:
The Town ofntli t
C ou is on : the eve`'
a boom. If you contemplate b ui ldlug�.
let --u Yee-••�y- -o .r—es- im ,tie- {
lam" Headquarters for ail kinds of builders' tivaterials...
to C�C�P
• ,'Did you ever. -Stop•' to think Pt�"
When buying a Dinner,
Te. :or''roilet let.or.I!'anc 'Chi
firstclass goods, ugp-to-dates!,aces.ordenorationsbetureand call Trac
at•J:' W. ILi,WiN S: .5 CRATES ON '1'HE \VAY FRO'd TELE
Teas, .Sugars`and Canned 'Goods •
\Ve lead in .(Ohl anti t'y; Quality and Prices.
Special cut: prices ou Sugar in 100 Ib bags
ke; 15inothy, Or
aD., t RR A
Grdas, MaYoldand lunip tieed, • Outer •g"AgriculturalCollege says :'ellow Levtotian stands at ther
head: of the ,het in yield per -acre in 25 different
Sold by •
Yon would rather trust an old friend than a stranger, wouldn't;
vouy .Our Belting Powder. is a; tried and trusted friend, inmany
homes. It does not. pay to experiment with Untried doubtful
brands when: you can get outs, made „with .Cure Cteatn Tartar
and the best English hicerbonato of Soda, at only' 2se n ib,
• If yott have not tried it, we. will be pleased to' give you
a free sample.
J. Bi 4-I O VEY, Clinton. .
Dispensing t/hontist,
+ inton New
''ma�cc /� g /�, �""� Era
.1�7 Bbl �.i" �t`'!�I "aet1�`
AJAX/11�'�r clM� Nervosa/40 kwHvd�u tb �
N"�Val1�A, ANO, N�fiNL�ll�h�ft
euragesan ery . is Y From,,,now till the end of this yettr, for
dtkrAcEtllou' irtatsstNis
25 Ceits.