HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-17, Page 6lommemommemoommo Aucaot 1906 The. now. flow Is the valuable part of our business. It is the best foundation; it is lasting -- We know how to repair Watches, Jewellery, etc. 'We know what is required and fix it, We know how to do a sad fa.ctory job, how to prike it lasting If your watch is not runn- ing just as it should,bring it -in-fotexamination. • It, costs netthilig.tti know ij' is 'n order. If it requires fixing we can do it. -- "Knowing how" has been the means of giving us the right of way. We are leaders in our line 111111111 Jeweler and OTTOSI*C1., "Eyes Tested Free‘sff 4 TORONTO NIRRNOTS. 1 CA.TTLE• From the titan. -A101014;11 eattle are hold- ing the same figures in the 014 001,14. try markete,the prides. at the Inaction on Tuesday were decidedly off. The dullness was worse than last week and drovers "who came to sell remained to scoff." Only 39 cars were in, against 120 of the week before, but with this Ilight rim prices were low and buying very dull. Drovers were lying in the shade waiting for buyers who did'nt come. There were some very good cattle on the market.but the very high- est pricepaid was not much in advance of $4,60 for selects. The bulk were go - int' around $4.30, and owners of mixed lots were glad to get an offer of 4c. • 1317TTEII, IN TORONTO; -Butter comes forward in better shape this year than last, and is a, genuinely good article, the Gluons say, They quote creamery prints at 22e to 23e, and Park Black- well p4y 21c in the country. Cream- ery solids are quoted at 21 1-2e to 22c, and 20 in the country. .Dairy rolls are quoted by Park 84 Blackwell at 19c at • country points, Gurans quOIV200, and T. H. Smith 20c to 21e. Dairy solids are 17 1-2c to 19c at country points, HoneEs-Borses are scarce, on ac- count of the farmers being basy har- vesting. While it is likely there may be number for sale after harvest, it is -bard to Say whether ,the supply Tri telpial, to the, demand. It is the lion- gezliell'ef-ttf4sall ghersetnen that -there will not be t1. gtl0d. Supply of nrst.otass draft and harness •horses, at the pres- ent rate of breeding, for the next three years, • A ! Si-rgerSheep are steady in Toronto 1 Ewes for export are 10e higher than 1 rePorted last week. The run at the ! city market to -day was smaller ' than 1 usual. Last Thursday there *as also was also a brisk run, when 1,531 sheep and lambs came forward Lambs have been a trifle slowerof sale as more poor quality is seen on the market toootterg• The run to -day was a little better in apish. Wesley ' Dunn reports the following prices: Export ewes, $4.25 to scot), export bucks $3 50 to $3.75. per hundred pounds, Iambs 5 1-20 to 6 1-4c s,s.pound. ' The same buyerbought 550 lambs at 6c and 150 'sheep at St 50 r 100 lbs to -day, W. B. Le -.ick honght the sheep and lambs at the Junction yesterday for $4.50 and respectfully. . . .. Hons---The droOin hogs is a very considerable one, The Wm Davies Co.,. who were paying $7.90 off cars in this 'city last weeek. are paying $7.65, inthe same wax to -day, , For hogs fed and watered in Tototo. they • are paying $7,40; the average price paid by them' son board cars at outside points is 117,15, which is etatial to 7c to the farmers. Poultry Wanted WANTED. ALL KINDS OF LIVE' Mr. and Mrs. • T. C. Doherty, 005 POULTRY, for which the highest. market Elias St.,are entertaining Mrs, Angus nrioe will .be pal& Call at 112011OwN'S. Cole anddaughter, of Wayne, Xich. HARNESS SHOP,Clinton. •tf • .-London Advertiser. •• • ,• • Asstatamfamee"Tem a-...L.0.4.%0'4.t.A • r.,,Wir-7,0419,% • ••••,........-‘w • r . • • ylts N i • you? Our flaking Powder isa t •- riedand trusted friend -in • many You would rather trust an old friend than a slranger,' :Wouldn't . A it . . homes. It does„not pay • to .'experiment •:•with untried 'doebtftil .....-1,1 • A brands when you can get' ours, made with Pare Cream Tartar - / and the best. English Bicarbonate of Soda, itt only 25c a lb: I2 you have- not tried it, We will be- Plefieed''to give you .. . i •f• a free sample, .' itt • • • ilit4 J. E HOVEV, Clinton. • Dispensing. Chemist. •• afiN . .‘4:1101'...•,..solovalall.01111M1111.111111164 "11.41101NOMINNIMP, •• • . • • I 41.04M10041$00041000006 4110410404.44,10 wine.. I Ma.ni .11 PEBE ;MANILLA and the finest grade of At Best Prices. • Call and see it , I - . .. . . • sinaman Our Specials for all next week SCREEN 'DOORS AND WIN.DOWS GASOLINE and OIL STOVES LAWN MOWERS andi§CYTIIES. I ''''''''''"'""7"'""1-171" • I ' Harland B01 9 ro. . STOVES and. HARTAVAR.E. _ . ... 410411141004111110400.0 0114.00 • (Binder 1 1, Et. Hoover* • N4Ison Bali FURNITURE We always' aimed at making this the QHEAPEST SPOT in old Huron County for Furniture, and mean to continue doing so as long as ,we are in the business. Our prices wilksonvince you that this is true, A few t Gilray" Curtain Stretchers left. R OC)V ALL. trnitte an'd, Undertaking-. WINTON, Aft ONT. TUB MANTON NSW BRA (Births, ilarriages. Deaths) BORN IACKSON.-in Rieley, SandaY, July 20th, I to Mr and Mrs. TA...Jackson, a daughter. TITOMAS.-.-.At Innovate on AtIgust 7th, the 1 wife of 14i Bert Thoznas, a sou. CONSTATILE.-In Wingham, on July 80th,the , wife of Mr. W./1. Constable, a eon. SLLIOTT.-In Tuinherry, oil ,1' iter gytb, i iwife of Mr. Chas. Elliott, a on. SIOLLACOM-111i1.--In Rosa% on XondaY, July 80th, to mr and Mrs, F. Sinallaconthe %son DUERMANIST.--InBayileid, on July Met, to Mr and Mrs R. DrelMeann, a daughter - M SCOTT-PkITTY-IitnIlitelnEnD11, onAugust nth, by Prof.Burgoss, of London, Blanche. daoghter of Mr and Mrs, Cleo. Petty, to Mr J. Lorne B00% °,11301171firTOINT-/SWARTZ-lo Gorrle, on July 30, e.t St. Stephen'srector.__v. by Rev. T, II.Parr. Mr. Ivan Johnstomto Bliss MitYSivarts,both of Wing- 114070E-ROBIlSe--Iu Clinton, on Aug. 1642, by Rev. C.R. Omni°, Mx, George L Cook, of Clinton, to MissLaure. Ethel Robbs, of Londethoro, POLLARD-CANTELON.-At the Methodist Parsoage. Brussels. ou Aug.8th, by Rev.Esra, G. Powell, Mr. Edward Pollard,of GreYtownsbip, to Miss Maggie; only daughter of Mr •Arthur Canto - Ion, of Morns township. MURRAY-RAMMETT.-At the residence of thedrle's father, bY Rev. A.K, Birks on the 7th, Joh G. Murray, to Myrtle Leach, eldest daugh- ter of Richard Hammett, all of Soaforth. VANSTONE -ARMSTRONG-At the residence of the bride's uncle, Auburn, on Aug, 8, by Rev. • J, L. Small, M. Edgar S. Yanetone, of Colborne, •to Miss. Garb:lute Artustrolig. ' SPRUNG.-ICARTER,-In' inanition, Man., on 'Wednesday, Aug. 8tb, by Itero•ittr, Bowring, Elisabejh,. eldest dauDghizte,tpotl3anartel'Carter, • of •of Itobt, A, Sprung, fernier%) of Hullett7 maniton, to Beniarneo RPrung. of 'Winnipeg, son • r1-J0Soafintla,on,August 6th, Herm Anonths, the infant son of Mr, and Mrs. IL Lloyd, aged 10 WEISCOTT„-In Seaforth, on Monday, Au8.6Wflhiaui th Wescott, aged 61 years, 0 months and •23 . . NEwC01131I.,-At Newark, en August 3. NeWeoutbe, formerly of Mofris. towashin, Ruron Upunty, Ont, in his 74th f eat, 740 Clinton Market Report. • Corrected every, Thursdy attornoon. Wheat <old)... .... 0 75 to 077 Wheat (new) • a0.70 to 0 72 Oats ' If 27 to 0 28 Barley .. .... 0 45 to 0 48 roas•• 0 65 to 0 70 Eggs .......,...' .Oi&to 0 10 • Butter 0 15 to 0 16 Hogs 7 25 to 7 25 Wool. (washed) 0 27 to 0 '27 Wool (unwashed) 0 18 to 0 18 • Harvey Greenway, principal of the schoi:51 at Crystal City, Man., and fifth son hf Ron. Thos, Greenway, died on Tuesday night from inflammation. New Advertisements. Brooch. Lost. • Somewhere in Clinton, on Monday, a Ladies' Bound Brooch with garnet setting. Finder obliga by leaving nine at . t, • NEW BEA NOtite.. Having disposed ("few business, 1 would be obliged if all haying atsconete wouldset ale sane„with my su0cessor,41r, A» ikleacansell,.on or before August 26th 1906, - l'.• BEE/11E. ' farm tor Sale. Praprietor offers fax sale his farm on tbo Maitland Con. Galeria' Township, Lots 77 and 78, situated 1 1-2 miler tram vijIs#e- otfl6jmesvifle, chnToh and school. The farrn contains 238 acres of alicioe iiood'fra.ole bottle, andbank h ' arp 5 acres •of • orchard and 30 acres of good maple • bushlanti. The farm is traversed by a mo- oing brook. •This farm will be sold in. a block or in parts. Apply to. : • ALEX BACOUR, •golinesville. •4 Farni to Rent.' Being lot 12, on the Maitland, Conof the Township of Colborne, 9 1-2 roles irom- Goderioh, and 7 miles from Clinton. The farm contains 120 acres, 105 mores of which are in oaltivaiioh, the balance bard wood hush, one acre ot good bearing orchard, good &tilling) and ont•honses, an abut:id- /mama good spring water,. Will berated on reasonable tertne. Apply to • • A. E'. 'ALLEN, • Gowland Lake, &Ask %lout...Friends , Want a Photograph. of you that will beto their liking; we, take the kind you both. will - The style depends upon your selection, we will see that you get ,the best. Well posed. ,and wellnjshed.• Cornmencirii Sept. iit, I will be prepared to go out in the country to take pictures of outside groups of Dwellings, Ia.rns, etc. Outside views on Post Cardsa Spetialty. • The Gallery will be kept open by •my assistant during my absence. J.• ROBERTS, Photo Artist, - • Clinton. "Atossissxmlosmassinneummis 8t OF COURSE 4g Yon will give your Boys or flirts Intel - loss course as titer Ilttish:Public or High School work, and Ilefore you select your school, ho sure and W.rite for our now catalogue. Weare doing better work than ever before, and can guarantee ex- cellent rcNtilts, tenet from sent, 4 tit, BritishAmerican Business College Yong,- & • Toronto• • 'I IV. V Fs 7 I.;C Fs rtli Lcs `;.• A2P!.LWante FAL 'PM WINTER sanction i:tty eitior stirangetnent, shall prtce patd, mew,. with 'tit istra t;Lbut.." The pleat Sealetee hlta to six Inanths. uprisoti- that the accused :should be "emit to D. cANTEL0,, . Canae:Ws Weta ettlphaP1201 the gate - that tarty were traces of Inattafty • CLINTON, in the family I 14•• 2-11151 3c2 "Itis • VAIWWWWWWWWWWWWWMAWWWWWW •aturday Barga.ins Saturday and Saturday night we are putting on our counters the biggest BARGAINS we have offered this year. If you don't see what you want in the folko,ving list --come in. There are b,undreds of Bargains on our counters not listed here. • Children's Wash, Sults. obildren's wasit Linen Suits, in bineLirtitli and white, nicely irbruiled and well inside. Jest the thing for chitdren these het days. Regular $1 25, $1,35 and Qi ,• $1,30 lines for •...................J, Regular $1.00 lines for „ „., ••610e. • • • • Children's Iluister HIIE01-11 DON , , • , Leaf b,.er 1.3,C4t,sce liyOrrel red 190 IUIII.91;tipos, two hue •• ftetsptxiA1tVir ••••sso 'y ' • • • : 2 • 4 • • • • Ladies' 5 11(qts • 's ; -"IA i PS' bltiele Silk Belts, gilt 1•Int•Istle. 101431:11' 2, ri S • at tirday , . ' ' Ready,tii,ivear Straw .1lats : ' • .• .. Lsa i es' .Iteatly•t o-Vveni.• Straw .1 at,a1 '.,: ,'..",V l'):t tt (Wad Oa; year, at fitty per aK144 Ilea's.•Str;tiv fiats • . • • , . . . .• . . Men's. SailOr on d ern sh .shrt pe St raw 1,3-•1 te: 'all -es, .• • • .worth front 752 tillse2.00,sebuice.S•tar,1•iy T • • . • . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Children's 'Straw ts, fs• hilai•en's Stii101: Sira,W 11:t,ts, in nut], u h'do ir:1 •1' white,:and plsilti white stiael• 21e, for 1.5e • liegular 40e, for •• Regular* 50e, for Etoionty in hosiery. Ladies' fine Wadi Cotton Hose, tine qu.ality, full: fashioned, fast dyes, speciaio price • 2 'pale for • .• • • Gou'us at 411.0 • White Cotton Gowns,„. full sizes' tucked yoke, lace • trimmed, 75ii for • Gowns at Tfie orood. flotton Gowns, tuaked yoke with embroinery . • insertion, all sizeS, $1,110, for ... . „„.„ .... . . . Cowl's at•98c . •• •-• • 5 • • Lel ies' fine Cotton Gowns, triMmed with ernlit•oldery, 99c . . .. niv.1 enibrOidery insertion, $1 21, tin • . . .• . Skirts' at. i9c • '',4i . . .. tie• • • ..... . • trimmea, $1.2/0, for 1,ndlos' whiti(ii)Otton Difderskirts, good. quality; .1.11.0.e 79c , Skirts S 0.19• •IBC :Good, fine Cotton -Underskirts, deop.flounce, trimmed SI 19 with lace and is uertion, $1.50, far • • •,. Skirts at $1.79 • tor VIC ▪ • .•; Weizintn's.lretleliskirtR, Titele Of- fine Nainsank,' deep - • . VIC ..flottnee, trinimed with mbzou1cz -tn-tion firid0.1 7n gif ern broltle.ryi. /lest ruffle, $2 .11.5 for -. 0:1 . . • . • • • - Lawn Waits at 83c • A fini, Lawn svisttveltosi fisteit. With two rows of • • • emir aide insertion, shot t sleeves, regultti• $1.00, Inn • for .... . . . . . . . ... ,;.• ILWIJ Ja-au'oltaisiS $1.0 - 1-••oitn, Linen .La.V.ssi Waist, embroidered. ftot, t nekea ftn* c1., deep eulT, sizt*•s134 in, abd :30 ii3., .regular. $2.00, '1 4 W.'. • a.() • . •-• • • •r;r1 r_r e• 17 • • • i • , . • ter. zazamatzamroje.,‘ A 474A..41;:• 714*/ .AA'RREA ;AR . • 'tf 1) • . °\,1r4.17\ APAP.?t. MAfkiiNkkkill • • • 11:umosionsoy. no airiatioamickintimmoracut.e.. Wow ngors..i•.e*anotlian Paeffic • crairs • r•t.ts I ron'o Zeo•r. yurriel. ' 'itt` '')K*;*•• 5:*71i*Yg.****. ratoaracatFerattaattasinggr.: • AUTC4 RAP14 DElt,rili,,NO. • • The Nanus of J.° M. •Canotncy Mitch• ought. . . • Tho -9'1'8u14) (othrt\vo.' ,'1'.t T. •:Ai. )L•ri,VCS ItHe.4. 102 ainf ttlI .on ;•,..11,0...r ...frt.. the ti,!l'attib10 tOr:1:011 atitog:•,t1)11 r.' I" igl.i..,;tuttltri.q, are \rot'. th all thi• w•ty rt n 1 e.mts, to thoun- 16;o1 ;:11,1!2'ly Minietcw 0r of; on Writ'. en 1214. :0°2'4 ' ‘V -44.t 11 10.0.2-1,1 1).1.112 svot.ssi awl 1 sa' 11 bolk .119.1n a. 401111 (1(1111&1 ssa.11110,,.!itit, (10 !.r.1'.1e•.'a.. • Lp aut:rnphs • hav,• b1 v•ortit 1: t like on • m,irdtgixtlions of • • . irr.tecfly 1:1 111-)0ier :01 ‘yv,y of• .' hi. f...),Incintort of J'ana now In circa - 111 tion 11Pitr2 the 0:1111. of J. M, C'ourtitey, •The vAtte of now is$li'11C' c)..4'r tOri7;:t'vi•o"1 31tek In 1371 it, •.•.-as r ni.V. ilttle civer r.. niii••• lion,• •Dig z»t Litle Dill; • ' bitr; • ("....t.....•• "14111(1' -p1111411.1','' 0.1' dA.A'. 1310. ' 11, (t1'' tWo. 1:2, • r Ifrty, 1tr2C,1%.:7, ; ::at 1:.1 I tdti011(1. 14it.1•(-1't priv!ii•kp r01,11,119,' It on .1 Ito big b!11., \'2(U211!4' bits ,of p.oper 10-•11 '04. 1 dilellY In Jrattettc.- tIons 1•;1 • 'To the las: Covent? ..*rrtrat has r:.5.4. merl old noittey. to 1112! -.tuna ur 24 11,,no.1'. 1.1.11(1. 1 if oltutoils ana over, 041. 101 )110011 und a vilo gold,. you to the he•tt-•. l'y•tmr.r.•11 lair.. pr roller of the 41411,, eriona is •from huge ‘,1 ads of.'w•irri bit10 1,‘•:t I ting tlieir turn f ..t• •1,4 th.! everlasting redemothin or old 1)11 Is Lind the 1 S,'"1.11' of. ne. .i.41,014 that ettus.,:tg lite signature of 1111. Ire Flturtme tIl !v.'s() 4111.1(14 111 is on, at tltp pres.'-nr 1•314•11..., than.•a, a Imlf. "s)pti-pi: st.<r'.g." it is na ttearly !hie hu.orl rod .1 liott.4•,.11.l fours, am on tivo ttessys•sost It.tm.lrod 11010.4• of the CIL 0omlau2l,".11 Ilvt; thousand d Mars, Ivo mem Convicts For Canada. '-,It le gratifying t be able to report that ea:Lulu's proteAt against the habit 4,41' sum I.:nu-fish magistrateit. givIn:.,r 02 1(11.0,14 o11 going to 1a1l 'or l':.1 111. to fsituaila,*• has at last bad souls effc:tt. 4.E•ne. otlit.: day the rtiicoriler of taititlon uked to 3.11011, te;kollet!S "11.1t.1 111.01211 guilty to stoat:0=4 0111 011 fr..fm his "anther, to . • he "seat t 1 Oantol.t." • 1'1 tdtall certainty not b • 2 party to •inly-armilvvittiont of '• tiutt, 1:111d." r tho. "11 •- (Tatty 1 enn-torti..dto a 11..y convie,e I b'fir, • 1111. b01118,3 3,;.4.11 to Ct4ta.11, a.011 008 was tho :4•111.....1. of at ;01 pro. test ti' 421 tha Pan:on:tit flovernment 1') the Vorelgft Oartada, naturally. .v( ry 1,, having 1:0111 Arta y; (0' of :It • r. ti 1 .,r,•••I I tIg'tIttoY• Ay dem 4ith VIP 14)00-1'; WI: %VII/ lint • e iiii•ng into the :city • ••• other • !..iorn somewhat 01.111.11,1 hy a. .o Ica Cult Of tile 1.,rou42111, the train to 1..,1:;1414•11 •,.-011as:t1111banIt's. et elie 1 1;4. • '• ••A • • ran Opt ti .;:the Nye mnro t,t.zrpriked find a 1.11. 1-112 lying- o tfi• the track. • T, upzwars. th 1 '1' the train came. tivr.n• •the 'engineer 440 . It 11104; 00.5.0:41 t(:•11.11).74 tlt)WIt thrS ets,litt I' the ( nglia,•r . The •anP. 11)41 elst om. 100; behind„ ' rnd 11:0111:. n ftW linhs of speed, but rfx•,,f,'ss train, wnIg too f»rt. and in 0, fos,. :.I.von Cog .q • mime, for.such It tamed 0421. to 1)r, ng :tossed t7,rough the an*: • Priie animal was on a 111n1.11W SI rip f • tracl1 and lould gt,t 10 - 0 •• side, • !rho 4i•po:•1 was thwprIcle of the . Zoo.'. Ile \ 1048 f..rt.rwly work ng came itt sou 1.1151:n rtitssi.t, anti carried indny thoiltqind •• dolm of' merebandthe• 11- tw..en ono Tt,2$IioMr. 1.rederioli N'oh .11.4 brought It • to this cit' and lir, ?Vt.; Lod • t t. ri.rdft.1,c.. Zoe. It •.v.,21.4ou t for 1441 11...4uo I stroll Wh6n the f,tta • ;Zoo_ v(sitors the Cearl animal '44144'linown "Moses." „ . ... • - .Wentad His Money 5001<, •,• took out a nflitner- license • • In . Iturk 8 1, a thi t•eeentiY., says Tho At- ., roW., but reinilts not enining „up to Itis antielpations,:. he 'sought. ditt. • Itee ve l‘Tertsios, nd 12(o4k'i(tg the latter the re - f4... the live iliAlfrs the license cost; touchlhgly . Imottrketl; "I sell me not.' no make one ruda eenta. 'Tau go nrin-you geeve me baols,i,ee 433% doliat*, . eh?" .13ut: the chief magistratee(11.1141 not icethepo1rit, and lauellinely told him so. • • .. • • ' . • . • , • Pristecf • N't.,gtrogcl (trying et1 one or lienew 11.-il4' does 'this dress 110 N.910.14 tn•I (hunt 144(411 (((1 rf:Pr'weil, t round it a little 11214140, 1IO tt1111/119.,-- L01111011 All- • • • 1a • A* AO mIr ••• IA, • • 1 -end's Wanted. Tenders Will he recebed by the Street Mambo(' at the Council np to 7 •m., Any. 110.11, for 100 .ccrcie Gravel, 1o taken out of the town,a gravol 0,, And (b.. trIbatort • on Albert, King, Victoria and Baron Sta. The gravel ta be iretpecteci at the pit by no etrivlOce 4 the Town, who will assist in balding The lowest, or any tender; net. noregont tiv Repented IV J. PAISLEV, °balmier, OCENTRAL /s.,/ ;+ • 'illATF0111:1. ONT. Pali 'retro cipea Sept. 21411 • .triloso,intetesked..11)...1111,411004, eIll4143 i0541 write for ourliira ff&la; " logto, 2'4o:4 k au...forgo:it and brost (201"" ntervial and ShortitAtut School at orn cntarlo. Wogitc a practical training rota 11441841 allid11:41333,3 tr3 • poaitionit. 'gaily ottb» irailing laolnm colleges employ our.gradnates tar teach. ors. Write now 101' ft Alio catalogue. Elliott & Priacipm* *************2**A******goz* cti Ez.,,,,,--nazzazziraammugas Ladies' $1.50 Slippers to $1..25 If(' • Ladies', 1.35 Slippers to • 1.10.. Ladies' .1,25 Slippers to 1.00 . - Ladies' 1.00 Slippers to .75 )fi .A.11.-inuslins have been reduced. * gf All Gents' suitshave been reduced. )1E- orrell *•• • Lon d esboro. • •-AE * .gf • g*g*SE)k***Y44***** ****.** S * • 3fi 1(3 Ve4 4'444 40 /LI* t******• l'ill. ----GO TO -7 •'• • 4. 18- 41+ The Galbraith rCicithiirig Co. 4 • -03- ' , • iift. For BARGAINS. t +4+ 4i+ For the balance of August we will offer the +.44.' 4-14- remainder of our Summer Underwear at reduced 41.4- i . , . - p Ei+ rice's. This Underwear is all good quqlity, in .fine 4.4 .. .0+ Lalbrigan. In order to clear it all out, to •make .4. room for our Fall and Winter Underwear, we „zre t • mg., eofferinp; it at (Yr atly reduced, prices: .., Regniar Mc UnderWear at 36e a.pfeeer i 4 75e IA . . 11. age ., • $1.00 • " . ." 8e•• ' '4 1,50 • $1.15" . 44 in sizes from 39 to 44. We also havo a few more :gift front Negligee Shirts left,' in odd sixes, which ((1)141 regularly at 51.00 ntid $1.25, for the halaroe of the month we will offer them for 611e. Now is tht: time to buy, 'as they :use the hest value offered in, Clinton this 'summer for the money t -Regular $1 and *1.26 Negligee •Shirts for (i9e,,-Co111e early, before tire best patterns are fold. Alt guaranteed fast color. In 4)5(14)5 1(4 4)14)11.5iont the balance of our fitraw_,Ilats.- We am offering 25, disconlat -500 for-'174ot 75c itiffs for 574e; $1,25 flats fur 011e; $1.50 Hats for $1,12i; $2,25 Hats for *$1,67h. • Thei Galbraith Clothing Co. SUCCESSORS TO THOS, JACICSON MR, r si• oe • '41 otee to buy tone up-to-date Clothing And Mena and floy's Furnishings.