HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-17, Page 2THE CLINTON IcifSW ERA A.uguitt 171 1901 The New Era " puougnee every DTAMY ED the Nttvir gl1A. Printing House, MAO STREET . . * CI;INTON* e Tteems of subscription -$1 per 'year la in ; $1 50 May be charged if not so paid. No paper discontinued Until all arrears are.paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is de- noted on the label. Advertising rates- Transient adver- tieements, 10 cents per nonpareleline for fixst insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch ouch as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," etc, inserted once for 35 cents, or one lleonthfor$1.Conemunications intended for publication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. To insure publication in current issue copy of advertisements should be sent in early. °entreat rates - The folloveingtable shows our rates for specified periods end space. 1 yr. Dino. 3roo. lmo 1 Column $75 00 $40 00 $25 60 $8 50 e Column 40 00 25 00 15 00 6 00 . eColumn 25 00 15 00 8 00 2 50 , Column 18 00 10 00 550 2 00 l 1 Inch 600 350 200 1 20 ROBT. HOLMES,' Editor and' Proprietor Th 1inonNeW Etai of all kj_nds,_Canadian, British and for - the prosperity of the country, which I causes the people to buy' more goods eign. The Montreal Gazette, perceiv- ing this, urges that the revenue be ree duced not by lowering but hy increas- ing certain duties, $e ao to cliscour&we importations. It is to be hoped, that the Minister of Finance will take the contrary view, and that if he wishes to effect retrenchments, he will do it by reducing revenue-producing duties, not by increasing those that are pro- tective in character The Way to prepare for the rainy day Is either to leave the money in the bands of the taxpayers, 'or to use the surplus in reducing the annual debt and the annual interest charge. It is not necessary to increase protective dates on the ground that although manufacturing industry IS now pros- perous, it may some day be injured or ruined by a flood of cheap ineporta- tions. That situation can be dealt with when it Arises A premature at- tempt to deel with it. ivould defeat its ovyn object. If the duties are raised to a point which IS 110W unnecessary, the effect will 1m to encourage the estate, liebrnellt tf indirstride that will Lot be strong enough to resist the strain of hard times, " lt is significant of the charge in sentiment that whereas the Censer. vative party once lield Montreal in tile &Mow of its hand,. to -day it has only one neie.snePer.' sqlfoining..R_, th NOI1,'Se Notes. .. i$ it Your Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't, do it? Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! liere's an intro: - duction I May the acquaint. an moult to s heavy growth of rich,thiels,glossyhair! And we know' you'll never be gray. 01 ell* that Ayer's ifoir Vigor is the most 'wonderful hairgrower that was over wade. I have used it ter some time and I can truth. fully 111 that 1 am grittira:jrg Tiltti_plIV. retten. edam V. Immo, waronla.5?tu Made Si• .Ter co., Lorre% gas'. aloe maneeteterere of RSA SAPARII.LA. tiersMILS. cieRRY PECTORAL. • igTATE oF °III°, CITY TOI.EDO}ss LuCA-14 COUNTY FRIDAY,: AUGUST 17th, 1906 Tariff Revision This year will witness a new depar- ture -the opening of the Dominion Parliament in the autumn instead Of in the winter or spring. The adyan- tage of the new arrangement may not be seen at once, because the results of, the old arrangement are still with us. 1 Itis only a month since Parliament I, was prorogued, so that only three or four months are available to prepare legislation for thenew session. When the new arrangement is in full work- ing order we may expect that March will see the close instead of the begin- ning of the session, Already the Government is receiving advice as to the new tariff. From one advocate of high protection cornea the advice to frame a tariff that will be "Canadian," That requirement seems to have been fulfilled by the revision , of 1897, unfler which the trade of the 1 country hasgrown from $239,000,000 ! to $552,000,000, while manufacturing ; industry has prospered to an extent ' neyer before. known in the history of Canada. It is now said by high pro -1 tectionists that this result is due not I teethe -tariff but • tonatural or woelde wide causes, over which Goyernments ! and Parliaments have nothing to do. 1 The same argument. was used by the Libel ills in accounting for the prosper- ity which temporarily followed the N. ' P. ConservatiVes now argue, as Lib- I erals than argued, that prosperity.' would not last forever, and tha.; some- thing must be done to prepere for a rainy day. No doubt there is eruth and wisdom in this contention, by whichever party it may be advanced', Influences stronger tnan tariffs are at work in producing prosperity or de- pression. But the high proteceionists who are now urging this view forget Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney de Co, doing business in the city of Toledo,County and State afore- said, and that said firm will pay the, sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and eveey case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the ese of Halls Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. °RENE y - sworn to before me, and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem- ber, A. D. MO. A, W, GLEASON, (SEAL) NOTA ny PUBLIC Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter - natty, and acts directly co the blood and mucoussurtaces of the system. Send_for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY tt: CO., Toledo; O. S. by all druggieLe 75c Take Hall's Family /erns fer consti- pation. Industrial Evangelistic Missions. The Industrial Eiangelistie Mission of Northern India, founded by Rev. C. and Mrs. Lawsop, experienced mis- sionaries in India, is proying to their complete satisfaction; that miseions run on the Indueirial sYetem ean sue-. ceed, many have held • thee this was impossible. • Their bakeries are doing so well, and Well fine bread is,being made that the heathen are coming in crowds hoping. to secure employment, they want CO fend out the secrets, but this privilege is for the Chpistians Who, outcasted for Christ's sake, are conse- quently stiffening terribly. Other in. dastries are shaping Tepidly, and bid fair to be as steccessful as those already. proved. Mr and Mrs LaWS011 count .it a great honor et) be classed among the bread roiteers and bread whiners. All must itgree that lazy Christians cen not be holy Christians It is.to give the Christians an .oppoetnnity to 1)140, , up it sturdy Christian ammeter, and to make it imssible to open np laiSS1021 stations in hundreds of places, that. this work has been started: Instead of sending money to support the mission - materials are sent to start the industries. • Missionaries, of the Indus- trial Evangelistic type,ge out to teach the native Christians how to work ; in so doing earn their own ' living, and together preach the Gospel on this self-supporting plan. . • A gracio us revival hes recen tly taken place in two of the stations ; resulting in the regeneration ot manyand the sanctification of &bees; In Pilibhie only eight ef the seventy nine orphans are tineaved. The holy spirit was out- poured upon them after ten days , of prayer ; the orphans now know how to pray for others, nothing daunts them, as some one said"They can -pray through a stone wall". Those teething to hear More of this mission can do sce by writing to Mr, del. P. Keltzing, 751 Washington Ste Chic-. ago, or to 5IissIVIeryMiddleton,76Hey- ter St., Toronto, Honorary •Secretartes of the I. E. M. in the 'U.S. and Canada, that it is an argument against them- selves, and in favor of interfering as little as possible with the enterprise of manufacturers and traders. It is true that in times of prosperity provision should be made for years ot depression, and no lesson seems hard- er for Goyernments of either party to learn. When the revenue is abundant suggestions for getting rid of the sur- plus are abundant also. • A dollar does not look so big in good times as•in bad; expenditures are scaled up, and when hard times comp it is difficult to scale them down again, The N. P. period began with surpluses ane epded with de cite. To poInt out that this may happen to a Liberal Government as well as tet a Conservatiye Government is a friendly warning which a wise , Minister will not dieTegard. As to the manner in which retrenchniene shall be effected there will naturally be dif- ferences of opinion between high pro- tectionists anLt advocates of a low tar- iff. Theeprettent detz•iff is a greater pro- ducer of revenue than ilieferedeWeedreee end hence some critic' have fallen into the error of saying that it hears more hardly on the taxpayer. A lower -tar- , iff niay produce more reyentre tlfan high tariff, because it permits of a greater volume of importations. The volume of importations has increased during the last ten years, partly be- cause of m ,the comparative lowness of the tariff, and more largely because of HAVE YOU ? • Dr. Leonhartit's Hent-Roid is an in - tenni] Remedy that entirely' ismoves the cause of Piles, and Mires to stay cured any case, no inatter how long standing. If you have Piles, and Die- Leon- hardt's Hem-Roid Mt cure you,. you get your money hack. A 11)eusand dollar Gnaran tee goes v4141 bot4lc of Field. • It you want a perfect ii,"t"i--"'d-p---6-1-tifitnen cure, ask for Dr. Leonhatelt's Heni- Roid, the guaranteed Remedy. All druggists, $1,00, Or. The Wilson- Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, One. LachlanCamplpell, for 40 years . high constable of Elgm County died from apoplexyearly . Friday morning B a flat HERE , IS A Newspaper Bargain. We want to increase ouif subscription list, and make , the following offers to NEW 14U13SCRTIIERS • The elinton New Era, 1 min now to ist of Jan. 1907, for 25c. The NEW ERA and Weekly Clobe to ist of jan,, 1907, for 50c1 The NF.W ERA and 'Toronto Weekly Sun to 1st of Jan. 1907ifor 50c, The NEW ERA and Montreal Farailylleiard to tst ' ' . ' ofJan., 1907, for 50c, Subscribe at once, and get the full benefit of this 'liberal offer. Cash must accompauy each sub- scription. R. HOLMES Clinton, • • Principal Hotson of the Macdonald Consolidated, School at Gaelph resign - Fie destroyed the postoffice and generalstore of Tehn McLugan at Uowat. It, is understood at Ottawa that Par- liament will be .ealled and meet on Noy. 22. ' • Premier Roblin said he believes there are 125,000,000 bushels of wheat in the Western crop. Don. Hansen, son of a former Mayor of Calais, Maine, was drowned in the St. CrOiX River. • 'Alex McKeneio. was sentenced to life iroPrisouniene at leoeseaii, 'Minn., fonkillipg a trapper. ' The London Street Railway Com- pany refuses to take hack all , of the, participants in the- recent -strike, --Pei!. J. Foran, a Wentworth. farmer, had a $300 fillY stolen from the pesture field anchtwo other. farmers .have lost horses. • ' • A petition ;has been -filed atOttawa from Inverness, Nova. Sofia, for the repeal of the Canada-TemPerance At in that county, . • Joe HaWkiiie, yoneg Engliehnian, was drowned on Tuesday while trying to swim a bunch of horses iterOSS the Saskatchewan. Peter •' Wilson, who Shot ,Mary Schwitekhanamer near . Guelph, was exonerated by the ' coroner's jury And forgivep by the girl's mother. • , The London Times estimates. that British companies, including the sub- sidiary American"ceni.pardes .owned by them', lost eli,225,167 irt elle:eau Franl cisce disastev. . , , . • . . • , ie reported. that rteedeluable n iele el and copper mitie has been discovered near Pontiac, °tithe C. 1'.] L A Coeun- dam mine has also been discoyered in that locality, . • . . • ..::ThereeWere 443 p,ersorii paedoned duringthe fiscal year •ending:Jithe 30 from Canitclian penitentiaries.. .0f this, number 173 were, •under the ticket-of- learie eystein: . - • Hon. II. R. Enniterion, Minister of RailwaYs, t'1)0 is making a tour of the Intercolonial; says the affairs of that railway wdre never hi it more satisfac- tory condition than at present, It was Alexander Mackenzie ' whe chose Fort William as the, Lake Se- perior terminus of the Pacific Raelway.. The annorincerrient that it is mere prosperous, and grov.vipg quickei, then 1 'A- MOSQUITO LULLABY, 1 Not a Patent Medicine For Sale or To Rent _Wide UWe skestarbug hushabee; Mother will rock him; don't you cry. knOW Yen are hungry, my little eweett With DOWD% to drink and se little to eat, Wes settees ere tOugh, and their bleed la *fn. But the. citr fOlka Ern Will Im Toning in - RA" flttte buezerego bye: UUih Uttiu skeeterbuie husbabye; Think of the eummer time; just you try. Chubby old ladles and thin out boys, Plump little children and--loy of joys! - Fat little babies, all fresh and ;tweet And juicy and lovely for you to Pa•ti Mob, little buzzer; go bye! Bush, little simeterbug, hushabye: Boon you'll be ready to buzz and tly. Daddy vrill sharpen your dear pttle bill. And mother will teach you to bite, she • will. lit1The they think we are slow and dumb. Rut we're not afraid of petroleum. Uush Iittle buzzer; go bye( Dare Rather Than Prevention. • % • j*J.t1 The Gay Gentleman -A bit o' raw meat fer a black eye, please, mister, The Butcher-Oo's got ii black eft? The Gay Gentleman -No one ain't -7 yet, but I've been on the Duet fer a couple o' days; an' I'm just genet' 'ome to the misause-Sketch. Tle Owed It to Birnocir. "Do you think I look well in this dress?" she asked. her husband replied, "who made it?" • "'did but I'm afraid"-: "My dear, I never eaw you have on a more becoming gown than that one Is. ' By Jove, you leek, so Slim and "Eraeetill and young that I can hardly realize we've been married seven years!" • . ' . "Oh, Alfred, do you really mean that? I believe I'll make all my clothes after this.": . As soon as he could deeently get away Alfred went out and treated him- self to several of the .best cigars he could find. -Chicago Record -Herald. coseNITorutunt,s Way. • ' • "I am going to Marry my employeree said the tylieveriter boarder. . . '"Ielit he ie: iteithee handeorne• nor wealthy," proteseed the dreasnialter. • knove," rejoined the T. "hut I guess there's nothing else for nie to do, I'm tired of ha ng hin) dictate te'lile; and'after marriage I'll •-sbow' him Wee dictatieg should' be doue."Cotinnbus Dispatch.' meet *knelt. "It's funny .how ticklish- woniee axe, Isn't it?" Now, I brought a feather bonie the other night, and if...nearly 'tickled my wife to death." - "Why, how did teat' happen ?" et gave it to her. It was an �s- trieh : feather." -Catholic Standard and any other city in the middle west, is Times. prooe of his foresight and wiacicen. The meet impottaut divisional pouit, on the Grand Trunk Pacific. between 'Winnipeg tied' ,Eclmontore. will he lo- ca,eed on anew townsite purchased, end' being built' up by the ;Railway Company on ,section 22, torehship 21, range 25 west of the second neeridiain From there tbe line Wiltrun northwest to Edmonton, pressingeskatoon about four miles ' outside of the city withets main line: . • . Thousands of applications are being made • by teachers in all parts of the united kingdom to take part hi the ex- eqrsions to •Canadaalla the United States being arranged for ehe cotning fall and reinter.' 'The officee.ef Alfred Mosely, who is . making • the . arrange- nienteat that ead, are daily beseiged by Applicents.' ..lineortunittely• only comparatively, few of those who:desire. to go can. be imeepted. About five hundred teachers, representing every elass from the kindergarten in'struetors • be moil • a la tile • a 1)! En ancleegreateSt universities, will 1 -tie - , tours, . The first perty, numberin about thirty, 'will sail on Noy.. 30,a,n •frorp then until elie. end Of March sixne ilar pertiea will sail weekly. e Benjamin 10. Davis, of Toronto, gets only 63.333011)) of the estate of his wife, instead of $10,000. As provided in her will, because •• he made the mistake of vvitneesing the will. The laW providee 1 that a will is of no effeet if witneesed• .only.by a legatee He was evidently ignorant .of• this provision. His wife owned a, 'Argo brick store and two dwellings on *Queen street N'eent,mi- lled et $10,000. She had *700 cash in the hank; Which elle bequeathed to her daughter, who hi not yet of age: As the matter. now stands there might SS well be no vill ,at all, and the estate will be, divided as follows : lekelier, $3,333 ;daughter, $7,360. The officiate ire the surrogate court office say this is the first case of the kind i» their react - teal -one- — e '' - -", . , FEW WILE ESCAPE. The torturing aches of corns. . He prepared, -the only Paieless enve is f?utnam's *Corn Extractor, 50 years in use and absolutely guetenteed. • .• • lit Tribune. • TheY,11 Neyee Make 117p. "A bride and groom in Fran& are planning to take • a lioneyrnoen trip In bati airshiD! "I hope,they haven't gparreleome Ws - positions." • • "Because I'd bete to hear of their •fallieg out." -Cleveland Plain Dealer. . Truth ..Conies • Hens° "I -guess," said tbe Wise 'old 'codger, "the public must be satisfied that I've been teething but an old fossil., for the pieet twenty years or. so." .."What led you to that conclusion?" "The fact that. I'm just b.egineing to 'realize that I'm not as young as I need do-be."-ePhiladelphie Ledger...... Her Need. "I do so dislike arithmetic," said Mrs, Burnes -Cache. .."1 Shine X shall have gtrndtflage.niaebiuea t� help me'keep track of my • bank ac- count." "No," replied her bosband gioemilye "What you want is a subtractibg .ma- chirie."-Washington Star. ' One of a Pew. leykere-Mywife seems topossess the bargain eonnter instinct. Pyker-So? Hykere-Yeee she can tell at a glance 'Whether a forty-nine cent article .has • • been marked down front 60 cente or up from 48. -Chicago /sleet. Depends Moots the VieWPOilst "So, Tommie, you wish to be excused from school this afternoon?" "Is your excuse it good one, or is it baseball?" tua'am."-Tolede-Blade... IIIYame1 Selentlflo Treatment ferOatarrh by Breathing Medi/ coded Mr. Ever since Hyoud bile been known, its formula has laeen given to phYtd. SLABS, rugg stormed, in fact, to all in- telligent people who could appreciate the true merit of the combination of healing gums, oils, and balearns, of which it Is composed. Many leading physicians endorse Hyontei and prescribe it for catarrhal troubles. In fact, quite a few of them use it themselves to break up it cold and prevent pneuroorna. They regard it as a natuial, yet scientific way of curing catarrh. 115101thatetohnire7g flyomei,delitroys 1111 catarrhal gerrne wheththeayePr°yekoetutilbit", nettle air passages of the throat and nose, soothes and heals the irritated mucous membrane and effectually' drives from the system all trAces of catarrhal poison. • No one stould confound liyomei with the patent medicines that are' advertised as catarrhal cures. It le as superior to them all as the diamoueleis more valuablelbam cheap Mess, ' The complete Tlyonne. outfit, cone eisting of a neat pocket inhaler, A medicine dropper, and. a . bottle of Hyornei costs but $1, and extra betties. can be obtained for DO cents, making it the most economical enethoil of cale ing catarrh, as ell ;is the most -retie PAlityoii cannot obtain IlYonlei of your dealer, it will be forwarded by rostage paid, oe receipt of. price,. Write today for consultation blank that will entitle YOU to services of our medical department without charge, The R. T. Booth Company, Hyomei Ithaca, N. Y. The Winnipeg TeIegra:m says ;--The first shipment of wheat frorn the 1006 crop has been received by the Lake of the Woods Milling Company. It comes from Plum Coulee. 1 The wheat was cut last Friday and threshed week later. The sample is an excel- lent one, being cleerand hard. It is a fine record for a country to produce wheat with less then 00 daysfrom time of sewing,. This is pteba,bly the earl- iest product that has been seen in a quarter of 9, century, • Make it . veryplain to your dealer that you know. there is no substitute for Perry Palle' Painkiller for exter, nal use from neuralgia, to a inoequito bite and inteepallytor all bowel dis- orders. • Pasturatm . Good pasturage oanbe had for forty or fifty heed head of cattle. Apply to Farm Foreman, Mr. MoMAJR11A.Y, Stapleton. ...44.,4;44441. Stray 'Heifer, A. two.year old heifer, red and white, a pig rine in left ear. Anyone giving inform- ation that will lead to recover will be suit- ably rewarded. WILL AND,ERSON, • tided Aubcen, o. 4. Thoro 'Bull tor Saie , ,Teteembseriber effete for sale 1 tliororigh Mead R1111, aged • one, *year,' roan in color,. sired. by Seen's Inieorted Slidrt•Horn Bull; ADAM, 'WEIR, lot 20, s:con. 4, Hullett. • 3 Short -horn Bulis for Sole. .Three good' y,oung Bulleefrom 10 to, 15 month's old; one roanand two redo, good quality. Come and see them, or write ED, J. WIEE,.01inton. Balsam Grove Stock Term Buns tor Sale. • Two thoro-bred Short Horn. bulls for sale. eglid: 2 ea years, both red with a little wYlite; eplenclid individual bulls of good pedigree, One by Biggins' Imported 'Fan- ny's Pride; the other by Sneirs Star of eforning. Will be sOld rees'ohable. • tf JAMES SHOBBROOK • : 1,ondesboro Notice. to -Debtors All persons indebted to the estate of the late Thomae Bell, arebereby totaled that be Barrie must be peid on or before the 13th of August. to either Messrs: M. D. MoTaggart or W. Brydone, and persons holding empty, oases or property belonging td said estate, are asked to return 911.MV, at once, to Ins late store. E. J. BELL, Administrator.. .; Pall 'Term opens Sept; 4th. triot 1 Amenities. "Mat isthat detective's greatest achievement?" asked one member et ; the police force. . "Gettbfg people to think he's a detee- 'tlee," answered the othere-111Inheapo- The authorities are trying to arrange for the distribution of the $11,500 IT, ward offered for the capture of the men Who held up it ('.P. 11. train in Britieh Columbia. $6,000 was offered by the Dominion Government, an equal amotrut by the railway, and $1,500 1-iy British Columbia. Seven .111011tite4epollee: ' who participated •in the capture cannOt aCeetit'GoVefirittrent.• rewards, ea British Coltunbia afficers have been pressingfor the whole thing. 11 )31 probeble that the O. P. 11.'s $5 000 will be distributed among the SeVen • InOtinted policemen, 31114 1110 remainder I among the Ilritish Columbia oflicers. • t leerfeetly Pamliber. i Minister -Are .you sure you know yotir catechism, ray boy? 1 , Boy -Sorel Dere's four ink spotir on . de front cever an' de back's tore ott I'd know it anyvvberee-ludge. Theittrgesteitulividrail %vote clip ever grown tin tile A utericapeenntinent was shipped Thursday trom iliUings, Stoii- 111)111, tO a lit ieon Wool firm. Tne eiip "Weighed 11500,000 pounds, and 44 ears were requited to carry it. '1 he owner refused an offer of 21 emits a pound for ' the %eon]. ,0 44,444,..-44-4.404,44. 2se will eey for the Row Era to MAY eubseilt, win Ore, or the ballthee Of this year ley kr the Ilew Era for the balance of the year, for new subscribers TORONTO, ONT. A High4rade School: The demand for our graduates this year is about tiventy times the simply. It nays to attend our college. , Vt rite today tor catalogue. • • W. J., Verner of Vilege MO A logandor , •Nature's Food wish to drew yotirattent ion ' to the . BOLAKINIST'fr FOOD, QUESTION . Almost , every week somethieg new • claims our attention, Mot:Wet Wow Won ' to stay, se they must be good. A few of the stayers are:* 'Fotee,lrint, litallaIrito,Orstpo Canada Plaices, Orange :Neat, and Shredded Wheat This Week we wish liarticidar. ty to Mention " Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuits, - on exhibit in our south window, consisting. only. of 'entire Wheat grain. ' Made light and short by mechan- ical shredding and thorough cooking. • Convinced, madomfiraldawshioimarroimaimaiimalorinsommilomismailioloommli W. T.. O'NEIL. 4111r, H1.113 GROCER House for Sale Ten rooms, with woodetted and etable hard and soft water, 400) Of land, nen. reltV loostee for pairtiOultiV. apply to Barn tor Sale, For Stile, a 4 bent bane, 24x40 feet, 16 ft walks- timber ad lumber sound- 'net the eize for horse or hay barn. 'Will be sold , cheep, JOHN STIRLING, °Linton. 1 House and Lot for Sale For sIde email houge on Rattenbury itreet wed, together with lot no, 696, being 11. quirter acme. Apply to E. BUTT, or Etc& office Clinton, Cottage tor Sale; exsalmkeim..• The cottage on Orate Si, adjoining the property of esbeeriber Is offered for sale OR reasonable terms. W. C. SEA.RLE. Also a couple of good briok Mere% ' House a,nd Lot tor sale House ad lot on Albert St. for side. The house is frame, with haleaore lot. eretell orators]. Of young/trees; bard and soft water -will bersoldow-eatirterrae. -(IFIARLES 14% COOE House for Sale The large cottage on Queen street, be- longing to the estate of the late IL Holmes is offered for sale. The lot is one-half acre, with bearing. trait treea, hard • and soft water, A Wagtail. Apply at NEW ERA office. House tor Sale House and lot on Queen St., at present °coupled by undersigned, is offered for sale. House Domains 9 rooms, •the lot is half -acre , with being fruit. trees, gcod well, stable. Wel be solo on reasonable terms. Apply on the premises, or at Elevate Shop, Rat - teatime, St, A, E. TURNER. • . Good House for Sale: Subscriber offers for eale his large and comfortable frame house on Albert Street. The house hes every convenience for ordae- ary limey. Good cellar; hard and soft water on the lot; three-quarters-of-anetcre of land; bearing. feint trees, also good stable. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Clinton, Mole 30tb A. WiljEBN For Sale or' to Bent .: Lob 15, Con, 13, Hallett, (150 acres) is -offered for oaleror for rent. Possession to be giyen at the aloes of the current year. For partimilars apply to W.. BRYDONB, Clinton. , • Farms tor Sale on:Attrat la-851114745:ii e feet :tn. coci asesiso !roamsituatedtugti are offered for sale. This it the finest pas- ture- land, without exception, in thief neighborhood. Roe partioplars enquire in the first place by mail. Joni,/ Thiessen, Box 586, London. . Farm for. Sale. Subeoriber offers for sale his farm of 103 acres, being lot 31, 3r4 ow. H. R. S. Tuckbsmith. All cleaned and under cultivat- ion except 3 acres ; all but 18 acres in grass. Frame bouse,.bank barn hay barn, and other outbuildings. Bearing orchard. Good water. Sehoolhemse on the premises. 6 miles to Seaforth ; less than 6 to Clinton,good roads. WHITFIELD °RICH, Clinton. Farm tor Sale. Subecriber offer* for sale his farm of 100 acres, being lot 24, Con. 2nd, Stanley, All clearee but 10 acres. Brick bowie, bank barn 40x80. cement silo, 14x30; one acre'of Orchard and small 'treats, 2 never - ling wells. Driving houses, pig pen, hen hone). Five miles from Clinton and three from Lrucefield, on good gravel roads. • ArttEleT NOTT, . • Clinton P. O. Choice Farm tor Sale Snbeeriber -Were for sale his splendid farm of 96 sores on the ESEP) Line, being north pert of lot 2, Maitland Block, Hallett Good briok house, barn sod all neoessery outbuildings; 35 scree bath; farm -well wa- tered end in good condition. 2 miles from A.ubnrn, and one mile from the proposed' C.F.& station, . JOHN SPRUNG. An. burn P,O. . • PROFESSIONAL 111-1ENRY BEATTIE' (Saceepsor to Mr OP Sesta BARRISTER, SOLIOrrOlt,*e. (UNTO I • Offloe.--Elliott Bleck, formerly egottpltol. by Mr Scott, MONET' TO LEND • . W BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTAit'ir PUBLIC. ETC* Of-ANTON 4.444444444 RIDOUT HALE CONVRTAITOBRII, COMMISSIONEtte, Real Estate and Insurance Agent Money to loan CAI, TULA JOBB mmoula • Medix;a1 Ors. Gunn Zie Gunn, De. W. Guns*, Ulf. (I. r.t Br, sit. Nisbet soma, M. 11, 33,1). Eughtag,. L. IL U. 1*., LoudOn. egioe-Ontario Street, Clinton, Night calls 54front door of °Mee or residence, Ilattenbnry • Street. DK. J. W. SHAW. AsecneheuPrB-7e1Sei_ueicAiliNc'eBaCraBd614?elleidence01) tarlo 811., yo.pppro.sitpepElootogituaob leihnutorculf6fnotr.raerl! oa KLIv1,41. TI-IOMPSOIv ci'l tits • Rye, Eel., Throat and 4ese.. • Milo° and Residence. ' Albert StreeitS Blocks North of ButteiraisurY G. W. Nanning Smith, N. D., C.M. pascsI0I4N su,K4E01i. ° OFFIUE-Main Street, Hayfield, formerly , eeeneledgbe lere Pellister; . • DR. F. AXON DENTIST (Successor to Dr. Holnsea) Specialist la Crown aud, Bridge Work. Graduate of tbe ef Dental Sur - Scores of Ontario. Honor graduate of 'University of Toronto Den- tal Department. Ctraduateoi Chicago college of Dental SurS"04 Chicago. Will visit Bayfield every Monday. 4444 Dlt. II. FOWLER DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S One. Special care taken to make dente Ire Emit tal painless as poiseiele. W vi Auburn evbry fdolWaT. . Miscellaneous. 1 ADES tA3tW13ELL, LORDIAosolto, sSUER Oa MARRIAGE LICIDNFain • Be witnosees required Money • Private' funds to loan at fyi per dent mad UP - Ward s - W. BRYDONIG, • ,GEORGE ELLIOTT eLti.srremr, ct•Nr., 'Licensed. AuCtioneer. • Fenn sales a Specialty, ;;TEnalls REASONABLE. Orderleft at the NEW ERA.411-1-5e' promptly attended to, THOMAS • GUN DR Live stock arid geneial Auctioneer, • GODER101-1, ONT.. Farm stock sales a specialty. Orders left at blaw. ERA ojlice, ()Wiwi, promptly attended ' to. Terms retsonahlet Fatiners' sale notes discounted, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSuED„DY 1 Clinton. -. j. P. BANKElt, DIUNTuiv, (MT • Private funds to loan on mortgages eat best onerent rate,' General Banking buinneets rensectedtall Interest allowed on "depoeits. Sale notes botight . Farm tor Sale 20i) acre farm in ntot wawanoil, lots 31-31e Con. 2. First -Wass soil for grain or grass, well dreined, web fenced, spring creek runs all year, 15 aches good bosh, 2 acres orobarcl, bane barn 60 x 65, with sta- bles alecement, good sized hay bare, large implement house with pta stables under, good sized frame house, kitchen end wood shed attached, 2 good wells, 2 miles to An. burn, 6 to Blytb, i5 mile to echo]. Terme reesenable as (meet wants to retire, 1-1. THML, Auburn p41et Farnt for Sale. 'IWO hundred and thirtydive acres, situ- ated o Bayneld Road, Goderuit Tp,, three- quartere-of-a-mile Irani Clinton. Soil hi exeellent condition having. beet ell under grate, forfeve year4..oniondid..grabLer gras lank -Well drained. Five sicre,a hardwood bush and excellent orchard. One barn, 52x74, with stone stabling for 12 home and 35 oattle; pew barn, 3i:1e 54, with gilt) end stabling for 17 cattle. 'Large Imola. went house and pig pen; power and pump- ing windmills; large trwe hotne; two geed eras' end rutting Water at rear of ram Appb, to MRS, ALEX, Al 111SEWE1, ()Waft P,0,, or Lot 28, Con 2, Stanley, • Farm tor Sale, Being let 20. (nn. 2, iLlt.S.,'Tuckersmith containing 100 acres; good brick bowie, with cellar, two good barna, steno stabling underneath;large hen home and inviter:lent sithial4.40reff best( end 2 acres of-firet-elass orehard. ted in the wify best 10daiity in the county, convenient to °hurter and echoolit, mace from Seaford) and 5 from Clinton, with good gravel roade. •It• IS in ilret-oless con- dition, and will be Bold shear and OA res. eoheble termite as proprietor le (Ming Was*. Apply on the prenifeesor to LEVI STONG Clinton, G. D.,McTaggart M. D. MoTaggart, eTaggart Bross BANKERS ALBERT 87,7 —CLINTON General Banking Etsalnesn• • trimsaeted • • • DIfic011NTs7c1 • •Drafts issued. Intereet allowed on • depoelts. ..• The McKillop Mutual rtire Insurance Co. Ftartn and Isolated Town !ropy arty Only Insured. OPF/CERS. ' J. B. McLean, President, Kippen; Thos Eraser'Vice-pies., 13rucefield;2 Thos. 1E, Hays, Secy. Trease, Seaferth; DIRECTORS. ' Jas. Connelly, Porter's. Hill; John Watt, Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton. M. Chesney, Seafottli; J. Evans, Beech- woon; j. G. Grieve, Winthrop, j. Ben- nevveis, Brodhagen, Each Director is inspector of, lottes/he his own localit AGENTS Robt, Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchlei Seaford); James Cumming, Egmond. ville; J. W. Vete Holmeoville. - J. RIVE, • jjo Tuner, Nib:. 23, James St„' south :of the R, C, Chttrch. Drop postal card when you want piano timed. Advertase .tr the NEW EMI IEADACH Neundgla aitd blervistiossa mei et e frol AJAX 1002#74.411rattli tobteirtdearitteloa litre:Ma „