HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-10, Page 7istr1-• • August 10, 1000 Best Kidne'y Remedy bon To Science For pain in, the back -- scanty urine—highly colored urine — irritated bladder -- irregular bowels—bad. stomach — there is nothing that will bring s.Uch quick relief and so certain a cure as VRUIT-A-TIVE,S. These marvelous tablets are nature'e =gaud remedy tor irritated or weakened kidneys, They act directly on the kidneys, -soothe the irritated membranes --clean, heal and strengthen the organs -and help them to new vigor with their work. Often kidney trouble is not due to any orgauic defect in the kidneys. If the bowels are constipated -if •the skin does not throw off the tissue waste at the body -then these impurities are carried to the kidneys. In a vain endeavor to rid the sygtem of impurities, the kidneys'are overworked -the befod vessels aredilated-the uerees inflamed. That senses a- host a kidney troubles. on "Feurr Liven Tamers" not only heal and stremgthenthe kidrieys but they also increase the action of the skin, and act directly on the liver, thue curing the co.nstipation. 1R1:11T-A.TIVItS are the natural and legt-* cal cure for all kidney troubles. They en. made of fruit and tonies-are pleamiat to tai.. -e. -and a guaranteed curt when faithfully used. recera box or 6 boxes or Se.r. Sent on pt of price if your druggist does not handle -them. IFSUIT4-TIVES MITES - OITAW/4.. .110.,,a1../mmissloommomoimmon. Almon. VOTERS' LIST 1906, Municipality of the Township of Hullett, County of itteiron. • . " Notice is herebY given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in;sectioris 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Aet, the coP- ies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Aot, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munieipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assem- bly and at Municipal Elections: and that the said list was first posted up in my office; at Londes- bore, on the 3rd day•ofAugust, 1006, and renrains there for inapectibm 'Electors are tailed upon to examine the said list, and, if ane omissions or any other errors are found therein. betake numediate proceedings to have said errors corrected aecording to law. Dated this 3rd day of Atigust, 1006. . JAMES CAMPBELL, . . Clerk, Voters' List, 1900. . _ Municipality of the ' VOirn of elinton, in the Countyof *Mewl.. • • Notice Is hereby given that 1 have transmittecl or delivered to tbe persons ineutienedin sections 8 and 9 of "The Ontario Voters,List Act,!' the copies required by said sections tq be go deliver- ed or transmitted of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appeariaq bY the last .re- • vised Assessment Rol/ a the said MiznicipitlitY to be entitled to vote in said municipality at elections for Members of the LegislatiVe As- semb Y and at. Moon:anal Eleetions: and ;that the said list was first potted up .in m effilee,..nt Clinton, Friday. July ffith, "1006, -and Minains' there for inspection. . . Electors are called upon to eyed -nine 'said fist and if any omissions. or any other -errors are found therein. to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors correeted aecording to Dated at Clinton, the 27th day of • • L. MACPHERSON. • Clerk of said mueicipalitY. • . SHALEDZENDStiS addressed to•.the under,. igned, and endorsed 'Tender for Supplying Coal. • for the Dominion Buildings," will be received at • this Office until Thursday, August 16111. 1996, elusively, for the supply ef Coal for the Putdie- Buildings throughout the Dominion. "- • '" Combined specification and forni of bender can be obtained on application at this offict. Persons tendering' are notified t-at..teriders will not be considered unless made onthe.print- ed form supplied, .and. signed tritli`• their.actual signatures. '•' • Each tender must be acconfeatilea bY bn ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank, made it.my-• able to the.order of the B000rable the Min ste'r" of Public Works, equal to Peeper cent (10 p.c.) of • the amount of the tender, whiehwill be ferfeited if the party tendering decline to enter ink, a 000 - tract when called upon • to do so, or if head. to • conaplete the work contrileted.for; Iftheniender be not accented the cheque will be returned. - The Department -does not bind itself to•secept the lowest or ani tender. ' BY order, FRED GELINAS, • . SecnotafrY. Department of. ftblie Worsk, • . Ottawa, June"22, 1906: - • Newspapers inserting this acivertisenientivith-• out authority fromtite Department, will not -be paid for it. June 29,6-11 . . - • • • VOTICE 10 CREDITORS. • In the'matter of the Est,ste f ThornaS 13911,.. late of the Town of.1 intim, in the County' or Huron, teutedealer, deceased. • - • Notice ei hereby given purteme t- to Seo. 53 'of, Chap. 141 R.S.O. NM, that ail Persons lieving .elaims against the estate. of the said •Ther.Ms deceased, who died on or about the 3211L day .of July, A.D., cffif.iti, are required to -send, by post, ,prepaid, to the 'undersigned • solicitor or to the unnersigned 'administrator Ott or before the Ilth day- of August.- 1306, their :zanies and addresses with.full particu.ars iu writing ef their claimsoaridstatement of their Amounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified' by statutory deela. ation. . • AND TAKE NOTICE thataf.ter. the' said Ilth dal of August, 1306,satd administrator will p: 6 - nee 1 to distribute the assets of the•said deceas- ed among tip perties entitled thereto h.,(Ving regard ooly to thA claims ot.lithich he shit: thin have come the and -eat& administrator will not be liable, for said asses- or- any. tart th reef tri any pe son er pers TM of wling claim notice. rhall not have been -received by him or his sate solicitor at -tee. tieno of b1.1011 .ffistrihn Hon • : Dat d July 201h, 1906 • W.. 4.111tDONE, EDWARD BELL, Administrator BOB -otter The Signs cif. Heart Trouble Tot can Surely Secure Heart Health and Strength through Dr. Shoop's Restorative. newt weaknest which can be dealt with at 0811 is nerve weariless. Just as Yolir band tram - Wee when its nervo4 are Weak, whon yoiir heart ,netveg ore Weak your heart titittere and What - totes. s, Other glans are Abele:less of breath snot ,slight exerelse: fainting spells; paln or tender* sees Abdul:. the .heart enticed bY Irregular heart- sweion; choking Sense Mon as it the heart wee IA the throat: uneesysennatioa in tha retest, showing that t the heart !gel 4rorking right: pate when you Ile ,oh one side- usually the left ✓ ide, but fre, quently this right, pelune.a n a difficult breathing; smothered at trolin g. Thereits ale ',alertly ore ly one wast c treat ft weak heart. 'What is tobringbaek onotaral and eerrattnent .etreneth te its , ... nerves. Con You )1 et 1 agine,how atii.:t ething elks can 116 donet Dr. Sheep's \"./ will bring book the N• , 2 strenea to the beset terves a „ lways. There Is nothing hi • thin reMedY to %thine. Jat;nothing that leads to reecho. The faremith that it gives is natural atm permanent. It is lust the same streneth as Nato t trivos to those who are well. i Dr, fiboop,S ItbiltOrative creates strength which, f extelidts overthe whole Inside fierVe IsYsterib'.1t PetWOOrneti the Muse of the trouble as well al oba tota1t4 For Rale end teememencled la/ W. S. R., HOLMES, 10iittii tURTI-Es ExPeNsive, Mow* 'Omer Are coistalst end How tug aro /Oomph* *utile "Th. flab of the green turtle erten Mop 00 a pearild," paid an iiyster fleeter. "into :lett meat comes to us from the coral reefs of the West In. OW "The turtle' are ea:tight in nets ;moult the rocks. Ibey are very care- fully brought north. They are deck pamsengere at first, but as the weather grow a cold with the ship's progress the,' are Penned in warm rooms below ...regular otateroorns. 'It's a different treatment that they get, atone!, at the natives' hazels. If ii nativeis bringing turtles north he nails them fast to the deck by their Sippers. Strange creatures that they ere, they appear to suffer little under smell oruel treatment. "The ealipee and calipash are re- iliectiVelZ, the flesh from the breast and the back ot the 1.,:aeo turtle, tide bits which, I have heard epicures say, are unequaletj in the eaeth beneath, the heavens above or the waters under the earth. This :meat la superlatively rich, delicate and tender, . , "Live green turtle tetelleSMilOilfiP.;,- from a dime -to 'a quarter, 4 ponied, What utakea the meat so expepsive 1:i the end is tbat out of a 140 pound il'ii you'll only get two pounds or eallei e and one of calipash. "Several times when there has been a tight turtle market the chore of mil- lionaires and of certain extravagaut hotels have offered me $1 a pound fer live turtles. At that rate year calipee and calipash wouldecome to quite $50 a pound." • LleHTHOUSES, The First of Them Wag Clne of the World's seven Wonders. The Ars% lighthouse of whice there is any record in history Was built by Ptolemy Philadelphus about 1,10(1 B. C. It was a tower on which wood fires, were kept blazing at night. •It was built on Pharos, a small Island in tee bay of Alexandria, and. was one of the'. Eleven *wonders of the world. It is int interesting feet that the modern French and Spanish names for lighthotuie-the one being phare, the other faro -still preserve the memory of the 1S11811(1 where where the first attempt ,at seacoast...11.; lumination was located. ' The ruined tower in Doter castle, England, erect- ed-abent A. D. 44, is claimed by! some autherities to have heee bulit for lighthouse, upon which • an ,enormous 'woed fire was kept burning, • The lighthouse on the seuthern.ene of the island of conanieut, at .tbe mouth ef. Narragansett bay, is said et' be the oldest iii the United Stas. Tho present structure is comparatively modern, but the first olie wiis erected In 170, And for nearly 100 mem pre vIou a iyietalitoWer, With heifcan fiee, had existed at the same point. " The - bears the odd neme of 'Beaver Tail, VileeePUtileee Pertioa of Conanicut shaped Sometheer like a beiver, with . tali pointing southward, and 10 earlY times was known by that name, the 'tise) ext.remi- ‘tieS being ca)led, head and Clever Rubinstein. ' The Italian teller Mareoni OUCO. made . visit to itublesteixi, during which the lattee's 'little sow celiac' tripping eagerly. -into the muile Main -and sake "This is May reste, papa, and I. want a present." "Yere" well, my son e what it ihe?" •1`A: waltz, papa,7e new waltz all !for myself., end Awe," "What an impatient • little eon it is!" exclaimed the :great reusielan. "But .ief course You than have,yeur gift; Ilere it.is. 'Listen! And for yox.p" turning to the distinguished• etener, '"e will play my elierde " seems- lecredible," says Marconi, ." • then and there r witnessed and heard .a most remarkable phenonaenon. The maeetre improvised •and played a - chnrmitag waltz with his left handetler. eing me at the same time. With his right the splendid °torture." • In the PUloree The ;Pictures:Clue, but meisteiellebiie pinalshroent lipewn as, tbe "pillory" has long -been a -thing of 'the past in Eng. .land. A -Man was made -to stand Ilea frame en it platform, probably With ,bis nead:and bends fasteited through hofes in pieces of wood that were then padloelted•to, keep them firm, and thus ,to remain et stated perlop while the ;crowd gaped et or even pelted hire. "The last tline" known that a man wait . keilliorled wee. tylied.I'eter James Bossy wits punished for perjury, eezie 22 IS30e.1,1.ondou -elate . TER MANTON NEW BRA OPERATION AVOIDED mopes or THE MOMENT. IOXPERUEOCE OF IIISS MERKLEY $ha was Tow That as Op�railon Was InOvItabla. How Sho- pad It. When • physician tells a woman suf. feting with eeriont feminine trouble that an operation lj aeceasry5lery thought of the knife and tne operating esaie ptries terror to her heart, and our hoopitals are full of woolen owing for not such operations. • liaised ribbon embroidery gives a - teach of auprenie elegairce ou silk or cloth Eton or empire jackets. GOMA of ellk gauze striped with satin are often accompanied by little enxbroldered boleros of taffeta the colOr of the Satin *stripe. Iturtimerable princess or one piece frocks in figured organdie arid other forms of muslin appear, lace trimmed and allowtng insertions. I Quite the newest thing in colored seeable is the gowu of plain tint with a flowered; border. 'Very quaint and ebarming effects may be produced In these softly colored fabrics. Bright eoloree silk Jackets are a strong tancy of the season, with white cotton or lineu gowns. They are ac- companied bY bats, parasols, girdles or sashes and often sbom and stockinge .0f-tlie same _order, It looks now as if skirts might be. come as fussilled rs aw at prise. ent before mauy' meaths. ' Loug have hail it strenuous use, and the vogue of the tunic is inee.asing, not decreasing, Overekhe semi:lance:4 very plentiful mune smart taninir walking skirt's, iffargrel Ifrkrkiejr There are eases where an operation is the only eesource, but when oue Con - skiers the great nuraber of cases of menacing female troubles cured by . Lydia E. l'inkbam's Vegeteble Com. pound after physicians have advised operations, no woman shored submit to one without first trying the Vegetable Compound. and writing Mes. Pinkhara). .Lyrin, Mese., fer advice, which is free. Miss Margret iNlerkley, of 275 Third. Street, Milyeaakee, me writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkhaen: "Loss of etreegth, extreme itexvonness, shooting pains through the pelvic .oteetna bearing -do' pains and cramps Compelled me to ,seek medical advide. The doctor, after making an examinatioa said I had a female trouble and ulceration and mdvised an operetion. To this I tronely -objected ane decided to try Lydia ID, Pinkkanee Ve- getable ConepourA. The lake t re a quickly healed, all the bad symptoms. desappehred and I am once more strong, •eiaorous and Well" ' Female troubles are steadily on the Increase among women. at the monthly periods are very painfuleor too frequent and exce.ssive-if you have pain or swelling low down in the left side; 'bearing -down paine, dot '1 neglect your., lei: try Lydia E. Pialaram's Vegetable visotierops. • • xneteorolegiet 'leas nudertaken tire :laborious task ofei-aeasuring theelimen- eions of raindrops. Ile finite that' the, •Iargest are abetit one-sixth of an inch iota the smalleet one eevetelemdreth et ; an Inch, diameter. 'They are larger tn summer time in winter and larger.** trot than in .celd climates.. The size fat the drop. whet it reaches..tbe earth di-- trends:oh; tile.:`:eeight from which it elm fallen. Windualls and Lightning. ' ' Out of 10,000 F11(18881118 end Orarela sPires, • 5000 o( 'Cade tiftyeiwo • of the wlndmllls Will lie Ririlek:!.iy lightning to only thirty-nine of the church ttow:. Our Oldest Clark Ilz'actorY. The oldest clock factory in the ;germ - try is at Greystone, Com). It 'WAS built th 1800 and still stand on a plain-. , . sque site by e a o eneoc ' Many a Woman is Taking Headache Powders who oughtto be taking livein. The kidney' are making the • heed ache, .ehey are not dotag their work properly - oot purifying the blood -not richt- mg the system of poisons. ihilliP Tbese impurities stagnate the blood -irritate the nerves - and bring the headaches that IUG 14 so many wOmen suffer with. AUG, 17 irso 22 inc THE GENTLE KiDNgY•CURE takes away the beadoellea because they tale peeray the I • poisons in the kidileys, They act directly on these vital organs, strengthen Ana heai, reduce the inflannuatiOn-and get. _the headaches becauce I • • they remove every trace of 1 Xidney Trouble. At dreggistie THE 01.401,IN pnemicaL Co., lamitsm, I WINDSOR, Oter, Nevi SHORT STORIES. Gold can 1)0 drawn into wire 440 line that 5f.10 feet . w:71 ouly weigh oitf. 1 grain, . . . The world's lareeet prune orchard - lu Los Gatos, c.11.--ciertaine elyeei trees and yieldq an' mama! pruiA 0: $50,000, • ' A new slang pima, e of auttnuti';ili.:•Le. used to eall it billt On ini0 Whn 18 b '::1,1 too talkative, is, "like:, -threw ill ••'-• ••• . - . reverse them?" " • - Asbestue is flexible, neneoneneetre:• and a notwonduetor of heet• mei te ,..- trieityl, lend on •theee • in•operthke .11.4 le- ereasIngeute depeudie ' . . . . A. rick deposit or I tire *Ala trret'a rl.tIo has been discovered. •e,11 a fl.ti.i;) ..la • .Poultney, Vt. -TiCs Is. the. t•-ecoutt t:;,.... .covery of this kind •ttf. reete la the ke,. cleley. It is proposnei to odou a quarry at once. . • 13lie highest known 7.-otocli:r of move. merit' fole•Wiitee'enclea•groteul-nof flow-. lug in a subterranean. etream, "but Tier- odiating through the 84011,1e lel feet in ' twenty-four boara. It has • paset.sa tbrough gravel tit that rate near 'Tue. • • . PI_AYS AND PLAYERS. - . • . . -Charles A. Stevenson, _wbo for .eleht Yeats has been 'Aire. "Leslie, ,pleoesditliaogn. unite ee.cebtly ele8t • •Charlike A. 'Begelow-. Ime-heen 81./geed• 'by F. Ziegfeld, Jr.. to be. the Fri:teem-1 comedian with „Ilene. -Yield. In -the eetev rauileat wheel- se'.'. - • • • • p . . • _ . 'STlola .Alleteite to, play. ;in -eng,a,4eineig. - ter, the Astor, in Times ewe: euteee the wee., 3ireeenilee 411. elaborate , • ...Edney. 4., Eetiewe:e exed,'1aeseeift Prince dr tieeI-fra'illIA'. 11;t,,' • flaw, New oa tie. drama tie VO).iiitil by ,1, 1. C,-cittP,r 07 (4611VrIll 101.1 ,•:-: • "lieerythire• 111 I.eielo 1 •:we le.eiye iieeni)1 to be t ' (1 11106 oary eve tieele plav that has bee...I k.0;;i:: all is laineetee 11:ttuse 11.1 b oo . Eli Terry, who eseabiliihefl,the welch is . k factory, was the first oae, to ;make . • • American- elocks In large quantities. slam; State •cvas a cotton producing tountry 2,500 year§ ago, . i;ctinsiett. PaneleSe • eVer Melee Shateespeareef tlale find VerhtiriS for age before; .1yqfore; 'hare •• been symb,olie of 'thoughts •-or temere- branee. Two or three poets, 100 years earlier than Shakespeare, 'mention tila dower 118 havin •this •mbolisna • • • • • tinektele St'etiaiwkenit. . Buckle devoted nearly twenty years, to • the.. collection of materials for his "History.. of :Civilization" He • wrote oni . -a portion of the Introdzetien, whieh remelue a greet 1.110111MOOf tO his lite ra and p hi loeoph I cm I teachingts, If the work had:been finished on the , same esegle • as lie'gun, 1® volumes! Would' not have 'sufficed. • roar Leaved Clover. rn some warts of Ireland the pre%eti- ,tation of 11 four leaf clover by a young Man to a young woman is conaidered • equivalent. to "popping the quegteme." • Rotonnoe, Versos Reality. °web:Wet-Whet became of that pret- ty Mtss Dreamer Who used to deelares she would never marry until a hand - ;sane knight rode Int° toter" on a fierce tthatgor with a glittering sword by bis •side and Claimed her for his own'ii Miner -Ole after breaking lute tho spinster. class she was married to a . man who drove two thargers hitehed a milk wagon, .alad Rho did remarkably well 'fit that • ... • . I• . . • ' • Venezuela. . .. The summer eetteon in Venezuela :ias'ts from. April. ' 0, :Whiter season lasts from April to No= . !venthei... lire climate of the terroperitta eutee• of the ,eotintry is the finest la • •South Sinerlea.: the most equabi . -. a . the moat: seine.riouti outelde of Pere. tette women of Voeeznola are �'e -Spanish type lied are celebrated for Theo beautyeTeri language oe -the email. C iftrela.Snaelsh., e t , . And Site Went '"efaitima has just germ across the street, ma'am," said the demure little slie.year-ola to tile miler. "Did site say • when she'd be back?" asked the lady. "Yesem" e- as demurely as before -- "just an Neon as you had gone, ma'am." . His neat Sett. ."When did yon ilrst becolne ae- qurtlated With /our husband?" "The first time asked hilt for Money after we were raerried.4' nerionswonotaatittotattetaattotwnisztrov. Ali Women shield(' assist Nature at those tithe when the system is upset the nerv. cies tote low anti a feeling of de. pression or languor exists. An ex. I perience of over go years warrants .; the statement that no medicine 1 gives such prompt relief as - Beecha.nts The great error is placing such an ee• • testate on this lite as if our heitigdo vended on It and we Were nothing att. er.deetht-„lioneseitu. Cook's Cotton Root ,Cotopotatt - The greab Uterine Tonle, And rimy safe effeetual. Monthly. ItegulateronNyhteltWorneeelet depend, Sold in three de_grace 06 etrongthe-No. I, ell No, 2, 617,0 cidesgtectsiatttitioneigiirtaptip.teorrNfr, • 1)1 Dopier on roe° pt ot ritee pamphlet. Aedreste. Tee C Keett1101110000T6110$110,40. (fOrtortiS Wttursoi • . E.TC[eii • , • . Coetrillntreie to the -leondiet ereleieS -are 'as id :3e:5 M. 001 :: en). - • . • • recoed .bieet knee:jet:le gh tee rro 1. in- the dint ter emoal of tile, in roe. • ho Lel, leondou, le reeel intelee square reed hall! 'fp Inch theett. • • Pupils in 18t' English 11$1,1 )011,13 .i01.1001i4 1110- 108111g twee:et .the A14(80(8411 least oat saluting Yee Line. ilut thee do eo • on nationai nut VerStlriVA ouly. For the he:;:edesigue -for the laiSe•kg playing earetelnustraiing the. elset of the Pi ince*. 4.1 81 levinerei 'or Walee te India, the Coneenny- of Makers .01: Pine- ing C'etels. Lomelon, offers a prize-a:tele. A. Louden flee/het made *a norelpro- eoea 1 of netrel iteee. • lie fekl ill• lone evi th an eltierly.poeeket who ordered aeekt te," 6181048 teeth five • hen, When the. I.00111 -wore •iielivere,1 the .W01)18411 nofit ' 1 .engriwed.eat tlie• plate whieh held the teeth. . . • • The mellt peeVers nee energetieally• eoiteltions that they any eeiver existote-Peelda •liolders' of bffiees Itmesia Remota restma. but a' good many of them die,--febieueo Ilecerd-Rerald, . P.• said 'the t•I;orenlykin walks ,for eXereelete • Ile vrill fortunate if he 'eloeen't have to rurefor safety, -Et. Nati 8.;j • Jouentri. - The trusee must begiri to speetb MIS time that afte'r :all 'they 'are not tlieSOIA otenere Wei free country,: Sobeilhody points 'With pride to the alleged.'setet -that clue .'womert seldom get divoteed. elf eoeree not The..elub woman 110N/8 )/118lffille. to hey ne1r eeoWns anie. pay (lel) duee. itilACHINERY. write tuireeea * In ,the higlilands-'of Scotland at the present thrie -the osprey Melly makes its nest in the at top ot a Pine tree, but formerly it just as frequently se- lected a battlement or .a chlmuey of some ruin, generally on an island, The ne.it IS a pile of stieks as mechas four feet high and as Many broad -the. we, cumulation of really years -Intermixed with turf aud other vegetable matter, lined with finer twigs and finally with grass, mueli of it often egreen.-Glas- goev Times. "Did you pell .horses -to 'time° two euiiienners• yestereay?"re ask of our frieua the hoese dealer. eYes.'" ' , . "Make alithiller • . • --e"Orr of Jones-eees.". . ".Tone's? Why, ;loges was this one that said lie know about horses," • ea Iowa.. 'Ile was eesy. -The oilier. fellow (lidiet kriow a thing about them brought areumi three or fuer ee- pt‘rts before bewoald buy."' • , ' Sod. "Poor Airs...Wilkins: ,.'.4110 is so fib°. 1.8'1' weildo ro h,.ou r•;h:/1 11 it or iliseppohriment!" 'En1\111.0 way 't." : "rhe married that wealthy Old Wa- ttle: Mulct' the impreeslon that rie evert. tilers:it:0, end the doeter -says -I erAe•1,11.- Well." • • Ile. hfliit whel• 1L1ali0 y•411 Co euro the t yeiri bee we I gee o tee eel-eel:elle 8" Wieks-eileeamie 1 Velar 111188 ee et to, • ••• .,, • , : , .lit iseleee.' • • , etefid eon Dover," i1;:4o.:1 SOlt‘r0.01 nover-woot it 1111 So,t, 11-110:ie vere 1 ilea me 11 ox yin"' \%1h eneetierable feelings - wilose 141101 to 1181111 every ,fiber in. ;3•ou1t being•e! , • , "Ole • yea" rekiontlefi 'Mr.. fahlbatcli; 'of:you untan the' de1111;tt..” • etetevefteetelef, FARM LABORERS: To Manitoba and Saskatdawan .eirtiarrs 2 Ageing trip. under conditions fes loamy. t DA. Inaf.'n-,, Ststtioos south of, but not including roan line, Toronto to Sarnia, including. Toronto, Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stattone north, except north of Cardwell' Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. Front all points Toronto and oast to and including Sharbot Lake and • Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Day and Midland Divisions, One way second -elms tickets Will be sold to Winnipeg only. Representative farmers, speotated by Manitoba and Baskatchegait GOVeriliacnit, will Meet laborers on arrival at Winnipeg, lrree transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to Pointe where laborers are needed. A cartigeale 15 furolshed when eaelt ticket is purchased, and this certificate, when executed by termer, *hewing that laborer has Worked thirty days or more, will be honored freak that point for a second Wass ticket book to starting point in Ontario, at $18.00, prior go Noy. _let, le0e. Tickets will be issued to women as well tote roan, but will not be twined at half fare to children. - Valli* itre good only gm special Perm Laborers' trains. For fall particularises nearest O.P.R. tieket agent, or Write C. B. Fetter, D.P.L. 0.1),M4 TorOnto. ilestvittiertievaiasseentsaphatenalWereatesWiateli 1,4 • • A Boviing Aequaintonee., 'Two 3'ottng nien met a woman. and /one of them rgised his hat lennedia "Who was that Charlie?" neked 0186 •of them. "I don't 'MONS'," WAS the -44Illrtn'e know! 17ou'ullist: know, for you Talsed your bat to her." "Y•cs, init, yoo see; len wearine; nry bee -tiler's hat, and !be' knows heier • • - LI! MANHOOD The New Method Treatment of Dee: X. & X. has restored thousands of weak,: diseased mea to pobust manhood: No matter how many doctors have failed to cure you, give our treatnient a fair trial and you will never regret it. We guar- antee all cases we accept for treatment. Not a dollar need be paid unless cured for you can pay after you are e'ered. Drs, I, 8i K. established 2.5 years. We treat Varicocele, Nervous Debit. ity, Stricture, Blood'Dieetises, Kidney Badder and Urinary Diseases. If un- able to call, write for Question.Blank for Horne Treatment. Consultation Free. NOT A DoLLAR NEED BE PAID UNLESS CURED. fiSKNY ERAN 148 Shelby- 8 rectoOeENEDKGtit,Mias 4.9 ' • • metwootoweewase;wiewiriewle;te ce;264 ,,eZ ere' The Exhibition. That Made FOI Fairs rt./nous, . • • • An ideaLoc“ision for a family outing. - )aily..w_sccirs,iffils of a nayiga4re airship, '1.1.1/eile'S 1111dee- p,erfet ,ciontr pl. The niost wqriclerful. invet tion of the age. : • . . Roi.X., Venetian T3 11d5 .the. most celeloratd European. .rniiic.tl ori nization, Under: thc. r eat leader:, :Viet(yr, will give concerts daily. . ,Fi're.WOrk::; an a more inatznificent and imposing pri trx.ptrainr gtictulli:r:r‘eir:tu iya,11,1 o. ft e 701ahy -spleOdid cducatio.hai features for the hOys. and 'L 41•14;31), t Stol tan. 1 • • SE rr. 190(1,- 'aelkSsnstnsinvwenewansuawsnuW6mmvie 1)0 , . • '4((einttont.stale, its Wilhite varietx, Age eannot wither • • 1.906 Canadian NatiOtair. Exhibition . . . AvG• 17". 'TO R.9 N TO,. SEPT. to tli mat/lied. • • 'B1001M-Ify deli' feliikev vero reeed not . :thank me so profusely for a mere box. . UrER vers- Obut u gave MOOL'INSTRUCTIVE and 1009tE.ENITRTAINING THAtfIVER"' me (-igen, !elh, yome v't P . 41 box of litatehe4t with them, You re- ' ART LOAN F.X1-11BIT .• .;leafeltee i ever im..i. • . • AN..UNEQUALLED., enember, and thee were the . hest , 410pItio,SuEr TARNyl)ArNIAJTPTifT14s1XT0I-1011:2117.gtx* H• mil, : • .... •Werk; is .1101 hard:. it IsPs $?.yeg that: lele-LGNIFICIENT .1DITh...e ATIONL EXHIBIT OF PROOESES, SOP:;• ' ' • Wm afralli01: it . Pit r IN it won; en. The -fair hi the- TUCleg "RNef 108(8.8 IdIes,--ee It is not nil Pie- agave:II 1.111 if) en Y 118 .* "r! ruen spent!, bait of thter ee jetills.- tondo)) • , • le•ANUFAC rvitm, IN NEW -$100,000 BCILDINO. • . ' . Tile • inverse ree'effe.3raief fir AmiIi4101.1.1NtS EVER • I:MLitt:17SG' ' r EXxItESSLT PROM ENGLAND: • •• . 14 Ffi MA Ji HOUSEHOLD' BAND OF THE LIFE Gi.+ARDS ' "iVANHOE" WITU MCFMT T1LTERS .• No neeto-clate Canadian WTioll ami,idSiscitthhiSe gErgehaitbcirtioovkit,;1 co. 1,1„3 ate first weeg,... -8114,1 Lielit:-Cel. A. Itietallivray, 11 ('1 '..CW.P,1:_lt,t11..Y ON THE GRAND 2,LAZA (51810%).11.A.• AVI) r. J. 0, Orr, • 1•101.1.AI.J., .INFOID1ATION: APPLY TO- . latiqhitiEFF.• , • : '• MANAGER and SCCREVA:, stn•o;y ion!ot 181 .tit .47 1‘f anrtflt.• , . . citi? RAr,t,, TORONTO. er's potliewe *11.) )14.!R (1 848(11., • . - Anchor Here. • • This 141 Ills • port for High•class e';onfectioneey, and Paucy • Baking. • Have pet tried our Cakes and Eread, 16. not why- not? . , I eill9e491.7liES.-----. . . ,I . .• We earry a choice line of frui ts, I - ,steld otii• - Chocolates have im Nitride: • we handle (LANONG BROS' , or New .. Brunswick, and Beelien' WEleee'Se Toronto:, we leett them. all in ianey bee goodS.. • .- . . i • While out strolling (1081 't forget to visit out Ice Cream Parlor, we are always pleased to see and wait on , yort. Parley open &eine 7.30 toll p.tri. . . .. ' Lee eye weir*. , Our stock of high int Pitines •cf latest . NIMENZ eill`EvE I ease designs, and contai»inv, fines .i actions purchasable for money, See W. W. iviiiie...,0 (oiled orgiins. at IOW peicee. Instrue it 7. fi,...e. . ger c our very latest, styles of eweete • ownts , rented, tuned or repaired. Gramoplumessind musics in vitrusty at .3111SCIii "E?1411PROEITtIJJ11. Otbe Man 11,1 n pottery doeS a thou. These ril. en. all diseases and dis. tine man does..today the work of fifty iserreo or watery blood, such as Pallets. hand loom went era. Ilion, Skip Beats, Throbbing, Smothering, Dizziness, Weak tel'aint Spend, Anaemia, B *land potters' evork, orders ex sing from Weak heart, worn out ()lie man and tate boys do the Work ' eseaereeneepy 81,40p)ettoneflot rain rag one mall runnIng beeieebai tea. • They ars t1110 1184rt,:toaidt$ %torte fbeit eiegraphy of 1,100 band sptenere. „ .6eneral Debility anti Lask of Vitality. Phone 42 Clinton. The 1.14RMOUR School chime doeie the rork of 500 black. slit blood rizirlober, building Up and • Pi s smiths. regrowing all the nom out and misted And General Training for' • , One man at a hall maktrig machine heitith. Pries 00o. box, at $ 'US t • Be • y All modest:Tartest Sold Everywhere, • In boxeS 25 cents: Jove 'mien true, faithful 'and Welt itxod Is enlinently the satetifying ele. Merit of human life. Without it the Soli) Citailet reaCh its ftillest height or Asaii..0,..*8114.4W44,6 Comfort and independence abide with those who can postpono their dealresee Siteeenti Magazine, does the work 0.6 a thousand old tinie Allgualata. nail makers, 1 • 1 NIE YOU MARINO $2,003.22 A 1, "WhY. does 'Mrs, Smithers GU . Locating tbe !EAR? 18 is befag dose with ser-seeds.A.AcTIPIng?' kaid ille "'"e16128 NVolnan' vote 16 weasstnt, Dermal/eta 6.11d profitabie. "TilarTairt 'file really, serious qiies. loads used in every 'house, every esy. No fake, thin," answered Idiss CaYenne. "8114 18(1 180 need to create the demand, Legitimate, ,is merely 1111X1oU8 to o11gs. Why do reputable Vastness. You tan slot without a tOlit we eager auditors insist on encourag± of espilal. Write today. 0. lianSitei.t. co., leg b Wht.leeale Teas, and Coffees, 1.01(0018, 0:3f. er to gossip/"t-Washington Star. „ Realway Service, The'rieit-ntetitod of instraotion adopted by ties sehool haa proved a great idiocies. tellers graduate in thieshortest possible dni therefore et the leaet expense. Elneloyment provided at one°. ' Write for a free pamphlet Whieli will give Cullen fternetioe. Steroid room in Gorden Mock, opposite nos Office, the most desirable' loeation in the ettY itspootion of threseseeworkeeirdleitivited LA.IRMOURptratford, Ont Principal and IlistruciOr. formerly District Superintendent 0.11. April2Oth 0647, eagesimaldistmempereoloisteeirwereetorms 'COAL Before placing yomforders for your Season's supply of Ceal, get our 111.1009. The very best goods carried in sta.* and sold at the lowest possible price. Orders may be left:at:Davis • ,ftir Itettlantl's llardweee store, or • With ' ' ' • ' ", • , , ,...,,,,. ,,,, StorensOnoi Eieetita Light Ptants • •