HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-10, Page 3Auguot, 10„ 1906 DO YOU Seth • 111C01111? NQ SENTIME 8,6Hs. ulcer 01 Ilk • , Ono few0111trineens 1M*9 Me Nat 13e$ e01,11111; Dr• irikilliI;00 and You "1°7'4" "mPIT Caused b7 II4 °ell" Will be shown the Way. The elgh, which from time inunemo• $10111/1Ch i 1 In readlig over the list of the young ne e. Present. Fee More lereath, i rial and by all the poets whoever snag . king 9f SYRIA'S liandfiQini! /Ofte of Jew, J to Ms bride, Princeel /fine of Beta bite been regarded as a raatter or eau- . timent and connected with the ewe- Insidious Nature el the Plsentie timbers, said to exceed ;1,000,090 In tionsdeclaredby physicians to be value, it will be noticed that among , is . hyi as purely a physical phenemenon as Is -How to Ruceurtine and ure eIt. the sneeze or cough, A • well known Ulcer of the stomach may exist for Pea*, brilliants, saphhires, etc. -no years without very marked symptoms. Mention -is made of an opal. The opal THE CLINTON NEW ER& THE FATAL SPANISH OPAL Thousands are in UR) Baum boat— au sickly, billitale and feeling far from well. Trouble is, the system is dogged "With impurities which need to be ^-cleared away. Before downright sickness arrives you, should cleanse and purify the sys. tem with Dr. Hanailtoxes Pills. At once you'll feel their mighty in- fluence building op weak spots, cleav- ing out disealtie, and. putting you again am your feet. all the precious stonese-dieraondia Philadelphia doctor, speaking a this the other day, expialued that the sighe xcepting those caused by inligestu n hes always been considered an unlucky is nature's method of making oue take In good health, the stomach resists stone, and many instances have been a deep breath. 'When the lungs have the action of the gastro juleesbut given of the 111 luck attending its 4c-. i, been getting Insufficient air a sigh le When weakened, the membraate is bed. ceptiance, but the noted Spanish opal themeans by which they are replenisli. layerurished and the digestive fluide bus brought so many terrible cantle upon it as well as upon tbe food, 0 These purely vegetable pills change I ed, or when the air has been impure keeping up until perforation of the rop es wakeat It s dreaded your tired, worn -oat condition to one i the sigh which ens often. takes in step. stomach occurs, In advanced caSe$ of by the Spaniards above all symbols of ulcer of the stomach there is much dis• 111 lUck. comfort after eating, with a constant This opal was originally possessed gnawing between ineals, pain from by Alfonso XII. of Spain, and was e of the atom:Leh lati•k to the highly -valued by the-king,Aceordingly, of health and vigor, because they sup- I ping out Into the open Cllr Is from the ply the body with nourishing blood ! same cause. that builds up and enlivens the entire • The doctor admitted that people -Vahana .. Mr. John Whitley of StanwoodT"P7"mletim"-Isigh-fr°1°-°°11"-°1-et s on ei, ja e.. - on his wedding day be presented it OM'', Ham- mental III, but maintained that this is At the first symptom of indigestion. a ansoag other gifts, to hie bride, who 0 , out.. knows the merit, ilion's Pills, and says : 'all wouldn't be I partbabeeatIse it ties been accepted as treatment should at once be started alive to -day had it not been for Dr. the expression of grief through ages as with Mao-na. This is a scientificarem was Mercedes, the daughter of the a Hamilton's Pills. Last winter I was long as kissing .and handshaking have edv adapted specifically to one purpobe Duke of Moutpender. Shetclied, how - sick with grippe, aucl when spring been accepted as signs of afreetion or -the cure of stomach troubles. ever, shortly afterward, and the king, e ame I was weak, billious and rheu- friendship. Another reason why a sigh Mi-o-na is nota patent or secret rem- not liking to see Any of her jewels to matic. I used enough medicine to eda. bat is a combination of the purest remind him of les loss, gave it among renews a sorrowful tbaught is that c lire twenty times, but I didn't get any and most reliable of remedies for others to MS sister, Marla del Pilar, Just such thoUglats aro often concentrated help till I tried Dr. Hamilton's Pills.strengthening the digestive organs Wore the funeral of his wife. The and Intense enotigh to cause Leavitt. They purified my blood, took the yel- and building up the whole system. It ', ' low color out of my face, put new tone dent breathing. When the lungs auf- costs but 50 cents & box. USP it for a kings sister died a fewdays after re. in myetornaeh, and increased my ap- fer for a certain•time from this intlf- few days and - there is no reason why eeiving the opal, and the king then petite. The bilious attacks and rheu- lic1onc the sigh follows. Sighs are ' you should not be able to eat any food gave it to his sister-in-law, the Prineese retatipamiragraduallyalepartectand• often ieausad,-too,-sayst the seine Atte you like at_ any time without ,fear of Christine, the youngest daughter of thorny, by pertain sorts of indigestion. strese. • a the Duke of Montpensier, and, -to the - Dr. lianailton's Pills Made n new man , of ntel L proved their merit, and prce . If you cannot obtain Mi-o-ne of your horror of an sbe irlor,-,-'ti-4 000thvee claim them a. medicine for all men." , 'druggist, it will be sent by mail, pest- months n nnn.na fa If better health and prompt recovery . Paid on receipt , of price. Write us • a aa - are important, get Dr. Hamilton's Pills An Ancient Recipe, fot it'dyiee ongrievedlaththese strange occurrences your case from a leading The king was so horror etrleken and • a of Mandrake and Butternut to -day. An ancient recipe for making a sweet stomach specialist, which will be sent At all dealers, 25c per box, or flyefr e. The R. T. Booth Company, Ith- PerfuMe for the ladies runs as follows: boxes for $l. By mail trom N. O. Pol. Take storax, calamite and benjamin. aa: son & Co., Hartford; Conn., IT,S.A. and KingstonOntof each half an ounce, laudanuna one \ . , . • . Ounce, niusk two grains, and put them ortiVISR ARMY TUNE. • . together In fair brass mortar, which News Notes . you must first waria sohot in the fire -a- .that with the heat thereof and beating Michael Power, of Pica" aged 70 ! With a little pestle It may ,vrork Ilke was killed by a kick from a horse. -.ea wax, which, being thoroughly wrought, It is reported that Chinamen are ou may make it M little takes or balls beiug smuggled from Rockport into Y and so lay it up. a the United States, Martin Long of Port Dalhousie swal- av lowed a very large piece of meat and A woman worries until 'she gets was choked to dea,th. ' wdiakles, • then Worries because she O. K, Frazer, Clerk of .the High has them. If she takes Hollister's • Court at Brockville, was seriously in- Rocky Mountain Tea she would have jured by a cannon cracker. I neither. Bright, smiling face follows Yukon authorities are anxious to its use. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets, Ask take the enforcement of law out of the hands of the N. W. M. pclice, A young St. Thomas couple are un- der arrest in connection with the abf. andonment of a new-born infant. 4 0 • COME TO THIS STORE FOR YOUR 'CLOTHING.' You can save money by doing so, for we are offering better goods, at less money, than can be procured in ---ClintoistrGroderiehT-Seaferth,--or—elsewhere. A CALL. WILL CONVINCE Dr. Shoop's Restorative (tablet or liquid form) is a constitutional, nerve tissue tonic. It brings renewed strength, lasting ambition and yigbr to- weak, lifeless women. These two remedies, singly,' or used together, II- supporting lines or guys, as they have an irresistible, positive helpful • are called, measure sometimes ten or Some Favorites For Many Years With • negiiments. its 111 luek, and, obtaining a solid gold - . chain, she fastened the opal ring to it British regiments are very Jealous of and bung it around the neek of the certain tunes whtch traditionand as- Virgin of Almudena: of Madrid. Since sociation have connected with "Dumbarton's themthe that time none of the royalties can be Drums" has been • • persuaded to accept the opal; and quickstep march ef the Royal Scots • for over two hundred years. The West naturally the people, always supersti- Yorkshire Regiment claims "Qa Ira" a.s tiOlts, have,been tfraid even to look at its march; the 1st Battalion Duke of on0.-New York Times. , , Cornwell's Veit Infantry, "One and . . All"; the Cheshire Regiment, "Whit Postnieet collect Debts. Wadna Fight for Charlie?" in honor of .&-. debt collecting agency which is Sir your. Druggist. • Charles Napier, who °nee awns run as a part or the regular • public - manded them; the .Rifte Brigade, "I'm Ninety-fivethe Scots °tears, postal system Is the newest "Improve- ; "The Garb .of Old Gaur?; the .1.0th Hussars, ment" of the postollices of. Austria. "God Bless the Prince a Wales" and . Despite the novelty of the enterprise, "Men of Harlech"; the 5th Lancers, 1 the plan bas worked aamirably, sd that. fillet 'Erin Remember' and ."The' Harp many thousands are collected annual- That onee,Thro' Tara's Halls"; the 2nd 1y by the postmen througbout the Aus- Battalion Seaforth Highlanclers, "MY train empire. The systern. is very del - Pretty Brown Lass" and ."The Relief •of, ;me, , suppose a Lucknow"; andathe lath Lancere mad tradesman in- Vienna 21st Hussars,, "Cobourg." The Scotch, has an aecount due from a customer • Welsh and Irish regiments of 'the Brit- ish army are' all partial to tunes of na- : tional extraction; 'and English regi; rents formed originally in counties the names of which they still hear have melodies appflcable to the locality, and cling to them tenaciously. that he resolved not to give it to any ono else, but to wear it blineelf. also died soon afterward. The queen regent, broken heard and afraid of the fatal stone, resolved that no other human being should be influenced by .SPICERS OF CEYLON. Their Golden Web o Will illbseinare Istritz and Lizards!. Par up In the mountains of Ceylon iliere is a spider 'Diet -spins a web like bright yellowish silk,. the central. net of aviiich is flee Nei in dieineter, while power. Try them a month and see. Sold„by W. S. R. HolmelaCliiiteiti:- IOW TIM St George Pulp and. Paper. Co.'s lumber mill at St. George. N.B., was destroyed, with a property loss of $25,000. - For dry cracked bps, or rough skin use Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It pas, itively makes lips and skin like vel- vet. Sold by W. SR.. Holmes, Clin- ton. „ The discovery of an upturned canoe has led to the fear that two physicians may have been drowned in the upper Ottawa waters. •e• The thrust of a lance does not hurt more than the abdominal paips follow- ing the eating of improper food. Quick relief'comes with the use of .Perry Davis' Painkiller. AlWays keepit in be winds, his stout threads round the the.tnise. •, unfortunate captive. • He usually throws the coils about the According to a despatch received head until the wretched victim is first here today from Regina, a Saskatchea blinded and then abokee. In many un-, wan crop bulletin estimates the •area dark nooas of the ungle • . • J under crop in that province at 1,955,673 frequented an increase ot 320,000 over the previous year. It is estimated that the wheat acreage is 1,336.869 'acres, which will give a total yield of 31,130,000' bushels. Harvesting -will be general about the 25th inst. The crop is reported to • be An amusing account was given in in splendid, condition throughout the the Shoreditch County Court of how province, and has suffered no damage a man had for six months Past clever - up to the present. ' twelve, feet.- The spider. seldom bites or stings, but should any ,one try -to• catch' him bite he will, and, though not venothoos; his jaws are.es.powerful as a bid's beak. . The bodial of these spiders are. very' hanasomely • deceeated, being btlgat „geld • or scatiet underneath, while. he • upper part Is covered with the most delicate slate coloied thr.• . 'So strong a.re•the .Webs that birds. the . sl*„.of larka, are •frequently . caught .thereiri,"iniir'eVee the smell but pow- ei.ful scaly . lilard falls a victim.- .A. writer says that he pap ften sat and Watched the yellow umester-meaeur-; Ing, whenwaiting for his prey, with -his legs .stretelied Out; fully . six Inches: - 'striding across the middle of- tbe net . and, noted therapid manner in which you polite across skeletons of small birds caught in. these terrible snares. . • • • • • . &waging a Landlord.. . Get a5 cent box iif Lax.ets at our store please, We think they are _great. Just test these toothsome, candy -like Laxative Tablets for constipation. sour -"Used to come to the front windows, stomach, biliousness, had breath blow kid lk t the muddy complexion etc. Risk 5 cents Me a ss, anwaouat and see. Sold by W. S. R. lacdmes, hack. tLaughtera Clinton, And did he remain a prisoner in his house during that timer Not a. bit of It is pectiliar, to say the least, for six it; he had gone to Ramsgate ,for a holt- members of one family to die it pre- day, I heard. (Loud laughter.) , cisely the same manner, but such is •Then I believe you tried the ruse of the ease with the parent family of a registered letter to get • at - him? Mrs. Edna Shurter, of Orion. Her Yes,' but he's up to every trick. We father, four brothers and elle • sister intended to get' 111 when he opened the have all fallen dead. Last week she door, but he would not do it, as he attendedthe funeral at Rochester of signed the receipt. atter it had been her brother. William Boice, who .fell banded through the letterbox (Laugh - dead on Monday. Her fathee, about ter.) , * - . twenty years ago, fell dead while on HM Honor -I make an order for pos. an excursion at Lansing, and the filet Session in two weeks. . • brother fell dead in Orion a number Of . years ago. But the last three brothers • and one sister have all dropped , dead A Chesterfield Retort within about six months. When Lord Chesterfield, was in hN last 'Illness and h1s death was only a NI Scrub yourself a daily. you're riot matter of a few weeks, his • physician clean inside. Olean insides means advised him to go for an easy drive In clean stomach, bowel's, ' blood, liver, his carriage, and be went out. As the clean, healthy tissue in every organ. equipage. WELS preeeeding slowly aloof:- MORAL : Take Hollister's Rocky it was met by a lady, who remarked Mountain Tea. 35 cents Tea or Tab- pleasantly to the greab Invalid, '4A11, lets. Ask your DrUggle't. - my lord, 1 ani glad to see you able to drive out:" "1 am not driving out, maclain," answered Chesterfield, "I A dispatch Mro fm 1V1iltvaultee says :-. rs. E. Alliscna or Netv York, boldly am simply teheersing zny funeral" ' plunged into the river from the deck of the steamer Christopher Columbus Children's Whom in an effort to rescue Martin Hall, a If mothers when buying atty. Shoes sailor who had fallen overboard. Mrs, for the children would adopt the fel- Allison, who is an expert swimmer, dived repeatedly, but all to no purpose. lowing hint they would find that they H *° uld last twice as long and Shia re•• ull evidently had been stuhned • hislall, and did not aiseto the surfacine. slat the damp; Prootire some boiled 1I. His body was finally recovered with seed oil, pour it on to a large fiat dish grappling hooks, and Mrs., Allison, or tin and allow the shoes to stand in withoet stopping to change her wet lt for about twelve hours or until the clothes, took charge of the efforts to soles are well soaked. This does not, resuscitate the man. He was dead, however. ly evaded his landlord,. until, as counsel put 14 the landlord hadabecome Posi- tively distracted. • • Counsel (to the landlord) -How dla he keep out .of the way The Landlord • WOMEN WEAKNESS ror all weakness from Which girls and woinen stiffer, no surer remedy 'exists than Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They rnaintitie thatlmacinga health every woman so earneetlydestres; they up- root disease, end bring strength that' lasts till old age. ' • ' "No medicine could be 'more bene- ficial than Dr. Hamilton's Pills" writes Mrs. Mary E. Ayrton, of Victoria. "t have been Strengthenea, my digestion is better. I have improved in color and feel considerably better since using Dr' Hamilton's 'Pills." Sold everywhere, • 25c per box or Aye boxes for one dollar. • Serving ni Tif truer The question of who. Is served firethe a mime -what disputed one, .A. besti•es itto IsoItle.r than tier guests -should he served !elemthem, het when' she la younger it Is More courteous to serve :the guests first. The ideii.of serving a hoetess first is that where. elaborete dishes are aimed it Is better for her to .take the Initiative In helaing ..herself and also that she may observe that all . about the daa' is correct, bet to geneael , entertitheing it, Is better 'to. have the women guests served before the .host- We like best to call 'SCOTT'S EMULSION a food because it stands so em- phatically for perfect nutrition. And yet in the matter of restor- ing appetite, of giving. new strength to the tissues, especially to the nerves, as action is that of a medicine. 0 Send for free mrnple. • sf.',01'T & 1.n3WNE, merotsts. Tor„,ito, . Ontario. Afb and ft.00; all drug:Isis: TRUTII About TEAS git' TALKS our COFFEES Truth 1 -They are strong. Truth 2 -They are clear, • Truth 3 -They are pure. „ . Truth 11 -They are easy to to take, refreshing and nourish- ' ishing, and lastly, they are as low in price as the quality will allow. Our "Shoo Gunn" Japan Teas and pure "White Rouse" Coffees are especially sure to please ydu. Get a sample front • .• A. D.1 E3EATON The People's GrOcer.. Prompt Delivery. 'Phone 111 in, say, snoh a distant town as Buda- • as . pest, which he wishes to collect., Dis- • ' ' taaee doee not. matteiain flae least, He .seasvin nay for the New Bra for the balance merely Sends the bill to the PostoftiCe- .0111eYeahlanaw aubs6ribeta In the capital, Ihence . it, le at Camila L . J. E. .-.-1-10VEY .• Clinton. • ftnum-pitted to the•posteffice at Buda.; .. . . peat. There the • Posttuan presents It me/URA)/ ED . . • . •PlatURES, . . to the' debtor, collects the cash. and • . •• • --a-- -. • • ' i.e.:tints • it to the Vienna PestoMee,.• ' Their Romalitie Origin:Dated lanai' tO the yiiteenth C'entark, . . svhence It is' .dellyered, to the trades ' man by postman: In the event Of pay; ' The artof• 'engraved 'Actin:TS da 's its romantic origin to the chamber of a mint being refused a Which, of course, .'sometienee 'happens, the ' .6:Otter': is aleforentine aoldsinala alaso Finiguerra,, promptly apprised of the fact, and vat- taih.t.ithet Glitiftt:nebnetlir;celnyttutsity,starubgeigailitilgie..sts17111thP .7tilibip*.tiple is thus frequently saved.- hie .11ra:ding frbill inevabl°"types, ' iie-, • Chicago Jourtiat :' - ' ' ' • - " ' • • . , . . - . . • a •. fore , that day 'pictures' Were (lama Cr : :. . ,• a Sliver lintirtnbs. . .... , • painted ' by haea, Failaueree avas a . . a At the eaar's palace -of Tserskoeade celebrated worker ill Metals, and, battle the nurseries provided for the care of . commissioned to make a..41a, of -gold children consist of eleven rooms. One ' • engraved 'with a •connation of the Vir- gin; be sought to test hie clesiga by feature is described by. Mise-Egar, the • filling In the. lines With Fl. preparation . child.en's . governess; as 'follows: 'In the bathroom is a stationary bath of of oil and laineblacla. Which threw.. the picture into relief. By entitle° the:•face odoessimme- send 'silver, used for the bigger chil- , witi- laid face downward. on a pew a -.6. dren. There is a small silver bath for daMp linen, and when -taken up it was the use of whatever baby reigns. Each ' : discovered that the pietwo was prilitt.d. child's name is engraved upon It, so It • Sheet after sheet of damp paper was forms a :historical reecticl.' It an. • impressed by the 'same • pliite -and the ,parently bought for Nicholae I, and good news net the art.af Printing pie.- bearS his mune and those'of his • fem. - • ' tures was' born eprea 1 : 1 ik e wildilro ily... We alio., Mid the .nanies :of Alex• " throughout Europe. The'• .colleetkin. ot. • ander II. - and of Matiea afterward' ' • old printiritroduces A thaecht Duller, • Ducliessaof Edinburgh. • The last nae '. the. afather of line efigra.VIng'.' (1411.) added was that of Alexis, the• little . ' 1964„ inIour brilliant impressions of "Admit babY•wii,o was' born in August, . • . • ,s and Eve,". a•Littie Horse," ."-alelatacho! - •, 11a" and "St Gerome." "alelaactiollea" . - The Drninsi In lefts's& • • Is w etreinge cod:position of extracircli• . In its March to the pole the drama' nary oeiginailty, and, bus been a I -flys -a • has reached Iceiand. It is a recent graft upon the' intellectual life of the tery for over four ' centuries. This bit ' Huron Street., Oliriton.- of yellowed paper, pessibly milled ftom Idea, according to the London Globe. the pilite by:Diver's:, own hands, has . ' • The first theater Was faimded 'itto re-- eentty its 1897, &udder@ 15 only one 18 lost none 'C't Its 148(1'1.'41a'. ' ' • . the Olende-at Relkjavile-amt it his • . . aken firm root. • The dramatic season opens in October,and closes at the end : .• Modified Romance and the theater it open about three aWoald . of A.pril, when the good folk go fishing, . are mostly drawn upon, but during tlis. • .yet I. don't think I should regard a man eye __ you many a man leor moo, evenings a week. Bjornson and Ibsen. "No," answered Miss Cayenne,. "arid last season one or two native poets • as being especially desirable. because. have recited their own compositional, " h1. his poverty' . - • . , ,i. : whleh promise wdl. The municipality ,. • . ' • ''. ... How to keep Kool... . • A Buy our Iron Beds $3. to Si.?, Wire Springs $P., to $3 50 Sanitary Mattress 3. to 10. Wire Cots $1.50 to '2.40 Japanese Matting, Veranda. and Lawn Chairs, Settees etc, • J. R. CHELLeW. FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING. ‘RoOmENVONIIMINIONS „..At.):,..),...,4...... , , eg- i? . ' li .. mis Gitttr4 . . PURE ENGLISH e. . , . . .„ ,. Price We you want the Dest—at the lowest rrice--- 0 • We can supply you with. Berger's; one of the # , best English makers at 'Xicts. per lb. ' ‘0"..010,./....elr• • 77 Dispensing -Chemist. . • • a naearaegariaraa , nee nerve , SPECIA 1.1 S Ladies' and Gentlemen's Waterproofs, Ladies' Wrappers and Waists, • &large stock of Gingharns, Linens • and 'Mus.' lins for Summer Dresses,., and.EnAroideries, Underwear and :Hosiery, intreat variety. ' Our Wall Papers are the.best....'.: We sell the famous 'Sterling Paint"; none better; some may be as goad.. Lots of seed on hand: . May ,15th, 4906. R: ADAms, Etnnorinm, Lendesboro. •Buy your Buggy where quality as well as appearance is considered in manufacturing; • .and have your repairing .done.by exper- ienced rnen.:.• found at . RUM. Minton Sash, Blind Factory': • '", The Town of Clinton is on the eve of • a "boom".:i; If you Contemplate: . . you our estimation, e,te. . • and the diet each subsicliz'e the the- ' COLD SETTLES IN. THE• EA.PIK let. Us.give -ater to the extent of 500 crowns. . le hits people in a tender spot and • • . • . • The Dreadnouffht. . , Nerviline takes that kink out of ,y(;72'1 10 . . . 9111eadquarter.s for all kinds. of builders' materials. mighty hard to brace tlel- It id said that that wonderful fight. spinal.. column in short. order ; it . s. S. COOPER', Clinton - Ing maehine, the British battleship soothes, that's why relief comes ho . • Toy Sconce Furniture. Dreadnought, will carry fuel, both coal wu . I To apply, gold bronze to furniture and oil, stifficient to take her from Eng- Or it cures. • ive imes s ron er F' t' t g than ordinary remedies, Nerviline coat the surface with paint, japan spIr- land to Quebec and back without fill- can't fail to are lazne back, lumbago, it varnish or anything that will pre- Ing bunkers or tanks. Inasmuch as sciatica and neuralgia. Nerviline is vent suction, then where the bronze is there will be to water tight .doors be- instant death to all muscular pain, wanted coat with gold size or quick low the armored deek, there will be; an For nearly fifty years it has been the drying varnish, When this Is heady arrangement of "lifts," by which oil'. largest selling liniment in Canada. Better try it. • dry, dust on the bronze powder with A soft brush or chamois skin. As ....i., bronze is susceptible to atinoapbOTIC influences it is better aoated with a thin, even coat of transparent varnish.. Qf course gold leaf or Dutch metal would make a much better appearing piece of work and hold Itscolor. rvi e. p cern and men may be conveyed over the impassable bulkheads. The ship is rbughly deseribed as consisting of flee circular forts set In the hull, or, rather, with the built around them, each fort being heavily armored to its base and surmounted by a revolving turret mounting two twelve -inch guns. 'A Modest Philanthropist. Booker T. Washington tells of • Wall street philanthropist whoa.) bene- factions are so carefully hidden that no .one outside Of 0, Very small Circle suspects him. This Is -said to be the ttliknown who sent $25,000 to Mayor ,11cCiellan of New York fpr the Ras ;Francisco relief fund. Mr.' Washing- • ton oars this man's wraith will be a great surprise when his death reveals lIt, hie posseselorts being vastly largos, than they are generally Misnoold to be. —:---- . Point's oe Broiling. BrOliing produces the same effect on meat as roasting and can be performed In a more speedy manner. In handling hOweiter, apply' to 1•,• 7.n. shoes. .. lean meat for broiling be careful not to prick or cut It and 00 allow the *I"."......."-"' 3111ces to escape. IBroiling Mild al- 'Pq.11.6"10.10111.1.11111•WildtliZallal` iallMall:RialMINI/Millallallillilleill10011111N11111111111ii11111.1111110, ways be done over a quick, clear fire. Not toe much lust i little Just etiOtigh tO el, is 14 start the bile nicely. One of Ayer's p Li 4P a Pins at becitinie is all you need. These pills act directly on the liver. They i cure' constipation) biliousness, dyspep- out Livertitimmi .., 01a-head:wife. Sold for 60 years. fteciall.1! ' LUrgrisi: 1 The heat hestlene the albumen on the outside quickly, thus preventing the •escape of Juice and rendering it sa- ,vory. Chops and steaks stkeukt be turned with a knife and on no account have a fork stuck tato them While cooking, Advertise THE CLINTON NEW EitA, or~gai •04404t444444***** ttstte****44$1041, NISIIIIIMINIMMININIIPEW u•fr , r Did you ever Stop to thunk? Minn buying alaiiirier, Tea or folio Set or Fano, China, first•class goods, trpeto-date shaves or decorations he sure and call e at J. W. IRWIN'S, 5 CRATES ON TJEIE WAY FRO1VI THE -Fit+ POTTERS IN ENGLAND. 464 Teas, Sugars and Canned Goods We lead in Quantity, Quality and. Prices. SEEDS a neenDttsz!hrAairenedskGioiSs;:gnmiterin nang 0011100 Oav ettlinb, . al fATaigassri knei I), Tisetendo,thoy,ntaOrr Our new business sand head of the list in Yield Per aere in 23sodlialtebryent varieties." kAgricultural College says : - "Yellow Leviathan stands at the s n the Cornbe Block, F- • • R. VitssiJ.W. & So sWe 0 IRWIN R. FitzsimOns 86.20D We -are stillin the But- che5ing business, and are in a position to fill all or- ders for seasonable meets, int'usted lc cu: cve. Phone 76 Clinton ' • . CASH PATI) FOR EGOkii,AND BUTTER The ..biret. on tho e Nevv' -.St.i.t)ooritioiiv'st ON j..,41(..: .yQu• •• • •-•-••••••ai'6.----not-*-7Subs7c.riber;...bi.. your .ja-ei.gebboia„