HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-10, Page 21.8441/.444.
August 10, Me
Another Wonder=,
• tut Case.
Here is something that will be
Welcome news to. mans a .01s.
couraged One.
"}'or several years
I have been troubled
with gas around my
heat, shortnees
breath, in fact, if I
walked my usualgait
trty breath would get
so short that I would
he compelled to make
several stops during
Waa li. REID walk.
--teDalate.nayaemel diaaneteadtgeset_pro-
perly, It turned, eour my • Wornable
musing me great distrees ; often,too, I
bad disagreeable attacks of belching
gas and heartburn.
'I was bothered with severe pains
acaoss the small of my back and the
leitst bendier; or turning would cause
zue to alti10$t ery out.
I was induced to try DaLeonharcit'e
..tantalailtand from the very first found
relief. '
egor the last three months I have
ilWaitaaiaevettee of my foretter coril-
pliaathe ea1 enatemed to say Anti -Pill
hasindeta cured me."
This is the voluntary statement of
Wm. El. Reed, of 365 Queen st, Eitigs•
tun, Out.
The giinima New Eva
FRIDAY. AUGUST 10th, 1006
ir All Druggists. sell Anti-Piil. The
Wilseeleyle Co.Linuted Niagara Valls,
•The remedy that -cured such an ex-
treme case is surely worth trying, 50e
• -
It is said that Ralph Smith, ,the Lab-
Wiii ReMain Canadian oi• M. la, for Nanalino, would net
object to fillthe piece of bumigration
• Samuel alerwin, a writer in "Suc-
cess," a New York magazine, was sent
agent in England, lately occupied by
Mr. Preston. Barring the fact that he
over by the editors to Western Canada
LL member of Parliament, and should
to write of the progress nf FtVents thaeleaaLirotis
be-tookin g -for eq,vernmentlavg.rk,
especially concerning the far West,
we believeMr. Smith is as much en-
vvhith the new railways are °ripping
t tled to the appeintruent us. anyone
up. His remarks on American settlers .
know.we giyen the °von-
ment consisteet •support, . when. he
might with temporary advantageto
himself have played to the • gallery;
with a view • to . evoke Labor cheers.
He is a•practical miner, and one of
the best speakers in the -House, having
most powerful and dear delivery. '
You're uneasy, restlese, without ap-
petite. Still worse you are thin .and
fagged out. Work mina be.done, but
where is the strength to boom from ?
Make •Your blood nutritious and
you'll have loth of , strength: 'Year
turning their adopted country over to only hope. is Ferrazone, an instant
Uncle Barns dominions. They woiiid----tiliacalainakera•:blo.odeputifiereabloodeene
I1 It brings keen eppetit.lig; .`
a little rather remain Canadian, They '
ests food and supplies nutrition • for
like the administration of Canadian building' up all tae hodily tissues;
law better. They think things are a Ferroa.one Makes muscle • and fieryo
fibre into:eases your ;weight. instate a,
little better under -the Cana:dian aaasee'eake energy into the body thet'.
and customs than under American. defies weariness .01 exhaustion 'fitaite
. TO have.. virility •
he statement to this effectany cause
Mr, Mee-
healthy •vigor use. a ettoaad
zone Which' • ail'
Win repeats in a latter pottion of his. dealers kir U. t?.k.eexes. •
article. This is a good testiniOny for ,• • ea-----asaareaa„...eeeeeee
Canada. It is the word of an Ameri- "Yo le will spend: your. time and yoln:':
»ioney in taloonsewill you ? ' demand-
ed .is. (emulate Matthews, of her
brother, 'confronting ham in Hasse ds
'adders place, St Joseph, Miele She,
was in a very angry .entiods Grabbing
a bottle off the bar she shied it at. the
plate glass rairroa, smashing it o,nd n.
pyraraid of glass in front 'of it. Then,
standing pff the astonished bartender
with a threat to wreck his physognoiny
in similar fashion if be interfered, the
irate woman grableed the object of her
wrath by the collar and luggedj'him
-out of the .saloonedown the street and
home. A .crowd of • saloon .patrons
were too paralyzed with astonishMent.
to interfere, • it they had the
tiflfl to do so, •.•, • • •
• - • • , •
On worthiest cures, for catarrh,.
There is only oue•renaedy that's suc-
cessful - !"Cittarrhoione&' - it •• cures
when the doctor .says your , case is
hopeless. No drugs to; take,. no eke
rnizer to bother with, you simply ins
tale the fragrant vapor of this un- •
failing cure and. geb •well. quickly. Re-
lief is instant, cure is guaranteed so
you run no risk wich Caterthozone.
Don't experiinenadon't put off, but
get Caterrhozone from your druggist
to -day. •••
Mrs. Wni. Keleher 'died at 'Fergus
last week at the age of 00 yeers. She
was well known and highly esteemed
in that locality, having conducted the
Americaa hetet there. . . •
- . •
ao an•410.4 bv Ole if** of wooden
Work has been completed at the Iow-
a ella of Breed/any .for the removing •
of the former Belgian block pavement
Ind the substitution of the new Wood
block eurface, which is laid from the
Battery to Vesey street.
The inereesing popularityof this
pavement as •due largely to the fact
4th*ttt1LseessundeztraftIe. In tbis
reepect It outdoes asphalt7iffferi-1141-4
beenconsidered for nutria years ideal
for use around hospitals and seboola
end other places where a quiet pave-
ment was essential, In the ease of the
wood block pavement the noiee
horses' hoofs, whica make considerable
clatter on aspbalt, is almost done away
with and .the soft, hollow thuds •witieli
ere all that can be heard on the wood
ard rather pleasant to the ear 'lima
• Otherwise.
In maktigatse ofethas piteenteuteunee
der canditious of beavy tragic such as
exist on Broadway 'Newa York Is fol.. '
lowing in the footateps of the Euro-.
pean capitals, which liave resorted to
this extiedient to a great extent during
t . -
• the last twenty years. All the prince'
, pal deenues and boulevardParis,
j without ,exceptien, are paved •wall
; wood. The Same le true, to u slightly
less exteut, in Lontlon, and in hundreds
• of smaller cities - wood , paveuieut •
• Also a favorite,
! • Not only Broadway, but practically
the entire lower end: of •Manhattan.
; Island, will eventwIly he paved with
, wood blocks. The blecks are tiattted
thiedigintatioetbeelmeetattith a Inixture
of creosote and rosin. .
in that country are to be noted. In
the lase week or two certain news-
papers published scarehead articles
ndicating (.bat western Canada want-
ed to and would certainly break away
from the eastern provinces of the Do-
minion and cast in her lot with the
United States, the American settlers
being one of the chief factors in bring?
ing atout this result. In direct con.
teadiction to this statement, Mr. Mer -
wilt says that while there are 500,000
.Americans who have settled in Wes-
tern Canada they do not at all talk of
a The grain of the wood affords an ex-
cellent foothold for horses under every
other condition, and it ant been ;found
by trucking conmardes that drivers of
heavy loads prefer the. wood Need
etreets to those paved • with stone or as-
• phalt, as furnishing easier traction.• • .
Another advantage of the wood pave-
ment which will be appreciated, in the
• evindy ..canyons Of the ottice
district is tbe 'feet that, unlike asphalt,
this pavement does not breed dust. ,
•• IN hen. the work now- under contem-
plation In teeter Nesi•Nork is cornplet.
ed this city will enema One Of the best
paved munielpalitles" in . the. woral.,-
,•New :York Man. ' •.
• A hea
;Asbcstiis i•ciffea-JOr -are departments- -
RIO made entirely of the mineral or of '
• asbestus' Witte a 'core Of: steel.•:. Virae
Men employ itsbegaus p., seore of
.ways, and . its Age 'stove
bats, lamp wicks, ,theater
:cloth, in theeceustruction of leen eafes.
etc., are Well ariewne but a liew meth- '
Od. of tnitizing it. hae just- 0eeelopet1;
IaeaPeites tliet seeas matle of asbestue
ate or a tlVtitalge:116 adaleas, An. Only.
physidail declares that the' girchirig -
ability of the troops, wlikll is the Most
important •requireinent for a regiment
In the field. Is leis endangered by fa-
tigue than through' the sensitiveness of
the skin of the feet neatest leather:
This sensitivenees, watch has always
been tecogiatzed, the doctor thinks can
be avoided through providing socks or
ailing the soles of the shoes with as -
battle. It is said that the war. de-
partment .of Aeistria is considering the
adoption of this innovation and that e
test Of it will be nuide at the next ma-
neuvers,--Laianufacturea. Philadelphia; .•
aaa ""': /tellinga 41L1,eler. •
Plje great glacier on Meat Blanc 14
g used for • other • Purposes than
furnishing an occupation to guides -and
an. attraction for tourists. An ice
trust has gone into the ausineee on
an extensive, • settle of . quirrYing the
dear, halt ice' at, ari altitude of .licoo
feet. • Tae. Ice is blown elf in mai
• blocks by !Inane of dynamite; after
,whieli It „le sawed into regular . tithes
and sent down the rnountaln sides on
a narrow gatignraileiitY. Down in the
valley it is loaded into freight cars and
distributed through southern Prezio.
A varm winter has no terrors for the
Mont Blanc • ieenian; he invests no
rediey In icehouses, and the dimply is
inexhaastible. •
can writer, whose sympathies would
naturally be with his own .country. -
Undoubtedly the American. s going in-
to Western Canada will make good
Cena,dian citizens.
It is worth while to remember that
within three or four months Parlia-
ment will be again in session, and that
its chief work will be tariff revision..
It is far from likely that there'be
any material or general reduction of
duties. The chances are that there
win be few radical changes, and thii•t
• • • the inareases will be as numerous as
•' the reduetiobs. The aitil Will be to
make a political; oi• in 'tither Words .an
• election tariff. Sir Wilfrid Laurier •
, may have lost something of his power,
,on the platform, and something of his
ete• physical vigor, but he was never a
wore acute and Tar -seeing tailitician,
and he will take infinite pains to de-
vise a tariff that will strengthen his
hold upon the country, and keep the
fiscal issue "out of politics" in the in-
' • dastrial communities -Toronto News.
Hon. Col. Matheson is gleeful over
the fact that already Canadians have
e •
;.. taken up $1,850,000 • of the $3,000,000 3-
, percent. loan at par. Witet the people
note, however, is that while the loan
•sells at par in Canada, he sacrificed
abroad the first $6,000,000 3 per cent
bonds of the Province at 06, losing a
very large sum for the people.. At the
same time the bon& of. Toronto, in
spite of her debt, were selling at 102a.
V •
For over sixty years doctors
have endorsed Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for coughs, colds,
weak lungs, bronchitis, con-
sumption. You. can trust a
.medicine the best doctOrs ap-
prove. Then trust this the next
time you have a hard cough.,
"1 ba./1 an awful cough for over* yoat, knd
nothing seemed to do tee nay goal tried
PrZgretatcr try_dAtIds,,t1 ea% di
they 1111Tht a cough.' - aitaa bI. Mair*aal
Weehlugton, D. O.
A'e.ITZ.L'seja',;:s(tt.'01141,;"" mus'
, Seltatetaitte.
• ers ritkiliSittioe.
Ayerae Mlle keep the hews!. testator.
All vegetable and gently laxative.
Old maids would be scarce and hard t�
Could they be Made to sea ••• .(flad,
How grace and beauty is combined
By using Rocky Mountain .Tea.. • ,
Ask yout Drugeista • e • .
et *familia ale ' mutetere. .
• A. Woman Who leads a very active
life has a theory that the preeervation
of a good, gare. depenas, to some .ex-
tent on theeminner of walleing. Many
people, she says, as they advance , in
years allow themselves to walk heavily
and without , elasticity, so that the
whole: weight rests on the lower part
of the lirabe ea every step, :the only .et.
feet of 'exercise being weariness in the
legs and feet, tays the Chicago News.
Instead of this the body shouldbe beld
erect and poised so as to have a per -
feet balance. In this way the muscles
are • braced and strengthened tbrougla
out (tad the lungs must of necessity
teen expandett .
. Veasaitat Soda.
The average housewife. Woke askance •
nt sotla. It mine both eolora
and hands, yet itis aseful, Very dirty
eollea linen may 120 (leaned by boil-
ing In Party strong soda water. A. lit-
tle pniln dissolved atel atlilcfl to the
bluing, water prevents streaking. A:
goo; bloneliCt ig litilda by !wiling One
of. soda .Ili 0 quart of water.
A dfl a parket of ebloride of linie, strain
ana bottle, end dieederea doorstepe
and tables, that ate a bad color 'may
be.elenned with tile fluid. Well brneli
ovee met leave for the biglit, whorl
weal) well off in tiTe • • 'e
The Outlook.
Tao PlOenitatt,
The number of liquor licensee in the
Province of Outlaw in the yeer 1874.5
. was 6,1a5. At the present time, not-
withstanding a vastly increased popue
Intone the number is less titan 2,500.
This yeer there has been a larva cut -
Wing otr, putty threugh the adieu of
License Commissioners and partly
through. the adoption ofj 'Local Option
prellibitory by-laws which went into
force on May lst in, about fifty mantel.
PliAlitliettlis progress is encoUraging. All
thui change hart been for the weitare of
the country. The reduction has met
with Mothing Wit approbation from
thin king people, and has proven that
even with our present imperfect law
we may do much to redece tati liquov
Probably never before were there so
wally total absteiners in our land AS
to..rlsy, -Never was the church so pro.
nounced ill its hostility towards the
liquor traffic end the liquor habit.
Never before was there Rich an insis-
tent demand ant temperance practice
in tbe commercial werld. Never be-
fore was the lamer trallie so universally
vend ()limed •lea men of all chtesea.
The succees that IlaS beeti itetitined
but eividentes our ability to aceona
1 plish Hall more. We have 0, better
great possibilities la our reach ,iield, LO,
. our responsibility.. The lignor traffie
DA aiu workilig torobk. devastation in
.. .
this province. There:are still lit tow-
, attar), Move than 2,00U open hatar000inse
each one of which is a dietioet niontee
to tbe "('ltd 11' of our eountry. We
have in the parvielons of tile Local
Option Act a weapon within oer reaca
by which a lerge proportion of these
hae-rooins may be closed up
The rising tideof pu blip opielon is in
OUr favor, and conditions are daily hue
proving, 'We • will undoubtedly have
*till better la•ws and still nore cif tem-
perance teaching and practice. We
will have increasingly largeterritories
'under .pecillibi torylegis i at ion. We
. will have more thorough law enfore'e-•
men t.
- All this is , coming and will be attain-
ed ' . . il . , • • p y 1
this advance .and the extent of its (
operation depend . •itport ua ' With
hearts .frill of gratitude, With hearts
full of lame, let .us lay hold of the work
before us and Pyomptly and fearlessly
take up a fight in which we are certain
to Witte
• .LUCAS COM4TY .1118. ..4
Frank 1. Cheney noikes oath thet li
is senior 'paltrier of tho-firie of la J:
Cheney -a CO, doing businessin the
.eity of Teledo,County and State afore-
said, and that said firm will • pay the.
for'.ettch end evevy case of Catarrh that
cannot be .cured by theuse. of . Halls
Catairh Cure. FRANK J. CHE'NEY
Sworn to,befOre 1110. allsi;Subseribecl•
in tuy. presenceethis 6th -day of Deceee
ber, A. D. 1886,
Hall's Catarth Cure is taken infer.;
natty, and aets directly on the blood
and nnicous surfaces of •the sastear..
Send for testi menials 1; p. . • •
• F. J. C,HENEY a•-• CO., Toletal, 0.
.Soldeby gall druggists, 75c •
Take thilas Family Pills for conati-
pa tad,. ,
liwsT.-The local news-
paper shoved lte. found in eveev Caned
ian home. No cbildren should grow
up ignoraet who can betaught to aOP-
reciate. the home paper. 1118 stated to
be the stepping stone of iptelligence in
all those matters net to • be found in
books. , Give your children a copy of a,
fOreign paper vehich contains not a
void aaout any person, place or tbing:
which they saw or perhaps' ever heard
of, and bow could you expect there to
be interested. Bat let them have a
home paper like THE QI4NToN NP,W
gatA ;and read of people 'whom they
meet and of places with which they are
familiar, and soon an interest is awak-
e, which' increases with every army-.
al of the loeal paper; Thaa a habit of
reading is formed, and those children
will read the papers all their lives and
become intelligent teen and women, e
credit te their ancestors and strong in
knowledge of the world as it is today.
When a woman suffers from de-
-pressing weaknesses, she then keenly
realizes how helpless -.how thoroughly,
worthless she is. •• Dr. Shoop has
brought relief to thousands of such
women. He reaches diseases peculiar
to women an two direct, 'specific ways
--a local treatment known by drug-
gists everywhere as,Dr. $hoopat Night
Cure, and a constitatienal Or internal
preseription celled Dr, Shoop's R•est-
orative.• Dr. Shoon's Night Cure is
applied locally; and at, night. It works
while you sleep. It reduces inflaina-
Mon, it stops discharges, • it heats, it
soothes, it comforts; it mires. Sold by
INT. S. It. Holmes, Clinton.
Cancer. ' •
„ Melancholy at it truly .18, the real
origin. of Cancer is is yet 'unknown.
No parasite has been discovered to ex-
plain lts invasion, and no treatment •
'short of firewater oossible use of the
knifebas (von Y •hope. Even with
the best surgical skill: the growth is
very apt to recur, and in the great ma-
jority of patients afflicted with the dis-
ease it provci fatal within three to.
five years. The one promising .feature
for treatment is 'that the ailment isat
first alwaytt local mid should thus be,
amenable to early and thorough dada
tation.-New York eterald,
• Treasure attend.
Treaefire 'shied is •still a mystery.
The steam yacht Rose Marine, whieh
'left England in October. 1001a.to search'
tor the treasure wheel, teaditioa says,
pirates concealed. on (Wes Island, in .
the Pacifie, bee returned to leouthainp-
ton. Captain' Mathews, the'skipper, is
reticent es to the resulleof the voyage
and only says that his 1)01101 ththe
project has• been strengthened.. The
work of searching the tatted is very
,difficult. •
A :Weyer For the Dabiert. • •
atitnee Broadbent, mayor of Itud-
deretieia. England, 124 Making the prop-
er alto al' letales fl leading' feature of
eulininistieition. Ilo iseties 110,41110-
i:1011S as to tlielr food aml says a baby
Anal 110 weighed every fortnight to
keep "alb" on its nuttition, Ababy
Weighing 11)80111110 is kept at the may-
oritIty office for the purpose, •
Iealousy is like sonie other things -
the lid should be kept on it.
Waen you say no, say it In a manner
. that will leave no doubt of your mean-
ing, - . -•
Wlien giving advice to others here is
a small slice to serve yourself; Beep
still more.' ds
• How little the best doctor 'knoWs!
Atid how helpless he ie In the presence
of serious illness!
It is said that disappointment is hard
to bear, but We all stand, it pretty well
when we Took in the glass,
A Man Just starting into a law suit
has mere faith In courts than hie at-
torney ever alatins to have.
•There ere too Many young met who
start out to make their mark In the
worla and stop at a soda fountain or
hammocle on the way.
.44 44 nit nor anispiiinten.
According to a new standard in no•
set by a 13rocklyn flat own-
er, the old term of janitor stands a fair
thence of being done away with, and
all the assoeintione thnt hover disa-
greeably about that fenetiottary's name
are to be swept away also. This IS
Shown by a sign on an apartment -house
on the park slope which reads: "Apart.
merit foe rent. Apply to eustodltua"-a
New York Press,
Natures Food
lah to draw your attention
to the
Almost every week eomething new
elainosonr attention. Mast of them eeena
to stay, so they must be good. A few of
the starers are 1••••
FOree,Y11; irita,fitrape
"'Nuts, Canada flakes,. Orange
Neat, and Shredded Wheat
Ttti zeit we whirsh articuler-
Mtge _
Wheat laiscuits, on exhibit in
our south vvindow, consisting
only of entire Wheat grain.
Made light and short by mechan-
eicoaolmosgh.redding and tlforough
rry a package and be
W. T. 0/NEIL,
THE;111,I13 GRO-aU,
The men or. women %OW talk too
muchare aftlieted with. a conanon fail-
ing. When they haveanythine to say
wotth listening to tbere need be no
objectioe, but it is generally thosewho
beve nothing to say worth listening
to who do the most talking. I don't
think so enuch of woroan's tongue
workingovertinee and in a hurry, be
cease it bey only weapon of defence
as well as of offence, and she was born
tbat way. Hot the man who is always
talking is a crank who should be sup•
pressed. It does not matter what the
subject is, be it polities, religion, bug.
ness, or sport, even a dog fight, he
knows it all, a,nd would rather stop
eating than stop talking,. if he can
get anabody to listen to him; You all
know the num at the lodge meeting,
who has ftlWaya some other business to
bring un just when the members want
to get bornklurd if he hasn'tany other
busmess#he detains them while he tells •
them that if there had been any other
business to talk about he would haye
brought it up, but that at the next
meeting,perhaps, he would have some-
thing further to say, I eoteetimes
think that if the members' wives knew
about this chap arid the Wei he pro-
tracts the meetings, keeping their hus-
bands out late, they would get to-
gether some night and toss hirn a
blanket. •
An 014 School
Those who are interested in commer-
eial Or aliOrtballii education wind() well
to write Tor the eataltrzneof the Witish
Ameriean 'Avidness College, Toronto,
which is the oldest school of the kind
In °exude, and certainly one of the
most reliable, Iturving a record of
nearly half a century' of saccesdul
work. Their announcement will appear
regulary in our advertising columns
including this iselle.
• For Sale or To Rent
House for Sale
Ten rooms, with woodshed and Feeble
lineeemer ye* aes tease
• BARRISTalt, a01610Prialt, ace.
CUNT() e
Offloo-Natiott Meek, formerly ocoo
br Scott,
-MONET TO Wile •
•rvobLo., .t,'TO, •
etdetTON .
CONV*IlAaTeltale, 00tIlimetottes
Rena Jgatate and Insurance Agent
Money to loan
hard and soft writer, a acre of land. cen-
Italiflhektstilerpartroulartrapply-to---- 40#0110:000,r
• W, BRyDoNg„ , yryil
House and Lot' for Sale
For stile a small house on Rattenbury
etreet west, together with lot no, 690, being
a qutrter sore, • Apply to E, BUTT, or
NEW ERA office Clinto,n. •.
Urn. Gunn se Gann.
Dr, W, Gann, Is R. C. I' .10 It. C. 5.. Min^
Dr, Mabel Nunn, M. it. C. S. itergieee,
L. a. e. Ir., Louden.
Olice-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night cans lib.
front door of office or residenee. itettauhurr
. Cottage tor Sale.
Tbe cottage on filoo&tuebeer °toe! ofile'e and residence on.
rpAeratioaut: yo.bolotiefpt tieeat who to E jog. rQoi obe cooSkf f. t e'ssrateE]Aj: tor sale Ir.
ssagicitohne (us..oecti„nopppto.fiAttosp.roatoanit:molothltuwronaiornotr,raeriv ett,
•• tOifiZe Coe We lri6101ViIPSON •
Rouse for Sale
The large oottage Queen street, 'be-
longing to the (*ate of the late E. Holmes
is offered for sale. The lot is nee.balf
acre, with bearing fruit trees, hard and
soft water. A bargain. Apply at NEW
ERA office. •
Good, liouse for Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale hie large and
comfortable frame house cal Albert Street.
The house has every conyenieitoe for ordin-
ary thmily. Good cellar; hard arid soft
water on the lot; three -quarters -of -an -Acre
of land; bearing fruit trees, also good
• stable. Will be Bold on reasonable terms.
A. yvnixEN,
Clinton, Moll 301h• •
' TermaopenseSepte.,4.ihe_ .
• •
A. iligh,grade Sclilaidt The demand tor our
gractunt.es this rear is about twenty times the
sininly. It pay's to.a,ttend our eollog9.
• Write today for catalogue. •
'W. J. ELLIOT.71,'Prin
corner °avenge aue Aietzalder sts •
Pasturaige. •
G-ood paaturage clan.belisci for forty or
fifty bead head of cattle. Apply to Fenn
Forerasn, Mr. MeMURRAY, 'Stapleton.
Barn tor •Sale. •
For Sale, a 4 bent barn, 2Ix40 feet, 16 ft
walls; 'timber and lumber sound; just the
size for horse or hay barn: -Will be Sold
cheap. JOHN STIRLING, Clinton.
• . • • •
• Stray Heifer. .
. —
A two year old heifer, red and white, • a
pig rine in left ear, Anyozie giving inform
talon that will lead to recover will besuit..
rewarded, WILL ANDERSON,
nd 4i Auburn, P. 0.
Thoro null tor Sale -
The subeariber offers for sale 1 thoroagh
bred Dula aged one ream, roan in color,
sired by Snella; importe'd Sbort-Horo
Bull, ADAal, WEIR, lot 26, con. 4,
HuIleta, .
3 Short -horn !nits for Sale
Three good young Bulls, from to 15
month's old; tem roan and twe reds, good
quality. Come and see them, or write ED.
J. WISE•, Clinton, Bahian] faros Stock
Farm •
• ,•
House and Lot tor sale
House and lot otiAlbert St, for sale, the
bouse is frame, with haleacre lot, small*
_orowhialirdbeetoyioduonog etseeseyet; obi!: de and CsofHt, water
House tor Sale •
HOlise and lot on (amain Ste tit present
occupted by undersigned, irt offered for sale.
House containe 9 rooms, the lot is balf-aore
with beariog fruit trees, gcod 'well, stable,
Wi'l te sold on reasonable Marie. Apply
on thepreraisest or et Bicycle Shop, Bat-
tenbury See E. TURNER,
Rolls tor Sale.
Two thoro-bred Short Horn bulls for
sitIe, aged 2 eza years, both red withe
white; splebdid individual bulls of good
Pedigree. One by Biggins' Imported Fan-
cy's Priae; the other by Selena Star of
Morning. be sold reasonable. .
tf JAMES St10.13.11ROOK
• •
Notice to Debtors.
, All persons indebted to the estate of the
latteThomas Bell, are hereby totaled that
the earbeemist he peal on or before the'
13th of Augraitate either Meant, M. D.
MoTaggart or W. Aryrione, and ,pereone
holding empty caste or property behoving
to stud. caste, are asked to return SaMet at
once,to hie late store. 11, J. DELL,
•• Adminietretor.
For Sale or to Rent
. .
• Lot 15, Con. 13, Bullett, (150 sores) is
offered tor sale or for lent, • Possession to
be given at the doge of the current year.
For particulars apply to W, BRYDONE,
Farms tor Sale
• About 850 %creel:trot-clan land, sltusted
en the 4th and 5th oonocssions of Hallett,
are offered -for sale. This irthe finest pate
&ire 'land, without exception, in this
. neighborhood. For particulars enquire in ....-. • . ,
the first • plaoe mall. aMIN ReNSFUE,DI Private funds to lonvat 4%, per mutt and *p..
Box a86. London. ' ' wards vv. LINYDONS. .
Pbysician, Sul:goon, •
$r,e03a 1 attention my en to diseases of ths •
• ,1Bye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
'00110 anaReseienee.
Albert Streeta Blocks North or Rattenhary
tit. W. Illannirtg Smith, h., Cat. ,
OFFICE -Main Street, Bre/field, formerly
atioupied by Dr, Pallistea
• 1DR. F., He axeat
Spechilbiln Crown mud Bridge 'Work,
Graduate of the Roya4College of Dental Sox- '
gt earproasnecroourfaarOgrtmena.todearurictot
Chicago. of iiiiivereite of Toronto Den-
ea.go College of Dental Surge.rr
Will visit Thiyileld every Ifondar. •
1)R. H. IslOWLER. •
°faces over O'NEIL'S store.
R.Peoial oath taken to make dent tre
relent lie painless as posable. W vii
Auburn every Monday. .
• Miscellan.6pus.
• No witnesses required.
. Farm tor Sale.
•: Subscriber offers for tele his farm of los
acres, being lot 31, 3rd can. H. R. B. Tack-
ersmith. All cleaned. and under oultivet.
ion except 3 acres ; all but 18 sores in grass
Frame house, bank barn, hay barn, and
othez outbuildings. Bearing orchard,
Good water. Schoolhouse on the premises.
6 miles Seaaorth ; less Mean 5 to
Clhaton; good roads. ,
Farm tor Side.
OEORGE OLI.410141%-:..
• .. etiiNtON, ONT.
Licensed. Auctioneer. -
Fared tales et Specialty.. - , • :
Orders left at the NEW '‘ERArirree
promptly ,attended to •
ve stock and g neral Auctioneer,
•' Farm stock sales a specialty. Orders lett NA'
Subsoriber offers for gale hia farm of
100 sores, being lot 24, Con. 2nd, Stanley,
All °leered but 10 acres. Briok house,
bank barn 40x80. cement silo, 14x30; one
acre of orchard and emelt fruite, 2 never -
ling wells. Driving house, pig pen, hen
home. Five miles from Clinton and three
from lanoefield, =good gravel roads.
• Clinton P. 0.
thoiee Farmtor Sale
Subscriber offers for sale his splendid
hum of 96 sores on the Base Line, being
north part cif lot 2, Mattland Block, Hullett
Geed brick house, barn and all necessary
ontbuildiagie 35 acres bash; farm well. we-,
tared and in good condition. 2 milee frorn
Amhara, and mai mile from the aroposed
C.F,R. station. JOHN SPRUNG. &u.burn P.O. •
Farm tor Sale
200 sore farm in East Wawanosh, lots
31-34 Con, 2. Firet-olass miller grain or
grass, well drained, web folioed, spring
creek runs all year, 15 sores good bush, 2
acres orchard, bank barn 60 x (15, -with eta-
bles alt. eensento good sized hay barn. large
implement house with pig attibles under,
• good sized frame house, kitchen and wood
shed attached, 2 good -wells, 2 miles to An -
burn, 6 to Blyth, e mile toschool. Terms
reasenable as owner wants to retire, H.
TELEX, Auburn ea- •tf
Farm for Sale.
Two hundred arid thirty-five nem, eitu.
ated on Daybed Reed, Goderict Tp., three.
quarters -of -a -mile from Clinton. Soil in
exoelient oendttiou, having been all under
erase for five years; splendid grein or grass
land, web attuned, ecres hardwood
brieh and excellent orchard. One barn,
62x74, with stone stabling for 12 horses
and•35 cattle; one ban 8de 54, with silo.
and stabling for le cattle/ Large imple-
ment house and pig pen; power and pump-
ing windmills; Dirge frame house; two
god ssells and ruining water at rear of
farm Apply fa MRS. ALE)I,fl
alsEWEN, Canine P0, 01 Lot 28, Con
2, Stanley,
Farm or Sale,
13eing lot 29, ()on, 2, 'I.R.S., Tnekersnaith
containing 100 acres. geed brick house.
With oellar, two good barns, stone Stabling
underneath; large hen home and implement
shed, a acme hardwood bush and 2 acres
of fireacheis orchard. Thitafarm is atria -
ted in the very beet locality in the county,
convenient to church and echoels, 6 miles
from Seefortli and 5 from ()Puede, with
good gravel toads. It is in first -claps eon-
dition, and will be told cheap and on rat.
Bailable terms, 1122 proprietor is eoing west.
Apply on the promisee or to LEVI STONG
Nzw Eita. office., Clintont_proraptly attended ,
to. Terms reasonable, Fanners' sale totes.
discounted, :
J. B. Rumballs Clinton.
• 4. P. TINDALL.
. . .
Private f•unds vo loan on mortgagee "a&
-- best current rate* •
General Banking businete ameettettalla
• Intermit :aflowed DU deposits.
Sale notes bought. .
G. D. Mc -Taggart MoTaggark
McTaggart 'Bros. d
Geniiral Stinking Bustinetea
tranattetea •
Drafts issued. Interest allowedea
The McKiilop 'Mutual .,
Fire Insurance co.
Perm and Isolated Town Props
erty Only Insured.
McLian,.President, Kippen; Thos
Eraser, Vice-pres., Brueefield; Thos, ,E
Hays, Seq. Trees:, Seafortht
•• Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; Jolla ,
Watt, Ballo* G. Dale, Clinton. M.
Chesney,' Seafeith; J. Evans, 134ch.
woon; J. G -Grieve, Winthrop, 3, Bea -
newels, Drodhag.eb. •
Each Director is inspector of losses,it
his own locality:
, . • AGENTS, . •
Rol% Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchley
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmond-
ville;J. W, Veer Holmesville. •
Tuner, 4,
No, 23, James St., south. :of
the R. C. Church.
Drop postal card when you Want piano
Advertise in the NEW ERA
The Clint°
to Dec.
fQr: 2