HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-10, Page 1441•0••••Pmf•••••••;••simarowrisiorr oad a t e Job Printing natabuehea less n0130114 AMMO% nidelstier. CLINTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST IQ 1906 SUBS WeNnekersnaWAInVYWAI*W1 To Our Readers The Sovereign Bank of Canada THE -BAN PAYS I NTER EST 4., TIMES A YEAR. On Savings Accounts There are many things 119^ pening which are of public in- terest, but which newspapers never get hold of, such, for in, et,ance, as family re -unions, farm sales, weddings, accidents, and -, iteini fujiiiiIarnature.---S e , of these newspapers may get, but there are others that do not get into print. Now, if parties interested would send these to us, we wouldhe glad at all thnee to publish- them. Write out an aecomat of them,. and sign your name. Never multi if the item is notwell written. Put in the facts, and we Will fix it up. The name will not be published, but is required as an evidence that She item is genuine. You could , nut a lot of items on a post -card. Try it. 68 BRANCHES, H. T. RANCE, Manager, CLINTON; ONT. •^1. 3410V1IfielltelltS, .Shorthand,Clinton Business ()college 1 The Sovereign Bank -of Canada 1 Tenders wanted, W.J. Paisley* 5 • Apples wanted, D. (lantelon 5 Of course, T.M. Watson 5 Auction Sale.Proudfoot.Hays &Blair& The Last Call, Neivconibes -7 All Ready,Hodgen Bros 8 Auction Sale, Hodgen Bros Baron Komura, elapanese Ambassa- dor to Great Britain, was the guest of Sir William Van Horne in Montreal. The $500 Chinese head tax having 'menthe effect of keeping the Celestials out of Canada, it is now said thet,2,000 Hitadoos from India will arrive shortly ein British Columbia to work in the mills and on the railways. It is also said that more will follow, andthat, as the supply of this class of labor is un- limited, it is possible that many thous, ands may reach Canada ere tong. As these laborers are British subjects. no -alien law can reach them. Newipapee Bargains. 1 We want to increase our subseriptiOn. I list, and make the following liberal offer ' to new subscribers: - w i The Clinton New "E4a from now 2K6 s to let Of Ja,nuarY, 1907, for • • - 1 The NOW Era and Weekly Globe mri ., s, to 1st of January, 1907, for .... v.../N,1 I .s ff'he New Era. and Toronto Sun: 50 c Weekly, to 1st San, 1907, for ..,.. : sThe New Era and Family Herald Ana i : to 1st of Januar,. 1907. fOr••••••• 160 ? • 1. c Subscribe at once, and get the full beim- Ifit of this offer. Cash must ACCOMPank 2 . each subs eription . , . . S olf•••••0 ...... AE.1.1.1,0•1.....1...0,4^0.01.0•1.1 ................ 0,10.01,0. Shorthand and Typewriting The following is a Partial list of the firms engaging our graduate stenographers within the past few days: • W. J. Gage ek Co., Toronto Barrister Vanstone, Wingbam Cottam Seed Co_,. Loudon C Marks Electric o., Detroit Monarch Typewriter Co” Toronto CLINTON BUSINE (Affiliated with Wingham Business College.) !MIL OpensISept. 3rd. can Drop a Postal for information to GEO. SPOTTO N, PRINV"PAL. -CLINTON PHOTO STUDIO J. ROBERTS, SUCCESSORnTO N. B. HENRY, 1•1•11.4111m00.14.1011 • Having nought out the business of Mr. Henry, I de- sire to ask for a continuance of the patronage given this studio. All work done will be up-to-date, and equal in artistic finish and pose to that of the cities. We make a speeiatty of Out Door • viewing ' CAL. I, AND, SEE US. ' J. ROBERTS, Photo Artist, - Clinton* Wedding Rings 18 kt Are you looking for it suitable preiseet? If so, ourtlarge stook of" SILVERWARE* PA NC V CHINA, FANCY CLOCKS and many other lines we tarry, will make choosing easy , for you, A. J. (IRMO, jeweler and Optician:. Issuer of Marriage License, VIAAAAROWswARANAAARRAN Raman BIG Cordeersn -On Thursday the storehouse opposite the station ground used by D. Urquhart and J. and C. McDonel tilted over towards the nest. The supports were not strong enough to told up the 8000 bushels of oats which the building contained, and this being stored in the upper portion of the building apparently made it top heavy. When the building touched, thegrounderndAhe slope caused it to burst and the'greinto run- out. imm- ediate steps were • taken to save the contents, . nearly all the grain be- ing •gathered • up in good condition. The building which was wrecked be- longs to Mr. Urquhart who intends moving it up to his mill where it will be much more convenient. ' Exeter lnutiontort.-Ven. T. B. Richardson, Archdeacon of London, was lame Sun, day and inducted Rev. D. W. Collins rector of the Trivia Memorial church, at the morning service. &large and attentive congregation was present. The Archdeacon preached, and the holy communion was adminneered to a large number ofthe church members. Mr. Collins preached his introductory sermon -an earneat and able discourse -in the evening, and enters with much promise upon his parish work. He has been ' most cordially received by his new congregation. BYLAW CAORIED.-The by-law to loan $10e000 to the -Exeter Canning and Preserving Co., Ltd, was carried on Saturday by it vote of 832 to 27. It was also agreed to fix the assessment of the factory for ten' years at $5,000 .per year.. • Ruhurn • Clinton Business College opens Se • Visrrortee-Aroong those who Were visiting in the village during the -past week are: Miss Tena Lautenslayer, London, at her parents'; Miss Mary Cassaday, Ottawa, Mrs. -Yates and Mrs Bean, of Goderich, with friends; the Misses Erratn .London,' and Miss Belt and Ruby Robinson, Winghain, at the Erratt home ; Miss Betsy McAllister, St. Augustine, and Miss IVIabel Wilson, Detroit, aynong relatives ; Mrs. Small, Toronto, with friends ; Miss Maud Fete guson is home for a month's holidays -; Miss E. A. Blair and Roy Munro spent at few days in Stratford, and Miss Blair is this week attending the Goderieh District- Surniner School. Chas. As- quith, now in Temente, 'spent ,a few days heirs the first of the Week. Unnecnne-Rey, A. E. Jones will be absent the next t ere Suielays ; the first week will be spent at tile Winghara and Goderich District &tauter Schools, and the next in visiting tour ; his pul- pit will be supplied by Gordon Wight - lean and Mr. Wilford, of Victoria Uni- eersttye,Tbe-eLeaguee-by-reqnesti- held this week'., meeting in Knox church Quarterly services were held in the Methodist church itt Don, nybrook on Sunday, and were well at- tended. At the meeting of the Quar- terly Board on Monday the finances were found to he in good shape, and the custoznitey appropriation was made for ministerial support. S. H. McOlin. ton Was appointed representative to the District Meeting. -Rev. Ernest Phillips, a Baptist Minister recently from England, will prea,ch in the Base Line Baptist 'church on Sunday after- noon. • C. P. R.---Censtructien has been car- ried on, after a fashion, all summer, . and things are nearer completion than we believe the popular Mind is aware of. About a week ago there were be- tween 15,000 and 20,000 square yards of earth to 'be mewed on the station ground, and for a short distarce di - erectly east and west of it -no great task ordinarily, but the distance to be hauled by -waggons is about a mile and a half. It would be a reasonable pos- sibility that this beat would be ready* for tracking in two weeks, but, by Past records, not a probability. NOTES -The annual village outitig on Civic holiday,'Wednesday, was well attended. Three wagonetteirend Law son's band wagon, besides numerous buggies, were used. -4S+ • 41. Eayileid Obiaton Business College opens Sept ard. PERSONAL -Mrs, Mactuglaton, tear our village, has returned from the west; she has been in the noted hospital in Rochester, Minn:, where her sister, Mrs. Hugh Thompson, for- merly of Stanley, had a critical opera- tion performed fair stomach trouble. Mrs. Thompson has returned to her home in Bloosejaw with renewed health and strength. NOTES. --St. Andrew e S. S. picnic, which was held in Hustous grove, met with success and good weather. All enjoyed themselves as the ground WO'S well prepared. The garden party by Trinity Church was attended by very large crowd Owing to the choosing of a good night, and the general enter- tainment, The Rev. Mr. Carwell, one of our tourists, took charge of St. An- drews pulpit last Sabbath, The Meth- odist ehurch ia rapidly advancing, the root being almost completed, Mr De - etre Vinton, a brother of I. toillion,Who lived here some time age, was the gliest of Mr Thomson last Week, Mr . Ross is appointed tit/specter of the harbor for the reaming year. W. Hig- gins ha o completed the building of his new bath. Mr, Hugh McLeod, an old yeteren who served during the time of the Fenian raid, is receiving from the GOVSVIIMelltit lima grant iri NOW Ont. Of one hundred and sixty acres Goderich Township niiii/on Business Cam opens alert era. • Wnneerne-A. pretty wedding was eolerienized on Wednesday of this Week, at Lauren Michigan, when Miss Sadie Inole, daughter of Mr. Wesley Cole, was Married to Mr, George (Jumper, a young farmer of that place. The acquaintance and relatives of this miaultneWieh_the-Ynntlg_enunle pleasant ,voyage through the nen. Nornse-Mr. and Mrs. Briggs, of Main, has been visiting with ML. and Mrs, James Mose the past week, The Bayfield Line school is being treated to a,coat of paint, it looks beautiful in its pew dress. Mr. Ben Anderson, of Toronto, is visiting under the pax - ental roof on the Bayfield Line; Ben has been on. the Police force in the city for some time, but has since been made a detective, which business he will shine, for his tact and ability. Mrs. Dignian and daughter; of`R/teter, spent a few days with friends in this locality. Mrs. J. G, Steep has been slightly indisposed for some time, we. are sorry to note, we trust however that she will soon be well again. Mr. Jack Thompson has returned from the West, be was Just to the limit of his ticket, so had to strike for old Ontario once again, a country Jack delights to be a native of, Mr. Andy McGregor is busy buying apples for Robt Elliott, of Godericla. Most of our experienced and competent apple packers are again ready to• do battles for the apple kings, the fruit in gen- eral promises to be of fair sample and the price in comparison teethe quality. Ine-A".-eTebbutt, having resigned the principalship of Dungannon Public School, has accepted that of No. 3 Stephen, adjoining Exeter, at $500 per annum. Mr. Tebbutt is an excellent teacher, and a .young man who con- tributes to moral and educational devel- 'epment °fatty community., Miss Tilly Tebbutt, of Woodstock, is spending her holidays) at her home on the 14th and in Goderich. . • , Seaforth Dnoweran -A young man named Peters,' who was born here, but who has resided with an aunt named Davis, at.Londom was drowned at Port Stan - ori Monday, while swimming with a companion, His parents are dead, but he hers- a sister still living here. The body has not yet been recovered. Mr. Thoulas Pinkney, Seaforth, has sold his fast trotting mare, Gertie P., to Mr. Skinner, of 'Mitchell, receiving for her 0500-: Clinton( Business College opens' Sept ard. • /COTES, -Miss Mary Brogden is visit- ing friends in Wirighara and Attwood this week. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. I1 Hill. is orethe sick list, Miss Lavinia Brigham, of 'Hamilton, is vis- iting at the home of her parents, •Ed - Win Adams, of Clinton, spent Sunday at his home here. . Nonns.-Miss 'Govfer 'ha s 'returned from London, on accomit of her sister, 'Mrs,•Longman. not being very well. The harvest willbe almost finished aroundhere this week, A- /number froen here are preparing to _go west on the harvest excursions, Ernest, son of W. Lee,•while sitting on the wagon rack, was kicked on the leg by a horse, and his ankle broken. S. VVoodmap is having a well dog this week. Our sum - met vadtorsiare.nearly all gone. e thrunote- The first quatterly service under the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Cur- rie was held on Sunday last at. Coln 'stance, and was well attended, gooa interesp being manifested in all the exercises. . The quarterly board met on Monday, transecting the general .business thereof. W•.. IL Moon was appointedrepresentative to the linen - teal district meeting to be held in God- erich this week ,• a coolmittee was ap- pointed to introduce the coupon or en- velope erten:: at Londesboro. The BMW very generciusleneredtlede$ 11, the salary of the pastor, and increased the allowance for horse keep by $25, making the total salary allowance $875. The circuit is in& prosperous condition and every indication points to it year of progress and church development. ROIMOSVIlie Clinton Business College 01/0115 Sent.Ord. Neens.--Miss Kathleen Swan has gone on a visit to her grandmother at Fergus. Rev. F. Swann and family are attending the. Summer School in Goderieh. Several of our villagers went to Goderich on Wednesday,. to take in the sights and enjoy the lake breezes. . • Chernat-The regular quarterly ser- . Vices held on Sunday last, were seasons of spiritual refreshing. and those pre- sent felt "it was -good to be there." The finances of the anent were in 'pod shape, and the usual appropria- tion made for ministerial support. Mr. Thos Potter was elected represent. ative to the District Meeting. FeeTonv.-Notwithstanclingthe dry weather the butter factory is doing well ; although not tiuite 60 inuch cream is coming in, the price is good, and will net the patrons a good season; Instructor Bart' came up, but on ac- count of the rain did not visit the pat- rons: he expressed pleasure with the state cf things at the factory, the qual- ity of buttet, and improvement of the cream getheved on the routes. With special care of cream, he can see no reason why this factory should not become 'the" best in Ontario- it now ranks' among them. Keep up the re- eord, patrons; you ate doing well ; aim for the highest and you II win. , , eOnStlinte Clinton limitless College openn Sept Sra, NOTES*IVIr, Robt MeMillaan has gone to South Dakota on it business trip. Many of our young people have recently cloyed it pleasant trip over to Bayfiel . Quite a, large number partook of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper bet Simday morning. There was a good attendance at the Epworth League Tuesday evening lest ; 31r, 0. L. Farnham, Miss Dorene Dever and Mrs. Duncan Tudor, gave the subject ; Miss Cherlotte Wilson rendered a solo, which pleased all present. Duritig the storm Saturday night last, lightning struck the house of Mr. W. Lowrie demolishing orfe ohininey and passing through eveo floors into the eellav do - !fig considetable damegee ; although the °donna/its were in the home, no one received injury, polgiimbosi.ovrivo•Niwrohalaisibilini MISS Ilea Maclifath aliA Miss Arnold, of Godeeith toWnship, returned to NeW York on Satttrclay last to resunie their dutts in Ttiount, Sinaleep ta 44,470' ErUceileI4 Clinton Biniinesg College opens Sent fird, DROWNIII),-Oup whole community was saddened on Wednesday to learn of the sad dealt of Albert McQueen at Mansville, Alta, by drowning.. No particulers have yet been received. The sorrowing parents., ° brothers arid sister have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. The remains will be taken tonie for burial, Nom - The Sons of Temper once held their half inouthly meet hag on Thursday evening, , Aug, 2 after the usual business a short enter tainment was given, when each of th menabers took pert and a very pleas ant time was spent. Next meetin night August 23rd. A severe eleetri storm passes] over our community on nunday evening last, quite a number of farmer's erops were levelled dove* by the rain. No service was held in the Methcdist Church, last Sabbath on median t of quarterly meening at Varna. Misses Della and Winnie O'Neil. of Clinton, are visiting at Mr. Will Rat-, tenburys, Ilde Albert Aiken head and family, of .London, were visiting at Wm Aikeehead. this week. Mr. Wra Ratteubury had a cattle beast killed with lightning • on Sunday evening lest. Edward Briggs M. In P., of Hairthey, Manitoba, was in our village on Tuesday last, ; he intends leaving for Manitoba shortly, The congrega- tion of the late Rev, John Ross held Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in the Methodist church on Sabbath last; Rev.Mr. McQueen, of Scotland, offi- ciated, and a number from a distance ,were - present. Charles.. Mustard _has, clutege of Hensall Presbyterian congre- gation during the vacation of their pastor, Rev. Mr. Smith. Archie, sou of Robert Marks, of Kansas, formerly of our 'village, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Wm. Rattenbury. Mrs. Geo. Forrest and daughter, London, are guests of Wm. Forrest, Stanley. Mrs. Stan - bury is attending the Summer School at Goderich. Mrs, Robt, Plewea left last week to visit her son, eVilliain George, of the Soo; she went by boat from Sarnia. Jas. McQueen had a stook of oats struek by lightning and burned on Sunday: owing to the heavy rain the fire did not spread. Mrs. H. Mustard and daughters, of Kansas, are visiting at the lionae of A. Mustard, Miss Annie Foote visited last week at the home of her aunt'Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Clinton. Miss Jennie Mc- Kenzie, of Detroit, is spending her va• cation at home. Miss Elliott, West- minster, is the guest of Mrs, W. Scott.. Verne. ' °Britoil Business College opens 'Sept 3rd. Mr. Davidson tad the misfortune a few days ,ago to meet an -automobile on his Way to Bayfield ; 'he got out of his buggy and held the horse, but the animal was so terrified he could not hold liiizi, 'anti it ran everay,..deniolithing the , buggy. He went to Zurich nett day and bought a nevinemee %It:was-a rather dear exPer$ ienee foi ourreverend brother, and if he had not been a good Presbyterian minietee he probably would have sween. Myth. Clinton Business College opens Sept avd. • Mmes. -Messrs J. Emigh; Dr. Long, McMurchie, C. H. Beese 'svere in Goderich on Monday and Tuesday at- tending the Bowling tournament held there. The following places are get- ting fix up in general, Mr A. Steintoff's house being painted, also Mr Joseph Combs and Dr. Milne having 'a fine cement walk.put into his residence on Dinsley St. Editor- Braclwin, of the Circulation Dept•of the Toronto Sat- urday Night, was in town over Sande& and remained loathe council meeting. on Tuesday evening. Mrs. A, H. Tierney and Miss Dorothy, retimied home on Friday evening after spend, nig their holidays in Clinton and other he-laverreseciat tali] auspicesofof the Epworth League and Ladies Aid, Which was held . last Fri- day evening, was a grand success ' the proceeds amounting to $120. Messrs F. Tanner and wife, of Watford, and D. McKellar,of Strathroy, both former business reeked this town are visiting. old a,cquaintances here at present. Mr. George Denstedt, of Gerrie, was in town on Runday. The latest 'Ad- dition to he Bowling Lawn is a club house erected and some new benches foe' the public to recline on, which adds to the beautifying of the place. Mr. • N. B. Gerry and wife were in Seaforth on Sunday. Several loads drove Over on Thursday to take in the • Sumner School, and also the high obese concert in North Street Methodist Cherelt at night. . • • • Goderich • BOWLING TottleNAMENT-whe fourth annual tournament of the Goderich Bowling Club opened Monday after- noon under the most favorable con- dititions, the weather being perfect and as the green is one of the prettiest in Ontario, all lovers of the game 'were pleased to meet here. Thirty-seven rinks/ were in attendance, as follows: - London 6, Coplestone 1, Kincardine 3, Wingham 3, Seaforth 0, Guelph 1, Stratford 1, Heiman 2, Blyth 1, Can, ton 4, Exeter 2, Lacknow 1, Goderich 0. • Timken/MO* nuuttua Buseness College ovens Beet srd. TUE VOTERS--,AgeOrdillg to the re, coolly issued voters' list of this town, ship there are*793 voters In the town- ship divided as follows: Five hundred and ninety-four are entitled to vote at -both perliamentry and municipal elec, tions: 129 are entitled to vote at mon'. rat al elections only and 70 at pllrlia. Hientvv,4ectjoiis nuly,-Iii-1901-theren were 825 voters, ce• 32 more than this year. Last year there were 820 voters or 30 more than this year. There are 77 female votersdivided as follows: Division one, ...1.0; two, 25; three, ai four, 10; five, 5; six. 12 There are B04 gible tc serve as jurors, • St Relent • Nores-Mrs. Ohm:man and Miss Mara, of St. Thomas, are visiting at her father's, 10. Asgnithis, MSS E. J. Johnson bas returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. Robinson 1Vpotle, Mrs. Ala, Bell, of Wingham, has returned bowie; after ?pending a couple of weeks with ter sister, Mrs. T. J ago t, Misses Robeiaa, and Patience Sherritf, of Winghanat are spending their vacation with their grandmother Mrs. W. Farrier. We congratulate Miss Anderson on the success of her pupils at the recent Entrance exam ; she sent five and they all passed ; she has been engaged to teach in the .saine school for the next year. Crean oerte Whet might have been a serious fire occurred at . Mr. Peter °lark's, in the village, last week. They. were extracting honey in the bee. houstreand when- they went in to dinner they left a lamp burning, and ineither exploded or upset and set the tee house on fire. Fortunately it sires seen in tiine to prevent the total loss • of the house, • ParesoNaes.--Miis Lizzie Miller spent last week in Goderich. Edgar Bronscombe of Cargill spent 'a few days visiting St. Helens friends: Mrs. Alex Stuart and daughter, Anna, have returned from visiting friends at Ripley. Master Lorne Firth, of Lon- don, is spending his holidays with his aunt, Mrs. Miller, Misses Maggie and .Cluessy Carr of Sarnia are visiting their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. jets Ramage. Crisp: County Clippings. • • Mr. Jonathan Miller has purchased the Boggs' hotel at Carlow and is now in possession. Westfield trastee-ss - have --engaged Miss Mary Clark,• of St. Helens, as teacher for the coming term. Ernest Robertson will have charge. .of No.n school Colby:tree, et the close of,the present holiday Seasot, Miss G. Strang has been appointed teacher of modern languages at the Mitch ell Collegiate It1StIttlte • Daniel Campbell, Goderich, who was • eomtiated to. jail weaning removal to the House of, Refuge, died in the jail, Mrs. Laidlaw and Miss Laidlaw • in tend leaving Seaforth to reside in Detroit about the 1st of September. A most successful re -opening Of Ethel Methodist church was held Sun- day and Monday, July 22nd and, 23rd. John A Brown, son of Councillor John Brown 10th con., Grey, died at his home near Neepawa, Man., on Wednesday of hut week, aged 28 years , John T. 'Bell, late of the Col- borne Rollie, Goderich has bought the King Edward from Itobt Paisley at Ildertom it le said to be a goed-proper- Mre.L.B. Thompson, who has been, ceretaker of the Seaforth public school for the past couple of years, has re- signed, to take a position-. with the Willis Shoe Company, Judge Doyle has given his decision in theaseal case ef the assessment e •as woo amen 111-00711 allowed it -reduction of $300 to be made in the assessment Miss Bertha Millian, of. Goderich, who has been teaching for the past two years on the base line, has been engaged by the trustees of S. S. No. 8, Colborne, for the fall term. Mrs. Maedel, who has been :tended with rheumatism, and who is unable to stand on her feet, was at the Col- borne Evangelical church lat. Sunday. The invalicrs chair, which the oongre. gation several months ago Presented to her, served as it yehicle to bring her to chinch. . The voter's' list for McKillop this year contains 813 names ; the list for 1905 contains exactly ethe sante . /Wm - bete so that there is no falling off in this township such as is the case in most nifinielhalities. In 1904 the total number of voters Was 820 or seven more than this year, - We give below the assessment of the various Public Schools in the Township of McKillop for 1900 -No. 2, 8105,100; No. 4. 0160,300 ; No. 5, $97.- 300 ;..No. 0, $170 400 ; No. 7, $193000.0 ; No, 8, 3240,000; No. 9, *173,000; No. 30, 8158,600; No. 12. 8147,300; No, 13, $178,J00; Union 1, • about $02,400. 011ie Jennings, who was severely burned on Mondety night of last week the •explosion of a lamp, died at kincardine on Wednesday morning. Deceased young man was well known in Clinton hexing on many oc- casions played lacrosse here. He was popietax young man And his host of friends were sorry to hear of his tragic death. A few days ago while the wife ofMr. Harry Zaple, who lives on the Town Line, Stanley, was walking through a swamp near her home, she noticed an odd looking odject stieking out of the geound. She tugged at it and When fin- ally brought to the surface it proved to he the eaters of a large moose, the conned, no doubt, in the long ago, laving %id down at this spot and died hem wou oda received from the Wheels or ill at eneounter with another moose or other'wild animal. 'While driving into Whighato en Saturday evening, Mrs. /oho Cope- land, of Turtaberry met withWhet might have been A Wel aocident, It Will be remembered that her SOD re. cenny had hig &MI broken at a barn raising and Intra Copeland was bring- ing hien to the dodoes to hay() the arm dressed. When in front -tif the &air tactory one of thes front wheehi male off the buggy and nitro Copeland was thrown to the road and received ugly cuts About the ism and body. nhe Wets tarried to the King Iildwerd 1 Beer= Soepinas' Ceeen-Seven 04111. tulles of the Essex Fusiliers arrived ere by special train Monday after- noon to spend it weeks' recreation on the shores of Lake Iluron. The parade state was 212, inclueling brass bands, bugle corps, and signal corps. The Fusiliers were tnet at tiusG.T.R.station by Mayor Tilt and Oceoael :Young of the 33rd Huron regiment, After the reeeption the regiment formed up and marched through the town to their headquarters at AgriculturalPark. officers commanding are so follows: - Major Laing, Major S. O. Robinson, Cant. C. 11, Kent, Capt. A. B. Paddon, Capt,Rentorton, SeegtiMajor ()Aegean), Paymaster j. F. Smyth, Chaplaierlee: Quarterenaster Capt. ,T.A. Mc- Kav, Lieut, A. E. Mercer, Limit, 3. II, bleDiarmid, Lieut. David Reid, Lieut, Geo. Wilkinson. The Eseex Fusiliers are the only Canadian regiment ever reviewed by it United Stales President baying tiassed in review before Presi, dna Roosevelt at Detroit in 1901. TheY also bola the distinction of him - lug been revieWed at the St. Louis •Ine, position. During the South Alfican weir they* (sent the largest proportion of voliditeers from one company in re. sponge to tbe dell from the mother- land. Everything is being done by the Ideal offioers and -authorities to enter - tale the reisitors. E'er Friday rifle match has been arranged betWeett the Huron 33retregiment and the riteiliere5 hotel where her Vounde Were dreseecie They Do Not Play Lacrosse eillontt;tentoTs tgesrolnodes:15clit10751,1to On grounds as rough as sin, and in grass knee high, the Clinton Lacrosse aggregation, were held down to A tie game at Goderich Monday. Absolute- ly no provision had been made to make playiu.g interesting.. The grounds were literallYfarbf-Tiolei: n'hile the locals knew the exact position of essela one, the visitors could be seen measur- ing their length on the ground every moment or so, • • If the Goderich Lacrosse enthusiasts appreciate the class of sport as handed out by their local players on Monday last, they vastly differ from that ele- ment in any other town this side of Kincardine, The Goderich Lacrosse players fully sustained their reputa- tion - the roughest in the group. The language used by some of the home Meyers, in the presence of the ghroisleteotfolstaclilieest,owwnAs positively p, a dis- The first quarter, which was one.' hour -and -a -half in length, began with a quarrel and ended in a tight, the second quarter likewise, and also the third (except that they fought con- tinuously) but the fout th quarter was eoo fast for the Goderien bunch, and they kept the ball out of the field as much as possible. At half-time the core stood at 3-1 in Goaerich favor, but the visitors played rings around he home team in the last half. Play, ng Lacroaaat the home team were not e it for- a minute, but at bull fighting, r something even rougher, they are nWtighGbotelderlielhe c'brutiwacob, eixaciaPutml°114rthoef he spectators included) pursued their amiliar tactics of slashing and trip - Lege In' ono instance where a Wind- er visitor attempted to voice his °pin - on as to the nature of the playing, he as pounced, upon and severely -cline ised. Ben Gibbings refereed the game -or mild have,had any chanoe been lye') him. On oue oecenion, when e had ordered a penalty to an home an, he was turned upon with the xclaanation -"Yoe .ay I've got to et off ? I'll mash your mutton 'bead," ncl he would not go off. , It is not yery probe ble. that Clinton ill be represented in C. L. • A. circles ext year, and, At any event, not if - oclerich is admitted. They are not lone in this decisioe, as other 'teams ere abouts have made a similar state eat. lu-view of the treatment handed -out o the visitors, and especially to the eferee, it will not be surprising if the xecetive awards the game to Clinton, bleb they honestly should do, ether- aiisegrtonuentdies.will.be played off on Pent-. ' LAVROSSE • 0Pderich and, •Kincerdineare down and out, except that the foemer have. to play offtiegames• with Clinton on neutral grounds. lf Clinton wins tie game with God, erich it gives them.a total of five wins, toicifawteitniba wins -'protested genie ot Clinton, they are placed at five, and if they win game which Seaforth .has protested of them, it manes/ elle and PUSS them out. If Seafortleavins protested g'ame of Wingham, it places them at five, and it three -corned tie still remains. Group No 2 Intermediate C. L. A. is doubtlessly the most mixed up dis- teict in the entire League. The' 0. L. A. Executive met at Tor- onto On Friday, Among the protests dispobed of weretwo from Seaforth, einuch won both of them.. • The ohe against Kincardine was allowed them, Kincardine having no 'defence. The protest against en Ingham was that Wiughato had played HeturningAof Hanover, who had played with Illino- ver against .Durham. The protest was lowed;--and-41m-game ordered to be played Over on. soine place itgreea on' by the dubs, or else named by the C. L. A. within ten days. •• Wingham and Seaforth will play off a protested game of lacrosse on Rec.' reation Park here, on Monday after- noon next. . - BOWLING • The Competition in singles, for the pair Of bowls offered by Mr. DOwding to the best player who joined the Club this year, was Won by Cap. Morrisle The English, Emilers • On Saturday of nett week. Aug. ,18, Clinton will be honored with it visit from four of the eight rinks of English bowlersriow touring Canada: They have teet with a most enthusiastic and cordial reception Wherever they have been. and it is intended that their re- ception here will be none•the less gen- erous than elsnivhere. They will ar- rive here at 10 a, tn., and will be met by a reception committee representing the Lawn Bowling Club, and driven to various points of interest hereabouts, after which 15 18 proposed to have an exhibition game of iacrosee for them, in the Recreation Park, betweet Chu. too and Seaforth, ['hey Will then be entertained to lunch at the Town Hall, and in the afternoon will play against twterinks of Clinton brawlers., one rink Amu Wingham, And one from Sea, forth, After the mateh is over they will proceed to Goderich by the 0,35 train, and spend Sunday there, four rinks having also played in Goderich' on Saterday. The wives of some of the English bowlers are travelling with them. Whether or not they will be here is not yet known, but as many ladies, among others, will doubtless wish to Witness the game, Mrs, Chidley has kindly offered tlae use of her learn therefor, and this nil! be reserved ex- clusively for ladies. The Clinton playere will he S. Taylor D. A. norrester W. In. Spaulding G. McTaggart R. Ape* 1. ir W.Jeckson, skip J. Hoover, skip Mr. Taylor had the honor of being a Member of the Canadian team that vie. - Red England two,years ago. The Wingham players will be Messes, Venstone, Dr. Irwin, I', Bell, and Vanstone, skip. The Seaforth play- as will be R. 5. Hays, G. J. Parkes, .1, 0, Greig and T. J. Coleman. A. very bandsome :souvenir., for larete entation to the Bowlers, is being pre. pared under direction, of Mr, C. B. -Dowding. It is 8 portfolio containing ptifito of the Clinton Club, the Eng,. players Whe eome here, the Clinton pivots, and it few local scenes, tthd will ile e peetty reminder Of their visit tothis town. R. P. Reelde's- - DRUG STORE, eLINTON, .01sIT : Seareeler•elleran•Wr/WW•o•U Our Stock Is Mil •$ with a . fresh -supply of spices . . . I Whole, and . /• • Ground. Corks ) • all sizes. to Bottling Wax • 11. W( ainx Jar -rings, etc, tins. • Pa.raffi Don't let • chafing and sunburn get the better of you. Use Euthyinol TitIOUTI1 • Powder. W . S. R. H?him.OLMES, • , 1 . Public: School Matters ' The resignation of Miss Grace Shele- herd has been accepted by. the Board, and Miss C. Chidley has been engaged.. inter .place At a salary of $375. . Miss Shepherd has taleena school in Mien, • • • ' Mise J. Wiseman hits been engaged' 'for the Model "feral at &salary of $140 for the term. ..• • • . Miss Dell O'Neil has tendered her. resignation, and will take a rest from teaching ; the work .performed by her sistereMiss Winnie, en the store of her father, -being pretty heavy, will be shared by Miss .Dell O'Neill. • • ' The tender of W. Gandy, for $135, to .• paint and calcimine the school through- out, and finish the stairway, has been accepted lur the Board. • • Principal, W.' R. Lough has been re-engaged as n - Principal, at the same salary as lase year. This Will make his 25th year as Principal. and Will probably be the last one he Will remain in 'that capacity, as he some time ago made up his mind to retire. We have often before alluded to the fact that the people of this town '. were to be congratuleted'on having a . man of Mr. Leughn educational and Moral standing at the heal of its pub- lic school, and have the greatest pleas- ure in re -Affirming the s one. The value of hie services can never be esti/rutted propeiner, • because they have a worth • that is not commereian and the hund- reds of scholars arid teachers that have 'passed through , his hands into all the avenues of lite, are themselves the evi- dences of his fidelity as a teacher whose model was also' the highest develop- ment of moral attributes. At the last meeting of the Board 15 was decided to make the school year begin on Sept. lat, instead of Jae, let, as formerly, and the basis upon which the teachers are engaged • was also changed, as follows The initial salary for first assistant be 075 ; for the nett five assistants $325, with an increase of $15 per year up to $e00, and then $10' per year up to 3l50; that the increase for 1st aesistant be $15 pee year up to $450, and then 010 per year up to $500 - That theinitial salary for prinaary teacher he $350, with it yearly increase of $10 up, to $425, and then $10 per year to $450. That the salaries from 1st Sept. be as follows .. Miss Chidley, 3375; Miss Wilson, 0410 Miss Man- ning., $325 ; Miss Courtice, '$840 • Miss Wit -tee, $325,; Miss Taylor, $380; FOOTBALL • In a senior Weeteen Associate/2 , Football match, played at Berlin, oa Monday, Seaforth defeated. Berlin Rangers by 3 teen rHE Maisons Bank Incorporated 1855 •• Capital raid up $3,0001040 Reserve Fund,' $3,000,000 Total A sets $30,000,000 SAVE YO DOLLARS by depositing It our Savings 13arik, it does not require large /mount to begin with. We pay 3 per cent intetest on amounts of $1 and Upwards. Better begin how -deposit whe,t you ean spare -add to it WhefteVer Possible. We Will welcome Iyour aeconnt, large or small. A general flanking bug/ants teens:toted, • - 2A.tr Ann sect VS C. g; DOW1)ING, Itlenatet, Clititett