HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-03, Page 8s 4 . 8 THE 014INTON RW ERA, 3 rif (2; • e„. • t '14‘. A: i• *j. . , , $ .r. •;* • •!'( • r The Last of the. Waists. • PAIPPODI. Saturday, August 4th, we start our annual clean-up• of White Muslin Waists. Empty -shelves, „and _43, _pew stock -next season, is what we are after', There must not ,be a single one left to show when next season comes along. There is not much chance of there being any, for the prices we have put-on the Waists 'such as have been here this season, ought to clear ,the balance out in. short, order. We will not re- -serbe a single garment, All are new, up-to-date -styles. The assortment is not as good as it was early in the season -you could not expect that - :but what is lacking in quality, is made-up in low- ness of price. Better come early if you wantbest choice. Here is the list we start. selling Saturday, Waists at $1.10 15 Waiats in this let, which includes every gar- ment thus sold at $1.50 to $1,75. All new and 1 1 • stylish, Choice,m ' comencing Saturday mornI ing.. _ MAIMS at $1,41 Just 24 of these. Everything that sold at $1.90 to $2.50. Long and short sleeves. Nicely trimmed with embroideries and insertions. Choice of this "a lot Saturday 45 %Waists at' $2.15. Just a few of these left. Our beat and handsomest Shirtwaists. Regular 5275, $3.00.and $3.25, Choice tie n of them, commencing Saturday . tieL� I al Those Hosiery Specials • There is more business coming to our Hosiery. :rand Glove counter right along. The generous as- sortments, the sterling good qualities, and down ..-„right good values we show,are bringing it: Specials :iike our big three, are helping too. Better lay in' .2 supply before they are gone. • !Special -No. 1 200;pair Ladies' black Cotton Hose, tine quality, .full fashioned, fast dye, worth more than the price g)Kft we ask, without doubt, Special, Saturday 2 prfor Li,11, f'Specia! No. 2 150 pair Ladies' fine Cotton Hose, all tan colored, • full fashioned, German make, fast dye, made to sell at 25e per pair, and just as 'good as we have 'beth • selling at that price. Tans have not been ;quite as . good this season as last, and we have this 150'paii of 25e Stockings, together with obout NO pair ot fine gn bliek to sell on Saturday,at per pairI Ott • They weaejtist as well as if you paid 25c for.thena. Special No. 3 200 pair Ladies' tine black Cottou Hose, German make. fast dye, doub e heel; ,just in this week,Splen- . did value at 20c pair, special for Saturcley • • Three pair icr Fifty efauti. • •t Fall, 1906, Advance. Showing New Fall Dress Goods. The first of the New Fall Dress • Goods ..are here Not the season's full stock, but sail enough to give early buyers a wide range to select from. Next season's newest fabrics are represented in this first shipment. .The new dark tweeds, the new dark almost invisible plaids, some new. Waistings and panama cloths. We invite you to come and see those new dress fabrics. No need to buy, unless you wish. Our order for all plain cloths, venetians, cheviots and vicunas, was placed months ago, to insure us being able to lay before you the coming season, fabrics without the ad- vance in price we would be forced to ask, if we bought at present -market values. , 1 Do You Want. a Rain= coat? A Raincoat is about the handiest out -door gar- ments woman can have It is good for sunny days as well as wet ones, .especially if you have any .driving to do. You can buy one for little money, if you buy before these are gone, 15 only Ladies' Rain Coats, three.guarter and full lengths, made from all wool English shower- proof cloth, in fawns and greys! regular $0.00, $9.00 and $10.00. A clean-up of spring stock before the fell season opens.Choice, commencing Satur- $5 00 More Embroidery at Bargain Prices. More Embroidery to sell at prices -that save 'money for buyers. The saving is enough to make it worth your while to buy now, even if you have -to put away until next season It doesn't pay us lcarry the odds and ends over, and we are making the price tempting enough to make it worth your 'while to buy. Embroidery at Oe 250 yards, fine Cattibrie and Muslin Embroider- ies and Insertions, assorted widtbk and patterns. The last ends of various lines that sold at 12 1-2e to 15c. Choice of this lot, pet yard se sasite: IffilMbAlery at 15c .0.........mitkvibout 300 yards in this 10p, last ends of Oahe' brie ond fine Mesliie Embroiderand Insertion, thateted ell the way up tie 25e. Pattern e in the lot suitabls, for altnost any purpose, odd lines that ars/Usti after a season of big selling, clearing this ,10t at per yard: 4. ttt fe.stas011,601“..ritilyr.air ****** 1.60. o (111.0e. ,r1 a ens ter- nwp4ereres 15c jr," 010: 'ss de 4t L.4 ". rt .;• :f • 4. August ,atat, 1900 . TIOUliE SOLD. - On Saturday lest f, The gliTttan !lel& En. e;414=1,4840.rt. ti'zeiatN,',411,1:rg: estate of . Mr. W. Smithson. It went FRIDAY, A.UGUST 8rd, 1900 at what is considered a very fair price, gopit0. ANOTHER BICYCLE STOLEN. - Mr. Wes Newcombe of his bicycle standing in the lane by the side of' his store the other day. and when he went to get it shortly afterwards some one had made off with it. It has since been recovered. • i NEW TE.A.CHER.-At a recent niee erg of the Colletiate Trustee BconasIldialarePPthilTatiliemhos foratofefePr9leLti°n09: Science Master, were received, and that of Mr. Forbes, of Essex, favorably a year. Mr. Forbes has not yet wept -- ed the same. „ RONEY CROP A FAILURE. -Mr, Isaacs Dodd states that the honey crop so far as this section is concerned, is a ' failure this year, usually a hive will Yield nearly 100 lbs of honey, but he awe he will not have more than from ten to fifteen pounds a hive. For seine reason not apparent clover and basswood failed to yield the usual amount of honey, hence the total fall- ing off. . , , • ACCIDENT. -Miss ROSS' of town,' met with a nasty accident the other day. While descending •the cellar steps with a lamp in her hand she slipped and fele the hunp being. smashed. and she etuuried by the fide When she recovered consciousness sne found she had been severely cut in the Nil and it was necessary for her to visit a doctor and _have her injuries armed. A NATIONAL ANTHEM ENTRA- TAINMENT.-The Salvation Army. for /to open-air concert on Saturday night, will play the National Anthem of the various countries; represented in theefollowiegsprogratneseEnglandes God save' the 'King, Canada -Maple Leaf, cornet solo, J. Watts. United States, South America (the Argentine Republic,) Holland, Norway, S weden, Greece, France, Austria, Germany, Spain, Denmark -God save the King. CHANGE THE METHOD.--4.11uring the summer it is thebusinessmen along Albert street to practice of the sweep up the road dust in front of their premises and then far the town to cart it away. This is a good deal better than leaving it on the road, but the town should go a step farther and asphalt the road, 'say from Fairsmill to the Sovereign Bank corner. This would naake an improvement of a per- manent nature, and we do not think the cost would be tee great to under- take it. BAND EXCURSION. -The town band has arranged to run an excursion to Goderich on Monday next, and have provided for a special train to Tatum at 9 pen. People who go up on the Civic Holiday rates must bear in mind that they, ,eannot come back on the special train-seith these tickets. Only the tickets issued by the Band are good for the special train. These Inn y be procured at Bartliffs, Neweontbe's., Down'e, and at Hodgens' clothing. store ; also at the station. . . 'NARROW ESCAPE. -Mrs. Harry Jading,: of Detroit, alas been visiting at the home of her father, Themes Mason, in Hullett, • for several weeks. She left for hoine on Friday, but, while driving into twit:had a. narrow eecape from being killed. Juist as 'they \vele. close to the railroad track on the grav- el road, a freight train came down from the north before they saw it, but the horse barked off the track met nearly threw thernall out in the ditch.. Beyond fright, they were uuinjured. to Bev. Mr. Newcombe, SOUVENIR TA.13LET. -W. Cooper Co. have iseu.ed a very neat souvenir Local Notes 58444444+444444+4444U Hoge have taken a slight drop this week writing tablet, in two sizes, There . are three views of places in town, and There, houses are still very scarce in I one of the London road bridge, the town and hard to get. whole making a neat and attractive All the new buildings being erected heading for souvenir correspondence. here are nearing completion. The Postoflice will observe Civic Holiday by closing for part of the day. It's a little warm east yet for hockeY, but the season for this sport will Own be here. MAY EXHIBIT HER PIC/TURES: -Monday's Toronto News says ; Ow- ing to the fact that she is the niece of the late John G, Howard, donor of High Park, Miss Mountcestle was given leave to exhibit her oil paintiu s The auction sale season will soon be in one ot the committee rooms of ttie here ; get your bills printed at the Oity Hall _during the Exhibition. Pro- New Eats office. PertYPhannissatner Ranee protested . Regularmeatina.of the_t_own council that this .Was opening the door, but on Tuesday eight next; owing to Mon - the Mayor elehl it was only done be- cause of her relation- to the donor of day being Civic holiday. • the park. I I Norsworthy late at Riagetowie THE VOTERS' LIST, -This year s 1' hhaue fboeremnetlernswleirrthetillToNW°IsaTelltroa, "1 Voters' List has been issued, and con- 1 • . tains a total of 512 persons entitled to Alf. Miller, who' was taken to the ehictiens awe. HOLUM of Refuge last. eadweekasreported: , sufferiug vote aa both municipal elections, I 314 who can vote only at :municipal el- I A whistle now summons the men to te tlee Legislative Assembly.; ? with paralysis, is not d, ' actions, and 07 who can only vote at., work at the Foundry, instead of the , election's to . the Legislature. There ...bell which has done service forty years are300 e igible for jury worksand 133 1 The Sunday School • excursion to S -*id. frelassiSsi listwale...first poeted tin Kincardine on 14riday was wellpat- on July...th, ind zt is the.duty of 1 every personwho desires a vote, lInd .yonized at this point, .over .80 tee etii is entitled to be thereon, to seellaat being ti":41(1; ' . : • - their name is on the list, Ii dayA School awho went .be .the. Sure. picnic at Hayfield last Week MADE A 0IISTAKE.--A good joke spent $2 in a bathing suit,. and then is told at the expense of a oongrega- . had it stolen from him. tion not a, thousand miles from Olin- I headed, astute businessmen and their.. being painted- s there are hundreite of The barn of the House of Refuge is tole It is composed moiety of clear- , families, With a proportion of level, other barns in this locality that wOuld his thee appearance expressed surprise , abseriee ..; be improved by a coat of paint. Factory ; he has rented. the house on headed farmere. During the of the. regular pastor the pulpit is ! being supplied by a etrenger, who on , a position as hook -keeper at the Organ . A brother of Mr. Fred Hill has taken "Why," said he, "I was told the.whole :'„P incess St , belonging • to Mr. W. at the character of his andience. _ To'.ung, ?.! Goderich - • oinnauditY was -- it of old retired fer- 1. -The-Zuriefi-liferiela--htli701-werzii e's." • its Edith year of existence '' at is one of : the best smell papers that' comes into UNICIPAL. s -There is certain to the NEW ERA office,. and the editor be !meth more than the usual interest covers his local field well.• taken in the municipal elections next January. The reeve of peal township The train from London 91.1 Thursday will go to the ceunty, couocil, as well night, had two Pullmans attached to as the village and town reeyes. Many .it, both being filled With A,merican of the men who _have served faithfully . tonristss one of the carS• went on to in the home councils for yeers. eein Goderich and the other to Kincardine. thus have, a chance to enlargetheitsex- ' • Mr. Alf Butt, who has •been in the perienee and nsefulness. Itis also kr-, G. T. R. freight office her e has been gued in this wily ' that ' the very best transferred, to ' Fort Byte. He is- it men in a local municipality will be se- thoroughly competent and reliable der the new Act Clinton, . will elect a ledder of success. 1 cured for service in the councils, Un • Young Inas), and Is hotted to go up. he reeve, who will he a, .member of both Mr le: A. Forrester has the bonotsof the town and •county councils. •• • 1 6. ' 4 having delivered the. first neve .wheat MAY BE LUCKY. -La`stwinter a here this season, he having , put in Clintonian Was tempted to in -est el some to Pelee Mill this week.: It was little hard-earned money in ascouple of I a good sample, up to standard, and lots at Saskatoon,' *Sask. He bought esold at .70c. th. e o s likea hop trades knives, "un- •' The hill cn the road just' ipside the. ;sight .ceetinseeri.'". depentliegselone on .. the -judgment of the seller. Thurtidayes corporation limits' on - Albert street north has been 'utidergaing. treatment dailies contained the iieshoeheereent• that should niake• a great. improVe.. that the el. P. R. becedeeided to 1411.1cf'. went. A large -underdrain has Wee Saekatoonone of its terminal. poin ts, Put hedewn the•centre of the road. ' end had expended-nearla $80,000 for _ s , . lend for its station buildinge etc. The seas O. J. Wallts. and Oliver Jahn - land .liought is within one • Mick of steneach shipped Or ear load of horsesS that owned by the Clintonian, who ai to; the West ' on Wednesday. ' Mr, , reedy begins to put on the Airs of a Johnston accompanied his consign. "land speculator. . • , ,•- - went, nSid Me. Wallis and his .brother ,. .. • • , his. - Mr. Wallis has:some-land in, the • DROPPED D1 -..D. -Mi, , • Charles west, and he will Probebly 'stay and Blake, e,wellsktutwn residents of Gode, .have somehuildingereeted, On it -1 -lab, dropped dropped dead on. the street; on. ', • " _ re' • • ' ' ' Tneeday morning. though up to. the .ME rEortoLoGioAL REPORT. s- usoment or his death ' he had appar- The Meteorcilogical report -for July is etitly been in the best of health lie as folio ens- The highest maximum Was 73 keel's of age, rind for 'many- temperature Was 800 on 21st. the -lowest years lived on the. Huron . read, near , minimum terneerattire was Oen 23ed. Goderich, retiring .to Goderich about The highest range 300'on the 20th, and 12 years ago. He was married to the tholowest range 11 50 on the 2nd. The second dr -emitter ' el the bite Williatb, . mean maximum temperature for the • Jenkres. who survives Mem He was a ; month was 77.580, the mean minimene . most highly respected citizen and owns., temperature was 50.510 and, the mean • Considerable real estate -in .Gbderich ; • range 21(17'. Therainfall for the month he was' a Member of North Street was 2.35 inches. . Pell wheat cutting ,Alethodist Church for many years. and began on the 17th. Barley on the-25tte • was a Libeled in politics, Mr. Witham '. and oats an the Met. - • Blake, formerly.' of Colborne,: • but now i . For July 1905, the meet] Maxie:mil • living in Goderieh, Was a brother. Mrs } temperature was 77,110, the inean Min-, Charles "Wellis, of town, a n.eice. Was ' imum 'temperature 58.34, and the mean brought up. in the -home of •MraBlalse, . range 18.770. The ini nfall was 4.00 in _lee haying 011 fetidly .ofshis own. --- . .1,faa41.kb.wal.arreayt-9e4uttthinA•5bthe.gen on the21st 1 .1 HOSIERY EXII1BIT.-The *Clinton . Enittibg..CO. • will 'make :a4n exhibit of • . ' , • : their spring samples for 1907, in the 1 windows of Tozer as. BroWne on Satur- day, • Local. NotiCes.:• day, Aug. 4th. . This . will include the • • ten lines of cotton hosiery the Com-. TeTaEs'a..--sehvittatel3kgr.4 and green 1 pang intends . putting.' on • the market , ' • .• for 1907.. Every citizen -of Clinton who ' CAUTIOUS cuseolemis.-Old -Arms should hrteeta tt for Now. wears hose, or is ititereeted in the WO the they seyou it frequently. be - first call *eon egg aii, looking for a fare of our town,- should' seethis ex- fng almost a stranger, we would ask you to give 1 hibit, as the Company:claim they have ' -1-i ritictitaisotveltoerteorye. you buy your yoTnOrtkhe. • themost modern and up-to-date- purely hosiery mill in Cithadit. These samples , • - . '. A. E. SliIITH,rClothier-anii-Eiiini-sinii: ' 0 r matt mount see ou new dismay of snits are all oxodized tost dye, with extra]. . • - • ' super lisle finish. Amongst their neW- • est ideas will be ribbed lace stockings . DR. OVENS. Surgeon Eye, Ear and, Nose, with a purely silk finish ; this hose has win 'he at W. S R. Holmes'Ping PrStore the lace effect and the strength of ' Clinton , Thursday; Aug. Otii,, Hours ii. a.m.. t ii 4 p..ni. • Glasses properly Atte . ribbed hose ; they claim the idea is or. and diseases of these organs properly,. ' iginal with them, and they will be the . . ' ' treated. • ,' only , firm manufacturing theni. *Ansi • other feature the .Company claim is is • Hilton Civic' ,If.foliday... that all their hose areabsolUtely seam- i . yi less, full sized and coinfortable.' The . • , • ' . Weerveph Brand will be worn by.Can- . MondayAug.Ith, Reduced. adian citizens trent the Atlantic to the Pacific. Nine travellers will reeresent rates tii a ..points, via .G. T. this firresand distributing, be selected in Vancouver, . hWouielRe grank.-dgens.T own Montival, and St. Johns,N. B. - Age.H, DIED AT REG1NA.-Mr. and Mrs. N. Robson were called to Seaforth, ou Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr. Robsen's neice, Mrs. Smith, who had died a few days previously' in Regina. A very large number attended the fun- eral, which was interruped by a heavy downpour of rain. Mrs. Smith's death was aur to confinement ; it was at, her home that Miss Edith Robson had died two month's previously. Mrs. Smith prior to her marriage was Miss Ross, and was a most popular yoeng lady, which fact was amply demonstrated on Sunday. • • ' • CIVIC HOLIDAY. -,Next Monday will be Civic Holiday for Clinton, and there are several things. people can do if they are anxious to enjoy them- selves. The town band ad vertices a cheap excursion to Goderich, which might be liberallypatronized. The Bowlers' are also going to Goderich to participate in the tournament. There will be several picnics to Bayfield. The G. T. R. offers reduced rates to all parts of Ontario. If these opportun- ities -for pleasure•are not enough, one can stay around home and clean up the back yard. • LICENSE TRANSFER. -The West Huron License Commissioners met. on Friday last to deal with the license of the Hotel Normandie, but as negotia- tions for a sale. of the house were in progress, no conclusion was reached, and the board adjourned until Tees - day, when the license was issued • to Mr. S. S. Cooper, With hhe understand- ing that it should be transferred to Mr Scott, who has secured a lease of the house. Mr. Scott has been the very efficient and obliging clerk for some time, and under his direct control the house will retain its reputation as -one of the best commercial hotels in Ontario. • LOCAL OPTION. --There is a good: deal of activity just now among tem- perance people throughout the Prose hese. They are looking forward to the submissien of local option by-laws in a large •roember of municipelities this year. Under the new law voting takes place the same day as the municipal elections, but petitions for the submiss sion of by-laws must be presented to the councils on or before November 1, which means that in most cases they must be presented at the October meeting. It, is anticipated that by - lams will be submitted HI Hensel', Us - borne, Stanley, Tuckersmith, and pos- sibly also in Turnberry, Morrie and Grey townships. A KINDLY AOT, -Win Sheppard, of town, AS everybody here khows, is a cripple who can only get around by the use of his cart. His affliction has deprived idle of participation in all the ordinary pleasuree that contribute to boyhood happiness, and heretofore lie has had to be content with siniply looking ,a,t, others enjoy themselyes. On Thursday he was taken over to the pienic at Bayfield. and while there. Mr. W. H. Watt kindly carried him in his Aries down the steep bank,gave It IS said, the firstsboat, ride heevite lind in his life, and afterwards carried him up the hill again. The task was not au easy one, and Mr. Watt de. serves credit for it-, • .61•••••ArrOTA1 iiiiimikvivivikesevivivrowwbet Genuine Bargains IN ALL KINDS OF- • Summer Footwear, ...^64.111.111111104r "4111111111.01".., Our stock is again well assorted, and our great Sale still continues for the .next Jetweeks See our Bargain Counters, and save money by buying your . Boots and ShoOs. 44,4-A T- ° ---THE OLD. RELIABLE -- WW -TAYLOR -8a -S014. 114 1111111%4li 414 11V414. 4%4 IL Aolv. 1 • TORE NWS. NO, 1 .8 Ecouomy h 0 good revoge. ieiteesononly to get value for the moneyigni expend, Our desire is as strong as ever to give you good values, We have a new Skirt Pin. It is called "The Little Gent"; made to securely hold the skirt to the waist, tits any form, pre- vents the skirt dragging.at the back and pulling up an front, easily attached, mucleineeded by nine women out of ten, A Writing Tablet _Induce., inent. Small size 5o, large size 10c, all ruled, a fairly good oral- ity of paper and an exceptional cover design.in the form of an attractisel picture which wehave been told is alone worth the price See them in south window, Whew, the dust! Dont you need a whisk to keep the dust off your clothes, these days8 Our 100 one is a good one, better ones at 15c and 25c. Reading le the food of youth, the entertainment and delight of all. A refuge when lonely, a companion when travelling. For particulars see our Book Shelf and Magazine Stand, Cur new stock of Post Cards seems to suit the polupar taste, its a good, varied assortment whicle-has made Boleti as good if not better than ever before, Some cheapness you pay. too. dear for, thiaie so oftener per - baps in the case of'a Fountain Pen than anything else. There 19 tt price belo,w which it ie wise to go,„ if you como to us we will tell you about it. If you remit money use Ex- press Ordere they are safe,, cheeps' Often tlie-Cheap. est. - Always the Best. iimmay 0 Look InsideYour flat . and see if the label saysit is a-" If it does, you have the best popular, -;priced Hat in Canada to -day; Styles always right and up- - 'to -date: Quality always, good, To be had nowhere else in town.blit . at this big new Men's. Store.. King !' Hard Hats $2.50 " Kini " .S o f t Flits. $2.75 King t:14ts' $1.50 e Ca elp You Keep Cool. Hot weather Clothing of all kinds is here in abundance. Every help to cool dress.. in that is fashionable. No need of swelter ing- in heavy clothes, -when light, sensible, comfortable clothing can be had at for such little money as here. Summer Socks, 2 pair for 25c 40c Summer Underwear for 25c Summer Wash Vests $1,00 to $2.50 White Duck Trousers $1.00 Two-piece light -weight Suininer Suits, very natty $10.00 -- Duck Hats 26c Soft Cool Shirts $1.00 and $1.25 THREE SPECIALS - Three Special Ba,rgains, Three odd lines we want cleared out at once, and are willing'to take . quite a bit less than the regular ogee -for them if-. we can do it. Odd Vests at 75c a only Men's Wash Summer Vests -all that are left of our regular $1.25 and $1,50 lines, Choice tg the lot. $6.00 Suits at $8.90 is 44, .... .... Three only two-piece Summer Suits, Light 'ea% choice of the lot weight. Good material. , Well made. Regular $3 90 15e $8.50 Suits at $6.00 Four only light weight StunmerTSuits,* nioe, neat pattern . Good 10414 material. Famous " 20th Century" make. Regular $850, choice 'of these tg fin last four • re .frobellersilteesertilirit .... 44444411,444114 WYOUU .:171.94 ens Bro.d. asse...\ssieLe--s_ . Clothiers and Tutt Clinton