HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-03, Page 7•••• August 8r4t 11011. /A Daher's Triumph The Mconey Baker cannot , produce anything better than MO011eV'S Perfed1011 'Cream Sodas - t!-7-lifte----myo-best .of -flour, butter and creari•— the most modern p!ant, the Very best baker in Canada. A biscuit superior to any other you have 'ever tasted, Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. THE MINTON LOW SBA IIIUTTONS TRW. OP HISTORY. DhsooVorhoo In Old Port (horse Pre- sent gloms New QtU V•rif vaina41* 00111000a o mol- tanr buttons belt:Miring tO Mr. Richard Teller Was in the Historical room for /Wine yeare, gays Mies Carnahan Pres dent or the, Niagara, Hifetorlea.1 Societe', Wetting in the Niagara-onethe-Lake B ttilleit. but for some tittle we .have been ietthout anything of much value in this direetters, but lait week a collection of buttons, belt buckles, etc., most a them found at TfOrt George, has been placed in the room. The Ara named calico.- tiOn might he' tocid. to represent the milltarit hietory of Niagara, as almost etterry restment, British, American or chttladion, ever stationed, here, was re- gneintifitedO-Threpreeerreeteolleettatnale not so coMplete, but has .many inter - Wing features. The buttons most, tro- quently found. are the of the 41,et Regiment. 400th and Artillery. This was the 100th diSharided in 1818, t'ot the 100th formed in 1858. The butteme of the 49th, )3rock's regiment, are more roe. " Tells of Histio•y. The she month's' occupatton by ilto Antericane is attested by bu. tensWilli XT. S. and Infantry and Artillery but. eons, .A. Very fine belt buckle el l'• 98rd Regiment has very 001-14PI•ett the Scottish thistle. ,Another tflt tby mail has the Sphinx, Egypt, Jaye, Niagara, but no number, .ane on Lee . - big p an;army list it was Orlin 1 *teat the $9th Regiment, which euffered heavily at Lundy's.: Lane, is eutitl'..1 v. these honors. Four regiments Woo . their standards the word Niagara. . • ' From India, Too. • Some 'time ogo, ;when the eirmeer in aid of Memorial Hail was sent to the colonels of regimeote • Which 'hod been 'stationed at .Niegara, a leiter Wes redelved from the commit:elite:: officer of the 70th Surrey, then in; In- dia, istateng that he did not think 'Um. regiment had ever been lei N' gaga, but that their reeorde were very incomplete and he wopld be glad of ane tinformaiiion. n the register of St. Mark's were found births, • marriagre and burials or the 70t1't regiment. 'Sir: Walter's Brother. . . A anther curious Olece ofihformati h was !found 'in an. artfele eaublishea in the. Buffalo •historical bublidacion8 tiwt a traveler at Niagara. en, 1817, met Pay - meaner • SOU, of the :70th regineem, . brother of Sir Walter Scott, and that he was supposed tr; be the writer the Waveriey' -Novels, instead id 141r Walter. .A. letter was sent eontaimi ilk this information and. a generous cent: I-. . op "fettle tover4 TAsurre., rruit-a-tives wiUoUre the worst ease of Chronic Constipa.tion and iliousness. • Because dernita-tiveS are the true liver tonic. 'They strengthen and invigorate the liVer-make the liver give up enough bile to move the bowels regu- lerly. be bile ei natures laxative. Fruit-a-tives are tile finest idney and 13ladder Remedy in • NOTICE '10 CREDITORS. In the matter of the Rotate of Thomas Bell, late of the Town of O.inton, in the County of Huron, liquordealer, deceased. • Notice is hereby given 'pursuant to Sec. 38 ef Chap. 129 R.S.O. 1897, that all persons having ciaims against the estate of the said Therms Bell, deceased. who died on or about the 12th day of Ally, A.D., 1908, are required to nend. by post, prepaid, to the • undersigned solicitor or to theundersigned administrator on or before the lith day of ...August 1908, their names ancraddresses with full particulars in writiug ef their Claims, and statement of their accounts and the nature 'of the atiourities (if any held by them duly verified by statutory deolaration. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said 11th day of Augusale06,sald administrator will pro- ceed to distribute the assetn of the said deceas- ed among the parties entitled:thereto, hying regard only to the claims of which he sheet then have otiee 0.16 and said administrator will not be nableefor said assets or any ;part • thereof tt any pe son or versals of whns.. claim notice hall not have been received he him or his said solicitor at the tirae of moil distribution Dat.d. July 20th, 1906 EDWARD BELL, W. BRYDONNL, Administrlitor Solicitor he world. • rruibletives reduce-inilatereetirm and congestion -relieve the ever -supply of blood -enable the kidneys to rid tbe systein of waste -and thus prevent the formation of uric acid, • rtruit-a-tives take away that pain in the back -and meekly cure irritated Bladder. Pruit-a-tives completeiy ettre Headaches and Rheumatism. Headaches and Rheumatism both mean poisoned blood. Either the skin, kid - nm bowels are notriddiug the sys- tem 01 waste matter. Pruit•a-tiyeS 'In- vigorate and strolgtiten these organs- . start up healthy, normal action -yid the system of poisons -and purify aid enrich the blood', That means, away with Headaches and Rheumatism. .• • Pruit-a-tives are the ideal tonic for everyone. • Fruit -a -twee oui1d Ip, strengthen, invigorate. They eharpen the Appetit,- -steady the nerves -enable one to sle9 well -and keep the whole system In perfect health. They are fruit juices, concentrated and combined with tonics and internal antiseptics. .sce, a, box or 6 boxes tor $2.5o, Senton receipt ot price it yew druggist does not handle them. FRUIT-A-TIVE5 LIMITED - USE COAL. A PIT MOUTH. t I w.a. Now Method of Utilixing Producte inarrhoca, Dy5enter3r, as Power Producer. , ot imolai inteStomachCramps rest to the electrical , fraternity, power users and ! d twins indaustries is the propbsed in- . an stanation at Senator Mitchell's Chig- C /mote Coal Mines in Nova ScOtia, says oummer omplaints The Canadian lectrical News. Thiel electric plant, designed to trans - E mit power to Amherst, Moncton, and interrnedlate 'towns, has the eommenda- tion of Mr.' Thomas Alva Edison, Mr. Edition in an interview recently with Mr. james Creelman said: "It would, not surprise me to learn that some one had seized the seeret of the production! of electricity by direct process. This I will abolish the carrying. of coal for I the production Of eleotriety. Instead • of teansporting-ettele-gresseeno•terial I coal to get power we shall set UP Plants, at the mouth of the mines and generate the power there, and transmit it wher- ever it is needed by copper wires. 1 ' Saving of Energy. • taprefsaiite6irts to kat) tn putting t the coal millets On wheels; it is too I. . clumsy, too etketly, and there is no ne- 1. eessity for it. It is, easier to convey i . . , molecular vibration - millions of I Don't experiment with new and full of cruae matter. We. can ship untried remedies, put procure that loaves a second - than freight cars , ane. hundred • theusanci horse lonoor WIlleh has Stood the test of time. over a wire more quickly and more i , Dr Fowler's has stood the test Kier 6o .e., .. economically than we can send tne , , ' . -eeetee • ectuivalent in Octal ooVer a •rallread I years, and has never failed to give satia . track, i ' faction. It is rapid, reliable and effectual 'We must eliminate the rittlretad al- I together from the problem; what we 1 in its action and does not leave the bowela want is the resultant, the Utmost en -I constipated. REFUSE ALI. SUBSTITUTES. ergy that can be periduced. Everything• _ _ • points to the fact that* in the near fit- 'THEY'RE teANGERous. 1 Ore electricity will be produeoe for Mts. peones 1.esic, Aylmer, Que., vrrites : "I . general constouption in great power haye used Dr. Fowler's Extract pf 'Wild Strawberry . houses at the mouths of, coal pits. Th's forDiarrhcea fee several years past and i find'it is 1 is the logival and common sense out- the only mediaiae which brings eetief in so oorts .1 come of pre3ent events. • •none • Carried by Wires.' • take 7 ********************* * ONE SOLID WEEK og * AUGUST 44i tO 11 * Stratford and Perth County OLD BOYS' IREfreUNION AT • OTTAINL, • • "New, the "troth 18 thatit will vest one-third less to transport 't I POW( by wire time tu (-omen', ltitt (110 Mutilation of Teeth. , form of coal .in otiliemo earee .Weeean One of the most peculiar Customs still.. turn that coal into eleetrielty • at the retained by Australiau aborigine§ is. Illjne and convoy it by a.tre at less man the mutilation of •teeth. • The boy who' half the, 0 1 of fledolitliet• eirtl." wants to' be 'thought. a man will O•ften \Vbere water powers ere not avail - ...w greet power Melee will be. set. break 6ne of his front.teeth. able,- II in the coal te tttd 1 ty 'with 111.- (lil1dU ti 1gOlata. • witteliefeeffir elt: epee. than gas. eteatia plantsetade eieetrie 1i, It • Silver and Idea aro ,geueralleo found • • - .' . • Waste Utilizpcie together,. and . some scientists think A: shniltie plan in Laneaehire. Eng- . that lead. disintegrates late silver. Geld land, hag been eiainnereialitt sneer:sett:1, . and. copper are also often found to: • and it Is a. ilelettehle question, every - ether In New Sonth Wales the great 1 11 ing •ca).,..ital COO:4.1v l'orl, if coal .11.0-y 7 • er under- these eonilitions is not ne ebeep 111 file Iting run or elnjtiter than that pr-dueed ,frout water. . .. , At , the nsiouth' of tile,. Chigneetci mlne.S; *here. I hero. ' s • an enexlitufst Ode ' sopply of coal, .the proatiet of the toilie • Cobar mine 'furnishes .eopper content- . bution of A2 waS reeelired for our filial. • A.. letter with the words 70th. Surrey 'Which hie.d lain. at' Fort George skive' 1117, was seta and' a letter of thanto eineansWe,r,_ seeleing_that I.O..iveould • "mounted. :for ornament an return to • ;England. SEALED TENDERS Addressed to tbe Under- igned, and endorsed 'Tender for Supplying Coal for the Dominion Buildings." will be receit9d, at this oflice until Thursday, August lilt , 113 more so are those of the Queen'e Itan:4- elusively, for the suirelY Of Coal ftim Pi;blie Buildings throughout the Dominioor n. - . • . era, the regiment of . Col. 'John Grat";..s Butter's Rangere. ' ' The buttons of Butler's Rongerse ds - •banded 111 1784, are now rare and sti" Combined specification and form cif tender can reimeoe our first ‘gevernor• The :Rant: be obtained on application at this office. • • teat tenders Cittriadian Yoluhteets, ,Canadian eke: will not be considered unless Made on the Print- ment, and Royal Newfbund lama Egg.i.. Persons tendering ere notified - ed form subigied. and signeci thei mtual mentn belong to the period of the Each tender nitist' accompanied by, .1•13 Ste- War. of 1.81,2,. as also does the . King 's signaturee. • Ite eeeted cheque on a chartered bente =delete- 8th. The buttons of the 78O1 Reginiene able to the order of the Honorable the Minister beee .,..,,,,,, ...ed.. .,.e figiar e of an elephant and ;lo- ot Public Works, equal to tenper *tint (10 P. c.) di''' he amount of the tender; which will be forfeited word .Hindestan. Ph if the party tendering docile° to enter into% eon- Guarde, here irt 1.8'1;e:Illittl'eg.stliD3g ue 1.aett7:1 t1 . tweet when callad pon to.do so, or ithe fail to ItD G and tli. Royal Canadian Ai, complete the work contracted for._. If the tender . • ' G. ' be not accepted the cheque will be returned. lies have a bugle,on eRell button. •• The Department doe's not bind itself to actept . . 11 ad NO Number... ' the lowest or any tender: By order, •; Any .additionel buttons wilibe .glad - .E . ly received, BO. 111d tcollection may FRD GILT4INAS he •maile more emithlete. • It is sieteuete that the buttorei on the coat of Major Campbell, lately given, have no num - here He was a pris ‘ner witlettornwatee in 1781 and afterwards belonged to the. Royal Fusiliers and 5th Regiment, .etc. Une of.the many evils of this country te t. ; ae today is the city department stere..In The hietory OheBritish rmy at sbeare in buttons win be found Inter- • our town, where we haVe the best or Se r • Department of Public \Norsk, Ottawa, Mile 29, 1906. Newspapers inserting this advertr:sement with- out authority from the Departmentowill not be paid for it. •4'ene 29-6-11 • ing tour °Mites of geild. te Ole ton. • Ancients Wore Ftelee Teeth. . The Talmud alloWed•-.Tewish• women 4i° - go- ithrood-on_the JA___alibath with their false golden or silver teeth.' • • Alfoaso II, of tlet.rtligal wae , some, inine with that of better., grade. riu• 1..d -o.0 eitunlit • us .all, ehe tele:ton of your • • • :: i• '.iiikteen men were required -to heinetlie, :whoa firaCtieally refuse. .1 triad .trItseri:ength...iney 'lit' utter ,gert- . • ••• , - • AUG 17 was .80 sleet in titat• stervicesetet to .'aotoe. be • ete yell i.e. economiettlly ..• . , •re. te'S Farewell tit Sir tienrt Never has British Celle/Able regretted the dr'pa retire 'or a Lieuteetnit-Oroyernor so keenly as in the ease of Sir Herd Joly Lothinlero, the chevalier I1,4y• ol..1 of Quebec. 'rhe courtly old gentle• elan, who has given three sons to the Ireperial service, was Owe bidden, fere, well by Capt. Clive Phillips-Wolley, the Victoria ;met; • • Clood-It.e, that word rings hollow when • e part, redit.gdeta(3%,lay the Ithery disein‘.irterms Born ef. the lips, unfatherede ny the Tho prayer hes vanish,e.C1 from the.. threadbare d P () 111.°1171rot:1 .1 be with you." is a: people's. iouroeemetraeee-atemt 20 per eent• ot' -;‘• ..-.0.1e.eaehoe levee One gie. • gratle 'of Coal so ehrgin Ili it d•os not ie " "jet ' • • ate pay to transport it by rail. c euneemuli of the ueot tney. imet, ,roln 1110 e Tee treeing one 'Werukl not however', inust be removed r Saturday, august nth -Opening Day • .A.trival of Special Trains -Band Concerts Afternoon and lilvening. • Sunday, august bth-eild Boys' Sunday Old Bay -Preachers in City Pulpits -Sacred Band Concerts. InondaY! august (Ith- Reception Day Arrival a Special Trains, 13asel all Gaines, Parades, Per- formance at Park, Fireworks. Tnesday, August 7th-Atliletie Day A.quatic and Land Sports --Trotting and Paeing Race -.-10 • • Mile Read: Race 13aseball Games•- Social and ' At•TIOnaes, dnosday, august Sth- ilitary Day M.zumeti• tvit.tensab602111?s,t .)0 Regunents-Spot ts Park4 • Thursday, PridaY and Saturday,. angular Or 10 and 11 See the Great Old Boys' Cliumval- 8 Days of Fun anti * . foil to see the Electrical Ifitimina- ' tions. Greate“ put on in the west. , DON.T MIES. TILL, THESE: Fi towel k.s, a most dazzling display; Parades, -rhousau'ds . or : . Old Boys( Band.s., .48th highlander's, c banner's fDetrc.,",) e,11 many °them.; Sporte, oven to nil. with big prizes; Ittillomee• twee ling deyitnd night ascensions; Spectacles, Nelson's great victory at Copenhughn, depicted in moving -fire tableau; Soldiers, '.21st Essex Regt. in maneuvres. ilttrdy, world's greatest wire artiste; . Catnival, names of fine tent shows; Clowns., a score of the fun- niest. . ttomething doing tic ery hour .all week. Something to. . :pleftee old and young. • *. siricLE" PARE -Railway Rates on Certificate Plan . * • W. J, ,Ferq,nsoa, . j. IL Mri'rinufinii, :Frank A. toints, 1 * (Mayer), President, - -Nicial?reSident ' Secretare, . * allin11111.1111.115111•11.1.1%. 111:1WIlatUlall FARM LABORERS To Manitoba and Saskatchewan 1906 $12 . going trip. under conditions as below. for .tho.' additional for the return tlehet, --;—G- 0 I II Cl• 3D A- rr IC — Stations south of, but not including mainline, Toronto. to Sarnia, including • Pat ei ester el re . • : • It is a tradition that comitr,vt1Int meebneleal stoltersi, •for selni; • • r what irrevere4ly tle'Signiited."the fat." Fr2 ,T1.1wer deVelopment, with up -to -At. te stores, the most honorable of *mer- e •,k. -ea and where goods awe so a wetftitweein so small as not,to afford a re- speetable living to our' buSiness, men, - thousands a dollars are anrivally sent te, the department stores of our, great cities. Farmers expect bur 'Merchants • to pay them a fancy price it* butter, eggs and poultry, for their pumpkins, . potatoes, apple's and tornatoes,. and - then they take the mondy •receiyed from °lir honeemerchants and send it ,to a city department store. There is neither economy or honor in such a • manner of doing business. You can :write it down in your hat, that as a rule, the city department store hi after the dollar just as much as any other. tCitizens who patronize them should he compelled to ship their butter and eggs to them. There is not a business man in our town who will not dupli- .cate their prices for the same • cpiality of goods, and he who turns down his home merchants to patronize these stores is far from being a loyal, pa- triotic and good eitizen. • Id t a • • • • •A Boon to the Bilious tfire you compelled to deny your- " I self many wholesome foods because you think they make you bilious? , Do you know that your condition is more to blame than the foods? Your liver and stoinach need at-. tention more than the diet. When I you find yourself suffering with a bilious attackt take iIIEECHAM 9 PILLS and all annoying *syrriptoinS will soon disappear. They settle the stomach, regulate' the liver and ex- ercise the bowels. Their good ef- fects are felt immediately. ' Beecham's Pills mingle with the contents of the stomach and make • easy work of digestion. The flour- ishing properties of the food are then readily assittilated and the - Tesidue Carried „off without irrita- ting, the intestines or ,,..clogging the , bowels. • a Beechattl/S Filli should be taken ' Whenever there is sick headache, Jarred tongue, constipation, sallow skin or aty symptoms that indi- cate an inactive liver, Sold Everywhere. In boxes 26 cente. . . • The .Aseistant Receive -General. • • :tee dd DrINI ceeighton, Assistaat-Re- .ceteec....G.elierat;.• who. 'for' fifteen years.• .retireseritee North. Grej, : the Froviri- '<dal Legeelatere;• and who partietpeted. in the .celebratione of the jubilee . of Oweel Sound's' ineorPoratiOn recently, fIt native Glaseteo, Scotland, though of Irish .parentage. He was born in the . :Seotch city .APril J.43,. and °saps to •ana parc,nts in 1855. . From 1861 up to his rel heenent from the juatnelistie 'field. Jae. 1, 1846, •• Mr.. Creighton was editor atilt PrOprietor oe The Owen Sound -Times." In 1887 he was entrusted by the late Sir Sohn Macdoneld with the task of forming a steek company for•the purpose of pub- lishing a deity official organ in •Toron- to the result being. The Empire, the first numbrr of which appeared Dec. 27,- -1837. This:paper re/WM-mod to be pub -4 • lished until the arrangement in- Febru- ary, 1895, by • wheel it and The •Mali both eon:Red publicatton, • that a neat. • paper, The Mail and Empire. might take its place. 'Me CreIghtoti est in the Legielaruite trent 187e to 1.890, when he d was defeated- by Mr; Cleland of Mea - ford, the' Liberal candidate. It was ' May. 10, 1.695, that, Mr. Creighton was :appointed Assistant .Reeeiver-Oeneral.. nail and casket *tit his funeral. a he • There S 0'1 e1 1 • t Same: sonicwhat disrespeotful Vie waS this' pot •rorise wit.] In time rival in d es by the •attraetion of neo en r . . . bestowed upon. t iiiiries 111. o ea , . . . a.nd -LOUIS ' VT. • of lite; saute eounteye • • prisese to• its vicinity: such .giguntic ,. ,.., also to Olans IT..of Not way.. • Nvr46?‘r riovi.r (v•velopmeiqs as Niagar.p. • . • .. • • Fans and Shawinieen • • •• • , . • Iron I tit 0 Y. • • There are about 100 gorains of. iron in the 'Average huinan body, and yet sP , important...is: this -.exceedingly small quantity that its dirbinntion is attended With Very eerions,•resnits. • ' • - Chess nnd Latta.. , Rousseau, the famous atithor of: t9111mile," was exeeetlingly fond df chess and in 'one of his beaks intimates that he' Considered it et more educational value than Latin, but as he kneW little, Latin, and 'Mtleh chess he *Old natue rally. be dispoSea to ekaggerate the vai- up Of the amuseinetit' . • - Oysters :camicit Iii e in the Baltic sea, `.. ' , the reasoo being that it is not salt enerfgh:' They can .41ily' liVe In Water . Rice is less. nutrttious thee .tebeate . that coottlins at least.37 per te, of salt to -• Rice is *Slade Intwe digetdihle IlY t'('' • M ,” . ., - g kept It 'h 1111(1 not beeeten f every 1000 pnris e,,1ee ' some. months after betutegathered, • d 'mut TpNHic OF 'HEALTH. • Must funre than O. stimulant mute be ri food as et e 'inediem et 1 hishoth it food tat kon- .4e„:. it diqesittin ipromotes,assun-. • ilTition, converts tood ititO nutriment 1 that tinildsun nerves, brood - brain and bone; 11111 tonic • is Eerrozone whic41 contains'exactl y 'what a Inn -do ton sets. .tem needs.Ferrozope etappiee oxygen I to purify the. Wood. phosphorus tude: • velop the brain,iron to harden the int* es.. No '.W.Onder it intik ea '•aucli V ge o 1 w 0 re mi. You'll eat. sleep, think ahd feel better hy.. using. Ferrezooe.; try.. it -:now. Fifty. cents' ,intys a hot: of fifty cheeplate' coated Ferrov,onatablets at ell dealer. ,• t s. T1 t ••, *' • • Amid re, t , s ea . t.rIctf:91n.T.witrring the tioc ore,w *. • Tvoiat. • • • .Altrimittely the . whet:stoee •and the A Iiit.1 btl11'in onr have Inade .- t if. Wilit.:11, 'Hope whispers, you may be • the type. ., . • la «en tesy both. Of IC To lioPs,$, • h Li ed in por • , • Risks Life to Save Guides. W. Little, electrical engineer of One of the most interesting men of AFTER TEN .YEARS G. L. Stephenson, of Peterbor- ough, says : "For over ten years T suf-. fered constantly with Piles, first. Itch- ing, then Bleeding : pain almost un- bearable ; life a burden. Tried every- thing in vain till I -used pr Leonhaielt's Tlem-Boid. • 0'1 had taken bat a few doses when I began to notice an improveinent. I decided to keep on, and now after us- 1,ng three boxes I am glad. to say I ant . .. .__• 'When the Eire Is li.o4v. If your coal lire is. a little mw so tha: you, carinot.see any fire don't Pitt on oil or nano', d but get your augiir .howl and put on- two or three 'spoonfuls. lf l' it doesn't blaze you will know it is - out, but if there .is any fire the sugar 'will find it. '. . , ......___........ • . . :. . Kimerars., . , • ' . It is . est inlet oh (1111 1 me cc taro e . . of compleel y .e ured. • Mee general health . • Niaaara .is :Moue years old. •The lwgtit has.also „c'reittly improved. • It gives incgreatpleasure to eel:Omen/1 Rena ' 'of the fails Wag la ono Period 420 feet. nOieftn all sufferers with Piles; and I- It is now IGO feet. • feel convinced thatwhat it has done for limit will surely do for them." , . A$1.000 guarantee gees with d every box of • Elem-Roid.' Price .1111.00, all druggists; nr The Wilson -Pyle Linn c.ed, Niagara Palle, ,Ont. : • • . . . . • Ao renergeney Solder. , casuoof le• sudden lealt and when It, It quiteeviOnut etlint Ile plumber Will not be as Imputieot to get In you 110 you are :to have him:mix some yelloW tend grant it„ ando•for. work. in .His • nnt.eni1/1;ittdunt:u.'tu•nin and a people's • .• thank, dreaming on your •mighty: rIvetes . biotite, • ' ..reeoe .ryou paSs to .rest you • have„wone ••• • • • • ---- -- • • • VERSES TO MY BED. • ... Toronto.. - , Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north, except north of Cardwell Junction and Toronto on North Bey...Section. . . From alt points Toronto and east to and including SharbOt Lake and Kingston, and north of foronto and Cardwell junction on North 13y and " e, , . . . Midland Dtvisionse e-, - •, One way second clasp tickets will be sold to Winnipeg ority. • Representative farmers, appointed by Manitoba end Saskatchewan Governments, will meet laborers ori arrival at Winnipeg. . , Free teansportation win, be furnished at innipeg to points whore laborers are needed. A cqrtifickte is furniShed when earth ticket is purchased, and thaecottificate, when executed • by farmer. showing that laborer bee worked thirty days or more, will be honored from that point for a second class ticket back to starting point in Ontario at $18.00 prior to • Nov. 1st, 1906. Tickets will be issued to women as well as tomen, but will notbe issued at half fare to children. Tickets are good:only' on special Farm Laborers' traius. ' • ' ' . • For" partioularesee nearest C,P. X. ticket agent, or d: Thou bed,. hi ,1..11rSt brgin 'lo be t.: veriene Creature, )oan? And• -when agent .th fa te's decree.. .The nieert when'. Infest eeese bre When sieknese. eoines, Nyhttra t •••7en a tithe 111 Y. petit or einse, inine eye; .• 'When earestsurrenad Nyht•re I weep, ter lose them oit. lit imply Sleep.; ;When sore With iabdr, tyhont 1 iotirt,.. - And to • thy downy.breast resort-. ' • he eentee, .thon, • where griee' and peen lee:ease foul refit alternate evign. .eito net, within thy little space • So .seeneA •take..place; LoOeens as its. ful ehalt Oleo...teach • • A,: 5)111 54 dietate-ehurchinen preach': • Anil men, eunetneeit by throe alone, • tioe. great important trtaleshalt ewe . that thin 1)11' (115)15 .d •• The bounds wliertegoodernO reeler.; 'Tlett nouget le perfect here. below ... -But biles- 1;1111 bordeeing- upot Wee.- • ' .-" Beres. • • .seep and whiting with enough ot atet to • eire interesting New eentarizet.: make a, thick poste and stop the leak , yourself. It will do ieraportirily as Solaer. the Dayton Hydraulic Co, Chicago, and Dr. C. II, Riggs. of Toronto,who re- cently returned liettne front EL trout fish- ing trip en the Nipigon River tell of an adventure that •befell Mr. Little and two lodian guides. e The canoe from • whieh Mr. Little was fleeting was upset, in the excitement of landing a 11911, a short distance above Portage Islam falls, Which elhoPs seventy-five feet• The guide e Mild not awls% but Mr. Lit- tle managed by hard WOrk to get them , to the Overturned atioe, which . was . drifting fast towards the falls, where • almost eertain death awaited them. Dr. Riggs and his tWo guides had witneseed the rtecident from a distafice and hur- ried to the rescue, which they accom- plished at the risk of their oven lives. Mr. Little could have saved himself at • the time of the accident, but risked tile own life to save his' guides. A. log sent over the falls later to see what happen- ed to it took -seven minutes to appear outside of the boiling waters at the foot Of the fails. , Tru., ther7i'ir`e indiblitilr pion -ides! here, fif4 are often.found in the larger cities, but at the same time the toWn is remarkably free frOrn the Oasis that is watched with terider solicitude by • the wholesale houses,andwhosedevious ways° cause touch forboding to their, ournerotta creditors, ( ' t . An Unlucky Day. Moe. Penham---Do. you remember the day .you proposed to met teriham-Xt was on a Friday, wasn't It? . . Iltooes Phosphodial The •Oreat ,English. Petted • Tofu* end,1 nvigorateeth0 who , Makes new Blood in ord Veins, Cures Nero ous MUM. lifentat Brain Worry, Da pendency, &mutt Weakness, Boassions, SPerl otettorrhao, anti Affects Abuse or ?abases , Piece $1 per box, six for $5, One *Melva Sold' be' all draggiste or mailed lo pain pkg. Ott receipt, Of price, Nolo panty/Wei maileeifree. :rho WOWS MOilictino 00* Toronto, Oreto New Ontatio is Major J. R. Gordon, C. E., now of Cobalt, but fermerly of Sudbury. Major Gordon is one of .the few .who are privileged: to teed their obituaries. Tears ago, and before the days of the C. P. R., a. eenoe supposea' to be his was foiled on the banks of the French River, and based onthis a: report that he had been drowned found• 10 way into the newspapers. This Caused ti. fruitless search arid great anxiety to his farrilly tted friends, but a few days later Major Gordon return- ed from an expedition into New On- tario, arid had the ourieus experienee of reading an obituary nodes .of him - Self, Major Gordon Was one of the pio- neers of the Sudbury distriot and of NOW Ontario, which he has thoroughly explored. His recent feat of engineering in the Cobalt dieerict •htts attraoted widespread attention as the result of a profound .stUrly of elle mineralogical character and geologiettl conditions of the district. He ceitcluded that a large vein of silver ore ran under Clear Lakto, in the Townehip• of Coleman. In a meet 'Skillful and ingenious fashion he ate taclied a diamond drill, operated by a gasoline engine, to a sow hastily con- structed on the lake, and succeeded in , plereIngethe Vein within a. feW bushier of the point calculatedon, at 0. depth • of about severity feet, Major GOrtion received his scientific training at the f•tchool of Preetleal Seience, Toronto, which has produced so 'Many succese- 'fut.rengleteers.....HikettlAtte, ,Wpal a •distant cousin of Oen. Gordon, kriiniii as "Chi- nese" Gordon. Bobertson Smith was a •relatiVe Ott his .Mother's side. One tif his brothers is "Rd "Ralph Connor," an d• another, Dr. A. n. oarann, in a, distin- guished inetrilier of the profeSSoriate of .the \ITnivereitv of Toronto. . .... Vorpterly Madder) • 11 „ ~le End Vor the Gootl. 1," • All the good Roman' emperora had * SCOTT'S V.V.:1.510N. woa't make a ' • . • ci.) hump tatk sealehancithet win it make Very bad wives/ . a hint lone, -hut it feeds soft beet • • Patine' 'Moments. d : Frederick III. of Germany was styled "the paciiie" on account of his to resort„to wet as rt means of Settling, inteenational differences. 0111118 III. of NerWay here the same title foret sitiui- lor rettemo .. • o.end heals dIseased bone and is among the few .eentlitte means of :recovery ire rickets and hone.ceasumptiert. Semi f. -r f,...;:.mple;, • SCOTT St ilOWNE, Cismiets. Terento, • Ontario; • and it.coi all druggiets, trzimo ra›..aire tr2/13=41. • aameneanallomaaa", -11006.misernarameas Ki;(*K.Kix'.1•C Kt^..;FC PcotK K 3r Kt;•K Dfts.KENNEDYik KERGAN, The Leading Specialists of America. 25 Years in Detroit. Bank RaferalleeS. 41rNo Nantes Und Without Written.Consent. yott have traitegressed against the laws of nature, you must enffet. Bei( abuse, tater excesses ,and private diseases have wteektel thouriande ef promisitig lives. Treat With scientile physicians aaid be cured. Avoid quacks. E. A. Sidney, of vervvervreervere Toledo, says: ,At the age of 14, I teethed a bad 'habit and at I, contracted a eerious disease. treated with a dozen doctors. 'who all promised to cute me. They get niy money O.nd I still had the diftease. I had given up hope when a friend advised me to consult bre X.& K.) 'who had cured hint. Without any emitideece I called pa them, and Do Xenitedi agreed to care tile or no pay. After taking the Neve Method Treatment for six Weeks 1 felt like a new man. The drains teased, worMy veins disappeared, tierves grew stronger, hair Stopped fathom out, urine became Clear sad my eexual organs vitalized. I Was entirely cured by Dr. Kennedy and recommend hint from tho bottom Of Ulf heart." We Treat Arid Cure Syphilis, Glee*, vartstocete. iinstesionta Stricture, Unnatural nisollarges, Seminal Wialniteas, Irtfatney CONSULTATION vitnE. BOOKS FREE.. Call or write for guestiou Slarlh -addiSladder Mimeses, for llente Treatment, NO MKS. NO PAY. DRS, ',KENNEDY di '<EAGAN, eet, MIChigin Ave. and Shelby Street. Wm% MM. t, ( rM VARICODELB NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED. K K K 'ec K K K Write O:B, Foster, IY.,p.A., O. r, •Toronto, of1111•1•11•1 • y,o3u utsciar swim, ES. t ERN: AIR The Exhibition That Made 11---7-r‘t..., Fall Fairs Vantous. • ' An ideid occasiOn: for:a. farnity outing. •• Daily •ascensions of a navigable:airship, always under perfect.control. The most .wonderful' invention 'of the age. • -• • Royal Venetian Band, the most celebrated European musical organization, under. the great leader, ' • 'Victor, will give concerts daily. , lyireworks on a more magnificent and imposing Scale, picturing the grreat.Carnival of Venice. 1111.aqy splendid educational features for the boys and girls. ' W. 1 REID, President. ? Por paitiCIataSrS , AL RUNT, Secreiary. assoaenea. I 90di ;r1..tONDON • SEPT.. 7.1115 1906. • Age eaniuit wither 1.9416 • Nor 608101(1stale, it$ infinite varient , Canadian National Exhibition SIEPT. 19 27 TORONTO . . .• . - ..f . •. . . . ONTAItIO . . .•. . . • • MLR, MORE INSIKICIIVE and MORE ENTERTAINING IlllikEVElt.. • . A.RT LOAN EXHIBIT . • . AN EV:AILED HORSE AND CATTLE EXHIBIT meseessewsomismoin POUTIMY AND PET STOOK EXHIBIT , - MAGNIFICIENT• EDVIIATIONAL EXHIBIT (HP •PRO0141SSES OF • • MANUFACTURE, MT NEW $1.00,000 BUILDING. : rruk: vucnST- ritoolwrmu M., A NUsgatItINTH HMI PRUSENTED, INCLUDING:. ."IVANHOE" WITIT d 14x 1 1 n ItT TILTERS • • . luto MOT ItXXRPIS,STN FROM. I.:NOLAND. TITS MAJESTY'S ITUUSETIOLD BAND .0P THE LIFE Gl)ARDS , wthi, (1 ''s 1111(.111),11LY ON TIIR OliAND PI.AZA (VIllil•:), 11 4. u. AND.I r. u, .... .. No up4wedate Canadian wTi(lylanvliosiseitthhiso gEraelnutbeitritt))%n.iiti come he ,ftrst , week.; • • mut ALL INVOIMATION APPLY TO a ,lf. '0. Orr, d NIANAGBR anitsv.c'TtlilT AM . l'Ill4SIDHNT. . , • , ' .. CITY HALL, TORONTO« Lieut. -Col. '4. A. McGillivray, It. C. New Boot and Shoe Shop Subseriber Mira to notify the people Of (Pluton and vicinity that he Will open a Soot and Shoe Shop in the ota Post Unite building, where he will undertake the roan .11fsottire of13ookiAP4 84.94 and gt1 e1313-8*- 'eta], attontioti to repairing. "Alf oidefellitll' reeeive prompt attention. A. share of pat. lounge respeottolIF poached. • W 11 WATTS 1/4 J. mem P1400 • lilt illefo N9. 23, James St„, south of • the R, C. Church, Drop postal card when yon went piano , ,n the NEW ARA'