HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-03, Page 6Il Monty Minutes Time Enough' Cure the Worst headache From Any .Cause. -New Reduction Method. eu1 hod yield a eiAke w RdnMt-r Shos Twnts ililintrte Headache Cure. The cause for these a is congestion-- a rushing of !hood to the centers -which distends the veins Mt fie st'ly the bursting point. Swollen and enlarged. igi#teereveins and cap111aries exert an irritating rvreonthemyriads of nerve branches o brk.e. ap'.i`hen,there s o pain and nattily Mall Iexe eiattng. cease / ' loss ache. This new Otedpction Method : disperses the blood, Misarfbutes th o / overflow, and di. `weeteittothepro• t"� per channels, It Were the nerve/,,',, f( R . centers from all 3oetrogre ana�. • irritaton-the !among and qpM° 4,'' _\aches disap. because ' ` ) their cause ° been n• t ed, Yon aaastryathou 'z- �yyyyr a:::,, •1 •),' sandreme- :yen inky '• (A4 a ,, drug-and-stu the nerves the remedy into submissioµ R, ' which brines f naa moape scf and permanent cure successful because it reduce4 Igoe congestion -it must embody the dntotiou Method.''' MQedietne has thus mad a way -simple ansure, yet the only way •►wotheroughly overcome these attacks of finds loam and Neuralgia. The effeot of Dr. Sheop'e ty Minute Headache Cure is prompt-oele•- suited LC)-' sly positive inll everrytempees of �ent. aIn'd alen sans alta recommended by W. S. R. HOLMES. .11,1.044 TEEN CLINTON .NEW ,UI,i& 1, ,ArrgUit 3rd,, 1906. MRS. OHARLES J. CORBETT, sue Climbs CAutren titeeplee and Ping Poser t(► Paint Then*. A, woman as a steeplejack! Certain. by that is one of tate strangest occulta.' tions that ever appealed to feminine• fancy, yet once that is• followed regular- ly by Mrs, Charles J: Corbett oi' Cam- den, N, J.. Tier friendee assert --and the assertion has not . yet been controverted -that Mrs, Corbett is the only actual sue- ce8stpl female steeplejack in the world. —threliiia"'"be on t tis h rt'ttu y -mc Il ed --fes that for very daring put to shame the exploits or many men, She helped. to paint the exteriorofthe gas tank of the Pulillc Service ear- a- Al few days: ago' a ratherebashful ^.;reetng woman went into a store carry- °. lot; three chiekenser She inquired the price of chickens ,and at the same time ., �prect them on the coilnter, The clerk *iu°t know the chickens' feet were tireri;,•and asked if they would lay there. She bit her handkerchief and said ; '`''�7tn, sir ; they are roosters." 'gem stock of high art Pianos of Iatest vows designs, and containing finest a.,ons purchasable for money. See -5rur very latest t st Ie9 of sweet - tarred organs, at low prices. Instru- aneentts rented, tuned .or repaired. Kfioasnophones and music in variety at C. IMHOARE'S MUSIC EMPORIUM. ' • THE HOME OF -THE Canada business College. ! batllam, - Ontario. wine only building of the kind in Canada, built euu%t used exclusively for the Bu..iness College inn poses, and t he finest ectttipmeut of the kind mkt the Continent. ;Fall Term opens in the new building Tuesday, Sept. 4th. ' cur catalogues are free for the asking, and will WI you all about this splendid school -the tiniest ..af its hi nd on the Continent -and the grand work :38J ae been doing for the past thirty years. 2f you cannot come to Chatham, and want #o. Sao a Book-keeper, stenographer, or Penman, mire our home training by mail, Catalogue E will tell.you' 3.11 about our home. tessirses. Cstaiogue F will tell, you all about our train .{mg at Chatham. Write for the one you want, addressing . McLachlan&Co., Chatham, flit. ' ma.. -Mention this paper when writing.. • Pt outour SMov U � .and buy your Cakes and Bread, We, have a Vargo assortment of small Cakes. I2tra or- •idars promptly attended to. CAKES and SANDWICHES made especially for Picnics. •31askets packed and delivered to church or trig, as desired. Wedding Cakes .a specialty FRi,UITS We carry a choice line of Straw berries and other small fruits CHOCOLATES from 20 to 60c a lb. TOE CREAM PARLOR open from 2.30 a m to 11 p m. Don't forget togive ns ;call l3pent for MELEGEMA TEA NIh1ENS' CAFE ,AND RESTAURANT, Albert St., 'Clinton. TRUCK About HAS TALKS Our COMES 'Truth 1 -They are strong. 'Truth 2 --They are clear, 'Truth 3—They are pure. Truth 4- They are easy to to take. refreshing and nourish. ishing, and lastly, they are as low in price as the quality will allow. 4. Our "Shoo Gunn" Japan Teas and pure " White House" (toffees are especially sure to please you. Get a sample from A. D. BEATO•N, The People's Grocer. `E'roiript Delivery.._ _.Phone 111 stns. 0$AraLrts d. CORBETT, poration at Trenton N J , ads} M • has climbed hufrdreds of flag poles .arid church steeples in order to paint theta, For that purpose she climbed the !2S0 foot steeple of the Methodist church at. Mo r o estown, N. J'. Last year.at elms - ter, I'a., she laid gold leaf on' tits iron of a church spire 350 feet. above ,the earth.• '"It is fun to swing with the wind in • little tl e .chair above far ' . the est r err , she says. "I do the work •principally . because I can make $10 a day at it, but I really envoy the sensation."-Phila• delphla North American,. A Saying In Stockings..'' The problem of how. to kepp women's stockings suspendered. in puce with out:tearing-them rine 'beeia solt't-,iron now those :who spent small fertime every leer ou llpsiery Just beetttt:;e .ttt garters tore thein can, spend! the extra money in some, other 'way. :1 t_ld incl deutally silk -Abe real sheet kiwi its wliicIi A ttirread Rize alw.iys • brrul:'.r' and spoiling the whole• stoe7;ing--eir'n be, worn now wlthout•'•bny' thought about the weave breaking. In'. order '.to hold the stot kings. ;u shape and in place It -has always,. been necessary to have 'there .caugil.t:oil well at the top, and the •clasps used on the supporters in time break -through the fine threads'beeatiye of the strait, and the hose• ,was then practically' ruined, for it was a`matter of but a -short. time after one break occurred before there were several other"runs:" This could not be avoided-ex.en_`a1h.1 e. heavier lislethread and:cotton weaves, and.in desperation, women ,Who have a fad for wearing costly „hosiery ways: to remedy the evil,. •.. Now a scheitie has •-been devised against .tearing and "runs" .by a theat- rical wardrobe woman that has proved a success, and Ahiee•she has been using it she:cleeleres that .tier hosiery has a ..' �stcd' threz titres as, and to all the six, months,' experiment she bas.not had a s'lngle'thread .break at the top of eretl •leer finest stockings. . "I have .found that by Amite' care- fully two pieces of stout ribbenlabout tl;o inches ssp are t'e' the hem of eaeh of my steel:tn;;s, one on. either 'side, the strain la no !auger on the hose,. but on the ribbon into which I fasten. the clasps on. the supporters. And. the beauty of this device Is that 1: can draw them. up As tight as T• wish and feel. perfectly safe' I y that the stockings g will be free. front 'runs' 'or e tear when I take: theta' off.." --New York Tele - grain. MILBLIRMS Heart and Nerve PhIL. Are a e /i q s cnie tor alldiseases n d s seas tend dia. orders'ari ittg from-a-rundown-eoud1+-• tion of the heart or nerve system, smolt as Palpitation of the Hearty Narvone Prostration, Nervousness, Sleepless- ne, s,.Fain t and Dizzy Spells, !;rain Fag, , etc, They are especially beneficial to womentroubled u d nth y e w irregular m rt eturation. Price 50 genttsliper box, or it for $1.228. r Tax T. btrrsvlu, Co.. Issuer, Toronto, Ont. • friend .to live through the tray bravely, "The_•:{uouse"ls''fnll Of. f'.etvera-faineral. fiowere they Seem to ' me,.', wrote -,a- grief atriciteu mother a year after her little one was taken away from her. It watt a beautiful way to show loving sympathy, but the sore heart cried out even at this gentle touch. A lonely wo- man who had known malty sorrows confessed in a moment of confidence that she wished a friend would not re- ttiember year after year a certain pain- ful anniversary, says Woman's Life, "1 try not to 'dwell upoh these days myself," she said, "and that punctual pot of flowers brings the old pain back to the. wound;' The deVotton was beautiful, but mistfr'• •,, , Y'C?111� 41SPASITION. THEOt.S T#dEs I AIJSH. �..T Glass of Iced a >ls p'ilaptPk I#t 1►;lgkitu ar ll a A . J.. rr Ix#11t fro Not use 11 Indoors If Ton Corn Pow• sib1ir Avoid It. The brushing of dusty clothes' Int he. livlul; roonie of the household is: oppos- ed to cleanly sentiment, apart altogeth- erfrom the evil to health, which, an the bacteriology of duet dlstiirrtly in. dieates, rntt:•ltt easily be caused by the • process. Tile itnar,ination does not re- quire •quire to be stretelled very far to realize that the elotbes brnslt might be easily responsible for the dissemination . of disease. Trust is rarely If ever free front utiero•otganisms, and among them pathogenic entities have been recotnized. Dust is, in fact, an enemy= to the human race, a vehicle of dis- ease, anti should everywhere and on every occasion, however trifling, be prevented as far as. Ineans can be ew• a.e 11oy d to dratend, Tour Scanty.. There is no more potent beautifier than disposition. If those wilts spend Urea and money in an anxious purti'lit Osgood looks et the hands of mores- sionftt beauty makers would devote just a portion of this titue to the culti- vation; of a beautiful cllapositio'n re- sults mould be even nine gratifying. i A happy way of looking at life LI the best eye brightener and a calm that de - fes d}sturbaueo the meet potent vont- plexion lotion. It is said of a certain. young atetress .that she lute d}Fcoveretl be.tutifyilr; possibilities in the reading of 1.o:1,#;r, She selects it vermin kiwi t,.) Kelt—ice the particular Pxprei.;0.w. she wiz boa, i ukell•esed_poetr3 'crit o finds eo;lilticavo Ito theecultiyation or i, saute It is perfectly true that ourreading is reflected la our face. 'rhe thoughts produced by reading noble eeutiments finely expressed are mirrored In our features quite as surely as are the leas lofty emotion,{ produced by poring over flabby, excitable, morbid or injurious reading matter, If you don't believe this contrast the serene, thaugbtful expression of at lov- er ov-er of .good poetry with the face of one who habitually feeds ,on "yellow" lit; Arattlre . What'you read and what you . think helps to make your disposition,And your dIspositioa largely snakes -or mars -your beauty, "GVI•iZ*IEZY" C0I•IEST Means your trouble • is deep seated: To delay is dangerous. All intiatn- rnation will be drttut'n out in• one day, li.. applying tvi n N i�'1` e I ne It P. 1 etitt� P g i te, p through the poises of the skin, relieves inflatHination 'a;nd thus aeeveuta set' - toes consequences.. For "sure. throat, weak, chest and, tendency to [•olds; un prescription is' better .than ' Poison's Nerviliae, For nearly fifty years. it has been v b (nt:a e t nada `' • LS resit household h Se told r u g e teeny, Twenty-five cents buys a large ,bottle. A Hesitater Hlut. So. often people tell of the many things they 'hare lost 'down their reg- isttnrs. • Money, .buttons and tbimbletl vire sure to roll stt'aight for the regis-' d t:tt Pince 4_piece of fine_WireAetting ia the toil of'the 'pipes :just below t (, . reel -dor; thee 'when anything is drop - n v 1:tato it. all you need to do is to'iift e'et', our, regitt"r arid take out the arch The clothes brush is a vigorous dust • KITCHEN COMFORT, Have a Place to Rest While Yoa Are Couapellea to Wait, Be sure to have an easy lounge'or eiiatr is the .kitchen; where. you niey spend a few waiting' moments between acts, as it were, in rest. If you can- not afford to buy a lounge especially fele that purpose make one. This is easily done. Get two long Hoses ft'otu the dry goods store, riace tbeni:eutl to end and4nail together. \lake a' that- - 'tress .andfill It with any desired urate... rials, Si?redded shucks are clean and, ce 1 Overis t excellent.. enc, t} circ a any• n o aAid f 1 5. .eiwer to suit the fancy. Be sure- lo get. something that. esti be washed and.. Ironed, 'Red and white bed tickin;e; le prettytand desirable and never fades and. When latlnderediooks es good as new, Make a Pillow to. uintell Now, while you are evateliing tiro •cake:!, bread, pies and the like remember there is your lounge.. Rest,. Ino not say you have no time. You .bttre to wait for your bilin; to:b,rowii. SS+hy not rest while you wait? You' twill be sur- prised how: mucin refreshment you. will h4 !gains even t'or oto init t L s relaxation' upeatthis-improt i.;ell_leang.i g-gt,arter,- Weak *Mules, 4S'eak 4111:106, sboul'a. bo sponged night „stut o„ Itg'n' th cold water inwhich! w cit handful of coerSe salt has been, dna-. Sotv('li. ' ttry tht�ut and then' rub diem p;tieatly for fifteen minutes. The mus - pias wilt gain strength under this treat moue. You will sooat, begin to see an. :.nprocetnett anti to, -feel it in their in-• erased firmness under your touch. .;Tapestry covered Furniture. ' To •clean tapestry covered furniture first brush thot•ougbly;• then add•a to �'-'-blespoonfui of aniinonia to a quart of water. Wring a cloth out of this and` sponge thoroughly, rinsing and turning thecloth as. It gets dirty, changing the water when, necessary. This freshens • and brightens it wonderfully. ,8rasa Bowls. • '• It is unwise. to use too much breast of copper ppo aboutoom or hall. .It bas's tendency to look -shoppy:° But -just the right amount-. a bowl or two here and. there for .plants -In hallway 'or .r oom giye an excellent effect which no oth- er receptacle quite ettains. Getting an "I'm just desperate about my hue band,”' said the •pretty,domestic little woman. "He has no appetite. I've tried everything in the market, and I .load the :table with the. most tempting dishes I can devise, but he eats hardly anythitlg:" "Starve Jilin," advised the till, 'hands some woman with the firm jaw, • "Ob, how dreadful:" • "Not at all; merciful. Re's surfeited. X know by, experience,. • When I first went to the apartment -hotel Where we live the menuwas so attractive that I -well, I atn ashamed to tell thenuin- ser of dishes 1 ordered at every .meal Only 'for a short time, however. In t'wo-weelcs r was dust where your heti- band is. The sight of a menu card made me faint, ' "Then I got an `idea and cut right down to coffee and rolls for breakfast,' n green; saiad and biscuits for. lunch- eon,' a roast and one vegetable for din- ner. Try it, • Your husband will soon ' have an appetite," -New York Press. " Mistaken Sympathy, When to express sympathyor *hen to refrain from speech is always a del-' i['nte emblem in intoreourse with a friend in bereavement. And one of the difficult phases is to know whether to remember the sorrowful "anniversaries of the heart" by letter or token or to ' let the healing of Silence Help we'll AVE YOU A BOSS? or are you lucre. xdent? If you are making money for some otic Me, quit end Make money for yourself. Get rtut !slavery and be free. write G. 11faasrn+tr,r. & r t,ondon. They will show yep the way, xhey eve started thousands en the road to freedom, _evert (Iotiari a day, everyday in the year, Is bet ing.inane.inuldiipg,:attar_rxs tame is money, • Oil painted walls:' trust be washed with soap . and . water, using a soft flannel cloth, citre being taken to wring it out well before using. Use cold wa- ter to• finish and -dry with a soft linen cloth.• ' Tableclothst •'b tha ave become' too much worn for use may be turned, into breadcloths and silver polishers. For either purpose they are more satisfac- tory than anything else. 'Do net drink •a drop of water that has stood in a bedroom overnight, because it has absorbed the Deleot. exhaled 'by the body. An ounce of contentment is more beneficial to a wotuunef complexion than a' pound of cosmetic$, Cures Rheumatism Too. inn Jti curess. Rheumatism, be.. Cause it cures .the. Kidneys. Every dropof blood in the body passes through the kidneys, to ' be filtered. If the kidneys are sick -tired-- inflaitttned--they don't filter out the uric acid, It is this acid, deposited in the joints -on the •nerves that causes Rheumatism., • THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE' cleanq, Beals, strengthens the kidneys -sets theft to working properly --clears the blood-- •st'ps the ache atld takes. away every trace of Rheum*, tism. and Sciatica. 1'i4E OLAr'I-1N OH*MICAL Ca„ LIMITED,. wiNnsett, Dirt . Naw Yost 23t will Dos for the.New tiro for taletaltnce. of the year, for now subaeribers THE HOME• DOCTOR, lonehing :ptmiifes with : turpentine •. 11 tri often heat! them .cite[ 1 }y: lten,o> e the raattte by" 1i ienie. lit on't • � for the medicine u''' i a. or a eel tr e bot } .. on >; t� 1I ever tb n• oI e 1 5 !alis i tied: of nit- tush, which inteans fresh air tie 'the v;ar•1c of cur(,':,• ,� .; . An old fashioned retnficly for sore throat that is said to he quite effective is a nutmeg. worn on' it silk thread about the neck. •'Phe nutineg. Can be pierced with a reclliot ai�el, If a pan of sliced raw unions is plac- ed in a -room in which tbei•e is diph- theria'they will absorii'the poison and prevent the disease trout, spreading.` The onions should, be renewed every day. r or' severe stomach ache wring o square of bowie flannel out of boiling water, . fold into a soft pad; lightly sprinkle•a.small tenspoonful'of turpen- tine over, it and apply- a's hot as possi- .ble. This Is also excellent treatment. forr chest colds; lrl,idirecteiI Eaiergy. P'ra,nces, a girl of thirteen, • was des- tined by iter mother to be a fine.'musi-: clan. While still a little Child shewas taught to reed the notes and her tiny ftngere were• placed on the keyboard. Year . in and year .out the Child was. obliged to practice, and she acquired a measured amount of skill, but her play- ing was wooden and spiritless. In de- spair her mother said to. her,' "What •do n expect ect to be be YWhen you are r •. pown• up?" g The girl sighed, "When I am grown- up,' mother, it I have a house of my own the first thing I shall do will be t'o order the planto chopped up for -kin- dling wood: I want to be a doctor." • • As time passed musical studies were dropped, and duly Ft'anees.Went to the !hulked college. At last ..she "was ` al- . lowed liberty to grow In her own prop- er direction, She is a successtui pbysi= cthn,. treating nervous disorders with rareeyrpatlty and understanding. - Margaret E. Sangster In Woman's home Companion, Valuta Parflality. Rocs• any., one know why it is that In 'a family where there le one child'espe dally dowered with •good looks the prettiest clothes aro showered .on this partleular one and apparently tnost care lavished on their selection? . That child would look well in: almost any Ordinarily. presentable attire.' It .is the Ianby boy or the girl lacking in grace who needs the •illlwvsieata` and, mental Support of attire that covers detieieu- Iles and brings; out the .good 'riolnts that. they obscure. Really intelligent selection of -the elii}d'S clothes does ex- netly this ami is resprinaiblo for all sorts 'of good results hi Itis mental at- titude, •eourage anti good mariners. Shyness is more often than not the re- sult of en uneasy self consciousness That situ been ,etr;etndered icy seeing 'thatsoille'otlrer, child Is t tn'i'onncle[l by tore ui,preaiatiou, and the too great Attention lavished on the beauty, le ouite as harmful in its wits Bless the DAD who is to a reasonable arnount uneasy as long as he owes a dollar; If you are at some time com- pelled by unavoidable eirettlnstances to requestour merchant to extend you credit for a time, in making your application to him for it don't tell hint you will pay the first of the month, I when, in your opinion, it will be the tenth of the month before you will meet the obligation. - CEYLON TEA. Will, be found Most Beneficial l ' . warm weather. Lead Packets Only. 25c, .30c, 40c, GOc. t Oc, per bt ail Grocer** r 41i irii c e h . p A t xllaard St. LauiS, 1904, producing agent, altd since its appiicrY- tion is indispensable it should be Deed-�...-...___�_ In a moaner as far as possible consist- ent with hygienic • requirements. Clothes, of course, Must bo brushed, just as carpets must be beaten, but both processes create it nuisance which is different net in kind, but only In de- gree. Just, therefore, as there are grounds reserved for the beating -of carpets remote, ' as- they should be, front human habitation, so also ought there to be In a household conducted on • hygienic lines a special roorn..relegated. to the brushing of -clothes, • The daily clothes have a latrge eapae, ity, and a singular affinity. for dust, which may contain the seeds of a tont— mon old or a sore throat or even of blood- polson?fng and tetanus,' so that the suggestion that the clothes brush should be handled In aless indiscrimi- nate way than is usually the case can hardly be regarded as chimerical. If dust has been proved to bepathogenic. the scattering of it broadcast by means of the clothes brush must be a viola- tion of hygienic principle;,, -Lancet, A BED BIiB. It •Oiugtt to Prove u Source of'Com- fort to In'rnli.Lg ' To avoid tate die omfe ti. t�rising from cruin5 whoar ill ,. - 1 to bed' I have large' bibs made, Cf: :shrunken In• Ilia linen, bound with the lawn bias binding' tharchmes in a,l shades ides and washes perfectly, Tbe.e' ere large encu&h to 'completely elS 'Cover1!i my' shoul- dersand the turn oler partofthe bed • .clothes; The amount of: material ueed- ed• is a yard and a. quitrter of yard wide roods,` Twelve inches from the• • • A SIB FOR THE SED: neck of. the bili are inserted sieevelets fourteen inches long. Through. these the hands are slipped, the cuss being large enough •for that and nothing More. When meal time comes the bib is fastened -around the neck, I slip my hands' through the cuirs; the ..skirt of the bib is `spread over me like a nap- kin, and I am ready, With no fear that a solitary .crumb • will creep into the bed to make me miserable or force my nurse, to remake the bed, -Good Rouse - keeping. 11.44µr... -.-r--.. Thirty. Years In Otie .Pulpit. On DotninIon'•Day, St. Paul's Church,- Teterboro', Was the occasion of the. celebration of the thjrtieth anniversary f the pastorate of. Rev.' S. 7!, Torrance, D. D. St. Paul's ' is remarkable in the fact that, although seventy-three years 01td, it has only had two pastors; the la to_Rev : . J: M. Roger. and pr. 'Tor- : ranee. A' native *Of Montreal, the son of the late David Torrance, the found- •er. of 'the DonlinLLon Line of Steamships, the doctor is a graduate Of McGill, of the • Presbyterian Church, School of Edinburgh, 'and of ,the Presbyterian College of , Montreal: • Soon ' after his graduation he was actively 'identified • with the mission .work of D. L. Moody,: ' SCotiand,' and in .1876 was' called to: St. Paul's, Peterbordi where ' he . has eine° •remained.:.He received the, hon- orary degree of. D. D. from Knox Col- lege in 1884,' and is, in truth, a doctor Well .beloved by ,all who know him. Even if He Was Green. Gerald -410w green everything. tel Gera}dine-You're not everything, MILBtR N'S LAXA LiVER. PILLS ��i'a a'oombinatton of the adttve prinolbbles of tho'moet taluable vegetable remedies fordts• '�ssgqeelg anddiaordors of the Liver, Stomach and Novel& foln 1•Yeade►ahe dauradteo, Helttrt- tiOnt, Catarrh of the Stoniao}tie nissatl. lO,A%Blotches and Pimple*. 10130spepelca4 Bout" a itoiriaaeb, i>Vwta! Itraath, Liveln Con plaint, batllOW or Muddy CormplOxion. BWeetbn the breath and clear array alt wadi and poloondus ruatter from the system. Price 25o 6, a bottle or for 1,'00. All dealers 4;kr ilalMan T. ldflntlMtN Co„ ted, Torotitq, I IUIIIUIIUIUUIIUUUU{IUUIU Reliable. Goods. Iiii no jewelry Store in' Clinton, or stown surrounding �i d � , Will be found" amore reliable and up-to-date ,stock of ai-ticles usually, carried by rn+erchants:.: dealing in' Jewelry wares. ' Call in, and we will CONVINCE • you that we excell in !many lines Repairing is our specialty. SATISFACTION • GUARANTEED. All articles bought here. engraved Free of,.Char e. • R,.Counter, N �EpwpsEN�¢R ana oiIGgN:N HOW ABOUT YOUR WALL PAPER Nothingadds so much to the decora- tion-of ecora-- tionvfa-ouse as good Wall Paper. I am in a position to show you the very bestagentforand the - choicest patterns, as I am Empire, Wall : Paper Co., ofe Toronto. The :samples for 1908 are edtirels new. • Prices run frouir fic a, roll to 35c, with „borders at same price. :1 very oll of paperguaranteed to, contain' _8. ards, .Samples gladly shown to in - ending purchasers, at any time. • . GEORGE POTTS, House Deebrator and Paper Hanger, . O or: Queen and Princess St., Clinton 110111111011 MOntreI Lint Steamers leave Hamilton 4.30. a.m. Toronto at 4.30` p. m. .Tuesdays a • Thursdays, and Saturdays, for Bay of Quinte. ports,.: 1000 Islands, 14,1°Jlitreat, and Intermediate point 1Toronto and Montreal' Line, • Commencing June 2, steamers leav Toronto 3.30 p.m. Daily except Sun . . days, from July Dally far Roche eater. 1000 )(stands, Rapids, St,' .•. Lawrence. Montreal, and Into mediate points. - For tickets apply to R. R. agent's, o write to H. FOSTER CHA.FFEE; Western Passenger;Agent. Torontte• %ni ter T !wine Now that harvest is nearly here ybu will be• ' needing • Bin- der Twine, we can supply ou. • •Y, Salted a JAS. A. FORD, SEED MERCHANT creened Coal! Exclusive sale for D. L. & W. '.Scranton Coal. ..Orders left and money received at Harland Bros.: Hardware: for• all kinds of Coal. J. A. HAf fl TON OriAL'DR:ALE NE'W GROLERY STORE., stock - We halveofGroceriopenedesuat.Op a-; chllsooice,s's fresOldh' • Stand and now ask a share of th patronage of the 'citizens of Clinton -and the surrounding community, Good . ualit &: Fair ' . .. � Y • Pr:ccs p are our s ecial cares. _ Customers will find our stock the bes value' in town. The Red . Peather. : bands in Teas and .Canned Goods are samples of the values .we 'handle • We are strangers and. must get :acquainted, It Will pity those who sell farm e pro- duce to ,see us,before disposing of their butter, eggs n! potatoes, elsewhere. We will buy,: at a good price,, wha you he h ve tb sell,and n gull sell�.at. a fair' price, what you haveto buy. BYARD HILL, 'Phone 114 IlEADACHE Neuralgia and 1Ncpvoosnpe otrts[i lir Oil la' AJAX ANAOYNtruiN IA t ioluYctdeprarioo• tteelltipt awe ' 7Celre .rat-aaleje� � �"e'tt .�u ' . �lTur�• �IIN�d�l�iltiE art.. . a rgain •- -.,•-O HERE IS A Newspaper Bargain. We want to increaseour subscription list, and snake the following offers to NEW . SUBSCRIBERS The Clinton New Eras, from now to rst of Jan., 19o7, for 25c.. . The Ni w ERA and Weekly Globe to tet of Jan., 1907, for 50c, The NEW ERA and Toronto Weekly Sun to 1st of Jan.- 19(37, for 50c. The NEW EItA and Montreal 1,+amily Herald to -Ist of Jan., .1907, for 50c. ' Subscribe at once, and get the full benefit of this liberal offer. Cash must accompany each sub- scriptiot . • 1. HOLIIIES, Clinton.