HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-03, Page 44
Clem**. Out •
the Millinery
We have moved the balance of our 11/fillinery
down stairs and have marked every trimmed and
untrimmesl Hat at prices which should clear every
one out by Saturday night.
How -We-Have-Marked---
Your choice of ANY Trimmed Hat "in the
Store for $i.so,
None worth less than $3.00
Any untrimmed Hat,. worth from $1.00 to 62.50,
for 5oc
Flowers -all at Half Price, •
••••••116 "••111110.
A Money - &vino List of
8pecials for Saturday AM:
10 only Ladieer Shirtwaist Suits, sizes 34,-33,- - .
and 40, made in colors of grey. Linen, ivhite, ;levy.
and light blue Duck, etc, uoade in the _newest sum-
mer styles -Waist, Skirt, Collet and Belt cc rnplete,
Regolar prices $5,00 and $6,00, Saturday Ai .
20 per cent. Reduction on LAWN WAISTS,
Commencing Saturday, we give a' reduction of
Twenty per cent off all white Lawn Shirtwaists in
stock. We still have a' good variete, Waists at
$1.00 to $3.50 each; all sizes, 32 to 14. .
Two Bargains in Dress Muslins
25C and 3oc, MUSLINS at isc
Half - dozen different patterns in fine quality
Dress Muslins, colors of black and white, brown and a K
black, etc., regular prices 35c to Mc, Setorday per yd I r,
10C DRESS MUSLINS' at ge —
Just a few Dress lengths left of those 20c Dimity
Dress Muslins, all the iiave colorings, eleitring.at per
A Clean-up in !Neckwear
Saturday we will give 2O per cent.. discount off:
all fancy Neckwear, which includes Colar and :Cuff
Sets, turnovers, embroidered Collars, Silk and Lace.
,Neckwear of all kinds, .
200 yards pure Silk Taffeta Ribbons, in all colors,
also several patterns in fancy Ribbons, Regulat.
price 25c and 25c, Saturday• 190
Here's a Chance to Buy Straw
Hats Cheap.
• •
SATURDAY take your choice of any Straw
H t in our Clothing Store (with •the exception of .
one o two lines) at EXACTLY HALF-PRICE.
\V.00 Hats at;$1.00
$1.0 Hats at 50c •
75oH. s at 37.340
- 50c Hats a 25c
A Good Store for
Men's Clothing.
No better values in Clothing anywhere, than
the. kind we sell. Nothifig but the 13EST
enters this store. Special values in Men's
Suits at
$io.00, Si2.00 and Sts.00
The Nam
Anna 8r4, 1906.
evyr Era ;.rowww.voyom.urchNevi,Avul County Clippings ITEM 01 a
FRIDAY, Xi/GUST 3, 1900.
SePt 8rd.
IWS The Wingham Firemen will hold a :Not Strictly twat, but eloselyi
IThere are two reasons for doubting Rev, Father Hanlon vvill he in 33lyth
the report of Dr. Reaume's retirement. on Sunday peat.
First, Dr, rteaume deniee it, Second,
his piatative successer, Hou. Mr. Hen- usual quarterly services wal be
West Hamilton, because of the Gov a la a, no. with love feast and fellowship
drie, wordO probably be defeated io
ha:116m Sunday next, commencing at
seryice ; preachig at, II a.m., with
erninent's yiolittioia of
his anti-prisonn
, aterament following. The
labor pledges, pastor will
he in charge,
The Toronto World thinks that the WESLEY CHURCH
people of Ontario are ready to endorse Sacramental service will be held on
any party that will stand for puhlic Stl,„,nditY net.
Jecaterala _Let the Conservatives take rn
ownership in broad lines. We elon't esauFtleae ayueanvdeesenrisantieneadeele:Ttrebeaest toMtripNg°,eaeno
issue, it it is such A gondelCatZert
World implies. Public ownerstap has I town. Mr. Joiliffe is very Popular, as
a• eoloist,
- seductive appearance; but put into ' I3A.PTIST CHURCH
praetice on the lines Advocatee by the
; World, is a delusion and a snare.
The Ottawa Free Press iptimates
that there may be opine startling reve,
lotions as to the way in which raining
rights bitve been disposed of improper-
ly to supporters of the thitario Gv-
The evangeLstie meetings held at
the Base line appointment from. San-
dity, atilt" 15thato the 20th inst , prov,ed
a gratifying success in every way, The
work was m charge of Rev. M. Van-
sickle, evangelist of the Baptist Home
Mission Boatel. Mr. Vansickle
preacher Of rare ability, and his pr's-
-entation of the gospel story night af-
ernment, la has Veal current. MinorteL night drew huge congregationi3,
who Beget:ea inion the 'burning evorde
for some time in political circles, that of the preacher with intense intefest.
Conservatives were eecurieg mining Thongh the time. of the year was as
Itensy es it. could well be, the congrega-
rights that they had no claim to, and . ions increased eight along, and on the
securing thin in a way that was lin- last night of the eneetings the church
ed to its utmost capacity, As a
but • of ecourse it is .another Was MI
thing to vitrify the rumorresirlt of th
. ee effort - a munber have
professed conversion. A pleashig feat -
ire onf diet_ retingte eves_ the sweet
Some of the pepere have again laic"- egnii tilt* ohs, e vnageevl tiirahreomuitosni!
gated Hon, G. W. Ross to the•Senate, t.h
and are busy selecting a leader for the was placed on the simple plan of sal-
zfitiosneeamsezvLalietclaliteathedgospet, and
1 Ontario. Liberal party. There being no
a present :mama in the Senate, Mr Ross peal to the hearts °TUT: pelpgie. The
.cannot go up to tiro t body for the pre -aa eburahhas been greatly revived and
ent, the same difficulty prevents Any. ene41akede • - -
one succeeding Me. Rose as leader. It wu.,Las CHURCH.
is all very nice to arrange these things On Sunday evening Miss Coates and
Stevvart Jackson sang a very
'Where it really is necessary to select a Pretty
for the • Liberia party, which is quite ttrientdeanytietvleendir: •Taigyi etnathsimeii,' The
able to take care of itself, even if it
ages heaven to be out at present. Jolliffe sang evening
v117c1 liginlgr:;n.
gifted with tt beautiful veice and nat.
leadee a convention will prehAbly be
called for the purpOsee -
The demand fot unskilled labor in
Canada, Per the building ot railways
anctother public works, prorhises to
be great fie.. smite' yeitie to come, anti,
sotrie of those looking for men throw
oat the suggestion that the docu!s
should be opened wide-, and ndreetric
'tines made as to what kind of irana-
---geants- come - in, Chinese, Indians *end
all others being made welcome. If is
to bihopeel the (*averment; will not
listen to such a • suggestion. rrlie
an- mile given t
rs. Normag who brings at Inc advanced age of 81 years. Mr.
portation of the unclaiirahle andunfit us a message direct free), the field. Hill was a native • of Englarid and
, • .cione to Canada whea very young, be -
would - net•stierigthen the _Prmg among the earliest piopeers.
esent • • '
Stcekee4ither morally .01t physically, .•
. .
And (ifiCe here it might be difficult to
urea drepaatie expression, his rendition
was very effective. The Goshen. Methodist-chureh was
summer school. reopened on Sunday, July 15. 'Rev. C.
0. Cousens of Parkhill occupied the
celebration, on Labor Day, Monday, ; Akio Thereto
The trustee* of Dungannon school Some idea a the magnitude of the
have engaged Hi R. Long,of rieninfiler , growth of the Christian Endeavoz. eoc.
as teacher of the senior room, for the , hay can be seen from the statement
fall term. . that In this country alone there has
been a gain in membership of 00,000
during the last six months.
While we beautify our gardens and
premises we elloold not forget our re1.
atives and friends who are at peaceful
rest, There are more little mounds in
The Trustees of S. 3, No, 5, Ustiorne,
has migaged Miss Horton to fill the
vacancy carised by Mr. Peter alowaras
Grordott, son of Mr, John Heamo.n,
letephen, was severely bitten by a clog our cemetery than there are residents
on Tuesday. The vett of the right leg in our town ancl it is fittirtgahat our
was badly lacerated. • Silent City should be kept in order.
Mr, T. j. Berry, of Hensall, has (Bs- None of us are too voor to plant a rine
()sell of his three year old Clite stale above the resting p ace of a relative or
non, "Prince of Aikton," .to a Dan friend.
Mcalieltel, of Cargill, Out,An exchange says; Small men with,
Miss Holly 0, Martin has resi nea
her position as teacher on the staif of
13russe1s-Feblic-School4ndethe _Beet&
is now on the look out for a successor,
Miss Dolena Wilson, second. daugh-
ter of Mr. J. A. Wilson, has been en-
gaged as teacher in school section Ian
1, Tuckersolitle as imecessorto Miss
small purposes tio not help to make ,t
towe lively and progressive. Tlae man
whet neyea contributes to public enter-
prise or voluntarily ain ssists ,stippaitte
ing any of the public enterprises is
not woeth coaxing to remain in a town
And should he decide to naive out it is
always it matter of congratulation.
Ws mats and nm
ot ere ciphers that
• counts kir something. "Be a unit."
At 'the meeting of the council of
West -Walvanosh„, D. E Muuro. of A aibecriber once received a duri
Auburn, was appointed treasurer of throaaa the postoffice* and it made
the township in succession to J. G. him mad: He wento see the editora
about it, and the editorahowed him a
Ward, deceased. . few duns of his own, one fora taper,
, Rueben Haymaker, who has run a one for type. one for fuel and several
lboabering business in Zurich for some others. "Now," said the -editor, ""1.
years. and left a few weeks ago for a didn't get mad when these came 0 be -
trip South for his health, died ivhile cause I knew that all I had to do was
away frorti home. . to ask setetal reliable gentlenaen like
. The financial district meeting for you to come- and help me out, aria
the Methodist church in G-oderieh dis- then 1 could settle all or-thent." When
triatatiill he held in North street Meth- the subscriber saw how it was he re-
odist church on Thursday, August9th, tented, paid up, and renewed for am
corameocifig at 10,30 ft. in. other year.
Joseph I3eck has been appointed to Alfred Mosely, a wealthy English -
a position in the Provincial Crown man, says American bays are brighter
Lands Department and left on Tues. than English boys. He does not ap-
day to assume his new duties. He will pear to know why. One of the chief
make his home in Toronto. reasons why young America is bright
is beca,use it tips the cap to no squire,
Mr, .A. Ir. Hallett, who was carrying
squireling or other condescending
on a grocery business at Seaforth,since
overenan. A,nd, in addition to this he
last winter, bas sold out to 'air, Thos
may find Iv listening to the couver-
Pethick, and left ori Tuesday- with his
family for his old home in Louisville,
Kewrithuactkray.10.1t h. towering ambition ; not one is satis-
tors, that each and every one has a
sateen of -Uncle Saina-sons-anclaiatagb-
ave resulted io a seri- tied to stay 'n t' .
i a par aular class if he
ous accident betel 'W. Douglas •of or she aan sea a, way el getting higher.
Stanley township. 4.1t appears he was
" town Is greatly judged by ite
working around a colt, when the animal
sc25bools and churches. Our chtirches
kicked striking. him on the forehead
are a credit to a town afahis size, Our
laying open the stall), church buildings are net large but
neat and inviting and our pastors are
pulpit orators, the equal of which one
geld= finds outside the -metropolitan
cities. Our schools are equally good.
Our buildings are ell that could be de-
sired ; our teachers are the best that
money and ca,reful and wise school
board can employ and if our schools
db not come up to the perfection line
the fault can be traced to the pupils
themselves, who fail to appreciate
the advantages a generous' .public hits
given thetn. '
ht on the Summer School • Litst sveek another pioneer resident We ha•ve tried iii all ,possible ways
program, Mrs g $ e P .
came on account ef.affliction, nut there fel? to Mr. Isaac Hill, whaiaidesOed alVay
• Nvill be no disappointment, with the at the home of Ins son, 'William UM,
Rev. Dr. SiOprell, Principal of Col. pulpit . morning and evening and
umbia college, New •VV'estminster, 'will preached vety acceptably.. The offer -
be present at the Summer School next ings amounted to over $90.
week and will give an address on Mou.
day evening. Dr. Simnel' is a mak. James .Anderson, one Mile north
The little three -yaw -old daughter of
netic speaker and has a large acqoain-
tance in our Pacific province. ., of the 'rhantes Road, U,sborne, had her.
Mrs. (Rev.) D. Notenan,at presenter). hand &Wig torn by its being caught in
a large pulley attitched to a hey -fork
our furlough wih het husband front
mission work in ' japan, has kindly last week. The second. finger had to
'conseiated to take the place of Mrs iee amputated.. • . '
Wiialit unatil to--Lof-Ste heratiaalaid to.. restWe re-. to show our appreciation of the liberal.
get' rid, of them,
" • • • ' • •••
Death of 11r. Richard "Irwin
Clinton lost one °Tits oldest business
Men last Aveek,. by the aeath of Mr.
Richard Irwin* after an ilbaess lasting
several weeks, Prier 'to that time he
was seemingly. in the best of health,
and there wee no indication that he
would not enjoy life for many years to
come, for he was' one of the clieeriest
and most active men in the town.
Born in the neighborhood of Oala
on Sept '24th, 1840; he spent his youth
in Galt and Brithtford. In 1857 he
went to St, Louis, Mo., remaining
there until 1862, when he cattle to Clin-
ton, where he has resided ever since.
He embarkedin the groCery business
here in September of 1862, continuing
therein Until' Mardi 1st, 1866, when he
formed- at partnership with the late
John Hodgens in the •dry goods busi-
ness. This continued until 1872, when
, Mt, Irwin.retired, to engage extensive-
ly in the grain and produce business,.
1 whieh be conducted from that time
until his retirement .froin business
. Mr. Irwn was twice married, his
about nine ego.i
first wife dying in 1868, lo 1871 he
married Harriet Rippey, of St. Louise
who survives him. He had one son by
his first wife - Jelin Irwin, Trairunas-
ter of the G. T. R., at Lindsay. There
were seven chileren by the second
marriage the second, Richard, d ing in
. •Mrs. J. Broadfoot, SeaforT, re,
bate tto eee
x+++++++++4++++++++R ceivVrernant2TtAnvim,',.
44. - • Breadfoot, wara left here tweiaty yeais
+ . if 'those having relatives ,pr f den, the west. • His death °centred in thee
...a. visiting in • town or going away' It. Benif hcepital and was duetoenettaak
X notify us of the met each week, we .06. of typhoid fever, '
eal• .4„, ' Tlae d,eath angel has been besy• in
--a- would announce it in tile -yaw Eat
re+++++++AAAA,4„k,k1A,A,Atat.). this section during the past•few days.
-4-aarvara-aa'affaraaaa On Wednesday Ma. Leturning who has
.. Miss Mary ' Mitchel spent Sunday. been a resident of Hensall off and on
with Miss Tut•nfeey. at Blythe for seine years died at Chiselhurst. He
Airs. Mceourt and .daughter •Vina, was a Man highly respected as was at -
go to Detroitilhis wear to visit friends.
. tesP.ed by the Iarge attettdance , at ahe
• S. A. Galbraitb, of Bay City, was tuneratem Saturday. Peter Morrison
a few of Chieelhurst was in his 80year lie
visiting his brother, W. L.* for passed away at the residence .of Alex
days • . - Swaim on Thursday.. The deceased
Mrs. Watson, Listowel, spent Sun- was another of the. old pioneers, so
day with her -sone Frank, of Itivin's rapidly passing away. •
44. 'Personal N ot.e 5 1-
ago and, ?igin
grocerY. • The nosts (..,f friends of the family in
Miss Olive It. Fitzsimons, of Toronto, Gedetich will hear with sympathe-
anent Sunday with her friend, Mrs: T. tie interest of the death of a former
H. Leith. . • ' • . - respected citizen, James Wilkinson,
... Miss' Shirley Ilawden . is .visiting enInch occurred on Tuesday, July 17th.
friends in Kindattithe and Blyth this at Minneapolis. The deceased had.
been in his Astral health until 'a few
_ days previous and did not stiffer, but
Fred Swinbank, of Kenosha, Wes., grew raduall weaker until Teesdale,
is visiting at the home of his parents
Loodon road.• •
Mr. and Mrs. Chas McKinnon will
spend the balance of their holiday% at
Port .•
Miss Ida Stewart, of Loudon, it
spending her holidays with her sister, cencesidon, on the corner still known
Mrs. Harvey McBrien. as "Wilkinson's Corner." He was
' married fifty-five eats ago to Miss
syleen; e just s ept away. Mr. Wilkue
son was born in Scotland seventy-
eight years no and came to this coun-
try with his parents *hen about eight
or nine years old. The family settled
in Goderich township on the fourth
R. Holmes' was in. Ottawa a couple Jane Patton, of oderich. township,
of days this week, haying gone down and lived on the ' farm until about
and remained here until
R, liodgens of town 1 Mrs. J. D Kitty • Mr; Wilbur Manning and-familyGoderic
, .of thirty.years ago, when he moved to
an departmental business. •
infancy; those surviving are: ra V.
of Lauteurn, Mich.; - Mrs. N. McL. London, are spendinga holiday fleece about six years ago, going then to
Fair of town; Mary of Toronto ; Gregg at the home pf Mrs. A, ritylore
MinneapolisHe is urvived by his
al He B..Ch h
a ; . ant as one ale a two wife, three sons and five daughters,
. s
of Springfie d, Meese •Harry of Goder
Ma Irwin VOW a broad-minded, pub. where his brother has a cottaga years a mernoer of ' the Methodist
Mr. Wilkioson was for aboat sixty
week's-vistt to. Go Home, Muskoka?
Iic-spirited man, well versed on all church in Goderich, lad in politics:he
topies, and recognized as a man of the Miss ElVe Wallace, of Lendesboro' was a stamich Reforiner. :. •
highest probity and honor. He was a and Miss Turney of Toronto, were the . . . • ,
vvarm friend to persoes in Oistress, in guests of their friend 'Miss briery Mit-
patronage ussincethe firstAay
of Or paper ; we have fought for our
town town to tha best of our ability.
We would not be egotistical, . but be-
lieve that by .using this paper as a,
weapon we have been enabled ta ren.
der some assistance to the material
-tend growth of our town. If our paper
has pleased yotewe are fully repaid for
the hard labor we given it, and can
premise Our readers that in the future
it wilt be tat superior to the past, as .
We have decided to glee mote attantiori
and work to the local' .fleld, realizing
our readers appreciate e spicy local
• ROW . Canada prospers.
The newest 'thing in Sou-
venir goods—Each Sheet in
'the tablet has a view of the
town printed on splendid
paper and well padded, and
has a blotter Cover.
The different views of the
town including the Main
Street, Biidis Eye View,
Post Office and a •River
Two sizes:—
Note Size "x 5c.
Letter Size 2 5C,
Other Souvenir goo ds
Post Cards
.Stick Pins
Leather Goods
Photos .
Paper Weights.
Sporting -
his earlier yeare doing a great deal to ehel, last week. •
relieve want arid. suffering by person. Je T. Burns, insteuctor of printing at
ally supplying their needs, the Deaf and Durnb Institute, Belle -
The only fraternal society to which -Mice Ont., was here this week vis:ting
he belonged was the Canadian Order his sister, Mrs. Wade,
of Home Circles, of which he WAS at ,
Rev. John Mills, at one One pastor
one time one of the Supreme Officers,
of Rattenbury St. (3hurch, but for
but he also carried thematic° with the years superarinated, is in Guelph Gen-
Cenada Life. era) Hospital, seriously ill,
He wa.s a member of 'Willis church,
and lived that life which is a comple- . Mrs. John Harland line returned
merit of the one to corn°, ' from her month's visit in Chicago, ae-
The funerid was held on Taesday, in- companted by her neicee Illeis Annie
terment being made in Clinton ceme- Ross, whogoes back next Monday.
tety. • There was &large ettendance of Mrs. Win. Cooper, who has been in
friendSt who thus showed their syrna
the West for seyeral inonths, visiting
pithy with the bereeved tamily, and
her daughtees in California arid Sask.
their respect and esteem for the cle. atchewan, is expected home this week,
ceased. The pall bearere were A. 0.
Pattison, .3. W. Irwin, W. G. Smith, elel r Frank &wieder!, of Minto, North
W. B. I. ough, D. McCorvie•andjarnes Dakota, brother-in-law of Mr. Harry'
Tentchell, Livernaore, is here on a visit, and is
thinking of buying a farm in this
Mr. Geo. Spooner, of 'Winnipeg,
Male blIpeallied.,
(son of the late Thomas Spooner,) ace
7'o the &Igor of the New Era t
• coo:pained by wife and child, is
DEAR Sm. - On Friday evening visiting old friends here, Mr. Spooner
lest 8 feev of our prominent horsemen is a passenger conductor between
bethought themselves to have a little Winnipeg and Brandon, and WAS et-
sportalthd indulged beety in racing up tending the meeting of the Brother
And dowe the mein thorou hfare of hood at St. 'biomes,
Marsh Morrish, so* of Mrs, E.
Morrish, Albert St,* who has been in
the electrical business in Calgary for
seVeral years, has disposed of the same,
anti is pow visiting for a short time
under the parental roof. He is en-
thusiastic °vet the West, and expeets
shollid keep 11 mere watehful eYe atl to latineh in e siinilar businessiu
Albert street, which is frequentle used Daudet&
fer this purpose. Should the writer of Owen King, of Calory, who eacom.
this letter See a repetiti011 of tile of-
ileve Rallied the remains of his mother to
fence, the parties interested may Teeswater last week, was visiting Mr.
an (IPPOvklitiltV aPPcarillg befmt° andMrs, W. Argent, ortown, last Fri.
Magistrate. Thenking you for space, day,. this is the shah time Mr. King
B;Thlt.A. 485Jn-241; has been- celled upon in recent years
, Our attention has before Veen to take' -Charge of the funeral of a rola,
I to this practice, and we hope to hear tive, the others being a brother, a 9(9-
140 further complaint. -.140 I ter, father, and tWO sieters-ineJaw.
the tOWM from 'one end tO t e other.
We cannot believe that these men are
indifferent to the dariget in Which they
plate the peciesteittrie, especially the
younger elerrient. ,There is a leattl
lirnit to the rate of speed for driving
on public roede, and those in authority
. —
Miss Frankie Barnett, of 1itchell4 is
the guest of Miss E'tta, Twitched.
Miss Sterch, of Detroit, is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Wes. Newcombe.
Mrs. Worthington • has gooe air a
visit to her two daughters, who are in
John lainriball; grandson of Mrs.
Itudd, has gone on a visit to • his par-
ents at Flint,
alte and'Mrs. Tozer, who have been
at Lakefield for several weeks, have
returned to town. . °
' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cotton, of Detroit*
are visiting° the latter s parents, Mr,
and bits. '.1.% Mason, in Willett.
. Mr. 'and Mrs.Bates, of Seaforth,
visited Mr. and Mrs. It Roberts, . at
the residence of ItIrs. Moggridge, Son -
day last.
Mrs. A. bicKawn,- who has been vis-
iting her daughter, Mrs. McIntyre, of
Orilla, for the past, two months has
returned to town.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Samuel Derrell* of
South Bend, McLane, leaves in-tlay
for home, after a pleasent visit with
their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. lam
Dick Phalen, of Godetich,• Provincial
Constable, wbo spent sonie time hete
last week, was down again this week.
We don't suppese there is any special
business that calls for his cominghere,
but he's that kind of a fellow who can.
not resist, the attractions of so nice a
town as Clinton. Now that he has a
government position 1141 will, of course,
keep out of politica But, "of course,
he wont," for Diek could no naafi keep
out of active politics than he could go
wilhnut his(linlier. Ife worst f mat is
that his influence goes. on 1,11 WPOrig
. .
Sir Wilfred when advocating in Op-
position the policy of the Liberal party
told the 'people that waren that, policy
should be adopted they would not need
arguments froth statistics to tunvince
them that ttiey *ere prosperous; they.
would feel prosperity in their pockets.
His word has been made good. Can-
ada prospersamazingly, and her pehple
feel the evidences in their noCkets and
SCO them on every hand. But statistics
help to measure the advance We have
made Within repent yeaes, and the fol-
lowing will be of interest. The figures
are given 114 naillions of dollars':
Imports in 1875, 123 millions; 1895,
110: 1905,
Exports in1875, 77 millions; 1895, 118;
19°T5o't2anoreign trade in 1875, 200 mill-
ions; 1805, 224; 1905, 470; 1906, 550. '
Deposits in chartered banks in 1875,
61 inelions; in 1895,182; in 1905, 468.
Discounts - Chartered banks, 1n1875,
136 millions; 1895, 224; 1905, 480.
Miles of railway in operation 1875,
4,804; in 1895, 15,977; hi 1905, 20.487.
Railway freights carried in 1895, 21,-
524,421 tObS; in 1995,5003,057 tons.
Consolidated Fund revenue, 1875, 24
millions; 1895, 33; 1905, 71.
Consolidated Fund Disbursements;
1875,23 millions; 1805, 38; 1905, 63,
Total disbursements, 1875, 32millions;
1895, 12 millions; 1905, 78.
Those figures show immense growth
and expaiimon in trade, in revenue and
in disbursements. The national dis-
bursements foe all purposes increased
in the years 1895 to J.pos about 83 8-4
per cent. In the sametime the follow-
ing Were tiie iflCrCasei.in bushiese done:
Total trade i»crease in ten years,
120 1.2 per twat.; including 1000. .175
p r ac eon:8. 0
lidated Fund Re' venue in-
creaLlsefet111;i2ciPBeftnekr deposits increase,
156' paris c eel.
Dnt lincrease 114 per cent.
• Railwas freight increase, 136 per
Great public works are being con.
sttucted; the transportation interests
eif the country are being developed; can
als and harbors are being improved;
settlement is being encouraged and the
vast natural resources of Canada
brought to usefulness. Thiscosts mon-
ey, but it is worth the price. The liar.
vest is unboueded prosperity,
While Joe ripper, of the 14th con.,
of Hay, was ping thi•ough the big
avvanai Monday morning on his bicycle
he met a big wildcat, which made its
appearance fteirri the hush • along the
side of the toad, Joe eyed the wildcat
And Mr. Wildcat eyed .loe for some
minutes, both very much surprised at
the nnustral sight, when the latter sud.
denly put for the wooda
, ,
Tom Coaling, son of Mr. W, J. Car-
ling of Iketer, by prompt and plucky
action succeeded in seeing the life of a
young man named Glorcion, whose
home is in Stratford, at Grencl Bend
nie Sunday. Gordon was bathing heat
the dock in about eight feet of water
when those on the shore noticed that
something was wrong as he was scan
to rise and sink twice. Tom as
statiding on the doek and on notici g
Gordon's predicament he iminediat ly
plunged in and succeeded in reach'ig
hitiraa hename up for the third tin 0,
Mitts •
Tennis Goods
Foot Balls
Special Clearing Prices
on Sporting Goojs.
• . • '
COMO. 11.:CO..
New Advertisetneits',..
Place *anted
On farm, by oed ,exaeriencedaboy of
la Apply at New Era ' •
In Clinion, on Monday, July 80, a lined
rubber rug, Finder will please leave same
at ' NEtW BRA Office.
A pair of gold -rimmed Spectsoles. Own-
er OD have seine on preying property and, •
paying expenses. New ERA office.
Clinton CilliC Holiday.
Mon4-day, Aug. tith...Iteduced
rates to ail points, via G. T.
R. Frank Hodgens,
Agent. .
. •
VOThRS9 LIST 1906.
Municipality of tlie.Townshtti of
Hunan, County of tiuron.
Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmitted
or delivered to the persons merithined in sections
8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the cOP-
ies required by Said sections to be so transmitted
or delivered of the list made, pursuant to said
Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised
Assessthebt Roll of the said. Municipality at
Elections for Members of the Legislative Assem-
bly and at Municipal Elections: and that the said
list was first posted up in my office', at Loades-
boro, an the ard day of August, 1906, and remains
there for inspection. .
Electors are called upon to examine the said
list, and, if any omissions or any other . error%
are found therein, to take =mediate proceedings
to have said errors correeted according to ?Mr.
Dated this 3rd day of August, 1806,
, •
• •
Voters' List, 1906.
/Viunleipailty of tlik, l'olen 01
Clinton, in the aountypf Huron,
1'1btlei llerebY given that I have transmitted
or delivered to the persons montionedin. sections
8 and of "The Ontario Voters' List Act," the
copies required by said sections to be so deliver -
ea or transmitted of the list made pursuant to
said Act, of 911 111143088 smearing bY the lad re-
vised Assesemeut troll of the said Municipality
to be entitled to vote in said municipillitY
at elections for Members of the Legislative As-
sembly and. at Municipal Elections: and that
the said list was finis Posted UP in My office. at
Clinton, Friday, July Nth, IOW, and remains'
there for inspection.
Electors are called upoit to examine ,saidlist,
and if any omissions or EttlY other errors are
found therein, to take immediate proceedings to
have the said errors corrected according to law.
Dated at Clinton, the With day of Jab.
Clerk of 33018 Municipality.
$12— Parni LabOrers--; $12.
• TO,
Manitoba and Assiniboia
—August 17th ---
Prow stations Toronto to Sarnia, via. Stratford.
and an stations north thereof, except neorth of
Toronto and Cardwell Jet, ' SPecial arrange-
ments for returning.
. 4,................-..... .
Clint011 ei Vie 1101idaY I
14011ditY0 , Ang...6th
1 it 1 tilitleitreiVigtligligs.p.m,.ntrains August #611,
turnt g August Mr,
Prom Clinton to all stations.
Secure tlekets at al.T,Ia. office.
.F 110IVENS Tovvn. Agent.