The Clinton New Era, 1906-08-03, Page 3August 3rd, , 1000 THE CLINTON NEW Elt& .. • � Ate ltiternattonal untveraal po;at�p -•- .A8SOLUTE 1TI H ANO dANADJANM stamp and prepaid 111ustage schema hard M been passed upon before, anti had been i/a5sible by the delegate's at Rome,CAME' FROM POSTAI- CONGRESS though as already l t d k h Pale FacedGirls -_._______. found impracticable. It woe Round kn. P , -. ''"t 1"6"I'm (-MOO PliCeegiti(1I pane out, t e cure Ear Palenleim eaul WITH NO MEAN TROPHIES. • coupon system afte •d Nl 't ti ga'sted 9s, she dozes, .1 s a partial sot o. Analenda tion. .Against the use of ata lnternatL n. _ al stamp the congress found " various '.the tallid girl' ltlways lacks appe- difflcuitles. Under the present system tite, rail little she eatsela badly di - there is no accounting between tlation9 a the postage receipts on international At night silo is restless, ""'"i°'""r Important. Work at RomeseNearing Ccnuiner: Penny Postage and a Universal V Stamp—••Dr. Coulter, Canada's Dorm- Carter epu- 1 ty P. M• G„ Book From the Eternal �� � � x City ---Will prow U .: Re .ort � .� •,',l,D•Dp P For the LitDrs s Government, .1f .... - r, 1�eput Post as- e Liver Y rtl . ��r• tPi•-(lt•nerul, iso basic tif. (lffnava nr.o.. ONtIot BO*r Slgnnturo i f Sea Pec slntll0 Wrapper Belo%, VeR7, small sad es eeeNr: tet tel *gonna) CARTER �. FOR DIMNEs FON SS, �. V+ � a iLE• FOR $ILiOUSNESt0 FORjORPiO LOVER. FOR $ GOI�S1'iPATION FOR ALLOW FOO THE COMPLEXION CURE SICK HEADACHE, PILL Mr. George Cockburn, sen., of Balti- more,hmanar and breeder. waswverynseri- ously' injured on Tuesday. He was in a field with a team attached to a mow- _ Ing machine, w-lieti sonfe-thin a aut- omobile, it is stated) frightened the horses and they ran away, The outer nd• of the cutting bar caught Mr.. Cockburn by the feet and he was dragged through the .field for forty rods before the Stopped.team 'vas. is very seriously injured, • Ile Scrub yourself • daily, you're not clean inside. Olean insides means clean stomach, bowels, hldod, liver, clean, healthy tissue in ' every organ; MORAL : Take Hollister's Rocky I. Mountain Tea. 3,5 -cents, Tea or Tab- lets. Ask your Druggist. t 's ggi t, King Edward has directed that the delegates aces #•' Cat the High Court ter tth g of eA - cient Order of Foresters at:King's Lynn•nextmonth. shall be entertained tole luncheon on when theyVisit Sandring- ham. ride• In - g ha m. The visit will baa historic event in the annals of the Friendly Society movement, as it will be the .first occas- ion upon which the delegates attending a friendly society conference have re- ceived the hostAtali,ty of the King. For dry cracked lips, or rouge h skin use Dr. Shoop's Green Salve; It pos- itively makes lips and skin like vel- vet. Sold by V. S. R. ' Holmes, Olin - ton. With reference. to the .Canadian grant of.one hundred thousand dollars towards the San Francisco relief fund of rvttich•$SO,OOO has already been sent to ih•a. Red Cross Relief Asso¢bit' ron'.of: z, San Francisco, Mr; Fielding, Minister: .p of . Finance. stated to -da ahai the. Government will send t y e he balance 1620MO to the same authority. ofe .Some indiyiduai applications were made:tie the government assistance but the government felt that the whole amount should'go into •the ;general fund. rerr«•senting the t`anadian Government tat the International Postal Congress in inane. __ .._coniter has everythitig"'good' to� say of the arranngements made by the Xtaltan Government for the success of ' the congress and the eomfort of the delegates. As to the actual work 01 the. "Postal: 'I?arliament," he will have nothing to say ofiiciafly until his re- port goes in. to the Postmaster-Coen- eree. • A very complete .and. accurate idea of the congress is, however,' gath- ered from other sources. In the first place this congress, was a' gathering i g r n e g of r es t pr en at nes all i 4f i the Countries.in +,the postai union, which rneans practically all the toile- tries .of any importance in the civilized world. 'The, Chinese 1mpire and' one •or ,two; other oountries• are still outsider, • • Bard Working Body. ' The congress just closed lasted tWo working. months or fifty-one • actual days. An impresliion that these were days of leisure and sight-seeing for the two hundred •odd,delegates is a wrong one. Five and sire hours. a day In the hard labor of •hammering out postal re- gulations. of universal suitability leaves little time for huntime-uiy-eouvenirs of Romulus, Remus 'and the wolf. The first thing which the congress did was' to foliose' the established rule oaf all legislative inaugurals, namely, .I appoint committees on the various knotty. subjects "for consideration, The committees in due course got down to work' and again In dile 'course--; reported to congress, where every delegate was free to express.hls opin ion on the point at issue, whatever it snight happen to be. How did all these representatives of lends far apart make p l e themselves un- derstood? •. It wasn't a Tower of Babel; as might. at fleet blush' be- suggested. The language used was thelanguage u e P diplomacy, to wit, the French Every delegate came provided with a smatter- ing of French; en Gh• at': least st th e congress' t s g s assumed u e d that he did.. Tt• worked -.well enough. • After' the • first few days. the delegates were mere and more iyidepen- dent of their French dietionaeles. Thera' was no other language spoken. Five Years to. Run; Nine .years ago the Treaty .of 'Wash- ington was concluded by the. last postai •Coti,;;iess,. •The treaty. just reacted in • erne has five .years to run. This will give the postal union a chance to. pro- vide for netl;,postal conditions without having 'to'wait too long After the Treaty of Washington, the postal sere vice of the nations in the union soared at a tremendous rate, because of the high tide at emigration, increased.tra e1 • • abroad:- and- the , general trade ex an Ion. Those things `ealled- irnpera i. t r els, for'. important. changes In the'in- ternational-' postal 'regulations. These. changes have now been made; and what. are fpund to be.necessary itt the fu ture will be for the next congress, in -Madrid to consider: • Dr. Shoop's Restorative (tablet 'or liquid form) is a constitutional, nerve tissue tonic. It brings renewed strength, lasting' ambition and vigor to weak, lifeless women. These two• remedies, singly, or used together, have an irresistible, positive •helpful power. Try there a month and. see. Sold by W. S. R. Holmes. Clinton. err It is generally understood that Hon, Dr. Reaume, Commissioner of Public an Works for Qntario, will resign his ppos- ition shortly owing to ill health. It is • T not certain that he Will resign his seat (North Essex), but he has practically --decided-that-he cahoot -with -jar, • himself continue in his ministerial duties. Two Long Strides.. Before therecent congress at Rome there were two ideals. There was penny postage, • and ,there was •`the universal stamp. Neither of these was realized,,'but the progress made• was an in their direction. • These two things particularly affect the Dominion of 'Canada. It is made optional for any country in the union to reduce the letter rate by, in the first' place, ' fixing an ounce weight where it is now •hall an ounce, d in: the ascend instance, by being - g down a five cent charge to four.. his means, In the 'multiple, a very conhderabie reduction, and this is de- clared to be a.long'stride in the diree- tion of penny pos age, Wr :. e a i o ed as a matter ea course :by;Great Bri- t'ain and her colonies. ' The fixing of a "maximum weight of One ounce is expected to do away to a great extent :with the woe of the reci- pient who eci-pientwho haS had to pay double post- age en letters exceeding the present half -ounce limit. This wasa. concession specially desired by the British wan - tries. It, was stubbornly fought for in committee first, and then in the general congress. '1'he•oppositionto it was very strong, and only on the last day and aim .s.t at the last minute was the eon- gress finally persuaded to let the Brit- ishers have their way. It was perhaps the biggest concession of any granted during the' whole session of the . "Con- gress of grime.'' Nearly the „Universal Stamp, .A woman worries until she'gets wrinkles, then worries . because she has them. If she takes Hotlister's Rocky Mountain Tea. she would have neither. Bright, smiling face follows its use. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your Druggist. Some time ago the Inspector of In- surance, j. Howard Hunter, instructed the different . auditors ot the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Companies through- out tbe Provinee.to report concerning the fire losses incurred swing to the many severe 'thunderstorms which have been so prevalent this year. The returns show very little :loss frotn lightning, and in many sections none at all. Get a 5 cent box of Lax•ets at our store please. We think they are great. Just test these toothsome, candy -like Laxative Tablets for constipation, sour stomach, . biliousness, bad breath muddy complexion, etc. Risk 5 cents and see. 'Sold by. W. 8. R. llobnes, Clinton. "No merchant can 'suceeed without advertising hi one way or another. Patronize your town papers, build them up anti -they -will build the .:.town up and build you up increased trade and greater" opportixnities" Governor J. W. Folk, of ,Missouri,ave the above advice to the retail merchants of that State at a recent convention. The ad- vice I s sound, and it is applicable to this place as well as to the cities of Missouri: A lady who understands, advertis- ing says : "No lady wishes to be look- ed uponas a shopping fiend ; she does # o' airs ore an a The next Change, of importance.from the British pant view was the grant- Ong, r.f ,the right to • issue coupons for return postage, This right, like that of the one ounce maximum, is an optional one, but will almost certainly ge into effect so as' to be P. praotical advantage, to Canada. This change also was asked for by Great Britain, The idea is that. any c'untr•y.dn the postal union may - issue coupons payable in a foreign coun- try in stamps, In working out it will en- able a merchant, say in Toronto, to -send a-•letter,:to the Venn capital and semi It with a coupon payable in atafirfps - of the French repubilc,'so that when his eorresyrondent comos.to reply he is, provided with a stamp far the return letter: The actual difference between this and a syste based upon the use of a universal ai p is not very great', ins t There : is a little mere complication, help but het. much. Canadians may soon hush have an opportunity to test the atter Scheme h practice, as It'is quite pos- to h slble and probable that these eoupoiiff aurin • r«zi•reseendence, The letters of one 1 lait (lati"t sleep soundly. country are transmitted and delivered Vital force he increased, new by the eountry of destination withouforce mustblood frust be supplied and a general regard to the postage Involved• If there: rebuiitliul: take place before she will was a universal stamp system, an Int- 1t7'0 like elle (night.. manse amount of accounting would of Dr, Hamilton had irly:Linable exper- necessity have to be dune, i tenet. in these eases and found nothing Would Be a Muddle, so prin bttilditig up the yoxuti;. Thera would have to be some seem- svonieli as hie vegetable pills of 1.Ltn- nizi'tl authority 111 charge of the Issas drake and Batt ere ut,, of the stamp.. Thele is the International 1laniiltuli"s lensbeginby weans.,Bureiu fl "hePostai-Union -at- -Berne- fug the system a ndeleafafying the ,'„-e, itzerland, which could supply the ;duos; they t1.1'rio ilii Jove di, . • stamps . to all countries in the union, but °Intl render toed ready for absorption. the difficulty encountered at Roam was Additionalnattrfptiihtent is • quicklythat «each• country would still be free: tosupplied hull tilts patient is fast stxetig- ittStte« universal stamps within its own thenad and invigorated„ borders, but without regard to their Fttll of spirit, middy and • n by{; is tiestinatiozz, This would =ewe the ill that assists her systFtn by Di•, in an =bhat Hanlflron's hills. each ceuntre would have to keep The following recent letter ft•ont Aliss track of all the postage on letters sent .Etta 3I(:lwen, of llnlilutrtou, speaks from a foreign country. It would ba for itself : a big increase hi the work of the post- ' In using lir. Hamilton's Pills I ofhe• el, anti in the case • e of Canada, necessitate the employment 'df another fi,tind is it ley y ett ai is wextllerfnll1 ,buil batch of clet;ks in the Postotilce Depart. remedy evarLlusedfily tiieI [ib veell` n, ment at' Ottawa, The Congress of. gooct appe6ite, sleepe Belie soundly and Rome thought that it wouldn't do, awaken in the morning feeling:•quite. United States Got Some. refreshed: • Great Britain, and Incidentally Can- "Formerly ormerly 1 felt tired and depressed oda, came away from the congress. I looked as if a severeiilness was hatug- With ne� mean trophies, but there were - "over my head.other ctors. The , :ed states, af. "Nothing could than Dr, dive quicker results' strong. use ter semimportant prharivileges, ileges, 'They obtaineork, secured one d the th advise every youngwoman to right: to use the face of the pieture post-, i thein. card --•••half of it --tor correspondence. -2 All idbox oreii a ld'atforr'r3 , Italy, Switzerland, Get•many and some I , c ler box five boxes for $1, at2tex_n¢izlxtries3iaue_beau-dot.ng-tiles l er m n Iii from N. C. Poison & Co., Hart a !considerable time, but it has been t�ritin,. L.,,W ahitlii.Kingst2'. Out forbidden in the. United States. Unc:e The engine which ns the H;tsti Sam went to the congress determined to get the concession, and after haled o 'iii thstone-Crusher was crasseng pulling did succeed in getting It. • 'Tweed, w sit b flee roles f Cut Down Transit Rate.►teed, when• it hicks through land rd.right side up in the river. Much of the time 01 tie congress engineer miraculously, escaped, Was occupied- in reduaing what is • known as the •transit• rate. This is', 1' t:ep yolu' eyes • open Pull" 'lee. s the fixed rate :per" icilogral charged by that when you ask for: •Ferry Da an intermediate country on malls car- Painkiller you get just that and n .sled from one. outside country -to anotit-. Ing else, Use it anti to c er. For example, .when lettere Stint cramps, 'diarrhoea anti alb other bo 'from "A" ha ve to pass coin 1 ' i a s through '13"to 1 l:tints in summer. get. to "C,". there is a transit rate chars- ed by "B."Mrs.. n • A n.t Burch, aged 70 cu g yea The congress at Horne • cut• this train= passed through 'PortHuron la on Frith sit rate in half, walking ficin Flint to Delaware, n This was one of the.big battles lit the Landau, a• distance of 130 miles, • S carve intends doto cis making n nci Heavy e tr hr; her home . l i 1• •�• n area a t C l.11 t Del aes have i)e a v ko be . paid on the greater. eater •Bart thf th«i . stud has net the money to pay rti;ilro snail roriglnating..in..la;ut•ope for the Am- fare.' LL.OJ.HJ.�.G OO1,11E .#, O THIS STORE ORE FOR YOUR OLOTJfl.4-\ G. You can save money by doing so, for we are offering; better�. goods at less money, than can be procured X �l xtto �ar�oderlC l �ea�"art�i� or A. CALL W R, I . ver; IC IT`HIE , ' and FURNISHER, news Notes 1!larl and Countess Greyreceived ec ved a ills, royal welcome at St John's Newfound - by land: ford At Kingston, Tenn,. a negress gave r bxrxbl.to-six:children, .till of �sbi:c}u_are alive. . Uai't Reports' to the Minister of Agricui- rcini , turesay that the fruit . crops of. the and Province are excellent, The Alex 11ltirdack lost hislife at Parham while backing his horse and cart into the water. Fie fell into a hole. ire I . I+ ;very arehitect in Canada will have VIS' an opport:tinity'ofsubtnitting.pplans for, pu e, t the new departmental : building at tel. Ottawa„ •the site of which has just beep determined. n e cl. It is runroreti that Dr, Beaune has deci de to d 1•sask. f r U the resignation ' of ty; Govornor Sparks of the county jail at ear San(lwichi; as a result of the suicide of be tau r. (ere r S it i ►ems na wee kagot n . lrereseat escapes, which indicate: laxity rte of discipline.. erican continent, i he proposal was ' 25 'iwI11 pay for the 'NEM :Bra for the balance thus an iraporta.nt inc:: Englanu • and . Old maids would be• scarce find lewd to of the rear•.to tiew subscribers Cottid,t a Germany did not °lipase it. but every Y'be trade to see,. )find, Ilow graces and beauty is combined, • By using Rocky Dlountairi Tea. •• Ask your Dreiggists, other •European coitntry ..did. They ) fought it in committee- and on the lithe' of the congress, losing In the end by only two Votes. Australian . Not .Sore. . The -.next 'Poeta! ("ciogi•eae.•wilt be held in el adrlti Pia Spa n!'sh';eapital. llad extended -telt invitation: S• had Alc:t- beef- e't4,tralia,: The t;tinvention: was- inerined':teward atadrld;'•but the Aus- tralian X?,i,tniastt t General, Butt. sir. 0h.tpnen, arta 'hi., lettow-delegates• pet up rr :very ati png canvas in favor ;f • Melbourne,' '1`livy tkrai'iy'force:t,i ,'• t:tuestion'tut a vpte and'Iriat; .bUt they: did not, as some reports have said, take. the verdict badly. They received tete -nate, 10 god spirit, •and the motl•.nt to Mahe the rid' in venient .0eta n1. ti:dua ..•cars front Won.; . • , AN -AMERICAN DISEASE Some doctors go as far as to say that indigestion is the national disease of America.. There is but; one national remedy for indiggestion and that rem - Kip is Dr. Hamilton's, pills which a-- celer,ate the act ion of the gastric•glands and give. tone to the digestive organs.:, They strangthen the kidneys and liver cleanse ane purify the blood and thus add general tone to every organ of the body. Flesh and strength are fast -re- stored and the patient can eat and di- gest tiny food he pleases. `.Gest Dr. Hamiltons•plllsyourself,-2,r1c per p or five boxes for •$1.00 atall uealers The' Late llIri�, i'l . Swann The following, from the Fergus News Record, refers to the mother of Rev. F. Swann. of Holniesville• Eliza Rexana. Adams, daughter of Rev, Ezra Adams, -was' born at Acton, Halton catnip', on May 4th, 1828. She was united, in Marriage by her father• tb.Rev, Matthew Swann on March 21, 1$17. • On 'retiring : from the active' work' of the ministry'in' 1892, theysett-• led in' Fergus, •where, they have since lived in the happy quietude of old age, until Sunday evening, July 15th, 1t1u0, when she passed very peacefully'' into "the rest that' remains for the people of. God." "She walked with •God, and she is not, for God has taken her." Her whole' life was beautiful in God. likeness. .. • Consecrated .to • the Lord.from her bit-th, and reated amidst Lite helpful and holy influences of a Godly. home, shegrew trona her earliest infancy in the nowledge and Iove of God. She never could tell the time of her con- version, nor could she recall the time when she did not know and love the Lord, and she always had an intense -passion for .the salvation of children. She entered iriost-heartily into -co- operation ' with her husband in the work of the tninistry, and proved her- self a true heroine in the sacrifices she made and the hardships she endured with hint in the. Master's service due. - he early pioneer days. She was at mate in every respect, 'and her and declares that any success that ded his ministry was largelydireer stimulating influence. 1?,ven the ears of her retirement, (indium d to manifest ti burning will before long be t;btainahle.at Cana- - she 'e to find out whether he keeps .what she wishes tb purchase land whether the 1`11 article is sold at a price she can afford. •prop Itis nnuch easier and pleasanter to Doul look 611 not (:are CO gd nt t d h ve a merchant show tt11 his stock in order dlan rough the advertisements of a paper than it is to bore the clerks and waste her i er own time. . Next to the local news items, the advertisements in a paper stating artieles for sale With pr1ees, will keep much of the aloney that goes to the large cities at /Mite," post offices. •' f lova Feeble.. Teo Knotty, ever if e ,Postal Congress ac opted this ' .oA t osal for a sy .,a t ,at "1 a ui :.ns, but in en d not come to an agreement ant °n the ' box'e for the salvation of others, for she had a long list of names of those hom she prayed. hough her 'last years were spent #Pering and confinement, yet she it all with perfect res• ignation, Would always sb` 'greet hety visitors xs g a ht•i .t and gh and cheery smile. Het thin experience was always t. Being an ardent student of ibie, she dearly loved to converse great themes, dwelling tnuch ,ext ItronYises of God and the hope of n. Death had no sorrow or ter - her --she tonged fir the time to when she should taste i ' is lays, leaves a husband, now in his year, and Seven children• -.Mrs. Francis a Ril#d, Alberta ; Rev. 1:+ranefs n,' I1oltnesville ; I1Irs'. (Rev.) s. rte ;B George Sw nn T Mary ; John n and ,Mrs, iso M. Fear, it1(;ali- a. universal stamp er ,j ' l v, tfte of rand proposals deviees and ramal s went be- I With Rare the delegates, Irv. r;a,a xti in. (bels proved to bo too Itn''t0'. as i :: , 1 arae- + brigh ed too knotty for prtrvious C,,ngre...ses. . the 13 lean Its •th(i • Heave ear to come • Sinn e Bmtm Swan Hellery 1 erg Swan orni df Renewer.. There's solid dozufott in hair hiC mk .Xkiititau$ rNh bn ak eaotclaiaik ao.Nauttut,x.a.lutopy sstiaflsd with jour short, stint y, roti i ]hairy Or itis txld rFR � t is s t z zichslr tit ittksi k'I' `.fix. eri tea i t ai lial1asi; vegetable Sicilians 1rir ..jar LCR•1.•• it not 1. olUY•w, . Herbert ei ez t oz'�, nottoil,of art were' very cruder . Ills l acurife. t'ole>t' what...lie c�tlIed "iitip.ure pni;ph.." ire wore "impure purple".gloi�c.,'.10 t i ln; that tlte,furn ititre seas. it tett ft, soli', lit. °had' a lihadlt.g of ''holoir(•.,1ttl;' l:e iztt.'tNi rouliel it;.itt'• al •+.t•itlu,tic • t, e Ut• the fit:st stril,•.Irinf;1.)f Anti :;'Borne h(i tt,nvtU stick' it Utt with ii t.li�; i 1 1114 vn::;•:; tiliedtvith artific'iel flog. t i tc± , wished' to have ea t ry thin liri; lit al'enft 111111 a110l cousetlttentty tet •i 51'od roleir. 11'lt(�tt it. win; enegeelttd11 e 011',1 '1., 't . that ill 11011 figwerrs iia t•, iil.t,i1: 'Boob! They'. �i ould. want con stout • t rift iii: ltin ;' Ile Wanted to Before placing yotarrorders•for' your season's supply of Coal, get. our prices: , The very best goods carried' in:stoek and sold at the lowest possible pride.: Orders may be left,at;Davjs:. & .fi,tiwland's•Hztrdware store,or e with i,. WJ �Sle�enson:• : g " ' At Electric Light. Plant. `.,TheLARMOUR School 1U0W WILY the pl',ip1t' :.liu'ta1t1 objet k ta' ---,0E----4 aart;:](htt 1lucs c'rs in a room aril( ut ,• Tei e Qra� h'. • L .t to on arliiu•i:rl i;taia,c•tt1m.—"llun:«• ;!� � Y> Life ;\ Pith 1ioi bLrt'. za.hill.. • • •And � General Training for • Raiiwa Service,: • 1Pig' XeChti, A Peking eOrre. ioti(1, it ;••yet 'If •iri no un(•onituoti sight in k„;00 . to•t•lve er tl neer enormous fat pigs, with. tit 'r t titlnctl, I.hU11dled nesse to ethyl 11.1; 1.l;a' a ride in t ('hinese cart with .5oll;t' sort of light oairgv, on top of thole :led 'a ratan sitting on the 'cargo,- 'hilt l,i•rs are, silent, and conseitit itis' aria 'MAP thin: they shoilld.not be objet t, Sot tbo action of the. Soe1et-v' Tor the '1't'o- vention. of Crnf ity ter Animals, '1`ha fact is titsit the annuals are too fat ;Intl lay to make any noise until dlsturlied at their journey's end, when bas -pipe•: are •a9 It`llliln opera . to the ` to 'iii,- seli.(itfling heart• "• ' ilia wish They had: just moved . into a neW hc-:se, and they stook siirreyirle the situation. "i wish," she said. "that thls •carpet was velvet." "1' cleat t," re- sponded the husband unfeelingly., "1 wish It was down." E)((." '. v ' 1lfnisle—Aren't you eoming to :my' party'? Daisy -How dear 1. tiibeii I'm ' in' half mourning? Malsie-_-Oh, well,. come and stay half tate evening,.' Not to understalid a treasure's worth till time has, stolen away the slightest good is cause 'of half the poverty we feet and makes. the world • the' thane. nee it is. -•Cotner. CURES Dyspepsia, Roils, Pimples, Headaches,. Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, and all troubles. • arising from the 'Stomach, Liver, Rowels or Blood. Mrs. A. Lethannue, of itallyduir, writes: "I believe I` • would have been in RIZ(' gravo long• a o had it not licon for Ilurttock Mood lilt. tere. X was run clown • to such an extent that I could scarce- ly move about the house. IWas sub3 est • to severe hcadaetles, a back. c hes anti dizzi- ness; ilel-ness; nhy appetite was ono and 1 was unable to do my housework. After using two bottles of 13„1i.11. I ia1111(1 in health fully restored, it to sale tare mem worn out► women, '•'. - .1411,614106, 1 The new method of instruction adopted; by this school has proved a great suecess, t'opiis graduate in the:shhortest possible tim therefore at the least expense. Employment provided once. Write, for a free pamphlet which will give full information. • School room in Gordon BIoek, opposite Poe Office. the mobt desirable location in the city ,Inspection of classes bt werk cordially invited ROBERT LARMOU1i,•I1Stratford, Ont Principal and .Instructor,. formerly District SuperintendentQ.T, R. • April2Oth 06.07. BARTUFF'S: RESTAURANT :Subscriber having moved his Restaurant to the store recently occupied by F. W. Watts, will be glad to meet his old custorners,and ashlar new ones as may favor him with their patronage. Having also bought out the King Bakery,he, will . supply the public with first •. class Bread and Cakes. BREAD DEL.I"VERED. AS FORMERLY H. BA . RTL.I F.F SMITH'S Will Paper Store Are you one of the crowd to the Bus Store;? Everybody is now talking of the beautiful designs of a.11 Paper we, have in stook, and prices to suit th purchaser. We also carry a stock o Window Shades,' Curtain Poles, Cottage Rods, Room Mouldings, Floor and Furniture 'Vaar- nish,'etc., of all descriptions, which. are sold at prices never known before to the Public. g Paper Pairitiri J and flanging (lone. iistimates furnished on job work. tritl'.s..'ll._Paper Stoic —CLINTON--. N,Th'Sign Painting done. All Pape arhiuned FREE, ai • flow. to keep Buy our Iron Betid, . . • Beds �`i to �I L. Wire SI►rii�•s $2. ta► $3 50 SanitaryMattress 3. _.. to tri, Wire Cots $1<50 to w'.5U -- apar rase-Mattin -V eranda•-a nd Lawn- Chair _Settee tip 11. enEL.LEWe B'LYTH. FURNITURE and. UNDERTAKt,NGG. reeeee, else; Pith, >� PURE ENGLISHEEN s r Doyou au :want the. Bestt t the lowest Price--___ 0 : We can supply you with Berger's, one of the. j t;' best English makers at N5cts. per lb; ' J. E.'`HOV Y Clinton ,Dispensing ,Chemist: Ladies' andsGan To nncns•Water roofs, Ladles Wrappers and Waists; A large stock -of Glnbhams;. • Linens and 'M'us lins for Summer Dresses Laces and Embroideries, Underwear • .,� and Hosiery, 'iri great varier .: Our•'Wall Papers Y -p .are the. best, We sell' the famous Sterling '-Faint ,.:none better ; sortie' may be as good. Lots of seed on hand.. May1v th 1 •:. t108. ADAMS �E ! mpori.um, T:ondeshoro. • Buy your .Buggy where •qualit � as well .as appearance is considered in ntanufacturi.ng •and have your repairing: done by.. expr- lensed men, • ' All are -.found at Rumball Sic ZVIzMath's Huron Street,, Clinton. . Clinton Sash, Door, and Blind Factor -The n of Clinton : is oil the e eke of a "boom, Ifyou contem late building, let use ivyou our • estimation, iBtC,. °Headuarter , all' . • q � for kinds tit builders' iaiatorlars►-Ial Ss S. r COOPER Olinton Advertise . in TEE ` : QLn ro T` • NEW. E.RA- Did you ever' Stop 'to think ? VVheti huyiiig a Dinner, Tea' or 'Toilet Set r Faney , , o nd it it first�class clods up to d.'ite sh:a (.s or clecorationsb at J. W. I11 VI i'fi„ 5 (R T + t 1 e f nd tali POTTERS IN ENGLAND. RUQ TFIE Teas, Sugars and Canned Goods • We lead in Quantity, Quality arts Prices. Special surprise on Sugar itt lOO 11) barge x,11 kinds tired tilt SEIw' �S' lv(ar, A,isiktl,.'1'%tn(>th , Or chard Grass, Ilan cid and Ttirni . • h, Agricultural College says : -- ''V ' p seed. Uxit e t ..g Y lloliv T.,eviatliatt sta , head of th listlin„vield per acre in t?5 ell:#ieretit varfotie ds at the { Sold by J.� >�t., II.,' (ASJI PAAlfkron BUTTER AND EGGS 0 -**********$**********0 •