HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-08-03, Page 22 Delsereeeerrerees-rtroereareeeraressiereemero TSB °LINTON NRW ERA 3 fief • - The New Era lie egemienea eVerYefernelY fee the NEW ERA Printing Renee. Istaiara eiTtagem , • . ciasimOte. Terrge DI subscription -81 per year an advance ; $1 50 may be charged if not 00 paid. No paper discontinued until aU arreare are paid, unless at the ' option of the publisher. The date to Winch every subscription is paid is de- noted on the label. 7 Advertising rate- Transient adver- lifements, 10 cents per nonparel, line or Mot insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch tiledi as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," etc, inserted once for 35 cents, cie one month for$1.Conuaninications Intended --e----„for „publication must, as a guarantee Of , good fiith7Thili-accenapanted-by -th • taame of the writer. To insure publication in current sue copy of allvertisements should be' Pent in (Nally. • Clontraet rates - The followingtanle Shows our rates for specified periods • 4 space. 1 yr. 6neo. Bnao. lmo 1 elumn $7500 $40 00 $25 00 ' $8 50 *Column 4000 25 00 15 00 6 00 Voluinn 25 00 151)0 800 2 50 Colurne 18 00 10 00 550 200 • • 1Inch 000 354) 200 10 • RORT. HouirES, . Editor and Proprietor ye, i•fe!" • The glintan 11cw Ea FRIDAY. AUGUST 8, 1906. BRIGHTER DAYS FOR LIBERALISM. Hon. 0, W. Ross sees Much En- couragement for Liberal Party "A bright day is dawning for Ontario Liberalisni-and that right soon." Since his return, refreshed and re- invigorated froni the health -giving mineral streams Of Mount Clemens. • jEton. G. NV. Ross, the leader of the Provincial Liberal party, has not been idle, and his cheery comment, when interviewed at his home, left no doubt that his plane and reflections have been. of pleasurable and profitable character. Mr. Ross was not discouraged with the present outlook for Ontario Liber- • alism-far from it. "The future has many bright and good things in store," be declared with hearty confidence. Pressed for his plans -for it was evi- dent be had definitely formulated planseand wide ones- the ex -Premier smilingly declined. "This is neither the time nor the place to discuss these' matters." "But," he added with his,, old-time spirit, "there is nothing dis- couraging in: the outlook now, and it Will get, brighter all the time." " Canada's Wonderful Commerce In one year the foreign trade �f Can- e* has inerased 382,000,000, tke greatest jump in any twelve mon in the history of the country!, The gain last year was consjelerably over ball the total foreign trade of Canada in the first year of Confederation. The following table tells the tale succintlY 1867 $131,027,532 1876 174,176,781 1886 189,675,875 1896 239,025,360 1897 257,168,862 1898 304,475,736 1899 321.661,213 1900 381,517,236 1901 386,903,157 1902 423,910,444 1903 467,064,685 1904 472,733,038 1905 470,151,289 1906 552,000,000 . The imports for the fiscal year 1906 (ending Jane 30) were $290,352,408, an increase of $28,450,937. The exports wee $245.483,956, an increase of $44,- 529,010. The sales of farm produce alone were $27,000,000 greater this year than last, and manufactures in- creased three millions and a half. No country in the world can show so great a ratio of increase in its ex- ternal commerce as Canada, The per- centages of increase, by decades are : 1876 to 1886 ..... 0 % 1886 to 1896 26 , 1896 to 1906....... 130 19 the gain of the past decade is maIntained during the next, 'Canada will be in the billionaire class. Ii view Of the importance of the lab at ciop to Canada, it will be gen. era ly regarded as an act of wisdom to ba the conditions of this great hi- dus4ry thoroughly investigated. The 400 mission appointed for this purpose evil be expected to report on every .par of the processes of production and I dis ibution from the sowing of the Bee in the west to the marketing of' the crop in Greet Britain. It will enake the Investigation a means of public education to have it conducted openly and above board, like the gee - Wens of che TarifT Commission. The declaration of Cal. Denison, of Toroete, in England, that Canadians are unatuniciusly in favor of a tariff preference within the Empire, must 't'be adeepted with a good deal of reserve becitese it is -not a fact. Many mann- . lecturers, for example. are on record sis' faVoring: only a tariff preference that ; shall he high enough to keep' • " 33rit1ble gooclafrom effectively compet- EdliOrial Notes. The appointinent of a„4,,L'ittle$ P.P., for OardWell, te the WOW= of registrar, is a departure from the prin. ciplee Contended for by the VOMiervee the party when In Oppositielei whieh intuit not be continued if the present Government expecteto retain the good name foe consistency whielt they have earned in other departments of their administration. It is to be hoped the Whitney Government will for the fut- ure adhere rigidly to the policy of ab. polutely no appointment frona the Leg, islature to offices of emolument in the gift ' of the Governinent„-Goderich ar. ' Speaking ofthe Magnificent showing of our trade returns for the year just closed, the Ottawa Citizen says : Sir Wilfrid Laerierwes correct when he stud that the nineteenth, century be- longed to the United States, but that the twentieth century belongs to Canada. It the first half deo& is to be considered an indication of what is to follow, the growth of this young nation lathe northern half of the con- tinent will dwarf the record of the re- public and place Canada in the front fatI*itioong the petioles. This tribute to the =mese of the Liberal pohey coming from a Conser- vative organ is fully deserved. No country in the world can present a re- cord to equal that of Canada. And we hope it is only the beginning of our great prosperity. See ea ton years hence. The Ontario fernier continues to suf- fer from a dearth of hired help. He is not so particular as he used to be in regard to the class of men where he will take into his employ. He has to put lip -with whet he can get, and eo in a measure . he ,becomes reconcilecl'. to green bads about the'"place." But the thousands of Old • eleuntry men who have this year been distributed over Ontario farms do not begin to make up for the persistent drain of farmers' sone to the Canadian West. The new hands will be broken in bye and bye, butmeantirne there is a short- age of labor in the fields. This is etn,: phasized just now in some localities by the fact -that the hay an_cl. f_01 wheat Crop have • matured: shnultaneouslY, and have to be harvested at one and the same time. Frank ,T. Cheney makes oath that he is senior paatper of the fine' of Cheney it Op, iloing business in, the city of Toleclo,County and State afore- said, and that said .firm will pity the sum of ONE RUNDRED• DOLLARS: for each and eveey wise of Catarihthat cannot be clued by the Oise or Halls ' Catarrh Cure. ' FRANKJ. CHENEY Sworn to before ine, and subscribed in my presence, ehie Oth day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1886. A. W. (LEMON, (Sna.t) NeTany Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter.- nally, and acts directly- on the blood and inucoue surfates of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY. & 004 Toledo, 0; Sold by all druggists, 75c. 'J'ake Hall's.Fatmly Pills for consti- pation. • rOleaee() to lilinors , Several enquiries.have recently been. made regarding the w respecting the sale of cigarettes, cig, or tobacco to minors. Chapter 261, R 8. 0., 1897, bedtime 1, reads "Any person who either directly or indirectly sells or ives or furnishes to a minor under 18 years of age, cigarettes, eigars or to- bacco in any form, shall, :on sunemary eonyietion thereof before a. Justice of the Peace, be • subject to a penalty of not less than $10, nor more than $50, with or without costs of prosecution, or to inaprieonment, with Or without hard labor, for any term not exceeding 3CI days, or to both fine, with or with- out costs, and imprisonment to the said amount and for the said term, io the discretion of the convicting. Magis- trate. And in case of a fine or a fine and costs beingawarded, andthe same not being upon convietion forthwith paid, thejnstice may commit the of- fender to the commoa gaol, there to be imprisoned for any term not exceed- ing thirtydays, unless the fine and costs , are Sooner paid." Sellers of to- bacco, cigars or cigarettes should cut this out and paste in some conspicuous place for reference. Boys ot tender years are seen day after day smoking and chewing, and the chances are that sorne one will have to settle a convic- tion under the Act before they will realize where they are at. Only on rt written request from parent or guar- dian -is it lawful to sell to minors. Ig- 'norance of the laW will netexcuse you. A halt storm in the Wileit, did great damage to crops on Thursday. ' STATE OF (Tiff°, CITY OF TCLE,DO • • • ' SS . tftle.N.F1 ConarTt • • 0.1 /rig With their pi odeets in Canada, 1 while being pi actically prohibitory oe importefrom foreign countries. Stich a. tariff would not be at all arceptable, to the great majority of the Canedian people. It is just as well to bear in 1 enind these facts. The adherents of . Ole old Red Parlor system are primer'. 1 , or a preference that will reetriet ade with our customers Monad. 1, 4 . , • ; -• • • For that andru There is one thing that will cure it-L-Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is a regttlar scalp -medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause.this disease. .The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap- pears, had to disappear. .A healthy scalp means a great deal to you --healthy hair, no clan, d ru fill no pimples, no eruptions.. he bast hied of o. teetitoeuittl- "Sold foe ovor elate Years•." *bidet,. 1.0. Ayer co., towel', Mils. Atom kaidufACCUelitte Of P SA85APARILIA. ersous. CheltitY PeCIORAL, Not a Patent /Medicine Hyontai a scientific Troatment forcaterrh by' Breathings igiedi• lattod Ever since HyOrel has been known, lts formula has been given to physi- eians, druggiets, and, in in- telligent people who could appeeciete the true mentor the combination Of healing gums, oils, and balsams, of which it as ceinposed. Many leading physi6iane odors liyomel and prescribe it for -catarrhal troubles. In fact, quite a few of them use it themselves to break up a cold and prevent pneumonia. They regard it as a natutal, yet scientific way of curing catarrh. Breathed through' the pocket in. haler that conies with every outfit, Flyoniei destroys all catarrhal germs in the air passa,ges of the throat and nose, soothes and heals the irritated fliUCOfls te rane an Y -drives from the system all traces of cetarrhal poison. e sLOnId COflfOilflhly with the patent medicines that are ,advertised as catarrhal cures. It is es superier to there all as the diamond is .1 more valuable than cheap glass. The complete Hyomei outfit, 'con- sisting of a neat pocket inhaler, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of liyomei costs but $1, and extra, bottle can be obtamed for JO cents, malting it the most economical rnethoa of clu- ing catarrh, as w ell as the Most rell- able, • If you cannot obtain Ilyonne• of Your dealer, it will be forwarded by mail, postage paid, cin receipt of price. Write today for consultation blank that will entitle you to i0 1'I5(1 Of; our medical department without charge, The. R. T. Booth Company, leyomel Building, Ithaca, N. Y. • A National Neeessity The growing iptercleeendence of the Provinces of this Dominion Mast be apparent to all. The product, of one is a necessity for another. Not. alone are the eyes of the•Bastern Provinces, but, those of every cimutry in the world, directed to the almost, phepo- Menai •wheat producing qualities...of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Every hamlet, concession and side line in Ontario has contributed to the set- tlement of these fertile western Pets- vinces. The crops, -according to the Governmental reports for this season, if safely harvested a,nd garnered, will .far surpass previous years in quality afia gpantity. It is estimated 20,000 faun laborers will be required from the older 'provinces in assisting in the harvest oi their wealth. The sons of the Weet are new urgently apeeealing WORKINGMEN'S SAND. 1 Electric Light Bates franteus Black DikeMiRs Music 1 0 • The following table givethe net letkixatien of Yorkehire Coming to Carlida Next Year. F011atfing the viltite Of several itreaY Venda from the Old Country, Caned& is Dow to bear the premier prize band of Great RrIteln-the famous !Black Dika Mille Eanor The Black Dike Mills are eituated In the village Of .gueensburY, whidi ill - Welled On one of the Mlle surround- ing the great manufacturing city et Bradtord, Torkehire. Here for a Min- iIred years musical Torkehiremen have cultivated the practice of ineerumental !ameba and to such goopurpose that tha name of 131aelt Dike is fallilliar as : a bousehold Word from John O'Groat'e ! to Landes IDnd. For over fifty yeare the 1 great firm of John Foster es eon, whose t, exteneive mills cover -Bite= aerete. and. ! employ nearly $,000 workpeople in the 1 manufacture of alpaca, mohair and wor. i Eder stuffs, silks, seats, plUshee, eto. i have maintained the band in a state o great preficieneY, , The founder et th Brut was htmself An enthusiasele tuna- ! teur on the Ilsrench horn, and his des- oendanto have prided thereiselVee or keeping the band up to a standard o Perfection beyond which it would seem impossible to ge. The bandsmen are se employed in the mills, and all expensee by theiim t maiiiternice, tuition, ete.,. are borne • . . ' Every Man, an Artist. . ' The 331aelc Dike Bind is a. brass band an ,iwe would warn those whose no- tion of a brass band has been .derived from the commoit or garden sort of brass band to beware of Jetting their prejudice keep them from hearing Black Dike, else they may never cease regreting it, for those who *have not heard Sleek Dike or another British prize band of the fitst rank can have no conception of whet Et brass bend can achieve in the way of artistio .ef- feats. There is nothing which Black Dike' cannot play with consummate ease and grace. Every man is an ar- awn and their executive ability le Mar- vellous. In no other kind of band is the eXecutive ability of brass players developed to ouch an extent, There is net a. Man in Black Dike but would be eagerly ria,pped up. by. the finest army i: bant do", , ,prigland, were he availahl.e. ' 14ei-oit einsic its Forte. Ent heugh they , can play the airy . strains of a Straeiss waltz with •the grace of an orchestra, itis ie grand, heroic music that the band, shines most. They have astonished the greatest mu- sicians of England and have lifted brass band playing to the highest regions of Musical. art. . When .they treat Cana- dians to their grand selectienfrom the eworke of Beethoven, Berlioz, Spohr; Rossini, Meyerbeer, Courted and Wag- -rare -we peediet •such an enthusieetic reception as no band has hitherto- ree ceived here. The late Fir Arthur .Sue. livan, himself barn and reared in an army band; was teuite carried away by • Dik'si's pleyieg at one of thei.c‘rystal - Palace festivale. "Wagner's Tann- hausee was magnificent." be wrote. "1 was surprised ' not erity - at , the tone; but at the flee and go ..of the Perform- anee. In thie; th'ey excelled ettry' heed 1 have ever -heard." . Arid S:inirar ,p*raise . has ' been ,showered upon -the wher- to the parental and patrintie instincts - of the farmers of the East to send every strong, able-bodied man they ,can to aid them in this work of nation- al iinpertance... The Canadian Pacific Railway has made the wonderi ul growth of the West possible. In the saying of the wheat and other crops, the interest a Canada and the Cana- dian Pacific are 'identical. The latter its Canada's Nittional Higliveay.' It has -announced that on Aug. 14th, llth and 22nd, it will trapeport from different territories in the 'East fame laborers to the Canadian North- Weee at the nominally let rate of twelve d-..IlitrS 3. in feet, thip 'National Highway is offering an inducement • to European farnt laborers by making an expep- tionally Aow rate over its Atlantic se tamship service hr 'connection' with its railway lines. It now remains for the Ontario farmer to show his pride in the geowth of, his nation by co- operating with the Canadian Pacific in eending every available able-bodied man he can he the West. Tickets 'maybe had from the .local agent, W. Jackson. When a woman suffers from de- pressing weaknesses, she then keenly realizes how helpless -how thoroughly Worthless she is. Dr. Shoop has • brought relief to thousands et suds Women. lie reaches diseases peculiar to women in two direct, specific ways --a local -treatment known by drug- gists everywhereas Dr. Shoop's Night Cure, and a constitutional or internal prescriptiou called Dr. Shoop's Rest- orative. Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is applied locally, and, at night, It works while you slee . It reduces inflame- ation, it stops cL.seharges, it heals, it soothes, it eomforts, it cures. Sold by W. S.- R. Holmes, Clinton. BELLE ISLE NOT 'CANADA'S. '' Belongs to Once Sam --There Is Ni • • Doubt About it. • ' , • • There wilebe no diepute between this country and the United States as to the ownership ,of Belle Isle, in the De- troit Rtvor. There isn't room for any. Louis Bands, chief of the Chippewa ./sidians on the Walpole /eland reservation, In the St. 'Mir' River, 1. report 'ad to be i0. posserision of an old ohart showing ..Belle' Isle, which the ..city Detroit _has turned into a magnificent publid park at en expense of millions of dollars, to be 10 Canadian waters. The island, according' to thisstory, to- gether with several smeller Islands in the American .waters of the St. Clair River, was never legally traneferred from the British to tile. American' Oov- eminent. • This.. Att)ry was obrought to the at - ten t lon• of . james White, Dorein on . Se 0- . graphee "There is no question about It," said Mr. White tinhetetatingly, eerie can ' be non. leeetanately all that has 'been . :ceertftedy sewed." ' • 'The' geographee preduced Charts and memorendit leg how '.and. wherA the idol -national b imartrY was fixed undi r the treaty of Client. He traCed it line drawn fro...1 downmete cora- . Neill up throueli 1,eke ontario . Lithe l•Irle, and thr.eigh the Iletreit and Ft. Clair rivers, This line wasdrawn from mend eurveys in tin: Making of whieli the repreeentativee of the tivti iitri es were engaged for eight - 302re. The line eel eve the channel of the river anti Is drawn to the south. ast Of lb na .31.Ni. island 11 wa.r. 0,11.0 10 these de ye.- thus giving thin ad to the Senittel etatee, Proeeed- mg, the ilne 'fume to the weet of 1:44)• a la elle, g1% ii that, island to Can - 'rho deeli,len Lit regard to re, .ion b IMITary WaS finally r:•.ieleel in Julie, 1N22, divieem une tio clearly merle that it IiitS nem- sinee been the eiibjeetof dispute be, tween the two countrien. Canarlina • (loverninent oftiolitle laugh at the idee Jot' tin ir 41 23% Alitee; len el,.,uf it rate charges for Electric Light by a number of the towns and cities in itnarria,together with their Population • Popula, . Net Rate Place t1°,072 2(1 4Pev310.wo: '3 ,Alvinstown, Ont.. 1,000 113 ^ Aylmer, Ont 2,167 15 Aurora, 1,743 17 Arnprion Ont.-. 3,341 • la 13randon, 8,77$ 18 Chatham, Ont9,068 15 Clinton, Out 2.435 12 Coburg, Ont.-. 4,829 15 FCr°:dnewraikon°,11B” 75:1175 1125 Guelph, Ont 10,539 15 Kingston, Ont17,061 14 Lindsay, Ont... 7,003 10 Montreal, P.Q...,380,000 14* New Glasgow., 3,776 • 15 en Soundr0nt--7y407---- 12 Peterboro, Ont9,717 15 Penabroke, Ont.• 4,401 16 , . Prince Albert,NW 2,000 20 Regine, N. W. T2,000 ' 20 S k , Qne. 11,705 St. Thomas, Ont10,370 15 St. John, P. Q., 4,080 10 • Strathroy, Ont3,310 12 "'• Stratford Ont 12,00)) 112 Seaforth, 2.206 10 443, Totonto, Ont 184,220 12 ',NancouVer, 13;0' .. 15,085 10 Ont. 1,595 12 Waterloo, Ont3,237 ^ . 12 Vs, incisor, Ont10,823 '^ 12/ 1 Winnipeg, Man70,000 12 Ont, 2,213 10 tesiebec, Que- •77,000 ' 12 inow, Tile 11121)c,i14),0 of ahe 1. : ..dri le Ole 1)01/...it Hite r is bett• only shown plaiuly try the (*berth, but is specified- I lY laid down In the text of the agree- . merit between the Unitett States and 1 , Greet Britain, t Belie /04 is not for Canada. • 1 ever they beve.:playe Have Won Many contests., . litheav.eMset6:04- nient which has made ouch magnificent bends' . aa the Bri LIM -amateur, prize bands. • They have won 'everything worth winning. Theywere first atthe Crystal Palace . (out of 169 bends)„ ,as far back as 1866. When this ,felfrVal * wasrecently revived, Dike was first again after an interval of forty years. • "Criticisin; is out .ef the question," .said •the Judges. At the great Belle Vie con.- tedts, Manchester, they have been first on no ' less theft eleven occasions. 1882 they were debarred as being en-. beatable, haVing won first prize for the third Year 'in succession in 1881, .: Alto- gether they have w.on 100' first. prizes against-. 'thepick of English. bands. Even this does not.emphesize their pre- eminence so much as the. fact that .at one period theywon no. lees. than sevenL teen lira prizes' at consecutive events: * The Veteran Concluotor. . . Mr. John .Gladney,' to whom nelinarfly, is due 'the greet proficienCy of the band, has been retained by Meesre. Foster & Fons-as---ftleprefessionalL-teaeher---si-nee 1888,- Few: Canadians who behold' the alert 'figure Of Mr. Gladney will imagine that he lookaback upon nearly 60 years' career as a professional musician,. But Such. is the fact, and there are few By - Ing musicians -Who can look back. upon a. career of such distinctiorx. The son of an army . bandmaster of eoneiderable .liele, Mr. Gladney wag horn in :1839, .and practiced inesie froin the cradle. When only tenyears old .he ,played Piped° (1is lIngers being too small for the: flute) i0. the. band Of the famous Jullien. He sat on the. knee of Keen*, and to this day bolds that noted cornet player as the 'greatest of all erne. He was petted br Bottesini, and made Much Ofby the great Obeeitit. Barrett. Steen then. Mr. GIadney eas been constantly in touch' with the greatest European artists. Bandmaster Bower. • • Mayor Thempson, of Italarnazoe, millionaire, has two of his sons work- ing on the steeets there as pavers. Both boys wear overalls and , carry dinner pails. By doing this, their • father believes that they will put a higher value on the money they earn than on what he gives them. WHEN SEVEN MEN' DIE. You know at least one of them .had Consumption. At first it was only Catarrh --but it was neglected. When • "Catarrhozone" cures eh quickly it's foolish to suffer -it's a shame to keep on sniffeling and hawking. Catarrlio- zoiie gees direct to theeauseofe is- ease,-that's.why'it's so dead certain to •cure. It stops the cough, prevents that disgusting discharge, clears phlegm ont of the throat in five min- utes. Very pleasant and safe too- get Catarrhozone fermi, your druggist to- day. il.*.Momine••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ip• Mr. Harry. Bower, the resident band - 'master, is a, produet of the Black 'Dike Band, and a meet e.ccorriplished meet - clan. The Bower family itave long held important positions in the Black Dike Mills, and have been connected with the band throughout its career. Mr. 'Bow- ees brother, Phineas, preeeded him as bandmaster, and held that position for 21. years. Mr. Phineres Bower was a great euphonion player, Second, to none, amateur or professional, in, his day. Preseure a °Motet duties at the mine eomp'elled him to retire from the band in 1895, and the band chose his broth- er, Mr. Harry Bower, to seeeeed.hirn. How "wise their choice Was Is proved tIY the ever inoreasing popularity of the band during tbe ten years he has been - • In charge. Mr. Ilarry newer IS a very brilliant cornettist; he eti astip a first- class musician, having theroeghly stud- ied the theory and practice, of music. In Various direction, Thanks to the generosity of Messrs, Poster & one, the band, le now abie to gratify its longseherishdd dot& to visit Arnerlea, and though Mr. GladneY is 4'S:ha-enable to give tee band snore than a moiety of kis ,t'ervices at home, armee, poster have prevailed upon letin to put his other' lianas aside for a time across the and to accompany their laza seas. . • • eionietitees wive levee is a man's wet express eletk New York hives It a tiro 2 1 . aix ofrep f, 1. 'le:700M40!) worth hf Mina. iia bonds, wh bit WAS iteeeptiel hy tele U. S. goeern weir, conditional on the noney being said by Ang.,1. A 1 Pit ad V itt POW 1111,S, avolletql, and t he money- ess youth haseold his pietism I1'. a pre - fit of $27,024. • . • Housedeaning'sv Here... • ..__ And Ilauseeleaner's ‘11ouseeleaners ' are here . It's hard work. housecleaning is, and disagreeable. The quickest way that it can be done takes long enough; goeduess knows, too long, and the easiest way is too hard. We have for, some time tried labor tighteners. The best they can do is . only a helm of course,but it's harder -without them. Can NVO assist you, with aey of the followine?. • ' . * • • Richard's Pure S,oap Comfort Sweet Home ;Sunlight • _Surprise Wool ' ' Fels-Naritha • Gold Dust ; P.earl fne • , • Soap Chips , Sapolio, . Household.Animonia, oc a peck. We sell every kind of a, broom and brush that is made. W. T. O'NEIL, • THE HUB GROCER • • ' •Palk Term .opens Sept. 4th. JfjJELLTOTT TORONTO, ONT. • A nigh-gra* Schoolt The demend for our graduates tide year is about twenty times the supply: 11 pays to attend our college, • Write todity for catalogue. • W. J. ELLIOTT, Aria Verner orl'onge and Alexander Rs • Stray Calf 'Cable into the premises of the undersigned 'Huron Road. Tuokeremitb, a spring calf. Owner can have seem on proving property and peping charge?, W. FISHER . • Barn for Sale.. For Sale, a 4 bent barn, 24x40 feet, 16 ft walle; timber and lumber sound; just the eize for horse or hay barn. Willbe soia cheap JOHN STIRLING, Clinton. For Sale or To t PRQVESSIONA Rouse for Sale Ten mane, with woodshed end stible hard and soft water, eon of linci, con- trally leoeted for pernoultore apply to ws, BEN -DONE, Rouse and Lot for Sale leer sale * oznollbonee on Rattenbury 'Own west, together with lot no. 696, being '0 meirter acre. Apply to E, BUTT, or NEW ERA office Cottage for Sale. . The cettage on Orange St. edjoining the property of subscriber is offered for sale on eiseetialele ternnee-WeeCe-SEA: Also a couple of gooe brick stores. • House for Sale The large oottege on Queen street, he - longing to the eetate of the late E. Helmet' its offered for sale. The lot ie one-helf sore, witb bearing fruit trees, hard and soft water, A. bargein. Apply at NEW ERA office. • .• Cood Rouse for Sale. Subsoriber offers for salt? his large and comfortable triune hatifle on Albert Street, The house hes_ every oeuvenienee for ord.e- ary timely. Good cellar; herd and soft water on the lot; three-cmarters.of-an-acre of land; bearing fruit trees, also good stable. Will•be sold on reationable tirms: WILREN, • Olinten; Meh 30th For Sale or to Rent Lot IS, Con, 13, Hallett, (e50 aorta) is offered for sale or for rent. Possession to be given at the close of the current year. For particulars apply to W. BRYDONE, Clinton,. Farms for .Sale Abopt 850 aoree Bret -class land, situated On the 4th and 5th concessions of Hallett, are offered for sale, This is the finest pas. tare and, without exception, in this neighborhood. For particulars enquire in the first place by mail, SOHN BANSVAD, Box 586aondou. e• . Farm for Sale. _.- Subooriber offers for sale his faun ot 'sores, being lot 31, 3rd oen. H. R. S. Tuck, eramith. All cleaned and under oultivat. ion except 3 acres ; all but 18 acres in gftgIS Frame house, bank barn, hay barn, and . other outbuildings. Bearing orchard. Good water. Sehoolhouse on the premises, .6 miles to Seaforth ; less. than 5 to Clinton, good roads. WHITFIELD CRICH, Clinton. " Farm tor Sale. Subscriber offers for sale his' farm of 100 acres, being lot 24, Om. 2ad, Stanley, All cleared but 10 sores. Brick house, bank barn 40x80. cenient silo, lex30; one acre of orchard and small -fruits, 2 never - ling welie. Driving house, pig pen, hen houee. Five mileg froni Clinton and three from brawl:101d, on good gravel roads. • • ALBERT NOTT, Clinton E O. ,Choice Farm fol. Sale Subscriber offers for sale his splendid farm of 96 sores on the Basil Line, being north part of lot 2, Maitland Block, Hullett Good brieke house, barn and all neoemary outbuildings; 35 acres bash; farm well wa- tered and in good condition. 2 miles from Auburn, end one mile from the proposed C.P.R. station. JOHN SPRUNG, Au. burn P.O. • For Sale or Rent , A. farm of 111 acme of the best clay loan, belonging to Mrs. Ida Fraser, Goder- ich, situeted on the first con. Goderieh Township, 7 miles from Goderioh, 9 from Clinton, and 5 from Bayfield. Fsirly ood buildings, and 2 °Matteis. Reason- • e erms. beefilether particulars Spilt, - to IAMBS COLWELL, Mucks street, Goderioh, or Edward Acheson, Goderioh. Farm for 'Sale. Subsoriber offers for sale his terra of 100 scree, being lot 21, eon. 0, Buffett. .a.11 °leered except about one . sere, ail seeded down but about 20 scree. Frame holm, bank barn 3600, Bearing orchard of on aore. Good well. About 5 miles from Clintop. Apply on thepremises or addrese Clinton Post Office. pa 4i . JAMES TIGHE. Farm for Sale 200 sore farm' in East Wawanosh, lots 31-314 Con, 2. First-olasti soil for grain or gram. well drained, well fenced, spring ;creek MB all year, 15 sores good bush, 2 acres orchard, bank barn 60 x 65, with eta - blew all cement, good sized hay barn. large implement beetle with pie stables under, good sized frame house, kitchen and wood died attached, 2 good wells, 2 miles to Au- Iburn, Oto Blyth, e mile to school. Terme reasenable as owner wants to retire, II. .TIIILL, Auburn p41 tf • • . 1 • Thoro Bull tor Sale . • The silbseriber offers for sale 1 thortmgh bred Bull, aged one year, roan in COW, aired by .Stiell's Imported Short•Vorn Bull. ADAM, WEIR, lot 26, oo.. 4, Hallett. 3 Short -horn Bulls for Sale 1.141 1 Three good young Bulbs, fron 10 to 15, reentries oldeone roan and two ted, good quality. Como and see them, or write ED. .T. WIEE, Clinton, Bancin Grove Stook Vann . Bulls for Sale. Two thoro-brel Short Ilern bills for sale, aged 2az3.years, both red with A little abite; splendir individual Wale of good pedigree. booby Bigginie Impeded Fau. cy's Pride; the other by Steirs Star of Alerting. IA; in be sold reasonabie. A tt• JAMES Ski 0.13.131100I Londesboro „ Pasturatm. GOOkintettirago crinkle had for forty or fifty head bead of cettle. Apply to Frani Potemat, Mr, MeNCURRAY, SW0144013, Farm Mr Sale. Tvgo hundred and thirty-five scree, situ. ated on Bayfield Road, Goderict Tp., three- nnertere-of.a-mile from Clinton, Soil in excellent condition, having been all under grant:tier five years; splendid grain or grass lend, well drained. Five home hardwood bush and excellent orchard. One barn, 52x74, with stone stehling for 12 horses and 85 cattle; coo barn, aa, 64, with silo and enabling for 17 °little. Large impie. ment house and pig pen; power and pump- ing windmill; tare frame houso,. two good wells end tanning *a ter at rear Of tarot Apply to Ina. ALEX, gt 110E% EN, Clinton r.o„ or tot 28, Con 2, Stanley, 1Farm for .Sale, ) Being lot 20 Oon'' , 2 II,R.S. Tuckersteith containing 100 Urea; good brick house. r, two good barns, stone atabling with °elle underneath; large hen house and implement shed, 6 acres harctwood brish and 2 acres of firet.olass.orohard, Tina farm is eitua- ted in the very beet locality in the cOunty, 'convenient te.chttroh autdsehoolin litaiiles from Seaforth and 5 from antes, With good gravel reit& it is in first.oless eon. ditiOn. end will be gold cheep and on rea- sonable tern:is, tis proprietor is going west Apply on the premiees or to LEVI STONG Clinton, HUNRY BEATTIE , 161cootser. Se Mr 4..air Seen ' BARRIOTER, $014011104, fon 9k,IBTO Office•-Eillett PinoltiforttarlY easeptert W. ISONST To pap BUIEDON E, 13413EISTER 130140ITOR NOTARY PU$3.1.410. ETO.. of.,INTON • 1:11DOUT & 1-itil.E• Oorevery,ertoEIne CoMMIOSIONSII lteal Witte andIusuranoe Ageet . Monee to loan C.W. naLS,. ;vitt EIDOEY'r 1111.••••••••••••=11111101••••••10111•1MIMIM.OMIMMIRIMOMMINIMIIIMIIM•000 Ors, Oman 1st Gunn. Dr . (1.'. Edhe Dr, J, Nisbet uuss, 111. H, v. S. Engleud. L. ROL% le., Ofnee-Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight calla at front doorof office or residenve, ilatteriburY Street. DFiJ. Wo SHAW, illenCiEON • Aeeucliesr etc ,,,, canoe a,ntl residenee On tette 61., opposite. Eoglioh chinch, forreeret ua cried bv Dr, Aepleton, clinton Ont., 0. v. TI1uMPSOf Physiumu, surgeon, Eta. ' in.ct fel attention elYtn to diseases of te. nlYe; Ear, Throat and. Nose. , °Moe and Residence. Albert Street.2 Blocks North or ttattenbery G.,W. Manning Smith, M. D., C.X. PHYSICIAN' SURGEON, oppRiE-Main street, Baytield, formerly* occupied by Dr, Pallister: DR. PA AXON DENTIST • . (Successor to Dr, Holmes.) Specteleit In Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate or the Royal:College of Dental Sur - goons of Ontario. L • Honor graduate of University of Toronto Den- tal Department. , • ., o 4 Graduate:of Chicago college of Dental sumer • Chicago. Will visit Dayileld ever', Mender. DR.H. FOWLER., • DENTIST,. Officee over O'NEIL'S etore. SpeChil care taken to make dente ere meta as painlees as possible. W vi Auburn every Monday. • , _ • . • ' : : Miscellaneous. _e) AbLES OAmesELL, LONDESB040, tiSVER Oe AtektItlaael 1 -4( -)EZ -1813O , WIVOSSOb-re011ifed - • Money Private funds to loan at 44 per cent and 5- wands W. bLitY.DOSE7 .GEOR04 ELLIOrt, eLuvrow, ONT., • Licensed Auctioneer. . ' Farm sales a Specialty-. ,JERMS REASONABLE, Orders left ab the NEW ;BRAiArre; . prompely Attended to, THOMAS GUNDR Live stisck and general Auctioneer, GODERIOH- ONT. Farm stock sales a specialty. Orders left ea New Rua office, Clinton, promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale notes discounted, MARRIAGE LICENSE* ISSUED:BY B, 'Rumba% Clinton. J. P. .T.1.81).&LL. BA.NE.Elt, CILIN'tON, orrr • .Private funds to lean . on mortgagee eat : best =trent rate,' General Banking' businjw_renetetedgell Interest allowed on depodirs. Sale notes bought -- , G. D. MeTaggart N. D. MaTaggarb McTaggart ,Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General 'Banking Bolduc*. • transacted ' • NOTES D/SCOUNTED Drafts keine& Interest allowed on deposit°. ' The . McKillop: Mutual • Fire' Insurance Co. Perm and Isolated Town Props erty Only Insured, OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Kippen; The* Eraser'Vice-pres., l3rucefield;11 Thos. Hays, Sec*, Treas., Seaforth; • DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; Jahn Watt, liarlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M. Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, 13eech- w000; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bea - newels, Brodhagen. . Each Director is inspector of lossekin his own lOcality. AGENTS. Robe Smith, Harlotk; Ed. Hinchley Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmentio ville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesville. ritg$2132011S 86 Son We are still in the But- chering businesi, and are in a position to fin I1 or- ders for seasonable' meats, int:tined tc cu ca.e2 Our new business stand s n the Combo Block, Itlitzsitions& 3) Plifte 26 Clinton