HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-27, Page 8a THE OLINTON SEW ERA ae A Prospeeung, Tour. DIED IN' LONDON --The London i Advertiser thus refers to the father of Th .din la11 NeW Era VV. G. Doherty, Manager for W. Joseph J. Semple, of town.: "Mr. J H. Semple died on Wednesday after- iiiiisset RIDAY, JULY 27, 1906: I)ahort d Co., Plano and Or an Man• on at his residence, % Gre ,street, ufacturers, Clinton, is leaving on a y Deceased was in his 68th year. e . prospecting tour in Northern Ontario, in 1 came to this city about fort years ago - - where be has a mining property y Local, Notices view, believed to be of great va'ue. from Ireland, and engaged as a painter de rwe• 1 with the London Furniture Oom any. TEAS.=The Davies' brat]{, a tta and green This property was located' by him Teas for sate,-t7ANTPLi)N 1rlroS, while managing their large pine lupe Re is .survived by seven sons an two. bet business there almost three years dc,ughters, his,wtfe leaving predeceased W RATV, sale ]OW acres of ,food wraeat . ' ago. hiei by about ten years." inlets wPs of Mooaeiaw c ityoRoii MasnhLineoY (tel M , Doherty s t1HOtV OF GOOD FELLOWSHIP. and organ business from the ground P,rl, with twe transcontlnentar trains daily. aI2 nor acre, $3 cash and balance to suit purchaser.. Will be sold en bloc or in lots to suit the buyer- U1ANIK o'NgIL, Mary Street, Clinton. Refer' onces can be maclo to Irwin & Gross, land value. tors, or any Mooseiaw Bank,or to New gra office r understands the iauo gi1-Rev. Father West, who is well and up, having been apprenticed while favorably. known to the people of Cline young to action -malting, After thor- 1? p mighty mastering the single manual ton, and who is at present located 1•n work, he was advanced to two -manual St. Thomas, at tli services in his organ building, which he also mastered church on Sunday, July 8th, asked his and became very expert at. In fact, congregation to treat the Orangemen he invented the patent two -manual who would visit the city on the 12th circular stop face box, now used by W. with every kindness and courtesy, and DizhorJiRst_Ga te finethe _finest and most ' members of that denomination _., ,�_ .h_ _... I anted on the- suggestion of teat .a its= tor, some of them decorating their places of business in honor of tlu• gath- ering, Such a token of good. fellow- ship speaks . well for our (;atholic friends, and is evidence that the old Going at Little Prices . e_e"C-•this cod Underwea --just Llai pro-a11ussed and soiled from hand- ling.it has. gotm • ling. We aim to keep thestock clear from all but fresh, clean garments. ` Through displaying %and handling, some get more or less soiled, so at .the end of the season we gather them all" up and;;put them out on the Bargain Table markcd at such does not take long. A.' little prices that the selling' g trip to the wash tub and they are just as good as ever. Saturday, July -28th, this season's accumu- lation goes on sale. All are, gond. All ace per- . -thea feet;`vav?�"that they are -just soiled. A.11 are .P- • ' Cone early for best choice. Mussed Skirts 2k 10 only Ladies' white Cotton Underskirts, wide hems and three . rows of tucking, Special for 9ca Saturday :r....... • _Mussed Skirts 75e 15 only Ladies' white Underskirts, various styles, trimmed `with laces, insertions '.and embroideries. Regu'ar prices 98c, $1 00 and $1.15, slightly dustsoil- 15c ed, your choice Saturday. Y Mussed Skirts 89e ., Ladies' white Cotton Underskirts, good. quality;7, some lace and others embroidery, trimmed, all ,cut„• full and wide, regular $1.25; because they are •muss-j.� ,QQn through handling, your choice Uuu Mussed Gowns 75e 10 only white Cotton Gowns, gond _style, full Skirt, lace and embroidery trimmed, regular $L00, 75e choice for / Y Mussed Corset Covers 25e . 18 fine Corset Covers, nicely trimmed .with •lace and insertion, slightly dust -soiled,. regular 37 1-2; -25p choice Saturday 4 Mussed Corset Covers 3c Ladies' fine white Corset hovers, good style, titillated with fine lace and embroidery, .slightlyg5G n dust -soiled, regular 75s, choice Saturday , y DE. OVENS. Rutge�on Eye, Ear and Nose, Wilt 00. at W. S i . Holmes' Pena Store am.Ctrheaatled.onn 4'EY.1 rs•datuassay, Aug. uhtroHontursi and diseases of thee organs pp y, Soul !apio, HIS FIRST CASE. -Frank •Evane. laid information against some boys for defacing his bill boards. The case Came before Police Magistrate And-: revvs, being the first he bas taken since his appointment. The boys were al- lowed to l,o with e'reprimand, • HORSE KILLED. -A short. time since, Mr, James Smith, of the Bay- , field,road, lost,e-a•. •,,hozse by having its leg broken. ''It "is not known how the accident happened, as it was found ly- ing on the road with its leg broken. • It was afterwards put out of misery. AN EXPERT -A man named Mitch- ell, who claims to bean old soldier, has been staying ' around town for several days. He has a' habit of talking to himself,_ mere e�j ecially if he has been "lubricating." While the band was giving its open-air concert on Thurs- day night, he insisted on playing the snare drum, and, permission being given him, he quickly showed that he was no novice in this respect: = ssrVILIZ Cloth Skirts $.I.95 Just a few Cloth Ski*,;,; left Tri stuck., For s,M:�wa rr icular. 'reason we w. to - `clear the racks utithe last girment.. If'yeu''want a.Skirt for or lieu, wear, you will wait a long time be- for you get a better chance than 'this 15 only cloth 'Skirts,. vkiious. styles 'and materials, pia in blacks and Tweeds, regular.$3. to $4, eleareig :heen out -Saturday at your $1 95 choice for - Vr 1 sanaseeessestreeeseeeveasesenwissearearakesenmeevennaziamineennetasienevarree Last -Cali for Millinery Miss Reynolds goes for her . holidays next week and does not want to leave a single Hat be- hind her. We do not want to have any left either . when she is gone. There IR. trimmed Hats,., i t Babies' Bonnets, 8 Leghorn Hats, 12• : untrimmed shapes and a few flcwprs left in stock. . We 'want to sell them all on Saturday, and you can take, your ' choice at a fraction of .the real worth.: • I8 Trimmed 11•ats at $1.911 • 18 only Ladies' Trimmed Hats,•made .and straw shapes. The last oues that are left from a season -of• big selling. No matter what the former price,. yoti an may take your choice Saturday at.., .. •'es. - rUU II Babies' Bonnets at 25e 11 only Babies' Muslin Bonnets, the last Ones that are left in stock, regular 35c to 75e. Choice 25e Saturday U 8 Leghorn Hats at 19e 8 only Leghorn Hats, regular 50c and 75c, choice of the lot Saturday 15 Untrimmed Shapes at 50e 12 only untrimmed straw shapes. The last that are left of this seasons stock. No matter what the 50e' former price. you take your choice Saturdayfor.....' 19c• Flowers at .Half•pris-'e. 3 Just a few flowers left, but they are all good. No matter what they sold for, you may take your choice Saturnay for itIST HPCLR•PRIe•'E Big Hosiery Specials for Saturday. Three splendid Bargains on the- Hosiery counter for Saturday. The kind that puts money in the purses of people who buy them. All reliable qualities and will give satisfactory wear.. BARGAIN No. 1 200 pair Ladies' black Cotton Hose, fine quality, full fashioned, fast dye, worth more than the 'price It5Y we ask, without doubt.,, Special, Saturday 2 pr tor L Y Y BARGAIN No. 2 150 pair Ladies' flee Cotton Hose, all tan colored full fashioned, German make, fast dye, made to- sell • at 25c per pair, and just as good as we have been selling alt that price. Tans have not been quite as go od this season as last, and we have this 150 pair of 15c Stockings, together with obout 100 pair of file'! [15p black to sell on Saturday, at per pair !n Y , They wear justas well as if you pitid 2iic for diem. BARGAIN No. 3 ' 200 pair Ladies' fine black Cottou Bose, German niake, fast dye, doable heel; just in. this week,splen- did value at 20e pair, special' for Saturday • Three pair for Pinny eauts • IRON BRIDGE.- Standing in the G. T. R. yards for a couple of days, have been six flat cars on which are loaded a section of a steel bridge for the C. P. R, at Goderich. It so hap- pens that as the bridge stands on the cars it is reversed, and cannot be.used until the•whole thing is turned around, The o;trs were taken . to' Goderich the. other day; but it was found impossible to unload thein, and•they were brought• back here, and will be taken to Wong - ham junction, where there is'a Y large. enough on which to bike; the cars around ; then they will go back to Goderich. practical invention for the purpose ill recent years. After his return front their -pine lim- its, he took the Managership of his father's large manufacturing business, and for the past three years has been h�iied is hast as in tato oblivlan, engaged in this capacity ; bat the a1- p T g lurement of Canada's present great ON ENTER :RISING FIRM.- Can - mining boom in Northern districts has. telae Bros.,. who- do practically all the induced biro to resign his position for export business that is done here in the goldfields. small fruits, shippedsome2,200 baskets During his time, he added the menu- of cherries• during the past few days facture of pianos to the business, and. this is a large amount to handle at one was instrumental in developing the point, and is but an indication of the Doherty Style A' Piano, wtuch is a extensive export business this enter - standing monument to his genius and prising firm' has built up. They an - ability, ticipate a very,..: Targe trade during.the He also had occasion to make several fall in such fruits as e;trly, apples,. trips, as salesman and collector, in, the plums, pears, etc., andhaveestablished interests of the business, Covering the connections all over the Dominion. ground fromcoastto coast, thus be- The principle upon which this firm has coming conversant with requirements sueeeded so well is that "a good name of the trade from the rivers to the is better to be desired than great ends of the earth. ' riches," and the firm name is known The firm realize the great loss they j in the trade as a synonym for fair and sustain in his departure, and hope for 'upright dealing. a happy and speedy return. BRIEFS. -Will Taylor, son of Jacob He will be succeeded by Fred J. Hill, Taylor. has accepted a position as who has, been with the firm for some teacher of �a school near Thessalon.... years. • The apprentices of the G. T. R. at Stratford picniced'at Goderich on Sat- urday . The .: name "M. Courtice", which appeared lastweek-in-the-list of - those passing the Entrance at Clintou, should have read ."M. Counter ;" the. mistake was not the fault of the print- er, who usually has enough sins to bear....Jacob . Taylor' has secured for John Grimes the full amount of insur- ance, $550, on his house lately des- troyed by fire....Miss'Dolly Hagan, of Hillsgreen, has'eistert'd the Clinton hos- pital and will study for it trained nurse. ..Len Weir, of Hallett, bought a fine driver the other day frond Dr. • Fowler ; 'James Leiper, Hultett, also bought a two-year-old heavy. draught'. mare from the same party. ...Chas, Wallis purchased from Coun: Salkeld, of God• erich township, a team .of draft horses, four -year-olds, for which he paid $425. • :.Jacob_Ta lor_leaves next.week for Peterboro, where he attends the meet- ing of the Grand Lodge. of Oddfellows. Joseph. Rattenbury has holegghe. the business of the late Thomas Bell..' ..14.1r. and Mrs. Eph Butt went to Ex= eter.on.9undayto.,attend .the funeral of a married daughter of Jno.Wescott. • :. Clinton 'Civic Holiday has been YOUTHFUL PRIDE. -A little five- year-old child, who, uutertunately, has -not -been -blessed with -tall that makes a child happy, got a pair of new shoes the' other day. In her • childish . glee and enthusiasm she could not wait un- til she got home to put tbein on, but she deliberately sat down onthe side- walk and, removing ..one of her old ones, put on the neiv, ante then stood and admired the transformation just -as an older person would do, to the amusement of the onlookers. ' RUNAWAY : ACCIDENT -Tuesday afternoon,, while W. W. Ferran and Thomas Mason were 'out •driving'be- hind 11'Ir. Ferran's he,ndsoiriedrivers, they. met with an accident'pat cotild ' easily have been much 'nope serious. 'While driving ditty n •the 16th conces- sion of Goderich township, .a, drove of sheep scared the'teiun, which bolted, upsetting: the buggy, and:throwing the viceopants on tnsirfaCes. leortun- ntely,.aat•'11ie moment, the horges got, e asyery.stroteethe.bitggyeenid:hey Incl sew er:tl nasty Cuts aiid scratches about the tibial 'end 'face, neither Mr. Ferran 'nor Mr. Iilasoy were seriously hurt. The buggy was considerably broken; MORE SU-CCRSts 'U PUPILS.-. 0wingto • 31r.. S1•. (lean Campbell's eon,; and serious illness • doting last„ winter, his cl tss;•:for examitotion in ; condition of ;;11tsy.';nsaderson, who tin: of Music .vias not sr -lard cis ie former.en FAMILY Rheld at t - A frankly derwent an oiler:;tine at the hospital; gre-union was held 'a,t'the residence of on yenta. Ile has :again, however, proven. Chari. Benzo Clinton on Saturday. up r $b 'sec�l�w that ly ieliltier-derail; would hi'sTthihty'as a /tin ie•a � zl leaclic. on the arrtvat11ol r. and _'ti W. H. to. the people. of •Ulintuir end Heron Bezzo of Birmingham. Ala.: Besides' not have. been ,asnrprise at tiny time ; county, in that his .entire class, five in Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Betio; Sr., there her twiny friends will be ;glad to know number, were successful, as follows.:-- were present six children with their she is. now in.a; fair way of recovery.. P,anoforte-Junior standing= -honors, ..wive husbands ,`t 1� d b'1 James Howson -has cone to St. Thom - el is MabelBrandon Belgra,ve. Prim- as to work at his trade Un informe- d standing -Miss Iva Dodds; Sea - forth ; Miss Winnie Millar; Clinton: Theory -Primary standing, including Rudiments and Harmony -Miss Har- riet•McCaugbey, Clinton ; -.Wes Jennie McBeath, Bruceheld. A.BItOTH1+.R 01 IRS.. •\'NITON_ 1 LL, --1n a recent issue, of the NEW ERA the death wee recorded of 'John R. Jardine of Far•go,•.•:North Dakota, which occurred ou Wednesday, July Ilth. Further particrilars are•given by the Forum,. of Fargo, which says :- '•Mr. Jardine died at St. John's oospit- a he�installed next month,•this promises tel.. He had been ill for about a week,) to be cite of the most active industries and was suffering from an abscess, but of the town: The dyeing and finishing was not thought to' be in a dangerous plant is turning out from 75 to 100 dos - condition until early this. morning, en pairs a day; this. means 2,400 stock - when a septic 'clot developed on the. Ings a clay, of cotton goods alone -half brain, and. death followed almost fm- enough. to cover' every foot in town. mediately.' Coming here twenty-seven The cotton hosiery manufacturing is years ago front'. Ontario, where'he was comparatively new in Canada, and born, Mr. Jardine . arrived in Fargo with the hustle the Clinton Knitting when the town was yoring. and may Co. is getting on, a good share of it is be regarded. as one of the pioneer sett- lers. He has resided here ever since, hies been actively •engaged' until very lately in his business as contractor and bridge-builder,'and has taken a prom- inent part in the life of the.city. • He was a member of the First Presbyter- ian church, and a'• prominent Mason." Mr. Jardine's first wife was .miss Jen- nie Young, sister of Lieut: Col. Young, of Goderich, and of Alex. . and R. M. Young, of Colborne.' She died . five years ago•at Fargo. Mr. Jardine lived at Kincardine betore his removal to Fargo. Mrs. Arthur Twitchell, of Clinton, was his sister. AN AYLMER WEDDING. -'The Aylmer 1 xpress says: -On Wednesday afternoon, the 18th inst., at 5 o'clock, the home of Mrs W.'B,;Purdy was the sceneof a' very pretty wedding, when her daughter Maude and Mr. Fred D. Campbell were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. McDonald., under -a beautiful' floral bell, and in the presence of only the near relatives, The bride looked charming in a gown of navy blue' silk, and was a picture of brightness and happiness. Mr. •W Glenn Campbell, of Clinton, brother of the groom, played the wedding music in his usual good style. The decorations of the bride's home were especially artistic, the pre- vailing re- vailing•colors being green and white. The bride is one of Aylmer's most brill Rant pianists, and the large number of beantifnl and useful gifts which she re- ceived testify to her great popularity and the high esteem in whish she is held by all. Among other gifts was a beautiful silver salver, presented by the Baptist choir, of which both bride, and groom are members ; also a hand- some qquartered•oak rocker from the I.O.O.I+'. band, of which he is an efilr tient member,. and a tea -set of Holl- and china from Christie & Caron, lkh'. Campbell being head salesman in this firm. The groom is one of our' most popular young men, his genial and happy disposition making him.a gen- eral favorite, After the wedd`�na sup- per had been partaken of, the happy eouplerleft for a two weeks' trip to their return will reside with trig groom's' mother. • The Express joins in' wishing them all the happiness that can be crowded into a long life," , D/RECT /MPGR LR,S """ CTG/NTOIY, 0N7 OPEaATION.-The wife of Mr. W.' Crooks, of Goderich township; has not been well for som9 time, land on Settle, day last, in .company• with. her son John, she went to Toronto to consult a• specialist, who recommended. her to undergo an operation et the hoiids of .her .: family _physician.. On- Tuesday she Caine to Clultnll Hospital. and un derwent the same, . and her, :many friends will be.glad to know that she stood the ordeal its well as.cou'ld be: ex_ pected, and is since doing nicely. DON'T DO • IT. - People have often been warned against getting on triune to bid their'friend4 farewell, .but the •fixed for Monday; Aug. 6;, Labor Day, •pi�actice is continued, and • e.very now •also a holiday, will .be on. Monday, arid then some one collies to grief.' Re- Sept: 3 just -ane month later .:1Vliss; ..Gently 8 gentleman_ tot -on e-tiain `xcLeod,; f uekriuvv wlioas.lieen- Clinton station to see a friend away, ati inmate of the' .1Iospit:d for several and before he could get off, the: train weeks, was taken borne by her father' .had started. He rushed to get out,but 011 Tuesday. � ..Flit' pay car of •the G. found ears facing hi,in on either side, T. R' ivade .its ntonthlx visit .to this• ':and not�untLI .he'fvis cle'cr of the yard, section on 3onti a:; - Farmers'are so with the tr tin running at 35 miles 'an . busy harvesting t}aat'ivery few of them hour was he able to jump off, the re. come to town unless they.•have to. rind. salt being that his face was' severely emeriti)! eonsequene', liusi'ness is pretty cut by gravel. •• quiet, in town.... For several:days the 3u ` t,. nos ' STORE. NJ.WS. NO. 17 Being • Unsolic ted Answers to Unasked Questions. If you have the lawn, don't you think you ought to have the Croquet Set 1' Its the hest out- door home tame we know, We have them in two qualities: 'fc ur balls, six balls, eight bails, ppropP. erly and well spade, with fairly good finish. While on the subject of cool- ing comfort, don't overlook.the consideration of a Hammock, They are restful and healthful, A good Fountain . Pon is the best writing tool We know of-- ler thanbecause and ha a pencil,be e you don't needtosharpen` it; , quicker than--an-orcdin sry---pen,• because you don't have to dip; Its always ready when you are, See ours at $1.25, $1,75 and $2.50, If you have. a picnic, may -be you will need a Basket. Our stock has four sizes, with cover, 121.2c, 15c, 20c, 25o. There is. no better rvay to re- mit money than by Express Or- der..,._ They are cheap, safe and convenient. We issue them. We have a good assortment of y "ficiion;in paper covers, at ibc; a larger assortment in cioth bound. Looks, at 20o, well printed on a medium quality of paper. What is better company than a story to read while you rest?' With the hot weather comes a demand for Fans. We',hace about all practical kinds, from the generous palm leaf to the dainty creation in various col- ors and styles.. They look - cool and make coal. .fir a. Often the Cheapest. -•- ' Always the Best. poesammemigesmaweWeiswape s and we ve ran C r - • dren, and: one.,great grandc ild. Mr.' tion laid by Inspector .Aaikw}th, Mr. W. H. Bezzo ids Cl yet for the Steele- Brown, of Londesboro, was recently Smith Dry (roods (.o. of Birmingham, fined by Police Magistrate Humber, Ala.; and after a visit in Clinton of $50 and costs,. for keeping liquor con - Newabout ten days,, will return• home, via ,traryyto the provisions of the Act.... New York, where:. he will spend two Alf. Miller is laid up by a stroke of par- weeks, in order to.. buy merchandise alysis of one side..:.T. G. Blackstock,:. • for: the corning season. a well: known barrister of Toronto, and • at one .time a resident of Clinton, died. THE KNITTING FACTORY. -The on Tuesday,•• at the age of 55.....Mr. Clinton Knitting• Co.'s factory.is pro- John McGarvit has bought the brick dating the hum: that is good to hear. store on Albert street; occupied by Mr Every,department is in full swing, and Baker, and ' owned byy. Mr. Stanbury, 'with the'addition of about $2,000 Stanley....Mr .9outes,head .electrician worth of new machinery which will in connection' with the Bell Telephone, repair staff that has been working in: this vicinity, who recently underwent an operation in the Hospital, left for his home in Barrie on Tuesday A new threshing outfit for Boyce Mc- Connell, Brucefield, arrived here on Wednesday ; it waspurchased through Thos. Murphy. ...A. cement walk is beinglaid down alongside of the Grah- am ouse....John . Turner, Seaforth. father of Mrs. H. Beattie, sustained a stroke of paralysis on Tuesday, and is London, Gfoderich and Detroit, an on going to he done in Clinton.' We are informed that the Company would in a critical condition....A. meeting of have no difficulty in disposing of twice the Horticultural Society will be held, the present output. We understand in the Council Chamber on the even- ing of Thursday next, Aug. 2nd....VVe. have not heard of anyonethreshing. yet, but we understand that John Can - talon, of Goderich township, will start up hie machine to -day, the samples which are being made for next spring'strade will be exhibited by a Local dealer before being sent to the nine travellers, who sell the Wear- well Hosiery. Genuine Bargains —IN ALL KINDS OF-- Summer .41 Pootwearfy S Our stock is again well assorted, and. otlr .great Sale still 'continues for the next few weeks.. See our Bargain Counters, and save money by buying your • Boots and Shoes —A T-- —THE OLD. RELIABLE— WM. TAYLOR 8c SON sibwilvtiivikirobvlowi 464 6 • ire --FOR- -AVEou seen our big east window. y full of Hats at 25c. If you haven't, you ought to" for g , there hasn't . been . a HAT Bargain like it in town before. The. Hat .stock is too big, and we are taking this wayto get it • , down where we want' it. Straw Hats, Felt Hats, Hard. t .: Black .,•Hats; � Soft �Ha s, Hats, -Flats s, i,00 Hat Colored $ .$ o Hats a $3o nd 2.oQ� Hats All at one price, and that price is .. 5CeDts, Each. Underwear 25c Men's Cotton Shirts and Drawers, fine _quality American make,: plain pink, plain blue and some fancy makes.. Regular price 35c and 40c. Choice per garment 25c. Iiodgens Bros., Clothiers arta Furnishers, Clinton.