HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-27, Page 4•
Out 'Big •
Dress Muslim, Ginghams, Prints,
Shirt Waist Suits, Shirtwaists,
Corset s, Under-wear,.-Bilabous,
Hosiery, Children's Hats and
Millinery of all kinds
Tuesday Evening, July 31st.
You can save money by attending this
Sale, as many lines of Summer Goods are be-
ing sold at prices, you will not likely get again
this season.
In the MEN'S - STORE
the Special Sale of Blue and Black
Worsted and Serge Suits will
be continued until TUESDAY
of next week.
TUE °LINTON 1011'W 1404 ,July 27tb, 1906,
Unto kw Era
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1996.
With a fortune of $100,000,009 Tett
her, the widow a Russel Sage. of :New
York, should be able to indulge her
tastes for millinery, without worry-
ing over the cost.
AAAA•vwwww~....~~01•District 'Summer 'School
Church News I
iresveesAMA wes etieee AAAA Melee
Capt. Tiller and Lient. Herrington
are now in command of the corps here.
On Sunday last Rev. Mr. Greene took
the morning service, and Mr. S. Whit-
more, of Brucelield, the evening ser-
vice. Next Sunday Rev, T. A. Steel
man, of Hayfield, will preach raorniug
and evening, and also at Turner's in
the afternoon.
Rev. Me Currie, Who has been sup-
plying for Dr. Stewart for several Sun -
deep, returned to Toronto on Monday. !
He is a young man of marked ability,
and.proved a very acceptable supply:.
°Llit.'7!tE (!f ,1;re
sumo 't r
August 6th to 12th, under the auspices
of the Epworth Leagues of Godevich
district. The sessiops of the school
will be held in a large tent at. Harb,or
Park, overlooking the picturesque har.
bor and water front All sessions of
the school will be open to the public.
A collection will be taken et each ses-
sion to defray expenses. Provision has
been made for the accommodation of
visitors who may wish to stay Only for
one day or for more than one day.
Persons desiring to secure accommoda-
tion for more than one day should
write as early as possible either to the
secretary, W. E Elliott, Goderich, or
to the.president, Rey. IV, H. Graham,
8 P.m. -Words of welcome, Rev. W.
H. Gra,ham ; Early Methodism in Cate
ada, Rev. G. N. • Hazen. •
During the halance of r. .Stewart s . ,
holidays, his pulpit supply will be Rev, T"313 -E1 • • * •
Mi. Andrews, a student, who will take ' Moining, 7 to7.45-elertieer and praise
efiarge on Sunday next. , service. ••
Afternoon -2 On,. Devotional exers
• WESLEY , cises, Rev. B. Cleinent. Bible study,
•!The following society representatives 1 Rev. A. 0. Courtice. Indian Mission
have been eleeted for the current year: ; work in Canada, Ree, S. Anderson,
Atessrs Rumball, W Harland, McMath, ; New Ontario, Rev, T. A, Steadmao, •
Sibley,Helyar, and D. Stevenson. j Evening -Song service. The Present
!Quarterly service will be held one Opportunity.,"Rev. A. K. Birks. Ad-
Ang. 5th, but instead of the -custom. dress on W.M.S., Mrs. Gordon Wright.
aeyslove feast and sacramental service 1•
being held the same day, the hive least ! ' WRDNESDAY
will be -held on Sunday morning next Morning-Pr:Lade and praise .service.
at 10 o'clock, so as to make the service 1 Afternoon -Devotional exercises,-
• less tedious owing to le gill, the see ! Rev. .1. W. Robinson -, I3ible study,
lowing Sanday. . 1 Rev. A. C. Courticeee"Missioriary work
• • he British Coluinbia, Revs A. H. Btown ;
PION1CS.-The children and friends ! The true law of Christian beneficence,
of Ontario street S. S. picniced at For. Rev. F. Swann.
• ster's fiats, Holniesville, on Tuesday; 1 Evening -Our missions.. in the new
the weather Was ideal, and everyone ! Provinces, Rev, W, Belterr I address
• seemed to have a good time ei, !by J. A. Jackson, secretary, Provincial
• Paul's Sunday school had its outing at S. S. Assn, • ' • . ' ' •
Hayfield on Wednesday; everything THuRSHAY
contributed to a delightful day's pleas-
ure.i The following were atnong those Mornng-Prayer and praise. service.
Atternoon Devotinnal • exercises, •
who won prizes at ths pupils' games
• Rev. J. G. Yelland ; Bible' study, Rev.
• and • races: Clarence Renee, Allie
A. C. Courtice ; Our foreigners ba the
Sloma,n, Willie Appleby, F,thel Baines',
• Foster Copp, Sarah Baines, Wilbur hew Provinces, ReV.J.. C. Reid; Teach-
• Ford, Willie Robinson, Olive Church- er training, 3. A. 'Jackson.
• ill, Fred Ford. Jean Dayment ; among Eveni n g -Cori wet iri North st. churcb
the'other winnsrs were Mrs..A.p.pleby, •. .• VRIDAY • •
Airs. '119arter, and Miss May Rance:. -
The eeanies and races are always an Morning -Prayer and praise service.
Afternoon -Devotional eeereises.Reir -
amusing and interesting feature of
St. Paul's annual oeting.... Wesley B. Nett ;• leible'studyeRev. A. 0. Cour-
• Sunday School was equally favored tire Saved by Society, Rev. IL B.
• on Thlirsclay, when it had its ic; Currie ; Reports, election of officers,
me to Bayfield. This winds up he
picnics for the year, so far as the town -
•Sunday schools are concerned.
Because the Goyernor-General went
to Newfoundland on a fishing tour, an
Opposition paper stertee a, yarn to the
effect that several ministers would al-
so go deem and induce :Newfoundland
to enter the DeMinion. As usual the
story is without 04 foundation.
The Mail -Empire is a,nMsyed because
one of the Independent papers of -Tine
onto asserts that some oue Vesicles Mr,
Whitney is "boss" of the Cabinet.
This will give the Mail -Empire an op.
portunity to see how silly it looked
while it kept asserting that some one
bossed the Federal cabineebesides Sir
Evening -Song servise ; address,Rev
G. Daniel ; Japan and her destiny, 'Rev
0. Novreenermssionerv from Japan.
Rev. Hugh and Mrs Peciley- were -up. SA. TUnDAY
-set out -of their canoe at Hillerest,hear Morning -Prayer and praise service.
Brockville, and saved from drowning Bible study, Rev. A. O. Courtice
hy Charles Fleming, a thirteen -year dress. Rev. D. Nornian.
old boy, who jumped into water 100
feet deep with all his clothes on. ' SUNDAY
Morning service -North St. church,
SARNIA EXCURSION. - The ex- Rev. Gebaniel ; Victoria, street, Rev.
eursion of Minerva encampment, I. o. D. Norman,
0.F.. Wingham to Sarnia and Detroit EveningMinium in North
via Hyde Park, on Saturday, August ! street ; Rev, G. Daniel in 'Victoria St,
lltheeill like? the last excursion to i . we
Detroit this sea on, and promises to he • - s
largely atten ed. 'ham will leave 1 A TEACHER PROHLEM.-As Seen
Clinton at 7.37 a.m. Fare $1.60. Re. 1 as the new School Act goes into opera-
terning, special train will leave Sarniaa. I tion, trustees in all small townswill be
at 10 p.m. on Monday, August 18th. { faced by anew problem. It We al -
Arrangements have also been .made I ready presented itself to the Clinton
With the White Star Lino to convey I Hoard. Tertehei s. fincli»g they can get
passengers from Sarnia to Detroit and { higher selatiee irerural schools than. in
return on the magnificent steamer, I the &liens, will deetat the latteieunlese
Teshmoo, at the low rate of 50c, Boat Boards are levered to pay, equal sal -
Will leave Sarnia at 4.50 p•ra.Saturday,
And tickets will he good to return Oh
Any White StarLine boat up to and in -
eluding 2,30 p.m, en Monday, August
18th. Come and enjoy a pleasant out-
The London Free press directs at-
tention to the case of young men um -
der the influence of liquor on incur -
pion trains, who" melte it unpleaseet
for othee passenger% by their urigentle.
manly conduct and suiert aleck
practises. This thing prevails on
many excursion trains, and while con-
cluetors and others do their best to
stop it, some more rigorous methoct
will ha.veto be adopted. If the railways
would make it a rule that no drunken,
man be allowed to enter a eoa,Ch, or
be subject to ejectment if found there-
in, it would do much to abate the
A re t from Ottileva, saes that Mte
Bastedo, elle was recently disrtaisised
trona the Ontario civil service, may be
given a position at Ottawa. A good
friend of the Liberal party says he hes
ne objection to the Dotpinion Govern-
ment providipg places for men like
Bastedo and Hastings, the late License
Inspector at Toronto, but he does not
think they should be given places -at
Otfawa.__Jeis epiniersie that whenever
e Libetel is distressed at torento,'with-
oUt good cause, ehe. Dominion 00yOn-
nxent should at once disiniss sortie Con-
servative in, Toronto holdieg a. Federal
office, sold give thedismissed LiVeral
• the place so opened. This may not be
the best doctrine in the world to advo-
cate, but it is appeiently the ottly
thing that will put iteitop to the beart-
lees and entirely unjustifiable dismissal
of 'Men like Baetedo,. of whom Hon,
pT13,earane said eHe • lie enehf. the
eery best officials in the service." ,
Personal Notes
It those having relatives or felon 4
visiting In town or vine *NOT
notify allot the tact ewe week, we
would *unarm:xi it In tee New saes
Mies erty Chant is visiting friends
at Hamilton.
Mrs. Reekle is visiting relatives at
St. Thomas,
Miss Marjorie Lappine is the guest
of Miss Gla,dys Legg, London.
Mte. John Brigham, Toronto, is
visiting friends in this eicinites
te:..Foster, of Tara, and his daugh-
ter, Mrs, Fields, are guests el W, Cate
• Mrs. Crozier, and daughter, of Stria -
ford, were guests of Mrs. Chambers,
last week. •
eralits-wifeene_Mr. John Carter. has
gone on a visit to ha -Tamer lienereat
Blenheim. •
W. E. Rand, of Ciartelon Place,
Collegiate, is speeding part of his bah.
days b,ere. •
Harvey Read, of Winnipeg, paid a,
fleingesisit last week to his sister, lefts.,
1W. Harla,nd jr,
I Miss Maggie Adams, of the 8tla con.,
I Hullett, is visiting her friend Vina.
Stevens in Clinton. '
• Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, of East
Veawenosh, spent Sunday at the horne.
Of A. • j. Holloway, •
A -
H LP -13 LL1011 HAIM U. 13' leYd' Brantford,: is expected
• e •
.:Misse F. Waldron has one .on a
month's Yvette friends ep the southern
part of the county,
• David Cantelon, jr., of Hensel], son
of Mr, W. Cantelon, ()Haim, has gone
on a trip to the west,
• Mrs. •George Barge mei children
have gone on a visit to Mrs. Berge's
sister at Woodstock.
• Master Ewart Greig, who has been
visiCt g relatives in town, has return-
ed to his home in Toronto.
Miss M. Deemer, of New York, who
• has been visiting her sisters here, left
• Monday for New Liskaeil. ,
Miss Stella Wiggington has returtied
• home after sending a few weeks with
her sister, Mrs Hocigens,, • in Ulande-
boye. •
efissee Vera and Marie Arnold re-
turned to Cha•tham on Saturday after
a three week's visit with • friends in
Clinton. ' •
• Mises Mary and Southcombe
• left on Monday °US. trip to es.rieva,le,
Alta„ they were •ticketed by F. •R.
West Huron Entrance Exam.
The following le the list of candidates
Reseed by the Board of eileautiners for
West Huron, together with the ariarks
obtained by each. A coed giving the
Marks awarded has been sent to each
pupil, and the certificates will be issued
before the reopening of the schools.
The highest marks obtained in each
subject are as follows
Reading, Lila Cameron, 47
' Writing, Ila Allen, F. McKenzie, 45
Spelling, many obtained full marks
Literature, Henrietta McGrory, 90
Arithmetic, Roy Morrison, 100
Grammar, Jessie Kerr, 96 (90
Geography, G. MeIsievin, S. Mallon&
Composition, Nellie McArthur, 00
Total, Edna Webb, 543.
Stella, Deane 393, Annie Jeye 428
Henrietta McGrory 505, Annie Sulli,
van 3$7. No, 8 -Olive Mclifurchy 390 -
No. 3 -Ada Gardner 448, No, 6 --Mary
Jones 42e, Pearl McKenzie 403. Noe,7
-Alex thireeby 443eEverett Ilenderso
453. No. 8 -Ethel Oase429, Chas. bow-
ler 497, Stewart IVIallough 405, Alum
Robinson 410, Beulah Vealkorn 405,
No. 9 -Laura Fitzgerald 495, Geo, Tre-
leaven 890. No, 10 -Wm. Reed 392.
No. 12 -Lorne 111c1.ennan 306; Robert
Pritchard401. eel, 13 -Everett Henry
430. No, 15 -Alex McKey 303, N. 16
-Maria Durnin 417,
County Clippings
Goderich Civic holiday August Ise
-14ra. Louglese o Howiele, died ,
suddenly last wee.
Mise Frank McLean, of Dunga•nnote ;
is engeged to teach the second depart-
ment in the Lueknow Public School, 1
Jonathan Miller, Goderieh, has pur-
chased, the 00,rlow hotel and :ntends ,
running It; it has no Menet, and is not
likely to get one.
We Were sorry to hear Of the -death
of Wm Toole. ef St Helens, who died
on likineay morning after suffering
for years with asthma.
Mr. Leslie Reid, son of 1.1r. 3. 11.
• Reid. Seaforth, bas accepted, a call
from Haverhall, Mass., to net as See- 1
retary in tile Y. M. 0, A. of that place.
The trustees of S. 8. No, 1, Grey.
known as Shine's school, have engaged I
the services of Ralph Langdon, of
Eastwood, Oxford Co„ as teacher, at
salary of $475,
.osep ussek,etiteliliseigebridge,
recovered almost completely from the
injuries he sustained in. the recent
trouble at Kingsbridge, although his
arm is still a little sore.
Last week evbile the fishermen of
St Joseph were on the lake some dis-
tance out, one of them saw an anchor
at the bottona of the lake, and a, short ,
distance away the wreck of a large .
boat, persurnably loaded with lumber.
The wrecked boat is lying in water
about 21 feet deep ,and the spot has
been marked, et as thought to be a
boat loet on the lake about five or six
years ago, in which eight persorseeleete
their lives. ,
Jr. Henry Lanabrook, 'Exeter, on
Saturday morning met with the mis-
fortune of having his left collar bone
broken besides sustaining °thee inter-
nal injuries. He was in the act of
lifting some sacks of feed out of a rig
when he became overbalanced. and
fell out onto the ground. A few days
previously he fell out of a cherry tree
but only slightly injured one arm. Mr.
Lanabrook is 73 years of age and his
condition is considered somewhat
serious. •
Not Strictly Local, but Closely,!,
Never go in debt for a luiery or an , thisyear to be a greiet success. Entries
No. 8 -Sera Smyth 446. No. 4- Arch -
le Aitchison 452; Roy Aitchison 401,
Oolina Clark 47Je Joineeeliller 449, Jen -
W bb 424. - No 7 -Mark Arm-
strong 406. No, 15 -Normen Thome,
son 392. No. 17e Spray Bailie 425, Luba
• Dunkeld 894, Wm. Nivms 401, Separ-
ate School-Bridgie Cummins 485,Lena
• Lecidy 455.
No. 13 -Earl Wightman 441, Clara
Bamford 509, Emma Campbell 486, Ada
Stsekhonse 392, leeo. 11 -Nettie Mc-
Lean 435, Alex, 5%14 420, Clarence
• Shiell 390. No. 13 -Thos. Taylor 442,
D, 0. Scott, 482, Della McDowell. 421.
• 00LBoRNE
No, 1 -Union -Leonard MoIlwain 394.
No. 3 -Richard Levy 437, Gladys Levy
437 No. 4 -.Mary Hill 404. No 6 -
Harold Maedel 401, Lena Wilson 435.
No. 8 -Elsie Bean 396,- Leila Fea,gan
392. No. 9 -Blanche Shew 396.
• No. 2 -Nellie Henderson 426, Nif10,
Walters 435, Janie Yule 477. No. 5 -
'Ruby Potter 463. No. 6 -Robert Bich-
= AM, Myrtle johnston 300, •Eva Wil-
son 439. •• •
• • No. 2 -Ethel Case 393. No. 3 -Bessie
Mrs. George .Roemel 'al:id her son, Cochrane 390. No. 14 -Eliza, Mulhol-
Justin, are here for the sunamer from land 452, Nellie McArthur 419, Jessie
St Louis, -visiting her mother, Mrs. 1VIcArthur 407, Sarah Petty 450. Sep
Thos Teick, • - *trate School -Isaac Dnaharme 423
of Thesee Laporte 392.
Very Rev. Dean McGee,
ford, and Rev, Fr. ea ase of etratford, • STANLEY.
were the gues.s Rev. r. a
this wage. ..
• eliss is visiting her sieteis
I Mrs. Tighe, in feullett, and also ro-
lllatives in Goderich tewnship, (Suring
her holidays. •
clinton .
Post Cards
Stick Pins
Leather Goods
Paper Weights,
Base Balis'
Mitts •
Tennis Goods
Special Clearing Price
on Sporting Goods.
• '
Akin Thereto ' • 1 The Western Fair London, pionalses
einnecessary article of any tiescemeionel are coining in fast aod space is being
oi : allotted. The attraction doinmittee
an order house and a merchant who has 1 mhaevnet ParnedveidnetderataPirnerrort rare ehisfeaemedhineeg- .
. The professiOnal, nian who buys
his printing done out of town belong 1 anything ever attenapted by the As -
Last Saturday. Wm. Beyer's, sociation. O. W. Williams Of Newark, . ,
to the same lodge -same degree.
hacl two steers }tilled and two more
Grey, 1 New Jerseyswill make daily ascensions
stunned by lightning on the McAllis- i Venetian Band, one of-- the greatest!,
in his airship "Americas" The Royal
ter farm, lot 6, con 8. The cattle wen ermsical organizations of the day have
seekingesbelter under an elm tree. i been engaged at great expense for the
Nature studies should be foundin ell ' entire exhibition. "The Norins,"'hieh
. divers Ja,pariesis aeeoluttes, •slacle wire
No. 3 -Emerson Heard 450, George dergarten to the college ; that it is of , Is
t performers, The Polite Burglars, trick
- gradee of public schools, trout the kin-
ouse .perfOrmers, The. Red Raven
Johnston 392, Ella, Peck . 423, Maggie utmost impotence, since it appeals to I
Peck 492, Harvey Reid 446. No. 4- our practiceelife, end for developing ! before the grand stend daily, Prof.
Cadets and mime otherswill all appear
Violet Stevens 4'28, Edna Sterling 390. our highest and best good by briiiging 'Hands Magnificent Electrical ; and.
NO, 9 -Roy Capling 392. John Atm- us elose to nature's heart; and near to Pyrotechnicel displey of the "ilarnieal
Itr tong 411, Mary Earful- .113, Thoe 1 nature's God. , .. • of Venice" every evenuiff. Rememeer .
Natharine-VIUrrity,of 13ruce,epent a few No. 14• -jean Geassick 49(3, Etta jai ; The trade territory of a tots is not the dates, Sept. 7th to 1 th. For prize
iss A e m rey n Iyers 405. No. 10- alter Moffat 460.
class lest week with their uncle, Mr. rott 42,e, Normal Jones 4.31. •
ail dependent upon the distance to Hit and information write ' the Se&y,
r neighboring traclingpcants. The trade• WesterreFair Office, London, Ont.
I Geo. Murray. • • • • STEPI1B11, territory' degends- upon the enterprise
MP. N:21.iewis; Pesteas in Cowie No, 1-GaiseIs Esseey eaie 'Ozer eerie : of the rnerehantS and the . resideate of• •
• •
he 'teem. If a• toren •does nee edeele TI -IE HOM.E OF .•THE
Tuesda callin on his friends end' son NO Fran - 'Mitchell ;M•e No. 2 • • -
•; o y, g
' fixing ne, the .politicel fences for the Laura elinS 417. ens. 8 -Fred Beaver: aftee the trade it Will come only as fast
f h
after businees the surrounding
1 uext eleetion. ••
• 302. eta. 4 -Wilbur Morlock 431, No.
I. Miss Jennie Robertson, who has been 7-1-ezra Fahner 300.- NO.: 6-B.enine• PP
McCann 1118. No. 8 -D•ussell Patteasen country, advertising in every. possible
spendin several weeka at the hortte of
891. No. lee-Waldo•Hartleib 31n.,way, end making good every weed. of
a&it is forced to. But i t e.merc an s
• " d 11 f
pease an everincreasing radius,the to-wn vvill
man 409 Maida Rontledge 493
• ' home this week. • • . man Kellerman 409, 'Leonard Keller- g,
• M H ', of Toronto d gain a, reputation for being awake and
Enormous increase fir Volume
of Last Year
The foreign trade of Canada for the
year ending June 301ast was live hund-
red and fifty-two million dollars, an
increase of nearly eighty-two millions
over the previous year. This illus-
trates the great prosperity which ex-
ists and the marvellous development
which is taking place . all over the
Dominion. The great increase in trade
is not confined to any . one Partieuler
branch, but is general, The imports
entered for consumption amount to
$200,342,408, add increase of $28,450,937
over 1905. .Exports of domestie pro-
duce amounted to $245,483,916, which
is $44,529,010 in excess of the fiscal
year 1905; • There e as also an excess
for_theeyear about nine millions in
the exports of foreign produce. Tali -
leg the trade of Canada by decades
since 1876 the following is the result :-
1876 , 13174,176,781
1886 • 189,675,875
1896 .-----------------------------280,025,360 .
1906 552,000,000
' The exports ot Canadian farm pro-
duce, were '$120,518,297, as compered
with $93,331,608 for the previous year,
an increase of $27.186,689. The forest
gives an increase of five =Mons, . the
'fisheries five millions and naannEacture
three and a half millions.
1 TS. arty , Mason, , an Willert e51, Beatrice Greybeil 300.
UseoeNE men in the town and not altogether
. , ' it will forge to the front. •It is the
1 Mrs. Geo. Eddie and Miss M.- Adams, •
, of Seaforth, visited with friends ' in
; Clinton on Sunday: No: 1 -Edna liVhite 395. No. 2 - ' • the men living withina certain nurnber
: Mrs E. Holmes and Miss Holmes, Thomas liedgere 392, Jennie Monteith of smiles from it that makes the town.
tarter spending a couple of weeks with 411e Aliner:Stewart 392, Wesley Stone, .
1 e •
• Clinton friends, returned to St Oath, 403. ',No 3- Mildred Oopelited 395, The fit mer, if he only knew it, is a
little nerarer the • kingdom of heaven
&rime on Saturday, .. Gilbert Duncan 433, Earl Gardiner 439,
Mr. John McCrae, formerly of Brits- ' bach . 439. N . e Et b t B' - than anyone on earth. He is certain
sels, but for years a resident of the sett, 421. No, 6 -Newton Clark 410, of three square meals a day, and is the
west, where he has prospered well, Laura Godbolt 421, Lille, Heywood 452. only =tan who can fence himself in and
lot.eeeetste •few cattle and sheep and fowl provide
live in spite of the rest of rnaukind. A
was in town last week. • No 7 -Loftus Hem 402 Arnold Tay -
Miss Constantine, of Toronto. and
, ..• hint with food and clothing, while his
her cousin, Miss Elliote are visiting . TtrcicEnelelTet fields yield him flour and, a source of
the former $ brother, Mr. Constantine, . •No. 1 -Jessie 13uchana,n 414. revenue, So generous are these prove
•of the Molsens Bank. • GODERIoll Tour 'slims and so common, that hardly one
. farmer in ten makes any account or
• Dr. J. Lindsay left here on ' Monday Model SchooL-Ilii Alien 478, Cora
evening for London, where he will Blair 438, Roscoe • Beckett 448, Lila them, although the orcliriery business
commence to practise. His wife and Cameron 468, Ernest Colborne 472; man thinks he has done well when he
children followed on •Tuesday. ' Pearl Duff 407, Reggie Dunlop 414, reaches the end of the year and finds
that he lias a little more than made
-I-- Mr, leriteLTaylorofeijoeidon was•Earl Elliot 434s Viola Johnston 439, ends meet.
A.Great Miser Gone
Ressell Sage,the New York financier
and director in twenty-five railroads,
died suddenly of heart faaluie Mon-
day. He was in some' respects a re-
markable man. ;He was born on Au-
gust 4t1i, 1810, and rime from an errand
boy to millionaire, exhibiting a, great
frailty foe money Making. He lied
the reputation of being the meanest
and most closefisted rich man in New
York, arid be riehly deserved it, There
are these who expect his will to be a,
surprise in its public bequests. But is
it worth while for a man to starye his
soul lied ellen the contempt of rime -
kind by his grasping and miserly life,
even to be Able to surprise the world
by the largest provisions of his will
With the a,dinixtine of a little human
nature Russell Sage niight have done
Mich good in the world, might have
lived heppily and died respected and
beloved. As itis, the history of the
man may be condeesed into the sent-
eece : ,"Ete devoted his life to war-
ring upon his fellows to accurnulate
Miss Bessie McErva,n is spending
part of her va:catioti With friends itt
Miss Leckie, of Hamilton, sister a
Rev. Mr, Le,ekie, ie the guest of Miss
•Winhie O'Neil.
• Mr, Alex Morris, who •tias been in
the west since spring, returned home
this week in order to prepare for the
fall threshing.
Mr. Frect D, Campbell and bride, of
Aylmer, who were on their way to
Detroit Goderich, Were gilests of
Miss Winifred Goodwin last Satin day.
aries, end thin scarcely Practicable Mr, A. D. Wiltse, of Tuekeremith,
when there are different grades. Of left on Wednesday morning Le partici-
course teachers have a right to get the pate in the Old Boys' Reemion at
highest:ell:try possibleousd the difilenl- Brockville ; and Mr. IL Wiltse and
ty is one that vsill have to be faced in wife left on Thursday, for the sitItte
some way. purpose,
' le Id f ' ' d 1 t"--- le Jessie K -err 495- -Allan' Marshall -435,
George Marquis 430. Chas. McArthur ' ' BIG MONEY IN HOGS.- Farmers
391; Lottie McCreath.898, Murray Me- who are raising hogs these days ougbt
Donald 440, Gordon McNevin 466, Fred. to be happy. Less -than ten years ago
Parsons 445, Rose de Peudry 463, Beat hogs were selling for 3375, and farm -
rice Pridham 532, Josie Saunders 398, ers were welleatisfied if they mana,ged
• , g on
• He took • beck his neice, Miss M.
• Tyndall, with him for a visit,
• Miss May Routleclge and Mr. Wil-
• liam Slattery, of Goderich spent $un-
• day with the forrnee's arents, Mr and Jack Sweats 448, George Thurlow 303,, toget $4 ; to -clay they are getting just
Mrs E. Routledge, of , own.
Miss Maretta, Ostrom is visiting Fcit• nksTeopwarnasteend 400, Lillie Robinson
School -Mary Griffin deuble-$7.50. 'The other clay an old
farmer in conversation, remarked :
relatives at Kippen during the hole 450, Aline Hargett 538, Leslie Webb
days, and Miss „Hattie Ostrona is visit- 533, Edna A. Webb 543,1 •
ing in Goderich Township. BAYAELP
• Mr. W. jackspn leaves in a few days
on a trip as far west as Banff, where
he expeess to spend a few days at this
famous resort in the Rockies.
•Mr, M. Y. 1VIcLeati and wife, of Sea,
forth,. wee in town last week, Mrs.
McLean remaining for a few days
among her old Clinton friends,
Mrs. Label, of town, has moved eo
London where her son John Laird,
B. A., hies taken a situation with the
London Life InsuranceCompany,
• Dr. Fowler left on Monday for
Chimp, where he will attend the Mc-
Killop Veterinary College, and also
the Upiversity for a couple "of weeks.
Mrs David Oantelon returnee this
week from a theee week's visit to the
West that took lairn as far as Banff.
says everything is literally boom-
ing in all parts of that expansiye
couhtry, and that the crop outlook
was never beteer. • •
The Goderich Signal says :-R. Nor-
man Joliffe, of Toronto, son of Rev,
eVir. J. Jolifte, of Clinton, sane at Knox
church on 8uticlay ;morning and at
North street Methodist church in hhe
eVenine. His solos were "The Ninety
and Nine" (Campion) in the morning
and '.The Penitent" (Vendertva.ter)itt
the evening. Mr. Jaffe has a, bari-
tone voice of splendid quality and his
singing gave much pleasure. °
The following from the Winnipeg
Free Press, refers to a former Clinton- •
ian, uncle of Me W. Le Fait :-"The
4th of July is the anniversary 01, the
birth Of Mr. Charles Whitehead, Siva
the Sun, Brandon, and he eelebrated
the event. He was very baekward
about stating his age, aud to most of
the enquirees who were bold enough
to ask the question, Mt., Whitehead is
said to have remarked in that youth.
ful air of his "Forty-eight 1" It is
generally believed he was forty-eight
about the time Brandon townsite was
Staked out. Another Cumberland
roan, who declares he went to school
With Mr. Whitehead in England,
ear; the - 'president of the hospital
board, is just, seventy. years older than
the son of the Crown Prince of Ger-
many, who was been Wedneeday.
• Harry Cameron 300, Cleave Erwin
400, Clara Galpin 445.
• VARNA ' •
Pearl Dunkin 519, LhUe .Tohnston
535, Roy Morrison 510, Ritchie Me-
• "Why, years ago, when grain was tie
cheaper than now, we thought we
were stealing somebody's money when
we got $5 a hundred. There must be
big money in hogs, and yet we heat
some farmers say they would not be
bothered raising them. •
• Canada Business College,
:chatimn, Qatari°.
•,The oniy.building. of the kind in CaMicla, bulit
ante used exclusively for the Boshiess -college
Purposes, Euid tbe finest equipment 'of the kind
on the Continent.
•• #.
P • P • Iv
e 4.
I 1.11,k'
•••••• Alt .1i, ss'
se ere,
'Fall Term opens in the new, building
'•Tuesday, Sept. 4th. ••
Our catalogues are free for the asking, and will
tell you all about this splendid school -the finest
of its kind on the Oontinentand tbe grand work
it bas been doing for the past thirty years.
If you cannot COMO to Chatham, and want to
be a Book-keeper, Stenographer, or Penman.,
take out home training by mail.
Catalogue E will tell YOU all about our home
Catalogue F will tell you all about our ttain-
Mg at Chatham.•
Write lot the one you want, addressing
D. MeLachlan&Co., Chatham,Ont.
•P.8 -Mention this paper when writing.
Naughton 509. Minnie McNaughton
477, .Allan McKenzie 474; Franic, Mc- 08000.40.00.00000000/0.41/000.
Kenzie 520. •• . .
Chas, Finkbeiner 390, Erwin Feltner
420, isea,r1 -sr, Geiser 487, Clarissa Hill
3904 Howard Meade 503, Sylvester
Wuerth. 300, Edith M. Bill 456.
Garvey Acheson 410, Willie Anios
502, Owen Acheson 427, Edwin Barrows
409, Willie Birnie 410, Gladys Dissett
446, Clarence Bobier 390, Willie Bradt
456, Roland 13ritnell 890, Louis E. Day
487, Herbert Gardiner 435; Alonzo Hey-
wood 503, Ruth» Hooper 460, Jessie
Manson 405, Ida Marchand 498,.Clif-
ford eicAvoy 501, Alma McPherson
436, Ella O'Brien 420, Allan Pickard
454, Clarence Pickarrl 404, Lillian Snell
470; Vietor Sweet 444,
. , Znition
Roy 1ie,ust,418, Erwin Greb 444,
Emily Dunn 403, Marjory Hopper
465 James Murray 391; James M, Me
Arehur 303, •
About a month ago, Mrs. Flynn,
Winghatn, fell and splintered 'one of
her wrists. Recentliethe bend became
very paihfully swollen, so that on
Monday, she had to have her much -
cherished ring cut- off her finger, e
Me. 3. R. Ferguson, Teen] Clerk,
Winghain, returned home last Week
from the London hospital ; while Mr,
Ferguson is considerably improved itt
health he is still very weak and his
physicians recommended a trip to the
West, which he has taken.
Capt Griffin of the C. P. It. steamier
Princess Vietoria wasarreeted at Van-
couver, on the charge Of Manslenghter
in connection with the Chehalis die -
At Best Prices.
and the finest
grade of .
Call and see it.
• Our Specials for all next week
arland Bros,