HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-27, Page 3JuIr 270, ISO
AUTHOR LE CHIEN DIM tray.. at iatiebee hem to k
I aa tor
the wereaolihbte Of the atone wttit 4
rude drawing of a dog gnawing a bone
which had been set over Pe door of the
13ourgeols Phillbert's door in the Rue
Buade. It Is now built into the QMOINSO
Poetalliee Which replaces the house of
the BoUrgeols,
Persisted laY Tennyson,
r. Morgan, in hie Canada Men and
Women of the Time, says that Lord
Tennyson wrote to Mr. Kirby saYiali
that few novels had given lilm niore
pleasure, and that he would like CO
write a poem ti '
1/Vm. Kirby, Who Wrote Its First Greet
Historioel Romance -- A Loyalist
Porn In Twelve Cantos-Aleo Wrote
Three Flay - Retnance, of Manu-
script of His Greatest Werk-Prals-
• _IC hy Tennyson.
.4.fter combatting for over a year the
disease which finally proved fatal, --a•
naturally rugged constitution permit-
ting him to bear up surprisingly under
tb disabilities of ola age anti aialtneas
-•-Williant Kirby, the noted journalist
novelist and poet, passed aWaY Peace -
at Niagara-on-the.Lake ,on Sat-
urday, June 23, in the 89th Year of his
Whatever Canadien navelists may do
to enrich the writing of fiction In Can-
ada for the future, there can be no
question that when William Kirby
Wrote "The Golden Dog," he mede for
Canadian romantic notion hOnorable
The lovely and good Amalie De Be-
PentIgny; her brother, the unfortunate
Antral:me des Melolses; the Bourgeois*
son, Col. Fidlibert; Caroline do St. Cars -
tin, who kept Bigot's heart, although
even her fate °Mild not altogether «of.
ten it; the Infamous La Oorrivean; aa
long as Quebec lasts thee
partly historical, partly of the. itnagin-
ation. aro likely te be recalled by anr- •
one who Itesses the beauty of the city
and Its 4540i:dation with rorrianoe; . nor I
as long as they are remeMbered Ip
there any likellheod that the name 0
117-illiam Kirby as a Canadian novelyet
will lack.the.itener Witleh
Ali due.
Unique Spot in the West Whore the!
Rodente Representing Canada Chew +
Down Fifte Trees Nightly.
luker ei tit
Far In the wild West, more than twe
ays' rqn from Montreal, Toro
other tiaster n centres of tra
commerce, and ter froth our o
:gees, in the wide rolling province of
Sesketchewan, there's one of t
unique terms In Canada. It is
than . • te t worry, where hundreds
uf the busy. ehaps, who are as inueh a
Inational emblem as the maple leaf, a,re
reared asedelleeeeselthent_reateeet harm
either from man ur red.
1 The town of oxbow Is in the south-
east corner of Saidtatenewen, neer the
l'nite I ' eundstry line, and is
alitia•it'd ern. the Senris River ,2,5emIh
'''etbe rilatilg-ewa -11"n 1:r ore
I 1.1eo tweets of iand. ".elireuga :this
of W, olnesinits, y,rbe ea Its a
seellen and three-quarters, letzten, is
teen the Souris Inver winde its WaY
riget turd left fu r about two miles, and
there It is 111111 the colony Qt• workers
Ilre and thrive. Within the limits of
the Lour- are alve .tlems '•.eY thf
beaverie•notv over two huridreti.in num-
her. -Tee. leinite ut . the' rive
fling •ti .splebdia gli'mw u
ear trese, e islets furnish the
with timber for his hilliging •
nto, anti No On Can be Strong 'With 4
de and
wn fire- Weak St0MaCh
he most The stomatth is the mainspring o
no lees life. When it is strong and apts . per
fectly, then the whole system is right.
aseimilation is perfect, and body end
brain are thoroughly nourished.
One may perhaps get temporary re*
1 II1 tour -stonstrelvt-roubles-hy: using --
pepsin, or some other digestant, bot
this treatment has no curative effect.
It does not reaph the seat of the
trouble and reinove -the Mine
How much better to use )Ii-na,
vIiich reStOree lost ftlnetions of the
whole digestive system., revives flag -
Ring nutrition, and ends in the as-
ennallatiOn of food.
Mi-o-na is 4 pleasant relliedy to use,
nnd benefit iS 'seen from ahnost the
first day's treatineut. It restores ' tbe
torpid glands and stimulates the nat.
Aral digestive secretions. It checks
fermentation, stops germ growth,
soothes inflammation and cures all
troubles such As headache% backiichee
rheumatic Pains, farred bangue, sleep.
lesseess, nervoUsners, hex' general de-
bility, whieli are Caused, •by imperfect
Mi.o.ne costs but 60 cent$ hex,
It you cannot obtain Mi-o•ra
your druggist,. it will' be sent by mail,
post paid, .on receipt of price. Write
us for r d vice on your case from a, lead-
ing stomach specialist which will be
sent tree. The R. T. Booth Company,
Ithaca, N. Y. •
and irremovable beginning.. • • - ASTONISIIED DOGIOR
It l'arae the' great achievement
d use-
tizens ant Biala Recovering,Ritheogn
Iffe, which was a long, happy, an
ful one; and his former fellow -el
may feel sure that to be retnern
as one who gave an early and 1
impulse in the direetion of • m
Canadian literature pure„elevate
ennobling, was Mr. Kirby's Ana
most sa.tisfying 010104re the end
Sketch of HIS Career.
Wifltam Kirby was born at King
upon -Hull, on the I.3th of October,
His mother was a Miss Watson,.
family who belonged to that place
his father a descendant of an old r
shire family, the Kirbys a lc
•Wiske. Mr. Kirlay's poem, "The Bei
Kirby Wiske," first published in
Cs ow forma part ot Ids "Cana
published six years later,
." Coming to Canada with his par
'in 1832, Mr. Kirby received part of
edueation in Cincinnati-, Inlio,
school kept by Mr. Aleitandere
mons. a Scettish educationist. A.
spending a short time1F Montreal,
Kirby remotied to Niagara, In 1
and was for twenty years Otter
publis.her of T.he Melt newspaper:
that place. He was appointed. Cone
ef Customs for Niagara in 1871, a
,i,•a which he kent until -his- reit
.; from public service in 1895.
Poem. lo Twelve Cantos.
Mr. Kirby's imagination found a a
.gular attractlqn in the history and t
dition 'connected with the Loyalist s
tiement in Canada, and It is to t
circumstance that we owe his • fl
hook, "The U. E.," published at Nia-,
Cara in 1859, a poeni in twelve oantole
of Spenserian, stanzas, which consiats
of a series of pictures. of the pea
and the Iffe of Loyalist times. - •-
lts chief merit is to be found in
graphic description and Jn. cert
-.sweet nobility anel purity ofenharact
'which belonged to -everything that
Kirby wrote. The opening stanza re
reaents the artistic level of the wh
"poem very. fairly, and may be taken
ittaicnalingabe character of all Bo. lar
by' poet16.1 Works . '
'la lone Canadian wood e raise"
Where lingering sung the raninnerala
prolong, '
And rugged oaks, their tengtheni
shadows fling
Athwart the sunshine of the idle
spring, . .
While bine Ontario, sparkling thFoug
the trees
1611.11 grateful breezes fans ' the ho
here°. Her Phre
ti klan said She tit 1
Prob.' Dead et any. time •
1 and
of his
"The Doctor told
me I had hears dis-
ease and was liable
• • to drop on the street •
store- at any time," sesta
1817, Mr e 'Robert Eatonaa
of a Duffetin, Ont. -
and 'elly trouble began •
ork- , fear yeara age with a
Irby i weak heart, 1 was
1882, I
dla7, , Att"'''aS Eon EATON..
Is of I'
with nervousneae, L
my breath, it pained :
me so, I viasbothered ' d,
often afraid to draw f
shortneis of breath.'
ent .
h4. 1 dIZZIlleaa, loes of appetite, smothering and
e ,',' ' sinking spells,' and 'I mild, not sleep.- •
.4.„"•.,e- .1 "Sometimes eie great weakness would
me and I would have to Jia doge to
fte_r i keep from falling. My hands and feet
would eeera to go to sleep and a sort of
°". ' numbness would come all over me and per.
and.' Le--
, e pa ininierli4tely after the blood would
•""• I rush to my heed and aseries of hot flasheis
ctor I would 'envelop me,
"I took all kinds of-medloinee,-- but kept
mo-. gradually erecting worse until aboat eight
weeks ago, wizen I began using. Dr. Leon-.
• ha d ' A " ' .. From the start I ire- ,
proved until now my anpetite has returned I 1:
ra„ I can sleep well, and have no neryoneness, t•-'•
ete me ether troubles. They. have all entirely I co
et. dizziness, palpitation, faintness or any of t it
d' p . ee mach stronger, look er
, better, and altogether Ariti-Pill has made th
a.new woniati of me. So
.,/ ana entirely oared and outwit say too 1 te
eie. much for this wonderful remedy. I wouid Pe
A""' ti nost.heartily recommend Anti -Pill to any. dr
' • ocie suffering as I did." ef
,,, 1
er. '
4.4 All Drnegiste or the •Wilson-Fyle Co.',' ter
aft' Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. ma
Mr. '.1 ._,,'
we I For the Canada Business •uoliege
a.a , . . . ',„ • it
? . go
', ( ' CW1,0111111, Oat. is
• hp
1 j), 'McLachlan and Co., the enterpris- ,i,„„
my We have just received from Messrs an
yia .ing proprietors of the above popular
school this cut of their new college 1 ei:"
nig building, which they have just rea.0v.fied , at;
into. As Will be seen it is•a '
ns ent structure, and will make a fitting s°
hoinefor the work of a school that has are
h always stood for the highest and best "..,,af
in the line of commercial t ' ' g. • "4",
in, alus Isthe first building of. the kind a t'
1 for business college pnrposes. Throug eem
in Canada built and used exclusively I ther
this last fo d is school un
on the Continent. '• •Ite therefore, All
now holds it unique position, not only .Of t
among the business training schools of
the Dominion, but in so far as we know A
Marks an era in the • history of Com- and
tnercial training in this country, Which for
is -worthy Of Special mention, arid is a out
fitting culnlination in the wo k of and
a tai
a sp
r are
f pop-
j:luilS, as Weil as with hs (laity bread,
rituiSee in 1S98, It is idelgal to kill et
. ill o ill B vers.
Aedording to game itt0 passed DY
the lefglelattire of. the Ni4 .thwest Ter -
injure any beaver untit 1903; cense-
quently they are. multiplying, replen-
ishing, and waxing . fee anti by •the
time .tho season 'opens there will be
InanY Pelts fur the•-trapPer if the ani-
mals iraye' not sooner taken themselves
off to a nett,- stainpleg ground. Havieg
been protected for Ihe litet• ten years
from ritie and trap, the heavers of. this
arm, have hat:Oath' grown, very tame,
and they work -steadily in - building
ams and houses anger tie water.. For
he mosepart they labor by the light
of the moon, ane while the world sleeps..
a curious sight may ;be .seen by anyone
Who cares to aitt,up and watch the 'eel -
any at Iheir work: It ts necessary, of
eetirse, that one should keep. out ef sight.
in the.long grass and tinder the brushes,
and above all to keep perfectly still, as'
the slightest soUnd ,would alarm -thes,:_
denizens• of the Water world.'
Cu% Down Fifty -Two Trues. . .
•i.•nl'a 'night tige,'eut dotvn lifty-Yeeu
treea, as \wizened .for by All% Clnismas,
'who talteS . a great deal of Izilerest :a
his I te tenants, sale does all in
ewer, to preserve (neat . fitont II:
nd 'white the subject of wells Li
may be said that. they ,have eo
r one' who ehirlei his duty,-''
y ,new settlement in the Weti•t; tir
letie'sVoijo:.18 and lifuffs aro to be I:0
. .. , . ,
living' alone who
rhocl:"bachelors," by the br,ced .,tr
rs. These are fellow:4 'who have b
'yen away from their pack on acco
laziness, and w 11 0 al,-,,' tryng. in
i..an oastence by.iiving, at th.W1
n'S nem bal.; t I. .
.Work. yery 'Du ic,kly.• ,. , .. .
Ite beaveri•::. yieyery ep'ickly,..a.
cut ha° different lengths for da
does not take ' 'm 'long. to fel
oil -sized. tree., - rice dawn,' the t
usee'or food, They are good jud
work: too, astheycars fell a tree.
y ,direction they we h go,
se of tha beaver is nuilt in the riv
k the entrance to whigh is end
water. Once getting trie entrati
reed, they . dig injyard .and upwa
that; When the flat Is 'completed th
' .0 t e water line,. and. :th
Ration Is. dry, warm and cosy: •4k
Ugh they . can stay under water f
me it is imposeible for them to ll
e altogether, io the dens aiei bu
e distance from the banit• and
noi.conneots it withte deep water
he river: • • ., ,
COmes FOur-Iti a Litter:,.
beaver famili comes intetbe wdrid.:
orbed, generally ' four to e, ett.e,,
Its haernbers live with. the. old ftilk4
two years. " After this the -parep,ts
them adrlit to shift for themselv es
to. set ar. housekeeping_ tin-tinAr
account.' The • full :grown beaver
sures about two feet in length, with.
I ten inches,' whithi he can use' as.
ado Or troWei, as well as a paddle.,
average age is fifteen years, al- I
gh stime" have been lonewn to iive
ty. • • When the anima!! Is In it 1
h year. the ••, pelt IS at . is higlient
a a good one fetching ten 'dollars.
. ..
' . . • . s .
'The Eyolutioreof One Orphan. :
few days. ago George Francis
go,' Fe A., B. 11., ' was. installed as
deet of .the WesIeyae University
loontington, Millets, -It has been
bed -to Napniertn I, „that _he Saki
. every .corporal in the iereech '
army', ,carriel a kneel :Marshal's baton
In his knapsack; and so in the casc,Of
Mr; Barnes, it may be paraphrased that
any inmele of an orPhans' home may
• in
2 •
I a
So far as it may be practidable, the
employment of dock -tailed horses,
either saddle or draft, vvill be avoided.
The unmilitary appearance of such
animals, and the inhumanity accorn?
partying their use under service con,
ditions, alike tend to explain this re-
quirement." That is the annotince-
ment made by Adjutant -General Frye,
of MassachOsetts. The spirit of it is
good. AdjutanteGenerat Frye shares
Rang Edward's views on the cfueStion.
Dr, Shoop's RestOrative bringstlast-
ing relief in stomach,kidney and heart
troubles through the inside riervea; No
matter how the nerves became impair-
ed, this remedy will rebuild their
strength, will restore their yigorr
member it does no. good to treat the
ailing organ =the irregular heart, the
rebellious stomach, diseased kidneys.
'They are not to blame. Go back to
the nen-es that control them -trent.
the cause -use a 'remedy that ctires
through the inside nerves. Sold by
W.S.R. Flohnes ' • •
During the last "week of June. the
floor of the . chancel of .• the parish
clinrch at Strioud, Eng., suddenly sub-
sided, through the earth fait* into an '
old vault. .rn this. the ,workinen have
diseovered several' amidona
plain 'brass plate is an inscription indi-
eating that F,INatieth, ' Wife' of Robert
Theyer, clothier, and daughtee ' of
ThonntS Tyndale, ,•Stinelicombe, gent
was ,• buriedthere in 1699. It ia as-
turned- that dee4sed Was related to
WTilison ry.ndale, the translator of the
Bible, who born near Stineheombe:
iri Dr. oops Rheumatic Retriedy.--,..
when' used fa:thf ull y. Will reach chron ic
er and clitlicult cases herethfore regarded
ee Meat reliable. pracription known to
aa incurable by physicians and is the
td, Clean out and completely remove every
ey vestige of rheun3atio poison from the
elr .bloo& Sold by W.S.11.'Holnees,
1 -
' •
Selected For Royal Society.
A et,mplete list of Mr. Kirby 's prose,
as well as poetical, writings, may be
found in the bibliography of thetnem-
bers e Royal Society of Canada,'
rsehich 'Waded in the twelfth volume
of their proceedings. He was one of
• the twenty original members of the
Illnalleh section named at Its. forma-
tion by the Marquis of Lorne. .
Besides "The E."t 'The Gorda
Dog," and "The Canadian IdYlis," a. col
.4ection of his short poems named above
Ur. Kirby:es chief Prose publication
were. "The Memoirs• of the Servo
ramily." and the "Aimee* of Niagara.'
Mr. Kirby was for severs.1 years pres
Ident of the Niagara Histoeical •Society
arid took a deep hiterest in everything
connected with the preservation of his-
torical monumente and scares. This
interest was notably manifested in 'a
letter which he wrote with his own
hand while confined In bed during an
illness last year, and addressed to Miss
Carnoelian, president of . the Niagara
Historical Society.
Also Wrote Three Plays. '
Mr. W. D. Lighthall, of Montreal, Is
authority for saying that Mr, Kirby
was the author of three unpublished
plays, "Beaumanoir," "Joseph in
Egypt," "The Queen's ()Aviv,
But it is as the author of „.ihat ro-
mantic story, "The Golden Dog," that
Mr. Kirby will be long remembered by
the rest of the world, as wen as In
• Canada. An amount of the origin of
the novel is given by the author •hirri-
self in .a letter written to Sit juries Le
Alpine in 1879. "I happened to be in
Quebec in 1885, my business being to
attend to a bill then pending in Par-
liament. bought one of your 'Maple
Leaves,' and -the accOunt you gaVe of
the Chien d'Or took My fancy- veiy
anuoh. Suite and I were silting in the
/window of the St. Louis Hotel ohe day,
and I apoke to him about the etry, and
wanted him to write it out and joit.
singly staid that 11 watild not write
a novel on it, I videld. Suite did not
take the fancy, and I thought no More
about It until my return borne, when 1
found the Chien d'Or sticking like a
burr to my ithagination Audi I
wrote the story as I got the time," • '
Manuoceipt of Book IVIislaid.
The mantisdript was sent to a Lon-
don ambit/dither house, and Mislead ' for
year/ Vinally it was' discdver- •
ad the Gland Trunk station at Vo -
sante, and the author, titter linving re -
Lamellae it, gave the story to Mt, John.
, of Montreal, by whom it Was
' published In 1877. A French trantlation
aliDettted seven "abort later.
Tbe merit of the took was slow tst be.
Izig •reeogniZed eit first, but it gradually
took a strong held ori the attention of
abase Who loved a tine romance, and
institution, that for nearly ii thiitil
rd of -
n a century,. bite always been in the
_ vanguard in the introduction of the
newest and best ideas in ronnection
s' ( with high class cornmercial training.
e It is also the only business school in
, Canada, which has been running for
- 30 years without change of manage-
' Vot the past ;seven years . this ih-
, •.•
., etitution has been devoting a great
deal Of attention to Correspondence
y Mail in Tiook-keeping, A
Shorthand. and Penmanship, and have Barn
so perfected their courses along these P,reti
lines that they now have 'students
taking training by mail :in every aseri
quarter of the DominiOn, many states thn't
of the Union, together with Newfound-
land, Bermuda Islands and British
Isles and the training is giyitig such
excellent satisfaction that the pro-
prietors expect that in a very few
years henee their mail couree work
will be the heavy end in the business.
A desire has been frequently ex-
pressed by fanner students to have a
re -union of students of the past 30
years. The proprietors inform us that
they expeet to carry out this idea itt
July, 4907, and have asked us to make
the announcement in our columns
that all former students would confer
a favor by sending to Messrs D, Mc-
Lachlan & Co., of ,Ohathain, Ont.,
their present, addresses, as well es the
addresses of any otheres they may
know, so that full partieulars of the
gathering, together with a cut of the
new college building. may he sent to
each one.
'Intending business or shorthand
students would be acting in their own
interests by writing to Messrs D. Mc-
latehlan & Co for the beautiful cata,
logue of the school, which is the hand-
SOMefit issue of the kind we have seen.
and is a worthy exponent ef a worthy
institution. ,
George Xacksen, in olden times one
of London's most prominent business
men, WAS On IVIonday given a piss" by
Mnyor 3tielcl to Strathroy where be
will live' in the poorhouse. Jackson
was in the agricultural bus-
inetie. Mut the ploogli that bore his
name was considered the best that
comid lie had. "I've seen him write his
chock fOr $20,000." said Mayor &Todd.
I'rosperity tuened his head and drink
ruined him, Now he is old {abaft 70)
poverty-stricken, elallees and friend-
cruse .0
Is daily *Olen el the beetle, poisonous
of your liver said howeis. Unless there
You Mutt lookVell after the etnidition
productSare abeetbed, causing head.
Hee/ace-hes itytz„mure,,ontr: Vial;arte.,
itt siebeS, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia,
I foamiest of all or Wog.. now, e.
beconte a eallege"president, Twenty-
eightyears ago there landed'in Handl-
-Con an English fantily, poor In pocket,
.bat rich in the number of Children. The
„father and Mother lived but a short
'time' after arriving in Hamilton,' and
the Children were thrownupon the
charily of the ,world to. are for them,
az none were old enough. to help the
yolinOor lilernberS of the family. The
two yottnger boys were placed in rile
BigoloW Ilbys' Home, and the older
el) I til ren were provided • with good
.11-iliPs, where. they .were.. clothed and
ethicated. Por two at- three years
Francis- George Barnee enjoyed the care
and protection of the home and receiv-
ed therudiments of on education, Timif
Ito was placedwith a good family away
from Hamilton, whore he remained- un-
tll his term of epprenthieship ended,
young narnesArifted out to the West-
ern Stat', wherahe worked during the
summer months for money to keep hirn
during the _winter, while he attended
school, In course of time he entered a
western college, from which he grad-
uated with the honors of his class, and
then entered the ministry ot the Afeth0.
diet ISpiseepel Church. •Ile Was trailed
to a professorship in one of the western.
Metlitellst colleges, and when eleUted
to the presidency .reinernbered las tos-
ter home, by inviting the • matron ef
the Bigelow Home to attend hie In-
augaration as president,
Wither -Why did you ask fOr-the big-
gest piece of cake, Harold?
Ilarold-Because you. told me haver
to ask for a second helping,
Archbishop 13 ruehoSi, of Montreal
declares in an interview that not since
Milt:December, when he in aug u Led his
temperance Crusade, has intoxicating
liquor been admitted to the Episcopa
Palace or to the presbyterio of the
various parishes in the A.ioli-diocege of
Montreal. After paying a visit to the
parishes he is convineed tlutt great
progress its being made in the attempt
to lessen the drink evil,
-este , Donnie /movie....
Tbe twenty dollar god niece' wag. ati,-
Viet-teed by act of eohgTeSs.,:kittrelY(3;
1849, and, .ts coinage, was beguu. in
Handball is anion's," thee iildi;st of 'env
'games. According to Horner, it Mist-.
nated about the time or the, fall of
'Ifroy, and though Irhas Paiod titrough
many changes, its principles are Mum'
theeame as when it wasadayed by the
AClever Crow. •
William Gales • of Northwest 'Abbot,
Me, has a tame crow that will cackle
-in exact imitation of a ben and alSo
bark like a hound;
. .
Piro English iusurance.
In 1607, immediately after the great
fire in London, &Beep were opened in
that city for,, insuring hoesehoiders
against loss in ease of the destruetion
of their property by Bre. The Wen was
given to the English by"Italiaii factors,
who were 'familiar with insuranee in
their own country.
Banks of Newfoundland. " •
The banks ' of Newfoundland are
formed by the sand, Ice end Stone
brought from the north by tile icebergs.
Cast iron Pfewir.
east Iron plows were first mode in
this country in 1707 and were greatly
objected- to ftom the belief thatthe
cast iron poisoned the ground and pre-
vented the -plants' from growing.
The garde of polo was played Centu-
ries ago In Persia and India. Even the
natives of nokbara rrlay a similar game
Of ball on horseback.
Arehtee Coffee shops.
Axabia the higher elassee 1180 sug-
ar In tea and coffee in their houses, but
In the cotfee shops in the bazar'where
hundreds of people gather In the even.
Ing to talk and drink coffee, a cheaper
grade of coffee Is generally eonsnmed,
made of eoffee busks principally, ad
In thiS drink sugar is seldom used,
An /celesta beams.
A young lady in Iceland has com-
pleted a our act inelodranta yeeept,
tau Stirineci Irtnigerig.
,4. simple way of removing Ink stains
from the • fingers Is to rub yasellint
will Into the skin at the stained parts
and thou rub oft with ut piece of soft
paper before applying soap. In this
Way the hands mo he washed „perfect- "
17 dealt
It has caused more laughs and dried
more tears, w4ped away diseases .and
driven away more fears than any other
medicine In the World. Hollistees
Micky 'Mountain Tea, :35 cents, Tea
or Tablets, Ask vow' druggist,
.0.T.1 -1.1. N.0
You can save money by doing so, for we are offering
better goods, at less money, -than eau be iiroeured
Goderiek, Seaforth, or elsewhere,
A. R. •••••
eiLmTz-ninR, zind
The School tbr the Blind at
Brantford, • "
'the Editor of the New Ara :
DicAR ask your assistance to
enable inc to get into communication
with the parents or guardiens of all
the blind children in Ontario, under
ihe age of twenty-one years. The In
stitution for the EdUcatton and fir
struction of the Blind. maintained by
the Ontario Legislature, admits as pu-
pils "all blind youths, •Of both sexes,
between the ages o1'7 end 21, not being
deficient in intellect. and free from dis-
ease or physical tv, bein resi-
•dt'rits of the province of Ontario," It
flow to keep Kool.
Buy ode Iron Beds 33. to SU Wire Springs $t (0 $3 50
Sanitary Mattress 3, to 10. IVire Cots up() to - 2.40
Japanese Matting, Veranda. and Lawn Chairs, Settees
not necessary that the applicantitr..1....44‘.1:04441111111pluimullia
ally lsinuall10011111alisiar
shall be totblind ; the test is "ina• 7,00awao'.01".0'
bility to read ordinary type and attend X •
a school for the seeing without serious: )
-ipjury to the :3ighf." (UM- IF
CUItY IS to locate the ehildren who are
elig,ble for
hFf io, urredere .
s will sbess.
03111 le futureat yo
oiid fienameandaddresoblnchildren 'eder seven. as well e as of thosebetween 7 and 21,
Should you• ftwor me by the public&
tion of this letter, 'I would ask your A k Do you want the Best—at the lowest Price.-.---
. .
readers not to depend upon the pi r3nts F. .; 'We can supply you t'ith. Bercrer's one of the
, .
of the children with defective sight tr. e .best English makers at Vets. per lb,
t 0 th* matter. It all amid 4
Witness the gain in health, happiness. F. .
knowledge and self-reliance al a t. coulee /
Lo those,who, „deprived by 'their afilice '
tion of access to the -public sahools.. •.4.
take adva.ntage.of time educational'fee-
ilitieg afforded by this insttfution,none
would grudge the time arid trouble re;
Oiretl to widen the scope et the school's -______-,
Influence. 'Sendtne the.narnes and adi
dresses, and I will by'correspondenee
Or VISIt4I0r1 do the rest. • •
.....11eetro, dr,
111.• • •.01.4
• • ,.
Principal OT. B. '
. July .
1-10VEY. Clinton
• .p.ispeheing.,chemist,
'OW Nikeillike
. ent emen s Waterpr�ofs,Ldi.Wapers
.,....................;4........, :......,,zbers.O..„w ...„ andanduo
..w•asiisery; hts,iArn
large stock of Gingbas,• Line -ns and Mus.
25p win eay fat thee haw for balance
' . lins for Summer Dresses, Laces and Embroideri , Underwear
- of She rent; 0 n
great variety; Our Wall Papers are the best
We sell the famous Sterling Paint, none better, some may
be as goad. Lots of seed on hand.
May 16th, 1906. R ADAMS, e Ein,brium, Londesboro,
The LARMOUR School
And General Teaming for . . • '
Railway Service., • ' - • . ------ - •
. . . .•
• The new method of instruction adopted by t
this school has proved a great -success.
Pupils graduate in the shortest possible tim
therefore at the least expense.
Einnloyment provided at once. Write for a
free pamphlet which will give full information.
I School room in Gordon Block, oaposite Pos
Office, the mot desirable location in the city
."ThejsTotion of classes at work cordiatly invited
ROBERT 'ARMOUR iStratfords bat
" Principal •and Itistructor, formerly
. 'District Superintendent G.T.'R.
A,priI20th 06-07.
Subscriber having moved
his Restaurant to the store
recently occupied by F. 'W.
Watts, will be glad to meet
his old custotners,and as mar
new ones as may favor him
with their patronage. •
Having also bought out the
Xing Bakery, he will sup ly
the public with first - class
Bread and Cakes. .
Wall Paper Store
Are you one of the crowd to the This
Store ? Everybodyis tow talking
of the beautiful designs of
Wall Paper
we have in 'Stock, andpriees to snit tis
purchaser. We also carry a stock o
Window Shades, Curtair
Poles, Cottage Rods,
Room Mouldings*
Floor and Purniture Var.
rush, etc.*
f all descriptions, which are Sold at
prices never known before to the
Painting and Paper Hanging done,
Estimates furnished on job work,
Smith's Wall Paper Store
N.]3. -Sign Painting done, AM Pape
trimmed PREM. 1
Buy your Buggy where qualityas well is,•,
appearance is considered in Manufacturing,
-and have your repairing done by e)yer-..
ienced men. •
All are found at
Rumba & Mc/Itath's!
Huron Street., Clinton. .
.01intoii Sash, Door, and
Blind Factor3r,
The Town,of Clinton is on the eve of
a "boom," If you contemplate building,
let us give you our estimation etc
'Headquarters tor all kinds of builders' tuateria,ls.4s1
S. S. COoPER, mum
Adv-ertise 4n TEE CLINTON NEW ERA.
4111-$44******44e• • •-*-116t444-144.
. Did you ever Stop to think?
\ whoa buying a flintier, rreft or Toilet Set or Pancy China,
first.cIais goods, up-to-date shapes or deeorations he sure and can
Teas, Sugars and Canned Goods
We lead° in Quantity, Quality and PriceS.
Special entipriticlleskiz:itizinoilo00,411,1: Irigt;iskoi fnt hy,
in:v eid tier acre in 25 different varieties."
e hard. Grass, Mangold and Turnip Seed. Ontar
lo A dlege says ; "Yellow Leviathan stands at the
Sold by