HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-27, Page 1,
port Om a t.e.
Established me
itOtzalla'negalIeS, rubliseer.
-v4,51 Dollars
41 *day me these wile used
Pod aortwoon-±Pcuse yesterday
and theany bef9m. They made
a rani of swing Elanctlaing
owM_ week; andtheir weal 16
liPid independence grew and
Yon can commence toy.
$1.00 opens an account.
?interest paid 4 times a year.
The Sovereign
Rank of Canada
riolookim.0 * a mace soma
eea, "ma_ ,,,,eatees wrestle
11. T. RAN, Manager.
MEW •Alkertigienftrit$
Elliott Business College, Torouto....2
Mid -Summer sale, Newcoinbe . .. ,..4
Chatham Business College 4
Farm Laborers, C. P. R 5
Western Fair 5
Old Boy' s Reqinion,--Stratford—0
Spectacles found, New Era ...... 5
Horticultural Society Meeting5
Notice to Debtors, E.). Bell
nada National Exhibition 7
'hat for a quarter, tIodgens .Bros. 8
White Underwear, Hodgens Bros..8,
There is not a, man in town, however
indifferent to the claims of Christianity
who would want to rear his family here
if there were no churches or church in-
fluence, for he at once recognizes them
as the guardians of the morals of the
community. What would be the con-
dition of the community at the end of
the next ten years if from this time un-
til then the churches were closed ? ro
what extent would life or property be
safe? And yet, with all the organized
agencies of thechurches, the devil too
frequently holds high carnival. What
might we not expect if wholly diveswd
of these good influences?
The Holiday Season
is the time to get away from the wor-
ries of business life and • spend a few
weeks in -the Highlands pf Ontario or
take a trip throughthe Eastern resorts,
to the 'Sea Side, which is due ot the
most delightful and popular trips.
Tourist tickets are on- sale,daily to
all resorts. Call, en,
F. R. HODGENS, Town Agent..
Business College,
tarauated with whigharn guL4isip.poneso0
September 3rd,
over Irwin's• Store.
Three Courses
Typewriting„ and
GEO. "SPOTTON, Principal.
strooEssorwo N. B. HENRt
Ha.virig bought out the
business of Mr. Henry, I de-
sire to ask for a continuance
of the patronage,givqn.,.. this
studio. All work done will
be up-to-date, and equal in
artistic finish and p'ose to that
of the cities.
We unklse a specialty of Out Door.
ph40 Artist, - Clinton.
June Weddings
Wedding Pings
18, kt
Are -you looking or.a makable present?
If so ourParge atock of
and many other lines we ea:1'1'y,
will 'make choosing easy
for you,
Jeweler and Optician4
issuer of Marriage License%
To Oily Iteaclers
There are many things hap -
peeing which are of public, in-
terest, but which, newspapers
never get hold of, sup, for in-
stance, a.
sales, weddinge, accidents, and
items of a similar nature. Some
of these newspaper may get,
but there are others that do net
feet into print. Now, if parties
Interested would' send these to
us, we would be glad at all timee
, to publish them. Write out an
amount of thena, and sign your
name • Never mind if the item
is not well written. Put in the
fads, and w will fix it up. The
name will not be publialied, but
is required as an evidence that
the item is genuine. You could
put a lot of items on a posteard.
Try it.
Messrs Snowden Brea'of the Bauble
Line, Stanley, had a big zaising on
Tuesday. Two large frames were rais-
ed, one for the mein barn, 75x40. Two
days were required to put up the
NOTTS.-Rev. F. D. Botched, of
Chagrin Fall, Ohio, is spending part
of va,catton at the.homeoehis parents.
Mr. William Baird has gone to arag,
rietewa,n to spend a fewealitys 0,111013g
the taxes and rivers there. Mr. H;
Pentland, of Teeswater made a short
visit to the home of Mr, Thos Baird
during the first of the week.
OniTumtr,-On • Wednesday even.
Mg July 18th, there passed away , at
her home on the Second Concession of
Stanley, Elizabeth Orerar, relict of the
late Hugh McGregor,at the ripe age of
81 years. Injured by a fall three years
ago, she from that time suffered con-
siderable pain, endured with patience
and resignation till death ended her
sufferings. • Deceasedwas born at
Amulree, Perthshire, Scotland, in
,18V. In 1841, she was married to
flugh MeCiiegoi and emigrated to
America, locating' at first in North
Easthope, where they remained . for
some years. In 1850 the family moved
to the "Huron Tract" and settled on
lot 17, 2nd eon. Hereshe continued to
reside till her death. The township
was then a wilderness, small the clear -
Inge and few the conveniences of life.
By industry and perseverance, how-
ever the faireily- soon' had a comfort-
able home. She was a kind,hospitable
and companionable lady, but retiring
in her despositione and seldom taking
part in public affairs. In render( she
was a Presbyterian and a member of
the Union Church, Brucelleld.• She
was the mother of a large family of
four sons and..five daughters. The ,
sons are: Duncan McGregor and John`
McGregor, of Harrisville, Mich. ; Peter
McGregor, of Brucefield ; and Hugh,
McGregor on the old homestead. Her
daughters are.Mrs McInnes, of Detroit;
Mrs. McFarlane of Au Sable, • Mich.,
Mrs. Kaiser, of California, and Betsy
and Maggie at home. These were all
'present at her funeral except Mrs.
Kaiser. Besides these she leaves
eighteen grandchildren, and six Amid
grandchildren,to mourn the loss of a
kind and. having parent and wise
counsellor. A large number of sym-
pathizing !Mends gathered on Satur-
day to pay their last tribute of respect
by following the remains to the place
of interment in the family plot in
Baird's cemetery. The funeral was
conducted by her pastor, Rev. E. IL
Saivers, of Brucefield, and the pall
bearezes were: Duncan McGregor, Peter'
McGregor, John McGregor, Hugh.111c-
Gregor, T. Weser and Alex Thomson.
Seaforth •
• • -
./SSED _LEE TEA.IN.—An unusual
case s-01va-erterhaTiF eernitalatlarrthe-Pole-
ice Court at St. Catharines, but it was
settled out of court. Miss Govenleack,
a visiter from Seaforth, was the °Ow-
lainant, and Sanderson, Newman &
Hough. Liverymen, the defendants.
Miss Govenlock charged that she or-
dered a cab to take her to the depot
Friday morning, and the cab failed to
appear, so she missed hew train. This
is the second time the same thing has
occurred, to her. Defendants explained
that their cabs being all busy, they
had handed her order over to another
cabman, who had failed to keep the
engagement, They • acknowledged
being culpable, but agreed to 'pay all
Miss Govenlock's extra expeneescaused
by her hating to wait over, and the
costs of the ease, so she recalled the
information. .
. -Morris
FignogSTPUM-A storm passed' over
this township recently, and the speed
lightning can destroy property was ex-
emplified in a smaltwaythe destructive
work, fortunately, not deing luau seri-
ous. At Chas. Forrest's, let 26, 2nd
line, the ehimney was destroyed, pipes
knocked down, and lids off the stove,
madtbe end of the house will need re.
pairs. Mrs. Forrest was stunned by
the shock, and Mr. Forrest felt a bang
in one of his ears Geo. Johnston, lst
linabed &heifer killed and Mrs Sraillie
5th line, lost two steers thet were un-
der a tree. William Bryttis lost two
steers that were pasturing'inGrey. At
T. Russell's, Oth line the chimney was
in the way of the hilitning and it was
speedily moved. 0 her damage was
also done, and the members of ; the
family were quite well essured that
they werienot far removed from &dare
ger spat. Joseph Curtis' house, north
houndary,had the chimney shaken up.
In the majority of :cases the losses Will
he provided for by the Howiels Mutual
Insura,uce Co. Fortettately there were
no lives leather houses burnt.
Daatit.-This week it is our sad duty
to chronicle the death of 4 well known
young lady of this township Seethe per,
sort of Miss Agnes E Snaffle. daughter
Of Mr. joseph Smillle, of the lst con-
cession. Mos Smillie had been teach -
school at Hinbrook . and some eight
woks ago was taken down with ats,
pendicitis, and despite severed opera.
tions and the best of eare and medical
attendance she passed away on July
12th. Deceased was in her 26th year
and evaelt very clever young lady who.
was held in high esteem,
OPERATION, --Mrs. Writ, Hopper, of
the 3rd line of Morris, underwent it
very serious operetion on Saturday
morning last, for the removal of an in-
ternal tumor, weighing SOIne ten
pounds. So far, Mrs Hopper has been
nrogreesing favorably, and her friends
hope fee her retoreey.
eoderlett Township
Critzgog.-Rey, 'W. B. Kerr, Clinton,
will exchange with Rev. Mr. Stedman
on Suuday next,. taking Bethel in the
morning, C/oleer In the afternoon, and
Hayfield at night,
OgA.T11.-Mr. Olenclenning, an oncle
road, who has been living in Goderich
tp,for some tin:ladled at the home ofiVir
Rutledge on Monday. He was in his
78th year, and it is said has a son and
datighter residing in the West.
.NOTES. -Alex. Welsh, we areorry
to relate, is on the sick list, as i also
Fred Sterling; we trust, however, that
each of them will seen be fully ratered.
Mrs. Sterling. of the Soo, is at present
visiting the old homestead on the Bay-
field line. Rey. Mr, • Kerte of Clinton,.
-will preach in Cole's church next Sab-
bath :it the usual hour. Miss Stone-
house, of the American side, is ruati-
e,ating With her friends, Mr. and ilIrs.
George Sterling. Arthur Welsh spent
Sunday witia relatives in Staulhy town-
ship. Miss Mende Perdue, who has
been visiting at St. Helens, has re-
turned heme, George Cooper, our
"bee kleas" has nearly 60 swarms of
bees; Mr. Cooper's time is so corn-
pletely taken up with these busy little
insects, that neglect of other farm dut.
ies is almost unavoidable.
— •
• KiPien
. FLAX PULLING, Ierneees. -A number
of Indians from the Curadoc reserye •
in -Middlesex- county arrived in this
neighborhood recently to pull flax for
George McEwan; Hemel,. There are
big Inelians, little Indians, nettle In-
dians, and fernale Indians, .and there
is as much difference in color as in
size, - They varied from the tawny
color of. the full -bred to a shade which
varied little from that of the orclinaz y
White, indicating that there are few
full-blooded Indians on the reserves in
Caradoe and'Deleware townships now.
The Indians are living in tents: Mesny
people erroneously speak of all Indians
coming from either of th'ese reserves
as &pm Muncey. The fact is that the
Caradoc reserve is populated more
largely with Chippewas than Murales,
the latter numbering only &little over
re altogether. They were
practically squatters on the reserve of
the Chippewas, but • an arrangement
was effected some years. ago whereby
they were allowed to retain the Por-
tion •of the reservethey had occupied. .
The Deleware reserve on the south
side of the Thames is occupied b'y the
'Oneidas who were not originally
Canadian Indians but came here from
the State of New York. .
25e Rip PitY for the New Era to new submit),
ere, for the balance of this year ,
neer -The Blyth Standard
grows indignant beeaese it was Oita -
ed out i n these columns that the
carriage By -Law was published after
its passage, and retorts "If: the corres-
pendent would read are bylaw, and
was possessed of any brains whatever;
he would readily understand the ob-
ject of promulgation." Even any one
without brains would know that the
promulgation of it ha -law is not a mat-
ter ef necessity --it is simply a matter
of choice,i
and s done only to shorten
the time in which appeals ornasr be
taken against the by-law. The .publi-
cation of e byelaw,. after it has Were
voted upon, is not necessary the
validity of the vote, •
WEDDING,.—The n01110 of AtcoW-
, •
lend Cook. Dinsley •St, 'Myth, was
the scene of a very happy event on
Wednesday; July 18th, at high noise,.
when bee...sister Write Annie Mains, be-
came the bride Of John R. Cowan, of
Newburg, North Dakota the Ore.
litanywris-performect•by-the Rev Dr.
McLean, Blyth. The bride entered
etheasarlorleaning on the arm of her
brother George, the bride was very_
becomingly:dressed. • ia create Crepe.
de -chine; trimmed with lace, and wore'
a bridle wreath in her hairatud carried
a bouquet of white:11111e5 ; they were
unattended. After the ceremony and
congratulations were over, theguests
numbering about fifty adjourned to
the dining room, where it sumptous
wedding dinner was served. The
brides travelling stilt was of navy blue
cloth and picture hat to mateh. A
bomber of useftil. and -beautiful pre.
sentsthe bride received -go to show
the high esteem in which she was held.
The happy Couple left on the afternoon
train amid showers of riee and good
wishes for their new, home in New-
burg, North Dakota, where the gloom,
is manager of a large grain elevator.
Noans.-Mrs, Reynolds and -daugh-
ter, Miss.Stella, Reynolds, from near
Guelph are visiting the forrner's sister,
Mrs. Samuel Brown, for it few weeks.
Ikea Ar • CiigoAux.-Alro. King,
widow of the late Michael Zing, of
Cuirass, died a few days since at the
home of her daughter near Calgary.
The remains were brought to Tees.
water for interment. Deceased was a
sister of Mr. James Cartwright, of this
township'and Mr and Mrs Cartwright
,attended the funeral at Teeswater last
On the evening of the twelfth, Mr.
Thomas McMichael, of Hulled, drove
into Seaforth with w horse 'wad buggy
and being linable to get the horse into
any of the stables, they were so crowd-
ed, he tied it in -the Royal Hotel plied%
About 11 o'clock when he got ready to
go home he went for his horse, bet
'found it was gone and no trace could
be got of the rig nor could any person
be found who had seen anything of it,
Plerly Friday morning Mr. Dever, of
Hallett, rnet the arihnal going along
the road alone near Constance and
captured It and not knowing to Wheat
it belonged took it, hoine until he as-
certained the owner. The horse was,
evidently, making its way homewards.
It had been driven very hard as it was
covered with sweet.
NoT101.-Mr. fila Whitmore occupied
the pulpit of Turner's church last Snit -
day in the absence of the pastor, Who
is holidaying at Hayfield. Rey, T. (1.
Barlow, Who has been recently -ap-
pointed to succeed Rev Stone AS
Missionary among the Indians of Van-
couver Islam; addressed the *lung
people, in the interests of his work on
Tuesday eveniags Mise J. Holmes, of
Olintere is visiting relatives here, Rev
T. A. Stetultnen will preaeli at Turnere
neat Sabbath.
ThTRANCIt KxAms,-The following
are the successful pupils who tried En-
trance from our school ; Maud Low-
rie, William Lowrie, Oliver Anderson,
Helen Taylor and John Hinclaley, mak-
ing a tofitl of five pupils out of sit o ho
tried the examination, But it is also
-plisiiiiiertri Yes -We -Mr aanfie
took honors, and scholarship standing
at Seaforth. Mr. 1V1eAllister, who has
recently resigned, and who has tau.glit
our school for three year. past, has
had in that time thirteen pupils pass
n mum out of a total of fourteen.
This is a recoril. to he proed of, and the
eatepayers of No: 3, Bullett, are to be
congratulated on the ebihty of their
children. We trust Coestance schmal
;will always hold its position anaong
the other sebools of East Hurons.
NOTES, Oockerline, of Detroit,
is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Button.
Misses Mend and Kate Rinnanel Ones.
Wilson, of Blanshe.rd township, were
recently the guests of their uncle,
David 'Weir has , returned to
!Its home at Union, Mrs. Weir remain -
g for a time with her parents and
other friends. Adrian Han, of Lead -
bury, was the guest of Broce Dever re-
cently. Jas. Ferguson, of Michigan,
is n.t present renewing old atiquain-
anceships in this vicinity ; Mr. Ferger-
sem was the public school teacher here
in 1861, and no doubt will see many
changes since then, Mrs. B. B. Steph-
enson and son Leo are, at present visit-
ing friends at Gerrie. -
25 eents..
We will send The islew
Era for the balance of
the year TO NEW SUB8CEIB-
• gRs for 25c cash. Now is
the time to subscribe. ,
SHIPMENT. About , three or four
Nveeks ago W. T. Riddell aclyertiseci
for 1000 baskets of cherries at 50c and
Mc- Between eight -arid -nine hundred
beakets-have been shipped to various
points, With, we are glad to say, satis-
factory results to the shipper. It is
numb, to the advantage of the com-
munity to have a near raarket for such
produce, and in many lines W. T. Rid -
dell's may be looked upon as asettled
place foe disposing of such. '
Faatzter Ra-inercese -- The seventy-
fourth birthday of Mr.' Jas Medd,of
West eVawarioste gave the occasion
for a • general family re -union Of tbe
four boys, three girls, and their white;
husbands anti children, on Tuesday,
hey 17th. ' Duting the. :evening Mr.
Medd was presented with agoldsheaded
walking cane from the boys, and Mt s,
Meddes silver cake -basket from the
girls. alr. :Medd is one of the most
highly esteemed residents of • West
Wawanesh, pioneer who has the res-
pect of all, arid the New Era trusts be
inay have•many more bithdays before
his translation to it better world.
NOTEs.-Rev. ' J. L. Small has been
enjoying his annual vacation, during
the past two weeks, at several points
in the Province ; Mr. '31cCrostie sup-
plied last Sunday,. Mrs. Peel and little
daughter, of the Soo, are visiting her
sister,. Mrs, .Echlin. • Miss Clark has
goneto Toronto for a month. Miss
Edna -McDonald has completed her
musicalconrse, and has returned berme:
We congratulate the 'Entrance class
of five, all: beteg .strecessful, one with
honors. Miss Emma Symington is
home for her vacation. Whatabout
'oUr-100-civic- holiday ? -past records
good ; promoters, beatir yourselves. •
, Goderich
The Goderich Lumber Co., have de-
cided to move their mill from Stokes
Bea- here. as being the -quickest way
of getting started naming again. The
Company expect to be able to make
use again of the boilers and engine of
the Goderich. mill. • Work is in pro-
gress clearing up the ruins here and
the Company hope to have the saws at
work again insidea month. They
have purchased a min at Southamp-
ton, which they will operate in place
of the one at Stokes Bay, considering .
Southampton a 'better point in some .
respects than the other.
erieb Organ Om Limited .is interested
in a judgerreat just given in London.
Eng., by Justice Phillimore, Iti regard
te a promissory note. This note, for
405 pounds sterling, was given the God.
evicts Company by the Exhibit and
Trading Company, Limited, of Liver-
pool, iri paymentfor several shipments
of bathroona furniture, of which they
are large buyers. It was endorsed by
the Organ Company, and deposited in
the Bank of Montreal at Goderieh, but
when due, payment was refused on
the ground that "Limited" had been
added after the payees' name in the
body of the note, and also on the
ground. that the instrument had not
been stamped. The secretary' of the
Organ Company ita tinder the impress -
i0» that the note woe payable hetet:,
and if so, it would not appear to the
lay mind that &British revenue stamp
was required to be affixed,; .but, how-
ever, judgmeab was given or favor of
the defendant on both points. The
Bank of Montreal is the plaintiff, the
note being its property. It appears
that there has been friction between
the Liverpool Company and the Cana.
dian firm before, and that a suit irt
connection with another matter is
nOW pending.
Newspaper Bargains.
) We want te inereaae our aubserintiott
1 nat, and make the thlioWing liberal offer.
I th new enbeeriberav,--
1. The Clinton NeW Era trent now 250
to let of &moan'', 190/. for ,,,,;•
o The ITO* e'ra anti Woad,v Globe gel
1 'to 1St Of January, loos, tor ... %owe
i •
0 The New Era aid 'remote Sun,
/ Weokly. to 104.110907, for .... 60c
.: The Xew Ora end raninellereld g 00
1 Wis* et Niiicariv, *07, for...".
0 fittbsoribe at once, end get tee eat bene -
I et of this eir*rgash mast otheenthanY 1
1 each subscription.
Leadeahe a•
Noras.-Mr. 1. B. Robertson, of At-
wood, formerly of Oakland, Cal, visit --
ed at Mr. Geo. Brogdens a couple of
days last week. Miss -Ozzie Whitley
bits returned after visiting friends in
London. Mrs, Wre, Itiley.spent a few
days with her daughter, Mrs. Brad.
;:eaf'Dulagall'Onnalnat-whale. Mee
Irene Cockerline, of Detroit, called
on friends in the.village one day last
week. Rey. Mr. Weight. of Kingston,
occupied the 'pulpits of Burns and
Knox churehes last Sunday he is ea
sewing the congreelatioes for assis-
tance for Queen's College, Mr Robin-
son has painted his. lionise. Mrs.. L.
Crampton, of Lapeen, Mich„ was a
guest at R. Adams' over Sunday. Mrs.
D. W. Boyd, after spending severed
weeks visiting her parents, returned
to Chicago on Wednesday,- Mr. Riley,
sr., looks after the statute labor pt the.
village this' year. Mr. McKay has
started at the McCool bridge, but is
delaysielsbyeehe lack of cement.
tiaaa Mit. Eudora-- Some short
time ago some person complainedabout
the floor of • the abed in commotion:
with the Methodist church here If
the person meant to And fault with
the trustees he is very unfair,. as they
have provided a good shed, wah good
doors, and it is their desire that the
doors should be closed when the shed
is not in use. Thor' are a great many
who drive into the shed, both in the
daytime and at night, and go away
leaving the doors open, and of course
the cows go in. The cows do not belong
to the traeitetakeePatet .HiSeTe Plaistenn. •
• Brueetield • • .
NOTES.—Nell Ross left last week for
Calgary. Duncan McTavish has cora-
menced a livery and drily ,business in
Calgary with Robert Beatty, formerly
of Hurriston. Miss Bertha Merk, of
Exeter, is the guest of her cousin, Miss'
Lang, The Sunday School picnic was
held.at Bayfield yesterday -Thursday.
There will be a lecture in the Metho-
dist church to -night ; a collection will
be taken up. Parnaers are busy at, the
wheat harvest now. The Sons of
Temperance held their halfenonthla
meeting on Thursday evening, July 19;
although it is it busy time, a goodly
number of the pfficers end members
were present; next meeting on Aug. 2.
A number of fine automobiles passed
through- our -village - this week.- A -
number from here took in the excur-
sian to Kincardine to -day. • '
NOT COMING. EAST. — A couple Of
weeks ago it was mentioned that /.1 for-
mer resident of this place was coining
east. The following shows that she
has changed her plans: - Miss Alice
Hurl brut, of Portland, Oregon, daugh-
ter of Dr. Iludburt, Mitchely,' will no
coine east to take the principalship of
Alma Ladies' College, St, '}homas, as
WAS expected. Miss llfuriburt accepted
the position, but owing to an import-
anteyent about to fake place she has
declined the offer and postponed her
trip to Ontario. The y_oung lacly will
visit her parents Mitchell in the
autunine when she purposes spending
bee honeymoon a,naong friends. .
• • - 1491filesville
• OROANIEED —The boys of our village
have at last organized their 'Associa-
tion Football Club on, Friday hist:
The officers for the present term aim: -
captain,. E. Badour'manager, J.
Badour; treasurer, G. Maim ; manage
;mut committee, II. Williame, H.
Badour, H. Osbaldeston (curator). The
boys assiduously apply themselves to
practice and there -es. no doubt, but
that when the season will have ter-
minated, they will have maintained
the unsullied record of last year's team.
A game may be expected soon.
SnooTiwo.-A friendly match took
triode on the Kohnesville Rifle Range
between what is known as the Goder-
ich Tp. Association and Hohnesville
Association, the following is the scores
made, being six shots in favor of
200 ycle total MO yds total
.G. Laithwaite a 3 4 2 2 el4 2333 2-13
G. Bell ..... 5 4 4 3 3-19 0 2 5 2 2-11
Prouse....3 5 5 4 3 -20 4 2 2 5 3 -16
JNewcombejr5 3 44 3-10 2 5 5 2 4 -18
G. Porter .... 3 3 2 2 4-14 0 0 2 2 5- 9
JNevecorabesr2 3 4:34-16 232 54-16
I. Johnston -0 3 3 4 4-14 2 2 5 5 5-19
• • 116 • ' 102
Hozatigovngg • •
Sohnston 435- 44-20 222 52-.13
A. Wilscm,...4 3 5 42-18' 3 0 4 2 3-12
S. Ford 2222-11 23 2 4 4-10
A. Bedour. 4 2 3 4 3-16 4 4 2 5 4-19
J enkins.43 43 04-14 3 4 0 4 2-18
11. Tebbutt5 5 4 3 3-20 4453 4-20
OB. Forester -8 4 4 4 4 -.-19 2 4 2 3 2-18
Noergs.-Rey, Mr. Phillips peeftetied
an excellent sermon on Sunday evenv
ing last in the Methodist church, and
these who earne out through the rain
were delighted to hear him and those
who weren't there inissed a treat.
Rev. Mr, Barlow (Missionary under
Forward,dloverrient Epworth League)
is expected to prea.elt next Sunday,
night, and will also give an address
the Monday night following to the
League. Mrs. Crowe and daughter, of
Guelph, are' visiting at the parsonage,
MTS. Crowe is a sister-italaw, of Mrs.
Bev. Swann. Our Butter Factory is,
doing well, one day recently Mr. Boas
made over 1000 lbs of butter ; the buy-
ers state the -shipment WAS equal in
quality to any Ontario butter of this
season ; we understand the patrons
received. 21c per lb for butter fat in
their latest payment ; haven't heard
that Factory whistle yet -it would
'aeon more like business. Several
farmers are drawing their fell wheat
into the bah and report good sample,
We don't hear anything about that
Telephone line now ; could hot the
Helmesville Cheese &Butter Co.. Work
a, private line to a good profit they
succeed in what they undertake.
Cherries are a plentiful crop, and are
still being shipped from Canadian F..x.
press Office hero; between 800 and 900
baskets having been, sent frone Holmes-,
villa station thia season, and priceer
ranging from IsIg to $1.25 per basket,
we bear, hes Man received. Olifiton
Ontario St, Sunday Sehool,spent Tues-
day last at the river eejoyiug its bean=
tiful scenery and hosting facilities.
Deers are seen frequently passing
through our streets with camping out-
fits, same going to the lake. s
There peesed away on Tuesday eaett-
ing at the home of Mr. sT, A. Morton.
Whaghtsm 1V1rs. Eike Ann Woods
mother of Mrs. Mortori at the ad!
vented age Of 86 yodel 1 Month and
5 days,
. . ... .
' 1
The New Era from now
till the 3Ist Dec., 1906, for
Twentyattive eents. UOVe
quickiy, if you want a bargain.
stypsammiox t
L1 00 tar rear, in savage*
t 5Q wheel oor so pswid.
New PesTort -Rev Mr. Hinde, the
new pastor of the Episcopal Church,
teak hie pulpit last Sunday for the
lint time, and is likely to prove a most
aeceptable addition to the pastorate of
the village, Before leaving elus last
field of Iebor he was the recipient of a
eeent andearcbtresee-fronrethe Indo.
pendent Ceder of poresters, of which
he is a member.
No'rEs,--The concert arrived at by
the Presbyterians, was the usual grand
success, as Bayfielel is usually possessed
of the best of musical talent during
midsummer, and as a rule thelair ones
are very liberal with their voices to
help in church rnatters. Mrs, Robert
Hail has returned to her home io
Toledo, Ohio, after spending a few
pleasant weeks in our little resod.
Mr. treland, of Clinton, has rented the
slimmer cottage of Mrs. }ludic for the
summer,for the pleesure of his ,wife
and family. Visitors of Baytield stilt
continue to ask, what is to be done
with the new bridge ? but all we can
say is, weelon't know, and as forget,
who the county connalIors are, we
really can't find out the news to tali
thein t we weutel like if the County
Councilors would wake up and tell us.,
who they ara so that eve . might ask
about the new bridge.
grove is now the recognized picnic and
camping grouhd for all this section.
Thousands; of people, picnic bere, and
some accommodation has been made
for therm in the way of tables and'
pet at trifling expense some
other iiriprovenienW-iiiialeabie meele-
that Would, be appreciated by visitors.
There is not a . swing in the vrhote-
grove, neither is there a. bathing house
along the lake shore. Mr. Jewett, who.
usually anticipates the wants of the
people, ,shohld see that both tbese
wants are. supplied,' A couple of bath-
ing houses Wollid provide. privaey in
dressing, and would be an adeitibual
ieducement for visitors.
Porter's 111111
NoTES,— Alr. and Mrs, -Wm. Pickard,
of Illinois, Ohio, are visiting the for-
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Pick-
ard. Mrs, Hewitt arid ehildren. Strat-
ford, are visiting at David Cox's. Miss
Sarah J. Cox returned to her borne in
Stratford_cmTuesclaYeeNiebet Newton
going back with her for a :visit. Mrs.
0 W. Potter and daughter left on
Wednesday for Currie's arossinee
where they will 'spend.. a couple of
weeks. Mtn Newton had the misfor-
tune to. toga a horse on Monday ; while
running in the field it plipped and broke
016111re:1r' onncl $11uandd:1-ty° bm: , Rev: Mt
give a lecture in the afternoon at 3..
and Rev. Mr. Barlow, of Toronto, is to
Kerr, of Clinton, preaches at Bethel
Local Sporting Hattori',
.LA.0RossE .
Secretary Hall of the C. L. A. re-
ceived three protests en Monday,
Clarksburg has proteated Stayner in
thgainior series. In the intermediate
series Seaforth has two grievances, one
with Kincardine and the other with
Wiaghanci, • •
A week ago the Kiecireline laapers
said that "no attention would be paid
to. the protest entered by Clinton
against the Ki ncardin e-Clin ton match. "
Well, the 0, L. A. paid sufficient atten-
tient° it to declare that Clinton's pro-
test was not only valid, but that the
game, which had nreviously been giv-
en to.Kincar line, should be credited to
Clinton. This places Clinton second
in the district, the team here having
lest two and won three games.
A match this (Friday) afternOoreat
6410, between Clinton and Wingham,
promises to be an exciting- gable. It
is•Wingham's Civic Hensley. and the
boys of that town are coming down in
three to root for their team, so that ILtI
exciting time is anticipated. The
genie gives Clinton , it (Mabee to tie for
the Distriet.-
Speakink of the 'recent game in Sea -
forth, the News says : "Clinton has a ,
strong, well-balanced team, and they
play good, fast lacrosse ; in fact, as
one spectator jetzt it, "after seeing that
team play it is not hard to figure out
why the Beavers did not win in Clin-
ton." Mr. Ben Gibbing/ of Clinton,
was All impartialxeferee. The visitors
were without the services of McKin-
non, one of their best defence men,
(and if he' plays lacrosse as well AS he
does football' they may well regret his
absence), and claim that with' him on
band to hold the main rope their bal-
loon would never have got away"
Gonarrzon-Cenveme GAME A. Tzg. •
Thursday last the sehedule game be-
tween Goderich and Clinton was played
here.. Owing to the Absence of several
focal players, it would not ha,ve been a
surprise had, Goderreh won the game,
Mit their "shooting" capacity was
lacking, and the game broke even,
nothing all. The goal referee at the
Clinton end Imports one goal, but as
the referee does not ehoose to count
the same, the score reznains as above,
to be played off on neutral grounds at
the end of the series. Turnbull, Of
Goderich, refereed the game.
Won Lost -To play
oGioindteonch I 5 2
13 2 s 3
Seaforth ... , 4 -3 1
VVinghem 5 I 2
Kincardine 1 3 ' 4
Three rinks of Clinton bowlers are
at London this a eeke playing in the
tournament; the skips are W. J ack-
son, R. Agnew and W. P. Spaulding,
Only one • rink from Goderieh Went
down. A. special Oar was provided for
them on the London' train,
The Clintonians were not winners
this yeata although Dr. Agnew was in
the consolation at latest reports.
Among its notes of the Bowling
tournanient, the London Advertiser
says :-Bill,- Jackson, oe Clinton, one
of the best that is, took up a collection
for Dick Sparrowhawke the caretaker,
and a tidy SUM was realized. Dickwas
tickled to death, and, Was most profuse
in his thanks to his frendre who, by
the way, never forget him,
Terry Tillrentrin and his bunch took a
tumble from the trophy series at the
hands of Spaulding, of Clinton, Dilly
Jackson's town turns out scone good
bowled as veal as some good fellows,
-----seeseeeeemeas •
The NEW nitA gives the home news.
. tor SPR 8Y1 N
1. •
R. P. Reekie s
eLisTeiv, oNT
N, B.—International
Oarnefac and Prats Poul-
try foods.
The Faith_im
We have faith and confl.
dence in our business. Ever
since our introduction to it,
we have' been preparing to
conduct a first-class business.
Our hopes have been realiz-
ed, and we add to our faith,
hope, energy geed •- will,
ability and honesty..
This week's advancement
consists of a well selected
stock of a Colgate's"' goods,
imported direct from New
York, consisting of Per-
fumes, Talcum Powders,
Sachet Powder's, Tooth Pow-
der, Slia-eeifg'-Saaps , and
Toilet Soaps. •
'We buy the best , for you.
S.- e • ?hal. B.
Organ'Factory Changes -
Asanneunced elsewhere,. W. Doher-
ty & Oo., Florio •Si Organ Manufactute
ers, Clinton. 044 have appointecLIVIree
Feed .7. Hill manager cif their extensive
business. Mr. Hill, while a compara-
tive stranger to the musical world, has
yet an extensive knowledge of its re.
quireintrits. For some years, while
serving with the above firm in the cap-
achy- of book-keeper and banker, he
has had abundant opportueity to em-
ploy his talents to great advantage in •
search of successful methods for the
manufacture and saleof its oetput.
Piano and organ dealers Who have
come in contact with Mr. Hill in his
former capacity veill recall the come ,
tesy and skill with which their wants •
were attended to, and will predict a .
successful future for him in his new. .
capacity.. . • •
Mr. H, B. Chazit assumes' the clutted
•of Mechanical Superintendent. He has
been in charge of various branches of
the experkwork of - Mr. Doherty's fac-
tory .alinost, since its establishment in
1875, and possesses an exceptionally in-
tricate knowledge of the maitufactar-
ing process, and undertakes a:work
for which he is highly qualified. • - .
It is confidently expected that Mr.
DpherWS new appointments. will be
prod adive of excellent. results.
Thos Archibald; of 3LcKilitp,-
recently sold to Mr. Normen Kernag-
ham of 13emniller, a two yelv old finy
tor which he received the handsome
-sure. of $200...
offers better opportunities for advance.
ment than any other brad e or.
are • guaranteed all our graduates
Ibis. t ,epartmeitott; :o um: .ding they
go to Western Canada.
Telegraphic StUdents are taught Tylle-
*Thong, Pennlanship, Business Corres-
pondence, Spelling, Calm Praetice, ete-
--Write tor partieulars to--
Moisons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital Paid up $31000,000
Reserve Pund,- $3,000,000
Total Assets $30 0006000
SAVE itatat DoLLAgs
by depositing in our Sayings
13ank, It does not require &large
amount to begin with. We pay
3 per tent interest on amounts of
$1 and upwards. Better begin
00W -deposit what you Can spare
asitdd to It vehenevere possible.
We will Welceine iyour ateMint,
!Rage or small.
A general Ranking business
C. E. DowDiN6,