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ROBT, 1.101,tiES,
Editor. and Proprietor
. .
The thinton Oeliv Etta
FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1906.
s _ -
To the Liberals Of South Huron.
Only because we are interested in.
the welfare of the Liberal party, do we
presume to offer any advice to our
,frstds in the South Riding. s
e •
. It is well known that in Fedalpoi
iticeamatters are not in a desitable
L;;S;eeteshipe in this eiding. Dissentious have
. Prevailed for some•tline that have nal•-
• itated against the success of the party,
ee.' 'Theta are personal divisions that, must
• b. healee up before our Liberal friends
can hope to be successful in the forth -
Y. . coming election. We do not propose
• to exprees any opinion whatever as to
te, the merits or .denterits of the particu-
lar matters that havecaused trouble.
!ea., It is sufficient to know thatthey exist,
eS; and in our opinion steps should be
t•iken at an early day to heal the
a breach.
Our advice is that a general meetin-g
or convention be called for the express
purpose of having a heart-to-heart
talk on reoonciliation of _ all person
• concerned. This should be`done at as
early a day as possible, because if left
until the eve of an election, the breach
te. 13 not likely to be healed.
47 We may be told that the breach is
too.serious to be easily healed up, but
we do not believe, anything of the
la; • kind. If.that were true it would mean
eta, that the party intended to keep up its -
ete factions for alraiine to come. Thie
would simply be political disaster, and
woreld indicate a spirit that we do not.
believe prevails to any large extent.
. We may be wrong, but it otcurs to
7. u; that the only feasible sPlution of the
• d• ifficulty is for our friends to Ineee, as
suggested, thresh out all the grievances
that exist, no matter what they are,
bury the hatchet of disunion and hos-
tility, and, united as they were in bye
gone days, go. forward to battle and to
• Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy
• when used fa:thfull y, will reach chronic
and difficult cases heretofore regarded
ael, as incurableby physicians and is the
eatetnost reliable prescription known to
olean out and completely remove every
ittyirestige of rheumatic poison from the
blood. Sold by W.S.R. Holmes,
The Toronto Mail and Empire says:
"It is true the issue (tariff and imperial
(t preference) was not prominent in the
t -
British general elections." Great
a Scott! Probably the Mail thinks the
• electtion was fought on the shape of
s•,, plug hats or the style of wearing
• monocles,
The report that E. A. Little, M. 1'. P.
for Cardwell, has been appointed Reg-
• istrar for Sinecoe will perhaps surprise
those who remember his declaim, ions
e. against the appointment of members
.•; • of Parliament to offices and the Prern-
,,t ter s declaration of 'principle" against
Se each a practice. But they'll get used
to such surprises. Beattie Nesbitt and
• E. A. Little have got their pricie•
, The great growth lnthe iron and
steel industry in Canada is made evict;
.,!at' by the figures of t he bounty paid
...on the product. in 1807 the bounty
to iron makers was $67,328 arid to steel
.:ettakers $17,360, or a total of less than
,e1085,000, whereas for eleven months of
the fiscal year just ended the , iron in-
', dustry drew $024,181, arid the, steel in-
ilitstry $839,391, or a total of $1,402,782
-.say $132 800 a month, against about
07,065a month in 1807 -an increase cif
t well on to twenty -fold in the ten years.
The representatives of the Lord's
Pay Bill in its progress through Porno,-
nlent, make no secret of their eipinion
that the law as passed is undoubtedly
iro linportant Crain. They give un -
Stinted praise to Sir Wilfrid Laurier
• atidto the Govertimeot for the mannet
in which the measure teas carried
through. They aeknowledge alsothe
leading Part that the Minister of
alletiee discharged, and one of the
ItOrcre Day representatives said he
bad no hesrtation in expressing his
satisfaction with the bill as far as it
Went. Ile was convinced the Govern.
went earried out all that was possible
i6 carry. Airy 'Weak n esfdirth at" ex,
perietice slIeWs cab he imPrOVed itt
,431140ing sessions,
Light WheatCrop
"The world's wheat crop this ye
will he at least from 200,000,000 to MO.
000,000 bushels less than loot yeat'."
;; YOU q411 Study With Profit
the estimate Made by R. R. Bobell,
ed HoW few tootles that twenty -ate per
pent Of ell disesse has its origin in Nome
manager of the foreign department
the Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limit
who nas just returned from a tw
months' trip abroad in the interests
his company.
Referring to Europeaij crop cond
of utterterenoe with tbe funetron of Molina.
. The whole body Wow by ram's of tag
tions, Mr. Dobell stated that the
showed very mixed prospects. Win
several ikupoptaitto countries .veou
have better yields than last year, eue
largo prodncers tie Russia and Rome
nia would show very much reduce
crops, comparing them with last yea
India was estimated as only likely t
ship 40,000,000 bushels of wheat, o
about half her last year's export figure
rant ninon of dyads through its compon.
le eat parts.
; lip to a certain point the body hos pow.
e or to object to destructive elenmete, hat
a", • Olio power is
,with wastes owl poisons which it can't
4 When it heppone tbet the body is boded
" eliminate fermentation decay, and germ
0 ' '
life ran riot through the blood,
eletioneillneee is the result redeye nature
is assisted by clatnehag tonto like Dr.
sun ton s Ville, winch are purely ',eget-
Able, contein no mercury, no bismuth, no
injarioue metellio ingredients ot Any kind.
ideoh a medicine is the greateat poseibte
assurance to every roan and woman of
healtb, spirits and contentment.
Greed results Are achieved, bea famous
cures nude every day by Dr. atamiltee'e
Pills, as this letter proves.
From; Nowtotinaland, Mise Lillian
Anthony, of Upper Gullies. Conception
Bay, writes: "In prate° of Dr. Hamilton's
As India's wheat ex ort fortes a iarg
proportion of Great Brjttiiis mill eine.
ply, the shortage will be felt severely,
consequently it liberal quantity will
have to be garnered elsewhere in order
to make up the deficiency. ,
"With reepeet to Russia,' added alte
Dobell, "the reports, as is natural
with so vest a. couotry, are varies,
While in Britain I saw reports from
the,..Va ol districts, saying the seed
had failed to germinate, which forr.
shad ws that suffering ana famine i
this sectiiii will be rathpant. I
southwestern Russia harvesting is re
ported to be progressing under favot.
able conditions, and the prospect
point to good crepe'
Wbile ridiculed by many, he. state
that the belief, however? WAS'enter
tained by conservative peeeile that th
possibilite- isxisted of the 1ussian-0ov
ernrnent prehibiting the export of
wheat, especially lathe sufferings from
famine . reached an acute stake. In
any case the crops en the southeast,
east andscentre of • Russia would show
a very serious falang 'if) froni those of
recent years, In Roumanie the crop.
is estimated at fully 40 per cent under
that of last year. .
It was theretore qeite evident that
Anierica would be name the dictator
of prices than had been • the mese in
most recent emus.
GeraianY. Mr. Dobell twoceeded to
sly, would likely garner an excellent
crop, and considerably in excess of last
year, the •production having received
an iMpetus by increased &ides levied
o , protect the agricultural classes,
From Spain, which country suffered so
severely last year frem had crops,
came reports to the effect that.the out-
look was excellent, and both France
and Italy were •expeeted to aaryest
crops at tleast equal to those of last
year. .
"It is also worthy of note," he said,
"that thetquality of wheat now com-
ing from the Argentine Republic does
not give the same satisfaction as in
previous years. ' ... - • • • '' '
"These were the. conditiens preVail-
ing in Europe when I left, yet I notice
that e severe hailstorna has nisepassed
over Spain, a,nd the optimistic reports
from that coinitrY may have to be
modified. On the whole; I should say
that the world's wheat crop this year
11heet least from .200,000;000 tee:250a
be0,000 beshels less:than last year.' • .
He • likeiviee 'observed that stocks
generilly of ' veheat and flour in •the
foreign market were light, nand the gen-
eral opinion was that 'higher peeve
were ligely te rule in the neer franre.
"What Murat the British Isles'," he
was asked. , - ' • •
. e e
"The crepe ire Geeit Britain ,'are.a'.
. . ..
goo, ever:tee.. said .he. "Public sen.:.
hee'ntst.tfee.rdiataiaiada ie bxcesairiese
Pills 1 must say that I have used thent
with plead sums for three ware They
never fell to ogre me 02 indigOOtiOn Or co
etipetion. Formerly my face was full of
pimples, cow my complexion is clear
.1. and ruddy. In more ways titan I care to
rogiation have Dr. Hamilton's Pills belPecl
me ; theemoule be good for very woman
to use
, •
Insist on having only Dr. Hamilton's
Pale, 250 per box or Aye boxes far $1 03 at
all deeleks, or by mait-from-N: Potecm
& 0o,, Hartford, Conn., 'U. S, A , or King -
sten, One
taN amble, and thedispesitioe is gen-
eral to turn. &I passible business in
Utis direction.? . •
You catch it little cold to -day, by tce
morrow it bas reached: the throat,
next day the lungs are affected, and
you wish you had used 'Catiterhozone'
which kills Colas in five minutes. In
the first pjace Catarrhozone soothes
the irritated 'm-enabranes and relieves
congestion, then it cuts out the
phlegm and destroys the germs. It
enables the blood to retain a natural,
supply of oxygen, lung -food andvitality.
In any cough, bronchitis or lung affect
tion, it's guaranteed to positively cure.
Decline any su bsti tute foreaterhozone.
. .
• . .
De. Seeth, the nese. Supciintendent
of Education, is reported to have stat-
ed in Woodstock thet when the three
new Normal Schoole are opered1 it is
proposed to abolish the present junior
teachers examination from the high.
school course and havethe non.profes
r. .
s' nal as well as professional examine-
tigi, of teachers' at the Oak of the
No mat school. course, The •Work of
the N,ormal schools would. thus be aca-
demic as well •as pedagogical. If adopt-
ed, this will simplify the curriculum
for high schools. . , .
There is just now a, great deel of
puffery of New Zeeland, and some
enthusiasts refer to it as '.;(3-oe's oven
coentry," Now we don't like that -tell
the expression is intended to indicate
that New Zealand is the one speeially
favored la,nd. Canada has a first claim'
to that title, and even if it has net a
PettAa-4eilt.,9f.C3,5P a head, Ake
'..ealand, it can show more of freedom
Iand plenty- and happiness and hope
than half a dozen such little garden
plots for socialistic experimeetaticm.
• air
Ran Awa
Don't have a falling out with
your hair,. it might leave you!
Then what P 'Mat would mean
thin, scraggly, uneven; rough
hair. Keep your hair at home!
.Ftaten it tightly to yod.scalpi
You can easily do it ivith Ayer's
Hair Vigor. It is something
more Than a simple hair tress -
Mg. It is hair medicine, a
hair tonic, a hair food.
thA beet itied of a tostimonita-
"soldor tover reetty yeare."
xetitio by a. 0. Ayer 0o., totesila Mem
otionvinittaotursts or
Acws Notes
David W. Lowe, brakeman, fell off a.
car at Orangeville and was tun over
and killed. .
For the second time the Canadians
have won the Eolapore Cup at Bailey,
the highest prize in the British domain,
Edward Hanlon, the veteran oars.
man, will be appointed deputy harbor.
master of Toronto at a eatery of $1,800.
Central Presbyterian Church of
Hanailton exteedecl a call to Rev. W,
IL Sedgwiek of Charlottetown. P.. E.
1., to becomeassistant pastor to Rev.
Pr. Lyle,
Twelve clergymen have been nomin-
ated for • the position of coadjutor
Bishop of Fredericton, N. B., an ap-
pointment rendered necessary by Bis-
hop Kingdon's illness. .
Five . little minutes are all the time
Perry Davie' Painkiller needs to stop a
knomashaohe, even when it 63 sharp en-
ough to make a strontentan man. Don't
51 fooled by iinitatione. 25o and 50o.
The Government has decided to lo-
cate,four new norhial sehools,, at Pet.
erboro, Hamilton, Stratford and North
Bay, Provided a proper site in eaeh•
case is furnished by the municipelity.
Fogr niembers of the army service
amps Who were arrested et Halifax
Jest week for refesing to go to work
when orderedare to be court-martial-
ed shortly. The charges, it is under-
stood, will be mutiny.
It has: *caused more laughs and dried
more tears, wiped away dis&ses and.
•thave.a..awaiy.itiore feacsantin any other
"tnedlciee' the " wei,lcrea-
Reeky Mountain Tea. .015, create.. Tea
or Tablets. Ask your druggist,
A deputation aliquot* mea waited
on on. I e, Anna, Tuesday, asking
that licenses be !given waiting the re:
sult of the appeal against the quashing
of the local option by-law. It is ex-
pected the appeal wilt be heard in Sept-
ember or October. .
N. B. Truth; St. Paul, June 31, 'Oa--
I've lived so lortg. I' remember well
when the Mississippi 'Was beciok. My
good health and bong life came by tak-
ng Elollister's Rocky 1VIountain Tea.
35 cents. Ask your druggist.
Not „Strictly Local, but Closely
Akin Thereto
There are two ways of getting into it
neovspaper -"purchasing an interest
and jurehasing an
.te ." Theve
is sail another way -pulling the wool
over the editor's em 0.114 getting in
for nothing. This is a very populav
form of entry.
A lady here bas found it sure cure
euro far broken dishes. If the dieh to
be mended can be tied together with
0 Stout String, then place it in boiling '
intik and bit one hour, you can never
tell the dish had been broken and it
can afterwards be put in boiling water
,without the pieces coming apart. This
experinaent has been flied and proven
and many are the broken dishes which
are now -ns good as new.
A. schoolmaster once said to his
pupils that the boy tviinwould make the
best piece of composition in five min-
utes on "How to Overcome Habit" he
would give a prize. When t he five
minutes had expired a lad id. nine
years stood up and said ; "Well, sir,
habit is hard to ,overcome, If you take
of the fleet letter it does not change it
If you take off another letter
you still have d 'bit' left. If you take
ell still another, tbe whole of 'it' re.
Mains. If you take off another it is
not totally used up; all of which goes
to show that L you, want to get rid of
hebit you lutist threw it offaltege'la\era•
liesutt -He won it.
If You' know of an atena or a piece of
news, tell us about it. That's. %lend we
scant; Bet a, 'newspaper man. some-
times experiences more difficultv. in
gathering news then one would
Tide was the case vhen a, re.
portee neighboring towin ,who,
few days ago was sent to write up a
fire in a residenee. 'Going to the door
he inquired for the lady of the house.
The maid said she was out. "Are any
of the family at how ?" inquired the
scribe. "No, they are all out," was
the reply. 'Well,
wasn't there it fire
here last evening e" "Yes," said the
hired girl, "but that's out too." .
".Keep it out of the paper" is the cry
vvhich the local newspaper publishei,
daily hears. To oblige often casts
considerable, though the party who
makes the request thinks the granting
scarcely worth saying "thank you"for.
A newspaper is it peculiar thing in the
public's . eye. The news getheree is
stormed at beCause he gets hole of one
item and is abused because he does not
get another. Young men, and biter(
young women, as well as older persons
perform acts which becorne legitimeee
items for publication and then rush to
the newspaper office and beg theeditor
pot to notice their escapades. The
next day they condemn the same paper
for not having published anothee
party doing the same thing they were
guilty of, forgetting apparently. their
late visit to the printing office.
The body needs Patching - waked
tissues must be rebeat, played - (alt;
Owens restored - blood needs extra
nourishment. Elderly people need Fee.
rozone-need it because it vitalizes and
rejuvenates as net other remedy can.
1 errozne o . builds up that kind of
strength that makes one feel gQoa --
keeps back the decay of old .ttge, and
.inekes Yeti look young and handsome
again. • .Forget nervous exhaustion, -
......:eeemeatetour vital energyeagein Ite.-eil ter
the •life Of youthYopr retnedy is Fee-
icioezaolehres...only fifty cents per box at all
A telegram from •liantouver says,:
. b officers in Charge ot the operation
of the ijafilfie division of the Canadian
Pacific Railway, being that portion of
the line between the Rocky Mountains
and the Pacific coast, are able to say
that clueing the twenty yeats since the
line was opened.. for pa,ssenger traffic;
they have not been required to tecord.
the death of a siegle is
by ae-
cident to it train. It es 'doubtful if this
can be said of any similar section of
railway in the world: •
They Mean: It
No one should suffer a moment longer
witb Piles; for Dr. Lionhardt's HeireRoid
will cure any ease.
A guarantee for $1,000 goee with every
package of the Hem-Roid. •
No matter what kind you have, Blind,
Bleeding, Internal, External. Itching or
Snetturating, Dr, Lsonhards's teem-Roid
will ours you. • .
This is a• strong statenient, bre it in sup-
ported by a thousatil testimonials from
those who have been permanently oared
by Etem-Roid.
If you are not cured yon get your money
'hada_ 00 $Lat druggists, or the Wilsan
Go., Pyle o., Limited, Niagara Falls, Out.
Nelson Barnes a well known young
, •
nsiness man of Chicago, is trying to
quit cigarette srnoling to win 050,000.
John M. Barker, of Michigan City;
Ind:, uncle of Mi. Barnes, is said to
have wagered, this . amount with Mi.
Barnes that he could not give up tbe
smoking of cigarettes ; the nephew ac-
cepted'tbe terms, and his friends, Who
have tried in ram to thrust their cig-
arettes on him, are betting on him ta
1V7.:; his speech proroguing the House, .
on Friday, the Gloyeenor-General said :
It ip very gratifying to note that, Can-
adet'eontinues • to enjoy 0. prosperity
lardy equalled in the history of nat-
ions. The volume o2. exports and im-
ports during the year just closed ex-
ceeds that of any previous record. The
revenue also shows a remarkable in-
crease, the receipts on account of the
consolidated fund having doubled in
the lase ten ,yeas. .
° A fox terrier belong to Mr. G. Hunt,
of the(?. Carter, Son (le Co., St, Mrvs,
made a remarkable cross country run
one night last week. Mr. Hunt gave
his canine away to some friends frona
Hamiltong who were visiting Min: The
dog wati taken to Hamilton ote the
train, but next morning it was back in
St. Marys. It had come home from
there during the night. The animal
was wet and muddy, but beside that
was none for its 75 mile run. Of eoutse
Mr Mint will keep the dog no*.
Patrick.Duffy,an Irish youth of fonr.
teen Years, arliyed in Montreala few
days ago, hoping to join his mother,
who had preceded him to this country.
The two, mother and son„ were the
only Hying members of their family,
.attd so tho mother decided to come to
Canada arid prepare the way. That
was five years ago, when her boy was
but nine years old. Not until recently
Was it possible for Patel& to 'eat( hie
rative land, but at last the where.
withal came. The lad arrived hero,
buoyant and full of hope, but hie
mother was not at the place to which
he had been directed. Then Ivgall
search. Traces led to the city morgue,
nd there the boss found the features
hat he.knew so well Awaiting .ide/lfh.
&AM.% 'The wonfail 1111(1 died sud.
ally while at work scrubbing, trying,
o make up for the delate that had
een 'sent to pay ber son'. pamegge. •
I •b
A little Jove, a little wealth,
A little home for you and me;
It's all I ask except good health,.
Which conies with Rooky Moun-
tain Tea. -Ask your druggiet.
Hon Mr Emrnerson intends at an
early date to introducemotor oars on
suburban lines of Government rail-
ways. . ,
And Rouseeleaner's
‘Ifousecleaners 'are here
It's bard workhousecleaning is, and
disagreeableThe quickest way that it
can be &tie taknai Ran( enough; gOodneos
knows, too long, and the easiest way is
too hard. We have for some time tried
labor lightencys. The boot they can do is
only a help, of course, but It's harder
'without them, Can we assist you, with
any of the following?
Richard's Pure Soap
Sweet Horne
. Gold Dust
Soap Chips
Household Ammonia, Sc a pack.
We sell every kind of a broom and bruoll
that is made.
Our Special S mum yr TAtitii
should interest viiiry- teat:Eel' and
every scholar who is anxious to suc-
ceed, and who does not want to.
waste 10 or 12 weeks in a, holiday.
Write es for particulars.
ON'I'AR 10 .
Fire Investigatioit.
At the request of the Howick Fem-
me' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., an in-
vestigation was held inBrussels on the
10th inst., before jno: Leckie, T. P.ias
to the origin or cause of a fire wbiiela
took place on the eth day of May last,
by which two barns situated. on the
East half of Lot 2J, in the 12th conces-
sion of McKillop, owned respectively
by Alfred Hewitt aud Vin. Hudi were
totally destroyed.' The fire,which was
shown to be of incendiary origin) took
place while the owner of the farm, Al-
fred Hewitt and his wife were attend-
ing servicein_theel3ethel Dhurchtebout
7,80 in the evening. One ofthebarns
had been purchased by Mr. Hudie, and
was intended to beremoved to his oWn
land, being the West half of the lot,
and fitted up wieh stabling aha other
huproventents. Theimilding was in-
sured for $500 and the insurance was
Oleo ed as if these imprOventents had
been made, and the building had been
actunily removed. The propertylon_
which ihe building stood , at the t
of the application for insurance was
mortgaged to one Joseph Sproat, of
egtoudvillelor $1.000,bet in some un-
eXplaihed manner; both applicants
stated in their applications that there
was no encumbrance upon the lands.
Other material facts were also mis-
statedland in the face of the sotnevvhat
suspicious circumstances surrounding
tbe fire, the Company decided that an
investigation should be held and every
effort made to get at the facts in con-
nection. The .tollowing Witnesses ap-
peared and were examined in the mat-
ter :- Alfred Hewitt, Maude 'Hewitt,
his wife, Wm. Hudi, Isaac' McGavin
John Balfour,. James Fulton. Sarah
Hewitt and Clarence Hudisafter which
the enquiry was adjourned to see if
any fnrther eaidencecould be precured.
W 51. Bitola/1r, who is the solicitor,
for the Howick Mutual, had charge of
he matter for them, and J.M. Best of
Seatorth, a,ppeerecl for the mortgagee
.rinci Mre. Sarah Hewitt.
• $100 REWARD, 4100
When London,* Ferris Wheel Stopped
St, Louis alynamtted the old ,Ferris
wheel recently and now it is antioune-
ed that at the end of the present sum-
mer London is to destroy its own great
wheel, built on tae order, of the me-
chanical .wonder of the Columbian ex- .
position. It is expected that it wile cost
$50,000 to .destroy the J.ondon. wheel.
The year after it was °betted, the Inns
don wheel received itS biggest advmee
tisement Onenight it maidenly stop-
ped- Sixty passengers were •in the gars
and, as the time went by, messages on
paper game fluttering dovvri •with ap-
peals for food. After a time some sail-
ers were found, Who climbed up the
supports with food anddrink. ' With
this the slaty passengero had to be con-
tent trait 7 o'cloCk the folio -Wing Morn-
_ lag, Ast _compete 4.preSe,titeftePAI .pg4-
Senor With ;25,' and next day the
wheel wits paelred from InOrning till
eight with pdssengers who hoped that
something would again go wrong with
the, works.
Asbestos nod Its Itses
Asbestus ,•Was first mined about a
.• hiindred years aim,. ehiefly as Interests
ing to the geologist •auti .mineralogist
and of little or po commercial valuet
about 1368. it Was first usedeommet.
daffy in the manufactiire Of tooting
felt aud qa.‘nie. Early attenepts to
sein titis Mier were tinsuecesstul, but
the minorities have now been alter -
come, ea that a single asbestus thread
weighing riot more then an ounce per
100 yards and having a pretty fair .
• strength may he made, Asadstiut ropes
for fire departments are truide entirely
or asbestim or asbeketils with a core of
steel, With the steel wire cote a three.
mauler ineh rope eurrie.s nearly 2.000
pounclea-feriea go Journal.
• el Amin tied Parcae
111,) /1 t ;t authorities late- 0
1/' }vial r.tret rommitted tO
The readers cf this paper will be
' pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only pesitive cure now known
to . the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitietional diseaseerequires
a. Constitutional tteatmeht.
Catatah (Aire is teken internally, act-
ing directly upon' the blood and muc-
ous surfaces of the, system, thereby
destroying.the foundetion of the dis-
ease and giving the patient strength
by bUilding up the constitution and as-
sisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have eo much ,faith in its
curative petireis that they offer One
Ranched Dollars for any case that it'
faile to cure. :Send for list of testiinon.:
Address la .T. CHENEY & CO„ To-
ledo, 0,
Sold by all druggists, 75e,
,J 0110 G, Herman, a devout lay.
new, has organized the chickens in
the neighborhood of W esley aletho-
dist ,klispcopal Church, near Sykes-
ville, Carroll conicity, Maryland into
issionary socuity to. raise funds. to aid'
the church, .Eacti hen is it lay rnern.
her, so to speak. The farmers of the
neigh hothead haee agreed to give . to
the church tab e s., that their hens
la,y Sunday -ea' hey will be Placed
111 tabiteket at the pulpit every Sunday
Afternoon at the jiour of the Ifhaworth
League meeting,. a,nd Mr. Herman will
stamp each egg with the date on
which it was laid. The following day,
Monday, he will take them to Bathe
armee. IM has agteed to realize two
cents on each egg, no matter what
may be the market Woe, •
Barn tor Sale.
For Kite, a 4 bent barn, 21x40 feet, 16 ft
walks; timber and -lumber sound; Suet the
size f t home or hay bare. Will be sold
Asap, JOHN STIRLING, Clinton,
fltr‘ni pr *Th, ly and Really, for..
‘k• 1,1A des/ ins tier', •
01. 1 abinti Cluerriqttr " '
1,1110(1 to. 4.1 .1 !h.. nelq,bhoring feland
nr :4•1t.1a • .* • v p AS 009411)144
.tr„ 1 t hinintqf itt
tit; .r .41a0a iv) 110' Sent 4L4
A 'rain. wnq ;*$ 'a 01,i/ to biln and 1.melte ,
$tarlf.ta'r (1,!ath•li tit grs Ncitli tarn, /The.
pOstage god was 53 'led
TO11,011:CO, ON.
801..08.010:110.10.0.t.t1213littstie Lublin
fo Business lite College open (11121(0 30111. 010.
acilities are unsurpassed. eOmeresca NOW,
Handsome catalogne free,
nivort. Arm pply on the pretresesor eo LeVI STONG
For a e' or o :eat' PROP EsSIONAL
House -for' Sale 1414.NRY BEATTig
tostemor only ilras Aeon
Wen roam, with woodshed and stable ""*""otaael"TerC74". 13"14.
herd. and soft water, Imo of hunt oeu.
trolly legatee for particulars opply to ottice-Ellioti B1,kJ .000SPiett-
BRYDONE. gr begAtt"
Hose and Lot for Sale 1
For sale a smell home on Rattenbury
ailtgreut reerea,t'ortor Ateprpwlyillitol°Ez.o.B0U96TT' k7inogr,
NEW ERA dhoti Clinton.,
Cottage lor Sale.
The, cottage on Omega St, Adjoining the
property of subscriber is offered for sale on
reasonable Warne. W: 0. SEARLE.
Ale° a couplet:if good brick Stores.
Rouse for Sale
The large cottage on Queen street, lie.
longing to tbe estate of tbe late E. Holmes
is offered for side, The la one.haIf
acre, with bearing fruit. trtes, hard and
soft water, A bargain, Apply at NEW
ERA office. •
Good Rouse for Sale.. 1
Subscriber offers for sale hi a large and
comfortable frame house on Albert Street, i
The house has every convenient% for erti n-
ary '-Good cellar; hard -and -soft
water on the lot; three-quarters-otan sere
of land; bearing fruit tregs, alao good
stable. Will be gold on reasonable terms.
Clinton, Mob- 801b
For Sale or to Tient
Lot 15, Con. 18, Bullett, (150 mores) is
offered for sale or for rent. Possessioet to
be given at the close of , the onrrent year,
For particulars apply to- Wie BRYDONEe
Farms tor Sale
About 850 acres ersaolass land, situated
on the 4th and 5th concessions of Iltillett,
are offered for sale. This le the finest pas -
tura land, without 'exception, in this
neighborhood. For particulars enquire in
the Ant place by mail. Jona %MORD,
Box 586. Itondort.
Farm tor Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 108
scree, being lot 31, 3rd cen. H. R. S. Tuck.
ersmith. All oleaned and under oultivat•
ion except 3 mires ; all but 18 mires in grass
Frame house, bank barn, hay barn, and
other outbuildings. Bearing orchard,
Good Water. Schoolhouse on tbe premises,
6 miles to Seafoath ; less than 5' to
Clintonagooderoads.-- •
WHITFIF,LD °RICOH,' Clinton. ,
. .
Farm tor Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale his farm of
100 acres, being lot 24, Con. 2nd, Stanley,
Ali cleared but 10 acres • Brick lenge,
bank barn 40x80, camera ,silo, 14x80; one
-itortrof otabardiftd_smalrfrultd,.1.2rriinfer-
'ling wells. Driving hong., pig pet, hen
house. Five miles from Clinton andehree
from Lrucefield, on goad gravel roads.
. . Clinton P.O.
Choice Farm !Or Sale
Sabsoriber offers for sale his splendid
farm of 96 sores on the Base Line, being
north part of lot 2, MeutlandBlook, Hullett
Good brick house, barn and all lamasery
outbuildings; 35 sores bash; farm well wa-
tered and in good tiondition. 2 runes from
Auburn,, and one mile from the proposed
C.P.R. station. JOHN SPRUNG, Ab-
bate:I P.O.
For Sale or Rent
A farm of 111 acres of the best -clay
loan, belonging.to Mra. ids Fraser, Goder-
ich, situated on the first con, Goderioh
Township, 7 miles from Goderioh, 9 front
Clinton, and 5 from %yield. Fairly
good buildings, and 2 orchaide. Reason-
able terms. For, further particulars apply
to JAMES COLWELL, Hinoks street,
Goderioh, or Edward Acherion, Goderioh.
Farm tor Sale.
Subsoriber offers for sale his farm of 100
acres, being lot 21, con. 6, Bullett. An
oleared except about one acre, ell seeded
down but about 20 acres. Frame house,
bank bon 860;0. Bearing orchard of on
acre,.Good well, About 5 miles from
Clinton, Apply on theprenrises or address
Clinton -Post Office,
pd 4i . • JAMES TIGHE,
. •
• Farm for Sale
200 acre farrn in Ewa Wawanosh. lois
31-3Ie Con. 2. First-olass soil for grain or
grass. well drained. well fenced, spring
creek runs all year, 15 acres good busk, 2
acres orchard, bank barn 60 x 65 with sta_
blerealteernen trgood sized hay ,Carov large
implement house with pie stables ander,
good sized frame house, kitchen arid wood'
reaSeMtbie 49 owner wanta to retire, H.
shed attached, '2 good welh4 2 milepsot:An-
burn, 6 to Myth, y mile to scbool. Terms
THINsle .Anbtirn• ,
Farm for Sale.
Two hundred arid thirty-five saes, Bit.
atedog Baytield Road, Goderich Tp three.
quarters -of -a -inn° frote Clinton. Soil in
(excellent condition, having beet& all under
grass for five years; splendid grain or grass
land, well Orained„. Five acres hardwood •
laugh and excellent' orchard. One barn,
621(74, with stone stabling for 12 horses
and 85 cattle; one barn, 3Lit 54, with silo
and stabling for 17 cattle. Large imple-
ment house and pig pen; power and pump-
ing windmills; large fame hoose; • two
goal wear! and rannieg water at roar of
farm Arply to MRS, ALEX M
Mat% EN, Clinkni P.O., or Lot 2e, Con
2 Stanley.
e I .
y • • • • • + . • • •
FarIll tor Sale,.
Beinalot 29, Con, 2, 1-1,11.8., Tackersmith
centaining 100 aorta; gooe brick bottle.
. Witla cellar, tWO good barns, stone etebling
underneath; large hen house and implement
shed, 5 oaten hardwood bitsti and 2 *tarot
of firet.elese Prohard. This farm is shun.
ted in the very best locality In the comity,
convenient tO church rind schools, 0 miles
from Seeforth and 5 from (Wilton, With
loadeetavelereltdie- It le in Arateclate ton
l• ditfon. and will be eat cheitp and On rea-
sonable tetras, as proprieter is noble Weet.
touter *t venire rind,Alexiseiter Ste Clinton.
W. BOYDozi E,
PII.04.10, ETC,
RIDOWT 84, 144411-W
OONVIETAMEns, 003009sumn3s,
, Beal alst.ate and Inettranee 'Agent •
. Money to loan
(Mt, RATA, _ 4013:a ElleateT
Drs. Gunn& Gunn, •
.Hr. Gnuo, E. IL E IL (1. 8,,
Dr, .1.1%10001 s.utin,111. IL C. 8, England,
L. It. C. P., Louden,
Office-Ontario•Strecti Clinton, Night cello at
front door of aloe or residence, Itatteebary
41. W, SHAW.
• paystotAx..etuumois •
43ectudienr etc., Mee and reeidenee On
[arid 131,, oppoolto English church, formerly on •
envied by pr. Appleton, Clinton Ont.
.Ctfi Q. 114. TH/CAVIPQ190' •
' • Ph)akturi, atlurgeoe, *
attention given to dioeases of the
.nye, Ear, Throat and NOBe.
- ,'90,1f) and Reoidexiee.
Albert Stree1.2 nitwits .tioritt of itilleninrY
G. W. Nanning Smith, X.
OFFICE -Man Street, Baylield, formerly
occupied by Dr, Pallister:
DR. F. 11.14XON
• • imownwr
(Successor to Dr. Holmes)
'p Se inCrown-and-Brldgc Work-- -•••• - -
Graduate of the Royal:allege of Dental Sur-
geons of Ontario.
Honor graduate of,cniversity of Toronto D.
1a1 Department. o
_ Oraduate.of Chicago College of Dental Surgeoy
Chicago, - •
WM visit Baydeld ever' rafendaY•
Offices over O'NEIL'S store. ,
Special care Wien to make dente tre
ment as maws as poseible. W vi
Auburn every Monday. ,
' • No witneoseo reouired
Iioney • ,
Private flancis,:to loan at 414 per cent and up- *.
W. eitatooNal. •
Licensed AuctiOneer.
Bela a SPecItea
Orders left at the NEW •ERAtwT11 "Vet
. promptly attended to, ..
, Live stock and generat Auctioneer,
Farm stook sales a specialty. orders left at
NEW Ens. mike, Clinton, pronint,ly attended
to. Terms reasonable, Farniers sale notes •
, • .
B. Rumballs Clinton.
•J. P. TIS0/111.:
Private fuads to loan on mortgagee at
beat current ratea
General Banking busineps r tnseciedpa
Interest allowed on deposits.
Bele notes boright
G. D. McTaggart M. D. McTaggart
McTaggart Bros.
Generaltralanasnakeltnega Dusiami
Drafts issued. Interest allowed ob
The McKillop Mutual
.Parni and Isolated Town Prop. °
erty• Only Insured.
J. B. MeLean, President, Kippen; Thos
Eraser'Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thos, LE
Hays, Secy. Treas., .Seafortla
Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill; John
Watt, 11arlock; G. Dale, Clinton. M.
Chesney, Seafoitle J. Evans, Beech.
woon,; j. G. Grieve; Winthrop, I. Bea.
newels, IirOdb Ten.
Each Direct, r is inspector of lessesin
his own locality.
Robe Sunith, Harlock; Ed. Rinchley
. •
Seaford); jaines Cumming, Egmond.
*vilict J. W. Yee, Holmesville,
. •
- - • COLLEOt -
Is eilligh•grade Commercial School.
Commercial - 'Stenography 3 - TOOgran
N'Vrlic 0E0. SPOTVea, Xrhtcipal
Plato Ttuierl,
the R. C..Churth. ,
DrOp postal card When 104 Want phtn6