HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-13, Page 6• . , Hs au. ........,,_.... d CANADA'S DISTINCTION. 4r Dominion Pewee** Poetic LiteretUrn Of a WholO 4.1 N4Nit Centinetelal SallwaY SYS. THE IWO %MEN OWN'arts nmp . , 0, , . I es Red Rash, Eczema, in fact any 'skin disease, disfigurea the com- plexion becattse the bOWelS are coustipated—or because the kidneys do not rid the Systetn waste -or because the skin itself lenheelthy. ()intuit. lite, salves and soaps are useless. Because the trouble is 'with the Llood. ving to dac efective tion of bowels, - kidneys er skin.. the -blood- beeomes laden in mrities. It is these impure Sties c: eesitel by the blood -that atiake b.4, pimples, and pairtfal, ds -figuring skin diseases. It is because -the trouble is with the bowels, kidneys or skin, that FRUIT-A.-TIVBS Cure these diseases OR "FRVIT LIVER, TARLETO' act directly on the eliminating organs-- oorrect their irregularities -strengthen th eem-and thus clear the skin and make 'the complexion clear and soft.' If you have any skin trouble -or any 'fault wide constipation, liver trouble, „biliousness, headaches, indierestion rheumatism -cure yourself with Fruit- atives. They are made of fruit juice* hand tonics -and never fat to cure, soc.a box or 6 boxes for $2.513. Sent on receipt of price if your •druggist does Inot handle them. .FRDIT-A-TIVE,S n.StIA - • . no UOROORI. - of lemma 'The little village of St. Columb ear, near Newquay, Cornwall, celebrated the ether day. amid great rejoicing., the one-hundredth anniversary of the birth of its parish clerk, Mr. Jamee Carne, The old gentleman, who •lute been clerk of St. Columb since 1,846, waa pulteicly presented by the vicar with an oaken armchair ef old English pat- ient, bearing an Inscription on a silver plate. While the presentation speech was being made old Mr. Carney stood .in the midut of his descendants, many ,of them of the fourth generation. Beireral :speeches were made, and Carne, who appeared to enjoy the proceedings immensely, received heat- dreds of congratulatory messages, le- othading a cablegram from A.merica. For his age Mr. Carne is posseseed el' extraordinary vitality. He is still able to fulfill all his duties, and a week ago he attended the annual vestry meeting, and took an active part in the eproaeedings. The centenarian Is a descendant of the old Cornish kings. His lineage has been tra.ced back to Clemens ap Sle- ek*. of the Cornish royal blood, Who iteurished in the fifth century. • , AU the members of Mr. Carne's taut- ipr hex. been renowned for longevity. Mao grandfather, who died In 1801 at Os age of eighty, was parish clerk of et. Camb efor half a century, and wait illucceeded by his son, who held the pest Sor fifty-four years. 'Borne time' ago a photograph of Mr ,Carna was sent to King Edward. Lord Milner end Governments. Lord Milner, in a recent speech, seed:- Dile is particularly stfrred by the feet -VW from time to time in Party stre3s It is not always possible f ir the than who , has been, or has tried to be, the taithful agent of the Government of hie tilay--it is not alwrys possible for him le he regarded at any rate with equally favorable eyes by another Government .and Parliament. do not think we .abould make too muoh of this. • Per- esonally, I always feel that so far as spraise-or blame Is,coneerned that 'ion erometimes get pralee when you do not .tieserve it and you often get blame ,Then you do no:, deserve. it. ( „i&r-ii"- .and laughter.) Therefore, in My opin- fan, the *teem' thing to do Is to bank flee pralee when you get It, live upon ft when you are in blame, and not pay to much attention to It either way. ,4Laughter and cheers.) Overworked Clergymen. 21. few examples of the way In which 'acme Church of England clergymen are overworked were given,at a Meeting of the Additional Curates' Society. A great :parish in the north of London had only three clergymen for 19,000 persons. A. aparish in Durham diocese had only two •ofergymen for a population of 15,000 ae ; aechtwo Glamorganshire parishes 'with more than 10,000 people in each lad only two ciergymen. EleYond Compare With Sister Store*. t m I 'The Art of Telles Clamart" la 4 closed by "'Armies" in the curre number of °Canade." the new weel dealing with Canadian affairs publis ed In England, as.follows: 'Not One of the 8Ister Statee in t Im great perial League of free and i , depertaent British nations possesses poetic literature (eta be c Pared with that of Careula, either echievernent protnise. Australia h .PrOduceel several rankers of songs an ballads (In which the lime) gallo along like Virit gs 'quadruperlantepi tient sonitu.quatit Ungula eampund but hitherto the wider vision hae bee denied to leer poets, Nov Zealane ha only one poetic! voice, tend -South rice, Is no beam' one In the Frederic ton school of poet e alone tentacle: lut an artistic brotherhood, the like o which hae not exiete.d sintie the devil clenee of the 'Lake Scheor (dwindled in those latter day.% •to the Rev. H. B. Rawnsley, that. machine eor tenting out tiresome sonnets) in. the Mother Country, where the 'poehty of beauty, sincerity, an eletIon,' is out of rash ion for t,he 'time being. Of the Fred ericton poets, Bliss Carrneh, now .tha a. collected edition of his :work iha .,been published ancithe critti•cen Jude. the full extent one vitality of hle ee tual achievement, Must rank as th strongest and •best. Wm s; attbr 1. quieter than his manner, but the fee Infelicities In his technique pees un- noelced in the broadening glow of his npartfelt inspiration, witch, like a pref. n tee fire making its owbreeze, reaps the flie-brakes of the prosodist's 'Com- mandments, and burns at a tench all the fences of conventional practice. "Moreover, In some of his best- known poems-fer- examPle, in. 'Low Tide en Qrande PM,' which begins: • .0 n Canada, Is" The New TOrk World prints the fei- nt lowing Ottawa special: Although there, rlY are some immense pers mat property b' holdings by single inilividuais en this , • continent, yet se eoettesalan itectunula- ne tien ef property and htaln1, withine, n" so comparatively a short time es the 1 c ownership of a whole rranee .ntirtental „" railway system by two men oniy lets 48 at yet no equal.. A new roe:read iterose as ). 0 Careada, practic,dly witheut t 1.0k1t. up - Kidney 1 'Disorders ninny assets. There N ; • Heritage of Grandeur, Are no are rnagnIfleent forests •or pine and New =einem° $10,,,s spruce, whitthe beet terther and respecter Indpwood, and incidentally a large share of the Provincia/ revenue; tire are of e rletzest sneer, Cobalt and Melee Mines in the world; there Is a clay belt Persons- witu 1,000,000 acres of aralee lane on it, will soon be conipleted ana will be owned ,by two InelvIduels. People in every walk of life are troubled. Have you a Backe ',Itch 'If It truly 13th, 1000 LAKE TEMAGAML ---,--- Primeval Beauty Ecenes of Charm and I Wonder Entrance Traveler" 4 Mg the settler; there arts eplenald rivers capable of furnishing great quantitiee of ,electrla power, anti then, besides it all, there is sceneryunrIVale lea and unequalled on the eentinent, vvrItee a special corresponds nt of The Olobe• from Ternaganti, The tee) Canatletne are Willlt•is the first eign that the kidneys are not IVfackenele and. Daniel D. Mann own - posing the then of lWnZi, & elann, It le •possible that its they will helt all the common steels of thee big road, the bonds will all eveeturtlev. be retired. When' it coneni 'red that Mr. Hiles system eares $40,90(),00 per year and the Canaelan Pactfle earns over $50,006,000, it can bo Imagined what a great Ineorne there two inert will be receiving. from a like• source. .say nothing cif their reeelpte, from the 'electric street "'railways which - pay better than any gold mine ever 'operated, t• when, efaekenale ana Mann hegart ti build their read .aeross Canada they e seeured a guaranteeof borate upon eace ^ ' section they conelyucted. Marfitobe ° guaranteed 'their bonds te ex- , tent of $20,000,000; the Domhd In (lo-. ' 1.ernrneet to the .extent of $13,000. per The eurigos down, and beer an: -- These barren.rezehes by the tide Such unelusive.glor3es tall, almost dream they yet will nicle Until tile coming nf the tide, he =keg' eepeeintents in form which are almost uncannily suceessful. In this poem the •effect of the three leng rhyming. syllables (the -third a sheer repetition of the iirst) most felecitous- ly suggests the haunted monotony of the setting of scenery, and the sorrow ever What might have been, which is M the singer's heart.' Perhaps the most insistent note of 'Mr. Carman'e verse is the Passionate love of his na- tive land." •• o141 tor a rn le for 600 miles rrom the Maratobe boundary to Edmonton, A few more links In the great chain aerie's Vhe -con- tinent have' yet to be added and the 'new system nill be c enplete, 1 ' More bonds will be guaranteed, and 1 these, bearing a low rete of Intereei- ( WM .be sold In Loridote for the gear-. antesm'of the Federal or Provinciel (MY- . ernents makes thern gilt-edget).. The 4_ . neeessary-em•oney for cotrepletl3h hus -.../a taesueed. All their roade • Pae atmest frnm tho •time the first train jeans over then, The earnings of the whole coque ted system off the soon pay othe mortgase .against It, and then' thls iiP.ST trane- continental reed •of theusande et miles. And Its feedere woe:ailing in every 01- rection will be owwd wholly and sote- ly by only' two ineivicleale, • _ . . , Capt. • Bernier, Enthesiest.. . Years of unavailine (xi lettvor, eillevee ed by a Parliament:are inveetigailont have not coo/eel the.etithuelitsm of C'ah- :tain Joseph E.• Bern0ier f 'S veyaere to the north -pole. Cap alp add. s ranst.artiPTV.: tulle) - cote for aletitiiirig, her lend rig ht8 in the leolar region, and. as he walk e about the • corrldohs of the. 'Parliamentary Build - :Ings at Ottawa he is, ever. ready' tn He Is Correct Dr Hamilton Proves That Pil Are f aused By. efinslipatia And trong eathartels es emenalate his plans tn.:reach. the male' n by. usIngeriature'e; force)) in a, 'four, Yeats' • drift. , Captain Bernier Comoe Bernier I Can • ' ' Knowing the frequency with wh people suffer fron-i this ailment, Hamilton Made an ekheuStives ste into the cause of Riles. • He found that the lou er pstrt of t bowels is like a network of hipod.v sels; aner'subjected to periiste pressure, a section willIteitge out 4 form what is eornmemly known piles: The only effectiVe' int:it:le of cuff this truuble is the regular use Of D Hamilton's Pills, -Which can be tak before retiring: Next 'day will brin woriderful relief. • "I suffered itp to about the limit hm-nate endurance with piles," NI eit Miss Lueders, from. Cornwall, Ont., Was eniployed in a factory heee, b for a while had to glee up work till got better of this trouble, T read i the Montreal Herald about Dr.', Ham ilton's Pills, and after using them fo two weeks was cured. I can recorn mend these Nils very highlv ; they are none better. They at once reliey and preyent a constipated conditio of the bowels, and from my ek-per ence can be depended upon. RS a per feet safe -guard ragainst, piles. • Dr Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and But ternut, I ean sure, would' be n benefl to every girl or woman." Take Dr. Hamilton's Pills and you system will he regenerated, revitalize and made proof against disease. -Good-for-menreeceellent-for-worrien and most effective for.ettildren,• Al ages and both sexes find Dr. Mimi, ton sPilis a marvelous medicine; 'Al though active tliy do not cause inconvenience, still they eleinse and purify the system, thereby main- taining a high standard of .health Sold by all dealers, 26c per bex, Or five boxes fdr $1.00, or by mail, from N. 0, Poison and Co„ Hartford, Conn., U. ich es- nt nd as ng r. en g. of es ut 4 Y. I" A Smart Woman. "BlIggins' wife thinks he is the smartest- man on reetrthee nnewered Mks Cayenne; "she' =doesn't think so. She merely mnkes anggins think she thinks so." -0,ereTenese ned reieerfnIness, these ...borne before 011 morality; they are the perfect dutles.-fiebect {souls Steven- son. • Rest and Comfort For the Kidneys. t!, if your kidneys are ail indent. med---if there are sharp, ahoot, Ing pains in the small of the 'N.,Uf and dull ache through Mae hips -if there is a constant r3;113ire to urinate -if the mine Is hot and scalding -if the 'Mead aches and specks float 'before the eyes - yen can't • Imagine what relief there de efor you in 11 THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE These wonderful Jtt1e pill* ezoothe and heal kichleys and rialadder-take away' ail ,Mn_ cle,r the nrIne-enable one to go through the night wallet* • arisiog - and relieve) every eltrace ef your kidney trouble. ea,,epon Ithoutuntisen toe. 1408 CLAFLIN OfIEM/0Al•O0. LIdelitece Wititecite CM% HEW YORit, honestly by his love of the sea. 1nhi fatrilly were no iese than twente-threit eaptaine, including • his father anti • erarulfather, was leern at Vielet, ; 'Clue., on Jan: 1; .1e52, teilds'etVes at sea • with MS pareete from the years of tw to.eeven, leet honk) in•11105 .and 'he - 'came a Mlljng nia.siet.in 1860. ;Since.. then he has had rintrge of' ever .sixtY vessels, .meetly mereltiaht merine Mit 6 the, St., Dawe,enee. en 1S71 he .went.. to linere,.Pranen,. (Mil ea iv, .e-de1 ring leav- ing' in the jeennette -for 'Sen leranceseo • and the North Pole.' there • I' .contracted the. disease," .he says, mean- ing :fiankly.'his desire to reach the Pole. Since then he has learrled 'oh his ,marine fife, but .of late -ears he hits :developed Wet fendnesi for nerthern voyages•and hae yet hopes: of 'reaching the 'goat of his. life, HP IS ViceePreel= 'dent of:the Arctie club, New York, and has been. appreaceed by other interests who would send him 'Mirth ••11 he. falls to get the intssicin fienn his. 'own, n.a-- teen. • Cuitain Beenier never studied English at School, hot. hp nee Picked up an aefonishing amotint of It . In knocking about. the world: Short 'one tout, .01 dark eyes. and earnest, erne _phatie spoech end serlotie manner, the, „earthen is 'eseenteiny ti. character,, His evideece 'before :the "Arctic' inveitle gatien commit:tee has been marked by great canclOr enci.yealth of detail.' Canadian Wins Distinction. • Among the Cenadian eduditionist who ha tie won distineti tha.United - Statee is -John DaVidson Lawson, pro- fessor of conimon and international lave and dean of the law ilepartinkit of the. ieeiversity 'of iseourt at (ielumbia, Mo. Ijudge... Dewstin was bern at Hamilton,: tint., March 29; .1852. .At Iiimiltein. Collegiate Doti tute hp -received his ear- lier education, graduatlog subsequently • froni Trinity Oollege, Toronto with the • degree of B. C. Te Ho Wale° azi LL.D ei the University. of ellseourie • In 1890' he was elected •a: Judge of the ChM court, of ,Newe Jersee, and feed 'Several- )eare' was editor and later proprietor of The Ventate Law Jourriai Of St. Lents. 'He IS best known in. the 'United States; however; as an alitindr•and acknowledge • ed authority on . I eget eetibiecte, a *hitt, he has ‘Vritten Vollinthionsly• A fete of his eublicatIons fellow: "Contracts of Continent Carriers," "The rower of• edey," ."01neurdanee ot Wards and Phrases," "Exp.ert and ,e0pInton .Evi- 'fence,' "Leading tlaSes •"PreauMptive leendenee," 41nuanity as a' Defence," "Defences.- to Celme" . (five volumes)rItights, Rerneclies and Free- elee," •"Ainerican Law of Bailments.," "teisee on Personal Property.", Judge Lan".80n has also been for many V'ears one of the best known contributors • to Milted States journals of irm and Jur-iserudence.euring the World's Pair at St.. Louis he Ives presklenteof the MIti- Houle Bar Asebetation IWorleng properly. • A neglected Backache leads. to :mice* t Troub.c. ' Check it in dine by te.king I DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS • I"THE GREAT KIDNEY SPECIFIC.° They cure all kinds of Kidney Troubke from Backache to Bright's, Disease. 500. a box Or 3 for $1.23 '• elf dealere or yN am DOAKIDNEY, IP;14 CIO: • " Tecont0. Ont. driado of Cr. e. The origin of the Vieutieets bread ehaped like a ceeseendedwhieli 1") 11201 in moat placee on 11de donilnent,. (Wee back to the time when the attetrinn capital was being besieged by the Turks uneer the terrible Grand Vle:er Kara IC -lust -30a, ana as tileY raid! to take the fifty by aaetult they (leveled to dig a passage under the walla awl so Penetrate into the town. -In the day- time the diolse of the siege made the Wald -of -the tuuneltreritutertlebeeentel- at .nleitetinie the defenders of the piece were asleep, nil but the seulries and the bakers. It was the bakeet who, es theyebeked the breail far the garrison, heari. the plekaxeil of .the miners coming nearer :and 'lie:leer, and gave the alarm. Iu the tielidne, the Rakers' assoviation took deer share with the utmost bravery, eeedis 'a re= ward for their servieee 11: empeeer gave.theni permission lo ineke epe- . (nal cake shaped *like the Turkish erTs• tente-London Sketvii. • . • Once Next or.:Nra tea. -.Lundy,. In the Brktol dintimee.is an !eland. where .. One .t2h)--• ere en 0411..121' quake at any time. edi alarming aleiet these eisertlettrikee.".• •ho•Wevee. :They art-then:ply eieetiltt rious -ereittuoies in the-veest---of_the •is- - land, whieli the loent. peodle eell ley that niund.. Lithey in header rent:tries was a n.otoreets itesi of. pirdtes. 'King. IIenry M.'s tithe William: 'de • 11,10risco, 0 .traltor to the .kiitte. built 0.• • castle :there 11011...1161' up. ae. 011 ..C111.1Y 4 a P iseithle A ndapo, Ir. Went. on- ' tleroitgli 'ale centuries until in the 41gA01 the eighteenth Thomas Tienion, " • Frdttiest of Lakes. Men who know the lidos ef men like Profs. Coltman , :r:er, de- clare that Lake Ternaganti is one of the prettiest Irt the Dominion. The entraece to the lake is at Temagaint station, Some seventy miles north. of North Bay and thirty miles smite of Cobalt. At the relimad there is beieg built a quaint eelderasidened station -house of rough, unceet field boulders- beetdred ;yards to the rlear is the Ettetifinent'edeUeefeee",;_eie irseries of hotels oivnea by Dan Dc on - nor, the "ging or Ternegartil." Two boat lines 'solicit your patronage here, the 'remagaml Navigation Co, and line owned by O'Connor. The fernier line ha,s On excellent boat h.nd does a large trade with the campers and twee- . nectars who are flocking into the re= serve. The lake is situated in the cen- tre of the Temagaml Reserve, contain- ing 1,400,000 acres, and has a larger area than the three large 'Muskoka lakes eorn.bined. It is 'dotted with some 1,200 Wands, 1,258 to be exact, num- bered by a, cereful, Government, leek any be removed bodily by ardent ad- mirers of the country. These Islands are -of -every-esiza-ehape-and---shadea varying from tiny sentinel-ilke rocks to great.stretches of land of hundreds of acres,' All are wooded with pine, seruce, neciar, het -nitwit, ;poplar and , bleep, the dark green .of the • pines, blending perfectly ,with the lighter Shades or the poplar and birch. The forests in the background Stand in all their primeval glory and are untouched. and unscarred by the hands of tn. en• They give an air of :wildness and ro- mance to the scenery ;Intl makes •one feel that he Is far from ate haunte of litimen beings', . The Coast Line. • The coast line is vel'y broken.and Ir- regular, the 'arms extending mit elite a giant octopus, Inviting the passerby to explore their litddtn depllia. The coast line Is over 2,200 miles.th length and presents every variety of.outline; sharp - Jutting 'corners, bold promontOrlai and softly-eoundedecurves. On. the seven- teen -mile journey up to •Ternagand • Inn ehe passenger seeste. thqusand spot* *where nature has e concentrated her charms in order to allure drint aside -- deep bays 'and esierdy noeite,' Ideal' Camping grouhds, 'Jetting points t.and pre* sheltered ielailds all call forth exclamations of delight and wonder, e interest increaeeN untie the inn cheff, when tlie vim eomes. Th talon ls ideel:.a. gently elOpin•g poin s out: into the water. and Meads th stands; siirroundect by tail; statel es. The hostelry. two and a ha ry structlirei with quaint rusti T -he eleep. 'wide verandah, its rustic seets, suggests ease and . ea a Barnetahle merchant, who ANit$•th.C11 too les:SO? of the island, wa,s. eonvieted .1 jut plraoy and smuggling' and exPelled inn no: 11,0 .contillet for Carrying Pen= ; ptn victs to. the -Anierletan colonies. and etre used quietly to land dhene Ienndi trim and use theft, labor .tnere•., - •• • •• • • with • com . The NinaIn the Colluder. ,.* leitte • The figure 0, which came into the on • calendar on Jan. 1,1889, Will ratty .with Ohs, us 111 yew* from that date, or until . Ing . Dec. 81, 190. ;No othei flgtire • heal ever „ 'had such. a long consecutive run, and 0 •the itself has Only once before been ' eviie Ida race which lasted biter century -le and :that in which it .continuonsit fignred:: rny . period or ill years. The tigudet a and •'tFehrei 7 oecasionally let° ofid eonibina- lake tions, biet.neithee of there - hits ever yet cOnseentive years In our.Calendar einea tWin love' • served for 'a longer period than. 100:- featll the' present mode of Calculating time roll() 'elves established. It Is • also blear that • uP brIgh Ma rood That :Banda Maybe you think of lvlooney's Sodas uhlY AS a tOothsorne tidbit. Don't overlook their food value • MOorsees Perfection - Cream Sodas are made of finest Cana. dian wheat flour, pure but- ter and rich cream, There's nothing else of equal size and cost that contains so much wholesome nour- ishment. An ideal foot A.,n won bees diene-freett. ,64e04.4vv:re.he I 41. 3 & planet M 0 0 1 F4 - #fRE.ECTION 5cAs NEW GROCERY STORE, We have opened up a choice, fresh stock of Groceries at Olson's Old Stand and now ask a share of th patronage of. the-eitizens-of-Olin ten and tile surrounding community. Good Quality it Fair Prices are our (medal cares. Customers will find our stook the be value in town. The Red Peather beands in Teals and eanned Goods are samples of the valneseWe handle We are strangers and must get. acquainted, It will Pay those who sell farm pro- duce to see) u$, before disposingof their butter, eggs and. petatoes, elsewhere. We will bfiy, at a good peice, whit you 1114,ve to sell, and %Val, sell at a fair price, whet yott hare to hay. , TWA R P HILI,,eiPhone 114 CANADIAN PPotirsi LO W t4 T E. S T.0 is Manitoba, Allwila and Sas. kaichewan Points . FOl 't 11011ESEEKE11,8 . Tickets good to return within 60 days-; Liberal stop:overs. •• ExeurSiOns leave Toronto. Tuesdays. July 3rd and 17th fort, Inside, tire ro,unda layery ful and beautiful_ A great Open fire e, built 0 rough stones; the skins the floor and the teophles of th se on the walle an add, to the feel of romanee. • ppsositeFteRc'inngneesisViBivvea.IsIn r re there is a Hudson's Bey post, the hea.dquaraers cif the, chief fire er of the reserve From a pont here 300 Islands can be oourited sceae' Is Indeserlba,blee Isla.nd &i- sland, forest and Shore, sky and blend in an ever-ehanging,vista of iness. Net the least attractive re ,of the trip on' the lake Is the ghe which lasts until 9• wed by a eky,as black as Ink, lit ith stars of, a 'brilliancy and Mess seldom seen elsewhere e . • rntes. . , Ask nearest C.P.R. Agent for book- . eameertable Tourht Sleepers at moderate 0, B. FOSTER, D.P.A., TORONTO. Free berths in' colonist cars. ,uerthe in • let, rates and full infOrmation;or write W. JACKSON, AgimcissyroN froiti Jan. 1, 8g9, until Dec. 31, 990, a. ne from their relative positions among•the I s --Irgiliertig-it-In-nn- imPossibility fO given either ofthem to appear, in date reek- ' ontrigs continuously for a longer period li''ll's than a century, S. A„ and Kingston, Ont. FLY THE OLD FLAG. • My predeeeeser In elle Congregational Tabernacle here, the saintly William Wetherald, used to tell meM1 his for- mer Academy for Boys at Rockwood, and always said. "Jim Hill WaR -the smartest boy In my sellout," I ani pleas- ed to be under obligations to M. Hell for a mato: Fly the Old Flag. """' resemelje The western winds come sighing, And whisper to us of rest; Hut to keep our colon flying They do their duty best! Chorus: • Ply" the old flag! 'ti a statell rage Fly the old ilag, whade the matter? We'll fly the old flag., If It's only a eagt /1 Shall fly •to the very lea tatter!, , 'Tis dear to us, and dearer Than are all the flags that 113r! And to each ambition nearer - A Mee that Will not die! Chorus: . Canada's hope and glory, Xs ever among the free To recount her stainless story Of peace and liberty!. +. • . • • Chorus; • -Wm. W'ye dint th, l'he Globe. St. Catharines, Ont. , Slavenitneesi in Speeek, 1)o not drift into careless habite et *cede. •Slang, whieb is elovenliness 19 speeeh, as eontemptible a:love/11i- . neits in deem Many people 'nee Wang beesinse they are toe lazy to think a proper fOrins for the expression a thought, The clothing of our' mind* certainly ought to 1-.; regarded before that of our bodies. (hilt() it Stole, "X had expected there Weedd be •* great etiltIrge at Ulm Fawtyfore's Wed- ding, but It seems to have passed off quietly." "Oh, yet, The young man submitted to tho oporation Withellt" murmur,. Useful Per Slating. 'A local gentleman recently had taus to coniplain • about the quitilly of th coal supplied Co hien, every load 'of the mineral oontalning about one hundred weight of atone and slate, Determined to pet a stop to the bare- faced swindle, when the next ton of coal arrived adulterated tee usual, he said to the Meyer: "Take it hatke have no inore drom your =Were' Later the coal Merehatit met his ouse Meter in. thee street,and asked him point-blank Why he had lost hie cuse tone "Don't worry, you'll get it batk again," replied the gentleman prompt- ly, "1 have eontmenced to bulk and as soon as my bailees are ready for slat - Ins give you an order." • te_Aleeaddletot_ehilehdf romance •is, to the trip by the presence et M- at Intervals. Their great high. he lake, leaves no trace of the es from. their eanoes, but her and you find olde encampments. or rude Whieh tell their' tale of warfare. a hundred Indians are on the tee ,• arid every year they as.semblit ar Island to, receive their annual rntnont giant of $4. To reach some of them paddle 120 miles require a week to'. go and come. f one is hired as a guide he asks or $3 per day in the most unbIush- anner. As guides .they excel, and dayns wages they will paddle or II day, showing the tourist where 51 fish,and genie are to be found, t year there vvere no hotels be - the Inn for the accommodation of , but this year a line riewehotel- ady Evelyn, vville 93 rooms -will tly byeelatletedstaalteisa_eighteen. beyond the inn, giving one a n- ail -through the prettiest lake In a, if not In the world. The lake Is an icleal spot for catnper or tourist, and the fishing practically unsur- passed anywhere. "I'he air le cleat' and • brecing. The day's are warm ated the •nights pleazahtly pool, 'There is every kind a fishing to be secerecl, and every varleeY of big gaine, Canoes. anti boats tend the best of guides can bp secured there, and, beet of all, the visitor finds health and happiness. Re Is fat from :4y croWd and the worry of eity e can eat and sleep tie he never ore and be charmed with scenes auty wonderful and rare. ruifepyrel Isuainese method..• fcirte . Great numbers of 'atfortunes in ' Over thle country litive been and are being 'serve 'built up on the yery ignorance of the' at Be • Meanies in regard to business Methods. -The sehemers bank On it 'that it is there (love easy to ftw4ndle people who do not and know how to protect their propeety, 32.00 They thrive on the ignorance of their .tag.e.0 ° fellows, They know' thei a shrewd ad- for a yertisement, 3 ' curiniagly worded cir- raw a eular, a hypnotic appeal, will hring the be the hard earnings of these unsuipecte . Las Ing people •out oneldllig places late yond• their own coffers. guests Jed • . the L bee.rea Cm"11111 In': sa ds the) MI life II did -bet of a be These ohs Care all disown's and do - orders aria)* trent Weak heart, worn oat I nerving er watery blood, much as Palpita- tion* Skip Beate, Throbbing, StaotherIng, Dizzlneas, Witak or Paint Spells, Anasido, . Nerteellinells, Steeples:mese, Drain Falb. . (knave,' Debility andLtiek of vitality., They are a true hart tonle* nerve Neil sn ood oarloher, building up eat renewing oil tho worn Out and winded tisenee of the body and restoring paellas health, Prier no, ifi hot, Or II too dLfA, at ollidruggista. COOICS Cotton ROOCComPoila Tim greet Moline Tonic, and only- safe offeetual Monthly Regulatormi Whiehettenen tan depend, Sold in throe dtreee of etre:nett- No. 1, $1; o. 'd• 10 ilegreee etronger 33; o. 3, for spootal eases, per but. leolt1 n all dru sts, or tient renal on reap pt of price. rreepampniet. Aadresse TNI COoKidtotoont00,,TOIONTO,o1g. (fortattP1W4s40) • Robert Fleining, teller in the Dank' of Montreal, St. John, B., has bad MO pieces .of glass removed from his eye,which was blared nearly a month ago by the breaking of an incandescent globe near his. desk, His physician ycuo es or the count, and sa,ys the case is without pe,ritlel In medical 1,1., - tory. The sight of the organ will be it=1 _ A Vegetarian Luncheon. . • • The luncheon menu here given was Served recently at the Teehrtical School, Toronto, by one of the students, who, marketed, planned, prepered, and serV• ed, we'll assistance from certain of her' fellow -students. 11 13 eetimeted to eost 15 cents a head. IIere 11 Is: • • Salt”fl Almonds, lladiehtee °Reese -Leniil and Tamale, Soup, Cremona... Baked Beane, Stinted Potatoes, Graham Gems, ' Spinach on Tenet. , Crean). Cheese 1101 Nut iSalad, May,mintise. - .1.thuleatei Icoe Sponge Cake, Coffee. • ME YOU MAK910 $2.003.22 A MAR?. It is being dene with our goods, ; Sark Is pkasatit, perthanent and. profitable. . keels used in every house, every day, Ne fake, ,tul so need to treate the demand • , reputable business. You On start without a cont of capital. Write to dey. 0.1neesnete &Co., Ativertige 31 the %Ely Wholesale Teas, mid Coffees, Loudon, Met _14.4.410 dIDIU OD tine. , Steameredeave Hamilton 4.30 a.m. Toronto at 4,30 p. en. Tuesdays an Thursdays, and, Saturdays; for BOY of Quinte porta, 1000 Islands, Montreal, and Intermediate point TORONTO aid MONTREAL UNE. • Commencing June 2,,8tearelers leav Toronto BA p.m. ',Daily eiccept Sun days, frona Jelly Ist. Daily for Rocha. ester, 1000 Islands, Rapida_, St. Lawrence. Montreal and Inte mediate points, For tiekets apply to R. R. agents, o write to H. FOSTER .C.1:1APFEE, Western PassengeriAgent. -Toronto . , • OW 'ABOUT YOUR WALL PAPER? • • Nothing adds so much to the decora- tion of a'house its good.W6,11. Paper, 1 an in a position to shoW you the yery abgesetutainodr tchheolcest patterns, as I ant Et.npire Wall Paper Co., of Toronto. The samples for 1008 are entirely • new. Prices run from de it roll to 3e, with borders at same price. Every oil Of paper guaranteed to contain 8 ards, Samples gladly, shown to in. ending purchasers, at any time. GEORGE. POTTS, BotteeeDecoreftor and Paper Efanger, or. Queen and Princess St., Clinton irindesol wine Now that harvest is nearlY here you will be needing Bin- der Twine, we can supply you. Baled Hay JAS. A. FORD, SEED MERCHANT CLINTON. toitaiall ..41.L. . is. . Fruit Season is here. , You vvill be wanting Sugar, call in and get our prices. A ICW Homer sets left, just think of getting a whole set of 97 pieces for $5?oo. .48,0..fieaton The People's Qrocer. Phone • fee 404. 'CALL AND. EXAMINE Our stock of high art Piano § of late case designs, and containing fine • actions purchasable for money. S our very latest styles •of swee toned. organs, at low prices, %ate ments rented, tuned or repaire Gramophones and ?ramie in va,mety' C. HOARE'S` MUSIC . EMPORIUM . creen ed 061 it EclusiVe sale for D. L W. .Scranton .Coal. Orders Harland .13ros.. tfardware for left and' money' received •at all kinds of Coal 6; 'I, • A. HAMILTON' COAL DEAT.031 • BARTLIFF'S' RE§TAURANT Subscriber ,having • moved his Restaurant to. • t4e • store recently ddciipied by: F. W..; Watts; 'will be glad to Meet ; his old custorners,and as mar, new ones as may . favor hirn with their patronage. , avini also bought out 'the Xing 'Bakery?: he will supply the _public. vvitb first - class Bread and Cakes. • BREAD 'DELIVERED AS FORMERLY 1-1 BARTUFF SMITH'S Wall Paper Store Are yon, one of the crOWd to the Bus • Stote P. Everybody is now talking of the beautiful designs of P,Jet 1;0 we have in stook, andierices to suit th purchaser. • We also carry a stock o Window Shades, Curtair . Poles, Cottage Rods, Rooth' Mouldings, Floor and Furniture Var- • "- nisi', etc., of an descriptions, which ate sold at • prices never known before to the . public. Painting and Paper Hanging done.--' Estimates furnished on yob vvork. Smith's Wall Paper Store --CLINTON-_ N.B.-lign Painting done. All Pape trimmed PREP,. The 1414RIVIO1JIt School rdph y,, And General Training fel' Railway Servi0e.' The now methea of inettuetion adapted: by is sehoel has peeved a great sueeees. ettpila grednate in the slimiest poseitgriTir erefere at the least expenste, glindolenent previdell itt onee. Write for se pamphlet will giVe full infotniatten* Scheel room in Gordon Mock, etipeette Poe Mee, the neat desirable locatiott In the ear eepection of elitssee et work eordielly ini;ited OREM LA11,1110t111, Stratford, Ott Principal /tad' Instruotor, 'formerly A District Superintend(4 ent .T. AprinOth 00.07. • , • r •