HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-13, Page 5TEE aINTOIsT NSW B
UU:fll.e:St 1. Day Sale
in io Counties. - •
Yes, the Greatest Sale on Earth.
UORINENOJ1 G SATURDAY. Ali 14th and pOsitive!y
ending WEDNESDAY, JULY 251h, 1900.
Sweeping Reductions in every Department.
Profits must be buried. Sacrifices must be made.
Positively no reserve. We must lower the Big Stock
Goods bought at this Sale cannot be returned, or exchanged.
No goods on Approbation.
Read every word of this Ad....
Note Our Grocery List.
This department is full of new goods
and its stock is replete with the best
and purest that can be procured. You
can save many dollars by replenishing
your want listduring this big sale.
Maple Leaf, Lowe Inlet and Eagle
Salmon, your choice 2 for 25c.
Bulk Teas, Japan or Ceylon, regular
25c per Ib., 51bs for $1.
Yeast Cakes, 3c per box.
3 plugs McDonald Tobacco for 25c.
Sealer of Crest Brand Baking Powder
for 180.
6 tins of Pork and Beans for 25o. '
1 lb tin of Baking a ng Powder and a beau-
tiful picture, regular price50c, for 39c,
.15c and 25c tins of BakingPowder forl0c•
5c articles for 4c, 10c articles for 9c, 15c
articles for 14c, etc.
Mens White Ufp faun d ered Shirts.
A big lot of Men's White Unlaundered
Shirts, sizes 14,14.1:2 and 15, were cheap
at 35c, now 25c.
Ladies' Wrappers.
Too many Wrappers are not good to
have. We- have cut our prices on
Wrappers to sell everyone in stock.
$1.00 Ladies' Wrappers for 75c
81.25 " 99c
$1,45 " " $1:23
•$1.75 " " $1.44
$2.0U " $1.50
'$2, Ladies' Blouse Waists, 5oc
These consist of all sizes and kinds,in
fact, a cleaning of the stock, all colors,
.all kinds, prices from $1 to $2.25, to
clear at each. 50c. •
.25c Ladies' Belts at 5cand to ,
Ladies' Black and Colored Leather
Belts, also Silk Belts, worth .2.50 at 10c.
Another lot ofBelts to clear at each • 5c.
• Shoes Shoes Shoes:
$1.25,°81.50 and $1.75 Ladies' Dongola
Button shoes, your choice for 99c.
$140 Lad' ,s' Toe•Slippers for 95c..•
$1.75 Ladies' Oxfords, blucher cut_, rib -
bon .tie, for 51.39. -
31.80 Lidies'Tan Oxfords,' uclier cut,
.for $1 49.
$1 25 Ladies' Glove Grain Bal Shoe, $L
$1.65 Men's Glove Grain, oil tan, heavy
sole,3 rows of pegs and plugged,at$1.49.
. $2.25 Men's . Box Calf Bal Shoes, fine -
soft stock, heavy sole. for $2.
$4 Men's Patent Leather Bal Shoes,
best of quality,new shapes, for $3.60.
$1.25 to $2.50 Men's Bal Shoes, put at a
job price, only $1,60.
$1.25 Boys' Glove r
e G aln Bal shoes, ell:
tan, heavy sole, for $1.13.
81.75 Boys'Box Calf Bal Shoes for$1.58.
Nairn's best�ualit Linoleums
in block and floral designs
:yards wide, for $1.80. �..
Bargains in .Colored Manilas.
•40c Linen Voile, silk and linen mix-
tures, in plain •and black stripes at 15c.
150 Stripe Dimity naw 8 1-3c.
25c French Dimity now 12 1-2c
25c Brocaded Muslin.at 15c.
12,1-2c Blue° Voile now 8 1-3c . •
12 1-2c Pink andWbiteChambrey at 10c
15cBlack muslin. a u sli
n, neat stripe at 10c.
15cWhiteDimity with pink stripe,81-86
25c Black and White Dimity for 15c.
.20c Brown Voile at '15c. i
12 1-2c Organdies at•8,1-3c.
20c large Check Black and W hiteGing-
ham for 12 1-2c. • '
25c White Belora Cambric, with .work-
ed black stripe, 15c,
20c Black Dimity for•ibc,
15c , mericanMuslins,with fancy color-
Ings at 1 Oc.
15c Blue Organdie at :120.
121-2c Dimities, with black stripes,l0c.
Ask to see oar pile of ends at cheap
$2.5o diack,Metailie 3 kirts,$1.25
Just a 'united quantity of Black Me-
tallic Underskirts with adored stripes
athalf price for.
(;lents' Big Ready-to-wear Clothing
Do not forget the*big CIothing Sale
.of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing
at nearly half price. "Lasting only Ten
Men's Navy BlueSerge Suits were$3.75
for $2.09
Men's Navy 13lueSergeSuits were $4.50
for $3 49.•
Men's BrowriljalifaxTweed Suits were
$5,00 for $3,93.
Alen's Brown Tweed Suit, size 31, was
$5:00, now $3.00.
Men's Tweed Suit, size 39, only 1 suit,
was $5,00, now 113,69
Men's Black Tweed with green thread -
in were 25
��,,5. nowg4rr.
Men'sBlueSergeSuits wre*5now$3.98
Men's Stripe Tweed, size 30 was $0.00,
now •$8:39,
Men's BlueGreyTweedSuits were $5.25
-. now $399..
Men's fright Tweed Suite were $5,50,
now $4.48.
Men's Brown HalifaxTweedSuits were
$5,50, now $4.12.
Men's Dark and Light, Brown Mixed
Suit, Size 38, was 45.75, now $348.
Men's Brown Mixed Tweed Suit, size40
was $5.95 for $3:00,
Men's Blue Serge Suits, $6,09 now$4.73
Men's Brown Mixed Tweed Suits were
$9.00,. now $6.49. Births; Marriages. Deaths
Men's Brown CheckTweeciSuits,dohble
breasted coat, were $9 50,for•$0.69,
with views of the Town.
Special new designs
in Souvenir Spoons.
Call and get one, They
are fast sellers:
Jeweler and Optician. •
Pr Eyes Tested'Free`
Men's Cottonade Overals tt,
. clear at per pair, 250.
Boy's '2 and ;3 piece Suits at
Unheardof prices.
Boy's. Blue Flannel Serge Blouse Suit,
$1:00 for 83c.
Light -Fawn Cheviot Suits. sizes 22, 23,.
24, were $1.50, now 99e.
Black Serge Suits were $1.75,now$1.43.•
Light Grey'. Tweed' Snits, sizes 23, • :24,;
were 3225, now„$1,44 -
Blue Serge•Ruits,were$2,50, now. $1.49.:
Grey' Blouse Suits, sizes 23, . 24, 25, 20,
were $2.50, 'now $L09.
$5.00 Ladies' Waterproof ”.
. Cleats $1.50.
Lots' of ladies' : • Waterproof : Rain
Coats made of best Parametta cloth in
Black, Grey and Navy, were•$5.00 now
-Goods bought at ;this sale cannot be.
White Wear at less than cast.
Ladies', white Cambric skirts made.
of fine English' Landsdowne Cambric:).
.A11 at ridiciously° low prices,
$1.00 Wh tPUnderskirts,trimmed with
embroidery, for .79c.
$L25 White Underskirts trimmed with
embroidery at 09c.
.$1,50 WhiteUnderskints,triinmed with
teneriffe lace:at $1.W. ,
42.50 WhiteUnderskirts; trimmed with
embroidery for $1.69.
1:2,1cMau+rlce Rlannelettr, 9c.
18;pieces of ylaurioe':s Flannelettes .37
inches wide, dark and light stripes, at
,0nly59e. • ..
Ss,40 Ladies! Crave 'Otte Rain-
• .Coats,•
Ladies' Gbey Cravenette:Rain Coats;.
58 and'60 inches long,madeb,yNational
Rubber Oo., Montreal, and were worth.
$5.00, now half price at $2,50. .
$8.00 Ladies'Rameoats as abeve at$4.50,
$7,00 Ladies'Raincoats as above at$3.50
i$1 11Zien's Straw Flats 10c.
All our Men's fine Straw .Feats, 25c,
50e, 75c, $1.00 to clear at 10e
$1Mill tnerir Straw ilata,lOc.
Every untrimmed bat- in stock has
been laid .Cut, and we must clean up
our entire `Ladies' Straw Hats .at 10c.
MI LLI N ERY Department
will be open during this big sale
$2.25White and colored skirs00c
A few White and Colored outside
skirts ranging from $1.25 to ' 32 25,
at each, 09c.
• BORN •
MILLER.—At Sault :Ste Marie; Ont., on July
�. toM1Vlrclean) and a dMrasuJgohhtner,yiller,tbrother of Airs. E.
ROBERTSON, -At Goderich Ont•Sunday, drily
8, to Mr and Mrs. G.A. Robertson, a son.
5th, at the Rectory of St. Paula church, Clinton,
. by the Rey, U: R: Gunn,, ]Miss palsy Thompson,
of Bearnsvil'o, Ont.,to John Henry Winter Rich- •
MMALDIDRSTONE-CBElu '-At St.k'auls cliureh
Middleohnrch, on June 27th, by Rev. W. H. flat.
dick, •Toseph Balderston, to Agnes, Eunbanrn..
:Cree,' daughter of •the .late Elizabeth • Crco, of
Clinton, Ont. . • •
SUTHERLAND,-;DICKSON.-:-In Seaforth, on
Monda','July 2nd, by lieu. Mr..Lark,n Mr•. A D
Su9ier]land, to Aiiss.Teau,sceonddanhhiei of lir.•
. S. Dickson, -postmaster, .Scaforth. .
O'NEIL—]3L�1Ia>;.: Iu
itou T.a1 c ]3attleford, on„Juue ",6th
r by Rev. S.W.Thompson,C1ifford O'Neil,. of ]lean-'
& ks:eat:v.. sou of the late Wm. O'-
Neil,:to Kenna, Blake, second.daughtor .of S.
. Thomas Blake, Goderich. • • . •
• HICK—PUGS1i13 . -. On Monday, July 2nd,, at
• her mother's residenee,137 moor St. west, Tor.
•onto, by Rev. 7. B Silcox, FrankS. Flick, of Tor.
• onto, formerly of Goderich, to Etta'May, young-'.
est daughterofver. the tate Rev. W. Pugsley, of Port
Do .
d 1yULHOIat thoolies residence of Vac bride's iiut tier.
Goderich, by Rev. James A. Anderson.'B.A..Ilar-
vey,, G. atulholland, to Alice Marguerite, •eldest
daughter of the late August B. DePeudry. •
LONG—FISHER, -, At the 1esidenee of the
i bride's' parents, Colborne, on July lith. by Rev.
Mr Yellanci HarryLong,teacher,to Miseit4"isher,
second daughter of Mr Am,, Fisher,
HOLLI11gp11,-.In'Ifanover., on Monday, Jnly
9, Rachel, ;wife of George Hollinger, and another
•of Mr. w.J. Mitchell, of the News -Record.
HAWKING.—In Turnberry, on July 3gd,Honry
'Bawking. aged 76 years. •:
POWPLL.-In Turnberry; on June 30th, Eliza,
• relict of the late John Powell, aged 83 years.
WEBB,-,At S.eaforth. 'on July fish, Robert 0,
Webb. 'formerly of Londesboro, aged 36 years.
JART,INI rAt•Fergo; Dnk., on July 11, irohn•,
Jardine. brother of Mrs. Arthur Twitchell. of
I •Clinton. •
No•goods given en approbation. ' T
Produce or cash in exchange for goods
No goods punched on tickets d'iriug
this Big Sale. '
Popiesione k Gardiner
Successor's to •McHINKON 44. CO.
1. B. Hoover.
Neilson Oa 1,
We always aimed at making this the CHEAPEST
SPOT in oId Huron County for Furnxture,'and mean to
continue doing so as long as we are ' in the business.
Our prices will convincey Ou that this is true. •
A few 'r Glilray" Curtain Stretchers left.
HoovEf BALi.
and Undertakitig• •
A. quiet wedding took. place in :St.
Marys • onSaturday, when one of Sea
Forth's young business men in the per -
•son of Mr. H. Peck, was united In
the holy bonds of ;matr. imony . to M4ss
Marie • Dalrymple, ' a young . lady of
,Lakeside. •
•SI3ALBJ)•TJ;NDERS'add, ssed to the under-
igr:ed, and .endorsed"Tonder for Supplying Coat
for the Dominion Buildings,"'will he received .at'
this.oilioe until -Thursday, 'Auguust 16th, .1006, in-
clbsively, for the enpply of,Coal for the Public
Buildings throughout the Dotn'inion..•
' 'Combined specification and torn) of tender can
be obtained on application at this office.
1'Oi enc tendering are notified - t,.a tenders
will net be considered unles5'madc on the print-
•ed-foram•sasipliea,and..signod.,wittiAisirr, actual
Bach tender must be;accompanied by an ac-
cepted elieque on a chartered banal. made pay-
able to the order of the Honorable the Minister
of Public Works, equal to ten per dent (10 p. c.) of
the amount of the tender, which 'will be forfeited
if the party tendering .decline to enter into.a. con-
traot'when called upon to do 80, or if he fail to.
complete the work contracted for, If .the tender
be not accepted the chetiee will be returned.
The Department dens not bind itself to accept
the lowest or any tender. •
• 13y order,
Deparnnieut of Public Worak,
Ottawa. June 02.19Q6•
'NeWspapars inserting this advertisement with;
out authority from the Department, will not be
paid for it. June 20-6-11
RE you looking
for a chance to
spend and •save ?.
no su.
We are the people you watit
to see.
•''Wehave. received a slxi anent of
fine glassware, which we bought at-'
a discount, and we are going to
give you the benefft.
The lot consists of Berry Sets,
Water Pitchers, Fruit Stands, Cake
Plates, pickle Dishes, etc, In feet
just the odd pieces you need at this
time of year,¢' and the prices are
.away down below 'ordinary 'cost.
Insect our window and be con-
The People's„Grocer,
Prompt rieliVery. • 'Phone 111,
Au imperative call to every y gaud buyer who wants nothing but the tES':
THAT MONEY CAN BUY. Come for these, Every offer means a saving,
Shirt waists, $ Z •5"O
They are the very latest Waist, and._
sell in the regular way at $2,00,
for $1.50:
White Lawn Waists, shadow E m-
rbroidery 'fronts, tucked back,
full sleeve, long cuff, reg $2,
White Lawn. Waists, tucked fronts, •
with two rows embroidery in-
sertion, special $ 1.Q0
Fine Japanese Silk Waists,' with
front of tucking and one ' row
of Valehciennes insertion, full
sleeves, with deep, detachable
• cuffs ' $2.211
Lawn Linens
Fust received another shipment ..of''
Linen • Lawn. The market is
becoming very scant of these
goods,and we make a special
to you at per.,, "yard.
.10e, 120, 15e, 20e and 26'e.
A Clearing Sale in
Our stock must be lowered,
To get it down'to where it 'should •
be, we are going to have a Sale,
lnd'.tb ,`prices will save yo.i money,.
50 yards unbleached Table
• 56 in. wide, reg. 25c; for..,.Zlie
65 yards unbleached Table", Linen,
56 in wide, reg. 45c. for,...' 3e.
loo yards unbleached Table Linen,"
64 in. wide, reg. " 5oc, for....39c
.70 yards full bleached Irish Table
Linen ; close, even, fine weave;
medium 'weight, 6o in. wide,
reg, 6oc, for -4$c
5o yards bleached all pure linen;
72 in. wide, reg' 75c, for.,62e
Dress Goods
Voiles (Priestley) in blue, cream,.
white and green. Reg,,
Lustres (Priestley) in green,blue,
brown; 44 -n, wide, . reg. 75c,,
for ........:....b0e
"Vesting,.. mercerized ` thread, in
white, With spot figures, and.
floral designs, a special at 15e
We have a. large range of Muslilts,:'
in all the new shades, and
colorings, per yard —.Hie it)
Boy's Wasb Suits
Only a few Buster Browns
left, in light blue, linen and dark
' blue ..with white strip, which we
want to clear out:
"Regular $1,00 for .. 75c
Regular $1.25 for .. 95c
r ty'�
s . r" a. ,TFT•:
4k. 1-101.TSE
,' J ;
m •,^?Gtr:G •:rso.r.�.wrToe•.,wae ..
New Advertisements, Roomers Wanted. �
Lady roomers or boarders wanted, • A - *ii * y� � **** •=7� r `*i "
ply at New Bra office
House to Rept.
Stray Heifer..
twohei a�red andWhite, a
A. year old heifar,
pll; Ting in left ear.,, Anyone giving inform,
anion that will'lead to recover will ba suit-
ably rewarded. . WILL ANDERSON,
pd. 4i , A.ubarn; P 0•.
Will run their popular
Annual Plc'Nic Excursion
from . Mitchell to' Kincardine, on Wi14h4n1'8
. Civic Holiday,
Friday, July 27th,
The G.T,il.• will run two speqcial trains on that
docallingat all intermediate stations. bare'
from Clinton, adults, 81.06i children,
She. For
tune, fares and all particulars, see posters.
Advertisein the NEW ERA
01111111d1M0114.0. WOW
1toarders Wanted'.
Three or:foua;boarders can find' good so,
oomroodation. Apply at Naw Eio, office
Comfortable triune bouso:on` Huron St,,
west, saitable for .ordinary family. (Soft
and haid water. Garden • planed, 'which•
tenant can use; ' . •
Clinton, July 7th, 1006•. ••
.:,.',..;..il ill..
° Our elasses•are much larger than the-
• were a year ago. The public has learn
- ed that this 1. the -best place in the pro •
viuce to obtain a Commercial Education
or Shorthand Training. Students are
:entering each ,week. All graduates get
ood positions. Write now for oa,talogae
Elliott .0 McLachlan,
.Forks, Rakes, Scythes, noes,
Handles, Gloves, Shoes, Hats,
Shirts Smocks, Overalls, etc.
.. . :*
d o
Lon esbor .
*.. Best quality -on hand.
' *• .;'
•* Full line of Sherwin-Williams' l,'aint in.:stock: IC
Good Paris Green at 25c per pound,.
If you have trouble with your
asecoor xxick Manilla, or
Pure Manilla . tiiirine andel 'get
Satisfaction, �►
Harland Bros.,
$t* tft-ttit-14444e4--tees
We don't pretend to have as large a stock as .'
some of the other clothing houses in town, but w:e ice''
do say ” what we have is just as good, and in many
cases a littlebetter for the money.
For an example :—We are offering all of our
Two-piece Suits, for summer wear, regular '$12,00' -1
Suit for $11.00, $rose Suit for $9.00
x$12:00 Two-piece Summer Suits, $lo.00 rt
$Ie.00 't « f" $9.00 f
Boys' Two=piece Suits
A nice lot to pick f><'onl, sizes Stein 2() to '83, co ng
reg. $4.50, $5,00 and $5.50, your• choice, Saturday r 4,g,„
Also a nick line l'of i
1 sizes, ranging from I/J to 28, �� GO
regular $2,50 and $1,50, your choice Saturday a ., '7U
Our Furnishing Department is -complete .with_....
Light Summer Underwear, Summer Shirts, Fancy "
Triose, new Summer Neckwear and Lounge Col Inr.
lars, the latest thing on the market and an up-to-
date Collar forthe summer months, at prices -which
touch your pocketbook very lightly. •,
The Galbraith ` ° Clothing Co.,