HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-13, Page 3JO1,y iath 1966
Township of HniLett
Cosier and by virtue Of the Poivers contained
in certam Mortgage, WI.1L01.J will be Produced at
the time of Sale, there will be offered for sale by
PUDIJO AUCTION. by Thomas Brown, Auction,
eer. at the premises, Lot No. 5. Coe, 8, Township
of Efullett, ou FNIDAT, trie 27tla day ofJuly,A.D,
1008, at the hour of two o'elOolt in the afterimon,
the following property
Farm Lot No, 5, in the Oth Con. of the Town-
ship of Hallett, in the County Of Huron, in the
Province of Ontario, and Villiaget Lots numbers
E. F. G. 11. 1. .1.. 3. 4,5, 0, '7.8. O. 10,11. 19, 19, 14,
15, 16, 17. 18, 10,20, 21, 22, 29 and 23, according tO
a, plan of pareof the said (original) lot nunther
five, known as the Village of Ninblirn, eOntitin-
lug. by admeasurementone hundred acres More
or less, excepting thereout one acre and ono -
quarter, More or less. heretofore sokl off ail Vil-
lage lots atthenottli-westcorner of said farm, let.
The form is all Clearecl. and under cultivation;
except about eleven acres of pasture /and. The
SOiI le good and the locality is excellent. The
buildings inolude it one-and-one-helf-storew frame
-house, 2044, With frame --,.1,itchen., 18x20: 4tt bank
barn, 4000, with stabling under it; it Lawn 40x30,
with lean-to 15x20, and it driving shed and stable,
30-50. There is good water supply freak a drilled
Well, with a windmill pinup, The property which
js all in one parcel, adjoins the Village of _Kin.
burn (Conatanee P0.).
For particulars and conditions of sale, appli to
Auctioneer, Vendor's Solicitor,
Seaforth, Ont. Clinton; (Mt,
Dated at Canton, this Oth day of Jtily, 2906,.
Mortgage Sale Of Rouse and
Lot in Clinton.
Under and by 'virtue of the Dowers . oontained
in 8, certain mortgage which will be Produced at
the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by
Public auction by David Dickinson, Auotioneer,
. on the preraises on SATURDAY. the 28th day of
July. A.D. 1906, at the Four of two o'clock in the
afternoon, the Property known and deserlbed as
the southerly Part of lot number four in Gib-
bing's survey, in the Town of Clinton, in the
County of Huron, consisting of that rectangular
Portion of the Said 10t fronting on Ontario'. Street
having the full width of tue said lot and extend-
ing back from Ontario Street on Gibbing.; Street
seventy four feet northward.
There is on the property a small frame house
tbe interior of which has been recently repaired
and tbe location is one of the most desirable in
For terms and conditions of sale apply to wo
either of the andersigned•
kratO more flyer; than on* erne
The weight Of humart'Woe;
MOIR willing ehoulder 'bravely bears
The YOke of friend and foeIli,
lives More limes then ene whet feels*
.41.nibition'e lofty goal;
Whose every effort but bespeaks;
A grand.'reeponsIve emit
Re lives more livee than one who•se Jove
lareathes ineenee, warm told rare',
Who, loret ae the stars above,
Yields -homage over fair. .
.ffe Ilyee more /Ives then one and dies
A. tholusana deaths vvho gtvee
sympathy wide as the skies
To everything tha,t livee.
—Lurana W. Sheldon,
Gen. Xsiroki a Reireeernation of !Late
Sir Fleeter Macdonald,
A aurious tale is going the retinas of
the beaters ,in India. It betieved„liy
-ktv,ory waive that Gem Karaite the inar,
veloue Japanese commarieee, is no othr
er than ,Sir Hector Macdonald. MenY ;
Peoille hive never believed, that the
.billliant English gen
• not long ago there appeared ia The
Lando TI
jkIntlitri bazaar-%
an offer of a reward of
,000.to anyone.who 'had seen his dead
It la able a fact that Sir Heater was
co invited to so teleran to train the
panese ariny, and he aotuallY =pu-
tted it to Lord Xoberts. No honor
ever been publicly ?bestowed on
urokl, who aPpears to have vanished
ittddenly and mysteriously h* ape
EVell the Japanese, with an their re-'
once, confessed to le correspondent
It Xureki had much foreigrk blood ,
nt, and one American journaliet de -
red he wax a Dutchman.
udYard Kipling first lifted the 'veil
wing a '1 o the mysterious
tit.:.taking place et g'rea't die .1
Celt ta fiimillar to all Ailelo-Indian
D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer
W. BRYDONE, Solicitor for the. Vendor. of
Dated at Clinton the 13th day of June 1906. tan
following from the Southampton Bea-
con applies to more plateet than that
town : 'While certain local merchants
decline to give their job printing to
the home Pager and insist on sending
it to Toronto, it is useless to expect
the home paper to preach for loyalty
to the home merchants. We know of
• a considerable trade from this town in
printed stationery that goes to To-
ronto and which could be clone just as
well and as cheaply in this office. But
these patriotic gentlemen who desire
factories brought here and look to the
Beacon to support every %bylaw -that --
will bring an increase of po ulation
must show a little mo-ne considerati
for other people before they. yell
much for their own pockets. Now y
.gentlemen who send your printing o
of town, just see how much. the T
ronto printers will help „fit bringi
new factories or building up the tot
, Some of you are whining about t
Beacon now and you expect us to p
_...teak..,,Aain power' and energy and moo
• '1 to this sheet, shout "Progressi
Southampton," and a lot of oth
shouts, and when you have 'a job
printing to do, off it goes to Kilgour
Bros., or some other firm. Yes, you're
truly loyal to local interests, are you
not 1) If you cannot practice the same
principles towards the home paper
that you expect the home paper to ad-
vocate, and won't help to sustain the paper, then don't expect the
Editor of this paper to yell for you,
He won't do it. Another thing we
would just like to refer to. The Bea-
con put up an 'intelligent campaign
through Mr. Fleuty in asking the
people to support bylaws to bring fac-
tories here. As a positive fact, these
same factories haven't spent two dol-
lars a year in work in this office.
Truly, a nice hunch, Eh! And we're
expected to get out a; second edition
of the Globe, boom • everything in
sight, pay printers, shout for factories
and a dozen other things to boom the
town while you keep sending your or-
ders for job printing to Toronto: Can-
didly now, do you think it's a square
deal ?"
• I ••11. 4.4 k ......
them.• The mutiny tit th,e SePoYs MP'
knOWn throughout India. •airhost• a.4
Ligon as. it occurred; and it has been
an unexplained mystery up to to -day
bow the information was so raphily
Both the life and death of Sir Hector •
Macdonald were full of romance •and
niystery. His exact age is not known:
the circumstances .01- his • death and
burtee are obscure. What le known te
that •IVfacdonaid was a ;Sooteb Trottel,
lad, that he enlisted in 1871, and, that he
• served in thteranits ten years. Els 'rise
• to a major -general and X. C, B. vas
easelt of pure;
In th
g. an campaign; at Kabul,
on on Maluba 'Hill and at Omdurman he
so I Won fights and tame. After the Poer
ou • campaign he was given 41, aetn-
at .re and M..1114:141; and . then; in, 190i, datne
cee thii report that •he had Suddenly left
rig Hinduste:ri "Oh Private business." • ‘'
n. On this' birsineas :he- teaohed •
he: and -there. read In a, , new apa,pdr that he
Ut . ivas to stand a courtmertiat on. ''gravo
ey ohaegesee Then earn* the report that
ve •immediately• ert reading this ParagraPh.
er :he Went to his roan' a d
• Pure Foods "Versus Wpm. •
The crusade against adulterated
foods hi commen' dable and should be
supported by all rightthinking people,
especially when it is considered that
in the majority of eases the adulterated
product is foisted upon theconernunity
at the price of the pure article.
It is refreshing to know that in Tea
the people are well protected in 'de -
mending the well known and reputable •
btand, "Salado." Ceylon Tea, which is
sold only in lead packets, eachbearing
the selling price and the registered
trade name, which is the public safe-
guard against substitutes,
, von g's vecovt,
Roscoe Conkling, like John S. In4
galls, was a master at Invective. Conk-•
HAL It is said, once upon a time' In
summing up to a jury thus attempted
to belittle the testitnony of a runatny
faced, knobby nosed witness for the
opposition: "Methinks, gentlemen,
can see that witness now, bis motith
stretching across the wide desolation
of his face, a sepulcher -of rum and a
fountain of falsehotelll
Two ot a nd.
A nian waiting for a street ear asked'
a gentleman standing by, "It are time
for the street car, ain't it, or have ary
ono went out in the last taw minetes?"
The nnewe,r lit said to have been, "If
any have went I haveal sieW
Greensboro (N. C.) Record.
lineeatied Her Tem
Elderly Mine (greeting lady aegttahlt-
• anee)—I remember your faee perfeetly,
• miss, but yotir name has escaped hie:
the YOUng doh't wonder,
It escaped Me theee yeare ago. / aniMarried now.
The. Guiders Ileasnro.
"Thitleti hiivemo eoto t pretty page,"
rermirked the guide as he led Algernon
and Percy into the ItOseinite Valley --
tempos:M. •
, "Bariter",14 •*Ord Whose origin lie
seholer ean tree*.
The Doctor
Always As
mself. • .me
. At fleet 11 *WAS, 0a:1rd .that the edu
gen- me
eral 'was to te ;buried In Paeliabut a
new surprise:appeared in the person•or •
Per mule or Altao•ua Made Pub
. Oure for Storutteh Trouble
?official speeches -
110 Nome people think, for insMnee, that
Our leading druggists are Very MX -
I1 stomach, lose Of •appetite, annoying
ions to have .fili-o-na, a remedy which
they sell 44 a cure for stOtriach troub.
les, tested rigidly in every °cis° of
heart -burn, acute dyspepsia, wind on
I dreams sleephissnees, general weak.-
ness and debility, or where tbe diges-
medicine known for intesinal dis-
tive organs do not act as theY should.
Mi-O-na is composed of brannith
sobgallate, by all odds the very best
Ibur compounds in the boweIls forming
eases. It combines with the free map.
a black substance Which is:passed off
from the body without harm. It also
has a tioothing effect upon the nerve
endings in the stornacla. .
With this is combined eerium oxal-
ate, a standard remedy in the treat-
ment of all irritations of the stomaeh
and digestive organs.
• Sochuna bicarbonate he .then adde
to overcome thee :lei ty
usually present in stonaaeh troublet
and Aux- vomica for its general' ton
and nerve -strengthening powers.
This combination of reliable reme-
•dies makes Mi-o.no, a positive cure
for all stomach troubles, and, perhaps
the only one that can he sold -ender a
guarantee that it costs nothing unless
. it cures.
1 A large box of Mi-o-na tablets is sold
/ for 50 cents,„
If you cannot obtain Mi-o-na of
ypur druggist, it will be.sent by mail,
post-paid, on receipt of price. 'Write
us for advice on your caee from a lead-
ing stomach specialist which willybe
sent free. Phe 11 T. Booth Company,
Ca speeches do not matter. Po.
Meal speeches matter far more than
the RCN of parliament which they in-
troduce. Men care lesS even about
•what IS being done than about why It
Io being done. The spirit in vvhich 34
thing is effected Is of far more practi-
cal importance" even than the thing it.
self, This- can be tested by the simple,
experiment in social life of removing a
gentleman's hat for him, erst in oue
spirit, then ia the other. If you get rid
of all the talk about practical politics
(talke(1 by tired men with '110,000 a
gear) and really look impartially at the
history of human society you will see
that collisions have arisen far more
from Insults than from injuries. •Some
of my imperiallet friends, for instatiee,
tell nie that because I think South af 1
PA a nuisance to England therefore I
d should permit Germany to nitwit it
nom us in war. This is like saYing
that because I think a Op hat ugly and
uncomfortable I should let another man
knock it off in Plecatillly. No doubt it
le uncomfortable. But Why 'Mould he
knock it off? • Who- is be? I wonder.—
G. X. Chesterton in London News,
• ••
BISPoineatle /Kra /a Afedleine.
• ItiChard Cole Newton deol.arei that
Oven in the early dayi of the Motto-
ex.:We era the 'art or surgery' eseheaved
forme 01 superatition and philosoph-
• ical conjecture,•tittaining :praictIcel re-
sults: by direct methods. At a very
early age. the profession of medicine
was fially recognized in Ceeeoe and in.
initnY eases .was 'geiterously revrarded.•
We. read of . ewimilers end -charlatans
In these. days tpo, ':Patent- medicines
were alsO sold. The Hippocratic Oath,
•which for 'over.. twenty centuries, hes
remained praCticany uueiraugetl, is iln
evidence of the sagaeltY, the 80138e ot
profesalonel. boner 'etul • responsibility.
a-ndethe..4tlear-thlifith,g gf th.'Pok8.
Hippocrates was born on the island Of
•Cos in 460 B. C. A large collection -Of
writings, evideotly the woru. of many
phytilelans, Wbose klentity Is unknown. ,
has been' ascribed to the pen of tide t;
leader.: .,The Greeks.. were weriderfelly
.brilliant In. -:inedical - attainments, for,.
they •studied nature and her method's •
and shook: • themselVei ••• free from a
;monnreerital load of Ignorance and eu-
Peretition. ; The synchronotis deeelop.
et Or. mind andbotly was the funda-
iital rule, both of health ttpd
ion.—Medical Record.
s w ;low,. of whose existence the Wa r
Office did
not ]rnuw, ythe expres3
wish of Lady Macdonald the body --or,
as rumor says n'ovv, the coffin wee
-ieet. to London- and• unceremoniously'
huddled away to Scotland in a baggag.:
van. The body, or the cofiln,:'Vvais,q Wet-
ly, almost secretly, 'burled In
a, pIibIlo
•cemetery at half-past.6 in the morning.
The' Coffiri was not epened f turn the
time it left the Paris. hetet. .
The New Gospel Fragment.
Some further' particulars haVe been.
nuoie public .1n. Lpridon • regarding the
interesting findof a portion of an un -
canonical Gospel at Oxyrhync,uS by
bre. Grenfen and Hunt. They are sure
that tbe vellum fragment cannot be
mere recent than aSO n., D. : It is of
-light biscuit color, . measuring rather
leesthan threeInches along' the top
and the same down the left side.. A.bout
an Inch from the fop right hand corner
the fragment has crumpled away to the
bottom of the left 'corner, so that it le
triatigular in ehape. The writing on
both aides Is very close, but le perfect.
ly .elear and legible and Is M neat, our -
sive Greek.
Two: things are mentioned ain which
. •
Drs. Grenfell ; and. Hunt have been un-
able up to the prement to get any light
thrown. They are "the pool of David"
and a desoription of the white fioetumi
worn by persons when they were bath -
Ing therein. they conjecture that the
pool 01 Dityld may be the eatrie as the
noel of Stamm, but they do not air yet • t
have 'not peen able tcestudy their.lind la
assert any deenite core:Melon, for they t
thoroughly. They hope, however, that i
leading rabbinical seholarormaybA'able c
to throw some light on opiate such as t
those mentioned above.
The Di‘cipline of .
The best skating is always on thin
ice—we like to tel It creek and yield
under our feet. There is ir deadly fas-
elnation In the thought. of twenty or
thirty feet of eold water beneath. Last
year 'mortality list cuts no lee with us.
We must make eur own experiments.
.whIle 1)r. EXperience serearas . himself
boarse from bis bonfire on the bank.
. He has held 'many' an inquest on this
• darkling shore of the river of time, and
he will •Ufidetibtecily' live to hold many
ttoother, but Otis far we have not been
the subjects, 'and When. It 'comes to the
Mistakes of others We are all delighted u
to serve on the coroner's jury • If Isn't
well for us to. be saved from' too many e
blunders. We need the diseipline of.
failure. It is better to fall than never 1
to try, and tbe man who • Can content- P
plate the graveyard :of his own hopes ,“.n
witliout bitterness will not always be L."
• ignored by the gods of success. --Mere- 1j2
dith N100ISOn in rteader, •' • •
Portuguese Nelsen
• Portuguese moneris based on a unit
which la worth about the thousandth
part of a cent; So if you buy a single
postage stamp it cests you about 10,-
000 nallreis. We were attacked at the
p ce Of Die objects the vendors In
Ponto Delgoda desired to sell us. When.
presented with a till eonie of us got
heart disease and seine of us apo.
plegy. • Only after long ' explanattona
In mingled Spanish, Portuguese French
and English did we learn that a oho-.
tograph offered at several tbousand
milreis was worth about 15 cents, In
• short, it was brought forcibly to our at-
tention' how extremely Wilkie' a me-
dium is money, how difficult it Is to.
.get, how difficult it is to keep, but alsb
how, difficult it is to exchange this In-
tereonvertible medium in foreign coun-
tiles—whep you have any. Probablyit
Is even more difficult when yOu 'have,
, •
liospitallty.' • •
While • the reportorial repreSentative
of a great news bureau was In •San
Antonio; Tex., whence. he had .posted
In such haste as te have little luggage,
be met with a charming bit of soythern
Itespitality. He had. no cuffs, and a
local reporter 'promptly . drew off his
• Own and seld to 'the gueet within the
olty 'gates; "Bern, take inine, I've
•more at libtne." Later it was learned
that•the donor of the euffts vvorked for
the' San. Antonio DallY Express, and
the sinjerintendent of the 'news buteau
Upon hearing of the Incident immedi-
ately wrote t� Frank Gtice, owner Of
the. Exprese, in appreciation of an lief
peCullarly southern in its frank ...good
,f,eIlfloyerosuhlepa.n leenrde Is ealtrh.e0nr4icroee'e :orcepilhyee
member Of the Express -state .vito of-
fered his miffs to your nine he will be
discharged for not offering his shirt 'le
• .• Sharp,' but atot clever.
A London scientist sap that life In a
Metropolis mairee youneechildren share,
but not clever:. that It often'. destroys
• their chance of ever being', clever, ror
' It hastens the developrueet of the brain
• unnaturally. It makes them
tial, alert, alert'bot not observant; ekettable,
witheut one Spark of entlinshism.
They are apt to grow bleSe, flekle,
outented. They see more thiege: than
the country bred child,. but net such
ateresting things, and -they do not
roPerty see ariything, for they have
either the time nor capacity to get at
root of all the' bewildering objects
at crowd themselves into their little
res. • . :
'•tree That uivek, Light.
Among freaks a nature In trees ther
stands conspicuous oae known as th
Asintle star tree, It is enormously
tell, 'growing to a height of from sixty
feet to eighty 'feet, -while from the
ground un to 11 distance* of 'about forty
feet the truhkets perfectly bare. From
hat ,point .there• Spring. a, 'Writhe'. of
angled linthe, which shoot out clusters
1 long, Pointed leaves, and Ala these,
rouped together, that emit a/ nighta
leaf., phosphorescent light •Thla gives
be, tree a spectral, appearance-. and la
gambol Limits. • *".1.'
YOu May tell a man that hls neck-
tie cannot be reckoned among his sue..
-conies, you ratty point out his errors
In regard to Investments, you may re-
proach him for wafting to take ad-
vantage of the oppertnnities he has
had for advarieeratiet, and' he will ac-
cept till your .critleisms with a reason-
able calm, but take gentle exceptiou
to the way In which be pronounces a
Word and the chances are that his next
remark is of a heated nature.—London
Peer eight an' Advantege.
An Austrian scientist, says a, rjon40
Magazine, is Inclined to think tha
shortsightedness Is not& uninlited evtl
He doubts if /whoa! work. *mews It
With, the Md of a large -staff01 enthis
Jeanie medical helpers, the *yea of mor
than 15,000 • sehool ohl/dren Wer
examined, and a great mass of Infor-
mation was eolleetedeend etudied. This
protemeor ands that among the most
extreme eases of' short eight hand
workers greatly outnumber the .
worker, Th The majoralty of these ciasei
decia-red that their defective migkt had
existed freen birth, or as long am they
could remember. He declared that his
Investigations prove that :school. Ivo*
never produces 'extreme Shortsighted-
ness, but Only a slight inyopis, which,
far from being a disadvantag., MaY
even he regarded as st benefit. e'er, he
eays, persons with 'normal sight, a1.
though they can see distant Object;
Unite clearly, eannot read or.writ* with-
' out the aid of glasses when they reach
the age of SO, whereas the slightly
shortsighted individual cake alweye read,
and Nerlte quite comfortably, and re-
quires glassonly for distant obJectee-
muolt happier state of things,
very deceiving to travelers, who fro..
fluently mtstake the glow for an Mu.
mlnated wIndovr of a house. The light
t, Is not •brilliant, but is of Sullielent
; strength to allow of a newspaper be.
„ big read by it It does not flicker, .btit
e glows steedily from suneet to day.
••• How He knew.
• vvife all right etetint"
Iretipecked Husband --- "Yes, she's
etolding again, thank goodness,".-13chendee jahrhuedert,
"Art your bowel* litgal*tP" Ife
knows that do* **doh ofthe
bow* le absolutely elsetutal to
beelth, Then Ittelt your, 11*6e oaf**
sad your hovels **ludo by sok*
lexative deeet Ayst's Pak.
• *No •••suata W. 0,
Axon 'Who Walked eft Alt Pours.
itt the kingdom of Poland tbere• was
• l'Ormerly a itiNV according to which any
personfound giiiity of slander wee
emnpoiled to walk on all fauns throUgh
the streets of the town Where be lived
aceottipanied by the beadle, as a sign
that he was disgraced and unweetbY
of the name of man. At the neXt tiffie-
Hc festival the delinquent was forced
to appear crawling upon hands and
knees underneath the bandtleting te-
ble and barking like a dog. Every
guest was at liberty to 'give him to
many kicks as he chose, and he 'who
had been slandered must toward the
and Of the heuquet throw a pleked
bode at the culprit, who, picking it up.
with his mouth, would leave the room
on all fours.
bioltrolvkirig Oftto.
"Doesn't it give you a nervous feel-
ing to 1)0 0139 of thirteen at table?"
"Well, it gave me worse than n herr-
OW; feeling once."
'What was that?"
"Hunger. There wasn't enough for
Mauve tear Wm.
GetroX (d0lefully)-1` hear you are go.
Mg to marry :Ur, Coodwin. ' Is there
'My truth In the report?
Miss Defiweet—I say
unless be should Suddenly fall heir to e
fortune foal then ask me.
• .
Took All the Reettoueibtlity,..
• "I'm going to glee up that new spe• •
Diger Skeiter Sale
of Boys', Youths' and Men's Snits, coats a ad pants, odd
pants. Overalls, stacks of them, Braces, Collars, Neck-
ties; Men's -Working Shirts, fine Shirts, in--fact—every-
thing a inan or boy wears, even to Boots awl Shoes, for
the next 10 days I will be\ here personally to attend to
your wants. So come on MacDuff and see who will
quote prices the lowest_for the next 10,day.s. _
eits,,enuER, ,
• •Oristilu of Weirdo.,
To 14111an ts awed the word "milli.
SHIM" a faillinor having been original-
ly a Milaner, an importer of feinireine
finery from.Milan, just as a "cordwain.
oeraaker, was a worker in "cor.
donan," leether from Cordova. It Is
.eurlous to noteehow many words have
come from thp geographical names of
'northern Italy. • There lercir instance,
• ,
r IA, e coin of Florence, and "pis-
• tol," from Pistoja.
Dr, Johnson said that tbe word "job"
was "a low word now much in use, Of
which I cannot tell the etynaolokY.7 `it
supposed to be, really ideutleal with
a moUthful or. morsel. Pepe's.
recordshow "nay ibrd" said to him, "1
Will do You all the goOd jobs 1 can,"
and Pepys himself speaks of • Tengler
as "hitherto used as . a jobb to do a
kindness to some lord." But the Sim-
ple monosyllabic ugneese• of the Word
was toe'tnuch for 4ohnson.
Many avoids Of most august sound
prove to be of qnite ceannouplace an-
'cestTy when traced to their. origins
"rinance" le really oply "settling up "
Literally it Is just "ending" mill sus
formerly used;ite-that very siinjIe
sense...in the English language, Then It
:name to: signify settling up with ' a
Creditior and aequired the special souse
of ransom • •
. , .
„ The. iriteriOr �f tlie Etikh.
• :A frequeut-reinark Is that -thanisitid
dwells on a, -thin crustencircling n
• molten .macs and that the 'journey • of
life Is practleally on a °fire. ball incesed
In .a fragile shellethat has cooledand
that, as it eckols further, contracts with
• earthquake' ,sliocks. virtue • in
'rhetoric,- if the purpose Is- to elevate.
the hair and. induce .cold thrilLa and
gooseflesh. The luternal , the
earth is an inferenee and,ap any large;
sense, bistoriCalle , ha rmless if , true.
Petacmg who worry over igiainic prob-
lems. might also keep asiathe of nights
over the palpable truth that the earth -
moves threugh space walkout any visl- .
ble. means Or support: On. the planet
are the plain raarks of epechs ofIce ns •
liow to keep licool.
. ,
Buy our iron Beds 33. to Sit Wire printr.S $2. to 'SI 50
Sanitary Mattress 3. to M. Wire cots SI 59 to
. Japanese Matting, Veranda and Lawn Chairs, Settees Pc.•
J. 14. ektELL.Ew. .BLytn.
0.. : . • • . .
--,-Do . you .want the Best—at the lowest Price— i • .
( •
0 ' . We can supply you. with Berger's, one of the e.,
#‘. best. English makers at ''it5cts. per lb. -.
• E HOVEY, Clinton.
. .Dispensing Cheiniet. •
C I .4' L:S:
. .
. Ladies' and.Gentlem6if.s• Waterproofs, Ladies' Wrappers
and Waists A large stock of G.ingharns, Linens -ad Mus-
lins" for Sumther presses, Laces and Embroideries,.I.Taderwear •
and Hosiery, in:great variety. Our Wall 'Papers are the best...
We .Sell the famous Sterling Paint, none better.; some may
be as gopd. Lots of seed on hand. '
May 15117, i90 R- ADAMS, .: Emporium, Lendeshoro.
. •
well • as of intense heat Scientists • • .. • .
agree ,that glepial ages will come
again, but • geology teachee that they
are gradual and ,of Milted extent geok•
• microscopic Writings.. '
• Thatkeray could. write the Lord's
Prayer on a sixpence, which Is the
ghee of el dime, but it Is now possible
to Write the prayeron t surface so
small that one grain of ' sahd would
hide It completely. Microscopists sell
Moles of the Lord's Prayer written he
a, circle only the ilve.hendredth part
of an inch in dianieter. To read the
prayer It Is necessary to use a lens
Magnifying 60011rees. Writing so in.
credibly Mall Is, accomplished by
Means of levers six feet long. These
levers aro so adjusted that the motion.
a gradually 'merle& as' it travels
along them till, when it reaches the
delicate end, armed With a Minute dia.
Mond pen that rests on a glass surface,
It mules the peu, to regiiter on .the
giant writing so small as to be lavish
*Buy your Buggy where 'qualityas Well as
appearance is considered . manufacturing,
arid. have your repairing done by exper-
ienaed men,:
All are found it
Rurnball McNiath's,
Huron Street., Clinton'.
Clinton Sash, Door. and
Blind Factory
The ToWn of Clinton is 'Oa the eve of
l'hOro la an old story` of the foreign'
. A Ineitish Blonder. a "boom," If you contetriplate
11 let us give you our estimation, etc.
chalet ve been treitig." •
• "What's the reason?" •
"Why, bee always. telling me that .1
must try tohelp lnYeelt" •
' "Whet did the ether Mina tell you?"
He stesvays told tue he was helping
• Wile et
• An inglish mayor tells this story:
'A woman, 'speaking at a meetiug in
support Of weMenie rights, repeatedly
• asked her audience, 'Where would mu
dad themsellite Withoet woolen?'
' "A 'Weak 'Wee from "the rear of the -
" paradiee, Mum!' "
Ate Ort iiis nand,
, Smith—I hear Yones, the naturalist,
lied a bad accident. What was It?
atown—Why, somebody' gave hint a
young tiger cub and said It was so
tame it eat off his hand. Smith
—Well? Drown—Well, it did.
Oftlee• in cenneetioh With the smal
•Ereuch Colony Of Chandernagere, Thi
• nY POnnenelon Is situated on •the
• Heoghly, twenty-one miles from Cat-
eutta. It extends two miles ,along the
river and one and a half tutlea Inland
from, it, During our wars with Pratiee
the settletnent was taken and added to
our dependency, but when terms of
Petits were _pranged out minister of
foreign affslre, in total ignorance Of
its position aud of the importance of
Its retention, agreed to its being rel
attired to Prance, It turned out that
b* thought it Was a email Island in
the West Indite and of no cense.
quencei—Westmlnster tiezette.
Chide:roll* br tho Camery faunae.
Hierros clot hardly bo ealletl, al-
though nominally Will/10a, 0350'01 the
"fortunate like," It is the Cinderella
ea* Canary group, and In itasooth.
Westerly Isolalloa may be sitia, to„live
ots fog. Bet for the mists that &ouch
ahores the little Island Would dio of
thirst, and no 'Vegetables could be eclat
0 Market? Its western promontory.,
Debts-, once enjoyed etlebrity as the
spot through which Wile draten the
Mt Universal Meridian, •
4:4407:4m4smOtket4,01• Wafooveifeantaoawrisit: t
•.zn, sr:"15Yffitt
/4- aanci
those f•-.3 gaining ftai3h
htla tt/rent.it.11 bv regular treat-.
meta with
Scott's. Emulsion
should continue the 'treattltarit
In not woes:hoe; entailer dctee
and a little cool milk With ltwul
do awed,- WILIt time obJeOtIon
WhlOh Ia attecut•ti to fatty pea.,
chime during' t he hoatad
aeaattri4 •
Smut for (tAt metOlit
SCOTT a, BOWNAh Ciste‘ib
Tonotitv ,etiO0114
iec, mut Pate; Ili tokialttop
gibeislOoe of Work.
thank ded.every morning when yen
Set 01) that you have something to de
diet day Which must be dent, whether
you like It or not Being forced. to
Work And forced to do your belt will
hresd la you temperance, lilt Control,
diligence, stfength) ot vein, sontent and
hundred virtues which the Idle *III
Atter •knele.
IIPHeadquarters for all kilt& ot Midas' materials.VII
•St ai COOPERy qint°d'
Advertise in TM CLINTON. NEW ERA
t.h ,tt6*4*-tt-ttt;Vttt444'*ttte-tr4ttl-
Did xou eveilStop to. think, ?
- When buying a Dinner, Tett or 'Toilet Set or Panay 0\hina*
first.olass goods, up4o.date shapes or deeorations be sure and eall
Teas, Sugars and Canned Goods
• We lead in Quantity, Quality and Prices.
Special 044:ir1des on Sugar in 10(1Ib bags
sEgtosvarkind9, Red. Clover, A.Isike, Timothy, Or
vr •
• chard Grass, Itlangoki and Ttiertip Seed, Oritat
le A ricultutal College says t — "Yellow Leviathan stands at the
• hedf the liskin yield peritere in 24 difrereht• Varieties."
• Sold by • ,
*****44444 ******* # 444