HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-06, Page 8a TEM OIANTQN 1,114W Ems. • r Some July Specials Here is a list of SPECIALS to start and everyone is good and July with... Ea -h ,.,.. .......... worth corning after. "The. season s well we , g stocks must be quickly rounded upand got in shape for Fall busyness: We will beta it all this month, you and will find this cor- ner of the paper r doubly.interesting. for the next two weeks. Strictly summer stocks will be kept full and well .assorted through- out the season. What you want will be right hertst when you -want it. More Remnants. THIS TIME EMBROIDERIES.' Cotton Dress Goods, Silks, .Wool Dress Goods have had their remnants weeded out. Now we go to the Embroidery stock. Noth- ing over four yards in length, but dozens of ends under that. Choice of them bn Saturday at prices that will make the selling 'fast. All - kinds of Embroideries and Insertions, and all kinds of lengths up to 4 yards at Remnant prices fol Saturday__ WIlite. i'arasols. Quite the proper thing this summer. No light. costume complete without them. Good stock here to select from. All new, 1.50 $2.00 and $2.50 .. $1 to $1.50 Corsets at 69e. Just a couple of dozen to sell. Last ones and twos of $T 00, $1.25 and $1.50 lines we •are discard• ing. Nothing the matter with them, only we found other makes to sell at these prices. All sizes in the lot. Choice Saturday 69 Cents 48c for 75c and $r.00 Dress s Goods That's a price inducement that should clear the pile Out un Saturday. Good for Skirts, Waists or Suits, and splendid value at original prices.- At 8c th'eyare a decithd bargain. . 4 � ..s About 200 yards Dress Goods; coed Lustre , etc, in neat, small patterns. Regular 75c -and 51.00;-• also plain and fancy black materials.. A clean up o' adozen or more lines -that sold at 75c and' 1,00. t' • 'l Choice Saturday, per yard FANCY COLLARS, 5oc. • ,.:- 15 or 20 fancy Collars to sell on Saturday; $ I .00 to $1.50 is the price they, sold. at.. These are the last ones, and must stay here;no longer, so on Saturday you can buy one for FIFTY CENTS. •+,cam Turn over Collars, 2 for 25e. Ladies' embroidered turn -over Collars, a dozen cr mbre, neat patterns, fine quality, regular 20c to 25c and worth it. Saturday your choice 2for 25c Belts, at the Same Money. Ladies' white Linen Wash Belts, nicely ern-, broidered, fancy embroidered backs, gilt buckle, real new ano quite the rage. Regular 20c, 2 for 25e Laces ioc Embroideries 5c and .9c We have been doing ;some housecleaning in the Lace and Embroidery counters, and have pick- ed out a lot of odd pieces that have been here long enough. They are all good, but we have too many of them, that's all. . Laces at 10e 300 yards fancy Lace, blacks, creams and w bites, also Insertions. A clean-up of lines that sold at 15c, 2Cc and 25c. Choice of the lot, com-. Y J ep mencing Saturday, at per yard `1 About 200 yards Cambric Embroidery and In- sertions, assorted widths, gond quality, valued at 5e Sc to 9.:. Special at per yard,... ...1� Embroidery at 9e. 300 yards 'cambric Embroidery, assorted quill - ties and widths, 'also many Insertions in this lot; Last ends of lines vire gold at. -more money. Clear- ing them out now at, per yard., Embroidery 5e 90 Holiday Stockings for the Boys At 15e per pair. These stockings are just the thing for holiday wear. The dye was not quite so good as it should have been, It is not that bright black that boy's stockings should be. The wear will be just as good though. Regular 25c. One. .fi�rr hundred pair to sell at per pair NEW WAISTS. New Muslin Waists in this week, long or short sleeves, latest summer styles, well made and nicely trimmed. . ' $1.50, $2.00 and $2.5o DIRECT= IMPOI�TERiS The thinon ew Etis FRIDAY, JULY fl. _.. t gown; 5otdr"� and a .good many other's at Bityfield ) from London on Friday by specie It is safe to saythat there were .at train, and except that they are tanned,l BlOXCGE •STOI�I.N,-On Sendai two hundred buggies in Jewett''ss are none tgal ed a ce ertainamountit outing tin ; I thevillage they i eeveryhotel in Il e w l ll tier'- grove, h i wh' e e va i ondi residence eM •r it be was _ in friar .ex erience r i Y o m o p a 't ut a t to ace m t• Yed i s m s eye ce 5qa,$ ,a. t o front the e8 ll n forlaw. vice, some one stale., , his i date the horses there ton, who recently arranged a of Rev. W. rD.d 1aagee, isle Crreseent �. office in town, has entered into a part- nershipBicycle. THE R. at Chatham instead.,. .Roy joining towns; and it is hoped the Irwin will regret to learn that he is Pluxrtsteel, ,who accompanied his thief may be arrested. i confined to the house, hut hone soon to tathee.r�to Moosejai�v some time ago, is s e hits well again- Mrs. A.O..Pattison home"bn a visit. ,,, Ou Sunday even- ing H -While the IN THE BATTALION", is still enable to: leave her room at the ing some youth's passing the residence -- While the volunteersl Un were in carne -•,hod ....:bot- ert.co tditipn is not ser- of Dr, Evans, deliberately smashed a T ,at Combo, No, t Cotnpany,Olinton (kt.. ems.. -Mr. Sid 11. Saruth xem.acouple of fancy flower pots that con - I3. Cottrbo, Capt.,) Battalion the highest pouch the same, there being no per -twined plants in front of the house; s'ol'e in the gird Baattalion in the La- - ceptible change one way or the other, such conduct should he severely pun born shooting coinpei filen,, gettia>g 692 .. . Argent are sorry to learn that Mr. V faked.: , d •lits, Geo he se desires n• paints, rirgent is not improving as his friends express his warm appreciation of the would like to see, he has been laid up litany kindnesses shown him durin�g CUSTOMS C'IOLLI CTI NS. •O- The foe over at month, Inc recent hereavewent.,..Me. W. Oustolus Collections at the port of HOUSE BURNED, -At about 10,30 Graham made a tour of inspection last Clinton, for the year 35.. We on 1tti'ednesday morning the house week to see what the sugar beet crop amounted to $17,70 35, . We haave not awned by John Gniui s, at the extreme was like, and his report is decidedly the figures of any other part ,at hand, liimt of Ratttenbury street 'vest, was favorable...,The price of hogs lies ad - but we venture the assertion that found to he on fire. An alarm. was ln- ' vanced to $7,35 the highest point yet these figures are higher than those of stantly given, and the engine take out reached hgr•e. ,..lhe holiday travel any other•place in, the County, as speedily as possible, but when this year was exceptionally large i CONNECTED HERE -Rev. E. L, pe ) ple got there the fire was beyond , extra coaches were put on all trains King. Vicar of St. Thomas' i Anglican coptt'ol, Alof the e house w}ns $ivied, their uwmost'on d y min cin Dayere ed to mn e church 'Toropto who was killed in a the lower part the er ; flitaay � 1001" ! M {end..: s )Y. mss: Tit hee isaved s id tofrom he an ins lr- than. on any Similar sold d Clinton station tSil- cinclttyylxixorning, tyres a asst!-iii=lfiivfor, ante of ii;2511 en the, contents: and 1300 ver trowel that usually goes with . the ine John Jcslin, of Virden, Man., for n the house. How the fire started is , laying of a church corner stone,' was merry of Clinton, his wife, therefore being a Heise of Mrs Thos Cooper,L`lin• not knmvn. lCh of uric ' h f• B�yfieild Hegt.)•di3 ton,auil a native of. this town. . Walter. SCHOOL BOOK COMMISSION.- • Clintonand Mrwent to Mr. James Wal - Barwick, Q Col Toronto;a well known . john A. Cooper of Toronto.. editor lawyer, had charge of all Mr'Sid. The Canadian Magazine (son of M)s, lis, (father of Mr. Charles J. Wallis,) r. Smith's legal business. - W. Cooper, Clinton,)' and 1'. W. ; t(31ark as a Second also�recene i as a i silver Crothers, St Thomas, barrister, make trowel.... ... C, Boyer, receive Western repre- sentative D FROM A()'1'IVE WORK 'up the o ( vorn Hent ii�ale enquire into i Hodgens .. ..ander, s„ re- -ReY. J. S. Fisher, formerly at Myth, the question of the cosh of the pro nesday for thatifield ; Mr. Boyer un- and 13olmesvilin arteiv forty years of ducton of senool; texhooks. The ap- derstands fully the good. points of 3active work• lethodisst church,theas siineran nutted, pointment of Mr. 'cooper will: not meet cessful1 cutm• ede reClothing, and is it Civic and with Mrs Fiher has taken taken up his with any adverse criticism, for his connection with the publishing buss- , will be the next holiday....On the residenene in Lambeth, Mr. Fished las nese has well qualified him fora post= l 6th of July, 18665,. the first issue of the tion of thie,nature, pp he has t STATIS'.r'ICS.-For the six months I gone to Bayfield, where they will ending June 30, these were recorded occupy one of Mr. Jewett's cottages with Mr. Macpherson, the Division I for a couple, of motlt'hs. ,.. , . Part of the Registrar, 23( births, 8 marriages and family ofrldr. W. Doherty are rusti- 17 deaths. eating at Bayfield....Have you do,. DOMINION' DAY. -.••Quite a number eided where you will spend the 12th of from here s )ent the day at (.i...•iel,, July ? ..The volunteers returned -been_ . rost.fal aiLiamhassador o t le. _ • Ew RA ma e i s a .pearane , pe cross, phretires, sical q incapaeiatecl except : THE .. NE'SV SCHOOL LAW. -"We to e get. a it toutner The )a pmpery of1M r in the respect that he is.troubled with have frequently peen asked if Mr. McTaysh, who have •been living in Mr. deafness, His forty y ears' service'has ! Whitney's new provisions relating to ,;Stiyders hawse, Huron St , is moving been spent lin fourteen circuits, and school teachers. salaries became law, to Stratford, where Mr.h[cTfavfsh is the many friends of hiinself and wife . Xse. they.were passed hi the House on employed The Clinton Business will join lis. in wishing him that rest • the 14th cif 1VIay, and there is one pro --College �viltopeii •au"the'� $rd• -of h `Sept..- a and happiness which they•hiyve well vision that should not be overlooed. and it will afford a good opportunity earned. 1 Teachers making engalgelrl ltai must to those who desire to take up special a• l do so under the provisions of the. act, . courses....For the half year ending a FINE CRAPS -Whether it isthat .we . and if they engage ata !miter salary June 3U, there were thirty interments have better land in this vicinity than in • than the assessment 'of their section June 3 ton Cemetery.... .. %Ir, Gavin. otheu arts of the count ,os whether.. luatifles, the Inspector iscoanpelled to.. Wilson, -one of the Liberal stalwarts of P y suspend their certificate. •.lhis applies East. Wt'. uiosh, }vita has recently. • ave have a better class at farmers, the to teachers who makeengagements for do not know, but 1hefact remains that " y sold his farm In that :tutvnship, was the cro s around here look luncli triol,', the •balance of this year also, here on Saturday looking for a farm p do DECORATION DAY. -t The Odd- in this neighborhood ; lie would :Ike Indrivingtho ugan hthe)ccn untry,. the ther localities. ther fellows . of town went to Turner's to get ol ne wear town 141x. gDav id day, it Was a matter of comment thaat.1 aadecor Cemetery, cad with flnh,on ets theturday; •I o 1.lutioai at t ti. Hospital,eth the doctors the crops' around Clinton and :south p 'were a big improvnient• to' those far- a: of two of theirfoimer number Luria d taking ee ay, two quarts 01 thud from. .' • isc•nd and Jamesof his -s nue, u.uvti Cause there,- ailpleurisyis the a t his. side , bur � t n t r f fn11 vheaat . t n rh.I heway o T • Fair Bros, take the cake, If there is a; 1 sellers„ihi Sitncialy aftr;rnuon the trouble ; .he is getting •along. as .well Oddfellosys met at their Lodge Room, as•ex ected ;-:this is the third . time he better field of wtieaat than tri )ir s any and marched to the Clinton Cemetery, pais had an .operation• performed - tac e..evp'd just like to have , look at a -where• they dedOrat id •the raves _ er that field � g 'a The legal offices of town will close at I • I five of their former members. ' TNew- .' hese I'o'clock, on Wednesday and Satur-' GET MIXED [JP-'PheC�ra,iid'1'runl , were Richard Stoneham), Robert New day.afternoons. during the months of: march, Mack 1)o'.vzer, Thos A. Walker July and 9.ugust::...Nelson Bluett is authorities should' adopt 801110 system: I and John Oaaliancter. At teach grave entering a c:hauenge • for rile • Dupont whereby pae "left” o.at Clinton station , was placed a bunch of flowers, and tro hy, held at the present time by 1. could.not iii "left" or get an~the at rein* .,the incli.idital.luei fibers .of ,the _artier J•,.., 1[ovey :.:Warden •Spackman train:'. The arrivaal• rand:. dep artili, 'u 1lilace(1afitityerou the'Kraave .fixrming avaa 10. towci tills'.week in canneCtioti trains on the Godertch• brant li and.tlie r the enibleiii of the society, the .three with inmates of the House of Refuge, Condole branch ,are . so close together, lilies, while the- beaintiftil Dedieatioir who'are able tb pay their way. ,. i..Ir sever 11 t Imes:every ides;, :that passers-' I Service tvap also' read. `Quite 1L .num Donald • P ttterson, of East Watva'- gera easily get.., coufnsed.-- Itisan al her of, personsriot Memhers of the: nosh, the rceently: appointed County most heir ,.,.Occurrence. Sar. •people to I order, were ..present. It •' it piotiii,ble lload 0onimfssioner, ryas in town • ori n3iss their proper tiaiii;, :and it is very the service will be unale. an annual, Wednesday. ...Mr. W . . Wheatley is .' '' aggriivaitL,ng; when a little .precaution I one, as lt•'.1)0uld.l)e 1:.lzilpro'un :the _appearance of his. house would avoid it,.': Between triansfers and - 4 ton :Huron St., by a coati of paint...: regular, travel, there is more passenger I. FOUR SC;3R,E AND TEN: -Mrs. -1. . traffle at Clinton • than any other stat- . Robt Blown, who is one ' of •the °most. { ion in this vicinity, and the authorities quiet and unostentatious perons'. in LOCH `Notices of the G.T.R. should see to. it that. there town, yesterday reached her8lst birth- , ' S and BLACK CURRANTS want • is as little inconvenience as possible. day,•atad deserves iipociatl itiention,• 1)e- ' C13ERRID n ed.Highest prico •Paid. Cause she is one of the oldest as well CANTELON, i31200.. Clinton • LICENSE MATTERS, -Some time las •one of. the- most highly respected I. Ago persons -in town waited lien lieresidents. • . With her late husband • Mr. Hr Plumsteei moved all his stock to the Ontario Government and protested 1 they came to Canada in 1553, settling I I die not buy one art ole haat was neii9tst store. 'vigorously aagainst the action of the - on' and.eleaxing the lot now known •as • , . A.11, 53112H. Nest Huron. License Board, in taus- I Clinton Cernetery. •Mr:Brown shortly I • ,..i beg to slate. that Mr.: S. Trask, late of Clough ing to renew the 'license of the Hotel j'afterwards moved to town (where be.;Bros. Retail Clothiers, Toronto, is no longer in Normandie, Clinton The situation died about 20 years ago,,) Mrs: Brown ; Br emptor, mo receipts for Pannn him in full became somewhat tense, as the License therefore.being a, resident of thiiepl Ce aro in the Sovereign Bank, Clinton.A.RSMITH Board•declined to recede frons its pos- a for about 50 years. She is .ha { i;ion; though urged: to do so, On Fri- a hearty, enjoys fairly good•health; and I Our 'Pen Day' Sale of Clothing IS over but as day last Rev. • \Ir. Ashurst, who has gives promise of enjoying many years advaincin i I shell still continue to selloat old sal for recently he better enfor ement of LocalI.good wishes of friends can of life whichshe ;provide haVe 'if t to four"r chi's esson s arade,ti was nearly all bought a. Option, came. here, and held•a semi ; She'• is' the. mother of 1^children, I •' n<i�. SMITH. • !public n.eeting,. to hear What was to .'only seven of. whom are ,still living, •A SNAP -For sale loco acres of good wheat be .said 'on both sides. The License .Those in this •neigh:horhood are 'Mrs. land, a miles from town of Moolach;.Sask Its Contmissioners and License Inspector •. W. East, and ' Fred Brown,. of town; F R sw est of Mtronneeo tcity, o trains done of were also present, :and persons retire- 1 and Mr. John Brown, of the Huron per acre, $3 cub and balance to suit purchaser.. sdhting both sides of the controversy � road, Goderich• township. will be sold en bloc or In'lots to 'suit the buyer,, • FRANK O'NCir .Mary Street, Clinton. Refer were heard. The C omtuissfonets, we I BRIEFS.-Tlre•Netvs'ReCord; which wines can be made to Irwin & Croes, land vaflia. .,..., tole stated- a.l...i if .I. r Ver - has }ieretotoreheenunderthe necessity tots, or'anyialooseiaw8snk,or.20New ii -oEflee of printing two pages of its paper at a, twine, because its press was too small STOFjB NEWS. NO. 1B' Faihare comes from miaGea m1Gal 8 come from not k notvin , J no knowing someA from nnGreading.- -Read our ads For mental stirnulation and entertainment visit our Magaz- ine stand. • . Rest in a Hammock, it's half - .,.the..dietaili e,-. tQ coo1peas.. and all the way to cc mVey. ey- are priced as low as \wean profitably sell them. „A rock in the Baltic", and. , The Man Between" are the lat- est novels, much talked about. Our price is /5c in cloth binding, the same as the city ads are quoting as a "special bargain".. What are' you paying for picnic r asket-, Our prices are 121.2e, 15c, 20c; 25e, according to size, They are fairly strong and hold a lot. Our wooden plates at 10c a dozen are also a great convenience, ; • We have a new Fountain Pen at $1.25 and $1.75, it's called imperial. It is assuredly the b$2.5est value011price we ever had under . Our 27e Cushion Top is agood respectable one, good enough for the parlor add just the thing for out door comfort; in ,buying it you can economize arid yet not do it at the sacrifice ofualit . • q y The Souvenir Post Card is not the rage it was yet we believe it has come to stay, like the bicycle it has a utility which in- sures a stead:ydemand. We have them, loealN Jews 2 for 50, Upon want to remit money dont put it in .a letter. Buy a money order, its safer. We issue them We send your garments to to Parkers to be dyed, n TheW•D.. ••F:airCo. Often' the Cheapest. —. - Always the Best. - meat granted a license .over their ' heads, it would at once have their,res- ignations in its hands. We have -not to print any mire; is putting m as press herrd what report .Mr: Ayhurst made I similarto the one NEW in the to the Government, but itis said that r Euft. office for years, whereby four he hinted at supporting the License Ipages are • printed at once - The Board in its action; , amily of Mr. Geo. D. McTaggart have 1008 C&INTOlYt 0NT DR. OVENS, Surgeon Eye, Ear and Nose, will be at W. 5 R. Holmes' drug Store, Clinton, Thursday: July 5th„ Boors 10 a:m., to 4 p. m. Glasses properly fitted and diseases of these organs properly, treated. eduction ever agin --- AlI Previous Records And no wonder. --This is a: chance that only cores: once in a life=time for you to secure l IR :S`1~ C LASS BOOTS and SHOE S at Less • Than. Wholesale Prices Seven Days heft. - then we hand over the business to our successors. We want to reduce the stock as low as possible, before stock -taking, and we want to make our last week in business in Clinton the best we have ever. had. This should be possible, as never before have we given suchgood values as we are in this, our Closing Sale. NO RESERVE. The best goods in the store at Slaughter Prices. Come with the crowds and get your share of the genuine B .. C 'INS. Some urges are pretty well cleaned out, but we have over $6, worth of Shoes yet, all well b," direct from the manufacturer, arilselling for less than we can buy them • for'ngow as prices have advanced. You will have' "to pay higher prices for Shoes in the Fall. p Lay in a good supply, now you have thchance. A, dollar saved is a..doliar earned. Don't fail to see our BARGAIN COUNTERS. • Do your shopping in the morning ; we may be too busy to wait on you properly in the afternoon. 'Terms of sale—STRIC'rry CASH.. Please do not ask for gobds on approval. Money back if goods are not satisfactory. The cid. reliable=W Taylor . on, •. '• .OLINTON • BOY'S WEEK —AT THE- E This week's advertise- ment is dvertisementis for the boys and their mothers.. Never have we been in. - as: -good : shape to supply every Clothing need for Boys.. as . we are to -day. Better stocks and greater variety than ever 'before, make this emphatic- ally THE Boy's Store, as it is .THE Men's Store of 'the town. .. tUON BRAN[)` eying on Suits ash Two lines of Boy's Wash. Suits to clear, at:. a saving of50c to $1.00 on a suit:. Nothing , better for the average small boy in hot weather. Cool, comfortable and will look •well.Best of all, they wash like a piece of cotton. $1.50 Suits for $1•.00' Boy's Wash 'Suits; real nobby styles, made ;from strong cotton suitings, regular 5150, special 00, . at each... . , . .. .... .... %p i • $2.25 Wash Suits $1...0 Boy's,'finOWash•Suits, real nobby' gaximents, inside from very good quahty•Waash - Suitings: American styles and materials, colors fast, regu. ei 5,0. lar $2.25 and $2.50, choice now.. .. ., . tp Duck Hats at :25c ; Boys' knock -a -bout white - Duck Hats. Just the thing for summer wear, Twenty-fiYe Cents. A. Cap Special. " A clearing lot, of boys' Caps, Serges, £ancy.Tweeds, etc.; all sizes; regular 25c and 50c. To clear them out, we give you your choice 'for fifteen Cent's. .3=i piece Suits $3.25 instead. of $5.00. Here is a genuine. bargain in good sensible suits for Boys.. 18 or 20 of them • at a. straight sav- ing of $ I.25. We are closing'out the line and that is the reason for a price cut like this.. Boys' , three-piece Tweed Suits. made . from • good quality Material, Coats well lined through- out. A real dressy snit that, will stand any amount of hard wear, Regular $5,00. 18 or 20 of them to sell at your choice $3.25 Norfolk Suits. One-half dozen or more lines of the popu. .lar Norfolk Suits. All sizes. Greys and dark •colorings.- Neat, natty, dry gatments at $3.50, $4.50 and $5,00 • h Hodgens... Bros., Clothiers and nFurnshers, Clinton har u