HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-06, Page 7ZJulr th 1908
For Sick Women
To Consider.
Filtnit-;.That alMeet eveq operation in
eter hospitals performed upon women
becomes( neceeeary through neglect Of Ouch
eyraptome as backache, Stregular and
painful perk:els, displacements of the
"------ • •• female estganse pain in theeekle,-burning
telleatien in the stomach, bearing -down
paths, nervouenees, dizeiness and sleeps
Som -..The medicine that holtitt the
lecord for the lergest ntunber of absolute
come of female ills is Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compoand. X. regulates,
strengthens and ewes .diseesee of the
female organism as nothing Wee can.
For thirty yeers it has been, helping
women to* be strong, curine backache,
nervousness, kidney trouble, inflaming,
tion of the female organs, weakness and.
displacements, regulating the periods
perfectly end orercomieg their pains, It
has also proved itself intaleable in pre-
pering fur eleildbirth and the Ohmage of
life. .
Tame. -The greet volume of uneolicited
and •grateful testiraonials on, Ale at the
Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mos.,
niany of which am from time to time
publiehed by permission, give absolute
evhlence of the value of Lydia E. Pink.
hana's Vegetable Component and ItIrta
Pinkhoen's advice. •
. Whs. Pinkhamts Standing Invitation
to Women.-Womeu suffering from any
f4m of female weeknese are invited to
. Promptly coimuunicate with Mrs. Pink -
ham, at Lynn, Mass. Ali letters are
rebeived, opened, read and answered by
wetnen °illy. From, symptoms given,'
your trouble may be located, and the
eeickest and surest way a recovery, ad -
edited. -Mrs. Pinkharn is daughter-in-Iaw
of Lydia E. "Inkhorn and for twenty -AVO
years under her direction and since her
decease she has been advising sick Women
free of charge. Out of the vast volufne
of experienc.e in treating female ills Afrii.
Pinkhatn probably has the very know-
ledge that will help your case. Surely,
any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish
if she doers net take advantage of this
generous offer of assistance. •
They are exercised I nnderground
7.11F-7,vr.r,lemr47:wr It•ssom,par war.
Iles* lests 111:41111400toilirit till the *10140, Het Ifeather
Sa�"o Kedliatiry,
IA Ow day* Of experte end specie*
ists it is somewhat astoniehing -that, so
tom the writer is aware, bUii1nt0.
40etaring, to use a'convenient peOUlar
phraeo, has not been Intro4uee4
recognized profession. That •tba in.
froduction of the 1,businese doctor" -
that IS, A 1/Pee-What in what may be
terined the "diseases" of blu1netie--44,
a factor In modern business. whether
pUrely eommereial or atisoCiated With
manufacture, offers great possibilities
nO blittluess Man will deny.
SOMe respects a businees doctor
Must be a Jack of all trades, for ids
knowledge must cover a considerable
range of industry, and he must be fa,
miller with business =thesis and 'Or*
ciunstances almost irrespective of the
nature of the business done.
}le must also possess capabilities for
looking on both- sides of any matter
brought before him •and of weighing
evidence earefully before be will ae-
cept all that Is tom him or la placed
before him as truth or as being absoe-
lutely correct, for. Itmust often bap.
pen that the ause of the,trouble he Is
called in to remedy will ,be fOund to
Ile in a state of affairs that appears to
persons actually. coucerned as •entlrely
satisfactoty.. but Is realltethe reverse,
leloreover, he inust be au. eXpertbi
ascertaining ..sources of weaknes,'s Or
'dissatisfaction that are not apparent 1
in many case g before matters have
reached a stage of real serionsnees.
Purthere be nuist be familiar with all.
the ordinary methods.of fraud end, dis-
honesty and many of the spell forme'
of roguery as well.
In addition, really eapable business
doctor must lie ot unimpeachable char-
tieter himself. lie must be quite inde-
pendent ,of intluences which May blas
judgment, and if called In he must
require' to be told everYthing or he
Must be eapable of ascertaining how
far the information given to him Is
the incomplete or inaceuretet-Cassier's
tlagaeine, e -set,
University Coil Mine. '
, .The euthoritlee:of 'Birmingham
versity lia.ve recently opened en the
university grounds an experimental
coal mine, oCcupying, nearly an acre (of
ground. The pumas° Is togive practi-
cal- instruction to Atudents in 'all the
problems and operations of coal relit-
sUrveYing, the connection of surface
• • •
Maar anu
"To .ralse the hue and cry" Is an ,ex -
.pression borrowed by the. English from
old Norman-French, law, which
eoinraanded that when et. teloey had
been done the. hd ue :and cry you'be
raised by any one haring -knowledge
of the crime, and every person. 'leering
this ery WAS obliged to leave whatever
OCCupation be was engaged at, and bl-
atantly join In pursult ef•the evildher.
The expression is eleveely.,ittroduced
into John Gilnin. •
Carpets Were le tise in Nifievan and.
Babylon, as shown in ptiintines, .1u B.
C. 17012.
A Famous Painting. •.
One of the gems of England's Na-
tional Picture. gallery, "The Canter-
bury Pilgrims," was painted- by the
Son of a publican Who without the aid
Of. birth, Wealth or education 'became
the honored friend of Reynelds and
contemporatar artiste. Thefather of
Whomas Stothard, It. A., the artist in
riestion, kept the Black Horse inn,
Long Acre, London, 150 years ago.
The Christian Bra: •
The Christian era began with Tan. -1
of the year 4714 of the Julian peri011,,
though different chronologists make a
'Variation of a year or two In this date.
Flowers in Sweden: . •
. A special. cliaracterietic of the Swe-
dieh women of all classes is their love
of flowers. In proportion to: Its slie.
and _the. number of. its inhabitants
Stockholm has more flower ebops their.
any other town in. Europe,
Caesar's Caiendar. •
Julius Caesar's calendar prevailed in
Europe until •1582, when it was. sup-
planted by that of Gregsery 'XIII., 1107s.
• in use, which omits three' leap years
every 400 years. • • •
L 0 W. RA E
• T
Manitoba, Alberta and Sas-
katchewan rUhits
'11011E8E1% ERS
'rickets goad te return within 60
days. Liberal stopovers.
Excursions leave Toronto •
Tuesdays. July 3rd and 7th
Free berths in. Colonist Cars. Berths in
cornreitable Tourist Sleepers at mederatc
Ask nearest C.P.R. Ageht foe book-
let, rates and full information, or write
W. JACKSON, { Age"ellst,o;
Steamers JeaVe Hamilton, 4.80 Mtn.
Tqron to at .1,30 p. m. Tuesdays an I
Thursdays, and Satuedays, for Bay
or Ouinte portal* 1000 Iolanda,
Montreal, and Intermediate point,
['rot) ill 1)1111.; ult.
Oornifiencing June 2, steamers lea,.
Toronto 3.30 nan, Daily except Sun
days, from July 1st, Dady for Roche
ester. 1000 Iallandok Rapids, St. ,
Lawrence. Montreal and Intel
mediate points.
For tickets apply to'lt. R. agents,. 0 '
'Write to H. POST* CHAFFEB,
Western PasseniellAgent,ZTOronto
with underground surveys, the 'Meting
of ventilation,. the.measurereent of :air
volumes and 'velocities, the friction of
air currents; the various methods ' of
breaking goal and the managementOf
different kinds •of. drills and elittipit•
Machines. The completion of this ar-
tificial table has peen awaited with in-
tereet; and it is expected to prove very,
valuable in teaching the science of
mininge-Chicago Journal.:
The Jewe In the Fours:au
Eleven ,Tewe have been oleeted.ment-
.bers .of the Russian detima. Ainong
them the best known is Dr: Winawer,
'eine of the. leaders toe the .Cadet party:.
Other ee.-ell known 'leaders are Jones
eand,..Ostrognrelei neseepaheeemen,....and_
Dr. Prenkel, Beau:leen and Scheftel, '
lawyers, The other five members are
wen knewn.Zionists : Dr. Levin, elect-
ed :flout Wilinte Dr. Bruck:Wittebek-
and Couoselor Jacubsolm, from Slo- •
Mtn; Dr; Rosenbaum, froin Minsk, and
Dr, Entsenelsolm, president of the
aiewiSh Colonial batik of London.. Who
will repre.sent Libeu. gs o owl are
a soft down that lined with
' fly Without making the slightest iOund,
a very important matter to a noeturnal
I •••••••,.••••7••••••.-4,41*
! OROS 01001.00$ ARMAMANT Vii.
Tablets, powders, 4i -us, of opinion" of Theis gritiah Premiers,
Lora Seaconsfield, Lord Sialieboey
headaches. Simply because I end Sir Henry Oampball-Bannar.
they -never reach the CAUSE men,- Hue. Soma Involved -4, Ths
proportion ISoiWOon NaVias WI* 1
any kind will NOT cure
a the headache.
What rsusee headaches? Poisoned chengeci-44-Growth ef ArbitratiOM
bIOOd, always.
If the bowels are constipated"-, • ,
If the kidneys are weak -
If the millions of pores of the ilrin are
not active-,
There are bound to be headaches.
Oft "Fi1Urr Lives Tssi4vs"
Care headaches because they cure the
cause of bead!ches. They do not drug
the nerves; • They go to the root of the
trouble,invigorate and strengthen the
liver and increase the flow of bile into'
the bowels, which cure constipation. Mt
directly on the kidneys, heal all kid-
ney irritation. Act on the ski,
In the British Howie of Lords the
Other day 'there '1111S -t0 smoat-1Mpertent le
and Interesting tilecuesion on the aub-
jeot of disarmament. So far ii,s prac-
betel pOlitica is concerned the question I
le one of reducing or limiting expendi. I
ture on armlets and navies, and has
tneditional charine for a Liberal GctVe
ernment The launching of the Dread- .
I nought and the order of the United
Sate e Government for the vonstruction
of a, still larger vessel are recent events
that seem at. variance with the pious
aspirations in the Rouse of Lords.
Nevertheless they may well have eug-
nested them, fax they tend to show
the absolate waste ef much of the huge.
sums that are annually expended on
Ships and armament, A vessel that is
the wonder of elm world 'to -day may be
surpassed to-merrow, and of not: much
more value thatea last year's rawhat.
Intrinsically It May be as good as ever,
ht. -alit- e-wiluarissivvith its newer rivals
it makes a eon's,. ehewing.
• Three Premiere' Opinions.
4 '
late and open the pore,
.. With bowels, kidneys auct Skin 'all
healthy and working in harmony, the
blood, is kept pnre and rich and there
can be no headaches.
PRI.TIT-A-TIVBS are pure fruit pices
-combined by a secret process with
tonics and intestinal antiseptics.
soc. a box or 6 boxes for tesso. Sent
on receipt of price if your druggist does
not handle them,
vont exeeve
Buttons on coat sleeves point to a
time when coats..vvei•e very costly and
It was customary to turn . back the
sleeves, so that they should not hi
• • Vesuvius. •
There was a great eruption of Vestf-•
vius In 1779. One who saw it told of a
column of Are so high and so hot that
black clouds passing through it reach-
ed the boiling point and fell in scald-
ing drops upon innocout gatneaceepers
ten utiles stway.L. •
To itelleve Thirst.
It is noticed that pure cold water,
• ..
even when iced, does not relieve thirst
as well att when something is added..
Lemonade, toast water, barley, water
or apple tea is often .better for rellev
ing feverisli.thirst aud eometinaes are
valuable because they have a slight
amount of nourisluneat
• Die on the Earth.
Every good sikli prefersto diappoir
the bare ground Regardiees Of rank
or .agee'no ragtaust hateeretite betWeen
him . -and. the earth when he breathes
his • last, •
Signals' at See;' •
..,The -flags -to. -hoisted-dt-Aute-ti
In signaling at Sea 'never exceeded Ns
four. It is an interesting arithmetical t
fact that with eighteen various colered A
flags and never more than four sit a n
time, no fewer, than 28,742 signals can
be given. .
'Wings of an Ora.
The win f the
at enables the bird to
is,e017•701,71.17111111 „01744;
I m, 01.Fated Ir.miari Reid Reerilied444,
About O. 01110f Sufferer.
tto'clock in the morning of
June 1, '1846, a band of 1,500 Peniank
. \
under Oen. O'Neill, Created the lila-
gara River from Black Bock and
camped it Firt Xrie. The reeve or the
village was called on to provide the
AMY Witim provielons, and the re -
were produced after a
hasty eonciave of the local authorities.
A detachment of the band wee Bent to
out wires and destroy bridges along the
Buffalo and lealte Huron Railway (now
the Grand Trunk), and the .rnain body
took up a poeltiod. at 'rene1unau'e
Creelte-Ifere 1511iltirreSTea
awaiting reinforcements, but in their
absence he moved along to Ridgeway,
his force having ineitcd away until only
about 700 remained. The Iknians held
a strong, concealed position, into which
Col. Booker's tromis blundered, unsus-
pecting tbe presence of the enemy.
Thera Was an interchange of lire, af-
ter which the Canadian force retired,
the ammunition of the Queen's Ownbe-
Ing exhausted. The Fenians, however,
wtre orttAafiked and forcee out of thelr
Eilunders apd Aceidents,
To describe in detail the succession
of Istunclers and 'eccideute. that ac -
corneal -ilea. subsi quent fighting and
I:110,11m1 retreat cif across the
bard r would oneupY 0, full column,
*and give satisrretion to no brie, says I
The and Empir^. roma. Capt. Ak-
ers, te Ee most of the bl'alne has de-
scended, for el. V-0 oecaelone fa.!1-
ure to properly r his superloes
orders caused, die,: Ater. A Junction of
twa Canadian f Tees' that would. have
'Stolen Pleasure
'the children will show you
the merits of Mooney's biscuits
if' you give them the chance,
infjoiley's Perfection
Cream Sodas ,
have made, themselves famous
oil over Canada in a,. very short
time.: crisp,. , tas
Differen from any other cracker
rtisayh,;,Ltzeieve;teaettoefira4;,...ir ooze:.
Lett Avebery, in raising the ques-
Olen, quoted the opt/dims of the late t
Marquis of Salisbury, and Lord Bea- i
.nonsfield. 'rho torinkr, in orte of his 'last Peace w,as amPtlah: Fithagautt:rew,Ity de'
speeches, said the one hope wo luta of •-
Lord ritzmattrice, speaking. for the
Government, said it would be proper
fax Brite.in to protest in a friendly
spirit agaittst another power- increas-
ing its armament in the 'belief that
preventing the eonmetition in arma-
ments "trout ending in a -terrible effort
of Mutual destruction, which would be
fatal to tehrist'an eivilizetion, le that
;the powers may gradually be hronglit
to act together In a• friendly spir:t on
.all questions of differehoe whieh may ttain meditated .soirie act of, a,ggres-
arise, till. at last they shall be wedaea • stole That the representatives of the
Liitish, Government weuicl• bring the
whele matter for discussion at the ,
next peace Ceneference was a . half- -
promise that may primerty he consid-
ered of much import:1nm
In some . international cons.itut!en
which •shall give to the world, aa rt
-sult of their great strength, along spell
Of unfettered and prosperous erect° and
‘continued. peace." Lord neaceinsfield,
aeCordings to Sir Spencer 'Walpole--; "stew
, •
Mare clearly than almost • t. otli,T
14acling• statesman that the..strength c,f
country lay not in Increased: . Lad Who -Vent Through Caned
ment, bat In Its growing resources: aud •
10 000 Milo Trip to Be a Sailor
that if these resOurces were Skutincter- '
ed in tithe of peace they would: not be Young storlicY Condor, the adve
available. In war," • - • dus tr,tveler. Avhose latest ex
Sir Henry Camphell,Bannerman d was a Stowar,'av vo f '
in--a--speeeh-delevered York •to LIvernatil,, had his future -de.
"that, 11$3 .the policy of huge drinamen.s eldee for him by the de.puty-st:pencliarY
feeds the belief that force .IF OW •
If pit the only, soiution of internatIonal
differeneee, -it becamee one. Of the.. 111 Or
est tasks of the statesman. ".() ae.lee4
swept th;., rerilans from the field wa.s Exclusive sale for D. L, 84-
W. Seranton' Coal. Orders:,
left and • money received at.
Fruit Season
is here.
You will be wanting
Sugar, call In and get our
left, just think of getting
a whole set of 97 pieces
for $$,Oo.
A. E. ),.,113,,neeiait.,on
The People's .0tocer.,
creene d
e t. it qugh this officer's , aeglect.
The campaign, if a raid of a day might
be se oiled, was too Alert mice the
alarm: too eudden to permit of initial
tinders being, atdned for; but the in-.
vaders were chaste' sut of th country, Harland Bros, Hardware. for.
-acitarithastiaco;etuoievietareol‘n- lorne:ti t enrups ?Ile; .
all kinds,.of COO.
patine. for tne• Fenian ouerage, in the
sluiPe of a gtorrante • of her Intercolort-
loan, for at the request.of England.
his e ;wary did not press its claims. OUAL DEA LE:
Oa the .United :rates.: liati .this been'
• 41, t HAMILTON.
and • a .preerdi•nt rstablishol. .whiett - mu gout. . .
would have eitet Britain several extra
clone theyswOu ce have Veen. allowed, p
inrnion pounds in the Matter of the Ala- : bny youreakes and Breed.. We have a
, .
claims. • Si that, after all, the largeassortmerdof small Oakes. Extra or-
. dere promptly attended to. CAKES anct
.SAIsIDWICI;IBS made esteelany for Bionic*.
Baskets peeked az:d delivered tool:archon
rig, as desired.
a en .n .ed Stmes was the chief sufferer
fla.tnealiy • through the madness. of
• John o"..; '
ploit.• you ARP.:, AILING
Not quite sick, -but robbed qf
0! r4-- T.,17,--pc-n': • '
Recen-ay .;‘artiey was reinanaen to
the workhouSz,.., t hi'• suggesti,n b
the. he .F.:1,;(11 b: , le ‘ 1 11n. ' f
armaments to .the new ,e,„4,1 1A-4,1o..r. •iciri% .Air• Kin'10) Irn, however, hits
calditic!".5.." ' . ' 11(1.1111:11717.113..i"t'elvil':•‘"i;a(ixia'rlirld',..tbfY
• Hue° Sums I nvelved.2- • '
en the • (.,u,,, ,c4f bis 10a ,,,,,,s ,i,d .. (117•111:LN4 SSA t'ondov shoula. not be 1
Avebury gave „Some stailsticS of the (4:t1 in •the. rest i Pc UV:. contines ; or ..41.
aM600tS.• snent'4,0 artniiiiint . bt: the :,,
.'',F;11,1,1% "
;1:•v.• :Thie., "111'."1",0-1Y. the de•P
grcIct Pal.Vers. il'a said thi'l 1 fil t'''' 1 ' ''. ...1.0'";•1111,;1'tt1 t;1111 -•'Y4' t:tiri'l-sltliche a\c'141.14nrs‘t'iltit;itioll,..
ten Years, Ilrittilii hati'. increas:-(1 na,
threat and lothil,.exPentl4nre Jr., tr.bout. ;1;.,1g1'.'17;',.1.4r,13.eli.,.1,4i1t"!',.1.:‘nag'n,1C1.hill'1:11;,tztdith1,,,1
a 110000,(100 poin,ls,i:on 110'4 1.21,.1•.;.5.eil.• ,
,•:.:11(1.• natierpti• ekosoditare 30 per ke, et.. tIll''''''Pa're'-(1'4c'"('!'1' ..C, 1•':':•I`i litm .16
10,'Per cerit, freleet el - - .01 - . " - a " Oa- -(4e4'..f40,',.51- I.P4,-ZI in • bil•IL. .'Iti.• '
11;:,111;d1s,•TLI:1:1,(,.t1Lsilutz115,11:.11.)l:et,iittli;le.,,Iliciiii,t41:,:jg.r...,.:vrtill'il,i_IhIgirv.he_i,P.;:.;;.Ixit6i; ..1$11.1.1„.41,1...;:t101.,f,!,.,F,11
a. y•.ra a,,,r•.) l\ 11 .and mrCia:•; ex: 1" . 9:4 N';Itc) IS 7/ V*"..°1 031 Ilii'll'°.H`.
3,..:.....tt.;7*(fr:.ilz7:4; ."14i7:. lt•g4r4St°-•4411S,,ft.4tktie‘f;\i''11'.3.-1411141-1.71123C'e'7111r-rl'81bLe3:61174'(1-73'Cl6. iiiiv
tn 1.3!1`.1;-:Ilbitreei
trained- for the merchant 'sei viCe.
his '0 risi114.•.1;1,.;,....a..40. had 1)61) fore.- .. Stanley condor ,,j,as taken to wi
(11,,3011118 ut;f'lltt,1,7;;31121.70'‘.."':1,8v..I1 t,.11T,Iii.,".i7-i,11.,1;- • pey •hy. his father early this year,
a.> tha t In ' the iii -A. :top. ye.m.„, loft: ,.. Was twice detected by the tailWay au
ad: increased heY.rtaval arid nill tar orlties Congealed on trains for kOnta
Hie third attempt soccefed and ez
va.y, .i.
bition. to:work-find it 'hard to: think-
cleady. Not ill enough • to think of
dying, hnt, bad enough far life. ta he
pretty. dull. , There is a reined y•L-Fer:
rosone-that quick ye lifts that :hail
s'ueth raezitodr.teelin,g. 7.rartion.s, but rerro.zone
The dullest appetite; makes it keen as Makes you feel good : it sharpens the
)1h9- BLOOD:' Perrozone makes lots of
re-. if, the rich neurishing • kind that vita-
irty- lizen the whole body. You'll be-. won
„yet dereully .quickenede eitninensely
strdugthooeti, feel hearty and ?fights-
Ous after using Rerrozooe.- Buoyant
Wedding Cakes a speciality
--FRUITS reM'clin'att),1.7.1ZI'frLsIfr
eno6or/ATES from 20 to 60o a lb.
IOlg CREAM PARLOR open from?
7.80a in p Don't forget to give
Albert SI, Clinton.,
raki health,. eatplus vigor. end resheve . •
ilea, (teepee all Come freed this great es
gtsr, fifty tablees at till dealers • •
die • tovatiVen ' Fifty cents buys hoe of .
• , .
„ •
0"15, :Crop reports frien the't t '
res con moo
• • •
ved- 141,01.0)1e. All . ptie e. P. 1;i, • agenfs
.. A Wonderful catalogue. ' •
•.The name of Dr Richard. Gern tt,
who' died' in -London . the. other day,
will em 01 be tiesoeiated; With the great
work of .eittalog,nitig the Vast library
of „the. Britislt. inUseum. The treasury
:igreeti. to set aside $50,000 a year for •
the entep0e, and the work of -editing.
,tire..now catalogue was handed oyer 'to
• him, 'Jett 1S80 the presses were at
'Work, and tee years later. the. tesk was
coinpletett. The .cittalogile of -today ,
coesiets of 800 Volt/dies in Miami con- -
talus imarly 4,000,000 entrieS, 111clud-
lug the eros references. Nearly 00-
000 Teesh;entries are -added each 'year.
• Brazil's Treasure Trove.
e The direcMr at the treasury of Era
mil; while hunting. for seine lost papers, • I.' 'nu
• has made, anasteniehing discOveryS A •
i L.. the
him' of preY. .
Deodorizing Glue. •
A Maspeonfal of 'Saltpeter .added to
.a large pot of glue will effeetually re-
move Its bad odor. Besides, it eausee
the, glue to dry faster and harder than
it would without the saltpetee. •
Tree Sap Liquor's.. . !
.Intoxicating liquors hate' been made
from the sap of the birch, the willow, an
the- poplar. aud the sycamore. ' 00
• : th
156' agree that 'evei:ytfilng ...points to -a. Stib'scrio6r fiaving -moved-
. 'splendid Wheat harveet. •
nni- •
th-• It has' truism"( more 'Ianithe and driCd•
xpenditure -by .f.:•3S00,000, Montreal he traveled in.tbe Same e
yed Reeky ai tt Tea. 35 e'en ts, 'Yea,
4: 6,000,00n, and (s unany ht Cl+.7,19.0•)1% , free to New 'reek, where he •sta
$.1 112211,3/]'“1 w!th .ou- intreft,A, ok 'I.; :;a:- I. three. days,doing odd Jobs.' Tired
'Oettdes., •Th h time svv:11'd l'1•1.' :-';,11:thW •,
for some lueli acti...n as waq 4ndt • t•e"' .american life, he secreted himself
In the Prune ..Miiii.,tei•'s sp,ei.11. ,Itas• 00 liner Victorian for Liverpool.
a recttni,(.1 rest to reentr,l, frInn the : There was a pleasea expression
eal tom .t • • , . ", y iseases and -
'0111." dri veri away more fears than 4iny othtt
melieine in the . world. ' HollisteVe
rainouS leases rf the last War: ‘' 'ills face whoa he knew he was to be
was . the *ith first ,-.class.,
of or Tablets Aik your dreggiet. .
On •
Raving also bought out the
his, 'estaurant to the store -
recently occupied by F. W;
Watts, will be glad to meet
his old custonterS,and asmay"."
new ones :as.. may favor 11
with their patronage.
p age; ..
IKing Bakery,' he will supply
' Was fri6atib, Italy, c'er,tonly.,. S1.4s 111,1
to ily) Clio,. I t tv as so ra ew
, for war.„, Austria. . to h, --r 12..ouie; ha)
-. . .itchecl' bY :the Police .011thials In court.
. ;Musing. to notice hoev closely he
- long.. been an 'influence' 111'i' i, .fot, :Ite •iiit_ , _
'ireace, anti all the great eimimPre!;) s a . reputation for aliPperiness,„
,.citi„ (4 corrnany knew, s we (,(14,: and those ho had charge of bizie see
that peace' was mast important for each ed possessed with a. haunting .fear that
s ilk might vanish before their eyes.
of . us. - The anxiety and- Imeeitl 1.213 y '' . • --....AA
created necesse,rilY tended tli• par i.lvA • , • _
inaustry nad., drive .manufaetures into
. . .
States had a puindation of. 90,460,00o . • •
. ieet. a Temper. •
BM 1 don't.think, George, .
more peaceful regione Th 7 It Iiia Wire—;'
d Europe a population sof about 350,.. that you Ought to ()Wet to ruarnM
0;000, sbrne four times as greet, anti Why, just think; if it hadn't been for :-
e area Was aboeit the same.. Bet lei, her you Wohldneverhave had mel
hat •
Are a, combination of the active principles of
the most valuable vegetable remedies for dia.
eMes and disorders of tbe Liver, Stoma& and
Bowels. -
Perlditure ef Eurone on arznaments Husband -I -tub! Don't try to" ezeu
s over 2250,000,000 andthat of the , her by saying -that . You make Me ha
ited States 240,000,000; while „the her worse than ever.
Mber of men under arras Was dbou 1'
00,000 in Europe, against 160,600 notug Their Best.
United •States. It waS obvious
t Plurimean manufacturers-, r understand you to say till
avllY letnilicapped as against tIlLeZ
the 'United States." lteep, a servant girl?"
. "Certainly not; 1 said -they tey t
The Proportien Unchanged. • • .As goon as one goos they got another
he last point was well taken, but •
rd Avebury Might well have re- '
marked that Germany', with a terrIblo SPeeeb IS too often not as
.boX whieh had not apperently :been ..;
Oleturhea for many years Was found
: tO contain gold, *sliver and dialitends • . . r. •lie
to the value of at least 8700,000. Among. WeOT7'8. EMULSION series as a i• :04
Hie valuables recoy,cred aye the itrine-.. I 1"rld::-.° ta cal.::Y-. the. 'v.veLtzaca ana
rial croWli aud .acepter' of Brasil, van . e.1,.'.starved. eysieen done, anti/ it can fted . t
, T
.13rca.d and Cakes.
te burn. Catarrh of the Stomants, DIEM. .
Hick .Headache, Jaundlea,,_liteart- JW
lied at $105,000, and the imperial man- i;t Cre.imuy Eno& '
• ma
ahility of coueeption, which takes Frenchman defined lt, the, art of eon.
Ile bordered With gold. The hex in i:,%.1,1:,:rfree sample. th
all Paijer Store
nose, Blotohee a, ad. Pimple* •
• Are yoo one of the crowd to the Bus
'CURE Store ? Everybody is tow talking,'
BH...(0V-SNESS of the beautiful designs of . • ---
W a 11 •P a, p e r
' Muddy Complexion., we have in atock, and prices to suit th
WhIell the 'treasure was fOunci IS be . ereers thr
lieved to have been deposited in the ; Preemie,
treasury since 1830.
• oueiese. . atii
-. e,e. wee elect ; all dnvxi.r,•„, . : frO
• • 4 $•••• • :•••••••••••.• ... ,••,,,m•rig,r 10..4 • ,,, 7,,,, •••••11•••••••• the
A Venturezzorne WOtnalli. • • '•• ,the
• ...... , ,....
•"I ptefer ballooning to lawn tennia.' -'---7-ne----1.---" ------'-'n"..."'-'-'-'---1--------- . e
Thee said Mate, Du. Gast the' venture- ' • ., .... y intuit Cleopatra,
1407:00 and versatile PreuCh sportsivoin- - Antony and Cleopatra were married . setrif,e''
ant to an interviewer recently.. Motor - at the beginning -of the year 3�. It Bahl
bottling or Motor car driVing, however, Is .possibie that . Antony needed the • ever
:1111M. Du Gast Ands most fascinating. evealth ofeCleopatia to carry On WI rte.
She has alwayS been her own chauf- ' at 7
ee years. from the lite of ev,vy eetiling 'thought but of quite stifling • •
e.-hodied man; le yet forging.to the and mispending. thought so that there
nt, and in many important lines is Is none to conceal.-Carlyie'
greatest manufacturing' country In
evoritl. He weht on to emphasize ,
cak point in the continual strim-
for greater arinieS and more pow,,
e estimated at 1,000,000 tons,
ngth of naviem remained 'about the
es ev he ther • lari tain's naval power B 0! T , ,
1 vessels. rue proportioriate
even 0 wicked, waste was his charac-
phers WE1•e' struck out. 4. pertentous,
twee; at 780„000 tons, and Germany's'
50,000 tens, or whether all the cy- ,es.y:Tilliri i,, .41‘
'terfeation 'Of this contest. Misery and klit 'innt
'revolutions- he predicted unless some-
thing were done to limit the BUMS
Spent in armarneet. : . . . •
Tito GPowth of Arbitration.
The il:sltbp Of Ripon feared that for-
deVelopin 2. of tt•IiitrittliM. drrorn 1820
the qu,.•••!on, but he dwelt upon the Arter's
the t„. „II( dkOP011t ;11 VW was Otzt Of
tu . (1,, ;:: i /1 re e d !spit tes were thus •
eettIStl, Let froet leso to 1800 there Little L
were 21. Itis hipe was that the great 1.17t011 Pills.
Persian eampaign, and by his mas.
four, and with her first automobile, a .rfage he became king of Egypt.
six horsepower, she went all round
Franee withottt an engineer, This jourei
ney• may be. said to have been a pre-
ihnloary to the pert she took in the
Paris to Berlin and pails to Madrtil
roes, •
Hie Mysterious Visits.
•An amusing story is told of the new
French minister of the Interior, who
on arriving at his oillee for tbe first
time came upon a secret doeument
concerning himself, whieh set forth MI-
nutely all the detatis of his past life
and career. One item related to week-
ly visite which the niltlititer paid to' a
inyeterlotis indevidtiah Suppoesed to be
an. enemy of the government, with
whom he spent hour or so- on each
oCeaSiOn. • The indivitlual In question
was, as a matter of fact, his chiropo,
hteutaigia4ind Nerveisesse wee* Or av
AJAX Alettattratin
ehistidepetilea Oluoustote 44*****14,
a ,
Nearly all ettrimmes originally; were
descriptive of their owners. The Park-
ers were leeepere of inOblettien's parks,
the Warners Were warreners,- or rab-
bit tend6s; the Barkers prepared bark
for tanning; Porster. Meant a forester,
Webstet 'weaver, Wright a carpenter,
and so on,
Tender FoVels.
If the Skin of fowls peel easily it is
14 sigh of youth, /f the spurs of chlek-
ene are Over a quarter or an 'net long
it indleates old ,age.
re -along Might inaugurate Some league
of peace, bet Lord Sanderson, Who fol- *hint Boar Blignotore
netved, showed that The Rogue •°0.
ferenee of 1808 had failed to discoVer
formula fair to all natios. Mere. •
there was no tribunal that eouid
co els eleeisione, Against. ntttlOZlS
'Would be riecessar,v to prevent
an • absurd concluelon. The world
be satisfied with *low adVAntes
The gyeballs. • over,
To preserve the eound shape of the
eyeballs occasionally rub them gently "
and always toward the nose. AS one eewtr„',
grows older the; eyeballs have a tend- -""
ency to beeorae flat Gentle rubbing
or massage helps to 'preserve their
•••••1•=1•.11.0.• '
ifitsults14 Oiloidette. icialt
' Ladles seldom rise in Spain to re: ,„ Wel
tetve a Male Welter, and they rani's. . Se, ei
McOmpany him to the door, rot a ,dsmv
tpantard to give a lady, even his wife, If to,
pig tirm when out walking le loOked !v021,
upon as a decided violation of proprl.
etv. • leg ins
Time is
YOU A ilOSS?. or are you Wt.
n? if you are making money format one
lit tend make money for yourself, Get out
ery end be Wie, Writ G, Mattsitma. .
tidon,' They will show you the way. TheY
atted thousands on the road to freedom,
oilers a . every day in the year, ite be.
de heed] oLr geed, W now. •
' See Pae.Sliniis Wrapper Below. •
'toy email ante as °IV
iq tato as oncosi.
trerriets roRotionsio.
Sweeten the breath artd clear away an wade
and poisonous matter from the system.
Priors 25e. a bottle or 5 for $1.00.• .A.11 dealers
or Tan T. lIdzi.auatt Co.,"Limited, Toronto,
Before placing your orders tor
your se tson's supply of Cent get
our prices, The very best goods
carried in sttkk and Hold at the
lowest possible mice.
Orders may be left at Davis
Rowiand's HardWare store, or
at Electric L,Ight Plant
aemsammelimei isnintemateramem
Pitzsigtons Sc
We are still hi the But..
cherink business, arid are
in a position to fill all or.
ders for seasonable mets,
Our new businassand
s the Combe 13lock.
lit:411011S & So
Pitelle 76 Clinton
purchaSer. We also carry a stock o
Window Shades, Curtait
Poles, Cottage Rods,
Rocitri Mouldings, '
Floor and Furniture Voir-
nista, etc.,
of all cletieriptions which are sold at
prices never known before tc the
Painting and Piper Hanging done.
Estinaatee furnished on *Oli
Smith's Wall Papa; Store.
IsT.11.- Sign 'Painting done, All Paper
trimmed FREE.
Our stock of high net -Pianos of late
ease designs, mid containing fine
actions purehasable for roone'y,
our very latest styles Of stvee
toned organs at low priCes, instr
meets reitte'd, timed ot repalee- .
Grainophonce and mtisie letieety