HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-06, Page 54,,,s•Npra . • . • • • July 0th, 1900 THE CLINTON NEW PARA CLINTON Souvenir Brooches with views of the town. • Special new designs in Souvenir Spoons. I Births, Marriages. Deaths. SuEise.---The run of sheeon the Tailcoat° maaaars. Toronto naarketcoutinuee to be strong. A great many ewes and lambs are coming forward. Prices are about the . same as last week. Export ewes bring $3.00 to $4 50 per 100 lbs ; lambs, $3 to $0 each. Very few,yearlings are com- ing now. Hoos.--The hog market still main- tains its high level. Other lige stock fluctuates considerably, and prices at times are rather of an enigma to the producers, but there seems to be no break in the porcine outlook solar. In l Toronto the $8 mark is being closely shaved, the Wm. Davies Co. quoting at $7.90 for hogs as they come off care I in this city. Hogs fed and watered I after reaching Toronto bring $7,65,ancl I at country points W7,40 is being paid. OATTLE.—Trade was not so good at the UnionStock yards yesterday morn - in. Perhaps the holiday had some- thing to do with the dullness,but deal- ers were slow in buying. Prices ac- cordingly fell, the top price being paid was $5,15. The quality of the cattle was good, considering that they were for the most part grass fed. The fol- lowing prices were paid ; Best export steers, $4.00- to45.15 ; medium steers, s Call and get one. They are fast sellers. Ilt EL VA BORN MeINTYRE..-In Orillia, on June 20, to Mr and so las D.I4, McIntyre, (nee Mies Meltown,01 Olin- Api ton, a son. Ut:died yesterday.) 1101 JOHNSON -.In Clinton, on June 60, to Mr and Mrs Joint otinsOn, (harnessmaker) a son ltw RILEY-..In Mullett, June 20th, tae wife a Geo, MeV, of a son McCOWAN-In Mc:Killen, on June 30, the wife of Duncan MeClowan, of a daughter Seaforth,on June 27, to Mr and Mrs. Thomas PinlineY, a daughter. SIMS. -At Crediton East, on June 1703, to Mr, ancl-MJob'Sircia,a. son. - PARSONS -It; Stephen, June 18thl. to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Parsons, a son. • BELL.An Usborne, June 17th, to Mr.and Mrs. Tam Bell, a. son, FORD., -In Usborne, Oen. 3, June 2Ist, to Mr and Urs..W.J. Ford, a son, DEAeON.-lnEast Wawanosh, on June 26th, the wife of Mr Samuel Deacon, a son. WILLIS-In Fordwieh, on June 11th, the wife of Mr. Jas. Willis, a son. LOWICIL-In Fordwieh, June 14th„ the wife of Ur Fred Lowiels,a daughter. •ROGERS...4n Fordwieli,.on June 14th.the wife of Mr. W. Rogers, a son, POUTERFIELD,-In Howick, on June 17th Wife of Mr Frank Porterlield, a dangbter. MARRIED • DIXON-DENNIS-In Winghan1, at the resid- $4,75 •to $4.90 ; export bulls, $ ,i o eon Tune 20th laYel it the recve tlirt.h&binrr elltpvari parents,Dixon,l'u $4.35 ; butchers! choive, $4.00 to $5 ; Dennis, daughter of Mr Janie Dennis, both of buteherg' 00111111On, $4,40s4o $4,60 ; wieesam. butchers' poor. St to $4.25 ; butchers' imAvItn. - CGULTES-In East WE/Ay/moth, ..7iine. 20th, by Rev: J.J. Hastie, Sir, J.A.Leaver,to cows, $3 to $4 ;,,cannere; $2,75 ; vea calves, $4 to $0 per 100 lbs. ' - EfonsE MAnxEor. — Dominion Day iiiMing on Monday rather flattened the markets in Toronto for horses. Not xnanydealers had sent their usual numbers in, but prices for the smaller supply were good. Only twenty head were sold•at the Repository today, but 1 then more could have been disposed of ( if they had been there. Buyers had to I go away minus the animals. The Ex. - change keeps the hammer going on Mondays and Thursdays,. but prices are dragging. The surnmer deadness prevails, although prices are good for l_such a time of the year,when horseflesh nsuallyf allsritivalues. • ---• jeweler and Optician. Vir Eyes Tested Free`CE WESTERN PAIR, LONDON.. The Western Fair of London, Ont., will be beld thisyear Sept 7th to 15th. 1 Over three thousand prize lists and several hundred hangers have already been mailed, and the large posters will be sent outin a few days. The Board have this year added over 41500.00 to the prize list, making- the prizes in all e mlasssi well worth. compet-• uite Miss Martha A Col*ttee. • DEVINE-FRITZLEY-Irt Detroik. on jOrie 10 by Rev. Mr. McKelean, St. Thomas Episcopal ohnrell, Miss Birdie Devine, daughter of C. R. Gehultz, Saltford, to will C FritzleY. DIDD MURPHY- In Goderich townskhp, on July 2, Henry Murphy, aged 7:1 years, CRAWFORD. 1n Hullett. on June' 30, Robert Orawford, aged 84 years. SIoLEOD-In Stanley, on July let, Rev.Alex.H. M,,Leod, aged 30 years and 21 days. POPE. -In Hullett, 2nd concession, on July BD, 'Geo. Pope, aged 50 years and 2 months, MITORELIc-ln Wingbam,on ,71*ne dist, Ellen Duncan, relict of the late Alexander Mitchell, aged 87 -.years. 5 AllevomSwwwimmaMilviwiwitipka# RPAT. SAVING • TO ALL g for.Entries are co •3 fast andspace is being allotecl accord - ...sr ingly. ••• •• 'Over four thousand dollars will be expended on the buildings and grounds %;.tat PAL STRATFORD, ONT. Our classes are much larger than' the - were a year ago. Tlie public has learn ed that this is the best place in the pro • , vince to obtain a Commercial Education or Shorthand Training. Students are entering each week. A11 graduates; get • ood positions. Write now for catalogue • • . • Elliott & McLachlan . Principals this year, and an entirely new and up- to-date entrance on Dundas Street is in course of erection. ' The Western Pair has taken its place as the leading exhibition of Wes- tern Ontario, and manufacturers and merchants are not *slow to see the ad- vantage it afTords of . • g tb " goods before the public. There will be an exceedingly inter- esting progrannne of attractions this yearsof which more will be said later. The secretary, mi... A. M. Hunt, .would be •pleased to mall'a prize list to any who has not as yet received one, orgive any information regarding the Exlaibition,oU application to the office, London, Ont. • • • • , Hog Prices Firm •• Prices for hogs and hog products are An imperative call to every god buyer wl4o wants nothing but the BEST Come -16r these, Every offer„means a saving•. Dress Goods Voiles (Priestley) in blue, cream, • white and green. Reg. 75c, for 50e THAT MONEY CAN BUY. Shirt Waists, $ 1.50 They are the very latest Waist, and sell In the regular way ,at $2.00, for it 1.50: _.,White Lawn Waists, shadow Em- . broidery fronts, - tucked back,: , full sleeve, long cuff, • reg $2, White Lawn Waists, tucked fronts, with two rows embroidery in- sertion, special.„ SIM! • ti •A Clearing Sak in — Linens. 'Our stock must' be 16wered. To get it down to' where it should' f.ustres (Priestley) in green, blue, brown; 44in. wide, reg. 75c, for...,.,.. ..... . , ......... . . .. ..,50e• high and not unlikely to go higher.' When bacon ;le hogs sell at $7.50 per cwt. „Jon SILK WAISTS' Fine. Japanese Silk Waists, with front of tucking andone row --- of Valenciettites-insertion-r-full- i• ' sleeves, with deep, detachable cuffs and over, • the eared product looks high. There is a* scarcity of bacon all over the world. Hogs are scarce in Ireland and England on account of the swine plague which wiped out in many parts of the. country whole herds of pigs. Another reason given for less pigs being reared in Ireland is that merican and Canadian flour is being largely sold and consmned in Ireland 'NO in the place of Irish milled flour, there- by causing less offal for pig feeding. Hogs. are scarce in Deninark also, on account of the • swine plague having decimated many herds all over the country, .and Denmark is one of Oan- acist's chief competito2s,owing to the fact that the two Countries • produce the lean type so much in fairor with • the trade in the United .Kingdom. Hogs are also 'scarce in• Canada, 'but not f or the same reason as in Ireland, England and Denmark. Hogs are scarce in Canada. because • Canadian packers induced Cana.dian or Ontario farmers to go into raising bacon hogs orf 'a large scale; •and then failed to pity fair prices,' thereby disgustingthem so , that many of them quit ; consequent- , ly, Canada is now producing only about: • half as many hogs, at present as%it. couple of yet -us ago. On account Of thp greed of the Canadian packers . ,.. 14.0W to- keep Kool.. : • portunity by not bein-g able to capture \ :Canada is to -day losing a golden op-. . . that part of the British trade that Den. Buy our Ir u Beds P. to S12. Wire Springs $2. to $3 50.. mark has been unable to supply. Had Sanitary Mttr4.ss 3. to 10. %ire Cots $1.50 to 2.50 the Canadian packers treated Canadian farmers fairly by paying 'fair prices, Japanese Matting, Veranda and 'Lawn Chairs, Settees etc. the faftne) s of Ontario, as well as other • ' ' s parts. of the Dominion, would have J. II. ellELLEW. -SIXTH. hogs. The greed and avarice of the been raising double the quantity of Canadian packers have thns been the FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING: Lest You_Forget We have just received 27.4ozen New Collars, comprising the biggest assortment, the best values, the choicest designs and most .ecohon:lic.al.. prices . we have yet offered.• •• Irish Lace Plastron Collars, only 50e. • . nn. Irish Lace Plastron Collars, trimmed, with net lace, only Sue Pleven Net Lace Plastron Collars' only 500 • - • Planen Guipure Lace Collars, bestyouhave seen, 15c,,20c, 25n Batiste and Net Com•bination Collara. all of them beauties 20c and 25c. • •• •• • A Big Bargain in Planen Guipure Lace Collars. Were 15c, bought 'to sell at IOc. Nainsook C ars and Cuffs worked with Japanese sha v-,-viigre50c, to ,clear the • Set at 25c . Sample Night.gOwns for Ladies. • 50e, 75c, 85c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $V15 and $2,—every one the best of value, and made of English carebries. cause of losing millions of dollars, not • only to themselves but also to the far- mers, as well as those employed, Packers. are not paying the present high prices, because of the money they. are ,making at present, butbecause they must take care of their trade. It does not look as if the growing of 'hogs Was going to be overdone for sometime yet to come. • And more, we would not besurprised to see priCes gostill higher. s-Teron to World. • "Clinton Market Report. 132.25 Lawn Linens ust received another •shipment ••Linen. Lawn. • The market is becoming very* scant of these goods, and we make a special to you at per yard toe, lt. I.5e, '20e and 25e be, we are going to have- a* Sale,. and the prices will' Save you rno5ney. so yards unbleached Table Linen, 56 in. ,wide, reg. 25c, for....20C. 65 yards unbleached Table Linea, 56 in wide, reg. 45c. for....33e iso yards unbleached Table Linen' 6. in_wide_._reg.oc,_.for........39e 70 Yards full bleached Irish Table. Linen ; closeeven, fine weave, medium weight, 6o in, reg. 6oc, for• 48c 5o yards bleached all pure linen, 72 in. SVIcle, reg 75 for 6c • WASH GOODS • • • Vesting, mercerized thread, in white, with spot figures, arid floral designs, a special.at 15c We have a large range of Muslins, in all the new shades, and • colorings, per yard ....e up Wash—Strit.s •. Only a few .BusterBrowns left, in light blue; linen and dark • blue withwhitestrip, which we . want to clear out: Regular. $1.00 for . 75c Regular $1.25 for . . 95c . •• Corrected every Thursday afternoon • • Wheat • • • 0 80 to 0 82' • Oats .•0 27 to 0.28 • - Barley . ., „, ' 0 45 to 0'48. Peas • . 070 • , • Eggs .• 15 to 0 *10 • . 0 15 to 0 16 . • • Batter '. • Hogs .... , j............ 7 26 tO 7 35 . Wool (washed) ..... 027 to.0 27. • Wool (aawashee)..;0 18.to 0 18 Black Underskirt Samples. . 75c, 85c, $1, $1.25 and. $1.50, Buy one of these ,%itte. at a BARGAIN, Kharanta Dress Goods lead. Others follow, 'New -Advertisements. 0)- NVIIkRkWAF,V1).Mt. ---„ • . • Bt.r. rtooert A. TaylOr. or tioNvick. has County• Clipping5 wane the purchase of Mr John Stein's • • ' ' • . • residential property on Edward . street, ' John Hays,son of T. E. Hays, .Sea- and expects to go to Wingham In Nov forth, died at °rink last, week - ember. to reside. Mr F. Guest has sold J. M. Hogaith ' has been re-eng,,aged his desirable house and lot on Ointrtes RI Leather to No. :3 Hay, 40 of tile rate- st., wingliam,. to Mrs.'Thos:'Joynt,.0f- St. 'Helens. :- Mi s;Joynt inteud tO. re - .1). z. leer: \ s,.ipoieli toi ciriotisnbgi et otirielett. a. t• his resid... ineve' to Wingliam in the fall. .ence in Seaforth Monday. last; 'having Miss Luella E. J. pear, daughter 'of.. reached the age of. nearlysl years.. Rev. E. A Fear, who has. reeeutly• An cil\d arrn-chair that is certainy a, v lbvti stationed- at Exeterand liras relic of househ cyhet11118. '1,i, Rouse to Rent.' • • Comfortable trams house on Huron $5.,. webr, suitable for stainers! family. Soft and bard water, Garen planied, which tenant can use. JOHN SNYDER, Clinton, July Ith, 1906. POPLESTONE &, GARDINER Successors to MeKinnon & Co., Myth NVIAMPAWIWWWWWWWWWMWIRM amnion.. 1. 8. Hoover. MORTGAGP 80.4E FARM 'PROPERTY ' • • • Township of Mullett. lays gone by. was among. the ldgoods of the. late Mrs. Mit- ingbain. • It is said to 'be '200 ; •..• . . A A quietwedding took placil at the residence of Mr Jas. Barbev,St. Helens, when his sistevin-law, Miss • Carrie Mount, w s inarried to Mr, Thomas. • Webster. • • . • . • • , Word ha • been received of the death of Thomas H. Miller,of Virden, Man. Ile was for tarty' a resident nea,r Bel - ' formerly at' Holotesville, • h•ts very. signally distinguished erself at the Whitby Ladies' College • of which she ‘‘ as a jthdon t. She seemed the gold, medal for the highest standing 111 the M. E. L. course and two diplomas, for literary work and one . for nounal coorse.in domestic Science. Mrs Rea Frsr., ench, Settforth, hap.: ened with an accident on 'Thursday iitst. She was going 'down the steps, leading.into the woodshed and -in some. unknown way she must have tripped grave,and a brother of Mid. Simon ' and lost her footing. nand fell heavilyto 1, annox ma . . • • the-. floor On . examination it was - . Jack Mosseau, of 'Hay township, a found that she had broken her hip and . •leer evenings ago espied a lynx walk- is in- a very precarious condition owing ingleisnrely towards his barn. His to her age andlielicate constitntion, could. not cap nee it. The next even- ensly sod a Mr, Atex. Innis; of Stanley, - ree- dog gave eht se .• to the animal but ng it was Beet near the Zurich road, year old .ciolt to M.r.Sohn i again pursued with.out success. it has . Elliotz.,' London Road,Tuckerstnith.for since killed tiro. of 31*.ivrossentes $225; Mr:Jsines'llorton„ of the Usbor. ne and Hibbert lioutulary,refased 5150. sheep • . ,, . , for at 'yearling, from Mr. Hearne, Of. Mr. H. S. ''Clrisli, son. a Mr. J. S. WInchelsca. Usborne ;' . Mr. John 0. G. ' ' ' Steer) • Of. Godericth township, was of-• Mivvi\,PcmiwAMMWMMIYVA **',,.*****0***********.**** ,•,. • . : • . • • •-•• • .• • • ... • • . • • -• BUY. YOUR— • • • • - • • * Hay Forks Handles Emery *- * * Scythe Stones, Heavy Oil # arid Oilers *- * orrell liolrnes Under a'acl by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of Sale, there will bo offered for sale bY PUBLIC AUCTION, by Thomas Brown, Auction, oer, at the premises, Lot No. 5, Con, 6, Township of nulletb, on FRIDAY, the 27th day of,Inly, A.D. 1006, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following property : . Farm Lot Ne. 5, in the 6tlf Oen.' of the ',own,- .....—,.---, iof Mullett, in the Comty of HurOn, In thethp vassous Province of Ontario, and Vintage Lets numbers • E. F. G. 11. I. J.,'1,•4-, 5, 6, 7,8, 0, 10,11, 12, 13, 14, vi 10, 16, 17, 18. Id, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, according to a *1150 of part of the said (original) lot number Neition Sall • five; known as the Village of Kinburn, contain. FURNITURE . We always aimed at making this the CHEAPEST SPOT in old Huron County for Furniture, and mean to continue doing so as long as we are hi the business. Our prices will convince you that this is true. A few "Wray" Curtain Stretchers left. °OVER .& • ai-i-Furniture and Undertaking,.– eLINTom 'ONT. ing, ing, by adineascremeist, one hundred acres more • br less. 'execnting thereont one acre and one - /metier, more or loss. heretofore sold.off as Vil- lage lots at the north-west corner of said fennlot. The farm is all cleared and under cultivation, except &boa eleven acres of pitstme land. The soll is good and the lecalitY is excellent. The buildings include acnie-atici-ocre-half-stbrey frame" house, 20x24, with frame kitchen, 187020; a bank barn, 40x80, with stabling under it; a barn ;ICAO,. with lean-tdlllx30, end a driving shed and stable,- 30-60. There is geed 'vvater.ramply from a drilledw1l, well, with a windinill pump, The property Which is 51110 one parcel, •aclioins the Village of Xin- burn (Constance P.O.) , For Darticulara and eoridittons ef sale, apply, to THOS. BROWN, W. itavnosm, Auctioneer, Ventior'(eliSinon otlici.toorn,i: Settforth, Ont. Dated at Clinton, this 01.11 day of July, 1000, Welsh. of Seaiorth; has het,n elects Noble Grand of Unity Lodge, Inde- pendent Order of Odd fellows, Hamil- ton, end assainecl the chair on the 1st of J nly,"1 his is considered 'the. ban- ner lodge of this order in Ontario and fered $125 by Mr. Joseph Curry, of the seine township; for •1. three weeks old sucking colt. These colts were all sired .by the well-known imported stallion, Siterriamand these Prices prove him to has 1. `uen:hei'mffewszsii:`' 1‘:8:1•":•••••=0.1"." Reliable Goos • hoarders Wanted ° Thee or four boarders oat find oo''. ne. emarnodetion, Apply at NAV/ INA office Itoomers Wanted. lAdy YOOnlera or Warden; Wanted, Ap- ply at New Ere Office IN no Jewelry Store- in Clinton,. or • surrounding towns, will be found a more reliable and up-to-date stock of articles usually carried by merchants dealing in Jewelry wares. Call in, and we will CONVINCE you that we excel' in many lines. Repairing " is our specialty. SATISFACTION 'GUARANTEED.* All articles bought here engraved Free of Charge. • lnter, JEWELER and OTICIAN MMIIMMMMIMI1/1//1//t// L.undesboro. • 1. Best quality on hand. ; Iftill line of .Sherwin-Williaius' Paint in stoe Good Paris Green at 20e per pound. sk t;*a*********** ********** F, The .- Home of Good , * .Clothing. . * * - we don't pretend to have as large a stock as some of the other clothing houses in town, but we * • • do say " what we have is just as good, and in many )if cases a little better for the money. . * e. For an example :.--We are offering all of our * * two-piece Suits, for summer wear, regular $12.00 * * Suit for $11.00, $f006 Suit for $9.00 . * $12,00 Two=pieck. Sumner Suits, $io.00 ,, • Boys' -Two=pie"ce Suits $9.°° 7F. * i$10.00 ,. * . • A nice lot to pick ft ons sizes flan 20 to 83, 03 nK NI . leg. l•1:4.50, $5,00 and $13,N,I our choice, Saturday to sat, • ..s.0 a nice line of seteS, inxiging from 2 l to. 28;el IN tegnlat *2,51) and $3.:St your choice Saturday at.. iP II i DU * . ,,., . . ... Our V urnisning- Department is complete with • Light Summer Underwear, Summer Shirts, Fancy S'a Hose, new Summer Neckwear Old Lounge Col• • lars, the latest thing on the market and an up-to- di.te 'Collar for the summer Monps, at prices which touch'your pocket book very lightly. • The Galbraith Clothing Co., SUCCESSORS TO THOS. JACXSON MIL 4,1