HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-06, Page 2THE CLINTON NEW 141tA ly 6th, 1008 The New Era vs photon:leo every ariotty ae the NEW Etta Prititing *MAC WREST . • • a oraeero et. latrnis of subscription - $1. per year In *hence ; $1 50 may he charged. if MOW paid, No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the Oettsen of the publisher. The date to ltehtele every subscription is paid is de, noted on the label. Advertising ratee- Transient adver- tisements, 10 cents per nonparel. line for flit insertion and 8 cents per line for eaoh subsequent ineertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch rthele as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen,' At*, inserted once fOr 85cents,or one Month for$1.Com na unications intended for publication must, as a guarantee of good faith, he accompanied by the name of the writer. ----Tcrinsure---publicationin c - lame copy of advertisements should be tient in etuly. Contract rates - The followiug table 'elbows our rte e for specified periods ' And apace. ',iodic Report. Carried by nom By one ef the biggest majorities which his been recorded. in this -Perna. Aleut the flow vindicated the Gov. erninent by adoptina the report of the committee investigating the provi- sioningand outfitting of the Arctic for her cruise in northern water. The vote was 93 to 38. The debate, which continued without interruption from the opening of the liouse until the ad- journment, was chiefly noticeable for the sustained interest throughout, the Marked development qf debating tal- ent among the younger men, on the Government side. Messrs R. Mac. hereon; la. la Pardee,P. B Carvell end George E. latcOraney, ell members of the committee, made excellent speech- es, marshalling their arguments and presenting the case with thoroughness of detail and convincing Wale that was frequently and vigorously applauded, Hon. Mr. Brodeur gave totem meal...est" ing comparisons of the Cost ef Atitie expeditiers, showing that Canadian expeditions cost less than either Ger- !Alan or English. A comparison be- tween the different expeditions to the Arctic sent out by Canada showed that the most expensive was that fitted out by M. Foster, Minister of Marine in 1880, and that not only was a supply of brandy and whiskey furn- ished to the expedition, but the Aud- itor -General imnplained thatdetalle of the accounts were withheld from. hint. It was further shown that under Mr, Fostet 's administration brandy, \Wilsey and clears ' were' supplied to ordinary altiverment steamere in home lemma, a prectice that does not pre. veil under the present Government. Editorial Notes. 1 yr. auto. 8tn0, lum Column $75 00 $40 00 $25 00 $8 50 • it Colunin 40 00 2500 15 00 600 Column 25 00 15 00 800 2 50 Column 18 00 10 00 5 50 2 00 Inch 600 350 200 120 RosT, HOLmEs, Editor and Proprietor be gligton New Era RIDAY. JUNE 6, 1906 Optimism Without Foundation Mr. Borden, leader of the Conserva- tive party, should first look at the un - a fulfilled prophecies of his ptedecessc r, Sir Charles Tupper, before venturing -into the field of prophecy. Mr. Bor- den, speaking at the corner stone lay- ing of St. Pauls Anglican church at ;Beckett's Landing on Saturday, said that indications pointed to the return a the Conservatives to power at Ote tame at the next general elections. As Mr. Borden does not point out the special "indicaticns" we are left iu the dark as to what they are. But let us survey the political field and see what foundation there is for his opinion. We will start eastward and travel to the coast. . In Nova Scotia a local election was held last week, when the Conservatives . managed to elect 4 out of 38 represeit- tatives. Mr. Borden will hardly claim that he is likely to win here, In New Brunswickand Prince Ecl- 4. ward Island the Liberals hold a major- ity of the seats -and are likely to. In Quebec the Liberals hold nearly everything in sight; and there is not the remetest probability of the Con- servatives gaining anythIng.there next • As we don't want to claim every. • thing wewill admit that the indica- tions are_ favorable to the Conserva- tives holding what they have in On- tario and Manitoba. The Liberals Jiave just as ffood chane of making keine In these Provine,es as the (jou., servatives, but we will give the bene, fit of the doubt to our opponents. ' IIii In Saskatchewan and Alberta the •.people have recently declared them- selves strongly in favor of Liberalism, so that when the general elections come round, their votes are more than likely to be recorded in the same wave In British Columbia a majority of seats are held by Liberals. Is there any likelihood of a change. . • The Liberals hold a clear majority in every Province Of the Dominion but one, if we mistake not. We tire 'Ceti - ceding them two in this article, and we take as favorable a view as cireuni- stances will wart t. When, then will Mr. Borden skiire his majority On what foundation is .he building his hopes ? We do not believe there is the slightest chance mhatever of Mr. Berden winning at the next election, and we very much doubt whether he has any hope of so doing. It is simply a case of whistling to keep up his courage. • The Peterboto' hxauiinir, .1.ibe, • says -As a matter of fact the temper- ance people, as a body, are to blame for the conditions which now prevail - they are the outcome of preferring pol,. itics.to principals. They voted for a government • I wertly opposed to pro- hibition,either in the form of a -general . law, or local option, They got what they wanted -they are getting what they probably bargained for. hen the Hair Falls Then it's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi- ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- thing else. It's nature's way. The best kind of a testimonial-. "Sold ter over eixty years." Amid. zt. ..i. Age, po.,6=11. Mae*. 7 ittle3APARILLe. yersmvnoota, The selection of an editor for the Onrietian Guardian will have to be made at the coming General Confer- ence ofthe Methodist Dhurch, the ill- ness of Rev, Mr. Bond %likely 'compel- ling his retirement. With all respect to those who hew occupied the editor - chair, the opinion of the New ERA. is that the Guaedian never hes been and never ivill be a proper newspaper representative . of the eitlethodist Church, so long as it is .ander the control of a clergyman. A good deal more is necessary. in a church paper than merely. wrieing editoeiels expres- sing .religious sentiment. There are dozen .s of representative laymenNeth-. °diets, with ' newspaper experienCe, Who could soon melee the Guardian what it ought to be, and whose train- ing would be of Meseimable: service in placing the peper in a :position that. would make it a welcome visitor to hundreds of Methodist homes it never • enters now.. Ode of these is C. B. Keenleyside, of London, and withone• his leave or cement, we*have pleasure, in nominating him for the position -Ncif -editor. Hon.. Mr. EminersOn proposes to -leg- islate that no man..sha,11. be P1aCed,h1 'charge of a railwaY train or be al owed to run a locomotive' without a . certain degree of prattical training,. the Rail- way Comtnissioners to:prepare the nee-. • .essary regulations, That is: in thein. tfrag.D of railway. mei): 04. the edhliee': • • Sam Jones, the revivalist, eineletnei . the breakfae'Veating habit. Three years ago he swore off breakfasts, and begins his'work day with a• prayer and a cup of coffee. But if Sam's work - were digging trenchesor loading hay from tangled wintows, we • fear he would backslide ere o g. • liyomei Curs • Catarrh... Its Healing Balnama. Kill nil csa-: • .tarrhal_Clerms. • There is po more. come:ion disease than catarrh, and none thut is more dangerous. It we:teens and debilitat- es the whole systein,,it it is allowed-th run, leads to serious, andsometixnes fatal complications; • • No dangerous drugs ere taken into the stomach when Hyomei is used.' Breathed through the small pocket in haler thateennes with every 'Hyoniei outfit, its healing balsams penetrate to the most remote cella .. of the throat, nose, and longs, killing the germs of catarrh, healing the irritated mucous membrane, mad -making complete awl lasting curee. • . .• • , The cotaplete tlyomei outfit, eon eisting of an Meal& that can be car - in ,the pnrse or Vest pocket, 11 medicine dropper, • and . a bottle .of Hyomee.aosts only $1. The inhaler will last a lifetime, while extra battles of Ily.omei aim beeprocured, 'whenever needed, for only DO cents. ' If you cannot obtain Hyornei of yourelealers, it will 'be forwereled by 'mail, postage paid, on receipt Of price. Write today for considtetion blank, that will entitle, you to services 'ot our medical department without charge. The It. T. Booth Company, le yomei Building, Ithaca, N. Y. • • Back to,Ontario, We have often heard of the remark. able bagacity and intelligence, shown by dogs of various breeds, but we do not remember ever bearing of a dog which has ever accomplished such a wonderful feat as a collie dog owned by Wire Davey, who recently went west with a ear of settlers' effects from Afeaford, Ont. When, the ear of effects was rolling over theC.P.R.some six hours' run from Winnipeg, the dog jumped out of the carmolledover a few theme faster than the wheels of the car were turning, shook the dust from his shaggy back, and started down the track towards the heme kola • which he had tio recently been taken and which he loved so well. Nothing was heard of the venturesome canine until last week, when Mr. Davey received a Letter front Mettford, etattng that the dog had Arrived home In an exhausted condition. The letter did not state ieleeltado got back, but Mr Davey has written to find out, From Winnipeg to Meaford the distance is 1,100 miles, and when it is taken into consideration that the dog, in order to reach home, had to travel over a line of mile ay which crosses several rivers aiid innumerable creeks, runs through unnels and through a mountainous eountry, the feat seems so remarkable Meet it taxes , one's credulity to believe it, $1,00 REWARD,. ROO The refiders. cf this . pitaxixe • will be - pleased to learn that there is at lease one dreaded disease that -science has been able to etre in all its stages, and: that is Catarrh. Rail's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical featernity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Oatmeal Cure is t -i ken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and mute ous.surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundition of the des - ease, and giving the pettimet strength by building up the constitution and as- sisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have ao much faith in its curative paivets that they offer One Henclied Dolletsfor any case that it fang to cure, Send for list of testitrioar- . lats. • • Address 10.• JrCHENEY 00., To- ledo, 0, • • •• • Sold`by all druggists, 756, • Take Hall's .leamily Pills for consti- pation. • - • News Notes • • Miss Evangeline 13001e-coil:intender Of the Salvation Army in the United States is seriously ill; '.. • • North Coterie.) Conservatives nom- inated Captain Samuel Sherpe of Xx• -. bridge for the CoMm.erte. • Local. Option S;tands • , . • An attempt to itpset hicalteption by- law proved unsuccessful yesterday et Osgoode Ball. • • On behalf of David Bell, •Mr. James Haverson, K. U. asked Mr. Jestice Angln to quash the by-law which was - passed tide year by a majority Of 200 by the township of Patna, in Perth county. Th.e reasons tidy:weed, were technicel irregulatitles in the taking of the vote and the counting of the ballots, . Mr. Ji. B. Morphy, Listowee• appear- ed for the township, and argued that the will 011he people should net ' be thwarted became there' had . been minor irregolaritiee whielt in ep way touched the honesty of the vote. • elnexpita of the great_ resextech ef. counsel to find reasons for the quash- ing of this by-law T do not think his motion can • -succeed," said his 'Lord- ship. "There have been omissions to • apply the statute as to taking the vote, but, whether ennessione 01 irregtlial'• thee, they dia not affect the result," • I aosts were given against Bell. - , It has been (Ilse:weird OA the Eng- lise House of Lords bee been on an it. : legal basis fortnore than twenty years. ' The Ad of Union with Ireland peovidee 1 that there shall meet* be less than 100 Irieh peers in the House a Lords. At present the number is 02, and there have been less than 100 for 20 years. A six-year old' boy named- Merner was. Amok by a piece of rock from a blast at Montmorency Falls and killed, . Peter Vincent of St. Thomas was are restee -in the act ofaetting fire to hay in a stall of the Deice House stables. •John • Wench of Brantford . was struck by a train ht Hamburg thrown the commutety 111 which they ov:er ebam nkent and killed' at Th'ese declarations, hoveever, do 41tivloet. 1 tiOrrian m stimg- . :•• , • areclude • the possibility (if the light ' Surely as night -follows day sickness going out -being hid under a rbushel.-1 follows the eating of 'unripe fruit or Or the -salt losing its saltness. But cer, s ilel,Arszetsiliiry housekeeper Minty et) yeaeonehles .or fairotanided ! should keep PelayDiats' d atiptisc ,the ehttechte-of,' the hone iri SUMIller. It gives inetant lebeing wholly composed of Onited.bands,1 relief and speedy cure. • of hypocrites. *For it matters not to vvlatt, extent sin in its ineny forms A Perfect Bowel Laxative for • eau? ITEMS OF INTRUST Not Strictly Local, but closely Akin Thereto, Prpoept settlement on the part of customers has much to do with the ability of our Merchants to swing their business in so able a manner. On the other hand, too liberal a credit without 'regard to whom, has been known to put many an honest merchant out of business. Among her numerous other posses- sions, our town has her full share of old bachelors, although they are by no Walla the past -redemption kind. Just why these linen travel alone is not quite •clear -especially to a goodly number Of the tender sex who would lee glad to change the condition of both. As you Moe() thlough life let your influence be felt and your voice raised in behalf of dumb amends. They Oa. actridliskveisb"ftoAr"lkinetrher treatinenti Thhi esyt are helpless in the hands of man. God gave us Dominion over animals that we inighe protect them and be aided and made happy by them. Be a lover of animals and help to protect them. A well -studied, prayerful, tamer() sermon will always help somebody. Of that there is not a doubt. Some re- gard it as sound and thunder, and oth- ers may feel in a general sense that an angel smite, but soine,silent thinker is sure to- ' go way. saying "to himself, "Surely that veace was for iny sake alone." The word le rut void and:like water spilled upon the groupd. . We are plead to note a determina- tion on the part of ohr citizens in gen: eral, end the ladled in particular, to plant flowers find beautify our Oity of the Dead. This is certainly most eono mendable, but there is a sequel to the story. Occasionally people visit our cemetery and pluck these flowers. Let. Do one pluck a flower in our cemetery. To steal from the living is had enough, but to steal from the dead multiplies the enormity of the crime. _From every view point the farming elites of this county is in better shape now than or years. More people own their own homes and little ferms ; more are free fromthe yoke of bond- age inflicted by berdensonte debts at more are becoming independent each ) Year by making a comtertable living for their families; mote are wa,kin hp Housecleaning's', Here... And Housecleaner's lieusecieanera' are here Ws bar,. work. housecleaning Is, and disagreeable. The gelato* way tnat 11. can be doue takes long enough; goodness knovvs„ toe long, and the easiest way le too hard. We have for some time triea labor ligbteners. The best they can do le only a hela, of course, but iVs harder without them. Can we assist you, with any of the following? , Richard's Pure Soap Comfort Sweet Heine Sunlight Surmise Fels-Naptha • Gold Dust Peariine Soap Chips Sapolio, Household Ammonia, 5e a pack. We sell every kind Of a broom and brush that is made. . T. O'NEIL, TIIE HUI3 GROCER For Sale or To Rent PROFESSIONAL House for 'Sale Ten rooms, with Vgliatlieti tool otible hard and soft water, j sere Of lend, 0e/i, Wally located for particulars opply •W. BUYOONE, —...... House and Lot for Sale 1 W. DR,VDONB. . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY• For sale a email bootie on Rettenbary ' , PUBle10,' ETO, street watt, together with lot no. 690, being -a fill 4fter aere. Apply to E. I3UTT, or NEW ERA. offize ()tiptoe. • HENRY BEATTIE Oweeltior /Ir Jae Nerret tateleieteritIt.801410PrOlt, • CalaTTO by. MeOftlett.-4111ett Beek, forleteliT. 000400 SOott.- peen To iteSta Cottage. tor Sale, -a-The-cottage-on Oraege-St, scljoining the property ot aubscriber ie offered for sale on ..•._reas,onable terms latellesea • Our Special Summer Term should interest every teacher and every scholar who is anxious to suc- ceed, and wile does not want, to waste 10 or 12 weeks in a holiday. Write us for particulars. to the necessity of gtving their chil rell . better educational advantages, aid,- • Withal, prosperity and contentment , •. Let progress still be our watch- I Baru tor Sale. seem rt to prevail throughout. the cou- tty; • .the Ohurehes in any connnunitY !size ior That ' t walls; timber and lumber sound; jun the For Sale, a 4 bent barn, 24x40 feet, 16 ft word.• I exercise & most potent Infleence for • horse or hay barn. ' Will be sold heap, • JOHN STIRLING, Clinton. goode-is- conseded-eby alleexeeptahe_r_ most rabid or blatant. infidel Whose • egotitan and seladoeceit blind his mind i TORONTO! W. H. SHAW, ONTARIO Principal, Ileo a coup LE. A le et good brick storeo„ I to the inestimable value of Christian - ()ewe into ity. But to What • extent are the' the premiseof tile a undersigned. churches valuable in this community ? Har°11 Road. Tuokersenth, a spring dale dis-n Owner can have earn( on proving..property The Galilean teacher said of His . B. ciples : "Ye 'tee, the light of the aria PaPhig charge!' W. World." "Ye are the salt ot the earth." • • Hence, if all His disciples are the•light of the world and the salt of the earth, ! the logical as wellas. the scriptural conclusion is that they are the light of House for Sale The large cottage on queen street, be- longing to the estate of tbe late E. Holmes Is offered for sale, The lot is one-half acre, with bearing fruit trees, hard and eaft water. A bargain.. Apply at NEW. ERA office. Yor Sale or tp Rent - Lot 15, Can, 13, •latillett, (150 acres) is offered tor stile or for tent, Possession to be giyen at the close of the current year. For particulars apply to W. BR YDONE, Olintona • Farms for Sale About 850 acres firet-olass land, situated on the 4th and 5611 eonecandons of Hallett, • itre offered for sale. This is the eneat pas- ture land, without exception, in this neighborhood, For particulars enquire in •the first plaoe by Dual, JOON' RANSFORD, Box 586, eiondon. • • EIDOUT & HA/RE CONVEYANCERS, COMMISSIONER e, steal Estate sad Iesuranee Ageet Aletat) to man wpm., 0.1a. HAUft JOHN IHOOEIT — • • n eunCln& GU iteal• Drs. Or. W, Gan" A. IL 17.14,. sow Or, J.Iittleihtit:114.s. ask !ittiolKu.4100.11: Etiglausk , (rhice-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls at front door of °face or residence, hattenberl • Street, DR. J. W. SHAW. 1 1'ITSII3ICIAN, SURGIOON - teiVattl,botiliuplOsiZ• acitinagtlii :111rch,ria=reiey ' cupied by Dr. Applepon, Clinton Out. • DR. O, W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon, Rte. " special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and ,Nese. Deice and Residence. Albert Streei.2 Blocks North of Rotten:burs. W.• Nanning Smith, A. D., CA PHYSZCIAN & SURGEON. OFFICE -Main Street, Bayfield, formerly ocoupiee by Dr, Pallietir; - Farm tor Sale. Subscriber offers for tale his farm of 103 aorea being lot 31, 3rel tem, H. R, 8. Twee ' eremitic, All cleaned and under oultivat. ion except 3 acres ; ali bat 18 acres in grim Frame house, bank learn, hay barn, and othei outbuildinga, Searipg oral:lard, Good water.. Schoolhouseen the premises'. 6 miles to Seaforth ; less than 5 to Clinton, good roads. • WHITFIELD °RICH, Clinton. Stray. Calt • • Farm tor Sale. stipation,sallow complexion headache,. dizzinesss,sour atomach,ceated tongue, biliousness. Laxets act peoniptly,Witto outpain or rioing. Pleasant totake- new-peeve e•the.ranks of any church. • yon will find, -within its ettemberetate consecrated men :and women. And it I .shieuld he borne .in •,mind that it 'only , Subscriber offera or sale his farm of 100 mores, being lot .24, Con, 2nd, Stanley, All. cleared but 10 acres. Brick house, bank barn 4040, aernent siloel4x30; one acre of orchard and small fruits, 2 never- & Thor° Hull for Sale ling vgells. Driving house, sig pen, hen , house.- Five miles from Clinton andthree The subsariber offers for sale 1 thorough from latioefield, on good' gravel roads. bred Bull aged one year, roan in color • ' • • ALBERT NOTT, sired by Snell's Ineported Short-Horo Ball. ADAM, WEIR, lot 26, 00D. a, g Short-korn .11iills.for Sale Three good, yoang.Bulle, from 10 tori 15" motah's old; one roan and two reds, good quality. Come alai see them, or write ED. •-,T, WISE, Clinton: Balsam Groye Stook Farm • • • .Lax -e s-oit.y a cents.: Sold - I•)r Sale, .reqeires a few of theatbove-taeutioned I _ class to hecOille , the light of tbe cent- thins21. • .13411ne8, • , • mu/lite- . . , . The eatepayees of Winnipeg voted . . •r : . • • . I • • e ... . two to one in fever of allowing the i . • : • . • i i. I street- railway company to inauguraTHRME, te OW D1CINES TO Tlile DOGS • a SundaY ear 'service. . Although the city's population his been over iv hund- At best thev. are unpleasant, oftea 1 red thousand, no cars have eVer run on uselesse You have•totne disease of tlae l the first day of the week, hut a service 'nose, throat or hiags. •Doeters would 1 vee • • ' . 51111 it btooehitite-astimia, oe . catarrh. 1 The common root of these diseases, is , ' Thelitt leBaptist church in the villagegem germor microbic ieritittiop,-Catarra- of Tiverton, Ont., has made a record- I 04011ernot only destroys disease germs, that-mal1y:8 r.ity.church might eveli .ite . it diees more, Wheal§ diseased and in- 1 i . proud ot, 1 t nas sent out 'Go ministeis, flained tissue. 1 he diseaee 18 flOt only , and' twO foreignmissionaries. The cured, but its return. is .ferever pre.. lase& these to go le Peter A Monier. vented by usingCatarrhozone Which is void, a A.B.The a graduate. of Meet ikS•••' Splendid -also fox. 'colds, einighs a.nd i ter University,:of l003.• Re le ie, in a irrittible throat, Remember.you: in- ; few weeks to take upenissionary Week in the gong° district in South frie .A.it, , hale Caterrhozone-hratureai own. cm.e ! . , --- use no Other but Catarrhozone-eilt's : --: . Sir Clie bsat-cararrh.-cAre'-mitcle.'• . ---7s---I —les 'Tupper, whe-Is spending . et another summer holiday in Eng- . ante will be eighty-five on July 2, 63 . years have passed since betook the de.• - gree of M. Dat • Edinburgh, and. 51 weikut until: 111114, since hafirst becarne.a Canadian M.P. He was. premier of his native Nova A-. Pleasant "guess ts to name how 'Scotia 'forty two Years ago and. he -re- many dollar bilis 8v(i(ild be required. to presented that Proyince at various . Weigh ag much a twenty dollar gold conferences on both sides of the Atlan- • piece. Answers fluctuate between 300 tic that culminated in the confederation as the "lowest and 1,000, • the correct of British •North Ainerich. He is, in b('ing 34 fact, one of the lest two survivors of mi. iliber the founders'of the Dominion of Can- . . • Ada, . . : Labrader 'coveNgisefkrger area than Dr. Shoop's Restorative brings -last: France and Germayy combined and Is ing relief in stornitch,kidney and heart intersected by' so many streams that troubles through the inside. nerves. NO • .matter how the nerves became impair- one. can tra re! by ' Oa Om in any ed, this remedy , dirOc- tvill rebuild .• their tion. Veesels niss!, not Spend a single strengthwill restore their yiaor. Re- night at sea, as tt• sate harbor. Can be - , .member it does npgood to treat the made In ten miles ttnywhero froaa Belle i ailing organ -the rregular 'heart, the isle to Cape Chid rebellious stomach, diseased kidneys, , 'lltey are not to blame. Go -back to the nerves that control them -treat the cause -use . a remecle that cures through the inside nerves.. Sold. by W.S.R. Holmes'. ' • . • • .10 • Lalix*tior. ' Rainmaker fra.tfleiti, of California, arid the members of the Yukon council • who agreed to give him $10.000 on con- tlitinn 'that he secure a dewnpoTir of much heeded rain for washing up on Klondike creeks are jubilant. News from Dawson is to the effeet that Ha,t- field set up hie apparatus on a hill out. side of Dawson and on the first of his , ritinanducingeeperimentlight showers fell oh Tueerlay arid on Wednesday, end i in heavy rains onThurstley,and a veritrible downpour on Friday. Davy - son people attribute the downpour to lIetfleld, and believe he Will make good his. coritract, A little love, a little wealth; A little home for yon hurl me ; • It's all I ask except good health. Which comes with laocky Munn- -tam Tea. -Ask your, druggist. ''I'hirty years ago on Ifforidtry'the tele- phone was placed before the public at the Centenial Exposition, Ph iladel phia. The managers, regarding it as rather more interesting then useful, gave the tetephone an inconspicuous piece. As a matter of fact, but for the interest taken in it by I)otti Pedro,the Einperor of Brazil, the telephone might not have attracted mtich popular attention during the Cebtenniel. Dom Pedro's interest in it made it.obe of the feat ures of the show, and the inventor Alexander Grithato Be), recited over it flaialeVs soliloquyo greatly to the Emperor% delight. Eleetrie light was at that time a Ouriositer. There have been great Strides in thirty yeate, Two thoro-bred Short Horn bulls for sale, aged 2A3 years, both red with a little •white; splendid individual bulls of good Pedigree. One by Biggins' Imported Fan. ay's , Pride; tha other by Snell's Star of Morning, Will be sold reasonable. tf• JAMES SHOBBROOK Londesb oro ood House for Sale. Subsoriber offers for. sale hteelarge and enmfortable frame house on Albert Street. The house has every convenience for ordat- ary tamily. Good cellar; bard and‘ soft water on the lot; three.quarters-of.anacre of ' lend; bearing ,fruit trete, also good stable. Will be sold on reasonable terrns. A. WILKEN, Cite tan aMch 80the-- - • eTh j 1.01`.;.1.,Vii2742:7 ,`"../ i' . -..4,`;i1.1<i' C..- c,/. ? •" e ' • • e , , eat" • ads tit ng i• fee ili ties Ter! iRitn°s41;111;121:°/401:11.-°•CCI:11BigE1::::::1?.1:01:1/4: fAor tilil'ustinEoNs1811111 4. I ii g , College open entire year, Our I liartasome catalogue free. •' •• ' W. J. ELLIOTT, PrIn 1 d'orater 411-WODDO and A1e4ituder se; IDr: .Sho-op'e.'Rh-eu ei R zuhaenaiiinisteldtta,thfully,inwaillereiVeehmchearre -t'i. ns inentame cases3,plieretofore veritrtice? 1 ciTlieoasnt ortelltitianbldeepornesqWrispieliTs kanil,pwn to ipletelo remove every i fr'm thees, vestige of rheumatic poisoh blood, Sold by W,S.R.ttoin !. 3o Days' Great Reduction Sale For the next 30 days we will sell everything in the Boot and Shoe line at a reduction. The following are a few of the reductions:. Men's Pat Colt Boots, reg. $5.00 now $4,00 Men's Pat. Colt Boots, reg; 4.50, now Mert's Pat. Colt Boots, reg. '3.,5o, now $3.00 • Men's atnaineled Boots, reg. 4.00, now $3,00 • Men's Kid Gaiters) worth from $2 to $2.50 now for . . . . .• . • Ladies' Pat, Colt Boots, reg. $3.00,.now $2.50 Ladies' Kid Oxfords, reg. $2,00, now . . $1.00 Ladies' Strap Slipper from $1,5o to $2, $1,00 Men's Kid Oxfords, $1.75 to $2.00, now $1,00 Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examine • these goods. They are all up-to-date.styles. .TWITCHELL, ()UNION, 0 ONTARIO ,Clinton P. 0. Choice Farm tor Sale Subscriber offerielor sale his splendid . terra of 96 acres on the Bees Line being. tirpart-of-lot-Z,-MeatiendBloekdiall C400d brick house, barn and all necessary outbuildings; 85 sores bash; farm well' 'we- ltered and in good condition. 2 miles from Auburn, and one mile frorn the proposed C.P,R, station. JOria SPRUNG-, Au- burn P.O. For `ale or Rent . A farm of 111 acres of the best clay loan, belonging to Mrs. Ida Fraser, Gcider- ice, eitbated n the first con. Godeeich Townahip, 7 miles from Goderich, 9 from Clinton, and 5 from Bayfield. Fairly good buildings, and 2 orchards. Reason- • Ole terms. For further paetionlars apply to JA1VIES COLWELL. Blocks street, Goderich, or Edward Aoheeon,,Godericle Farm for Sale. Subscriber offers for eale his farm of 100 scree, being lot 21, con. 0, Hulled. All cleared exeept abont one acre, all seeded down but about 20 acres. • Frame house, bank barn 36030.. Bearing orchard of on acre. Good- well. Abaco 5 miles from Clinton; _Apply on thepremises or 'addreae • Clinton Post Office. pd 41 •JAMES TIGHE. Farm or *Sale. • Subscriber offers for sale his farra of 100 sores, being lot 24, 5th con. of ,Hallet, 90 mires Cleared, 10 acres nice hardwood bush. Frame house, kitthen ani wood - axed, godd baek barn. Well wetered, well • fenced, nell artderdramed and in fifet.clage state a onitivAtion, 1.8 acre bearing orch- ard, Only 3 miles from Minton. e of a mile from school. JOHN CARBERT on the premises or Clinton, 13,04 Farm tor Sale • • 200 acre Utica in Bast Wewanosh. lots 31.313/4 Pon, 2. Firsteiless soil for grain or grass. well drained, web fenced, spring creek ruts all year. 15 acres good bush, 2 acres oreherd, bank beta 00 x 05, with sta. blies alt oement, good sized hay barn. large implement Iambi: wall pie 31ablee under, good sized frame house, Stitched and wood abed attached, 2 good wells, '2nciles to An - burn, 0 to Blyth, 2 mile to school. Terms romp:nimble as owner wants to retire, II. A.uburn , p41 if Farm for Sale.• • 'Iwo hundred and thirty-five tiores, situ- ated on Bayfield Rosa, Goderict Tp„ three- quartere-oaa-mile froze 'Minter. Soil in excellent condition, having been all ander grim for five years; splendid grain or grass land, wen drained. Five scree hardwood bush and excellent archard. One barn, 52x74, with atone stabling for 12 horses and 85 cattle; one bare 3.e, 54, with silo niad stabliog for 17 cattle, Large imple- ment house and pig pen; power and pomp. ing windmills; large frame house; two geed wells end rannieg vie ter at reat of tarot Apply to 111118. A.LEX, AltE 'a EN, Clinlott P 0,, or hot 2s, 2, Stenley. 'Farm tor Sale, Beate lot 20, (Ise. 2, II.R,S.,Tackersbeith Containing 100 sena. good brick bowie, with cellar, two good barns, stone stabling underneath;lerge bop bongo and implerneet shed, 5 acres hardwood blase and 2 aoree orchard. This farm is sittno tea in the very beg looelity in the minty, convenient to -church and schools, 0 miles front Slieforth and 5 from Milton, with good gravel roads. It is in first-eless ton. cation. and will be sold cheep and on ree- rioneble ternle, se proprietor is going west. Apply on the promisee or to LEVI STONG Clinton. DR. P. R. AXON RENTIST . (Successor to Dr. Relines.) •specialist tit Ciente end larithWerk. , Graduate of the Royilleollege of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. . • Honor graduate of university of Toronto Dos:. tal, Department., Graduate,of Chieago College of Dental SurgerY Chicago. . • Will visit Sayfield every Monday. • DUAL FOWLER, •. DENTIST. • Offices over O'NEIL'S retire. Special care taken to makedents *re meta as painless as possible. W vi i -Auburn every Monday: ' Miscellaneous. TAMES OADLYJIPILY., LoNDESB0110, itiSIIER 05 siAllittAGE LiceNSIla No witnesses reouired • • • • Money P4vaie funds to loan at 44 per cent and up. wards W. BNYDONE. •• OEORGE ELLIOTT, eL.1NTON ONT., t Licensed Auctioneer, nem mires a petite y. • jggras REASONABLE. eaa- Orders left at the NEW ;ERA. will be: • ' promptly attended % to, THOMAS GUNDR Live stock and general Auctioneer, GODER1CH ONT. Farm stock sales a specialty, Orders left at New ERA. office, Clinton, promptly attended to. Terms reasonable, .2turners' sale notes - discounted,' MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED 8Y J Rurnball, Clinton. J. P. .TIsOALL. BANIIElt; • ONle Private funds to loan on mortgagee :as' beet current rates General Banking boomers r f's enterest snowed on deposits, Sale notes bought G. D. MeTeggaet M. D. McTaggart .MeTaggart Bros. ISTINKE RS ALBERT ST CLINTON -General Banking iBuiltteaa ,• transacted . • NOTES DISCOUNTED • Drafts issued. Intereet %hewed on &meta% • Tbe. McKillop •Mutual Fire insurance eo. Farm and Isolated Town Prop. .erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. , J. B, McLean, President, Kipper; Thos Eraeer, Vice-pres., Brucefieldp Thos. E Hays, Secy, Treas., Seaforth; - • DIRECTORS, Jae, Connelly, Porter's Hill; john Watt Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; M. Chesney, Seafoi th; J. Evans, „Beech - wow; J. G. GrieVe, Winthrop, J. Ben - newels, 13rodhagen, Each Director is inspector of losses in his Own locality. • • AGENTS. Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed. Hinchley Seaforth; James Cumming, Egiviond. ville; J. W. Yeo, WINGITAIA BLIS/NZSS COLLEG to a bigh.graaa comaloyeina school, (IOURSES. onnuercial stenogreebyg- Telegraphr •vteite 6O, sPo'rrot, rrinotast. J. Inez Nat* Tuner, No. 2 m 3, -laes -St., south of •• the R. C.IChuroh, Drop pastel card when you %Obi piano tuned, . •