HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-07-06, Page 1—Job PlOtiti,#g, Established Ism It0i$141tT BOWES, Pelettlier. reeekerwtenseeetnee0 ,Saving made E a Sy 11107441MOMMosiew Syemi fug h tts ever been en easier matter than saving -but less wise. We offer exceptional itiducementa and facilities 'to help you to save. $1.00 open.% our savings department, Interest paid 4 times a year. The Sovereign Bankof Canada Put your money in a place where you can get it when YOU -want it. • T. 'RANCE, • Manager. CLINTON; ONT. 3jetv Meavertistontis Saving made easy, U.T. Ran* 3 1 Holiday season,14.R.Hodgens Clinton BusinessCollege,G Spotten1 $3.95, Nevvcombe .. 4 Belding Art goods, Cooper & Co.- • 4 How to keep koel, .7.11.Chellew House to rent,J Snyder 5 , 5 Don't forget, Morrell & Holmes 5 Good clothing Galbraith Oo5 Mortgage Sale. W. Brydone5 'Store News, W.D. Fair Co ' 8 July specials, Hodgen Bros • 8 Boy's week, " 8 Locale, A.R. Smith e 's Great saving,Tozer & Brown Last week at Sean rth, M. S. E, Swarts sold his race horse, Darkey, to Mr Edmunds., :of Blenheim. We under- stand the pries paid was $1,000 • A very sad death took place at the home of Richard Palmer, near Wrox- eter on Wednesday last, when Mary Agnes Bray, beloved wife of W;J'a Pal- mer,passed overt° the silent majority 'She was 25 years of age, ,and had been married only a little over two years, The Holiday Season. . is the time to get away from the wor- ries of business life and spend a few weeks in the Highlands ot Ontario c.,r take a trip through the Eastern resorts to the Sea Side, which is one of the most delightful and popular trips. Tourist tickets are on sale daily to a I resatts.---tlitlf-011---- F.., R. HODGENS, Town Agent. , CLINTON. Business College, (affiliated with Wingham Business College.) opens September 3rd over Irwin's Store. Three COurses Preparatory, Short 'Eland and •• Typewriting, and Commercial. GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. •••••••••••••••• -CLINTON PHOTO STUDIO J. ROBERTS, SUCCESSOR TO N. B. HENRY, , Having bought out the business of Mr. Henry, I de- sire to ask for a Continuance of the patronage given this studio. All work done will be up-to-date, and equal in artistic' finish and pose to that of the cities. We make a specialty of Out Door viewing CALL AND SEE US. J. ROBERTS, Photo Artist, - Clinton. June Weddings Wedding Rings 18 .kt Are you looking for a suitable present? If so, our large stock of SILVERWARE, FANCY PANCY CLOCKS and many other lines we carry, will make choosing easy for you, Ki J. GRIGG, Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses.' Stanley Otirrnote-The Methodist chervil on the Goshen Line, has been undergoing a thorough renovation, and wilt be re- opened for Divine Worship on Sun- day July 15th. Rev, O. C. Couzeus, of Parkhill, will preach at 10.30 a, tn.. and 7 p. na. ; offeringa will be received in aid of the Trust Fund I All are wel- come. -4WD -001.4.--NOTBs. -AU _ masons are this *week building the foundation of Mr, Geo. Baird's shed. Me„tos Dunbar, of akshfield, is now visiting at the home ot Mr. Tilos Baird, Mr, John Hutchart jr., went to Xornoka on the Dominion Day- holi- days. Mrs. John McDougall and Mrs. William Spear are visiting on the line title Week, Mr. William Baird, of Toronto, arrived 'home on Wednes- day. Sonoma -The following is the June monthly report of S. S No. 14, Stan- ley, the names being in order of. merit; V-Xleanor Hood,, Edwin Gemmell 1V-Teali-Grassick, Etta Jarrett, N. R. Jones ; Jr. IV -Herbert Jones, Janet Logan ; Sr, III -Jas. Geluniell, Oda Mel3eath, John Kehl; Jr. III - Hannah Dinsdale, Sarah Rathwell Sr. II -Arthur Jones, Lola Rathwell ; Jr. n-Allim Fisher, Walter McBeath, Herbert Kehl ; Second Part -Anna Hood, Ida Ratlxwell, Wallie lVfclEteath ; First Part -Nelson Hood, Gladstone McKay. The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches wereaa-V and IV -Etta Jarrott ; Gem- mell; II -Allan• Fisher ; 2nd Part -Ida Rathwell. OBITO.A741-.--lit is our painful duty this week to record the death of are other of Murcia's gifted Sons. The death of Rev. Alex H. 'McLeod took place •on. -Monday J1y 2nti• a the home of his 'brother-in-law, iti Hobt Pearson. • Death is always sad, but it is partleularly so, when a young naan just entering on his life's • work, is mown down by the grim reaper. Never of robust health, he was during last whiter feeling worse than usual. About two months ago his congre- gations in Manitima, very consider- titely-"gave him three months' leave of absence to conie east -and-see if he could recuperate his health. After a, short stay in Winnipeg he came to the home of his sister, Mrs. Robert Pear- son, for a few days and then went to Hayfield to try the effect of the lake breeze. •As soon as a vacancy occurred he purposed going to the Sanitarium in Muskoka. On Friday last how- ever he became worse, and on Satur- day the malady increased. On Sun- day his brother-irelaw, went for • him and with greet difficulty brought him to his home, where he _expireda. few hours afterwards at the early age of thirty-five years. Deceased was a son of Mr. Roderick McLeod, -of the Second of Ttickersmith, and born there- in 1871. He received a fair ,edu- cation-in-the-public-•seheols-ef-the- County, and finished his elemeetary education a the inton 'In 1892. he • joined the Presbyterian Church, becoming a mernbex; of Willis Chureh, Clinton. At that time he de- cided to make the ministry his life's wotk. • -Tit prepare himself for this, he first took an Art's Course; at Toronto University, and then entering Knox College completed his divinity eourse in due time. His health being always feeble it required an indomitable per- severance to carry ketch a long course of study' to a successful issue. He graduated in 1903. His first charge was in Winnipeg,' where he remained four Months. For the teat two years he preached to two eoneregations near Basswood, Manitoba, till compelled to leave on acconnt of ill' health. His mother died twenty- years ago, his father Mill lives. Besides his father be leaves a sister, -Mrs. Rat Pearson, Of Stanley ; a brother, Dr. John, Mc- Leod, and sister, Christie, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; two brothers, Geo and William in Idaho, U.,S. These all mourn the lose of a tender and loiing brother., The deceased was well and. widely" know n and highly respected. A large number gathered on Wednesday to his funeral. The services weee con- ducted by- Rev. Dr. Stewart, of Clin- ton, Rev. E. 11. Sewers. of Hrucefield, Rev. Mr. Urquhart of Kippen and Rev M.r. Currie, of aintore The remains were interred in Baird's Cemetery, the pall bearers being, John McEwen, Mavven, Joint Elliott, Geo. Bilk:1U, John Innes and Chas Lindsay. ' NOTES -Miss Mar Proctor. of Holm- esville,,is visiting Mrs. ,T. Lowery. Mr 'Allan, wife and children, of Calgary, Alta., who 'are on an -extended visit to Ontario, are at present visiting here itt thwhome of Sirs. Allan's brother; Mr. W. Sinclair. Master William Sinclair spent Sunday with Bruce - field' friends. , • ‘11% West Want anOlb Cotnetht,--Council met as per ad- journment; members all p.resentelteeve Bailie in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were confirmed. The fin- ancial statement, showing a balance on hand of $2,56.07, was filed. Wm, Webb asked to have toad gravelled in front of his farm -left to the road commis- sioners to act.' The following checks were issued : Jas, Bryan, pritituig, $25 r O. Windmill, culvert on ton I, $2 ; D. Sproule, shovelling gravel,$2.50; McDohaid. Bros., culverts, etc.,. $8,50 R. McGuire,. culvert on ton, 10, $1 15 ; I. Agnew, hauling tile. $1.50; jos. Gay- nor, opening gravel pit, .116; R. shovelling gravel, $2.50; 8, Phillips, culvert on core 10, $3 : Jos, Ferigan, gravel, $17,37 ; Wm AA:drove. 7 loads stone, 51.26; W. S. McCrostie gravel, 825; Chas. Robinson! gravel, $11.50; 'Wm. Cameron, repairing fence, 51.25; ano. Wilson, drain on con. 9. $1.25. Connell adjourned, to. meet on Saturday, July 21, at 2 o'clock. -W. S. McOnoseeE, Meek. , eetwetalleti • NOTErae-jaa. Stanley has purchased the house end lot recently vaeated by A. Young, from Wm, Lowrie ; Mr. Stanley has a gang of trien getting the materiel on the ground to put it atone wall underneath the house and remodel it throughout. Quite it number at. tended the Oratigtapienic at 'Winthrop last week, Mr, Viek (look is busy moving the house off his lot in the vil- lage to his farm a'mile effet. Rev, Mr, Curry preached here hist Sunday to a large congregation. The football team known as the Moonlight Dribb. tors failed to put in an appearance Tuesday evening last, but are expected on Thursday. next, When it good game is looked for. • ,o CATON, ONTARIO, FRDAY1 JULY el was,* Nowa.-Charles McIntosh has gone to St. Augustine to help his son, who resides in that. vicinity. OPATIX OP Rom, Catawrorge-Mr. Roht ocawford, of the 18th concession passed away on Saturday last, at the ripe age of 84 yens. lie Was One of the pioneer settlers of the township, and 'a AS a man very highly respected. He leaves it fetidly of five boys and two pelf:. 'BOUGHT ft. -Oliver Mills has bouglit from Mr. Soott the building formerly used as the church at Alrna. We do not know what he intends to do with it. Should be Move it, he would have e couple of miles to take it to his own farm. Someone suggests that it would make a nice little cosy hotne where it is, and if Oliver would- -only decide to get one of his charming lady friends to oecupy it with him, it would be better than to move it anywhere. DEATHo Guo. Pora,-Bv the slow but certain process of deal], the hardy pioneers who laid the founda- tions for the agricultural wealth and prosperity of this country, are muckly becoming a small re -lament of what was once a strong force in its early his. tory. To the humber who have borne the heat and' - burden of the day, must he added the name of Mr. Geo, Pope, of the 2n4 concession. A man of strong physique and character, he en- joyed good health until a couple of years ago, when it began to give way. Able to be aboat until a couple of months since, he gradually failed, and after a couple of days in bed he passed away on Monday, at the age of eighty years. He was • born in Wexford, Ire- land, and settled on the place where he died in 1802. His wife, two sons and ti daughter sury,ive him, all being ,t beer* He was n Liberal. The fun- eral on Wednesday, first to St. 'Jos- eph's church, of which he was a mein- ber, and afterwards to the R. C. mine - tory, was largely atteoded. The pall hearers were Messrs jamee Reynolds, John Carbert., John Shanahan, D. Flynn,,F, J. Reynolds, and Owen Rep' twirls, the religious services being con- ducted by Rev. Fr Hanlon. 13aylield W EN'S LsSIITU're. --The next meeting of the Worrien's Institute will be held on the second.Thursday. of the month, July 12th, at 2 p. 'm. in the River Hotel Park. All the •members who attend will please bring a light lunch. The subjeet.for discussion will be "Canning and Preserving." Doseirixon.DAY:-The celebration of Dominion Dey vviie rather it slum*. this year,. when Hayfield had to enter- tain about two thousend guests; whe came to .spend 4 • deer .of fishing and Goderich- TOwnsh—lp SAnnnxon'Hom8,-The friends of Mr, and Mrs. James Sterling, of the nth, will ettinpathize with them in the loss of their little boy, which. took Place. on Monday. He was a bright winsome child, about 3 1-2 years old, and succumbed to croup, which fol- lowed an atraelc of grip. BOWIE% - The fine barn belonging to Samuel ettiMath, on the 4til con. -eesehintit-the-Gurnarieli-towriehip, totally destroyed by fire on Friday of last week, together with all the con- tents, including a tilliarOtitY Of grain 1.0c1 farm implements The iire is. supposed to have resulted from spore taneoes combustion. The flames were seen from a, stack of straw on the south side of the building and quiciciy spreed to adjoining lin ficlinge Somme SEeTioar Asenseatenr. • The following is the twee -lenient of the var. lens echoce sections for the current yea'', on the basis of whieh tetichers mast be engaged :. No, 1, . • .$101,585 No. de, .$139,001 • 2.... 179,474 ' 1713,810 3- • • 181,287 9.... 194,800 4,... 101,100 300 No, 1' Union 5.... 214,000 111113:,:44(0): 10 '• 18 783 • 12 " 49,050 comaoma-Conneil tnet on June 29, pursuant to adjournment ; members all present ; rainutes of- last meeting read and passed. The following ac- counts were paid Star, ' t' g -Isaac Salkeld, ' Cedar, $38.40 : cclneen has returned from Snover, drews, bedar, $8 ; E. .T. Elliott. cedar, Mich, where he has been visiting his *4.80 A. Mustard. cedar, $124; Dr. cousin, 'Wm. McQueen. J. W, Turner Smith, vaccination of 7 Patients anti has returned home to spend his holi- disinfeeting two houses of john and terian church nn Sabbath evening, on days. ilaYing is the order of the day. Peter McGee, $19 ; road coninnissionetes There will be no service in the Preshy- salary, $125 ' Coun.Cox vvas instructed to conduct a drain on the public high- account of Rev. Mr. Sewers taking the way in a. northernly direction. opposite Meshodist service at 7 ram. Misses A. NEW SUBSCRIBER S can smut The New Era from now till the 3Ist Dec., z906, for PITO Cents cash. Move quickly, If you want a bargain. BrucefleId ANSWEESARY, T h e Methodist church will have ize anniversary ser- vices on Sunday, July 8. Rev. W. E. Kerr, of °Hilton, will preach_ at 2,80 pan , and Rev., Mr. Salvers, of the. Freshy teri an churcie et 7 p Thank- efferings will be received. All are welcome. Too Feetate',-On Sabbath morning hot a coropany teem Toronto in an automobile passed through OUP Viiiaget en route to Goderith. The machine, vvitieh was a fine one, had about as much gilding as Ben Hur's cheviot. Every horse they met was frightened ; any horse, unless blind and deaf, could ha,idly be expected to pass it. When a mile from our village, they broke down and were dela,yed several hours. Fooneti L. -Our 'junior team pia against Zurich junior. team in -Hayfield on Dion inion day. The game was only started a few minutes when hy acci- dent one of our boys kicked the ball through their own goal. No goals• were scored after that till near the fin- ish. when E. Mustard (Capt.) sent the bali ough Zurich goal, anti thus the game ended a tie; 1-1. The Brucefield team lined -up es follows : Goal, John Xetchen • backs, Wm. Wilson and D. Swan •, John Murdoch, Hugh McGregor, D. Papple ; forwards -right wing, Lorne Wilson, A. J. Murdoch ; centre. E. Mustard (Capt.) ; left wing; W. Wright, Jas. Thoinpsoe. NoTES.-- Rev. John La,ndsboroligh preathed an excellent sertnon to votuog men on Sabbath evening last. jatoes lot 19, con. 8. Council adjourned, to Sewers and Mary. Murdack expect to meet on the -first Monday. in August, leave next Monday for it trip to Scot - at 1 o'clock• -x: STITEDP, Clerk. land ; they will go with Mrs. Davidson, SO014-14. •-7, Notwitheateding • t h e of Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, .of tbreatehing elements on Wednesday' Hayfield, expect °to go on the same evening last, the lawn social at Mr. steamer ; we wish them a pleasant Perdue's, in •connection with Col cnueci_emao_ved a decided success every sense of theriv,-514: The youi -ladies certeinly did. their part well trying to satisfy the people with t toothsome viands they had so dainti prepared for the Occasion.. They W suetained their long-standing reput tion for providing good things. T band also fascinated the -most niusic present with their in.lg in he Iv - ell a. he , varied and.well- chosen selections. Mr.. Bertlife had .charge of the booth hi' which refresh- mente were served in plehte, edding Much to the enjoynient of •the yonng folk. The proceeds aneauhted to $43. . SODDR.LP •-•People were sad- , . oating. Hotels tame crowded to full defied and shrieked on Monday to learn .ettpacity,'-while. :hundreds- of a:denims • c se en death. of- Mr, Fleury • th • 'Mait•Pliy; - et; the-IOW:don:, oc- ciirred One.; MOlicht and his son er •were at. yvor in'one ot the e ; Mr Murphy •we's . hoeing, and his sou driving at:0011er; ; the latter happeoeci. . owe t s grove end" as -thelaeeetireirrildeiretedit " while the usual sports were carried on with grand success: . • , , • • Nores.- iss Stuart. of Teronto, to Ioc,k up darn,* his work and /biased nor? visiting Mrs. Dr. Stanbury. Thehis father, tie he was not insight. • lie Soldiers of the Xing have returned thought he had started for the house, froni London, reporting the carnp a• but he was .001 anywhere to lie seen. good outing:. Mr. Heaths; of Toronto, 'Hurrying oyer. to where he hadebeen has lately mined his family in the at work, he found him lying on lets • cottage. Mrs. Moorheuse is having a back, dead. Mr. Murphy was one or new verandah added to her house. the oldest, settlers on the lath conces- Miss Olive Thomson has :accepted the sione possibly the oldest one, and was sitnetion of - a town office in Port held at very high esteem. He was ' Arthur. • a member of the Orange Order, a Con- Conaran STONE LAYING -The corner • servatlye, and a feithful supporter of stones of the new Methodist Church. the Eoiseopal, church. His wife Sue - were laid here, with the usual cere- viyes him, as also four sons and four nionies, en Monday afternoon last, by daughters:. These are Wm , at Edin- two of the old memrs beof the ' ton,. burgh, flak.; Richard at Exeter ; Thos. gregation, :Messrs James Wallis and in town ; Bert on the homestead ; Mrs. Nathan Clark. The day Was fine and Geo. Laithwaite and Mrs. Elliot•t Detr- e good crowd was present, but 'they ment, Edinburgh: Mrs: Fred Ford cf did net respond very generouely to the' Hthnesville ; and M188 'Jessie at 1.1'me' appeal for funds. ,Rev. Mr. Birk% .of The funeral took place to Clinton cern- Seaforth, Chairman of the District; etere on Wednesday, and waslatgely was presentsee were also othee minis- :attencled• • . ' ters in the vicinity. nearly all of whom NoTEs•Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo, Patrick,' made addresses. The church • is in a of Lucan, spent the holiday with their good location, and when completed son-in-law, Harry Thompson, eon. , IC: will be a great improvement and ac- The families of the 7th con. plonked- conanodation over - the old one Dina at Hayfield on Thursday last; although ing the ceremony, a horse tied to a the heat, was eitrerne, it pleaserit time near -by fence, got loose and for a• -few was spent The Hessian fly is laboring minutes made things decidedly inter- very earnestly, in some fields of wheat; esting. • • . . • it. is wonderful what destiation an in- . sect will do in a short One Seven iveeks for teachers and pupils to take : • Rensaal - tecreation-such is school life. Mr. Noags, -On Thursday even ing . of and Mrs. Saiouel Rathwell mama- last week it rece ption -t d was en ed Rev, oil, 13. A.,13. D., and wife, in the basement of the church. On Sun day Rey. S. L. Toll,•13- A., H. • D„ • the pastor Appointed by the late Confer- ence preached his introductory ser- mons and created a very favorable im- pression. Rev. J. Hart and family; moved into the Kippen circuit par- sonage on Monday 2nd July ; it re. ception Was tendered him at the. par- sonage, FAitswErx. --The Methodist church was eonapletely filled last Sundayeven ing to hear Rev. Dr. Medd preach his farewell sermon. The sevice wannest impressive. Rev. Medd during his pas- tovate here made Many friends,both in his own congregation and that of other churches. Several times, to show their appreciation of hisperviees, the congre- gationincreaSed his stipend. On Mon- day evening the members of the chuech stole a antirch on the Rev. gentleman. The lecture eoorn WAS filled; and. Dr. Medd Fent for. Ile was presented with a beautifully worded adress and a .purse of gold, Mrs. Medd Wit8 the recipe • Unit of several beautiful pieces of ehine, presented by membees of the congre• gation. • • re lelppett NOTES, -M155 Maggie Mcelymont and married sister, of London, are 'vis- iting their parents here ; their brother, Mr. McOlymont, of Seitforth, also spent the list at home, Miss Cooper, of' the west.; is home visiting her brothers and sisters. Mr, Alden Jones and family. of London._ eve spending it few vveeks With friendslere. Miss -McLaren took' in the eXcilraiOn to Milton and yisited her cousin. • Mr, McConnell, of De - twit. Spent threlet, with friends here, Means. Kottze aria -MeLean, of St, Williams, with friends .visited at the home of it, 13, MeLeantlast Week, and remotlelled a 'part of the splendid new automobile they sold Mr. Q. Hader, of Exeter. The gareen party in eonnee- tion with St. Andrew's elnirch, last Friday evening, was it splendid suc- cess, the supper, strawberries and cream, music as furnished by the Ex- eter hand, attendance, finaneial resulth ete., being all that could be desired. Hart; tlie new pastor on the 1Cippen circuit, preached his first ser- mons last Sunday, and made good impression, •••• • • plate taking tre • p to Elgin • ,Man., shortly ; we trust it will be beneficia to each. Mr. .John Cooper is not feel, ing very well these days, a report his associatee will be sorry to hear.; al- thengh he attended the garden party at Mr. Perdue's, his capacity for enjoy - ng it was not realized as it would have been had he been in his usual ht'alth. Mr. Joe Brown built a stone wall under Mr. Sam Itathwell's kitch- eu last week ; for good work end rap- idity Sne hes them all beat. Nelson Yeo has been building an addition to his house. The Orangemen, in a body, will attend Ooie's church next Sunday afternoon, when Rev. T. Stedman will preach to them, Loyalty to our fair Dominion was shown on Monday by the big celebrations at dliferant places. Miss 9111a AleGuire grattaate of the Central Business College, Stratford, is home on her vacation. Unhurt'. NOTES -(1, Asquith returned from Toronto fast Fridav, looking some- what better, Will Yackson, of Stret- ford C. 13. C., arrived last week for Ye- eittion ; he has not yet completed his course. Mrs. Pelz and two children a,nd Mabel Pelz, of Preston, &Tient it few days visiting their relatives. the Holtzhatzers, of this village. Mr. Ster- zics, of Galt, visited friends in the oil, lege recently. A few of our young people attended the Rifle Club held Eit Point Farm last Friday, Neil Echlin has taken a position in Godete ich, Mrs. Wet Moore; who hall been visiting herparents, has returned home. Intekerantith Ottbnen.-Retr, A. IL Brown, of Varna, will preach in Turner's Church on Sunday afternoon at the usual hour. Rev. W. E. Kerr is eonducting Anniversary Services in Brucelieln Beir. S. Landshrouglli of Nortl; Da,kota, will preach in ..Turner's Church .on Sabbath evening at 7,30. •TURNEE'S CEIVETHEY. -Some care and attention should either be given to Lite graves here, or people should cease usitig it as a burying ground. It is not only over -run with weeder, but it, is said thai 110 or er or system is A followed in the location of graves, and m this is likely to lead to confusion and f trouble. journey and safe return. Miss Bert- ram, of Lenclon, , visiting at the Miss May Beatty,- estrnine ster. is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Seott, A. T. Scott and family •visited friendsitt : Winghani .this week. Mrs. Bell, wife of Rev Wm. Bell of Commie, is visiting at the home of Mrs. David Bell stolmesville thwack: - ReV."'T•nomas Courtice took the service" on -Sabblette evening for Mr Swan, 'and was °Teeter' with a large congregatien that eyrie excep- tionally well pleased with his discolirse. • Mrs. Russell Foster,•of Cross Hill, arid Wm. Yeo, het brother,- sang a duet at the same service, which was well Ten- derecl, the audierice being 'delighted with the reinarkableSeveetnessl'of -tire •singin . • • • • • •; . NoTas-As announced in last week's columnsaDr. Andy Courtiee and bride and Rev. Thomas Couttiee and bride was expected to visit at the Post011ice, the home of tlaeir perents. They ar- . lived on Stiturdey, and received rnanY congratulations from old friends in K this neigbPorbood. Mr. Richard' An- deesole and wife, of Constence,yisited at the Poultry station on Friday last • a rs, Anderson is it sister of Mrs Swal- low. Mr. Jas. Flanightte and wife Of Grand Rapids, Michigan, are visitors 11 at their nephew's Jas. Ross, for a few a days. • ' • fi Riet..-The Gunn Club held re prae, lieti on the range at the River flats v last•week, to'be the last till after the a holidays and busy time is • over. The u following are some of the scores "made f by those who took part in the shoot:- it 200y ds . 500 yds. b G Mair.......44444 55254-21 s S Sturdy. ; -35522-17 Burns......23544-18 ' 22342-1$ ri J Cantelon-23352-15 . ,2454-17 L 0 Foster:- .3544.3 a -I9 25553 -20 G M McDougall ------------------20232- 9 fa A Bedour• . • .43345-19 • 2.3552-17 C Sturdy- . 24225-15 23223 -12 X lehbutt,...3353C-18 R MeCartney44242-10 ' 4322•204355-L12(01 J Ford • 55234 -19 tit J Watk ins . .:23,3a5 -18 • 4234-13 th A Race ......33220 -10. " an H w ..... ........50404 -18 be ac Egraemeepelear f 1.000yr year, in *entre* 4140 vreea not to Johnston, of the village, had the tuis• fortune to lose her plain gold ring et the social, the marks on the ring are F,T. too Miele O'Neil, of Clinton, lost her waterproof coat at the social, laralkerburn NOTES.- Mr. R. Roberton has his new house nearly completed. Mies Mary Ayiesworth has gone to her home in Vordwich. to s end the mire. mer holidays. Seyeral rum iere at- tended the strawberry festival in Landesborongh on Monday evening, Nes. A. Shetler paid a visit to Dash- wood friends hist week. Local Soorting natters OROSSE Undoubtedly the fastest and most, • exciting exhibition of the national game, lacrosse, in the intermediete series of Group NO 2, which will be played here this Beeson, was the One on Friday last, - when the old rivals, Clinton and Seaforth, came together. ' game connueneed at 7 p.m., with the ball in Seitforth's possession, but, accidentally or otherwise, Sheph.erd secured it, and after seyeral seesation- al poses, it received resting place in Seaforth's netefrom the stick of Breed - field in four minutes ; the second goal was'seored in like manner by the same player in seven minutes.; the third goal by Couch in ten minutes ; the fourth goal by 'Stoddard (Seafortl) in thirteen minutes ; the fifth goal by Cook in nineteen and one-half minutes, making a total of four for Clinton and one for Seaforth, • The genie Was refereed by Cresswell, of Seatorth, who, from it spectators point of view or otherwise, did not give satisZaction to either the home team or the team that those him. The return game will be played in Seafoilth on the 12th, inst., When eve hope a ,gpooldyalys :number of supporters will ac- company the local players. Tbe line- • Clinton . ' Seaforth .1ohnson goal Casa . Pinner • paint .MeKenzi Crooks 0 point Stewart 13.McKinnon 1st clef,. •H utchinson MeXenzie 208 dei -1-1o/ land U.MoKinnon• Srd def Allen Holnies centre Westcott Shepherd 1st home Johnson Ooneh 2nd home Monroe Cook 3ed heme Stoddard Teroadfleld inside McKay . Hudson outside 13. Jackson . Although thelociii lacrosse Players are truly grateful for enthusitterie they wouldesteem it a special favor if the rectators would not crowd in past the line. It is a great iteonveniente. ' It would appear muth more sports-• manlike if the teams mould eMP107 it fl-aleillettigomtha,7it."waitrletlf'7;ieVe 1.11A(71t:.;.1.,gh-;- fattithrgeberany.. . . -"`"Tilter"SOMOrtit'N'turr-Wit! note with- :aPnlerasicaiipraetethcia.t .7n this occasion Clinton did not fell down quite -as badly as it . • CLINTO:st hoST TO KIPOABOINE. • As per schedule; Clinton Owed at incerdine on Monday, end through ome enaccountabie accident.' went own to defeat, "Shorty" Can telon ccompanied the. team and. aeted as eferee, It .wasainderstood a•t the he - inning that the' game twist be clean; nd the visiting players were penalized s often as the home ones, Score at nish, Clinton 4, Kincardine 5. In both of the above games the isiting teams chose their own refaeee, nd in both baster-ices, they are almost narnmously of the: opinion that with air decision?, they would /ewe Made much better. sheering. This is an- ther reason vvhy a gieutral :referee hould be eliosee. • The Lacrosse matchplayed at GM ch, on Monday, in intermediate . A. series between' Winghain and oderith reeutted int', Score of e to 2in vor of 'W'ingionn. It is stated. on good authority, that incardine does not intehd to return y of the schedule games. They airil- y wish to draw the verious teams to at town, givehem all the bruises ey can to remember the game by, d then defarde This report should investigated by the executive and A Wilson ....... ......24324 --15 W Jenkins .50325-15 • • , Lontlesboro DiSell1.4.0EPUL. -The Methodist peo- ple here haye provided a splendid' stable for the accommodation of those who drive to church, but they had no idea or intention of accomrnodathag all the cows in the neighborhood. The condition ofthe shed is disgra,eeful hy reason of so many cows having access to it, end some one should see to it ,that they are kept out. NOTES. -Rev. N.Leckie preached the preparatory sermons in Gocierith last week. Miss 0.11Huston left on Satur- day to spend her holidays at her home at Pine River. ' A small picnic party - drove over to Hayfield on Monday and report having had a good time. Miss Nellie and WillieLyon left on Tuesday for a two months quilt with relatives in Manitoba. Every featore of the 'Limn Social held on Friday evening last undlw the auspices ofthe Methodist Sabbath 'School was a decided success, the proceeds atnounting to over $100, will be devoted to Sabbath School run- ning expenses, etc. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Skinner, of Clinton, spent Dominion Day at the latter's home. 'Mr and Mrs T. Manning and Miss Lily McCool spent Sunday with relatives in Strat- ford, Dr. MacCalluin spent Dominion Day with telativeeitt Ayton. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Seen tooka trip to Toronto on Saturday morning, Miss L. Young came home for a visit, Saturday. Miss R. Riley also eame home on Saturday. Mr and Mrs Webb and two daughters and Miss 11. and Mr H. Leckie of Ham- ilton arrived et the ManseonSatarda fling or it visit. Inspector Asquith ridde a shert visit to the village on fi'iday, number of men putting up Telephone wiree' a, r e stopping at; Mr. M. Brown's hotel. Misajohnston, who has been visiting her parente here Inc a month has gone back to London, Miss Leper, of London, made a visit to here Inc the holidays. Mr. Robert J. Martin returned fromEngland onMon- day evening, being ,,way four weeks on his trip. Two Russians, who are eollecting seep iron etc., are making this their headquarters for a time, and are getting quite a heap of shift Geo. Snell jr, is home from sehool in Toren - to for it visit. Miss Honey, of Stmt. ford, is visitin at the honie of Mr It datris. The nox Unwell eocial on onday evening was the most SUCC0130- ill they haVe ever had ; the proeeeds mounting to , $114.82, Mts. Fred tion be taken at' once. LAWN BOWLING . The Ceoderich Club played the first match of the season here on Tuesday', the score being as ' follows. : . :13tor:Hal.N0;:ersIg, JG.rrtaxibilriticilt ' .1',W Irwin .7, Humber J. Witeman R J. Kidd R Agnew J. W. Jackson....skip 36 - Dr, Hunter skip 12 C,J.Wallis Horrible T. . pLot trot:: e _ 0,41, Dowding..skip 25 • ' • Sw. El:ling: skip 16 TN.irtclklson,ir. It wiltso OW, Noarairianai.t W Brydane. • • •skis 14 It, McLean ...skip 18 1.24. Counter J, Yates . W. Spaulding, skin 20 3,Potig •sktp 14' 3 Muter • .. .• 3.VVynn W.Galbraitts 71. .T. OStlebvitslinusg°s11 E.3.Howard . 0, Harrow :v.:mutton • ' 0, Rowney D, A,Porrester 5k19 14 W,Lane ...skis 14 —COS • :-.--74 Three London .rinks played on the lawn hereon Teesdeynight,being beat- en by eight points as follows :-- ' 0LIt4011 LONDON" b. 1.1c0orvie A, Tillman 11.3,,Hibbings a. Hoover 11131,1%. •Wiltorein .1.4.T.A, genoeuvirt'Ic'e.skiP 24 ,7 Hunter W. Cox sw,J; ttilteraNtreiale . . skip 70 Litialltbegkriol":1;".8kili 9 JuSaiteortieiastsionn,skip 20 It Holmes0'. Abbott 3, Fair A. W. Harahan WIlrydone • .skip 22 W Goventoek,skip13 — 51 43 MYTH V.S. CLINTON In orcier to get practice six Blyth en- thusiasts crone here on Tuesday, the balance of the rinks being /made tIP by local players as follows :,-- • ' etaNeet: • 117J1TH A.J.HoliOltrat,' ' Dr. tong • c.d. Wallis .1. Hamilton . 0,E. Dowding . J. itleAlurchie X Bunter.. , . skis 11 . W.Jackson '4101) 15 W' Galbraith A Wfusgrove W Graham UneleEinigli S. th Courtiee ' $4.0411eY R. lIoluses.,, skip 12 R. Agnew -Akin lti *a yag uur 23 28 Several rinke of bovvlers went to WOodstock on the lskdnit their luck' failed them there, as it did in Stmt. ford.the same evening, being beaten in both plaees. A number also took.part in the Seaforth tournament on Wed- neadar ; Reuben Grahain took the wronggrip by mistake, and ea1110110Me with another felletni *Wes, Pure Paris --Green for SPRAY.INO, • at Ro, Reekie's DRUG STORE, eLINTON, 1 ONT N, n.—International Carnefac and Prats Poul- try foods. alsmaswauctsommonsatmomonamams N.‘,11011+11i011,6,1r*V*11911,11642 English PARIS GREEN There is a difference. in Paris Green, and we have bought it quantity of the best • .English Paris Green that is made. Tpriee is thesanae as the , cheaper ones, thates all, 25 cents per lb. Whale 011 Sean,.11011e. bOre,nnd Insect Powdrr. W. S. R. utobvies, • Phrn, B. Manufacturing Cbernibt, Pest Office 1irug StorO., NOT IN A litTEIR'Y- A rather good thing ie told at the exOense or .Y.Oung loan who reside bit tne:western end of . the town, When The fire was discOv. • ered 011 Vecinesday, ire was "ae,ked'• to tun '111) tOwiratid;giVelfillriffurnt'llterei. lielog no Phone near by. Hehappened efeeelia,ve -ark anis' ever'y7clay. working chitties, mid he theright he eould n- t. go untown in them; se he went hoine and changed' hts raiment, even to nat• ting •011 it cleen. cellar. It. is needless -• to say that scimeone-. else gee. the • alarm; ,• mHysoRoLoG (CAL attioitz• 7 ..TUNE. -;The highest meximizin tern- pereture wae 890 on the 20th a the low- est minimunl temperetnee was 370 on' the 12th. The highest range was 25.50,. on the 4th ; the lowest 12,e0 on the 20th. • The naean max. tern. was: 74.4,80, the mean min. tem. wae 55:350, and the mean range 19.13n. The- total rainfall ' was 4.43 inches. Thundet. shOwers oc- curred on. the 54h, 7th, Sth, 15th a.nd ; • 18th: For the month of. June, 1903, : ' the mean' unix,. tem.was 71,250. the• • . mean min.' ..ttirn• wee '51070, , and the . mean range was.19.130„: The tote' „ fall wee 2,95 inches. Thunder Stoma occuer.ed on the lst, 5th, Othe 7th &20t1i. Ebenezer ' Norese--Miss Winnie Thompson, of Blyth; P. S. stair- is spending. the va- cation s,t her home. Mrs. eiloore, of Mitchell, has beeu on a visit recently, to her daughter., Mrs. Lobb. Mr. C. A. Tebbutt conducted service here very -acceptably last Sehbath. Mr. and Mrs: Geo Peoctor, of the Cut Line, spent:Sunday at Mr, H. OtikeS. • Porter's Rill •• NOTES.-- Ws, A. McDongiiii spent a few de's in London this week. Pearl ' Newton is visiting in Stratford. 0.W. - Potter and sonHaevey went to Curries Crossing on Saturday. and returned' home on Tuesday, Miss 0.111cDougall, of Detroit, is visiting in the neighbor- hood. Peter McDougall and :wife and children left for ra •veSit at Black Horse lest week but were called bailie by the death of a little nephew, Itandel Stet - ling, Wbo was taken with .croup on Monday. Margery arid 'N/ era Bernby, of Belmont ale visiting their aent,Mrs S. McPhail, Mrs; Smith, of tairtie's Crossing, is visiting at A. W. Potters, Howard Cox spent the let visiting ,at SpringBank. ter, Myres. of Byron, epent Sunday at SOhn ('ox's. Ilda McDonald, of Detroit, is visiting under the parental roof, • PRESENTATION. School closed on Fiddly:, The Scholate were sorry' to se), gaea.eye tO• their teacher, and as theywishecl to be remembrredgweeente edMissSwan withit glove and handker- . ehief box as. &slight taken of their es- teem for her. • "," 7! "e, , • .iE. Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital NH up $3,0001000 Reserve Atnd, sa,000me Total Assets 00400000 SAVE YOUR DOLLARS by depositing hi out. SlaVIDIP Hank, It does not require &large amount to begin with. We PAY 8 per cent interest on amounts of $1 and upwards. Better begin tilt:taw:a:wet:0:dt W. bat yon can Spare -add to it wheneVer PoSeible. We Will welcome lyour aecounk large or small. A genueratuwal Pet: nolinkintog butilliees IALIN.IlltaltE„,11P1 C. E. DOWDING4