HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-29, Page 9ow...for the
E). oodsand.
Silk Remnants
..ST' SATURDAY was Clearing -up
Day in the Cotton Dress Goods. For
ne x... urday--w gather .. tip lI tkie
short lengths of Dress Doods and Silks and.
mark them at Bargain Prices,for quick
selling. No remnants must be..,wallowed. to
ac:emulate hrr. s Stocks must be� ke .t
p free
froln them all the Mime, 'T.hat's.-wh. we
clear them out .each season at the verylow
prices , you" will 4 M :,t-hlese :' xllarked next
Saturday. If you can use a piece of Silk
under 4 1-2 yards in - length, or an end of'
Dress Goods of 5 yards or less, come here
Saturday. You can' get it for a' little more
than half its real worth.
Dress Goods Remnants•
The lengths run from one. to five yards.. There
are all shades, including black, and all fashionable
materials in the lot. Ends that would do for waists,,
skirts or children's dresses, ' All at about one-quarter
less than regular value.
Silk Remnants.__
The lengths are from one-half to four and . ane=''"
half yards. You will find every kind of: Silk we sell,.
on the Silk table. Plain •black,: plain colors and Piney
patterns. ;suitable
waists. or. trimmings.
about one-third less than regular, xt t>mings, All at
0 Skirts at $2.25
Regular $3.00 to $4o0
5 Skirts
Regular $5.06 to. $.6.50
We want to make a 'clean sweep' of ever
Skirt in Stock .next. Saturday. We will, too,if
there are 35 people reading this who want a Skirt.
There are just that number in stock, IIaidly
two of them alike. Good,sensible'a •
priced very low, because we . have a goad' reason
for wanting to sell them now in a hurry
Skirts . ;t_..:.
al7�i 2 ...,._.- ..
3a1 billy 1 t,dies . Olot - .:S Il is ::: 7'iveeils R d
blacks, v.arious•styles, •all good,- u-�' t" th thing,.
ever -da Lv for
Y Y ear, regular.$3 $3.50 and choice Saturday. .,,
5Skirts a(` x..
375 1'
. 5 only ladies' Cloth Skirt dark Tweeds and plain
blacks, handsome garments, ular $5.00• and '
$6.50 choice Saturday atui'da
Regular $5.00 and $10.09. •
20 Coats to sell with, the Skirts' on Saturday
at $5.00 each, Not one. 'but, is ..new
All good styles; perfect this' 'season.
y , p ect in fit and well made. gell-
ing -time is nearly past and we will not run any risk
of carrying. a .single garment into next season.
That is why you -can get,.a nobby. Spring for half
price on Saturday. :
20 only Ladies' Spring Jackets, black • and fawn
coverts, all new this season, Well made, right in style.
perfect fitting,. regular $7.50, and $1C;00, choice QQ nn
Saturday...: ,:.. WIMP
out the
It's. getting near.the•close.
of a record-breaking Millin-
ery season. Now we want
to wind' it up with 'clean
tables and an empty show-
., '•z �, room. Not a single hat to
be Ieft when our'Milliners
go for their holidays. Here is how we' are .going
about clearing them Out, Ready-to-wear Hats and
Trimmed Hats, such as :we sell; go on ;sale Satur-
day at prices Iike these
$5.00 Hats at• $3.0
12'only Trimmed Hats, ;models and patterns
have served their purpose. Not one but sold for
$5.00, choice of 12 on Saturday at each
$4.00 Hats at $2.00
20 Trimmed. Bats, all good shapes and styles,
trimmed its our Milliners .know how to trim.
Each Hat distinctive in style, our regular prices
have been 54.00, Saturday you can take any one (�
of them for .....•.,........ +IpL.�U
Heady -to -wear Hats a1, Half-price
18 ready-to•wear Sats. The last we have left.
All new this season, choice on Saturday at
IRXactiy' banapt.1ce,
line,Anieely 25 mimed, nor sample
ancy coloored nQ fine
ale h.AlsoIin-
fants slips and white Underwear, to sell, commencing
Saturday at
Onethird Less Than Regular ',rices
DIRiCT EMPOR Ilea - . ¢ .: m• �
The On Ma NM Eve
RIDAY. JUNE 29, 1000.
- zoitiu goyim.
'Che concert and presentation. of prizes
on. Thursday evening lust WAS greeted
with the customary full hoose, The
{'program included vocal and instru-
mental music, readings, etc., which
+ were ter much enjoyed, Mrs. (Rev.) Kerr
' made the presentation of prizes and
clipioreas to the suc4essful studeaits.
IWEDDED; as the Naw Elm
, wetnt to press last week it got word of
i the marr1ugo in Winnipeg; of Refute
• . L.ndrewe,. brother of Mrs. 13. J. (u ilr• • iu
s bin,gs, of town, 1lis many old friends a
1 here, extend, their congratulation
REtXFFS.-'The statement which
peered in these columns a couple
weeks ego, that Dr. Agnew would re
main in Ontario, was incerrect; th
Dr. will resume his practise at Innis
farr....Mrp. H T. Rance, Mrs, N
Fair, and Mrs. M. 1). N,lcTategatrt visit
ed the Military Camp at London, o
Tnesday....Seven head of cattle ire
pounded here turned out to be th
property of Mr, Hetnry B. Hibbs...
Mre. Alex Taylor and daughter re
turned to town cu 'Tuesday, and are
occupying c
G 7pyiri their own whcottage,
H. B. Chant and S. Laverenae attend-
ed a masonic gathering at Stratford
on Monday nig1xt....'.Che Stratford
Herald referring to a meeting of;,the
We men's Institute la that place says: --
lo the afternoon .Mrs. 'Watts gaye en
ccellent address, in which she . se
nth the benefits to he derived from
n institute, end in the evening she
,eatl ;t paper on "1=1:tppiness in: the
nitAnyone wishing to buy good pasture•1
of and farru land in Hullett, now have a i
- . splendid opportunity, as 350 acres be«
e , longing to Messrs ltansford, are on the
market....t:antelon Bros., the well
' known fruit and produce dealers,niade
• their Brat shipment of cherries for
this season, on Wednesday ; they ex-
- pect to handle a, very large amount of
fruit before the season is aver.:, .Mls
stets that last Sundayfso neConetwas
mean Gen P
en u hto
plants that Lead been_iilliiced in one of
lots, aildalso broke off slips from other'
plaauts....Seventy-five candidates are
writing for the Entrance Exams here
• „Mr. 1VIeLean, wlio has resigned
from the Oolle fate Stall?, will take an
t interest in the Knitting Co., and for
t the present will have charge of the
Dyyeing. and Finishing Department....
...For the convenience of farmers who
find it difficult to reach town durin
t ie • ay, • osstnraster'Scott hderide'
to keep the poet -office onen, during
d July nnd,August, until 8.,3(0 on Satur-
day evening. Robert ltyndes, of
Elirnvitle, is the Iatest addition to the
House of Refuge inutates...,A, new
coat of paint on thea residences of
Messrs Plummer, Thos Cook and Mr.
Andrews, improve the appearance of
Queen St., but a new sidewalk on the
east side, • and the use of the town'
scraper, will make it look still better..
. .To -day Friday, being the Feast of
St Peter and St Paul in the Catholic
Ohurch,byspecial decree of His Holi-
ness PisX, has been dispensed to the
Catholic world as a day of .abstinence.
Martin O'Donnell has• a situation
on the G. T. R. at Paris, and his family
will likely move there.- , .A .man who
had been tvorking in town and was in-
debted to several parties, took the
mooniight express eastward the other
night Clinton Oddfellows will
observe Decoration , Day by. decorat«
ing the graves of departed brethren
buried in Turner's Cemetery, on Sat-
urday; and those buried in Clinton
Cemetery on Sunday • afternoon ... , , ,
Miss 011ie Cooper, who. has been teach-
ing ou Oon. 15, Goderich Tp;,.gi:ves up
at the end of the present term, in order
tq attend. the ermal. � t Toronto ;
her successor will he ie its Edna 'Copp,
of town. wth
P . been z teaching caching in'
Union No 10, Hullett ; under t e new
act Miss Copp will receive a salary in
the neighborhood of -$500 ; no sac-.
cessor to Miss Copp has. yet been
secured The League of ' London
Road, will' picnic 'at elavlield to=day,
Friday. , -Miss Miss PearI Hanley, of the
London Hoad, is under the doctor's
Care, ..:Rev, Fr, Hanlon informs us
that it is not. his intention to hold a
picnic in connection with St, Joseph's
e -Church, this year,-• • .
i tlIgniter old (ilitrtttnian '�viiu-wi s -
t warned last week was Mr.. W. I1. me -
ours, Olurs, of•Dun ;annote, to Miss Sproule
of that place.
Mr. McKay Stewart, who with his
• Wiie, left here last week for Calgary,
reported at the Union Station,. To-
noire, the loss of his tickets and some
• $60 in money. How it was. lost was
not stated iu the despatch:. On one
occasion '
d in M
r, St 3
Stewart's g ai
s sa
o rt
n nit'
Isaid he
r ortecf the a
, loss of $1Q(1 and his gold watch ; subse-
gtiently his wife is said to have toned ay
the 'sante in their laundry.
[ tai
A $GATING. PLACE,--glinton has It*
no 1:oating or water facilities. and yet
at very little outlay it might have a d
splendid boating. place that ' could r
I easily be also converted into a little ,
park that would produce enough . z'e-
1 ventre to pony for itself, If to company
' was formed it cotild secure the use of Y
1 the river near the London road bridge,
darn, dredge and bank up the same,
at a trifling cost, This would make g
an ideal boating place,, and in the sum- fo
mer would be a delightful resort, ti
Who will undertake it ? C
ing of rhe Wei"t'JTziroll Lid°use`73u ,id.' -1-
I on Friday, Mr, Lewis, of the Norwaiii- In
was ,
an e
t another. t
_granted o lien.
month's i.
h n
license,in order' that he might the is
I better dispose of his property,. Mr. 01
Buxton, of the Waverly: 1vas granted as
1 a license for the year. This was clue,
it is said, not to any change ..of the
I views previously enteet,Lineci by :the
11 ec)n1nlIss'OneI1S, bat hecatl.e• tllyy had
1,landered aLnd. this Was the "only tt;ty.
' out.. In previounly �•rantina him a six
month's extension, trey had excericlal
their powers,_for theThaw ,saye thaLt -no
eine, r tt�
lluess of Mr. John. Shobhrook, his son
tens given up business in 'J'oronto and
will Iuove into the house owned by
Mr. Searle, on Orange Street, in order
to he near is father. , , .The wife of
Rev. 31t'. alntes, of Bayfield, has
rented the Ross cottage, on Victoria
St , lately occupied by 3[t• Manning; ;
Mr. Holmes being an invalid; 'is not at
resent able to undertake his work.,
There are several fields of: mustard
along the line of the L. H. es B. not,
bly.near Exeter, that should be look-
ed afte.r...,.Thomds Shep and, ivho
e' PP
ry year spends part of the surniiher
tli his daughter near Chatham,
down there on Saturday last., :.
ass Dorothy L. Edge, of Owen Sound,
aughter of the late Rev Joseph Edge,
ecoived herdiplarea at Alma Ladies
ollege last week, and also won the
overnor-(general's medal for pro-
eiency in Liberal tarts...•.Half the
ear 1000 has about gone, rend all those
ood resolutions you formed at the
°ginning have probably all been for-
otten long ago.... Mr. Harold Rens-
rd, now holding a responsible poli-
owith n
the International ng.'
01 1
a Harvester
e r
i st
ompany, Montreal, was•hott:le for a
w days 'last week....itiir. Jaime
actin and family attended the mar-
e -MI -of
Mr. W.'•1GI teiTel td Miss d3rig-
ern, daughter of 1VIr. John Brigham,
Hullett, t
t o Wednesday
aa; brother of rs.artin.....Mason .
iver.Johuston, who event west with
car load of horses a couple of weeks
Lgo, returned• on Monclay....Mr, W.
0.'Smith has lead granolithic walks
in for couple of his hooses .;
txeal'ge Doherty is doing likewise.
efrs; Elijah Townsend we regret to
state, suffered a slight- stroke of par-
last week from which she h
et.yet-fully . recovered. The l•tsg
only a theeelnonths extension shall he an
iven, and there ;was no. atter/440e. 13
but tp.coutiuue it for the year.'
. A BAD S DASH.=One of tilela
1plate glass 'windows in McLennan s
.store was smashed to atoms on Friday.
evening, •by their own horse putting
his head • and feet through it.. . The..
, .horse with buggy Attached, 1iad, been
• left standing in the Ratten bury House:
stable,, when it pulled its halter lad'
.ran out into the yard, Ltd �v
Y , he e'
r it envort-
ed about until'it hard torn .the rim from
one of the Wheels. .It then went out.
the lane on Victoria Street,,,and turn-
ed on the sidewalk just fioaith of -the
d well appointed barn ....The
nos•, Stapleton, which is 94x70, ha
been unproved . by the ,,addition o
what is knower as. the. Carey roofing •
this has peen usedslightly on. town
buildings, but it is its first application
here to ar building of this $17P
W. 3, Jolliffe,.and fatnily, ,(then 'new
pastor of Wesley Church) arrived here
last (Thursday). evening. -the • Ladies
Aid Society meet and received thele
at the Parsonage • • Mr. ,Jacob Tay-
for hats bought fi'orn Mee 0. C. Ranee
tbe:brick.house at present occupied by
D. I', Macpherson; it will pro-
bably mean that he will occupy it
I '
s (IOL1I)AYS.-Th1 regular date for
f the Closing of public schools for the
summer vacation is Friday of this
1 week. Rural schools re -open on Aug-
ust 20th, .and the town schools on Sep-
' .temper 4th.
DOMINION DAV.-Single fare rates'
, on the railway for Dominion Day,
good negea3r3
2nd d returning Tsdae y, to July
3rd.t This will afford :a five days' outing at a'
small cost, •
, PRCSiJ. , 1V
1 ATiON.-Miss Florence:
�tA;e, ,.,A.•:;hzoh'.:;.e,,zaibA • �.'r ire lemseIF q 1
ti L
g . g. Meat its r1T
io ls-,Ron ++ laletl
dna t x
p „ress�saalt.what, but it artiali v tall? 11e=o#Ss$xveli• ,ts ,aL � surilrise.narty, at the hand
, in ease he does pot re -sell it.. untag lanee•was the 'recipient' of a
y'• :boli n _ : -
tid-the - elle holiday, the -let reA Jute fount Y .,.
'�U'3"'n'!r"'an'd' la;iii . on. Seita-..
be 'ted w a ,::. , ~•; as ;urday was then tenth an 1
head and fent through tine• window. niversary of the .Libet5ai . victory s s
After it got clear of this eie started .Dominion. politics, they Meati i won 1
,'down street, but was •soon caught. on June 23 1890 • g n '
'The window tortunatel w $ i
ty#bei .`lt)dy fr'%ends,'.:: on "Wednesday
evetii: tel.asraeteek;.. hen ••'thP;yTMpee�
ente r with. a , handsome Wedge-
wood Jardiniere. .The presentation
was accompanied by in illuminated
Lddrees that was a work of art as well
,these leu years have.
marvellous p p •ty and t a
fn. the Canada Accident Insurance 0 ,
of •elontrett;I, for which A. 0. Pattison
is agent •
annual demonstration in connection
with' the Wanton's Institute was give
in the Couneil .chamber 'on Friday
afternoon. The•` meeting opened at
3 in., the local president, Mrs. 0,
McKinnon "presiding. The delegates
present were : Anise B. A. Duncan, of
.Emery, and Mrs. F. W. Watts, of
Clinton. After the meeting' was
; formally open Mrs. Watts was called
for an :address on. "Accidents, and
Emergencies" This address contain-
ed many valuable hints on. what to do
in case of emergencies of either sick-
ness or accident, Miss Duncan. then
gave'. a :. demonstration in cooking
Economy in small things."Several
,tasty dishes were made, which.were
sampled by the .ladies present. The
following.is:the program' of the 'ven-
engmeeting : Mrs. C. Me:$innon pre.
siding ; recitation, Miss Violet Barge ,
solo, Miss Maude Wiltsie ; address,
Benefits of Women's Institutes," Mrs
jRa,e ; solo,et, Mr. Steward ses Coats
Jald ksonc-
address, "The relation of. the table to
the family," SLiss Duncan solo, 'Miss
Lily Coats God save the King.
nos ens
throughout the Damm
ion ::.Mi Josh Cook: has beet; nursing
a. sprained foot for Several days.. Iii
hurriedly getting off, the bus his foot !doubled under him, a.nd...was: severely
n a . bed - • •'We are sorry to note the
illness of 'Mrs. D. Jaekson, Huron St..
...A.niong the young lg. '
Y dzes�wh
g o
at -
1 ered at the; •stationon Wednesday
i morning; to bid Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 1
1 Murch a pleasant journey on the sea
i of, matrimony, were several Who are
, said to be prospective _.brides in the
near future. Council will be held on
the•-3rdd,ocving to Monday being a holt
da ..
Y •• M.Hic
Richard 1d
Y s ' .
vi ,
one to do his haying, fi n is vile first.e
be having the
l 'crop on -his town lot ent...:•.1Hogs still
, maintain their pricaat $7.25 and big -
'era are of the • opinion that this price
will last until the fall, owing to 'the
1 scarcity... ..Mr. Sid Smith .was
brought home on Wednesday, under
the doctors supervision; his condition.
1 shows a little improvement from lest
! week, though not much, but it is an-
ticipated that time will be in his favor
f..Mrs. Dr.' Holmes and . Mr. ' James
Doherty were guests 'at the marriage
-of Jos W. Holmes, of Saskatoon, to
Miss Winnie Atkinson, which took
place in London • on Wednesday....
Dr. Fowler, Vet., soid • a' fine driver
to Mr. Reid, Treasurer of Stanley
a,s possessing literary merit, ..She . has
many warm friends who are glad to
know that no matter how many birth.
days she has, she gets no older.
She's a daisy; with jet black hair;.
. Plrashing•eyes and features fair,
Likes the classics and dabbles..in art,
But yet has. broken no alai's heart.
Local Notices;.
CR1 RRIRS' WANTED=Highestprice paid. r_
CANTELON .BEM. Clinton..
A SNi1P-For. sale !1003acres of good wheat
latld, s miles from town of =Moolach, Soak : 28
mileswest of Mooseiaw city, uq Main Mine of C:
P.R. with two transcontinental trains daily. $12
per acre; $3 dash and balance', to suit purchaser,.
Will be sold en bloc or in lots to suit. the buyer.
F1RANB.O'NEIL, Mary Street, . Clinton. Refer.
epees can' be anode to Irwin & Cross, land valva:.
tors, or alai( Mooseiaw 13auk,nr to New Era office'
I beg• to state •that I ai not . in the
wrestling business now, and it is only
when there is no policeman around'
and anyone assails the good character
•of the bravest of the brave, then I will
use defences pretty lively if compelled.
to do SO-A.R. Snot1TO.'
DR. • OVENS, Surgeon Eye, Ear and Nose,
will be at W. S R. Holmes' Drug Store,
Clinton, Thursday, : July 5th„ . Hoare lo
a.m.. to 4 p. m. Glasses. properly Atte
and diseasestreated. of .these organs properly,
educing ale
-•.ice Q�
W. TaylorSon's, elinton.
OUR GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE is attracting the attention of the buying.
public, as witnessed by the big crowd of customers who are daily visiting our
store since our big sale commenced. We are positively going out of business
and our immense stock must be reduced. You have only 16 days more
to secure the best bargains in SHOES, SUIT CASES and TRUNKS ever
offered in the county, No reserve. • . The entire' stock atW
esa l e Prices
We. p
W .. find it impossible to quote prics; as we i vemany_ lutes. Cour Bar-
gain Counters are being daily replenished Y p wlth�. ,,...._ .._..
selves. Never before have we offered such enuine bang n even surprise
�' gains in seasonable and
up-to-date ' footwear, .britt our stock must be reduced. If money -sating
ues will do it, this is bound to be the greatest sale in our history. Come with '
the crowds, and get your share of the best bargains you have ever seen, as.
this is the greatest slaughter of prices ever attempted In Clinton. Terms of
sale strictly cash. ' .please do not ask for goods on approval. Your money.
back if goods are not satisfactory,
The old reliablektioW. .Taylor &
MLINTOrx. ��
ono 2e' 04 1.9011
NO. 15
Read orlr acts with eon
enc'e, we clone pal/ for printingg trivial or exaggerated new
\ A Price cut 0t 3taga'itude
in Bibles.
•.A get -out -of -the -road reduction
in some odds and ends, It will
pay you to see therm, •
One only, was $,xr
.410 now $3,50
One only, was 3.00 now 2.00
---Orie-onlyeetvas, 6Q._neee
One only, was 2.00 now 1.25
One only, Ras 1..75 now 1,05
One only, was 1.05 now .90
One only, was .1.50. now .955
One only, was 1.25 now .85
One only, was 1.211 now .75
One only, was 1.00 now . .05
and a few °there, all with an es,
nal saving for you,
A price -tumble in
Photo Albums,
Its a hurry -up price. If you
want one perhaps you had better
hurry, Should they stay: here.
One only, ,was $5,60 now $200
One only, war. 4.00 now 2.3
(inc only, was L 00 now. 1.46
One only, was 1,75 now '1. 0
One only,, was .1.75 now 1.10
One only, was 1.40 now .95
One only, was 1.35 now ,95
One only, was 1.00 now .75
One only, was .90 now .65
Dont you
think y
ouhad better
burry if ftnt
The W.D, Pair'
Often the Cheapest. • -- Always the Best
traw Hats
This is a Straw Hat season -and these are •
Straw Hat days: This is THE Straw. Hat Store
of the town. A big stock of natt • sha pes . includ-
p , Inelud.
ing the ever - popular -sailoprices_
l sailors, .. - $1.50. ..-....--
. ,and . 2.50
Some real new Ties in. this week for soli
,day selling: Quite the rage'i
n the cities. and .
sure to be HERE `too.. The
newest thing is:
the, "Cooksey " Long -Knot Four -in-
, g, • hand:. ft.
.swell,' and: we have: it in
all' the fashionable
::shades;;; ----1-1 tropes. and: Ikhce; Blues are .h.fi;-
•--�->,3�a.�-l�•Ib rtar-i�•i�st:�.non(�:.=;"�'ou�wall.�.�.nd-.=tixri-::
here too,.with the new i1 C.of
o �sies" •.
Duck I a s.'2 : C
New white Duck Hats •for Ladies' or Gentle-
man's wear, all sizes -Just the thing'forpicnics.
Fancy y .its
gore fancy. Vests, selling this season, than ever •
before. ,Few stocks better than you will find In
the Big New Men's Store,. Lots of themtochoose
from, 'butnot. very many of any one kind: Very
.stylish, and.very comfortable in' hot weather.
$y.So, $2,.3o and`.. $2.50
The ` B'uster'' sha
Holidays will be here next week. Buy
your small boy one of the .new .Buster Shaw
wash play suits, ,and hecan' play' around any.
where. Dirt will "Plot hurt them, for they will
`wash like a piece''of Factory Cotton, Made in•
one-piece from. Indigo Blue Galatea with ' nar-•
row white stripes. Best play suit that has ever
come on the market. Small sues only. '
75c per suit.
Clothiers ainct Furnishers, Clinton
' S