HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-29, Page 8• un o 29thf 1001 13ANIS IN A MatOITY nn.-nnnnon,—.0, 'rtiE PRESSING. NEED OP MONEY IN, ' A ,STRIP.KEN OOMMVNITY. 'Ellaverteace ix Willoreeetsto lenge let ii$Tieefliettied e* Drexel/Nero • e*id How "Ite sabeved eteeet-eAh Te - 'expected Peopeeetton, Whenever a -great lire devastate - Urge. city the.1);* effert of those c • verned with the Wag of reatoratien to get the banks open so that the pr ileg needs of • a homeless. poputat naay be eared for... At such time)! b uess is done • Qi a strictly sash ha end everything Belle at 4 prenaiu --eonseeneeeeele -an -eatraenall •demand for hand to hand Money, hi. tbe merchant can use the. poor Man •dollar to abetter advantage than t rich maz' e credit in buying suppliee i•eplenistehis dame emptied wareh011 The struggle that vestige to ebta all the ,eash in sight is full of huna Interest. It has its •pieturesque f ' tures. •On Monday, Oct. 10, 187L-wia all itleage, trudged downtown to s what•was left of the city, great mew besieged the banks. Some Men we crying, others talked incoherently, a ever,ebotly seemed half dazed. An 0 ter 'or oue of Chicago'greatest, bank who (might hie way through the sm dering embers fo the white marble ha which surrounded his vault, ,gave t following deseription of what occur "'Although the iron, door of the awe badebeen somewhat expanded by hen /*found that the combination works perfectly. That reassured me,and at or • hunting about the debris I fishe tout one or two- iron erowlears and b rwedging them In filially. opened th arau-It doer. The inclosure smells 4Inioky, but I soon found•that the cash ewes all right, and so .were •onr books 'Malt made tue feel -good, iiidereo own to work in short order. The fire ' thing I did was to look at the !salute ',sheet and see what our exact resource were. A glanceshowed me that by Collecting what was due trom out o 'town creditors the bank tould pay ev • *rattling it owed and 'declare a 10 Pe ,Stent dividend besides, even g it los iovery dollar due froro its Chicago, ell Ova. That was all I wanted to know, • "On leaving the vault saw four •anen *vatting for me in what -bad been the ashier's office. They were antong-ow - largest depositors,- and. I. knew vvell enough what they wanted. They' were of very different tYpes-one a shreted money lender, who had $30,000 to his 'credit on our books, another was a iichool treasurer- in an dietrict who would have been teened had we Dot been able to pay• •hira $25,000, a dhird was an out of town. banker with $150,000 to the credit of his institution in our bank, and the fourthawas.e. man (who has since become one of Chica.geas : :greatest celeitellete,447Whtehad tofessed hls-siteere-fidendship for tee. • 'It .wasafia4rhaelli'easaaereeter ed to make each of my visitors. elm* the reel stuff that was in him: As events riroved, tbis did not take long. "The little 111011PS lender grabbed sine first. With a strange little wink he forced me one side and said in a half. whisper, `Do you know. hovienaueh Clave in your bank?' A. • "I said, 'Yes, about tpit000.' • . t "Well, I will give you $6,000 if You Will give me the cash right away? "'I won't do that?' said. L 'Yew - money is all right, but you will.have to emit a week for, it until we get -ix shape again.' • , " 'What' be fairly.gasped, edayent,dte feline $6,000? That es .a good. dial' of - 'money in a city that has. gems to'de-' litructibne "I answered no, that I would tiot sand told him in plain. English evbat I ft bought of him. I said: 'I am not knave 'enough ice take your bribe andegaiger„ are' en unfair advantage over the other tie- • ipositers, and I am not fool enough tei Ode it, because I know as 7'soon as -you- • Et a etle. ion usle els, ne. *8 ltalef nee he to se, an ea - en 00 re s, el - 11 d: It t, cl d e •t.t • TaZ MINTON rW ' !ITO NIFIff .PER r ECTION, 0 AE ' blirtter 's everts- ;" 't • STRATFORO CANtlpiti".4t, • h.n the Owns fo You Ws bridge tante with ow tneisture-131"04 AlseefectszolfyiKlinMBAII-• fax =xi Vancouver are •brought to the ovens' doors. parms Arid mil towns are pot on 'the SUM plane with the * flooney's PerfectIon Cream •Sodas ere Peeked la I le 3 its air -fight °Padova treats Fr* deliehms— and reeds yen in die aims con - &fawn° 'mow vslere you live. • ATakt. atteDelte • —eau Know now tome* are um Weil - as I do, Can't you see the position we ar.e. her 10b, yes, yes,' he answered • hastier.. tl don't care about the fire. We • are all in'the same fix, But I want to know how you stand personally. Have .7011 Pleats of ready caish? You cannot getecredit-these- days,- So -if-yon.•-amed anything from. the grocer'st you . want bare retie. %brought yen little'- "With that the man threw open hie 'coat, diVect down into his pocket and ,dragged out a roll of bills as bfg as ' hands vcouid grasp. Then lie straight- •ened 'them out and divided•thera into equal ,piles, retaining one' himself and •'banding me the, other. lie was dread- fully.in earnest, but I told him I could not accept the money and •that 1 thought I could manage without He assured me that whatever he had *would always be at my disposal. That man has always been one of my best *lends," • 7, ee'el ke, • •••••••••••••••••...• • • His comollmena '"WTO a lovely. Morning," he said• "It is a perfect Morning," she replied, "True," he eald. • "I hateti'tseert alt7- tIttng this morning that isn't perfect" And he' looked her straight In the face. -.Then she blushed. • • • • Tfirtpw.‘.10, DIOINES TIU DOGS. $1=til --ektrebest-best, useless. You have some disease of the' nose, throat or !maga. Doctors would call it bronehitis, asthma or catarrh. The common :root of. these diseases le germ or mictobie irritation. Catarrh - ozone not only destroys disease terms, it do more, it healdiseased and ine ' flamed tissue. The diseasais not only cured,but its return is forever prevent,' ed •by using 'Oatarrhozone, which is splendid also for colds, coughs, and ir- Titable throa,t. Remember you inhale Oa te,rrhozone-Nature's own cure --use no 'other .hut Oatarrheeone--it's the best catarrh cure made. • e. ese /erected ihe Petitio ',Glee day not long ago the young king +of • Spain handed the Duke de°Santo :Mauro, one of his gainiiiters, a Petition "Which his majeate said referred to the eight hour working day. The. duke'd1Is i e of petitions Is. well known. • "It la, my. desire that you attendste it 'nee emediately," said the.--kinge,seelng-the miiiiietel• was inclined to raise difficulty t about . attending . to an: Informal peta ° ise fh hn a week you would sue nae for the. 46,000. Get out of here right away." "That was the Iast of him.• Be took ihis money when the Week was out and ikept clear of the hank after that Then: • CULTIVATING THE CHILD. • , How Aar Trait May He need In o •Noranie Heiroxie meteor. Owe is not a eingle desirable sat* • 14te wilich, lacking in.a Plalat May net be bred into it. Choose what improve- ment you wish in a flower, a fruit or a tree, and by cressing, seleetion, Cala' Yeti= and persistence you can ex this desirable trait Irrevocably. Pick out any trait you want lu your child, grant- • ad that he is a normal ebild, be it hen- esty, f purity, lovableness, In. dusty, thrift, what not. By surround. Ing this child 'with sunsbine from the fly and your own heart, by giving the closest vorranunion with nature, by feeding hint well balanced, nutritious rood, by geeing him all that Is implied -Inaliealthful_enairoup eeetLetaidelluencee and by doing all in love you eau thus. cultivate In this child and fix there for all hie life all of these traits -natu- rally not always to the full lit ail cases at the beginning of the work, for he- redity will Duda) itself felt first, and, as In the Plaut under improverrteut there *ill be Certain etrong tendencies to re- version to former encestral traits, but In the main with the normal child yon can give lean allethese. traits by pa. Matta', • persisteirtly •guiding Wm • • these early•formative yo,ars. And, ori the other side, give him foul- alr to breathe; heep him In a dusty Ate. tory ar an onwholesome sehotfiroona ci a crowded tenemeut up under the Mit roof; keep him away from the suit - Shine, take away from him music auti laughter and happy faces, 'cram his lit- tle brains with so called knowledge, all the more deceptive and dangerous because 'made so apparently adaptable to his young mind; let him have asso- eiatee ia•his hours out a school, and at the age •of ten you have fixed in hini the "oppOsite traits, He is on his way to the gallows. You have perhaps seen a prairie fire sweep through the tall •0-11-94.1. MILBURN', .notart Acind Nerve PM*, Are a apecifie for all heart ana nerve ' troubles. Here are some of the erne, - toms. Any one of them should be a warning for you to attend to it im- mediately. Don't delay. Serious break- down of the system may follow, if you do: Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Dizzi- ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Rush of Blood to the Head, Smothering and Sinking Spells, Faint and Weak Spells, Spasm or Pain through 4 he Heed; 'Cold, Clammy Hands and Feet. There may be noway minor syrup- M tome of heart and nerve trouble, but :+.1' these are the chief ones. a, Milleurn'e Heart azurNerve Pills will o dispel all these Symptoms from the h system. Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25, a WEAK SPELLS CURED. atl Mrs, L. Dorey, Hemford, N.S., writes as as follows ;—"I was troubled with u dizziness, weak spells and Buttering of w the heart. I procured a box of Milburn's in Heart and Nerve Pills, and they did Me th Se much good that I got two more boxes, ' and afterfinishing them I was completely si cured. r must say that r cannot recom- mend them too highly OF THE LAST CENTURY. I-orst homingtort Wonders Whether Pre-enilnentlY Bieutiful Women Are 'RerereThan In Days Of Welpols. "1 have often wondered whether the pre-eminently beautiful women are rarer than they were, in the time of Horace Walpole, who tells thet when the Miss Gunnings Paefted through Doncaster the street was tui of an admiring Crowd early claw to see them start for the north; an you remember that George 41. ordere an °Meet's guard to. protect one 0 them, " enventrY, from -beta Pressed upon by the pi ople when sh walked in the Mall. "We see nothing of such excitereen 14 these days," writes Alexander, Lord Larnington in The London Daily , Black 1 d f ..- •YOUR GROC R PREFERS TO SELJ ge I cM'Y LCM TriAr* t He knows that It will give you unbounded 'satisfaction; • Green. •Mixed Tmad TacketwOulb-----2-15ei-30e,-40ei-40e40e-Per-Lioat-al I Vrocetse:------ • HIGI-1111ST AWARD ST, LOUIS, DOI, Mall. • "The costumes of that time may have chlaacisesohrnadethitinsgmtvondsotylLitilofthdirsess:athch•e laced bogices, brocaded • petticoats, bright stokkings, and German hoops of the upper classes may have aided to attract attention. Now and then, in my time, some paragon of heaute, ndepenclent of rang and attractive, ress, Was oeca.siortalty to be seen. . 'I remember a friend telling me iss Maclean was so beautiful *that lienever she •appeared hrt 'Edinburgh, 'here she reenled,, a crewel collected; 11 One occasion when he aceien6anied or to a shop'in Princes street, Pence ad to be sent for to clear the way, nd when that, evening she entered the leat- e the audience stood lep hont- ge tO .her charms. "I can recall one ,person who came' p 'to this standard of p'erfection, as with her in Paris, and walking the • Champs Elyeees ties •orie of e -most unpleasant processes I ever eat through. It was almost la/pos- tale to move, from the crowds of ad- trers rushing by, and then turning -vase-across-ea- DIale,--Nothing:.-eatte•- stand ,before it; it must burn itself out That is what happens when you let the tweeds grow up in a •child's life and then set are to them by wrong envIron- • ntent.-Ltither Burbank In Century; THE GOLDFINCH. •••• ,Cheaseree In Pia That Are Pea-. 'Man to the Noviee. Most every one in America is aa- euainted with the goldfinch but many people know the bird by the name of • lettuce bird on. account of • Its bright yellow color. Golafizieh' is a' very ap- proprlate. name. as the bright yellow et the male whert in breedbag plumage is like burnished gold. The •fennile •goldfiech. is .1120re modestly 'dressed than her mate.' The changes In plum- age ot the male are eery letereeting and to •the novice somewhat Until the •student beembee acquainted *lila the bird he may Wonder why he Sees no males during the Winter, The trnth is et ,ehieeeason the Reeks of 'hitt:attar fete aie ere', '' - a.. ter404.4.A1fZet111741104Za.le-bit&b.11,94, • L sumed le the ,previous uelialtY by the"end of October, a: plumage Closely resembling that of ep- fepule and young :bird of the yea . eThe •male te- tains •this ineonspicuoui dress *until: late la Irebenary, when one can no - bee a .gradual change taking Piece in •some of the birds. • This renewal ot feathers. is actively continoed through March and April, and by the .first of 1%fay our 'respieedene. bird is with a$ again. The song period with the male goldfinch continuee as long as he wears his gold and black livery, for it com- mences as.early ati the ealddle,of March and ends tate in August. 'Goldfinches are •-very cleanly: in • their.. habits. and bathe frequently:. Their nests are eic- , quisite 'pieces' of le1rd architetture, the • inside being lined with the - softest. pima cloWn. The mother bird is the boilder, her. InindsoinecOnstert. during he • nest building time ,devoting -Meat tiOn. Finding that the king litras very —d • 7e - :willingly tntolled.: Much to the attouse- vaent of all present the document was ,:foundSto be in the young kiug's hand-. f his eftorts to singio'g to' ebeer his in- ustrious mate• • over e bank paid Its claims with- muds in earnest, the petition wee n • !the scbool treasurer came to me with a eltraightforveard story of how his bonds - Men were anxious to know how - be estood. When I told him that his Mme) - as safe and that be -would not lose a !cent he burst into tears, saying the . ;news was too good to be true. The out Apt town banker was afso very niee, :haying that, he did not care to with - raw bis money se long as he knew It *as safe. Then the man vrho has since Fown enormously wealthy - :teem/tea e with the remark that lie had come • . own to see how things stood. That. gave me a chance to test him, so I said • firUsquete: • ABSOLUTE tril 'U1 legally., It begged In piteous terins for a :little more leisure from national dutiesend suggested that he shouldnot when Grant .was in subordinate com- bo asked to -work more than -eight hours • mend, he was reconnoitering aloiae near a day: and that he might have his Sun- the enemy's lines. Suddenly he fOund dadee;o1r. federates' pickets, who was for arrest himself confronted by one of the Con- Grantts Presence of Mind. • ,An• instance ot -great presence of .reind was narrated by John Russell Young, ' says a writer in the Grand gas ne. Once during the civil wa veer •• 11 01 notice," said tLn carping crite, • "that In this ode to liberty you say; • "The message arrie to the listening land, The winds of heaven bore on each word, And hill and valley and plain and strand q Were glad for - the marvel of what they heard" • "Yet, Sir," replied the hopeful Poet. "But how in the name of sense can a land hear" ng biro: "Shol Shores:id Grant -With tbe utniost coolness. "'Can't you see 1 em reconnoiteringin the eneiny's, oni- forxn? Don't make a noise'. I slowil be back directly.” • Andhe walked away Wetly sentil Out of the 'picket's sight then ran as nimbly as be could. • • "I-er-I suppose a land has' froutiers,. hasn't it'," -Judge. . flis Cue. • Glifttita.--They say this book entitled . . "A Stela 'reackward" was inspired Weeder 'whre the author ever got his Inspiration? . • Guyer -Ole I guess he watehed ciWoe Ian11 ' Yuit Th Drte,et, greet • To 'cast dutitein one's eyes" perfect- ly explains Itself.- It 'is, Jaewever, in-• , teresting to• know that Epaminoildas' at the battle of Tegea defeated the Spartans by masking bis moyeniente With a large body of .eavalry. &lased the hors.einen. to gallop to and fro in front of the enemy in etch a way as to raise it cloud of dust and's° veil, , ed the moVelments of his °infantry and • Manastepping.- ott. te. street ....caes3 a • Mere Sun. - • • . - Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pin& *lust Sear SIgnature • ..4400'e She PareSlinlie WiraPPer WOW. 'Vary *rasp emcee ewer tillititi3 Magsaa 111•00 ittitilieRtt bArtl,CR MI OIZIINES14 L4, 1 II °Frit tiligtVli, iiii,,L 4, , fOli tO.NOPRTIOR FOR SALLOWIRKIL FOR The dOPAPLEX1011 ispithipzirlorrnirsittiar=.4 i,,,,.............,....7,0.0020,-,..........kmak‘. • Mitt SICK HIEADAMitt. euittuett tueiti w utas a new ago Mere advantageous•position. eel Premier's Wit. . WOInfiri OnCe: told Lord Paimerstou that. her maid, who had been with her In the Isle of Wight, objected to going thither again because the climate was not "embracing" enough. • "What' am to do with such a wonicuir she aeked.• "Yoe had better take ber to the Isle of . Man next -time," seed Lord Palmerston. • . . • • • • Winged thne•gliaes on leseneibly and ••••deceiv.ett us, and the/mitt nothing more; fleeting then years. -Ovid: • Infrequent. • • , Kind Lad y-aI have nothing -but Remo lobster salad and minbe pie. You eure- ly don't want that. fateyour breakfast? Weary Walker-Qh, dis is , me einner. mute. bac in.e breakfast dee. before' yesterday. '• • "At east we took a tia,cre, and es- caped this unweleome denaonstration. ---q•Lettrd-Pon-sen-bye-.1. • leteee-heez,d,,...1111.1 AVOUs DEBILITY CURED Excesses and Judi/wedeln, are the cause of more sorrow and suffering than all other diseases combined. , We see the "Actium of vidians habits on every heed; the sallow, pimpled face, dark circled eyes, stooplue form, stunted devehennent, bashful, melancholic countenance and timid bearing proclaim to alt the ' world his folly and teed to blight ltis existence. Our treatment positively cures all weak men by overcoming and removing the effects of former indiscretions and excesses. It stops all losses and drains and quickly restores tee patient to what nature immured -ea healthy - era compute. and happy man with playsical, mental and nerve pow. Fog over 2$ years Drs., & E. have treated with the greatest success all diseases; of men and women. If yet; have any secret disease teat Is a worry and a menace to your health consul t old established phyeic- lens who do not have to experiment on you. • We snare:deo to care Nervous Debility, Blood Diseases, .5tricture. Yaricocele, Kidney and Bladder Disunites. CoomeleatIon Free, If unable to call, write for a QuestiouBlatet for Home Treatment. contemporaries say, WaS the handsern- est -man of his time, • • Sved hy His Looks, , "It is rape*, indeed, that a man's iiee Is preserveteldy his beauty, lie was not twenty when he pasSed • through Par' irr 11'91, War had . not been declared but there was a strong feelitig agates Engle:ed. At that time the lamps wet' hung .across the „Streets—hence the, ery la la.eterne? • • - "When • any unhappy victim was tale en, the process of ehapging him was - a very simple one, steard Ponsonby, walk- .ing in the Rue St. lienore, was se un- fortunate' -to fall in with the mob, who seized him with the un: agent de Pitt; •un• Sucre Anglais! a la lanterriel" "The lamp was taken down, the cords placed round his` neck, and he was act- ualty hanging the air, when the wo- men, who played such a prominent part throughout the revOluti me, rushed for- ward -and *cut -the . cords. . RSI KENNEDY KER :1.---- liorigageSale noose and Lot in Clinton. GAN 148 811aelby Street, Detroit, Mich. • intlfLeede;tillettlif11.-Illiayrtvglartatelewoitliottihowinloiterovro'caouncteaaitteadt. t . t--phleme et steel; Chore will be effered for gale by e - til"eTit•Cilit%s. iY,MiltitteAegtiltitflT,rcrti , ,114, 1906,1at the helm of two o'clock in the • afteritooti, the property known and described . as ....thasoutherhepart of' lot member f • e: bine s survey, in the Town. of Clinton, io tlaa County of Hurop, consisting or that rectangular -.•portion of the said lot fronting on Ontario Street, buying the full width of inc said let, aed • exteud. ing bock front Ontario.Street fiibbingt Street seventy four feat.northward. • . • ' !newts on. the: property a entail frame- bongo the interior of whicithrte been recently !repaired and the location is one Of the meet desireble 18 Ohara!, • „ .• •Voit terms and conditions of. sale, eppiree either of the undersigned. • . DIC.SINSON, Antitioneer Oak(' ''Ctilltiolt)t°111; Art; cf)tfir<htlizti:Ntro•L' 44.}Tril 'V 14) 4 ' 1T(1)11.6; rest un trop Jon' garcon. polar etre • . • • • • • •• . • .• ..• som.g., God (.0.:.,F! stet:tee 01.)uy,'.., was 1?th!,ew si:t-o.r.„1;e1,1:dfell,.aorrieri the • A r is told of a young Wife W.I1O • , knew little of housekeeping. She watt pave'rhent, and weealliamedlettely Cerried itiiieeerold of molt, Twitita • 11; ..r..„.4,4i :1T t ttr 0. t▪ here- was a ,very distinguisaed art st vho afforded' us, il(Ueh en teet ainment;-- M. Gudin, the great marine painter. nee Some at his• sea-pleces were wonderful the in their power and coneetition. ' • • tick • "Guclin was one of the liveliest of t Frenchmen, A g,roat Anglothanian; it ace - NNW:, 'tieligbi.ful to sbe .hlin equipped for on. le semt. ots shooting costume was 'a tel little better attained for the Paiais yal. arcades than for our moors went • t shooting wit h him one day, when •h last he wounded a • hare; whIch„ bem- ire(' ever, was able, to limp away, "Gud 1 res exo I tot tient was Intense; In. Ian ' Ile tried to g another shot; At iu coneequeuce of that ineitperie • dispotted to'stande bjt in awe of butcher, -ihe • baker and the .candies 1 ewer> - f 1 . ( , 0 her ignore . . • enither,, for ,slic felt sure they nans iu,eousehold matters, .She ordered ly such things as she• was absoiu sure of, aue. she neade her lateral wee the tradesmen AS .11rief 55 po The LIIRMOClit Sthoot Telegrphy, — And Gentral-Trairtiog for ailway Sevice,. The neer inethoci instructioe adontedt by - this school has proved. a great suteess, • (evils graduate in the shortest possible therefore at the least expense, • • Emeloyment provided at once • Write fare free pamphlet which will give fitilieformation. School room in Gordon Bloch, onneit`e Pee • Office, the most desirable location in the thy. Irspection of clesses at work cordially Witted R013ER1 LARMOUR Stratford, tint • Principal and Instructor, formerly , District .Superintendent G.T. R. 00-07.. • In the matter of the - Vsmte ot Stimifol riko ate ot di .1 own of C ititon, zit tite.County I -10W ABOUT, . YOUR ,,,, 11 arou,hotelk epee,' eeeettsed. , .....T.MMIWIIINLY,IMMONGW•EINOWIIIMI.•111=0.001..4................ • . , „ . / :IN 01MC: :kill i*tark,g13;74 t 'elite eve.eiefeee.,.iee•ef: ellen.. Pie it,e:41,:...,1 e .,. that alt.,. pereene having: ' ____. " PAPh -,...- ;•...t. ' ' :' treeeeet e - e %or thee Saidt earn. .enere,"4"."Fee'''''"•'"ee• ' ,,, , ..7' " -.,.77.",'''.-1...`.':::"4 the eon dev df -'11 • AeD , eiee pike, aces/mod, ' Who (let ou or ott --•"....-,•''''2-.--..,:•,,,—L..-,4=44::'. • : • " equir. • Nething adda so. flinch to the detorae •a ... , ed; to eerie, by post, Prepaid. - 0 th. milder -sign- floe of a heuse he good Wall -Paper. a. • ' ... gfserioletter, or towtheupip?igx19.- e•..4,:ell 0 nil or ems i I, a p 'the end ay oe eu y, mele taco* nettles. OSA t011 tu s aw you •the ve ' ''' al.d. addm-tses with fulleartieu.ars LI 'On i1.11111 best, an chencese ,patterna, as , r am, :. • . e lowedall the birds to escape. At One morniug there came to her he a collector of ashes.-"Asbees, asleee she - heard • him calling stentor ain. last he thre% dow hi . . tones. As the. cry. -Was repeated ag and egaiu she became more and.en Perplexed as to, What"eehees" inert Finally 'she went to. the gate In rear •••and ,opeued it "Aeli.Ces?" ea in get-ante:1 question from the man. ---efte---yming -hesitated-for a wee' - baeut; thee, drawleg herself up to a dignified attitude; she replied coldly, • "No, I don't think care for any to:, day." • • • • At. a recent- dinner Mark Twain, ac.: pording teta English report, made a . • rated amusing little Speech' which was responded. to as fellows by a lawyer who. was present: "Doesn't it strike the company a tittle unusual," he In- quired, ,"that- priefessional huntarlst should be tenere" -When the laugh that greeted this • sa lly 'had subsided Mark rTwein drawled Out, "Doesn't it Strike the ,company ,as a; little unusual that a lawyer should base hie hands In bis -own pockets?" • . • A. youeg, and email- looking Scetch• eleteeynian. Was eto' ail -each "treel" ••aer- Mon in a strauge einn•ch. Fearing that, itis heir might' be tilsai•raeged or that' he might have a eniudge on his 'face, he mid to the sexion, there being no • Mirror in the vestry, "Jafues could you get inc glees?" • tames disappeared and nfter a feW minutes returned with eamething tinder his coat, whieh, to the • cote:tern:Moil' of the divine. he pao•e dtteed In the Nein of a bottle, sayleg "Ye manna let on aboot it, Meenister, • or got it as 11 special favor, and ef thou. chums, and.statement ot their ac..t• tze hi agent for the ••• . • feet the nature of the securities (if tin •?, held by them ti • dc3Vtit.i)liu'TaY‘t116'it8t,scildt;x0erCtittar WfitaltidPIOCee0a Or() o orOntb among tne pbrtb s entities thereto, it ,Vien asrecli • cl the.aia exeon / The sena leg for 1000 itre entsely tli " 81S41 1 ram°el • to ANI) t:71 ttt"t")Y d"el t 2" kn. atter tee ea rod Empire y,Vall, Paper Co - 128 „. • 04'f*.ttbeeliliael2'11)44 fti.‘in.hear&pnnrsseterisal'oral410.a,,lt teltaftne. with birojercilee4rsraLint fsrit°nntel 5cpraicl'ed.11 th9ort5cey. notice shall not bar been receihed by there ..tritittulettinrIslaie solicit°. r 111 the time of tate.' ° II of paper guaranteed to contalo . • , ards, Samples gladly shown to ir- '2'- pat d may ith, /0.0S • • i ending purchasers, at any time. /\•-• .JACISON. Sue W. BRYDONE., • • the his poor victtm, caught it Withie his wee, .gtessy nat, spotless wrote goVei. ear. Queen. and Princess Se,, °Heuer. 1 • -- re• • Solicitor • GEORGE POTTS , . Y n le gun. to the • ., - • • ore t ter _the hare, and a: last fairly outran ' • alnusetnent of the whine prty, ran af- Rouse De water and Paper Hanger, the. arms, and AretruLnemdustrolualiindpvh.ant. 0Hfef:"sahstotril7, VerY• ..beaneldeed of a leader , • • . •• "The • extreiVagances Of dandy' tif have beep WiciiiT-tiTit• IniFtlfeeleeVani ties were Merely the ripple on the Sur fiteli 'of superior merle • • • • "Count d'Orsay was a brilliant lead- er of the dandy class-strikinglY hand- some, of' a spleedid physique, a cole. ntanding apiteartic. an . admirable borsemari of the Hittite Ecele sellout. When he apPeared 'in the perfection of dress (for the tailors' art had not died oat with e:seorge IV.); with thatexpres- sion of selfeenfirlenee and self..com- placenywhich the sense of .uleeriority givee, he was the oheerved of all, Add to this his real •accomplishmentS senlettor; an excellent artist and the possessor of a. happy faculty of seizing the expressInt and drawing en Leisr- anis likeneSs • In remarkably short time. • • . • •• 'Mn took eveaa plena with' thmsl- ves In those days they did riot sioueh and moen through lifet ahd it ten. r 0 I Le. .r. Tareing and Feathering. . . , • ' in• the receett raning ease, that of tare 1 . , - -The peculiar foriiFOf Thunishineni - Adopted by the'Scets Guards' .suhalterns ring and feathering, is popularly sup - lapsed to be American In -its origin. This, however is •rint the ease; it: is known to antiquarians to have been oa- ployee at least 70e years ago, and that in our manatee. ' • • .- - When Riehard Coear de Liorepet out - on rertAettotnhisralfoerrthiewridae,rmbye, tnaa!idde °Snd orY: them was this•. "A. robber whoshallh convieted of theft :shall have, hs bead -I Creppece • al ter the faehion of a ahem-' pion, •and boiling pitch shell be peured thereon, and the feathers of a cushion •• • shall be shaken eut on him, so that he : May he' known, and -at the first Iand at. I Which the ship ellen touch he shall be set on shore" •It • is interesting to Imo* .bwahet an anele.rit army cost, in tie01 has t • The disgusting discharges 'from. th.e, ) :11080 andethroat, and the foul, catarrh- al breath are rioickly dispensed :with 1 Simi] sem Oil ng agents itself' ButalYptus, I " t • . f-3 oop s Catarrh Ouse. i t byinol. Wild Ind Igo, etc, • have • been hov%; highly they were appre- clatele by • the crowd, nt only of the uppeebut the' hewer elasetes thieve fro (1 tientl,v ridden clown to letchmond with Count aarsay• A striking flgdre was in blue coat witty gilt' bettens, tiara\ n well hack eta show • the wide expanse of enotry eillitg -frot and buff waistcoet; his tight leathera altd 'polish - a boots; his well -culled whiskers and handermie countenaner; wideehrinte , zetteeeee.._ reere'er,-e,--e"met evadeue One got it at all ir 1121111 tue told them It wee for Yon."e-Itaeper's Week eiipactant • • Mile Mist/Ake, lift. Slinsky-I don't belie* the city Witter im safe, otlee Ithas a clouded appearance this morning and -tastes sort of-milkpaand- Mrs, Starvern- Thot ghtee eontaine milk, Mr, Slirosky. The water be at yaw, tett. And, by the way, your board bill was due Teeter- • 'It 11:10 flow+ 111:1 goeid to be eomewhitt• nret.t by the lient arid drenched bl. the rain °a • leoolitse, litY SIX entitles a fool way be known:, Anger *Wont rause; speeeh without Draft; change witlmilt motisw inquiry withote aft •objeef; puttiets tenet In a strangr, and veintIng capacity to dis- iinguish betssedit friend and foe„ ' • re‘Aioa. Johnnie -What does that stotiee tele over there, mother? 14Iother-/t sere "No doge admitted" Johriie-,:ellet the ean't reed, eall they? How ore hnow? Mothers should take "Iinejn" during this ttyieg time. The extra street weight and undue pres- sure on the delicate orgruis often irritate and habitue the kidneys. This not only hicreases the dan- ger of childbirth, but places the health. of the baby in jeopardy,. THE Gb3WILT itIONIfit PILL A Peoter five Prenettiott.' • "Don't pm ithow, defiantly asked the socialietie oreter, "limit the people 'ate now- elVlig oat .for Awhile to keep her eye oil the lewineetiters in high siiitce0" • • "I don't iee fel," /earned the millionaire rehater, "ale long as her bandage doesn't slip ot."-Raltiniore America to. • . • Oteuerothf 0. alVlien I. Was ee-oittiger;ft- Bald 'Mr. Cuntrox, "I lookea rorward to having hOrrte of my own." • "Well, havezet eon got Ite. "Well, it's nage leeally..but delet feel like 'using it except wbeia ells( r SO t girls ha esti e Mate*, fitite„. lieepe she 'kidneys strong said . by 'vigorous—acts as a mild tonic Oh all the female organs, and prevettte Constipation. • A " Zuu " pill at bedtime is the best protettion against Xid- ne T bl g p egnany, At !di drugnds or direct on receipt 1,, ne;to se A WOrnall doeen't need a ditroree less she line been Married te a Mane' Areent on the eStati.fs 'Well," lie said diving their miarrel, seepose yu'll be wanting a divot* • e, 'Really," she replied Pokily, 1"/ don't Why It Omuta be neeeeeary in thie O f prce, soc per bo. •ca 41.APIAN mitteteet. CO. tientte I 'tin Winos.* met , •eer hiladelphla Ldger. Does Your, Stomach Bother You? Dr. Shoop's Restorative cures An Distressing Stomach T hi Through the Inside Nerves • As you value your health and happiness dosea hegieet to care ter the slightest stomach pain -- done let it ao. At the first sign or drstrese igte Dr. Shoop's Restorative and end ai1.. thesetrouble, nittett achea are signatee-thee are •tlysliptome of coming disease -is it wise totter* them/ You Who Janet:Vent a hearty Meal With' Out a sense of fullness followed be a Peered Of easel Soda trr Neglect these cottai.° trolls and YOU surely beeornotesanoe, • opettifvotithtelese.. ds01:0.trnryrososying indernetiohe-yotell '1:1101x8p"oltribettleedalna; fenitivtuirgtiatitak leg of food , tress After ,tte:712;:uttooi?bi1:t:: toms 7 --- dia. tating.retera. • hadach, d i z-. d utter in arty ot • ut , tite, beartbuni, etuess? If you these ways, your y is clear - NE W._Gitiklatir :STORE, • We have opened up a choice, fresk stock of Groeeries Ofsaa's Old Stand and now ask. a share of. th patronage of the citizens of. Clinton I and the surroending community.. Good Quality & Pair Peices • are our special cares. Customers will find our stock the ."es Ivalue in town. The ited Peatker are tamales of the values We handier b. -and in Teas and Cann Goods *We are strangers and Inui.. get acquainted, t will pay,tho se who sell farm pro- ; duce to see to, before disposing of their I butter, eggs and potatoes, elsetvhre. We will buy, at a god priee, vela you have to sell, and will sell at a, fair Pried, What you have to buy• BYARD HILL, 'Phone 114 • • incorporated into a snow white cream making a catarrhal balm unexceled. there is but OUP 011180 open tO YOU-. etrenethea tho Mld° icrees-theee special eterneen nervee-e off forever this ottidenee or disease,Put tblareetive iterves itt cozelition to tient re* nature intended they should. Sold by W.8,R, %Urines • The cli1 4. . . The eitieelit11.1 $9 re.. e prized for its ; beautiful milken light gray fur is found 01)13- 18 the Coalillere ranges' of the Andes in Bolivia Anti chile. It .15 a small- emitted aleph burrows it the ground anti in appearance somewhat resembles a rat, • Iteligione fa China: There are three existing religions In (-brim- -con et te'in tlis its, Illiddbicen and Taoieni. No eeeletchtstietti leer:why 14 maintained at the public eXpenee, nor Is there 11123'priesthood attached to the Cottfuelan religion, although that 19 the state The bulk of the people. nro Iltultilifsfa, hilt man,- to no the. este side, peneljee .01 three. In Choose, A tlervise teletientl) grocer getting a terve (Ifs Mess el tstis 103,4 stria tidos In whion ass* twa letteie. 11et first 31:29 ftnu Artlittr Sievert% the mekee lamehrield, Ont, .aelting for lero-i.:•,,:••.1,7s' IV (.11009e was e lit, On A1/11111g 11117 110 had a few Young' Don't drue, don't forc-Just give the inside ° emuminlente with Flegsiti, MeDrid, remit dit ; 9idith ievera, De. Sbootee itesterative should t ken to reeves natural force, gentle tonic, tlature's here thie-it Is the etelYrweeetiptlott whichalmilds u?t, Or even atteMpts to restore tad -inside Writ WITCO, Sold and reset:nema es • W. S. R 40LIVIES. inder wine Now that harvest is nearly - here you will be needing Bin. der Twine we can supply you.. Sailed Hay JAS A FORDe SEED ME CLINTON vamosmoassosimumanammoor Fitzsimons & Son We are still the ntt- chering businss, and are. in a position to fill all or- ders for seasonable meets, intr ustal tc cu Care: • Our new:business said n the Combe Block. hi117 *A111, 311 11r1 10 know. The 1 Ita ritsiimo Its 111; So mils feint *girls aeleng Ithet Phoat Clinton !teem -lore street, cite -ma and Ilia Attie eide, Neale:field Station.