HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-29, Page 7THE , FACTC2,) I E $ RgPQRT, ithild Libor in Shop" ShouldBe on a Par With Fectorieree-Neoeseity For 'Ventilation-eGure For Diane. ' Mae reports of the inepeCtore of OW" %Ova have been "swell by the Depart- issent of Agriculture arel embody meat mental information and the redUlW Of a 241'0.weti aente observation ef economical soondttions in the province. The inspec- Isere reporting are Messrs. James T. atarke, Thomas Kellty, Arthur W. 'Uotrnes, John Argue, Miss Margaret Carlyle and Mrs. James R. Brown. A. itwt ot •alumbers 636 39 of which w f Bowel Troubles of Childhood It is exagge, rate the value of VRUIT-A- TIVES- as a medicine: for children. They contain no alcohol - no morphine or cocaine -no. dangerous drugs accidents reported durieg 1906 9.1 any kind. Pruitse-tives are fruit juices -eon- - • ere atal, To Ce ate ataredlted 181 of the accidents, •Crhild labor receives considerable at - and it Is believed the law Is be- , Ong better observed in this respect. Tee administration of the truancy act is re- eltalred at the same time, as it is no TEM MOWN' AIEW BRA. VICTORIA FALLS. 'Called elite Moat nenutiful Gene of the r,artitei Seenere." The ZaMbeel river, carrying n huge volUnie Of water two miles la width, as it reaches the Westere bortiere of Rho- desia preelpitetee iteelf lute a cavern - ens gorge and thug traverses the north- ern plains of the vountry• This g mat drop in the river lias pro - ducal "the most beautiful gem Of the earth's scenery," the "'lei:aria fulls. Al- most twiee broaa lie Niagara Oita two •andea half times as legle en Ina eentrated and comb:tie:I mei eines 1 valuable tonics and internal antiseptics etiown to medicine, vantage to the chndto esca etIe One imit d atetory to run wild on the streets, Inspector constders that the age I lbw shops, which is now ten, shoul efeurteen, the same as the factories Ventilation Required., 1 -Ventilation and the removal oe dust in, lama -generating industrles are treated • znatters of chief importance. :Isar requires employers to protect tinmeth •ot their worker e this resp but it is stated that the workers th allielves do not always co,operalte. 'burst of the respiratory orgens is eaally the nrst result of inhaling du den alr, and it paves the way ;Jilistillmonitry disease. Dust particles •access to the ystem through ell • ;abrasions of the skin and cause mal *ant pustules, racy! ckers' dise andere and affections of the sy Ilthoe, a Massachuseets physician, 'etetteted on the average life duratton itbat state. Factory workers live 3 131fsers; craftsmen, 60.8; farmers, 6 -sand workmen without 'definite °Coup teens 47-A years. An exatrilhation of e.matirces of supply ef fresh air °angled -Cleat there are no ,decIsive reason• s' erence in the adoption of any of peefeet above ground- r from the reef locations, near irie ground, 25 Canners From Buffalo. . 'The importance of the growhig can - The the Oct, em Ca. us- st' for aln ght lg- ase, es. ie in 6.3 5.3, the es for Pruit-a-tiveS are free cif ealoniel, cascara, senna and the host of violent purgatives that simply net by irritating the bowels, leruit-a-tives are made front fruit and tonics and are pleasatte to -tette, and so euld in these action tnat they never gripe or pain. During the sumtner, when children are so apt to eat itneroperly, .inothers should have a 1?,QX of FrUit-d4iVe$ .111,y4S bandy': " At • the first sigti of Dtan•hoea Inch eestion, geadathes, Biliousness, reey, ishnees, Vomiting -give Fruit -a -Vies according to directions, ,Theee splendid fruit liver tablets will instantly correct faulty digestion--elean atal sweeten the stoinach-regulate the bowels, kidney:3 and slein - and so invigorate and strengthen the Whole system, that the little ones can quickly throw off the. temporary illness, Get a box now -to -day. pc, a ep box or 6 for $2.eo Sent on receipt of price, if your dreggist does not handle them, PRUIT-A-TIVIkS the - to • . PHYSICIANS OF-SHAKESPEAR eastag industry is dwelt upon, arid It is eeegeetted that Canadian labor is not "teatime -prevalent, Pollaeks, Italians. and ."4ewedea from Buffalo and Lockpote .do late work on piecework wages, and it is • Iesiated that many of the girls return resent $200 to their homes as their sea - *ma's savings. The conditions of hous- e/an, and living of these workers is se'- , werely criticized. Overcrowding is re- or rted. In one. case sixtem en fealeei e., ,. , tt. In a room ten by sixteen. • It is. ••ee.eeranmended that a person" should be . ee-aleey employed in making up beds, and .p ng them clean, in airing the rooms • ,,Itraeve .such work. .As it is, the beds are teever maxi°, the rooms are shut up tight zeal kdase and the Workers return at -9 eat night to the rooms unchanged since elbey left at 6 in- the morning, Filthy . • . , and want (if sanitatianeare-ale.... • Ended to, and eVidenelystli:..re lenetiffercie.. irestargeo.xzensent.e. s tiorne :factories are in • the habit of. %tacking their nors during • working '. "Venors. This is against tie; law, ana must -elopped. The danger in case of fire d ,panic is obvious. Under the act one hour muet'be given. r the noon hire], Some prefer to eeed•re 'half an hour and get away.half an : sserteneler in the evening, but the in- . eetors take the position of enforcing _ Abe act. Practical Suggestions. .1 , ii•• --Warning le given against storing ' ;Waal, 'especially biturnInoue coal, near lebellere. Other sources of sponta.neous •eambustion are also . indicated. - . eTbe 'bursting of emery and corundum... *heels Is mentioned, and frequent in-. . ction urged, as well as the adopelon ,. e me berets as safeguards. • I it is 'suggested, that the plan adopted - • liby Ottawa, of going systeniatleally lebrough the cl.y. nne street at a Unite melee compelling the erection of fire es- , . ettreiee there n cessary should be appa- eed to Tor.nto. • i• leasufileient staying of. boiler's ' Is a.' . restelre to clwee upon. People do. net . extualteee the dang,r. usually. "as they • ',menet eT ?they F:1 W the Weight actually - reeesasspeneled. 'Et is noted ,hat manufacturers' gen-1 vears.lny do eot consider it profitable. to • 1 "mark long hours, and only in cases 0! emecessity are overtime permits asked i ':IXor. Il ., . ea Lthe eonetructIon. of factory build- a 'bugs Tr-nt cement it is necessary emm ; , .4dsp nan-porous quality to pay special I mestentlon to ventlintlee. This, with oth- I i.....e .artu .teares, is pointed out in tee report a mere for burns is recomml. ntled as e. easeful In facteries and households gen- .'.e.ererrelly; It is the discovery ot Dr. Thiere • .' erg ,of the Paris Chaelty Hospital. Tt Is ' every simple, consisting of a saturat•ed Ale sstreotion of picric acid. After bathingm e born, Iblisters do not for, and ell ': r 132,571 is suppressed. The only incm- e• vanelence is the yellow stain. which may ,-• '. eilieerenroved with boric acid. A pound cif acid in a barrel ,ef water is the pro- em-11bn used in the French foundries. E. And the Aarts They Play In the Divine Bard's Various Works. . 'Of the thirty,seven. undierrtittee plays of Shakespeare, physiciane aPPear the dramatis personae. of five. These - are the "Merry 'Wives of: 'Windsor," ?King Lear," ecymbeine" and ?Henry VIII." • Sit eetdaeBeth" there are two, • an Erteiish and a...Scotcb. doctor; neither of wheel is much of a' ceedet to the'pro- fessine *of their time.' One herribly ad- mits, save a: writer en. Tho :Nee, -e'ork Medical Journal, • the .superiarite nt the King's . miracuiou - tot. eh t 1 resources of his 'art for the 'cure Scrofula, a. remedy Prateleeci for .leinees evil in Singh...tie as late as the reign ill. Queen Ante,. The . other • is worse atia,n confountled by the soul- • . noinbelism . • Lasiv etch.. th 1 t ' th ell! eeseke 'liketeetMY ee.T.ArY0,1.. • When aileee./ t teeter 'e!!.. • in' the 'sonorous. lierloci' neginnfne "Canst, thee not InlieSter: t e diseased the doctor. tems- ptand irn-• • potently replies, 'en/ler:en Must the patient mittiSter to lienself," • • . This 'Is an unuseally •frank acknewl- edgetnent of theempetence, ane ieexcesable lack, of familiaelty With. the ordinery sedatives .and hypnotie dugs which 'neitild :haee .g.ven Lady •• acbeth e least tehiporary relief in eer disteirbed sleep and alstrese>d nee- vous ele.te. Such drug e w. re. numerous enough in Shakespeare's.' day,. as is shown by •the. powerful linockLeut drops ef Meat,. Laurence in "Romeo- and Ju - net," which a were ' administered . to the youthful hi-role:3. with. such •fiee effect:: Henbane; ,theelac, apient •and Probably : .aIso valerian 'were evell 'known, .and it seeins .a pity that Macbeth. Cited •riot 'have had in consultation tee physician of le:Mg ;Lear, who was .far more. re. soureeful,;and would have )leen :sleek to prescribs for 'theetinfortu.nsee . lady ene of _the.; teeny simples whicle- he knee:- ' whoae -p-owet nen: cit. -se -the eye. ef 'Anguish." -ler. Cetus, the irascible' French pitY-• eician in the "Merry Wives of Wind. ger," and ene of the aspirants' for the hand • of sweet -Aimes Pages . is a *good leal of a 'buffoon:and is made the :1m of much Of She ,horsePlaY. • the coinedy. . Mistress Quiolciey, ln urging. .'enten's su-it, • asks -Anne's 'mother, 'Nay, will yeti cast awity'your child on f 01 and a Phesicen?" an argument. vhich 'would iniply that doetors • were tot then • regarded with much favor '5y• embitlous mothers • With. marriage= ble daughters, a petal estlinate .whieh as , perhaps hot entirely disappeared• t the present' dey.. . Dr. Cornelius; in eCembelins," was ssoclated with the pleterig• eueen in nany curious experiments on animals, le has suspicions that her Interest lay not be solely that of a lovefor ure acienee, and deolai-es that hewill ot trust "one of her malice Wilh a rag of sueh claimed nature which rst, Perchance, she'll prove . on - eats nd 'dogs, and then: afterwards up high - n" tt le interesting to note thet a miler obleetion ta animal experimen- tien has been raised by the latter - ay anti-vivisectionlete• ty substitut- e if, haisniese power •!or the lethal aught the Murderous stepmother had •epared, the doctor 'soaves the life of le /Mogen. Dr. Butte, ...he royal PhY- clan In . "Henry' VT'S : . is but lightly etched, and seeme i have been tittle ore than .a. boot -licking parasite at e court Of the polygamous prince, one of Shakespeare's physicians • rise point of ebaracterizatioh to the level ehaucer s doctor in the, prologue to e. "Clanterbary Tales,e White he is t deseribed in wholly aomplimentaty , Wok's Cotton Root Cosmos* The 034 Uterine Tonle, and °MY ego offeeetal Menthby RegulatoroawhethWOIDIencan depend, Soldfn three degrees of strength -Na I, ell lee. 2. 10 degrees strenger No. es for epeolal melee per pox. Sold V all dru sts, or seat _ Eve Pamphlet. At00 r i3e delleelEDIOINIVIL,TOINNT0,011T. ifertneresErtimIsee 6T I R. letir On the "brink of evening, A tint in the warm gray sky, The eound of loosened rivers, ,And tiprIng goee bY, A etir et the rim. of water, A wing on the crisp midnight, A herald teen dusk to gloaming A JOCULAR MONARCK Ivan the Terrible Had cold latooeela Notions! About eleetieg. LU the Terrible forgot iteltner hie Moue mass of water rolls over its edge devott o Is nor his diversions His elpitate itself-4,11--neepadfieent-eaeeseeltevaateles-meenatied-seith-pra3 Splendor 400 sheer feet into tee letrrow. and earousing. Per les pastime b eanyou below, . Were brenglit trent Novgorod. 11 Undeterrod, the illiodeelan engInverS, from his window Ile perceived a gi without detreeting trent the nature' Of citizens collected he let slip tw Ibeauty of the eurroundings, threw three of these ferocious entitle's, across the canyon a splendid (150 foot his delight -en beholding tbe nigh eantalever bridge and thus opened the the terrified creetures, and °sped lea,Y to Tanganyika, to rganda, to on bearing the cries Of the victims, Cairo, . • unbounded. His bursts of tang Tuts bridge, the grentest reilway en- were ipucl and • long continued, gineering triumph pt. Afritet, eleserveS . coneole those, .who were maimed morestlietiSPeSetnOsectielesSeee.tteletS life be woulaenouiptimes send. each ot• a"' central •spait weighing. approel- them e sinall piece of gold, ' mately • 1,000 tone, 500 feet in. leugth Another of lite chief 'amlisements and 30 feet wide,- The steel work Is or in the company of jefitefs, whose d railed steel weighing 490 ponds to the it was to divert him, espeelally bef cubic foot .Tlie end posts of the bridge and after any executions, but they are over 100 feet long. The pull on the . ten pald dearly for in nnseasona anchorage apparatus is *tout 400 tons. - joke. The contraet for the construction waft Among these none was more dis obtained by an English firm 'of bridge guished than, PrInee.-Grosdef, Who h blinders -the contract time fifty-five a high rank at court •.weeks, The,Work of erection wae. car- Tbe czar, being fine day dissatis tied on from" both banks, the material with' a Jest, poured over the Prime being taken across the river by means head the boiling contents of a so of an aerial electric railway. The elee- basin, The agonized -wretch prepa triad conveyor oe thig Cable way was t� retreat from the table, but Capable of dealing with a ten ton load tyrant struck .hini with a knife, and at it Jieting epeed of . twenty feet per fell senselese to the floor. Dr. Arnol liiitte and' ii traversing sPeed-or30-0- wiCS itistantly called • feet a minute. "Save my good servant!" cried t .Att initial difficulty in the construe.- gear. "I have jested with him a -lit tion of the bridge Was the securing top hard." . of a firm foundation, and owing to the "So lifird," repiled the :other, "that crumbling nature, of the bank .a ranch only God and Your maiesty can re - eery than eetinaatede • greater quantity of concrete was neeefe store him to life. Re no longer : breathes," . ' - : • . • The,. construction :was happily unat Iran expressed his contempt,' caded tended by eceidents of a serious nature, tee .decelieed • favorite a dog tuid , con- thoegh a few Blight accidents to body filmed his azeneements. . • - work and _the replacing .fromLEngland ,inotlier day, while lie sat at table, of one. piece of Steel, work were record- the wnyweae oe Stariteee Boris Titer, ed. In spite of thesedelays the .bridge :tripe:tip:1, bo.wed to the grout:0,8nd sit., was linked up at 7 a. In. on .A.pril 1, • lifted him after the enstomtn.y manner.. 1005e oe exactly forty-eight haws: ear- ."thAl..saVe iliee;, ntY dear ' niav,v.o0 lier than liadbeen eetheated a year be ii i eon deservest it prort of my favor." fore -I1 (.01 end Sir' rereY He seized it knife mei cue, eft rei eiir. 11 (11133 fit Seribti. ' Titof thanked the (sear -for hie gineious favor eind sieslieteltins a happy reign. al - A stir of the golden Aril ears 0 By Indian willow and stream, The sap goes upward with morning, 12011 Ana death is 4 dream. 'pup -Hess Cannata o or and FAMOUS FIGHT RECALLED. In northward flight, ';Itiler 31vrli I .the u ridclaf;na r rtertnir srienset, To forth in the springtime aese folloW The infinite quest. e « ;•• 41/4„ 4." • ere eree • -•EXT-OF • k • 41 R. 0.4AIVILD "' RRY 4 t ,of • ally Pacts About the Heenan -Sayers Elattl" was Forty -Six Years Age. hter The great figet for' the championed's' 'To of England and. the world wile fought! for at Parnborough on April 17, 1860, bes- ot' twee n Tont Sayer e of London, and Hisenate. the "Bernd& Boy,'- an Amer - was • IcarV. Tile 'Contest, being generally„res garde d as an tatereational trial ,pt ore "pluck," excited the keetteet interest In Both hemispberes, and revived for a time the faded glories of the pries .13113' ring. The "noble" art of ,self-defencs • Indeed, has been lauded time aftet tin- time by Englishmen ef ell Magmas, and eh/ When -considered In opposition to the use of the treacherous knife or the nee . fatal firearm, Is not without its merits. es-. The Times alluded to the affair in a lie leading article, and Puneh . celebrated 16 occurrence in .a "Lay (atter Mite- red'• aunty) of Modern London" under the the title of the 'Tight of Sayerius and • 'Heenaelus." ' Dukes' sons, cooks' sons,. peers .and _peers.' 'sons were theme: megibers Parliament in. plenty;' he .arrny neM, author* poets, paintere, the even clottg,ymete. "men about town," "members of the fancy," a vast var, lety ef low efe,•many of them open to suspicion,' some Jong :past suspicion. • Sayers' had :met 'and defeated many- ef :the best righters of :the time, and had only hen .beitten once - byeNal •Lengharns..-the,.-temetea.eceseeliehedebeicer:: of the' deer. Sayers Was five feet eight inches irr heigh: a,na weighed ten eltorete. en pounds. Heenan stoece six feet one arte »ne-half '.1.nehes ttnte*was; a power- ful • heavyweight, ;With. extraordinary long -reaching arms. Tens After time Saysrs was .1ilineketf down. by biewe 01011 pf Inch seemed eurticeeet to sets tie the, tight, but .he.always came .un in good, 'If grim bumor, anti. planted blow -aftee .blow ori the American's: eyes, and • even eecceeded In knocking. his rename. eet down. After fighting, amid Many • . interruptions, thlrlyseevere iefunde Ip • . about two lreurs and two Minutes, , Heenarrgettine eayers Into such. a post- -lion one theeropes that strangulation .1serinell Imminent,' the. ropes weis •cet _ in Kpe. p*Our Liver • • working. It's 'a lazy Organ and THE PHILOSOF`HY• OF Love needs to be .stifnulateel occasionally', • or it . . s its fenetron. That coat- Leve is•kludly deeeltiess.-ee'eat taeguel. ce;..liPlexiei.lt sick . . sun .4.1te Venire& 01'jPgl1t•-7-• ,beidaelie:and,liafti;.:iniefeerth•shiaill'• • • " ' course of• . • ,tseeele-smit-46, e • thlteterelinetehert iver. eivce-nmp tekitig a .short tove.-ghstipspptire.. 'Love'3. it'. nitUg nut's. Uo.er out or 'tit, net shois out -love In turn shall' mit by leve.-tennyaon.. • The greatest.neirsole of. love 4:4 t4o.» ern* of coquetry:eras. lteehefoneeted. • Loye mnster of the wisesh it eidy fools that defy iii.m.-Thrtekerey: Love never' dies starvatiop, but: .Of fen of intligestion.--.°N1non de l'Unelois. . image; of erre loVel issthe 'glue ti•Ittistiiiiz plat It C111.1 ever end.-eBeacens- Mares 1DYLI is of nian's life. thing opeet; 'tie woman's whole .existent.e.- 1 a 11 1.) rl :1 a . -Relic Hunting Vandals. 7e1e. 'The officials of the Education De- , t a Aeelakt.ment who went to visit the famous' ,us terairpent mound in Otona.bee Township, "1 labistetibore' County, say they found the th rewound 'in a fairly well Preseryed cotidi- el :sign, but that unless immediate steps 'fa, xelire taken to preserve it, this interest- 8,e . Sling relic of bygone days will be entire-, s' ...".3y lest to posterity. trt 9 "."P•Phat mound Is not being destroyed by t„11 r•Silhertarsder wile owns the land, but 'cur. 'seekers from all over the court* in (If th eo "If something is not one at once to te ipoKtitaret it from these relic hunters, and Om the plough of the farmer, which 811 keg delsearate it at any tittle, the In sound will certainly be destroyed," abald %fr. David Boyle. To ega Boyle points out that this ber- ariatit wound is the only one of Its' type iv 'Canadalie does not aooept the - • igessory that the moende of North elex •Abaletios. were the work at an extinct Isis* 4f mound builders. HAII evidenoe," elles Wiese "Vile to show that thefts, or eteetaineds were built by the ancestors et t.•0 *or Indians, and enoundis haVe been 13u • stieinstruoted by the Indians Within hie- in by thane .commenced digging and tear- less, It up /n hopes of finding indian rms, he is distinctly human in his elities, seems a real person, and is riously modern in many of his trifle, all this world ne was ther iton hint lyk spelte of phisik and of aurgerya; o knew the cause of every malady.), ern it of hoot or cold, Or moyste, er • drro,. d where engendred, and ef what hurnor, • was a verry parfit practleotir, his diete mesurable was he, lo it was of no superfitate t of gret norlehing and digestible, s atudie Wee but Mel on the Bible. :Alberto times." /more money its lost by feedlna hoot 4.36„, long thfui by selling ton sarlYi ea in to Saluqng at Surtilet. While it has always been the otistein, Ya The Naval and Arilitary Iteeerd, the 13r1tish Nevy to pay due respect rtatietlel colors when hoisted in the . trioriling, he ceremony 15 (Amore:ad when Ceder" are hauled down at sunset, remedy title omission. Tiestr-4dniira1 Mt YOU MAKU10 $2,003,22 A th* El, If, Prince Louis of flattenharg luta uad a Memerandurn, directing* that the•bAullng down of the 0010rii at tusst all °Moore and men who are ttpt6dook *Ill face eft and eat MAR'? It la being done with OM' goods. Hee *trek ds pleasant, permanent dtld profitable, zar Bolds used is every beast, every day, No fake, It e sited to &tete the &intend, tigitiMaie. „„Litt hie bushiest, Wu ten start without a rent ,061 peat. Write to: day, d. Maestretta er ee Ogilselestie :rest, end Coffees, 1,oildott, One I Oo tiiso buglers soursIllkst in*** ee.e am s h 1.118r: Sold gveryivitere.: Ia !taxes 25 cert(. ' • . presence. of lid. Mme. Rachel, the great etetrese, was reeleing 'ber dreseing room one eiglit•preparatory to going on the Stage.. 'when' a' Suddenly entered and; drawing a dagger, said he was going to kill her if she did not at once eon- inmesSIble to loVe,a.aeeend time, Bent to marry hitn. The .aetress eaw at whim .we. have 'once reallY Ceased! to. a glance that the man was. Mad 'tact • levo,-IAlteeheroneAuld.. • .• meant What he satd. •••So.•.avith the nee' ..• .most Coolness' Site. ieplied: "Certainly nuleeves Nirtandtrful Mentotare atlj Merry yow. --I wish nothing- betters Below: liad.A•pinitlerful menterys. as • haee had. bine • rue here for the. 'ow-. of Meinerielitg_ Kiel .e.oneerto, wblele Come 'With hie tas the priest at Mice. I wits evidemied by his 'astoidshing feat 'pose." She tool- arni, and the' the man W.b o tvreteit.could net a6,ienn- went out togethere-th where there was pithy Without notes:. Ills tieefiracy.Was, assistanceeof eourse, and the, itutta wifs alinost He v4;as once rebears-! immediately put under arrest . ing a competiltion of Liszt's for Orches, • tra iti that ceinposere presence. without, notes, • Liszt Interrupted ,to say that a certain note should have been played piano. "Noe! 'replied Bulone "it he sforzanclo." "Lsiok laid sea" persisted tbe coinpoeee. The Score WAS produc- ed. Bultiw•Wes right. How everybodyt did applaud! In the excitement one.of1. the -brass Wind players lOst Ills. places "Look for a b .flat In your parte" said.. Billow, still without his, notes. '"Fe. MeaSures farther on /wish to begin."' • • The ,Werd eAssobssitee Of deceitful ancestry the, Word!. "asphalt." Apparently it means "not slippery."' TheGreeksthemselves were, tempted to . derive -"asphaltosw from'. "a," not, and. "spindle," make. to fall: or slip. However, the Word really of unknolien barbarian oright-Phoenieletle some say. •Asphalt was in, use- verY early in history. It Is said to.have been • the slime with which the infant Moses' • ark •of bulrushes Ives daubed and. Which the builders of the. tamer of Babel used instead of mortar. Deduction ny Anaregye I's got a stOmacti ache;." said Nellie 131r, six .years old.. "That's because you've been without lunch, • IN .liecause 'your stomach le empty. • Yon wonid, feel: better:11 yres had sorhething in it." That afternoon the pastor called and In the course. of conversation' remarked' that he bakbeen suffering ail* day valeta 1.1 very' severe headache. , eThat's because it is empty," said Nellie. "Yount feel mutt, betterlf xou had.SOMething fa it" ' •Time. Poe Weaning._ • _ •• "I tritst yetir.lionor will eitmese me this time," said a habitual drunkard at tile police CoUrt, "It is my pais -for -- trine -I am a thild of genius." "And *hat is your age?"'questicaied the' re agistra te. "Forty -two -years." • "Then it is 'time you were. weaned. !Wit have .to do ten days away. trona . nettle." A BAD CASE . OF • KIDNEY TROUBLE MIRED • Hatchery De War, In one of the Du Gueselin's victoriees •flo Many lerigliSh Were. taken Captive that even the humblest soldier among the time% had one or -more.prisonera. The vieters, hetvever, fell. to quarrol: ing, and, ill feeling beeoming rife in the. French army in denseqUence of these quarrela over the prisoner*, Du Gtwselin ordered all the eatitiees to bo butehered, and the brutal Order WWI carried Mit • DORN'S -KIDNEY PILL A C ‘eitits is Lov• er • • • Kidney Troubles, no Matter ,of whet kind or what stage of the disease can be quickly and permanently cured by the use of these wonderful pills. Mr. Joseph Leland, Alma 14.W.T., recommend* then* to all kidneyi.trouble sufferers, what he siiys t--lt was troubled wit.h dull head. itches .had frightifil drawee, terriblrf pains'in my legs and a frequent desire fp urinates Notating DOAN'S ICIDNIIT 4PIoeLS recomme.nded for juat Sig mine, o mitre nis to thein a trial, so x procured * bort 01 them, and was very inuth serpriseN ell , the effectual ore they made. 7 take a ' great deal of pleasure iti recommending ToltiltOt Ont. I theta to all kidney trouble sufferers, Price 60e. Ivr bet, or g for $US; nil fielders at The Neu Kidney Pill Co., a u A *correspondent of the London Globe toile of a glided yoilth 'tvhchaft floes at a Jeweler's shop for the In- scription of an engagetnent.ring he bad 1het bought, fle wanted It inscribed, "From. Bettie to Maud." As he left he turned back and added as an tate* thought, "I ehouldiet--ah-eut 'Matt& too deep, don't you know." • Clone. She -Do you know rve induced my us and to give up cigars? He-ts• that so/ Well, I've knoWn him for seeen years, and X never Sale him give np one. Xt Is the privilege a pOsterity to bet mattera right between those tintago• 'Wats who •by their rivalry for groat. il,(1,14pLigifid ago.-"Addlgod. • Y the crowd, tee pollee enteeed the. •;,ring;.;.‘and;lainidsctiwwildits,tekint.11SiCt the -orenfoeftents;.:Weise-ihu:01.44,::of...::ta,. 7 -Wet& by. their respectiVis 1•Mir. ' ,Ser but blind arid Sayers with niS . right 'arm peweriese. ' The appropriation of the Stakes and honor % gaVe.rise to the flerceat: con.eroversy; StibsequentlY, howevere each • received a belt; and Sayers retired teem the charartionship on Ivlay-e0,. I860. has eeen, said ' "poor Tent" '- that "With lila name .Was associated all • that was bold, generous, manly and honest ,Iir pugilism.e. Three thousand pounds were raised for Item by publie. subicripteen, the entereet of Which. was' paid to. *him on. condition ehat he fought no- more. The money was after• ward divided ;envoi* his children �u their' coming of age. He died Nov..S. e • 118g5 In the fortieth year 0! ,his Spare Da•imnentS. e • " • ' • ••••4. We like best to Call SCOTT'S -EMULSION al food because it stands so em- • phatically fc•tr perfect nutrition. Anti yet in the matter of restor- ing' appetite,, of giving new strength to. the tissues, especially to, the rierves;. its actitm is that :arajeine. - Send for free sample. sena r & BOWNE, Cherntsti, Tor.nta,• Ontario. • teiNalti%"ArOlVito4ZtAtolt. sue. end 1.eo ; ail dntgzists. ' Bread Front Turnips, . ' Al:atime of failure in the wheat croj le was dernoestrated, says The Bakers' • Tin, that very good bread could be made frotn tut -hips. They pre first pre- pared as a vegetable, cleaned and welt- • ed inthe usual way, When Meshed a great part of the water Is preslied out at theme and the pulp then mixed -mite azt equal quantity 4n weight of wheat meat. The dough is set to raise With yeast and then treated lo the usual manner -kneaded, made •inte leaves, and baked. The bread Is found to be a little sweeter than the regulation kind, but fully as light and white. • Duet On a Pin Point, A very simple' experiment made by an eminent baeteriologist determines In a startling manner the potential dangers associated with acournulations of dust in- living rooms. A pin point was u.sed to coulter as tnuch dust as so, small a vehicle Will carry, Thifs Yieided' no less than 3,000 colonies of living genes when cultivated on gelatin, and ttlthough4 fortunately every species Was- not tepresentative of dieease yet the raajority were potent soUreeS Of de. Ootepesetion and danger to health. - London Telegraph, Feast and the Solt. Prosts, especially early spring treats, aro- great pulverizers Of refractory Sells, beating any tool yet invented for this purpose. • SOIrtittis,,eortuninuted and pulverized liberates plant food, and this explains why fall plowing of the land will In Most eases predUce bet- ter crops than land plowed in the " Net Anxilieriii to Piastre, bieptune-I say, I3oreas, it you keep on blovring like that ytitell get yourself (Milked. Boreas-What do I dare! It Isn't My business to furnish popular airs: Comforting. "Oureelergyrnttn preitelted Mennen ' to 'Widowers today." 4'Wtntt was his tout. "'SOrrotv not u thoogo that W. ta topoe " Is nature's specific for DIARRHCEA, eitYSENTERY,, CRAMPS, PAIN IN THE STOIVI-• . • ACH, COLIC, CHOLERA MOR. SUe, CHOLERA INFANTUIVI, • SEA SICKNESS, and all SUM, . MER COMPLAINTS In Childresi or Adults,. • rts effects are marvellorre • Pleasant arid Harmless to take. • Rapid, Reliable and Ellectual la Its action. • IT HAS BEEN A HOUSEHOLD itgratoy FOR NEARLY SIXTY YEARS, Pritee 35 CENTIS. RtnteL SUNISITUTCS,. TliWritg D1,41611110113. • CALL AND EXAMINE flustnnlrof high artPianos of Iate case designs, and containing fine actions purchasable for money. 75 our very latest styles Of swee_ _ toned •organs, at low prices. Instr rnents rented., tuned' or repaire • teramophones klaid niteeie in variety C§ 110A11}..fS MUSIC EMPORIUM. Before placing your orders for . your season's supplyof Goal, get our Prices. The very best goods . carried in Stock. and sOld i.tt the 'lowest .139.seible :„ • , cleQwilisrenrefr-'n.feeeTa.r.1%latfeCtsit Dreit,voirs with • W. J.• Stevenson,' . at Electric Light Plant assnemsommesi.see.s..... 5110i Ond.$110e.Shop • Subscriber desires to the people of Clinton •and vicinity that be will open a Boot and Shoe Shop in the'old Post Office building, where he will undertake the Man- ufacture of Boots and Shoes, and give spa' chi] attention to repatring. All orders will reoeiye prompt attention, A &here of pat - renege respectfelly solicited. • • W El WA.TTS Oasteretieswes £20,000.;• _ 'A• ourions sight. was --witnessed - „Gently in South Ilehdon in oennection with the funeral.; at Bow cemetery of • 4.....2./ookt_Reseetti-tite-tking-of--the-eos».- term." who diedat his home Itt Perri.. . road, Strea,tharn,; leaving a; fortune I ..1/20,000emade out of selling eheap food to the poor. Many 'hundred, fellowed the hear*, In barrows or other vehicles, • azid the.prooessien passed by the'Brixe ton, N'ewitigtonagutts, Ease Lane, Wal - Worth, Ole Kent Read, and High street, Whitechipel, coster markets en Touts' for'etene Where."Joak" was known:and respected. • • Bladetonear Grandson Rise*. Wllltapi Glyrine Charles Gladstone grandson of ethe great Commoner. and heir to the Hawarden estate) has been elected secretary of the Oxford Union Society, a position which his illustrionS grandfather.. ecoupled 76 yeare ago. Young Me. Giktdstene comes of ago in two or three, months, and wilt then en- ter into possession of the IlaWarden es- tate, which has been managed during his minorityeby his uncles, Herbert end Itenry Gladstone: ' IVIinnt as Well Sleep, A ineensail went to sleep the other dee dertner. the •closing speed* of one of theeeotensel In the Case:It:A! an Ping., lish effete. The Judge had Min await- enere and Sternly rebuked hen. lord;"- said the Juror, "1 tvas undra lite impression that I Was sWoetz to glt en ,verdiet according to the evidetice, net. 'according to the speech.*' 1 rurns Bad Blood into Rich Red Blood. 1 No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healing and purl. fying properties. Externally* heals Sores, Ulcers, Abscesses, and all truptionS, Internally, restores the stomach, Liver, Dowels and Blood to healthy action. If your appetqa is poor„, your energy gone) .your ambition lost, BAB, will restore you to the fuli enjoyment of happy vigorous lite. 1 Fruit Season is here. You will be wanting Sugar, call in and (Yet our • .prices. A -kw - Dinner Sels left, just think -of getiing a whole set of 97 pieces for $5,00, A.D.Beaton The People's Grocer... Phone 1 Screened coat ! Exclusive sale for D. L. .& Scranton Coal. Orders ..left --and money --received Harland Bros. Hardware for . all kinds of Coal- HAMILTON COAL DEALM • ilionireall Line. Steamers leave Hamilton 4.30 a.m. Toronto at 4.30 p. Tuesdays a ni Thtireclayse and Saturdays, for By of QuInte ports, 1000 Islands; Montreal, and Intermediate point flt)f)iilli)ft.'11.4LINE. Conatnencing June Z steamers'leav oTtioyrzn ftroonaapyllpeks.tt.DnaialyoyexfocerpRt :euhrie• ester, 1000 Islands', Rapids, St: •• • • : . 'Lawrence. Montreal and inte • write :to. IL FOSTER CI-IAFFEZ Ayetstern•Passenger Agent. Toronto 1 P010111 §01111)SIOVeS and buy, yOnr CakeS and Bread. We have. & large assorttnent of small Cakes. Extra . or- ders promptly ' attended to. CAKES and SANDWICHES made especially. for Picnics. • Baskets packed and dellvefed .to ckureh or rig, as desired. • • • • Wedding Cakesa specialty FRUITS We earry a olio's:3,1416'ot straw- lierries.and oteter entail frusta CEOCOtATES feom 20 to 60e a lb. ICE CREAM PA.RLOB• open from 7.30 a tri to 11..p m, Don't ferget .to give . ns a call Agent far MELEORMA TEA, WENS,' CAFE AND RESTAURANT,' Albert St., Clinton, • • BARTLIFF'S RESTAURANT Subscriber having , moved his Restaurant to •the store recently occupied by F. W. Watts, will be glad to meet al his old customers,and as many new ones as. may favor him with their ;patronage. Ea.ving also bought out the King l3akery, he will supply the public; with first class Bread and Cakes. - BREAD DELIVERED AS :FORMERLY . SAULT FF • SMITH'S Wall Paper Store Are you one 6f the -crowd. to the Busy . Store P. • Everybody is now talking of the beautiful designs of • Wail Paper. we have in stock, and prices to suit the purchaser. We aise carry a stock of Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Cottage, Rods, . .Room Mouldings, - Floor and Furniture Var.. nish, etc., • ' of all descriptions, which ate sold at • prices never known before to the •Painting and Paper Ranging done. Estimates furnished on job work, Smith's Wall Paper Store -CLINTON Painting done. .M1 Paper 'trimmed PIM. a Adv lathe NEW ERA •