HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-29, Page 6June 29th 1906
with views of the Town.
Special new designs
in Souvenir Spoons.
Call and get one. They
are fast sellers.
Jeweler and Optician.
Or Eyes Tested Free
(The Sun).
C.&vu.E-The Toronto cattle market
has had a good week, and prices have
been obtained that were a little more
encouraging to feeders and drovers,
The following are the prices for the
day. Best export steers, $5.25 to $5,35
good export steers,$5 to $5.25; medium
4.90 to $5 ; ex ort cows,$3.75 to $4,35;.
export bulls, $. to 84.40 ; choice butch.
ers,$1.90 to $5.10; good butchers',$4,60
to $4.95 ;medium butohers'$4,30 to $.60
common butchers' $4to $4.30 ; coves,
$3.75 to $4.25.
HORSE MARKET, -Things have been
rather quiet on the Toronto horse mar-
ket since last week. Now is the time
for buyers to come to Toronto if they
want a cheap animal. Many light
driyers and good tamers workers are
being -sold .at -very -reasonable .figures,_
Occasionally a speculator gets after a
few, and the prices go up. But, on the
whole, the auctioneer has hard work
to pull the prices out of the buyers,
The Repository has had a fair weeks
work. About 50 horses were in to -day
for sale. Drivers averaged about $110
to $125. Good workers are selling at
$50 to $110, according to serviceability
and looks.
SHEEP -A firm tone prevailed in the
Toronto sheep market this week. On
Thursday last 1,153 sheep and lambs
were in, and today the run was much
smaller. Wesley Dunn quotes export
ewes at 4 1-4p to 4 1.2c per Id ; export
bucks, 3 1-2 to 4c ; spring lambs 3 1.2 to
6 1-2c per ib.
Hoos.-There has been a fairly large
run of hogs on the Toronto markets
during the past week... Price. are
uutintained well, although m'ady buy-
ers say that the tendency will be down-
ward soon. On what they base their
reason fcr such a theory is unknown.
The packers want the hogs,the demand
is keen, and it looks as if hogs were in
no great danger of a depression The
Wm. Davies Company quote $7.75 off
cars in Toronto ; $7.50 fed and watered
here,and $7.25 at country points.
Clinton Market Report.
'Corrected every Thursday afternoon
W heat .. 080 to 082
Oats .. 027(0028
Barley 0 45 to 0 48
Peas 065to070
Eggs 0 15 to 0 16
Butter 0 15 to 0 16
Hogs 725 t0 725
Wool -(washed) 0 27 to 0 27
Wool (unwashed) 0 18 .to 0 18
1 Lest You Forget
We have just received 27 dozen New Collars,
comprising the biggest assortment, the best values,
the choicest'designs and most economical prices
we have yet offered. 1
Irish Lace Plastron Collars"; only 50c. .
Irish Lace Plastron. Collars, trimmed with net tape, only 50c
Planet Net'Lace Plastron-(3oilars; only -50e
Planen Guipure Lace Collars, best you have seen, 15c, 20c, 250
Batis`.;e and Net Combination Collars. all of them beauties
20c and 25c. . ,
A Big Bargain in Platten Guipure Lace Collars
\yore l 1, t}bZ hi.tsell at 1Oc.
Nainsook Collars Cull's
worked with .Tapancse shadow. were ollc, to clear the
set at 25c
Sample Night-gowns for Ladies.
50r, 75c, Me, $1, 81.25, 81.50. $1.75 and $2, -every one the
best of value, and made of English cambrics.
Black Underskirt Samples.
75c, 85c, $1, $1.25 and $1.50.. Buy one of these Skirts.at a
Kharanta Dress Goods lead. Others follow.
Successors to McKinnon & Co., Blyth ti
Births, Marriages, Deaths.
FRENCH -At wetaskiwin, on Awe 20, to yr.
and Mrs. Victor French ince Miss Eva Cooper,of
Clinton, a son.
ROBERTSON -an Londosboro. Juno 27', to Mr
and Mrs ii Robertson, a daughter
SCOTT.-ln East Wawanosh, on Jude 13th,the
wife of Mr, Robert Scott, ir. a son.
ELLIOTT-In Turnberry, on June 17th, the
Wife of Mr. Samuel Elliott, a daughter,
WALKER. -In East Wawanosh, on June 15th,
the wife of Mr Ieaao Walker, a daughter.
DOUGLAS. --At Blake, on June BM, to Mr,
and11rs Ed Douglas, a -son.
and Mrs, Thomas Moylan a daughter. to Mr,
MASON. -In Hullett, Pan 3, the wife of Mr, C.
Mason, of a son.
McCLURE--SPROULE.0-At the residOnce of
the bride'a father, Dungannon. on June 20. by
-Rev.-Mr Robinson, Mr W,13.McClure.tc.f3eerghie.
third danghtor of MrD.Sproule,all ofDuugannon,
COURTICE- WILKINS - At the residence of
the bride's parents, Branchton, by Rev. Mr. Mo -
Hague, on June 21st Dr, A.J. ("Purace, of Maple
Creek, Sask,son of 11r J.L. Courtice,Holmesville,
to Miss Edith Wilkins, daughter of Mr. Mark
MURCH=SMITH-At the residence' of the
brides mother, Clinton, on Wednesday,June 27th.
by Rev, W.E.IKerr, Mr. Lorne .Murch, Stratford,
to Miss Sarah Jane Smith, of Clinton.
MASON=BRIGHAM--At the residence of the
bride's father, June 27, by'Rev, Dr McLean, Mr
Win. Mason, of Morris,to Miss Isabella Margaret,
eldest daughter of Mr John Brigham, Hallett
MAYHEW,-STRAUGHAN-At the residence
of th,0 bride's father, Auburn,on June 27. by Rev
T. L, Small, Mr W.A.Mayhew, of rhamesville,to
Miss, Jean Straughan, daughter. of Thomas
Straughan, - '
dist Church, London, on June 27, by Rev. Mr.
Brown,Mr Jos. 12.Holrnos, of Sasbatoon,formerly
of Clinton, to Miss Minnie Atkinson, of London.
ROBERTSON -KING -At the residence of the
bride's father, on Wednesday ,Tune 13th, by the
Rev. J.J. Hastie. Mr Adam .A. Robertson, of East
Wawanosh, and Miss Annie 17', daughter of Mr
Peter King, of the same township. '
LEAVER. - COULTES-In East Wawarlosh,
June 20th, by Rev. J.J. Beetle, Mr, J,A.Leaver.to
Miss Martha A Coultes,
O'LEARY-DONOVAN-At St. Jaines' church,
Seaforth, on JunelOtb, by Rev. P. Corcoran, Mr.
,Tames O'Leary, of Winnipeg, to Miss Minnie
Donovan,of Seaforth
Church, Drysdale, on Monday, June Itth, by Rev
J.A. Loisolle, Miss Phoebe Dowfmio,to Mr David
Rosseau, both of Sauble Line, '
Catholic Church. Zurich. en Thursday,Juno 21st
Jay Father Stroeder, Miss L. Bossenberry, of -
Dresden; to Albert Foster, of Zurich.
SPENCER=HORNEY=At the residence of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Henry Horney, Exeter, on
on June 19, by Rev: Godwin, Elbert F, Spencer of
Usborne to Ada Id Horner, of Exeter,
STANLAKE,-DEARING-At the Houle of the
bride's mother on June 15th. by Rev, IL,T,M.Per-"
kins, James Stanlake, to MissElizabeth Caroline
daughter of Mrs. Wm, Dearing, of Exeter.
STATHAM HOWARD.=At the home of the
bride's father. Exeter on June 20, by Rev. W
Godwin, Mr Harry Statham,to Miss Lilla,daugh-
ter of Mr.James N. Howard, .
' JACKSON BARROWS In McKillop, by Rev:
R. S Baker, M.A, Mr. George,Tackson,-of Morris,
to Miss Maggie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jacob
Barrows,. McKillop.
• DIED •
COTTLE,-In Clinton, on Tuesday, June 25th .
Jane, wife of Mr George Cottle aged 60 years.
McILWAIN -1n Wingham, on Wednesday,l3th
of June, Mary Ann, wife of Mr Samuel McIlwain'
in her 52nd year. ,
CARR. In Wingham, on the 14th rnst, the in- ( 10
fant son of Mr and Mrs Geo Carr aged 30 days;
MOFFAT-At his residence, Toronto Junction, 1 1111
June 18th, John Moffat, lately of 'Blyth, in his
74th year.
McLEOD.-in Stephen,.on dune 10th, John„Mo-
Leod, aged 85 years.' ••
HARTNOLL.-In Exeter, on June 18tb, Mary.
Ann Herm' Wife of Mr, Thomas Eartiioll,aged 7Q-.
The `Values' do the Business
RWSPAPRR talk might build up a business, but it would not stay built by talk alone. This business
is built by values, and we're still building. Our desire to -day is as strong as ever for BETTER values,
and we are climbing over every obstacle on the way to the fulfillment of that desire. Unequalled values. in
everything for the home and its occupants, has been true of this stone's past -will be true of the future. The
store is full of opportunities for you and every buyer who appreciates best,,goods and savings,
.-A=1.1"11 T -Tn Cnilprinh fan 'pnf•R,1gy
Elizabeth Cainpbell Attrill:
KNOX.-In HarpnrheS , un ,Tune I7th,Catlutrine.
Young, relict of the late Thomas Knox; aged 70
4,41041011114110001110041411•110 00011101111111e
If you have trouble with your
IUse McCormick Manilla or.
Pure Manilla twine and - get
Harland Bros.,
Skirts of Quality.
If it's a question of Prices in Skirts, you
may enjoy the un'que satisfaction of obtaining
here the qualit ` that most particular people
look for, -price moderation that will suit you.
All you need to do is, to try us for your next Skirt.
Dark grey Tweed, 19 gored, sizes' 38 to •
40, reg. $3.50, for
�' $2,15
Blue -grey Tweeds, sizes '39 to 42, reg'
45:00, for
Venetian Box Cloth, in black only, extra . _
value, reg.' $6_, for....,... a ...:.......:. ,. z4,45
Extra fine Venetian Box Cloth, in black,
blue and green, reg. $7.5-0, for ... :. $5.85:
Black and blue Lustre Skirts, sizes
to 42. regular $3.25; for
40 $2.50
Regular, $5:0o, for $3.95
Genuine Whitewear Values
Cool, comfortable and servicable Under
Garments that are the very emphasis of good
value. Every stitch in the right place. no tear-
ing away of insertions. Lotsof material in them.,
Fine: Cotton Underskirts., with deep. lawn
flounce with tucks, frill of torchon -
inseikion and lace lengths 33 4o and .
42, price .
' ..; $1.50
Corset Covers of fine .white cotton, frill
• front, with two row s lace insertion, '
size '32 ;t0 40
lios ery-CComrrifort
For genuine comfort and coolness, women 'wear
these fine •lisle thread Hose. Herms- 25�
dorf dye, spliced heel and toe........ •
The Wearwell brand for boys, ribbed black
• cotton hose, stainless,' protected knee,
heel, ,and toes, sizes 5 to 10,,...,15C to 25e
r -
r. ..
New Advertisements.
Roomers Wanted.
Lady roomers or. boarders. wanted, Al
ply at New Era ofhee
Farms for Sale
About 850 acres first-class land, situated
on the 4th and 55th concessions of Hallett,
are offered for sale. This is the finest pas-
ture land, without exception, in this
neighborhood. For particulars enquirer in
the first place'- by . mail. Jens Rnxsr can,
Box 586, London.
Farm for Sale, .
Being lot 29, C -in. 2, H.R.S.,Tiickersrpith.
oontaining 100 acres;' good brick house.
with cellar, two good barns, stone stabling.
underneath; large ben house and implement
shed, 5 acres hardwood bnsh and 2 aures
of first-class orchard. This farm is situa-
ted in the very beet locality in the county,
convenient to church and schools, 6 miles
from Seaforth and 5 fromOPnion, with
good gravel roads. It is in first-class con-
dition. and .will be sold cheap and on rea-
sonable terms; as proprietor is going west.
Apply on the premises or to LEVI STONG
IIoo vcr&I3i
SEALED ,TENDERS addressed' to- the undet-
,gned and endorsed "Tender for Sidewaiks,Fen-
crnF &c., Post Office Wingham will be received
at this oMce until Friday Tuly 6, 1006, inclusive-
ly, for the above work mentioned.
Specification can lie seen and forms of tende
obtained at this Department and on application
to the Clerk of Works, Po8t Office, Wingliaui,
Persons tendering are notiiled ti.at tenders
will not be considered unless made' on the print-
ed form supplied, and signed with their actual
Vlach tender must .be accompanied by an ac -
tented cheque on a chartered bank. made pay-
able to the order of the Honorable the Minister
of Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10 p. c.) of
the amount of the tender, which wilily) forfeited
if the party tendering decline to enter into a con-
trast when called upon to do se, or if he fail to
complete the work contracted for. If the tender
be not excepted the chorine will in returned.
The Department does not bind itself to accept
the lowest or any tender.
By order,
1151.:1) 11 ClI'31,IN AS,
' •Secretary.
Department of •
Ottawa, Jblic une '22,1008'
Nowspapars inserting this advertisement with-
out authority from the Department, will not be
paid for it. June 20.0.11
ei7:471-'SP.%11.Y^S.A :...,747.4 .N.,1:,1FX,NkR.a1K,,a...l ....t .,17 «Y'ti NIA3Cr':i.fiAT.F 1:UaATX:.l:4':k'Y-.1tii:V'lL7J
Boarders Wanted -
Three or four boarders can find good ac-
ooinmgdawon, Apply at Ntrw- EISA office
Pastura+;4t. -
Good pasturage can be hod for forty or
fifty head head of cattle Apply 10 Farm
Foreman, Mr. MoMt7R11,dY, Stapleton.
1'r r+r°L
.%CJs'a JQ
Our classes are ranch larger than rho•
were a year ago. The public has learn
ed that this is the hest place in the pro
vinee to obtain a Commercial I'dncittion
or Shorthand Training.. Students are
entering each week. All graduates get
end positions:--"Wfitrmdwfor catalogue
Elliott & 11ieLach1art,
Y,5'-...„Lac.m,.. •,r+:..L 1114.» ,,.ay, !'Jlf.::T5`,,l't,t'R'Y'x::E c1A.N .:I:^w"rs r';.'CS.o'T,>v'knr.tsz;'TC,'pu ec i4ff.:'!r'-noro.'LTA.:.s.f,/
30 Days' Great
Reduction Sale
For the .next 30 days, we will.'se11-4very.thing.
in the Boot and Shoc line at, a reductiod...7. The
following .are a few of the, reductions:
Men's Pat. Colt Boots, reg $5:00 now: $4,00
Men's Pat. Colt Boats, .reg, . 4.50, now.. $3.50
Men's Pat. -Colt Boots, reg, °3.5o,' now $3,00
Men's Enameled Boots, reg. 4.00, now $3.00
Men's Kid Gaiters, worth from $2 to $2.5o
now for ' . . . . $1.25
'Ladies' Pat, Colt Boots, .reg. $3.00, now X62:50
Ladies' Kid Oxfords, reg. $a.00, now . $1.00
Ladies' Strap Slipper from $i.5o to $2; $1.00
Men's. Kid Oxfords, $1.75 to $2.00, now $1.00
Before purchasing .elsewhere, • call and• examine'
these goods. Theyare all up-to-date styles.
*. *
* ,..
•' Beautify andpreserve your homes, with
Sherwin = Williams'` Paints:
A. full stock of these Paints •and Varnishes on 'hand
F -AT-:-
Morrell & i llolmes
. ..
Easily applied and will last l(iig.
ReIiable G.
****** * ***** **'fir * * J **:
The Cream of
Cream Shirts
N E0 Jewelry Store in Clinton, or
surrounding towns, will be found
.a more reliable and up-to-date :Stock
of articles usually carried by merchants
dealing in Jewelry wares.
Call in, arid we will CONVINCE
you that we excell in many lines.
Repairing " is our specialty.
All articles bought here engraved Free of Charge. .
R. counter,
t►Tttt11►1111f }T11T}1TT}tt1TTp111tt
In the line of' Men's and Boy's Shirts, this is
the ' cream ' of all cram Shirts, which we are put-
ting on for sale during the next few days. We have
just received 8 doz. Shirts for Men and }toys,
which sell regularly at -l.00. and $1,25 in men's
sizes,. and: 75c to $l.00 in boy's. We are going to
clear the whole range of Men's at 75c, and the'
Boy's at 50c.
$1.00 and. $1.25 11/en's-Shirts at 75c
75c and $1 00 Boy's Shirts at 50c
.. _-__*........4-..�y
We are also offering the best line of Clothing
in towel for the honey, in Men's 'and Boy's Suits,
We are giving ten percent discount for the balance
of this month. These clothes are made by some
of the best tailors in Canada, and for 6t and finish
they cannot be beat. You can buy them at.
The Galbraith 'Clothing Co.,
. succimons T(' Tinos, JACKSON S1.