HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-29, Page 51
FRIDAY, Supplement tothe Clinton.New I3ra. JUNE 29, 'ok.
County Clippings
. ,
The Trustees of Ethel. -Methodist
church Mend, giving it a thorough
Wm. Bray, 1911 con„ Grey, had
three ribs broken at a logging bee at
Duncan McKay's last week.
On Thursday last a wild cat was
shot in Landshornugh's bush on the
3rd concession of Tuckersmith.
Mrs, Jas D. O'Connell and children,
Goderich, moved to Seaforth on. Wed-
nesday, where she will in future reside.
John C., son of the late D. C. Mc-
Kay, of Goderich,died at the residence
of his uncle Jas A. McKay, Toronto,
on Thursday, after a very long illness
Death has again laimed one of the
old pioneers in the person of John Mc-
Leod, of Urediton, Deceased •was in
the 75th year of his age and was high-
ly respected.
Vernon, the young son of Mr. Benj
Scott, Wingham, was climbing up a
ladder on Tuesday afternoon, when he
fell to the ground and in falling broke
his arm.
Mrs. Gray, of California, daughter
of Wm. McOrae, Belgrave. went
through a critical operation last week,
by haying a large growth removed
from her neck.
Mr. Milton A. Buchanan, of Zurich,
who has.been professor in the Uuiver-
sity of Chicago the past two ,years,
has been appointed lecturer in Spanish
and Italian in University College, To-
The Goderich bowlers have arrang-
ed to have their annual touhiament
on August 7th and three following
days, and the gathering will, it is ex-
pected, be the largest in the history of
the club.
Str11 another of the pioneers of this
district has been called hence. Mrs.
Thos. Knox died at. her residence, in
Harpurhey; on S'inday last.- Mrs.
___IC,.nox_had....reached the good -age -of -7)
. .
Mrs Samuel McIlwain passed away
on Wednesday, and was interred in
Winghani cemetery on Friday. De-
ceased was a daughter of Mr and Mrs
Rankin of Winghain, and for the past
few years had been much afflicted.
After a lingering illness of some
years there passed away on Minclay
evening at the home of her son, Wal-
ter, the spirit of Mrs. John ,Webb, St.
Hwens, Mrs. Webb had been in fail-
ing health for some years.
The fishermen fishing"off St. Joseph
made a large haul of fish in one of
their pond nets one day last week.
The Gatch of pickerel and whitefish
was remarkably large and the whole
cath was worth in the neighborhood
of $500.
It is with sincere regret. that we
chroniclee deathof a lady
so highly esteemed for her genuine
worth as was ilifiss Elizabeth, • .Attrill.
Miss Attrill had been in poor health
or some months and her death oc-
• curred on Tuesday at her home Ridge-
wood Park, Goderich.
June Wedding's• '
wedding was. performed in St. oni-
face Catholic Churbh Zurich, on Thurs-
day forenoon, wlibri Rev Father Stroe-
der united 'Albert Foster, son of John
Foster, and Miss Lovina Bossenterry,
of Dresden, in marriage.
FOLEY—KELLY—A pretty wedding
was celebrated by Rev Father McRae
at St Peter's church Goderich, when
Miss Katie M., daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Kelly, Church street, be-
came the bride of Richard F. Foley.
• JAqicsoN—BAaRows..-- A. pleasant
event took place at the palatial resid-
once of Mr. And Mrs. Jacob Barrows,
Leadbury, when tneir daughter. Miss
haiggie, was married to Mr. George
Jackson, of Morris. .
O'LEARY - DONOVAN. — St. Jatlictie
church; Seaforth, was the scene of an
interesting event on Tuesday morning,
when Miss Millie Donovan, daughter
of Mr. David Donovan, was united in
marriage to Mr:James O'Leary, of
Winnipeg, and formerly of Seaforth.
BOLTEN —FORD. — A very pretty
wedding took place at the residence of
Mr. and. Mrs, R. D. Bell, Hensall, on
Tuesday at 5 o'clock, when Mum •J
Ford became the wite of John Bolten.
VAN /sTomitAN -Dow.,,—A quiet wed-
ding.took place on Tuesday, June 5th
at the residence of Mr. 'and Mts. Doll,
Grey Township, whentheir eldest
daughter, Miss M. Jean was united in,.
marriage to C. S. VanNerman, ot
Winghain, by Rev. D. B. McRae.
• 1Cixot; DENNIS.—A quiet wedding.
took place on Wednesday afternoon
at thpresidence of Mr. • and Mrs. Jas.
Dennis, Wingham,. when their daugh-
ter, Miss Melissa, was 'united in mar-
riage to Mr. Alex Dixon; Of town.
RCiDERTSON KIM:4.—A happy mat-
rimonial event graded the home of Mr.
Peter Xing, East Wawatish, on Wed-
r.esday„.13thinst., when- his estimable
daughter. MISS Annie E., became the
-VIWIWIrs"5-577 e
cereinony i-rforrned by Rev. J.
J. Hastie, Belgrave. I
ROSegar DENO3tIE —On Monday
morning at 8 o'clock St. Peters R. C.
Chiirch-St Joseph, was the scene of a
pet ttywedding when"the eldest daugh-'
ttr of the late Geo Denomie; Miss
Phoebe, was united in • the holy bond
of rnatrionly to Mr. David Rosseau.
Straughan, a popular young lady, was
married on Wednesday of this' week
at the home of her father, • Mr. Thos
Stra,ughan; of Auburn, to Mr. W. A.
Mayhew, of Tharnesville. The dere-
irony was'perforrned at high noon by
Itev. J L StnalI,
in the presenee of only. die immediate
relatives of the. bride and groom: '
.HotztEs Askin Street
Methodist Church, London, 'was the
scene of •a pretty wedding Wednesday
afternoon, when Miss W.innifrecl
Atkinson; daughter of Mrs; H. Thomp-
son, was united in marriage to Mr.
Joseph EfHolineS. Rev. J.W. Holmes,
father of the groom; assisted' by ,Rev.
Alfred Brown, present pastor Of
Askin Street Church, conducted the
ceremony. Miss Mabel Thompson,
sister of the Wide, and Miss Clara
Holmes, of Blenheim, were the.brides-
maids, while little Miss Agnes Mimi*
of Clinton, made a charming flower,
girl, Messrs J. Doherty, of Clinton,
and Mr. Fred Landon and Mr. R. J.
Iretheway, of London, officiated as
ushers, while Mr. Clarence Gilmore
presided at the organ. The groom
was formerly of Clinton,but is now in
the real estate business in Saskatoon -
being a member of the Sr of Ash-
worth & Holmes. Previou his con-
nection with the real estate business,
he was the managing editor of the
Saskatoon Pheonix. The bride is one
of the most popular young ladies of
South London, and has .very many
friends who will join in extending
their best wishes, Mrs. HArnes wili
be greatly missed by the Askin Street
Church Sunday School and Epworth
League, London, with all of which she
has been prominently identified for
some years.
mary arta tier Little ITamia.
A young woman, a blue ribbon, and
a .pet lamb were seen on York street,
near Front, the other .afternoon, says
The Toronto Star. Beheld separately,
the sight would have been unprecodent-
ed, though lambkins don't frolic every ,
day on the King's highway: The three -
in -one attractiOn, SQ to speak, was '
terenf. The lady's name may not have
been Mary, and the lamb in the flesh
toasted not the snowy fitece attributed
to the lamb celebrated.in poetry. Truth
to tell, the lamb -that. almost blocked
York street needed a bath, Sundry rolls
on the city pavements had . impaired
(he immaculate whiteness discovered by
the poet. Still, the juvenile sheep cre-
ated a sensation. Crowds gathered, and •
so did the police. Inoidentally several
doge took an interest in the, woolly. vizi-
tor. The lamb.. was tbnid, but its own
er had a' parasol, and when she
out a' canine yelped. So far as the peo- '
p e were concer e. e am was 'un-
concerned. It was riot alarmed even
when a boy stole up, pocket knife in
'hand, to cut the tether. The urchin was ' . • •
caught in the act, however, .and nar- • !
rawly escaped a hearty cuff on the ear.
"Maly and her lamb". proceeded dpwri
.Front and up Simcoe..
"They. are going to School," a neWs-
boy remarked. .
'What are you giving us?" scoffed
another. "School's out."'
If little lambs are like little boys,
this little lamb was not on its, way to •
school. Its gambols implied immunity
front' care, but If a butcher who passed
in his *.• had had his way the larah'S
spirits Aould have slumped.
?That's a plump little annnal,".he db-
.seTved. 'What'll you take for'lt?" ,
•The hutcher was told that be was a •
brute. He grinnedso the lady was
right •
sheep witir.;lit
• The sheep that has tie wool corner
frota Barbados. • tioW t got.•thei;e no-
body knows., but It is supposed to have
conte from Afri a o .1