HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-29, Page 44
un 3Oth
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Saturday next, June 3oth, will be our first
Bargain Day since opening in this store, and.e
have planned to make it a memorable ons, if down-
right good values will do it. l
This is a chance you seldom get, to secure i,
brand new goods just when you need them, . but
remember, this is for one day only,
,wn..Agw,wV+ww w+N.nYrLM0N.W•Mo,wrVwS'.,Ona.a.. .,rn.M.,.u.n.1.,.4,/rnMM.rwNWN
--AT 8 O'Ct.,OCI -----
$5.00, $6.00 and $7.5o Trimmed }rats at $2.95
Our first cut in Millinery.—Your choice of any. @2q (Q�
Hat on display in our Millinery. Show Room, for,
:. �p.i a�5
Any person who has seen our display this season can
appreciate a bargain like .this..
15c, 18c and 2oc Dress Muslins 'at 14c
Six patterns only -250 fast colors Dimity .Dress
Muslins, in pale blue, pink, hello, etc.; the best 15e
and 20c Must ins, Saturday per yard . ...
15c Dress Ginghams at 8c
About 200 yards best 15c Dress Gingharns; in
stripes and checks. Sold everywhere for 15e, Satur.
day—one day only, per yard ........ . .,,........•
Plain ' Biack.isd_ 'fain Whit `i„teas `ltislins at'.
150'yards black and white press Mtislins,infancy
open effects; several digerent patterns; regular price1�
15c and 18c. One -day price . ....:. 1 Q1i.'
Standard English Prints at. 8.c.
200 yards English and•Canadian Prints, in dark
and light colors, standard_ price 'everywhere. 12 1-2c,
1Setuilday price..,,
124c Embroideries at 5c .
2410 yards fine Embroideries, in 8 yd ends, regular,'
price 12 1.2c per yd, Saturday morning,, by the end,
per yard .
3C' •
zoc Vests, 2 for 25c
10 dozen Ladies' Vests, slightly 'soiled, regular q5C p
price 20c and 25e each,: Saturday price, Two for 2
$1.75 White Lawn Waists $1.15
3 dozen Ladies' white Lawn Shirt Waists, made
with insertion and tucks, new sleeves—the newest •
Waists shown this season, regular price $1.50 and•$1r�
31.75, Saturday only - - tip
40C Dress Goods at 25c
• 5 pieces fancy check Mohair Dress Goods, brown,'
black and green, etc., all newthis season, regular
price 40c, Saturday
15c Apron Lawn at 10c
75 yards white tucked Apron Lawn, ready for
use, 40 in. wide, regular price 15c, Saturday -
$1.75 Bed Spreads, at $1.00
1 doz only large white Bed •Spreads, extra heavyte nn
quality, regular price, 31.75, Saturday each.•.,,
6ec Towels,. 2.pair for 75c
4 doz. extra heavy pure Linen Buck Towels, large' j0
size, worth now 60e per pair, Saturday,.Two pair for ! u
Not over 6 pair to a customer.
75c Table Linen at 50c
with polkatdot and flora' bpatte n;o' worth nowh75c win
15.c Art Muslins at 10c . .
200 yards beautinew Ar Muslins,
nolors, newest patterns, regular 115e tie.
priceSaturday 1�c
$1.5o Lace Curtains at $1.00 -'
Eighteen pairNottinghant Luse Curtains 50 in.
to 60 tn. wide, i 1-2 yds long, lock stitch edge, 'beauti-.
fel floral patterns, reg. price $1,25 and $1.50, 8a
day day you choice U
$3.5o Rugs at $2.25
One dozen regular
Reversible .?rugs, 56 x 130 in.
All this season's newest patterns,lar price-$:aSS0,.
Saturday. Lr25
Ile giinton Oew Era
,lUN,E �i ovv,
Miss Webster is visiting friends in
Mrs. Halstead has been visiting her
son in Wingham.
Miss Hattie Judd spent a few days
in Londesborough.
Mr. and Mrs, Israel Taylor, of Lon-
don, spent Sunday in town.
Mr, and Mrs. John Harland are
visiting friends in Chicago..
Mr. and Mrs. G. Jackson visited
friends near Bel . rave Sunday.
Mr. John Weymouth, HulIett, left
on a visit to New Liskard, last week.
Rev. Chas Bishop, of Calgary, is a
;guest at the home of W, Doherty, Esq,
Miss Mary Matheson has gone to Lot
cbalsh.to nurse a patient in that local-
Mr. and ltirs. J. Nediger leave on a
visit to. their old home at Wiarton to-
Mr. and. Mrs'. ' Arthur McRae, . of
Detroit, are making a visit under the
parental roof.
• Mr. George Finch, Mrs. J. Finch and
Ars, L. ' Stalker were the guest of'Mrs,
lt, Stalker, Auburn,
Mr, Lindfield, of Colborne, spent
Sunday and Monday with his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Geo Rice. .
Miss Violette Thompson left last
Saturday for a few week's holiday at
Niagara and Hamilton,
Dr. Simpson, end. John MclYonaicl.
and sister, of- Kintail,were visiting.
friends here on Friday.
Mrs, Boles and Miss .Ida leave in the
course of few weeks for Crookston,
Minn,. on a visit to relatives.
Mr.. Dockrill, :the, Well known and
e..jrzviikl-traveliing,passenger Agent of
the 0. P. R. was in town last week.
Mr. Savage, Freight. Superintendent
of the C. P. R.; was here on Wednes-
day, looking after the ' Company's in;
Mr. and., Mrs. Richard Ransford
went to Bayfield.onMonday, and will
occupy one of Mr; Jowett's .cottage for
the summer months.
Mr. Wilson, of Galt, father of Mrs.
John Rice, has been visiting here ; he
is an enthusiastic bowler and enjoyed
himselfvery much while here.
Mrs. McLeod, of Bayfield, and Miss
Olive Thompson, were ticketed to
Fort Francis, via Northern Navigation
Co. 'by.,A'. O..Tattison,• on Friday. ,last,
Mrs. Elliott Dayinent and baby left
on Tuesday morning for Edinburgh,
North Dakota,' where she will join her.
husband, who went,out a few months
Dr. Wallace Irwin, of Moosejaw,
(son ofJ. W. Irwin) is home on a visit,
Dame rumor says that .his visit has
sFecial interest for a charming young
lady of town.
The wife of Mr. W. .1, Robson. .:
,•Hespeler., formerly' of Clinton, has•17
one to the' Swiss: •Hostiital' GireTph
,. w
�n"d'1ie�r ,
tens }vil't regret to. know.
that she :has 'not. improved . •in `.health
very much. .
• ' Miss Lilian Coats and Mr. Stewart s
Jackson took .part in a Presbyterian
Church Social at Auburn, on Wed
nesday nigh, Miss Frank Manning- i
took part . in an' entertainrnent at
Blyth, Friday evening,'
Mr. J. Allen, wife. and 'children, of. t
Calgary, are visiting friends in : this c
vicinity, Mrs, Allen is a sister of Mr. s
W. Sinclair, 15th con.' of Goderich f
township. Mi's.. • Holmes, of Souris, t
another sister, died,a:few days since, a
:Mr: Shirley, who has been the es-
teemed American Consul at Goderich,
has we understand, been offered a
Consulate at the Fiji Islands, , but' he
declines to : accept • the same. 1Ie is
leaving Goderich., but has not decided
what he will do: •
Mr. Allan, of Windsor, Customs In-
epector, was in town on. Saturday, and o
in .the course of conversation he said .1
"My duties take me all oyet• the Pro b
wince, but'nowhere do' I find • a county
that; taking it all together? can sur- c
pass the County. of Huron. a
The following appeared in the To- t
ronto Globe on Fridpay:-"The' engage •S
spent is announced of Mary Christina,
only: daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. W. R 'o
Lough of Clinton, to Mr. W. J. Baird,. w
M. A., of Nelson, B. 0. The marriage e
will take place quietly on July 17th.
Mr. E. Lappine went to London, on
Saturday, and had the pleasure .of ac- i
companying his wife back home from
the hospital, where a couple of. months c
ago she underwent a most 'critical a
operation. She has almost. entirely
recovered from the effects thereof, le
though she shows her experience. • j w
Rev.. Dr. G. A. Gifford, late of S. ii
I'horhas, and formerly, of Clinton, who fl
was supperannuated at Conference,
Mrs.. Gifford, and son, Rev, W. A. Gif- : A
fiord, arrived. in Stratford last week,
The doctor will take u residence
there. He is erectingd ro
a dwelling on
Galt St., which will be finished in a M
week or two. Meantime he and Mrs, i •
Gifford are stayingat the ,residence of
her mother, Mrs, Mills, Daly -ave. Rev ct
W. Gifford is staying with his aunt, i se
Mrs.. Henry I3aker, Daly -ave.'' 1 co
Monthly fellowship meeting on Sun-
day next at 10 a, tan
At a meeting of the Official Board,
on Wednesday night, it was decided to
proceed with the erection of a new
driving shed, and arrangements will a
be made accordingly.
Miss Sybil Courtice, who has been
filling very acceptably the position of
Organist since the removal of Miss
Newcombe, has been engaged as her
successor, at the same salary as before.
At the meeting of iluron Synod last
eweek,..,Rev. C. R. Gunne was elected a
member of the Executive, and Mr.
John Ransford a delegate to the Pro-
vincial Synod,
%he annual garden party and strew -
berry festival, under the auspices
of the ladies of this church, will be
held on the rectorylawn on the even-
ing of Thursday, uly 5th, The band
will be present, and aood time is as-
to all who attend This event is
one that is deserving of patronage,
and with good weather a lerge crowd
is probable.
A cool subject for the warm weather,
-Don't forget the splendid lecture in
the S. A. hall this --Thursday—night,
June 28th, at 81),m. • Adjt, Bless, from
Stratford, has spent souks yearsin the
gold fields of Alaska, and he will give
some startling incidents of life aniong
the gold miners of the Klondike 500
miles in an open • • boat down rivers,
rapids, etc., over the' famous Chilcoot
pass, .Dawson City, 'and other places
will be treated in this Interesting lee-
larre. There will be lots of music and
singiug. The Adjutant is a good nine -
Wan, playing several instruments. A
good time is,assured and all are wel-
come. Tickets may be secured from
the soldiers or from Capt, . Metier, the
officer in charge. •
On Sundayy, last Rev. Dr, Stewart • an-
nouncaed to his congregation that ow-
ing to the ,generosity of • the Trustee
Board, he would be able to take his
holidays earlier thanhe had intended,
and for practical purposes he wieuld
complete the 28th year of his pastorate
with the present service, though in
reality the anniversary of that event
did not arrive until August. During
his absence his pul it will be supplied
by Mr. Currie, a Knox College grad-
uate, who will enter on his duties next
Sabbath. Dr. Stewart combines the
qualities of being an excellent preacher
and a,good pastor, and . has grown in
the appreciation of•all during his.resi-
deuce; here. That he may; enjoy•. his
respite from active work, and route
strengthened and invigorated, is• as-
suredly the wish of all who :knowhim.
C1 RT. -Everyone should take in the
Band Concert to -night, to be given in
connection with the Lawn Social on
the grounds of the former; Molson's
Bank on Rattenbury Street. . A. very
pleasant; tine . is in store for: ail • who
attend Theadtnieeion is bystivei col
lection oriT
No. better. _tribute. of appreciation
could be shown any one than was
hown Rev, Mr. Manning on: the .oc-
rasion' of his last Sunday in• the -pulpit
of this'church. On Sunday he ways
g eeted by large congregations `morn -
ng and evening, that of the evening
being ,so large as to tax -the accommo-
dation of the building,; end: 'many .of
hose present being members of other
ongregations. At the. close of the
ervice Mr. Lough stepped to the plat-
orm and on behalf of the' congregac
ion presented hint with a farewell ad-
ross, signed by all the members. It,
was beautifully engrossed, and encased
n a `decorated leather cover. Mr.
Manning, in a few fitting. but embar-
rassed words, 'expressed his; apprecia-
tion of it. He and Mrs. Manning left
on Tuesday for Teterboro,' the" other
members of the .family' haying .pre•
eded them.
Regular monthly fellowship Meeting
n Sunday next ac 10 a. m., to' be • fol -
owed by the usual service's; conducted
y Rev. W. J`: Jotliffe.
The Epworth League held a very sue-
eseful' "Poverty. Social” on Monday ;
short program, including:a duet by
the Misses Potts, a reading by Mrs.
ibley, and: a talk trorn: Mr. !Manning,
was• much enjoyed. Cookies and lent.
nade were served. Those present
ere much pleased with the evening's
Next, Sunday willebe Cliildten's Day
n the Baptist church.. The entire.
rxiorning service will be devoted to` the
hildren, and the other services will be
ppropriate. In the morning the boys
and girls of the"Sunday school will
ad the service of song, and the pastor
ill give an address specially prepared.
for the children.. 'An •.interesting fes -
re of the .day will be the display'f
Owers to be . put in the church. The
ublic is cordially iriyitedto be present
Itev. VV. G. Howson and family . en-
ute te Wingham, were the. guests of
r. W. S. Harland yesterday, •
Mr. James Miller,. of Indian Head,.
who was on his way to Ottawa in a
legation, caked in town this'week to
e the relatives of Miss': Caro] 'New -
tithe, now living at Indian Head,
County Assessment
Equalized Valuation far the Various. Municipalities.
At the recent session•'of the County Council the equalized assessment
for the various municipalities of the County was fixed at the ti ares report-
ed by the valuators appointed last year for this purpose. The following
table shows the assessed value of each nictnicipalityas fixed by the value.
tors, with the 1905 atsessment forurposes of comparison, 7.'he assessment
Of every municipality is increased, the •.increases ranging, as will be seen,
from 10 to 98 per cent.
1006 1005 Increase
Ashfield ....$2,596,800......$1,998,921....e ent
Colborne 1,1522,000 ..... 1, 344970. , ......13
Goderich Township .. • ,...i 2,208,600..... 2,004,228 10
Grey., 2,857,5()1...... 2,0.12,522 41
Clay.. ... . 2,407,000 1,774,220, 35
:'xawick . .. _.: -'3,361,000 .... ,. 2,315,690..
Hnilett. . , ...... 2,571,000... , ..2,146,1W ...10
McKillop ..... .r,. ........ 2,67f1,800 2,(1,38,444. .t..i,28
Morris 2.,401,8,)1.....+ 1,770,756.....,..40
Stanley '... 2,1315,100.......1,&33,S00........10
Stephen. 2,7138,80() , •1,944,43d.......:.40
Tuekersmith2,413,800.,..... 1.,023,`214 25
Turnberry 1,030,000, 1,111,3117 46
Usborne l . , ..................... 2,417,500...e., 2,014,200 20
East Wawanosh 1,x,800' 1,204,031+ 23
West Wawanosh i ............... 1,013,000. . 1,•t28,1(k) 13
Blyth . .. -., . 270
13iitssels , ,. Y.w.,,r r r , 321,000 t24,000„.....43
Clinton. . , .,., ,. .r., +.....
iY 1i.i 7(t87Jf4,,V�4l0ll11,.:...,+,, #Y7in,,]40Vf1,8�7113N/0,..i,.i,.ialilxeter,r, , , t• „1,1.,+ 508,200rGoderch.. ..........
t.... r,t.6 L4221600.r 375,8(X1 .^+..,, ..• •.,,,0(6201yi3
.l250,400.150,000. 66Seaforth,...r,....i.i...,1661666 250,000. 1..,, 512,900.,+.,...46Wiegham
yreateter 150,207, 80,y50......,,
June 29th, 1906
ooper's 1100KSlore; Cliolon
e a T_X I ..A. ' rr 0th .._......__.•...
Tuesday and W dnesda r, July 3rd & 4th
1-41-1lS IS
NO FAKE SALE, �iut our reular Semi -Annual Clearance of small lots,
I various lines, which AveAwe wish to clear out before thenext n xt season s arrivals, You
-will--find it greatly to your advantage to '.interest. _yourself in. the -lines we offer a
• which are mentioned below, and many other lines not specified here, - • ', few of
This .... • •
. s sale is to make room Ono►.., .. .
� 4nyc
Big Price Cuts in Wall Paper
For these Bargain Day we are Offering excep
tional values in Wall Pape,.. We have a -stock of
over 10,000 rolls, and a greater variety will not be
found in the County. Zn addition to tremendous cuts
on th,e Paper, we will make no charge for the border
you require, weich will mean a saving of from 75c to .
$2.00 on every room, in addition to the big saving' on
the paper.. •
780 rolls of choice patterns, in cream, buff, blue, green—
and mauve, papers that are regularly sold at_10c per single p
roll, for Bargain Days, per roll ... : ...... ... , . e.:
Ceilings to match at same price, and match -.=orders FREE.
700 rolls good quality paper, suitable for kitchen,
rooms and bedrooms, in buff, cream, blue and green, regula.
10c and 121.2: per roll, on Bargain Days, per nglero11 .: ...
Ceilings to mach at same price, and match -Borders FREE. -
600 rolls beautiful gilt papers, 'suitable for dining rooms,
halls, parlors and bedrooms,•. choice designs and colorings,
worth regularly from 10c to 25c per roll, on Bargain Days,
per single roll. 10
Ceilings to match at same price, and match -Borders FREE.
480 rolls heavy gilt and embossed papers, suitable for thebest
rooms o
f your house, regular 25c :to •40cer single
roll, on Bargain Days, per single roll ... , p
Ceilings to snatch at same price, -and match-Borders.FREE. C
ear We will trim FREE all the Wail Paper we sell, and allow you
to return what you have left over—and refundthe amount true,
Bundles of odd roils, containing from 4 to 8 roll of akind, per
,bunch• 10e to 25c
tr n cill••s c
d• His
rYrmae%, well niade,:...fasl
• II' + ith . s retches s, . valanc.; i nd lit .• -back Atlllo�,
!0...g regular Rs
tics $3,00, •on. at Bnra s
Another Iine of Hammocks,. frill size and well riaade, but
•a Tittle lighter cord. bright fast colors, :has stretchers .andQ
1n -?back illowr i'e' alar > `
y P g prices $...aQ, Por. Bargain •Days ,; <:!p1 ��$.
A 50 Table
No. r .Table displays a•great variety of Fancy :.
China — useful , and : ornamental—all- good
values, consisting of Spoon Holders, Cram
Jugs, Candle Stick Holders, Mustards, Cups
and Saucers, Plates, 'Trays; etc., regu-
lar price roc to 15c; choice for ' ,5C
:10e Table
No. 2 Table., contains larger pieces, and an
equal variety, ' consisting of Sugar `Bowls,
Pickle Dishes, Cups and . Saucers, Shaving
Mugs, etc; Regular price 13c to 25c, •
choice for
A -15o Table
No: 3 Table contains articles which are
worth from 25c up to 4oc each;; A splendid
selection of Cream Jugs, e
J g , Sugar Bowls,. large...
Trays, Salads, Plates, Cups and Sauc-
ers.. Regular price 25c to 4oc, choice 15c
.A. 25C` Table
No. 4 Table, loaded with dainty China con-
sisting of Pudding Dishes, Cups and Sala-
ers, Heir Receivers, Jardiniers, etc,
Regular price 40c. 5oc to ,75e, • choice 25c
3 -piece. Berry Sets.
Choice Sets of Japanese China: --I large Berry
Bowl and 12 Nappies, nicely'' decorated in blue and.
gold, and green and gold.
Regular $3.56 Sets for $2.00.
Regular 3.25 Sets for 1.75
Ile„ alar 3.00 Sets for 1.50
Regular 2.25 Sets for .125
Twenty enty per cent, off+ •
Twenty per cent, oft on' all lines . of China
and Bric-a-brac not on specially -priced tables,
This includes all our fine French. China as well
as the balance of our beautiful stock'of" }imported
fancy pieces and Cut Glass, in fact everything in
the China departmentis subject to
Twenty per cent. off.
Papeteries 15c
Choice boxes, containing 24 sheets -
ofFabric finished pa er,lr4 envelopes,
ruled and plain, white and colored,
regularly worth 25c, choice on Bar-
• gain days for , - 15e -
Writing Tablets 4 for 20c
200 pads, containing 100 sheets of
good paper, ruled and plain, regular
price 10c, on Bargain days each 7c or
4 pads for .... ............25e
Envelopes 4c per.package
Square and .oblong envelopes, in
white and cream, good quality, sold
•by..most stores at 10c package, our
price per package of 25 envelopes;•`"'
Bargain Days „4c
Scribblers, 2 for 50
The last of our5c Scribblers, good
duality of paper,ruled orplain,attrac-
tive Covers,- good _values at 50 each,
to clear on ,Bargain Days....., . 2for5e
.Berlin -Wools 5c er o
100 shades of Berlin Wools
,2, , 4 and:
8 fold, standard color's, the best wool
wecan buy ; our regular price is 8c.
but onBargainDays the price will be
<ounces not broken) per oz, . , , . , ..'.'. 5e
Stikine 4e per Spool
40 different shades of.. Silkine, the -
, popular line, sold regularly at 5e per
spool,: on Bargain Days. per spooL.4C
Cushion Girdles 19c
Girdles 3 ydslong mercerized Cord
all. the 'various_ til
ar Colors oz *and
teelleral e 5e for Bargain .. ..
Days' ......19e
An assortment of tintedcushion
tops, Maple Leaf designs, , floral de- .
signs,Duteh designs, regular 25c and
• 35e each, choice for BargainDays at 2•e
Imperial - Lustre
Suitable for Eyelet Embroidery
•work.: Inletters A.B.C. & D. . Reg--- -
ular 5c a skein,on.Bargain days 2for5e
Ladies' Belts at less than half
price- to, clear.
Any Ga -Cart in the store May
be yours at a reduction of 1.0
per cent on Bargain Days. , 'A
splendid opportunity:; •
Belding's Centre -piece Sets,
50c worth of .material for' -25c.
Eech set , consists of. it large printed
• envelope containing:
One 18 -inch white Centre -piece, pure
Four skeins Bel � pilo Floss
One color late �f vers...
One iflttetat`bd lesson sheet, giving
color numbers and how to use them,
Six different designs; a big 50c worth,
On Bargain Days for only 25c
Special Barged ns ilii . Books.
25c,C Poles ol f
es for 19c
'3,5C Curtain Poles for ' 25c
Special values in Window
' Shades
To the first '5o lady custom-
ers .on Saturday morning we
will - give :a small. bottle .of
Perfume (good quality) FREE
No goods ex-
changed or