HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-29, Page 3June 29t1 19O6
wasf twenty -rine in Apial-terta-
9trier Or a better bey we'll p,ever ,'
inched, round the °beet,
A 00Secret
see again --
Wad the way we ebeerecl the ittel Witen
its Started for due west.
Tbet town VMS like a holiday the tine
he took the tratn,
At Calaboalet
lalare y ever comin' baca With the for-
tune, little Dan,. •
From the place they say the MoneY'a
like the leaves upon the tree?"
"Iwit the mlnin' boss'll let me, as sure as
I'm a man,
-The mot e s r s nis ur
attev'e to wait for me
At Calabegie."
Sad the letters he was writin' to his
his mother from the west,
Sure ey'rybody read them, and who.
could see the harm?
Wallin' how he'd keep the promise to
oome home and have a rest, •
Aad the money that was in them was
enough to buy a. fann
At Calabogle. •
"Waiat is it makes the tever leave the
week, and kells the strong?. .
Ana who'd 'a thought our Donnie
would ever come to, this: .
When the Sister had to raise. hlm, And
say, "It won't be long •
Till its home, My lad, yo.u're going
to receive a mother's kiss
At Calabogia."
So we met our little Denote Christmas
enorning at the train,
And we lifted up the long -box with-
out a word to say.
Oat suoh a boy as Dannie we'll never
eee again,
God -forgive tue, awasn't much. of a
merry Cristmas Day
At Calabogle!
-William Henry Drummond, in To-
ronto Globe.
Kerr Lake, Cobalt, Jan. 1, 1906.
New Governor of British Columbia le
Wealthy, But Unassuming,'
The Victoria, B. C., correspondent of
The Toronto News says: The appeinta
anent as Lieutenant -Governor of Brae
:fah Columbia Of •Mi'.' James •Duaismuir
Is another" illustration of the fact that
In politics, as In other matters of life,
It is the unexpected which •happense
The new appointee, unlike his late fa-
. ther, has no.aptitude for polities is hot'.
even a clubman, telerates society only
for the pleasure his wife and daugh-
ters.' derive therefrom, and will probe
ably rebel when required to don a court
uniform. More, he hasealways peen
regarded as a Conservative in polities,
albhough rumor says that to. protect.
this vamt Interests he •frequently, core-
aidered it advisable . to contribute. to,.
the campatga funds ef both. parties. -
He im'da brief expecience �f polities,.
but his 'Irearaalitability:AA'Al'Partrefattan
_May be .jadaaefiatrom a -story -common
enough-rebout the aarritiereaaTakeast leatatia•
• two ago, that his Attorney'Gmerai had
to inveigle him out of the. House daring
a debate ort a Governmene measure, so
heartily did he concur in the argue
rnentseef one of .the Opposition speak-
ers. He :himself makes no secret of ehis
disgust with the inner worktngs of poli-
tics as revealed at Cabinet. gounalls..'"I
. wanted to do business," he toed, the
writer once, abut at every meetteg of
the, Council the whole time was cone',
gamed in discussing whether or not to
appoint 'certain men to certain. posla.
bens. I was tack of the whole thing,"
A. year agoe when his appointment
woo suggested, the people of the .Pro
'wince laughed and scouted the idea.
Somehow since that time public. opine
. ken has veered, and the selectiOn is now
looked, upon by aegreat number, if not
by the majority, as a•natUral and pro-
per -one. It is a recognition of the great
• part of the first of the house a Donee.
emir played' in •the early industrial his-
tory of this province, and of the mana
norin which hist son hes •endeavored
to carry out big wishes' and ideaa.
Will Entertain Royally..
Rut the princriaal reason why he was
ohosen for the post was douhtleas his
great wealth and the impression among
the party leaders that he would. enter-
tain on a lavish scale. There have been
deep mutterings for some time over the
cautious we)? in which the incumbents
of gubernatorial office have consulted
their finanoial resources in the matter
of dierpensing the ihospitalities of the
office.- There has been a ciatnor for
someone who would entertain royally.
Thre is no doubt Mr. Dupsmuir .will
d this. There, is also little douat that.
ft was to permit his fatally to do tlitethat
he consented .to iricur the (to him) irk-
some duties of the offie.e. Of his fame
Hy he Is exceedingly proud. Most of
them are' abroad, one as the Wefe a a
military officer in India, anOther as a
naval officer's wife in England, three
daughters hi Leipsio and one in France
--while the youn,gesterso
oar, in Edinburgh. •
In his personal lite Mr. Durismuir 14
admiraiele. His beautiful home on Vide
eerie Arm Is one of the beauty' spota
of a city famous for its eoenlo charms,.
There is no worthy charity, benevolence
or enterprise, scientific or praetical,
willeh does not make heavy claims ote
Ilk support Although a, Millionaire
eeel miner he is extreately good to his
'rtooloyes both in the matter of &email -
alert e ion and pay. He is extremely
temperate, his only indulgence being in
e od pipe. He is 56 years of age. .
A Srutal Toronto Teamatete
With a VICIOUS. MCI{ of his whip a
he, arawny teamster let the' end of
the bah writhe through the air and
tit. • jest caught the tail eta. little
Eirw.:,14,1 at which It was ratted. • WIth
tt h ,w1 nf pain the canine yelped down
a. line, leaving a antral, bleeding, eatle
sag-1,kp piece at nest on the side -
Ivo The whip -lash: had cut the Ohd
•of rho aoga tall. eftl _ „
a all happened in resecond, says The
,rnronto Star, and in another second the
d g had disappeared. Two well -deemed
ween who were just behind the In-
jured animal shuddered as they saw
the bleeding remnant and said some-
thing regarding the S. P. C. A. as ahoy
loneed riaggere at the teamster, who
wa 4 gu fel wing over hie "joke," ,
Our Itirst Postcards,
J,,ne 1, 1S71, Canada !silted its first
rormula of .4Illitsina Made, Public
ear, NO Stomach Troubles.'
Our leading 'druggists are very
anxious to have Moo -iia, a aelnedy
which they sell as a, cure for stomach
troubles tested rigidly in every case of
heart -burn, acute dyspepsia, wind on
the stonutelaloss of appetite, annoying
dreams, sleeplessness, general weak-
ness and debility, or where the diges-
e ergalla-aarnotaact-airsthey-should.
Mi-o-sut is composed of bismuth sub.
gallete. by all odds the very beet toed-
icine known for intestioal diseases. It
combines with the free sulphur cam -
pounds in the bowels forming a black
substance which is passed off from the
body without harm. It also has a
soothing effect upon the nerve endings
in the stomach.
With this is combined cerium ox -
mate, a standard retnedir in the treat-
ment of an irritations o the stomach
and digestive organa
, Sodium bicarbonate is then added
to overcome the excessiye acidity
usually present in storieach troubles,
and nux vomica for its general tonic
and nerve -strengthening powers.
This eonabination of reliable reme-
dies rnakes Mi-o-na a positive ouve for
all statue& troubles, and, perhaps the.
only one thatcan be sold under a guar-
antee that it costs nothing unless it
A - large box of Mao-natablets is sold
for 50 cents. ,
I you cannot obtain 1VIi-o-n1t of your
'druggist, it will be sent by mail, post-
paid, on receipt of price. Write us for
adyice on your case from a leading
'stomach epee:waist _which will be sent
free. The 11.. T. Booth-CiiinpanY,
Ithaca, N. Y.
Wgesit Can Be Done by night 'Twice
' Ina' and seat Control. •
Zopyrura the physlogboielst,
"Socretes' features .showea•that he wile
stupid, brutal, tionsunt and .adaleted to'
drunkenness." Socrates upbeld the
analysis' by saying; "By -nature I am
addicted toe all these sins, and they
were only' restranied an vanquished.
by the continual Practice of ylittiO..".-• •
Emerson says In effect, "The alettle
you would like tri have, assume it as al:
teadya yours; appropriate it, enter into
the part and live tbeeharacter Just as
the' great actin , is, Mae:abed:in the char- .
acter of the.part lie plays." No that!
ter. hiiiv great. your -weeknese or how
mueli you may regret it essuMe steadi-
ly. and Persistently Ma opposite Matti '
youacquire the, haarit. of holding that
thoeglat or of living the thing - net !nits :
weakness, but itt'. ita arholenOine In ita
entirety. s Rold the ideal of an efilclent
defleientoue •or o •
iittald to anything Is to.bend onVilliff.--
.,ao*ard it with all. one's might, and We
approximate- it Nitin prePortioia to the
. Intensity aild the persistency 'of aur ef-
fort to attain it. , . , , . •
If you. are inclined to be very exelt-
Able:and nervous, it you • "fly all to
pieces" over the least ennoyanceada net
waste yper time regreatina"this Weak -
ness and telling 'everybody that you
cannot help It. Just assume the calm,-
deliberate, quiet, balanced composure
which characterizes your ideal person
irilhat respect. Persuade yourself that
you are not nervous or eXcltable, that.
yea can contnol yourself, that you are
ieZj belahced, that you do not fly ofit
On a tangent at every little annoyance.
You will be amazed to see how the per -
petite! holding a thie serene, ealna,
quiet attitude will help you•to become
like year thought, -Success.
"While working in a saw mill"writes
C. E, Kennerly,from Ottawa," I strain-
ed my, back and side so severely I had
to go to bed. Eveey movement caus-
ed me torture. • I tried different oils
and liniments, hub wasn't helped till I
used Neryiline. Even the first appli-
cation gave considerable relief. In
three days .was again at wcrk. tither
men in the mill use Nerviline with
tremendous benefit too." An honest
recora of nearly fifty• years has estab-
fished the value of Poleon's Nerviline.
. ewer. people have beard, or amino!
Wedge,wood, the famous potter of State
fordsalre. A statue of him stands in
faint of the rallWay station at Stoke:
renzarrene. A few days ago it was found,
bedecked with blite ribbons. Much -cur-
1 ,sIty aroAn'a,8 to why it wa.a so deeor- 1
Mod and by Whom. In ,the course el
the day the 'explanation was fora:wont-
Joserill C. Wedgewood, the great. k
gr, at- gi:andsotii—CEIEbratect-in--17-1
V(01 tUe.' ,was elected Member of Perna.
meta f a the neighboring town ot NeW-
oa.itle-under,,Lyne. Being afterward
in Stoke he conceived the Idea of "de:
adertang, his notable otacestor's monu-
ment In • celebration of the event.". Re
went there In the dead of night, elirnta ;
eil ths high pedestal otal the • figure,
and. garlanded the 'effigy with blue rib-
bons,. the Libel's.' election colors.
Picture Postcard's
A stationer in a French provincial
town was struck by a great' idea When
a regiment visited his town In 1870.
He produced a picture -postcard and
from this small begirming has sprung a
great industry in Tanglazct
Not Until 1894 were pleture-postcatds
Printed In England arid yet in 1903
at least 450,000,000 pletorial cards Were
produced in Great Britain. In Gerniany
1,161,000,000 poetcards were posted the
same year, about tour -fifths of which
A OickerieiOiiyrnai
William MIlee celebrated his 90th
birthday the other, day in a quiet little
house In Roebuck roach Rocheeter, Eng-
land. He weer contieeted with the cethee
dral as ohohaboy, lay clerk, and verger
for three-quarters Of a century, during
which time he- east eight blshope rule
the see and tour deans hold office, as
also made the atqualbtande of Dickens,
who Was 1 frequeet visitor to the oath°.
drat arid lie Is believed to haat the
original of Ma' Tope "Edwin Wood."
asHt rx. 1,10atr.ngthsna.4 sidaz:b1:Euir
'go** taster, thicker; stops totling
gt, ktt.dtitii uot acuttt lb. ands,
' onic*,10-*fi .114%m:tutu,.
Intsrssting Fasts Concerning That ,
stittition In the Limestone City.
From the leaft annual report the foil-
leWing information is gleaned, concern -
Int the Kingston Penitentiary: 711e
number of Inmate's is 448, the nuMber
received dUring therayear. being 134.
The annual cost of maintaining the in-
stitution is $146,447, but this can be re.,
duoed by a revenue of a42800, malting
the cost per Malta $203,
There Is a special department rneirt-
ttartecl in the prison fcir female cronviets
and it is Interesting to Mete that there
is enlyaseyea in custody at the present
time. On the paint the warden Very
naturally remariti, "The grattitat but
persistent annual deareese in this
class ot prison population points to a
time b the near future when the ques-
tion o further mainteinance at a full
Peniten lary establiStenent for female
convicts win demand eonstderation, For
this lIttle family of seven clelinquente
We, at Kingston Penitentiary are keep-.
In; up a prison establMinnent of thirty-.
two °elle, with atatron, assistant mate
ron, kitchen, work rooms, yeah rcoms,
eta at would be infinitely better aria
efileaPer te separate the women from
the penitentiary. There are over thirty
unoccupied, calls but they are useless, '
as they catmot at present be used tor
male convicts,"
Some years ago ,a suggestien was
Made to the 3frepartment at Ottawa
that an arrangement miglfrObe made
with the Ontario Government for the
care of these women at the Mercer Re-
formatory. That institutIon has rOfl1y
between 50 and 60 Inmates, 'although
there is aecommodaaion for three times
the number.
• The desirability of keeping youths
under twenty out of. the Penitentiary
-laaaraPilagiaad by Mfg inepaeteer wIto
very rightly remarks, "This hliititiffron
is adapted to those whose criminal
habits have been formed and whose
chfreacters are yet in the plastic or
formative condition." As those under
twenty years of. agenow constitute •
one-eighth of the prison population,
the removal of the half. dozen women
would provide separate accommodation
for young men under twenty who could
be placed under more distinctively re-
formatory Innuences.-J. S. Kelso, Tor-
GivessPrison Aid and Reform Society
Some of His Views.
• - •
At. Toronto •the other day; Earl wee,
ane Dr; Goedwin Smith speke at a meet-
ing of the Priam:leas' Aid Society-- Dr.
SfliRhoI1t1 attention to the want .ot
OlecrIthination • between' • prieoners, itt
some Vale. - He suggested that any dife
•:ference as to authority miaht be Bete
tied' ay arbitratlf.m. It •seerried:'to.hadi
ahat, when Men committederimes it Wale
:eight to punish but •there was no .right
to deprive,• that 'man': of his. means .oe
tb'ir was the bestffl,a.flp
' '
a. His Exeelleneyethe governor -Genet
expresped purer at at' the character
' the Meeting, ,,sinde behad:. intielpate
only ran 'infornial diechseima • The fade
that there weia 'constitutional limita-
tions on his office had itidifeed hart 'to
Mk Premier 'Whitney as to whether it
was proper for aim to interfere in any
Way, The Prerater itjed ettagagly
• - -,-•
presscd hms&t in favor. of the wax-
1 •
Kingston Man telie bow be
Tared and end llow he was, Released
"For years a
106 Rtiglans,Street,
5' Chas martyr."' la how
N. Powell of
Kingston, begins
his story. "A, mar-
tyr to cheonie con-
stipation, but now
I ant, free from it
andialathron h the
use of Dr. awn -
°HAS rr. POWELL herdt's Anti -Pin "
.suifering from this compl'arst will be
glad to lein'n from Mr. Powell's :ems'
that there is hope for the most Stub-
born ease, Ile coetineers ii "I was in-
cInced to try Anti -Pill by reading the
testimony of some one who had beau
cared of constipation by it. I had old-
ferea for eighteen yeene and bad taken
tons of stuff veconinieided as cures
lint while') made me worse rather then
better. Doctors told nee there was no.
reolipleha"rdt's Aunia-Pill is for - s a W
by all Droggists or ha The SVilson-
Fyle Cossaaatnited, Niagara Felts, Ont.
IIIr, letiwe/11 W ill aka" every word of
these statements .
*ALMON W1 -11Q1-1 LEAP..
New Brunswick's Fishery Commission.
aer Tell* of Soakage Them let Plea.
Mr. D. G. Smith, Fishery .Oommis-
stoner of New Branewick, tells an in-
teresting ;fairy eV how be obtained •the
Photograph of the, "leaping Batmen" ex-
hibited in the wheetow (trate Intercolone
lee RalleVaa Office, Toronto, Ont. Many
people who had never 'heord of, leaping
salmon deablealethe.genttinereese eeeelele
product of the phatoarapitic art. • •
After Ian:forking that .his. picture had
obtained prize* In magazines, Mr:Smith 1
"As the -photograph Is exactly what.it
• ,;
purports to be, 'and. has been friyeraafa
Judged bythem who are •conipetent in
such matters, and as the Interoolonial
Railway has added to its excellent series
,of exhibition bromIdee, It is right that
the etperelon on its genuineness
should bo Met by•a stetement of the cer.
ounuitanoes Under whith 'awes' taken.
"One day • early Auguet five years
ago, when visiting the Rig 'Sevogle, a
tributare.of. the Northwest Mileunical,.
I. • observe, a: large number of 'seaman
attempting to leaa.over the •fane feet
perPerthietilar fall a short distance
above• the Square Forks. I tinted the
Leaps and .comited 33 In 45 minutes. Tao
scene suggested a unique .photograph,
soilie next Week found mer back to the
spot with my old camera and plates.
I made mat' of three cedar sleeper
logs by battening them together with
skortboards.nailed:to their Upper steles,
and by means .of . two . suitable' , Ilnea
teedirig 'tiara the up 'etream end, I had
alY itssiatants draw it, with myeeilfeseat-
;'..ed."•cin, it with. 'late '1 • "u l,t,•trlpod
Itt'front -of oraeasanear to '•the ,frtit-ase
.The sahrten were not lelaping so -Plan-
tifully as the week. be,e6rea but I intelee•
pedanine of my sixteen plates the test
afternoon, an,d tad remaining neven. the,
next. - It was., ell 'gimes- Work with .a •
Mechanical footle; arid 'although I had,
On aeyettiping thenaabut One :- perfect
picture' initeta the sixteen plates; I felt
that the. result wes worth going:11011W
forty Miles' ta.get." •
• ,.
era 'efforts. Hie Excellency Said he had
visited Jails In different parte et Can- •
ada, and there were. conditions that
called for retorm. Prisoners &waiting
anal, aecording to British justice pre-
sumed anneegnt until :proven' guilty,
were mixed indiscriminately with oth-
ers. There were to fights in many. of
the cella the nien awaiting trial being
left to their own gloom.), reflections.
Stroh •cohditions called for immediate
relief.. He instanted a case .ivhere
young man waited in jail tor months
bofor0 receiving his trial on a, charge
of throwing a stone.at a street car, With
compantoni excepting 'other 'prlsn--
eis His Excellency stated he had.
brought the fact to the atientla of *the
authoritiAa, .and e Isrlifeal step; had
been made to set matters riga. In
lengland pulechers awaiting trial were
not pun)shed, but kept in sate custody.
They. were there allowed to Wear their •
.own clothes and pursued their own oc-
cupations if poseibla Prisons wee)
schoote for character, He had heard of.
Ihstairces were, prisoners had begged
on thvh. krieee to .have their sentences
extend lover two years go as to have
federal penitentiary treatnient instead
of facing the horrors of a provincial
Don't be fooled 'and made to 1eNve
thet rhemnatism elm be cured with
local appliandee: Rollistee's Rocky
Mountain tea is the only positive cure
for rheumatism. 35c, Tea or Tablets
. Ask your Druggist.
Tye Illard of Avon on Eaethquakine
The .selente of geology has Made
sornaprogress alnce ahakeareerriek-
and those learned in ite myeteries caa
give explanations of selemio phenemena
that may be more in consonance with
truth than the views expressed by the
bard, =,litut none of 'the modern expon.
etas of earthquakes has formulated
such a 'simple and eomprehensIve
planation of the' causes that are at the
bottom of the trouble' when "The frame
had huge foundation 'of the earth shake
like a coward," As that even by Rote
.1 emir. to his margin ralendover: °
0, then the earth shook to see the heave
ems on, flee,
And riot It: fear of yeur nativity.
Diseased nature oftentimes- breaks
. forth
in strange eruptions; oft the teeming
. earth
Is with a kind of cholla pinch'd and
By the Worts -offing o Utteuty Wind
Within her womb; whioh, ter enlarge-
ment striving
-Shake9 the- -old beldame earth,- and
Steeples a.nd moss -grown towers
At your birth our grandam earth, hay-,
lug. one diatetnperature
In passion itook.
"allso Ethel," be began, "or, Ethel, 1,
Mean, I've known you long 0110110 to
drop the 'Mist' haven't ,
She fixed her lovely eyes UpOri him
With a Meaning
"Yoo, 1 think you have," she wad.
'What prefix do you 'wish to *that!.
tniel"-,eleveland Leader.
Th* truth of ft;
3.S0111214 --I titiderstahd that your min,
liner has been devoting his Attention te
the higher crItleiton?
Chureh-Well, he has hon complain.
lag that his salary's too small, if that's '
Wilat you mean by the "hip criticism)*
• •
What's the good.of keeping from him
Any good things you may see,
That will lift hisloaii of labor
Like Rocky ;Mountain Tea. Ask
your Druggist. •
• •
If you're' waking In the .morning, tell me
' early, .rnetlieta .clear, •
For Peanuts Fink and SpIcleaarotiti and
lericktop will be here,. •
and, we know where ;the fishes swim said
where the eaade is core • •
And wheee's a (Miley divaire.place beside
" the•swimmine pool„
I've brung the Idndlings itt, mother, you
•'wanted me to chop;
aye 'tilled 'tire 'wbodbox till the weed, M
' - spiiiing ceer the top;
aver curried .all the horses aaarty father
bade tne doi •
a've. milked .the cows ahd stopped. the pia;
.. and fed the °Matrons too. oaa
I've weeded out the talon bed and banked
the relery,
And avearaneplanted cabbage plants and
propped the apple tree,
And 1 have salted all the sheep and fixed
, the chicken, coop
Ansi run all the errands, mother, till atria
my spirits drool).
SO, if yotare waking early, eall me early,
mother, clear,
For I knew where the grayllpgs play and
where the pools are clear,
Ansi aye dug all ate worms I want and
rut an alder pole, •
Ana corks will bob tomorrow morn In
that old fishing hole.
--J. Iv. reewa In Houston Pout.
ben -theababaatalkaialtaisetittiee.
give Rollister's Rocky Mountain Tea,
It's the greatest baby 'medicines
known to loving Mothers. It makes
them eat, sleep and grow. 35c Tea or
tablets. Ask your Druggist. •
Everything thin*,
Ella -The other day George celled
Piet ea Fred was leaving.
Stella -You etre for Fred, hut you
don't for George. Am I right'?
Ella - Yes, I feel its if everything
was going out and nothing coming in. -
Mauston Post. •
Ile Dilleat Count.
Mrs, Zones -And she told mo not to
mention it to a livihg being!
aft Jones -Hula And. yeti tell It to
Mrs, Jonee-Yes, She said nothing
about dead °Ilea -New York Press.
Tindelftr. •
"Don't you dislike smell of gaso-
line about ati antomobiler
"I used to, but now I'm so'thankful
I isn't arniett or some other Hutment
that I don't mind Washington
, Have You Onet
Little Willicastelyspa, .what IS ft niu.
pal friend? -
Pa -A. Mutual friend, my ton, is olio,
Whe makes It las imsinese to keep you
informetj of the mean things your oth.
er friende say about eons -judge.
'! The anteet ram.
Trance Men:in--Your husband says
he is now in heaven, seated among the
angels and playing divine melodies Oa
a golden harp.
Widow -M, how /olin has improteit
lyingl-Brooklyn •
Halter Skeiter Sale
of Boys', Youths' and Men7s Suits, coats and pants, odd
pants, Overalls, stacks, of them, Braces Collars•, Neck
ties Nen's Working Shirts, fine Shirts, in fact every-
thing a man or boy wears, even to Boots aril Shoes, for
the next 10 days I will be here personally to attend to
your wants. So come on MacDuff and see who will
quote prices the loweso for the next 10 days,
A. It
Alleasunt and Interesting Visit
to Glen Park Stock Farm.
fey5m.y.cmitgategooes..reee_liversion fecim
the steenuous duties incidealt-To:
tiuned office work and rigidly ;looking
et ter his large manufacturing interests
Mr. Doherty, like many others of sine:.
iliar calibre, gratified his old love for
good live stock atici invested in a few
beautiful Short -Horns. .
I -laving acquired a considerable OM',
tion of the Bawden survey farm pro-
perty, where his facteries, residenee,
barna .and So forth are situated, the
Tidiest tract of land that we kerbs,: of.
It has produced 50 bushels of wheat
per.aere; and last year 14.00 bushels of
maegolds Were graven on less than
three acres. . .
Mr Doherty also bought 'from:Arthur
Coil& part of theflats eczema the river,
an ideal spet for peals:as
The scenery being picturesque. .and
interesting, the winding river is flank-
ed by wooded heights with handsome
villas nestling here and there among
the trifea. At tithes the valley narrows
be,tween rugged, woocly. banks, and
then widens out again itao broad, fee -
tile meadows, where the cattle dose
•havity.their time In sleepy satisfaction
among the buttercups and Olover. A
sweet spot it is ainotig the "banks end
braes" it; tile sunnydays of June,when
th4 is switlnaltaft ,eleadvAtia: the
'ineittleakalatiss are:IftlitaSaitatatatt Oak?
• 5
Carpets and LinoieuMs.
We have a big stock of Carpets, and all new patterns, Goods that weeatii
. .
ganieentee to give satisfaction.
aBrussealea -;85 *I 00 1'23-- . 1-09
0 . Tapestry .40 .50 .00 •• a Unions .25 .35 .45
Carpet squares in many sizes, patteitie and prices.
seotch Linoloutns.-Seve6.1 widths -The most beautiful patterns -Quality "
the kind that weep for a life time. Our Price e 37 1:2, 40, 45 and 500 per :ca yds
j. 11.211ELLEW• SLYER.
"................. .
. ? APIS Gitti .
0 -7---:-Do you want the Best—at the lowest Price,—,, --
We can supply you with Berger's, one of...the
6. ' lintOtta
best English makers at ViCts. per lb:: ;• ::.
. :••.., •,.. ,
From, the first be made his little'side'
line' pay, for the second year•gave. hint
clear profit of about 8500, which was
inveited to good advantage in intimat-
ed Cruikshenk Short Horn 'cows, the
hest line of stock in the world.
Ile sold his culls and males annually,'
using only imported sires,leaving at.
the present time nothing but the most
choice and profitable produeers in the
'herd, which now numbers 25 head,
Ihe herd is headed bythe Wason
bred, Bessie, imported sire, Pride of
Scotland, 45213; one of the inost ohoiee
animals in this coontry, 4200 was
paid for him Whet; only 1.1 Months old.
The twintpone tomales too all elfee.1;,
lent repreeentatives of noted,old Scotch
families that have : proved their worth
as moneymi
akers n the .production of
milk, beef •and progeny. One of the
young cows, Duchess of Glot.ter, trace .
back to the Calling's Dispersion sale in
- the year 1810. . • . • I
'- Ladies' and Gentlemen's Waterproofs, Ladies \Vrappers
, and Waists. A large stock of Gingharns, Linens and Mus-
lins for Summer Dresses, Laces and Embroideries, Uriderwear
and Hosiery, in great variety, Our Wall Papers are the best.
' We sell the famous Sterling Paint, none better, some spay
be as goad. Lots of seed on hand. •
a May 15th, 1908. ADAMS, Nwporiuglt 14Pwleabelsit
The cows are all bred in the
most fashionable lines, combining size,
birth, quality, 'flesh and bone, and up-
to-date Cruikshank type, representing
Ouch noted Scotch families as the Stara -
ford's, Jilte,Winsome Beauties,Wimple ,
Blossoms, Matchlesses, Nonpareils,
Duchess of Gloaters, Orange Blosso:ns,
Minas, Clarets, etc.
Arnong the lot are some famous show
animata •
Winsome Beauty, one of the import- I
ed cows, won first at Elgin, Nairn and
Doncaster as a yearling in Scotland,
1901, and sold for 150 'guineas.
Orange Blossom 2nd, Imp , another
cow of show •fetrd order, and a choicely
bred one,. in her veins flow the Llood
of Remusasire of Choice Goods, sold
for 871(,KS) SoOttish'Archer and. Wm.of
Wimple Blossom' was shown IllatlY
thnes, and never whipped until last
Spring at :the Clinton Stock Show,
•when she was beaten by her sister,also
owned by Mr Doherty.
Glen Park Mita broad, low setthrif-
ty, thick fieshed,sinooth, red, two year
old, is considered good enough to suc-
cesefuhr compete for first class honors
atiEe Triton l -o lndiistrial sit diedWirere.
Among the yearlings vse vrish to es-
peciallv. mention the twins,Nonpareils,
they are proper candidates for Exehibi-
tion honors, beautiful roans. scions Of
Mr. Jacob's important animal, rind so
near alike they can hardly be told
apart. •
Last, but not by any means least,are
Orange Blossom 4th and Wimple's
Pearl, two of the most beautiful heifer
calves we have ever seen, they showing
the Cruikahank,oharacter so well.
Among the young Melee which are
especially offered for sale are two reds,
Matehless and a Jilt, both by import-
ed sires, .broad, level, smooth, well-,
grown sappy fellows, now 16 months
old, lit to head alniost any herd.
Buy your Buggywhere quality as well as
appearance is considered in manufacturing,
and have your repairing- done by exper-
ienced men;
.An • are found at
Rumball &
Huron Street, Clinton.
Clinton Sash Door, and
Blind Factory _-
The Town of Clinton is on the eve of
a "boom," If you contemplate building
let us give you our estimation, etc.
Mileadquarters for all kinds of builders' tuateirialso
S. S. COOPER, Clinton
The whole herd is offered for sate .sss
without any reservation,for cash oe obn A
Ituyertise in THE OLIN -TOY' NEW
thrie, and no reasonable bid, will e
turned down for either the imported
or'home bred stook, as the ; herd now
requires considerable attention and
since Mr. Doherty has added the man-
effitature of plahos. to- hie immense.
organ bueiness, his time is fully
oupied. s
A tabulated, illusteated, and descrip-
tive catalogue of this magnificent herd
on application. ' Advt.
Advertise In the. NEW Elt
• ii4,44vivolvaiiii",4,64A6
210 eents
We will send The NOW
Era for the balance of
the year TO NEW SUESCRIlle
Elt8, for 4ot cash. Now
is the time to subscribe,
404 tte. **4a. ! tOti
lt**) ***tit
bid you ever Stop to think ?
When buying a Dinner, Tea or Toilet Set or Fatioy China,
first-class_goods, up.toalate shapes or denotations be sure itod call
Teas, Sakars.and Canned (hoods
We lead in Quantity, Quality and Pries,
• cUtIPrieegn8:lgarit1!) bags
SEESt11kide,ltedal(OrteAlsike, Tiuothas Or.Fh,
(ms, Mangold and Ternip Seed. On tar-
Agrioultaral College days "Yellow Leviathen stande at the.°
head of the lietilt: yield peratore ift 25 different varieties.,"
via o
0,4811 rAinyou, BUTTER AND EIGGS