HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-29, Page 2INQ cQLD.
Swigefeettlosts That Key Keep
Pron. the Doctor.
I.4 Person In good health, with fair
play, easily resists eold, but when the
health Mtge a little and liberties are
token with the stomach or with the
nervousdystem a. chill In .eaally taken
and, according to the weak spot of the
individual, assumes the form of 4 C0111
or pneumonia, or it may be jeundice.
Of all causes of cold probably fatigue
Is one of the most ealcieut 4. jaded
man cowing aurae at night from a long
day' S Waft, a growing youth losing two
hours' Weep over evening parties two
or three trees a week or a young lady
heavily "doing the season," 3reung chil-
dren .overfed and with short allowance
of sleep, are common instaricese,of the
'Iodine of eold,
Is faVorable to chill taking.
Very hot rooms, feather beds, soft
chairs, twat+ i sensitiveness that leads
M catarrhs. It is not, after all, the cold
that Is so much to be feared as the
antecedent conditions that give the at-
tack a chairee of doing aarno. • Some
of the worst colds heppen to those who
do not leave theft* beim or e'en their
beds, and those wire are most invul-
nerable are often those who are most
exposed to changes of temperature and
awho by good Sleep, cold bathing and
regular habits preserve the trine of
• And lionseelenner's
lienseelennera are here
It's hard workhouSecleaning is, and
disagreeable. The quickest way that it
can be done takes long enough; goodness
knows, too long, and the easiest!, way is
too hard. We have for awn° Limo tried
labor tighteners. The best they can do is
only A /min, of course, but It's harder
without them. Can we assist you, with
any of the fonowine?
Richard's Pure Soap
Sweet Home
• Wool
Gold Due
Soap Chips
Houselsold Ammonia, 5c a pack,
Wo sell every WO of a broom anti brush
that Is made.
W. .T. O'NEIL,
their nervous system and claculation. •
Probably matey ebilis are contracted
at nigbt or at the fag end of the day,
when tired' people get the equilibrium
of their circulation disterbed by either
overheated sitting rooms or undetheat-
egeeedrooms and bees. This Is espe-
cially the case with elderly people. In
such cases the inischief is not always
done instantaneously or in a single
night It aften takes place insidiously,
exterallna over days or even weeks.-
Loncion' Lancet*
YOU ARE AILING. firrr-x%.1
• NOb (Illittkeick, but robbed of a • mbl ti on
• '
, '
to work -find it hard to think clearly
Not ill enough to think of dying, bu
bad enough for_life_to_be pretty dull
There is a remedy -- Ferrozone - tha
'quickly lifts that half dead feeling
Caracioua but Ferrozone makes yo
feel good ; it sharpens the dulieet Lippe
tite, makes it keen as a ra,zor.
B a errozone makes lots of it
the rich; nourishing kind -4„,,,,,taze
The New Era ,
putnisnert every xralaY at
the NEW BHA Printing House,
I$4,4,C6THEET . . , CLINTON,
Tarille of subscription -$1 per year
in advance ; $1 50 may be charged if
Pot eo paid. No paper discontioued
until ala arrears are paid, unless, at the
oPtjan of the publisher. The date to
Which every subscription is paid is de-
noted on the label.
Advertising rate'- Transient adver-
tisements, 10 cents per nonparel. line
for first insertion and 3 cents per line
for each subsequent insertion. Small
cware of Nerarg1 PORTABLE VILLAGES. LATO1-1
Dreg and Not Knew It,
A favorite method of etdroinister-
ing this deleterious drug is in cath-
artic pills Beware of"quick-reeult"
.artieles, they may do e harm than
Dietetic vetbartics will weaken the
Strongest. With old people they are
a laxative menece to life.
Ater, te restore normal bowel ac-
tiou an gently stimulate the liver is •
much as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," mends.
etse inserted once for 85 emits! or one To keep the syetent pure and cle
monthfor$1.Communications intended nothing- is so efficacious as the ve
for publication must, as a guarantee of table pills of Dr. Hamilton, which
good faith be saw ed by composed of such herbs as mandrake
name of the writer. butternut and dandelion; they contain
—To _insure _publication _4n _currents/snot ;in -any-sulasainee. thii
issue copy of advertisements should be
sent in early.
Contract rates - The followingtable
shows our rates for specified periods
;wad space. .
1 yr. •thno. 3nio. Imo
ver laments not to exceed one inch an that the wise pliysician recoln-
ouror so to .
amities are real houses and not tents
u a village. Tbe traveling house of
the Tercoman its a marvel of skill and
ingenuity. IMO- Is really much lighter
I • irillasemseiap 'Kew, Their
41altsfillOre Of the Caspian sea. carry
Platt. to Vlore,
!MO TOreornitbe, who live on the iatet.
their villages about witb them when
they travel. A.0 a tribe Nets •out ou a
journey every Inalt !Make his wooden
house upon a camel, *bleb the animal
eon easily carry, and when a SpOt IS
reltehed Where he and hie frientie iu.
tend to rennin for any great length •)f
time the cemels are unloaded and a
g ed.which It takes About en
tt is to be remembered that the
ge. I and that the settlement is not a Camp
1 Column 575 00 540 00 525 00 58 50
a Column 40 00 25 00 15 00 6 00
a Columu 25 00 . 15 00 800 250
column IR 00 .1000 551) 2 00
a Inch 6.00 350 200 120
, Rosa. Horatas,
,. Editor .and Proprietor
could injure even au Want.
13y their certain action on the IA
Dr. Hamilton's Pills cause bile to
secreted which forms the stimulus th
rnoves the bowels; this is na,ture's
method and the best one,
Mr. R. Hernly,of French River, On
writes as follows : "I was inclined
bilious attacks and frequently was 1-
01 to work. Most remedies pnigod a
weakened my bowels, but a
ton's Pills gently, Stimulated, toy liver,
and by strengthening the stomach
made a perfeet euro. -_health /OP
been just splerialid'aseas, 4...usedDr.
- Hamiltores pills •
The finton evir Era agriN=tzgr.
five boxes foe $1.00. By mail fro
N. C. Poison & Co., Hartford, Coen
U. S. A., or Kington, ant.
FRIDAY. JUNE 29, 1006.
News Notes.
ver 1Ore -POrtable and -eatt-be,vacked-in
a maeh entailer 'compass than any of
be , the so Called portable bousee that erg,
at ' Manufactured and sold in some para
wn 01' our
r eoaunientr7is made Of strong, • liglit
wood laths about an inch broad by
to i three-quarters of an etch thiel, erase.
nd Jug each other when set up in position
at rigbt angles about a foot apart and
fastened at each crossing by the thongs
of' rawhide so as to be movable, and
the whole feaniework may ee seamed
' alia AO in tfre Seing manner as those
, toys for clakiren that consist of • '
orsound of w�00011sold1ere and will. ex -
n., 1 pand or close at will so as to form
7 J open or close columns,
One part or more made in this way
and all nclosing a circle nfteen or
twepte feet across form the skeleton
of the walls and are firmly sceured lu
place by bands of ropes made of hair
a or wool fastened round the end of each
a rod: From- the upper ends Of these
o rods similar rods bent near the wall
a and into something less than a right
angle are so dieposecl that the longer
• portions slope to the center And, being
tied with rope, form the roof.
Over Ulla is thrown a covering of
black' felt having in the center' a large
hole which answers both for a winclow
,and a chimney. "Large piecea aOf tife
same coarse black felt are arralmed
round the walls,and optslae these, to
keep all tight is bound -another frame
of spilt reeds or canes or of some very
light, tough wood bound elosely togeth-
er vvith strong cords. • -- se
The Nova Scotia Elections. ' .
--Ike Central Presbyterian Choral
Hanaltou, d
The result of the general election just was badly amaged. by fire
held in Nova Scotia is in many ways Owen Sound Celebrated the fiftiet
anniveasary cif its ineorporation as
X.nnarkable and in some unpeecedent- town. .
ed. The Murray Administration bas I Daeiel McKellar was struek by a
received a renewal of its lease of povver I:alai ztlizrilttecitoe:rigf deaaaan old . build-
-with an endorsation unusually emphia g . ' KlI1Pcl•
• 'Western Ontario .wits -.visited by a
tic. Only four Conservative mernters Severe storm that did some damage in
have been returned in Opposition to a , the neighborhood of Woodstock and
Liberal Ministry which has in one form London.
The handsome cathedral at Nicolet,
or another been in office continuously Que., the convent. and the Bishop's
for twenty-four years, and, with one palace were burned: The loss is about.
brief interruption, ever since confeder. ' $400,000.. - -
ation. The mos i remarkable fact iii . In a figbt between. 'William Slater
Lester Young . and . Others on the
connection with this result is that • it steamer Monarch, en route to the Sod,
was achieved without excitement and Lester received. injuries ' that proved
all appearance' without any resort :fatal a • . . , • - , . •
to corrupt practices. Nothing except 11O 8e all at •boine -S Buy a bottle
of a record of pledges well kept and work Painkiller to -day and you will be in-
sured against cholera mortals, . diarr-
well done will satisfactorily account heat and kindrad. troubles. The old'
for such a victory after so long a period reliable Perry Davis' Painkiller is Boa
of responsibility. by all dealers. 250.and 50c bottles. • •
. , • . $UMMEla SOHOOL.--A, splendid
. oppertueity is offeredby tae Central,
Corrected returns to -day emphatike I Busioess Colleo of Toronto, raider the
the sweeping character of the victory Principalship of Mia .. W. H. .Sloavv,
• Chairman ot The Toronto Board of
won by the Murray Government (Lib- Education to teachers and others to
era1) in Nova Scotia. Breton is con- terVine profit withhl tasuresaluririg.
ties% thi f
Cobservatjaes. The -latter had twol Chap ed'or Oracke s ean be anigha made
firMed, leaving the standing of the v:tistensfreellitnn is°sue.4Ys: 8.4
Par .
On! -Liberals flltd:fOnt t;'oat
members in the last House, and have
accordingly gained two, but that does
not represent any 'appreciable change
in the political complexion of the Pro-
vinee. The election on both -sides was
notably free frocorrupt practices of
any sort, and the use of naoney and •
nailer was strictly tabooed.
How's This ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Ra -
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo. 0.
We, the undersigned, have known
• F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
• business triinsactions and financially.
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Halls Family Pills for con-
Jose Catalda, an Italian, aged 27
years, was drowned at Port Colborne.
Rev. Dr. Patrick of Winnipeg, who
was a delegate to the Presbyterian
Assembly at London, has been ill for
some days. His physician says be is
doing nicely, and will be able to leave
for Ins home soon.
On Thursday, while in the net of re'
pairing his barn, Mr. Pateick Barrie, of
Centralia, fell from the roof to the
ground, a distance of 30 feet, and died
a few minutes later. Mr. Barrie was
expecting some workmen to come and
make improvements on the roof of the
barn, and about noon went up to prp-
Virg a analfuld fortheur. In Herne way
be slipped and fell to the ground. No
person was near at the time, and be-
fore he was discovered, life was almost
extinct. Mr. Barrie was removed to
kis home, and a doctor was summoned
but nothing could be done to save
him, and he died within a few minutes.
Is It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? Can't do it?
• Haven't enough hair? It must
'be you do not know Ayer's
Hair Vigor! Here's an intro-
duction! May the acquaint -
*nix midi in a heavy growth
of rich,thick,glossyhairl And.
weknow you'll never he gray.
-lief:Ilk that Ayer', *Flair Vigor in the most
erooderfat bateertmer cilia Ica* (Mir tnAtie.
have Mind it tor nom tIni sect 1 tan troth.
titiots.a- NM Y. Mown, Wayland, such,
ale°, aligTleitY:oatrngati; Ylianr!
Green Salve. The effect on the lips o
skin of this most excellent ointment
always immediate- and certain. Dr
Shen:Ts GreenSalve takes out tam plete
ly the soreness of cuts, burns, bruise
and all skin abrasions. It Is surely
Wonderful and most highly satisfactor
healiiig ointment. In glass jars at 25,.,
Sold by W,S,fil
,; If a Man it unable to stand. pros -
r perity he sbould sit down arid give his
s wife a chance.
. , .
The suspicious matt keeps one eee op
- his neighbora but the wise usan keeps
a both eyes on himself. ' . P
TOO ranchpublicity epistle a good
• Signing your name to a friend's bate
Is a bad sign. .,- , •
Wben riches come in at the window
friends dock to the door.. .• • •
He who has. no falai' in hiniself is
destined to, beertme a succesefui fail-
' The brave andafeariess man ananiagea,
le get there early end alma avoids the
a 'A- ,alae alari daearlt SttleMat t9 :PIA;
himsele" out of . trouble- etti - ' • = "
y Mlesi a man is willing . to take
e chances be never. takes anything elee
that aikaOna lyina around loon.
The Army �f- a Dream.
Some time ago -Mr. Roger Pocock
wrote a. book called: A Frontiersman,"
which had a good many Ideas in It,
and was a; vivid story of the adven-
..turous 114 of a true Son of the empire,
a typical mei-liner of the- "Legion thaf
never was 'listed." From that hook
comes the title, froin..its author comes
the idea, of the Legion ;of Frontiersmen
in process -of aceetimaniment. Just as
"All Sorts and • Conditions of Men," by
Besant and Rice,, was the origin of the
People's Palace In the east .end, Just as
from Charles Reade's "Never Too Late
to Mend" 'dates It strong movement of
origin reform, . so from "A Frontiers -
mart" dates' the inception of the -Legion
of Froncicrsmen. The t'egion is the
army of a dream, and the growth .of that
dream is traceable through the pages
nf an antobl ,graphy which ,already
ranks as a classic in the annals of rdal
adventure. "A arontiereMan," and sev-
en other books by the some author, are
nuw to be published in, aid of the pa-
triotic fund f.,r the establishment' of
They 'grip, ca,use burning pains,and
make the constipated condition even
worse. .Physicians say the ideal laxa-
tive is Dr. Hamilten's Pills of Man-
drake and 'Butternut; they are exceed-
ingly mild, composed only of health -
giving vegetable extracts. Dr, Handl.
' YAP reetorearegularsznovemente
of the bowels, strengthen the stomach,
and purify the blood. For eonstipatiori.
sick headache, biliousness and disor-
dered digestion ; noniedicine ott earth
makes suth tetnatkable cures as Dr..
Harniltoe's Pills. Try a 25e box your,
Fighting the enrrent.
• Papua has swifesirenins well stoelt-
ed with fish. ' An explorer tells Of Pa-
puan fresh water amillet which some-
times weigh as raucb as fifteen pouials.
i "These fish are wonderfully provided
' by nature with an appliance which
!• helps Mete' to combat the extrema!-
nary currents. At one mortient you
will see them being wept down resist-
les8IY, but suddenly they shoot off into
the quieter water -and attach them-
selves to the rOCItS by ii strong sucker
near the Month. There they bang Piet
outelde the current, their tail's Moving
• geatlywi-th It, -an& when they-haVe i e -
I covered their strength they make- an -
I other dub through the swifter
1 Iltrit *
..kr.,..... 0 s ... .4 Al......4
1 1 OSirsorivripile sit flue lin Ulm tie,
There wile 06 rainistOr of Twee
Muir who on a (astral) Sabbath found
a Sall/WTI stranded in anillosv water
and wha being Ili:hide oun,icielatiOtISIy
to take it out on vtlf-li A ilny, built it
hedge of (acme; ereinel It and, return-
ing oti the morrow, claimed his prixo.
There Wila the ola farmer Who could
not go te the kirk becituse he had beg -
/toted te iihaVe on the Saturday night,
and he would not rtrefane the day by
the use st any edged toe!.
Theloke of the akar of Withycoathe,
Devon, .at the Easter vestry as to his
laggard churchwarden •being not a'
"pillar" but e ebuttressa of the ehureb
beeauee . he supported it outside re-
minds .one,.. says a cerrespoedeut of
another joke Of the senie kind deliver-
ed from • aLonaou pulpit by the Rev.
Mat afeNeil. John was ruiniater ot the
"Scotch churca.," Regent equare, at• the
time-andln his own baniely way was .
driving eis Ooints home *las telling ea
feet • ale saddenly 'paesed, :Mee ex-
horting his congregation to be averk-
era, and then, with a twinkle in his •
eye, saki, "You know, I always think'
of •church Members being divided lista'
two elasses-pillars and caterpillars".Lndon' Chronicle • =
When making -Fast the Ping naivetes
"Many a Slender flagpole has been
ruined," said a rigger, "by drawing the
. halyards down too snugly when mak-
ing them faSt after hauling down the
flag. If MS is done in dry Weather
and It cornea on wet, the shrinking of
the halyards time drawn taut to start •
with may be enough to bend the able,
and if it Should • be left in that way
Jong enough the pole -Would be permit-
tiently bent Flag halyards-henImo
flag le alying .slmuld' be Made fast with
• as 1 tt le sleek:" . •
With a lionne.
The great millionaire looked up irw
" L".:befsitid, "what is 1tr,
. "I desire, sir," the young met falter.,
ea, "ix* ro.rry your daughter, preVid-
ed"- .
The otber frowned. •
"Provided .vahata"
"Just provided," murmured the
youth, •
'Ike English language, actording as a
Germen statistician who has made a
study of the compartitive wealth of
languages, had the list with the enor-
• mous rocabulare of 200,000 word';
German eomes next, with 80,000
zvords; • then •Ttalian, with 75,000;
80,000; Turkish, 22,500, and
Spanish, 20,000.
,,fiontethinie Joist as EloodtP)
The pretty darling entered the book -
eters. 'I wet* to get `10ditapptd,' by
Mr. St:epsilon,* Ole Salt
“Ifir--1 think,' replied the elarit-s-441
think I'd like that job inroat.”-B00-
too Transcript.
,61dureigin sea Ittossissu Oast lie '111, br
AJAX Alitantgalitta
0 book doesiliso. liregeotAwnwee.'
Our Special Summer Term
should interest every teacher and •
every scholar who is earaieus to suc-
ceed, and who does not want to
waste 10 or 12 weeks in a holiday.
Write ns forparticulare, •
W. H. SJEIA,W, Principal.
s For Selo a 4 bent barn, 24a40 feet, IS ft
Baru tor Sale.
the whole body. You'll be wooder
fully quickened, immensely strength
ened, feel hearty and, vigorous afte
using Ferrpzone. Buoyant healtb,
surplus sagor and reserve energy al
conie from this grat restorative.
Fifty cents buys a box, of fifty tablets
at all dealers,
- I walls; timber and lumber sound; just the
size for horee or bay barns • Will be sold
r °heap. JOHN STIRLING, Clinton.
A Tine Flak story..
Ffere Is a. fish story told by a British
nobleman: An Irishman had caught a
big pike Nbting a rump in its kora-
aeh, he eut-ii open. "As t cut it open
there was a mighty rush and a flap -
pingo wings, and away. flew' a wad ,
duck -and when- 1 looked leside therWIs a nest with gpr egg', and shee
Stray Call
si Game into the premises of. theundersigned
Huron Road. Tuokersraith, a spring calf,
Owner can have Melt on proving property
and pealing cbarges. W. FISHER
4 Moro hull tor .Saie
The aubszeibar offers for sale] thorough
bred Bull, meat, op° year, roan in color,
aired' by ' Imported Short -Ham
Brill. ' ADAM, WEISZ, lot- 26, eon, 4,
' Shocking Precocity. • 1
"What is the result,” asked the teach.
ee of the primary class in erittraietic,
"when you put two and telt) together?"'
"A kith," lisped the curlyheaded lit-
tle girl: in the front row,-Chieago
Teatime '
3' Short-hort for. Sale
Three good young Bulls, from 10, to 15
morales old; one roan and two reds, good
quality. Come and see them, or Write ED.
J.• WISE, Clinton, Balsam' Groye Stack
Farm '
Taere ere teeny diversities of vice,
but it is One 'lever failing effect of it to
live displeased and diecoritented.-Stin-
eas. -
If your Stomach is weak .
• If your foottdistressee you,
If you are weak and nervous
Use Da Shoop's Restorative , one
month and -see whet it does ,for you.
Sold by W.S.R. Holmes, .• •
vine into siesztaree xer Lost.
• A. lawyer was talking about Elihu
Root's legal talent.. .
"He shone in a 'courtroom," said the
lawyer, alerom the beginning of him
career he • shone', He had a gift of
humor too. One day he Was cross ex-
amining a youngwoman,
"Wow old are you?' he .810.
"The yOung woman heidtated. •
"Don't liesitate,a said Root.
!The longer yoe hesitate the older you'll
grow.' "-New York Tribune.
*the undersighed herebe gives notioe that
he will not be responsible for debts con-
tracted in hie name Without his written order,
• Goaerich tp Jane 14, 1906.
A' artEsont $C1i0111,..-Bigh.grade training
facillties are unsurpasSed, COMMENCE N0W,•
for Business life. College open entire year. Our
lie.ncisoree catalogue free
Corner at Yongewan.djilEexilintdieVeTts' Prin
Wee Jingle Lanai
• In the land of .1111pacs,
Where everything- must rhyme,
The dogs and cat" aml children, tea,
• ' Must Mays o. rnerfy Woe.
The bears will never eat yott-tip,
But hug you just for fun:
• There's never any work to do.
But, all the work in done,
, The swallows and the bin:lining birds
;lust have a hwely time
In the land of Jingles,'
1Viiera ave3-ythli4 'Must rhytatt.
• LX -et --A Candy Bowel Laxative.
If you have.constipation. •
if you have a coated tongue, .
If you are dizzy, bilious, sallow,'
If you have headaehes,sour storriaoh,
risk '5c' on Lax-ets. See for yourself.
W.S.R. Holmes. -
!NI PRovr) machinery
1 will
duce good flour.
You may be an excellent
cook, but you cannot pro-
duce light, wholesome
baking unless the flour you
use be the kind that permits
such results.
So in the milling; rna.chin-
try alone cannot produce,
Royal Household Flour
out of the wrong kind ,of wheat any more than you
aall make the right kind of bread or pastry out of
the wrong kind of flour.
Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour is made from
hard spring wheat—a wheat that is rich in nutriment,
that grinds fine and white, and produces bread and
pastry that are wholesome and nourishing as, well as
Light and 'crisp -.it's flour that inins to bie good in
'the wheat fields not in ohe mills
Your groat prefers to
sell you Ogilvie's Royal
Household Flour because
he knows the value of a
pleased customer.
Ogilvie Fleur Mills Ca.,
"Ogilvie'd Book for a Cook," con.
tains 130 pages of excellent reel
104 some neVer published before.
greet,. Ceatell you hoe to pith PREE.
Cottage tor sale..
For S
June 29th, 100$
11 se for WO HIENRY EArri
Ten rooms. With woodshed and ;noble
hard and soft water, sore of lead. con,
Iraily lOollted for peraculare Apply to
Rouse and Lot for Sale
FOt Mae 41 elnikn. hOase 04 Rattenbnry
street west, together with lot no. 696, being
a qualer sore. Apply to E. BUTT, or
NEW L'ItA office Clinton,
(Siteeeirar Ittlk tirts -Olcerte
BARRISTER, 8014101101t,
by znocitelliott 1310•14 ferseerly oetespiet
SCOW VO Lome .
11110OUT 414
The cottage on Orarge St• adjobsing the
property of subscriber is offered foe Bale Ma
reaeonable talia:-IV. ki.E.AlaLal.
Real getete sea Insuraece Agent
•lifolteft, to login .
Ala0 a couple of good brick stores,
House for Sale
The large cottage on Queen street, be-.
barging to the estate of the late Fe Holmes
is offered for sale. The act ie one-half
aore, with aoaring fruit trees, bard and
soft water, A bargain,- Apply at NEW
ERA office. .
Cood House for Sale.
Subscriber offers for Bale his large. awl
comfortable frame house on Albert Street.
The house has every convenience for ordas-
ary tamily. Good cellar; hard and soft.
water on the lot; three-querters.of-an.acre
land;ot beaning fruit treea, also good
stable. Will be sold on reasonable terms.
Clinton; Mob 80th A,. WILEEN,
For Sale or to Rent
offered foraale or for rent. Possession to
be giyen at the °lobe of the enrrent year.
For partionlers apply to W. BRYDONE,
Farm tor Sale.
Subscriber dffers for sale his feria 01 103
acres, being lot 31, 3rd oon. H. R. S. Tuck-
eranith. All cleaned and under cultivat-
ion except 3 acres ; all but 18 sores in grass
Frame house, bank barn, hay barn, and
other outbuildings. Bearing orchard.
Good water. Schoolhouse on the premise%
6 miles to Seaforth ; less than 5 to
Clinton, good roads.
Farm tor Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale his farm of
100ecria, being lot 24, Con. and, Stanley,
Ail cleared but 10 &zee, Brick house
bank barn 40x80. cement' silo, 14x80; one
acre of orchard and email fruits, 2 never -
ling wells. Driving house, pig pen, he
house. Vivo mike from Clinton and three
from laucefield, on good gravel roads.
Clinton P. Q.
mow- Tottniteateessr6:
Subscriber ^Oars for aale hi aplendad
farm of 96 sores on the Base Line, bang
north part of lot 2, AlsitlandBlook, Hullett
Good Wok. house, barn and all necessary
outbaildings; 35 mores bash; farm well waa
cered and in•goed condition. 2 mike from
Anburn, n one mile from tbe preposed
C.P.R. station, JOHN SPRUNG, An,
barn , , ,
For Sale or Rent
A form of 111 acres of the- best clay
Joan, belonging to Mrs.' laa Erasers Goder.
icb, Situated Onthe first con. Goderich
Township, 7 maws froGoderioh, 9 from
Clinton, and .5 from Hayfield. Fairly
good buildings, and 2 orchards. Reason-
able terms. For further particulars apply
to LAMES COLWELL, Hinoks street,
Goderieb, or Edward ACheson,-Goderich.
. Farm tor Sale.
Subsoriber offers for sale his farm of 100
acres, being lot 21, con. 0, Hallett. Ail
cleared except about one acre, all seeded
down but about 20 acres. Frame house,
bank barn 86x80. Bearing orchardof on
sore. Good well. A.bons 5 miles from
Clinton, Apply on theprernises or address
Clinton POI'S Office.
• - lora, Glow 14 Bitola.'
DIG vv. Gunn, E. C. P., E. It, C. 8., Idle.
De, J. Nisbet Eunit, E. S. toglikedi
I.. E. P., Emden.
Office -Ontario Street,Canton. Night calls at
frontqloor of office or residence. gestate/ire •
. DK. ti. Ws SHAW.
soca:Amur eto., ofttoe and residence On
trio St., op.poalte Inglis/a church, fornierki
ounied by Pr, Appleton, Olinton Out. •
DR. D. ThoiviPSON
I • speciali)ehttlnietliaonn'grezr Zuclisetats ef tihe
Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
IMoe and Itee1delt00-
Albert Street.2 Weeks North orItateenhue7
0. W. Nanning Smith, X. D., C.3I
oFr,t0E-Bfain Street, Bayfield, formerly,
occupied by Dr. Palliator;
. . (Successor to Dr. Holmes,)
Specialist Int Crown. and Dridge Work.
Graduate of the RoyaleCollege Of Dental Bar -
goons of Ontario.
Honor graduate of Uniyersity of Toronto Den-
tal Department.
•Graduate.of.Chicago College of Dental Singers
Will visit llaYileld every Molidav.
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Special care taken to make dente Ire
• meat es painless aa possible. W •vi I,
Atibureevary blot:tatty. •
No witnesses required
Wands funds te loan at aramand uss.
.4-ticensed Auctibneer.
Farn sales a Specialty: • •
Otders left- at the NEW ERA. large
promptly attended to, a
' Live stock and general Auctioneer,
FarMat..00k sales a specialty. Orders left at
New ERA °Aloe, Olinten,pimptly. attended
to. Terma reasonable. FaMers' gale notes
discounted, • ,
Rumball, Cliatoet.
. BANEElt,
private.funds to loan on mortgagee VAS
best current rate* •
General Banking humane renseetedaa
• Interest allowed on aeposite.
Sale noise bought
10. D. McTaggart ,M.D. MoTaggart .
Farm tor Sale.
Subscriber offers for eale hip farm of
100 mores, being lot 24, 5th con, of Ballet,
90 aores•oheired, 10 acres nice hardwood
bush. Frame house, kitchen and wood-
shed, good bank barn. •Well watered, well
fenced, well underdrisined and in first -cleat
state of cultivation, 1-2 itore bearing orch-
ard. Only 3 miles* from Clinton. I Of e.
tulle from school. JOAN ClARBERT en
the preadees or Clinton, P.O,
Farm for Sale
200 seas farm in East Wewsnosh lota•
31-81,a0on, 2. First -eked soiefor great or
grass, well dqined, well fenced, opting
creek runs all year, 15 acres good bush, 2
acres orchard, bank barn 60 x 65, with sta-
bles all cement, good aizad hay bare. huge
implement house with pig stables under,
good sized frame house, &Rotten and wood
shed attached, 2 good walla 2 miles to An -
burn, 11 10 Blyth, a mile to taboo]. Tome
reaaenable as owner Wants to retire,
THIBL, Auburn • p41.tf
McTaggart Bros
GeneXal Banking Beanies*
Drafts lamed. Interest idiewed on
The • MeKillop Mutual
fire Insurance Co. '
raern and Isolated Town Prop.
erty Claw insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Xippen; lisos
Eraser'Vice-pres., Bnicefielda Thos. E
• Hays, Secy. Treas., Seafortha
• jet. Connelly, Porter's Hid; John
Watt, Harlock; O. Dale Clinton* M.
Chesney,' Seafoitha J. Dale,
worm; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, a • Bela -
Farm for Sale. newels, Brodhagen.
Two hundred and-t—hirty-five acres, hisovvn locality.
Each Director is inspector of losses:he
ated on Day -field Goderiet Tr.., three -
querterreofeamile from Clinton. Soil in
excellent condition having beeall rind Rat, H
loNcl:;* Ed. Hinchley
grass for five years; snlendfd grain or grass Seaforth; lames ..Cumminge EgniOnd-
land, well drained. Vita acres hardwood ville; J. W. Vet),
bosh and excellent orohard. One barn,
62x74, with stone stabling for 12 heroes
and 85 cattle; one barn, 36154, with silo
end atabling for 17 cattle. Large imple-
ment hOUae arid pig pen; power and pump -
lug windmills; large frame house. two
goo wells and awning water st rear of
UM Apply to MRS, ALEX, .61
lifsEWEN, Clinton P 0,, et Lot aa, Cob
2, Stanley.
Dulls tor Salo.
Two thoreared Short Horn bulls for
ottle, aged 2 ilt,S yearq, both red with a little
white; splendid indtvidual hulls of good
Pedigree; One by Itiggins' Iniported Fan-
oyaraPtide; the other by Snellre Star of
Morning. Will be gold reasonable,
tf JAMES 8.1101311ROOK
ereial stseograehy • gelegralluf.
Wraac anO. sPOTTISN. Prinapai
143 ti 610 &IMO
aurae ll
Plato Tuner
No, 23, James St,, south of
the It. C.Church.
Drop postal card when you Willi pima.