HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-29, Page 1et -re 1 It ptoi!4. 44, . Job -Printing gatablished ti.013/41irT True 1.14$8, Rublisher. EthiriornY True economy enables one to enjoy wan,' luxuries of life --. which the spendthrift eau never hope to have. —it is true to:mossy to open a savings account in The Sovereign Bank of tZatiada. *awns seem ttes ;ad swards mesa. beerestneta 4 times a year, Put your money in a piece where yor, Ma get it when you want it, alp liontrtion Bank of Tanaba. 11, T. RANCE, Manager. CLINTON; ONT. new AdvertIonstatS True Economy, Sov.Bank ..;;Page 1 Single Fare,F R Hodgens 1. English Paris Green,IV:S R.Holtnes1 Bargain Days,Cooper & Co4 First Bargain Day,Newcombe .... , 4 Binder twine,Harlamcl Bros .. . .... ,5 Lest you forget, Popplestone 5 30 days reduction, Jas.Twitchell5 Roomers wanted,New Era 5 Farms for sale, J. Ransford Farms for sale,Levi Stong Venders,F Gelinas Nobby Straw Hats, Hodgen Bros.: -8- Dress Goods,Hodgetv Bros .. A Snap,F O'Neil • 8 Cherries Wanted, Oantelon Bros. t ,8 Stock reducing sale,Taylor & Son., • 8 Thomas Lee Sing, a Hamilton China. man, who prosecuted Chang Sing a few days ago, has asked for police pro. teetion. He claims that the Highbin- ders' Society has put a price of $400 on his head. Ed. Foley's barn on the Lake Shoe Ashfield, had a narrow- escape Sunday. During the storm lightning struck the windmill, and following the shafting down set are to some hay at the bot- tom. There happened to be • only a little hay and the fire was easily pat out It is amusing to hear dissatisfied.and envious Opposition papers hYPoeriti. • cally comparing the Liberal states- men of to -day with. "honest Alex Mackenzie and the old Liberals of his time. And in the time of these honor- ed old Liberals these same Cainserva- thee organs and politicians sought to represent them as incompetent, peg- ectinl, arid very monsters. of , political. Th " c r ept . ere e ' ttrige Lineeal-policy ne devaeion teLOnnade ; the Omservative critics nave not A changed their tactics. The only dif- ference is that these old Liberals are dead ; they no longer stand .between 1- them and power, hence the Opposi- tion can afford to praise them. In life. they lost no opportunity to defame them. . Walkerburn NoTEs,•-• Our school picnic which was held in Mr. Ball's bush Saturday last, was a grand success ; the day, though somewhat dull in the morning, was all that could be desired and judg- ing from the happy faces of those present, all had a very enjoyable tune; -hopeateweealte,beethe lest. Miss Alice Hunkings, of Clinton, spent a few days under the parental roof, Miss Maggie Roberton, of Goderich, is visiting at her home here. Mr. Will Fingland Sunda,yed at his home here. Miss Maggie Juice= spent Sunday under the parental roof. Seyetal from this vicinity took in the trip to Detroit and report a good time. Miss Annie .Taclison who spent several days visit- ing in Limdesboro; has returned home. Constance , NOTES -Mr. IV. stanley, of Holmes-. villa, has been engaged in. putting up considerable wire fencing in this vicinity -the Lamb Wire Fence ; he has just completed 80 rods for Mr, W. Rinn, 120 for Mr. James Parish. Mr Jas Parish, will offer his farm for sale by auction on Wednesday next. should he sell, he will likely move west. Rev Mr. Currie is expected to take charge of the church service on Sunday after- noon next. The regular meeting of the Temperance Society will be held on Wednesday next, Mr. 'McAllister has handed in his resignation as teach- er, and the trustees have engaged Miss Durand, of Drysdale. Wm. Knox has purchased a fine sorrel horse. Chas. Rogerson has had his barn reshingled. E. L. Farnham, breeder of Hereford ttleereeentl _purchased two Huang: istered bulls rona. G. Middleton of Goderich township. Rev. Mr. Birks home here. preached his farewell sermon on Sun-, NOTES. -The 1. O. 0, F. held a band day ; the Constance people are sorry to social on Friday evening on. Mrs. Tar - lose him. Football is the sport for the ner's lewn ; the Zurich band was in at - boys these nights. tendance, and a. good time was epente ' Willie Wilson and Drew Swan took in linton MI1911110!!!!! NEw SusscRumas can secure till the 31st Dec., :1906, •for The New Era from now cruleftkyy, eiferttswacnatsah.b4rMgaog CLINTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE. 29, 1906 Brucefield °corm Chapman, of Atwood, will be at Wil son's Rotel. Brueotield.with a load at goat ogees 00 SatnrdAY. oill.110 30, about 12 o'clock • Temennenote-A public meeting under the auspices of the Sons of Tem- perance. was held in the Presbyterian Church on Monday evening, Rev. Mr. Sewers occupiee the chair, and excel- lent addressses-were-given-by--Reyea Marten, of Exeter, /drown, of Varna, and Miss Murray, of Heim% Miss Pearl Wise rendered A couple of polos, and the Temperance Ohoir rendered several choruses, the solo part being taken by Miss McDonald; a large crowd were present. ANNIVERSARY SERVf0E8 -Anniver- sary services inconnection with Brueefield Methodist Church, will be held on Sunday., July 8th. Sermons will be preached at 2.30 p. in , by Rev. W. . E.. Kerr, ' of • Clinton, rind at 7 o'clock, by Rev. W. E. Sewers. of Brumfield .Presbyterian Church. The choir of the church will be assisted by Misses Reid and Stephenson.of, Varna. A freewill offeriogiwill be taken up at the close of each ' service, to, aid in meeting current expenses. ORIIRCH -Rev; John Landesborongh, of North Dakota, preached in the Pres- byterian church on Sabbath morning ; he spoke on Personal Work, and gaye an earnest, heart-searching sermon. Ilesaid if Christians were but more willing to woxk for the Master, soon the whole neighborhood would be•won for Christ. He closed his discourse with the hymn; "Must I go and empty handed." Mr. Landesborough is a Tuckersmith boy he is a graduate of Mr. Moody's institute in Chicago It is fifteen years since -he has been atehts- • Itteltersmith the Detroit excursion last week. Mr, • Thos Brown assisted by Mies Jean Mc- *NoTes.--IVIrs. Newton P. Czech and Beath sang a beautiful solo in the Miss Pethalda Nott, • of town, spent a Presbyterian Church on Sabbath even - few days last week with friends here. nig last. Mr. Harry Magee; of Godee- The Sunday school picnic on Friday ich, visited here the past week,. Rev. afternoon was largely attended by old Mr. Laird, of Queen's College, King- field youeg, despite the unfavorable ston, delivered an excellent sermon on weather in the forenoon, and every- Sabbath evening last Thos Baird body present spent a very enjoyable gave the boys a hop on. Friday even time Rev. J. T. Lanclsborough took ing last Miss Kate Hart has return- ed. from Toronto Normal School, The Misses McCallum, sisters oz Mr. Enock McCallum arrived from the Old Land this week. ' • Goderich Township RAILWAY •RANO TRUNK SYSTEM • Single Fare. For DOMINION DAY, . Between All Statipns, Going June 29, 30, . july 1, 3,. Returning until. Jujy 3rd. F. R. HODGENS, Town Agent. The Invictus the Service on Sunday evening, in place of the regular League meeting, and delivered, a very interesting dis- coerse, which 'was much appreciated by all who heard it rie O'Brien took in the moonlight :excursion on the 'Greyhound last. Tuesday. Mr. Levi Storig is offering his farni for sale, and intends to go west ; he is a youngman ,Who will be greatly naissed. - • Itolmesville Tiiu CENTURY 1%LARIC.-011 Friday, July 6th, Mrs. Holmes expects to cele- brate the 100th anniversary of her birth. .A.s her health has very much improved of late, it is hoped she will be able to receive all her feeends and aottd ua,iany.tances who wish to call on her tt ItelWRINCI STIT-DE ' Badour, who is studying at St. Jerome College, Berlin, is home for his boll - days. He has Passed in his philosophy, and is practically through his college course. He has not yet decided what he will take up, but whatevercourse he decides to pursue he will make his mark, having beenquite sncoessful so far. WEDINNO. At the home of tbe bride's extrents, Locust Grove Farm, Bianchi -dm. Edith-, the eldest datigh ter OC Mr Mark Wilkins, was on Thursday last married to Dr, Andrew J. Cour- tice; of Maple: ()reek, Sask., the cere- mony !ming performed by Rev. Mr, Malague, of St. George. The bride was attired in e, princess dress of white , silk, and carried a bouquet of white • roses. She was assisted by. Miss Edna Wilkins, who was gowned m white or, gently over pink, and carried pink roses. The groom was supported by Mr. Lexie, of St. Catharines. The wedding march was played by Miss Mabel Thomas; of Bra,ncliton. The , eroom's resent to the bride was a piano, an a crescent Of pearls and a pearl tie pin to the bridesmaid and groomsman respectively. Those pres- ent froni adistaace were Mrs. Olour- tice and Miss Hiraiia of leolmesville, Misses Rogarth and Cowan ot Torore Irwin of Moose Jaw, guests from Sheffield, Westover, Brantford, Galt Mal Clinton. Gifts were numer- ous and costly. Dr. and Mrs. Courtice left on the2.55train for Toronto, and from them by boat to Montreal ; after .spending a few days there they will visit the Doctor's parents in Rolmes, ville, before leaving for their home in Maple Creek, Sask. .• (This week) NOTIN.--It witS remarked at the strawberry social at .T. Pickard's on Monday evening that Holmesville was well repeesented ; they report a fine time and lots of berries ; many of , Mr. and Dire. Pictured's friends were glaci to see them both able to sit_outside• and enjoy the evening's pleasure, after having been in feeble health so long during the past winter. Our G.T.R. agent has been making great improve- inents at the station, having dug a collar for storingcoal, end also built a brick chimi ney nstead of the stove FINE BARN. -;..On IVIonday oflast, pipe protruding through the roof. We week' about eighty of W. alunniene• are sorry to learn of the serious illness friends and neigbbc.rs met to put to; nr Mr. Thos. Potter ; he is.the Moie gether and raise his new Nina, under Missed on account of having been cnie cei 'p nem. -The' Polme11. !nate at . t,13..e.',.. the Inneagernent of . OlMer• Clerk ) It ,e,f thAvenst regieher ,atteedants at both 4trate ; •11; 'Seaforth, anebaturclay • - went together fine: Siiiet-Were'ealeri" tbeeehurch • servibe 2on'SiirideirjralitiVi an ' - -daalleether:-Ineen-b-el.te ...b, .o,..„...AeheSon. aXid ' 1:1...,i:LiDalltb,.. •ee.k.,..,prAYer..rueetiri ; ble Contracts for the construction of. 0Cal- eery winning 'by 0 few ' minutes ; many friends sympathize, and hope he crete arch culverts, were let to Meeks' there was an abundance of good.thirigs, may some fully recover.' G. Swallow Naegle. and Looby, of • 'Dublin, they and a large attendance of ladies. •OrdY and .T. F. Ross have been harvesting one accident occurred, IL Sweet slip- hay this week. Wm. Much, and ping into -the cellar: breaking two ribs daughter Ida, from Stratford, Were and injuring his wrist. ' . . calling on friends on 'Wednesday last 1 Bin .A..cOiDENT, -The other day as Mr. Murch is talking of taking a.pleas- Riehard Porterand his wife were driv- are trip to British Columbia in the ine along the 411, con., Goderich town - making the lowest tenders as follows. A 4 foot arch between lots 20x21, con. 3, H. R. S., for 385.00;' a seven foot arch between lots 21, cons. 2-3, L.. R. Se for $195.00 ; a seven foot arch be- tween lots 5-6, con. 11, IL R. S., for $180.00. The Council also intend to build' a four toot arch between lets 10-11, con. 2, L. R. S., by day labor, in order to determine whether it can be done cheaper in that way or not, Ow- ing to the death of Mr. Dougall, of Hensel], Who was one of the con- tractors on the big drain, it became necessary for the council to re - let the Nvork on said drain, which was done at a special meeting of Council held at the Clerk's office, on June oth, to Messes Paul Boa and Geo Parker for the sum of somoo. The next Meet- ing will be held in the Town Hall, Sea - forth, on Saturday July .28th, at 10 o'clock. A. G. Segireze, Clerk. e —F 0 R -- Men Women, and Boys. The Empress Shoe•. Jor„ In all styleslfrom $2 to. $4. A trial will convince that we keep the best in this and other makes. I f you are looki4for shoddy -don't come to R. CLUFF'S - June 'Weddings Wedding Rings -auburn. • Somei, ---The cOngregatiop of St. Mark's has made ielans for an ice.creain social on the church grounds on the 5th. • The • program is attractive, con- taining addresses by the resident min- isters and the Ditagannon rector; the music will be furnished by the'Black- st one orchestra. • „Pansertaanore-On Friday evening last the, Auburn League and several friends' met at the Munro home for a social evening, which was passed very pleasantly'. During the program Mr. Faille was presented, on behalf of the League, with &handsome watch, chain and locket. They sincerely regret his departure and recognize the fact that he IMS shown himself almost indefa- tigable on behalf of the eating people, and altogether a•faithful and efficient NOTE8,-MVS. A. E. Quills, son and daughter, :of the Soo, are visiting their relatives here; also Miss Sean Rad- cliffe. Miss Cora Anderson, of the. ding se voral-daysiman relatives. Mrs. John Knox is visiting -Brucefield friends. Mrs. Welsh of Goderich, and Miss F. Welsh of Chi- cago, are visiting at the Ertatt horhe. .1. FL Robinson leaves shortly on a trip to the Soo. (). O. F. No. 46 was well represented at the Foresters' service held in a Myth churAli last Sunday. Will Armstrong has entered a harness shoe in elarriston. -The delegate sent to the Dominion. Presbyterian W omen's Mis- sionary Convention, . held the first of near future.- al•iss • Annie Swann gave ship, they camato a.spoe where a cue a very fine report of the conveution itt vert had.been washedawtiy, and the the Sunday school hest Sunday after - horse refusing to pass throughit, was noon. Mrs. G.' Swellew' has eeturned .taken out of the vehicle. The owner from visiting friends in Fullerton'. thentried to drive or lead it acr8ss the Intended tor last week current, when the horse kicked Mr. ' Porter in the face, breaking his .upper Rev. Mark Rumbellt who ivas at- ja,w bone, seriously wounding his tending the fiftieth anniversary of the; cheeks, and cutting the lower part of wedding of his. parents, Mr. and 1Vies. the nose away from tbe hp. The Eben Rumba% iforeached an excellent hoarse got awe . and a neighbor drier; eermon in the Methedist church lest the month in Winnipeg-Mts. Hamil- ton, Goderich, president of the Huron Convention was present at Knox church last Sabbath morning, and gave in an enlightening runner a splendid report of that important oe castor). Rev J. G. Fallis preached his farewell sermon last Sunday evening to a crowded house • the family leave Goderich on Friday 'for Grand 001.1100, Assa. Rev, A. E. Jones will preach at 18•kt 10 80 next Sunday: Evangelist Van- - sickle, of Toronto, is expected to begin Bread services in the Base. tine Bap- tist chetah on Sunday, July 8, SIniseerperog f 00 esren year, in ad yen ze 1,60 Whnot So paid. eel= oFtAhrelcomRufolitzuosil. Te'tair Tern% °west held I • Additional Local News and Mrs. Geo. Farquhar, klulle°t-t„-0-rn. r POLICE DIAGISTRA,TE.---In r. S. J. Andrews has received official notifica- June 20th, the 12th annual re -union of tion of his appointment as Police relatives, friends and neighbors. Des- pite the varied phases of the weather IVIagistrate for the town of Clinton. ; This is a CUP of "the right man in the during the day, a large crowd gathered right place," and should relieve the and eujoyed themselves immensely in mayor of many unpleasant duties. various amusements, such as baseball, I oneing,-swinging,music, and reees . COLLEGIATE. -A meeeing of the In the latter sport the elderly ladies Board of Trustees was. held ou Fraley far exceeded their years, as far as ' evening, Ole resignation of Mr. E.M. agility and fleetness of foot were con- ' McLean, as Science Master, a position cerned. The social intercourse among 1 he has held for thirteen' t etre, was the elder \ members of the company I read and accepted, the 13oard passing was chiefly of a reminiscent character; ett resolution expressing its•regret at hie The serving and partaking. of a most sumptuoes dinner and tea occupied no mean part in the day's prograname. Towards evening the company dis- persed to their respective homes, well satisnedwith their day's pleasure,. and vekifying the alt adage, eHappy to meet, sorry to partand, happy to meet again." The following. plams were well represented: Gocleriche Clinton, Seaforth, Thamesville,. &Metre Wing - ham, Belgrave and Benruiller. WEDDING1-A Very pretty wedding wits solemnized on Wednestlay,. June 27th, at the residence of.MeiJohn Brig- ham, when his daughter,•Isabella Mar- garet, became•thewife of Wm.. Mason, the youngest son of John Mason, of Morris, and it very prosperous and pop- ular young, farmer. The ceremony was perfornted by Rev. Dr. McLean, of Blyth, in the. presence of about one I Theory, were held here on Tuesday, hundred guests. The briele, charming- Wednesday rendThursciarof last week, Hallett loss. All the other teachers were re- engaged, Mr. Oranstontreceiving an advance of $50. NEW HOUSES. -The large brick house being.erected on Rattenbary street for Dr. Shaw, will add to tie appearance of this already handsonie locality. Mr. Lu Dolierty'a new house on Victotia street wilLsoon be ready for occupancy. Mrs. Warren's new. house on Albert street isweliundee way.. Dr, Thoznpson's new house oil Huron street will add much to trie ap- pearance of that street.. MUSIC EXAMS .- The •Itical illations in connection with London Conservatory of Music were held hero on the 19th, under the direetion of Mr Phelps, of London. The Iced examin- ations of the Toronte Cone.erratory, in ly gowned, was given away by her father : ehe carried a bouquet of car- nations and maidenhair fern, and wore flowers in her hair; the•ceremon3r took place in front of a bank of ferns and carnatiOnsi the wedding mar alt being played by Miss Nellie Brigham, sister of the bride. After therceremony they repaired -to -the dining- room, and -a sumptuous supper was partaken of ; the tables were beautifully decorated with cat bations. The bride was the recipient of ti, great many beautiful gifts, a number being sent by absent friends from, a distance. Guests were present from Portage In Prairie, Pal- merston, Kineat dine,. Clinton, Bel - grave, Bluevele, Jamestown and Brus- sels.. There will be a reception at the giooni's comfortable home on Feiday night, We join with, their friends in wishing them long life and happiness. Rensalr . under direction re Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes; quite a number of candidates wrote. The eeaminaticn in piano will be hied on Wednesday next. • • "ta,•EDDING.-A quiet Wedding -took place on Wednesday morning at the honie of Mrs. Smith, Victoria street, _when her •Voungeet daughter, Sarah, • beeame the wife of •Mr. Lorne Murch, of Stcetford. • Rev. Mr. Kerr performed -the ceremony, bridesmaid and grooms- man being dispensed with. Mr, and Mrs. Murch left on the early morning train for their home in•Stratford„ trek.. ine with them the beet .wishes of a host of friends, both being popular. • young people here: Mr. Murch et one time beiog a well -known, resident- -of this vicinity. ' • . DEATH OF MRS.. COTTLE.-On ,Tuescley.the wife of Mr. Geo. Cottle assed into rest, at the age• of 60 years. • neumonia was the immediate eause DEATH OF HENRY 000K -The death of Henry Cook took place on •W educe- of death, though she had been in popr health for yeers. She was a, patiet day, June 20th, at hishome in Hensall. sufferer. anti had been a faithful mem- The deceased had been, ill with stom- ach trouble for a long time. and al- theugh the best medical skill was pro- cUred, it was of no avail. Mr. Cook, with hie sons, had suceessfelly inn the Heneall fiber mills for many years, and hiedeath is a distinct loss to the .busieetisluteteetfeetferttiate--Plaee--. • Cook was well and feeforObrY known eaerd'traeeiieieedeepese-ie-regrettede-by- ' Blythe • • NoirES-Voting on the by-law to loan the Stephenson Carriage Co., ',$10.000 took, place on Tuesday,. and the rate- payers of the village signified their, da• sire tai see t he village grow hy carrying it bY if, vote of 164 to T. TheOanadian Cider of Foresters, to the number' of about 1e5 attended divine service in• St Andrew's Oherch on Sunday after- noon. Rev. J.L. •Sniall,13A.,of Auburn preached a very appropriate to the beethren present. Mr.• Roy. Sims has taken the position of junior in the Bank of Hamilton. . ing by drove e. Porter at once to a „Sunday evening ; although the rain, doctor, where his wounds were dress- •prevepted many from coining, his old ed. At present the' injured man is do. .friends were delighted to hear him: ing well, and should- no unexpected • complications ensue, he is likely to re- • . vane& coVer • •• • NOTES.—Peter Conk ani wife, of New York, are spending their vaca- tion at jhomas Cole's, con. 9. Miss Webster, of Lecknow, is the guest of Miss Linda,y Oantelon. Soon the busy hum of the mowing machine will be heard ; hay in general is considered light ; the spring crops . never had . a better appearance than they have at present. Randle Cole, Seaforth, (son of Mr Peter Cole), has obtained a• good position in Orillia as machinist, be having served three years as ap- prentice at Seaforth Engine Works. Fred Eininerson is engaged for , the busy months of July and August with Mr. fleeter, of Stephen township. W. H. Elliott is enlieging his barn, making Immo for the fruits of the soil. Jini Marshall is busily engaged build- ing cement nnder Ohms. Middleteree. shed. leis experience is such as to gnarantee a pretty good job. C. G. Middleton disposed of two valuable Hereford calves to E. L. Farnham, of Constance. • Noeas. --On Sunday evening last Rev, Mr. Brown preached to the Cana- dian Order of Foresters, there being a large attendance and much interest . manifested in the sermon. The wife cif Mr. Thos Wiley, Parr Line is on the sick list.. Goshen Line Methodist Church id undergoing repairs, and is in the neeantinie closed; - it is expected that it will be re -opened on July 15. Mrs. Brown, who wasa delegate to the W. M. F. S. at Chatham, and took Are you looking for a suitable present? so, our large stock of SILVERWARE, IANC Y CHINA, FANCY CLOCKS and many 'Aver lines we carry, will ina.ke choosing easy For you. A. J. ORIOCi jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, . 'Porter's Bill' ' • o - visiting at irin Tichborne's. Mrs. Lanrence arid grandson,. of'Lucknove ere spending a feve clays at Mes. Lind- say's. Grace. McDougall spent a few days at Guelph recently. The straw- berry festival held at John. Pickard's. Was a ,decided success, proceeds • seventrfive dollars. Mrs. George Kemp and daughter, of Mitchel, visit- ed her brother, O. NV. Potter last week, • • ' • ,. Stanley NOTES -D1', Dictlwen,Dettoit, is this week visiting at the home of his moth. er, Mrs, A. MCF,wen.• Miss M. Falcon- er, of Goderich, was this week visiting on the line. Misses M. McEwen and. L. McGregor weric to Detroit on the excursion last week, Thos. Baird en- tertained a large unrober of friends and acquainta rites at a party on Friday evening of last week, 3no. IVIeRwen had two fine lambs killed by dogs last Friday evening ; on Sabbath evening the dogg attacked the flock of Gomm Baird and worried a owe badly. Geo. Baird presided at the Vntranee exam- ination at Varna this week, , • the opportunity to visit friends in that locality, has returned home. -Altrist Wawanosh •-• • DEATH OE JOSEPH' GAIINT.TherEl• PaISSQd aWay at his hmiee an, the 12th Concession of West Wawanosh on Thursday last, one of the best known farmers in the township, rnthe person of Mr Joseph Gaunt in the 50th year of his age. He had been troubled with asthma for some time but no thought of the sad result was anticipated till a few days before his death. He was the last member left of the well known firm of E. Gannt ete Sons, whose Leciester sheep and shorthorn cattle were prtee winners in all the leading agriculturalshows in the Province. Ile was highly respected and his funer- al was largely, attended, the services at the house and grave being conducted by the Rev, Mr. Saunders. He leaves a widow and five small children and in this dark hour. of sorrow they have the earnest sympathy of the com- munity. • . Dungannon WEnnillq.-The home of Mr. David Sproule was thM scene of a happy event' on Wednesday of last week, when his third daughter. Miss Georg Ina, Was married to Mr. W, 1.1. Mc - Cline, son cif Mr. j. McClure, of Goclerich. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Mr, Robinson, in the presence of about 30 guests. 13ricles- Maid and groomsmen were dispensed with, bat little Alice Shepherd, of the base line, Goderich township, and Miss Clam Sproule acted as flower girls, the wedding march being played by Miss BiCe. Both the contracting parties are well known and exceeding- ly popular residents of the village, and the congratulations of many friends go with than in the journey of life. • . Rima . • • NorSOLD.-The Methodist church building ' was put up .by auction on Tuesday, but was not sold, as the up- set price Was not reached ; t135wasall that was offered for it. The shed was sold to Geo, Dale for $23, the organ to Mis 14 Gibbins at $14, and the seats went to individual purchasers. The bhurcle has since been sold privately to Mr. Scott for $55. . Morris • Acennom-While assistin to re. move a barn on the farni pf A. Mc- Call on the 8th con of Morris last Fri- day, Mr. John Ileffron had the rnisfor. tune to be seriously injuredathey were preparing to lift the building off the posts when it fell onttop of Mrkieffron, breaking one of his legs and bruising his head- and shoulder. We are pleased to say he is progressing as well as can be expected. • ber of Wesley Methodist church for years. The funeral teak place on Fri- day to Clinton cemetery. Mrs. Cottle. was the mother •of a large family; cf whom only five survive --Mrs, Thomas Mason arid 'Mrs, 0. Smith, of town ; Mrs. . Ross of Montana, ; Charles ia, • Yeacetneereelendaetklh.ett -imiB•ti • LP.Ii* -The onleredirect re1ativeieelivii4areatt' PiCkfurd;i1iCl1il'11e4)ereaVed4ll1SI)Luid. and •family have' the 'sympathy Of all. . Londesboro . • NOTES.-PercyCarlile, G. T. R. agent here, is Iaid off with sore.e_yes, and his place is supplied by Mr. OBer, Mrs, NV. T. Brunsclon returned from her visit to her sister in 011ie on Wed- nesday ' evening. Misses , O.' Chidley and J. Wiseman made & visit to the Yileige over Sunday. H. H. Hill and Henry Holmes returned from their trip to Collingwood on Monday. Rev. Mr. Clement sent his furniture to Gode eribh on Tuesday, and the furniture of Rev. Mr. Currie •arrived here on Wed- nesday. ' T. J.. Bell, of Clinton, is at Mr. Lasham's, as he is on the sick list.. Six of the pupils of No. 8 school are at Blyth this week, writing on the En- trance examination. airs. D. W. Boyd is visiting in Lucknow this week. Miss 13. Kirke, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mts. NV, Lyon. Miss Floy Colo assisted in the proaaam at the lawn etreild ici Anburrroir-Wednesd by tendering two solos, NicKillop • Mon, FAss A Bvr.A.w.-The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, Toron• to, . have received a communication from Mr. la S. Hays, solicitor for the corporation of the township of McKil. lop, advising the Board that the Mune impel Council of that township desires to use an uninvested part of the muni- cipal loan flied for constructing public works hi the township, arid asking if the matter could be brought before the board under the provisions .of section 420 of the municipal act The board are of the opinion that the matter does not come -within that, section of the municipal act, but is.provided for by section 12 of the Ontario statutes, 1873, 36 Victoria, chapter 47, and that the township authorities would require to pass a by.law appropriating the money for some of the purposes mentioned in that section of the act of 1873, and up- on the by-law being finally passed by the Towhship Council, an application could be made to the Board to have lir same approved, SUMMER SCHOOL. -4 eneetipg of the Executive Ournmittee in connec- tion with the &miner School to be held at Goderich from the 13th to the 12th of Av., was held here on Tues.' day, those present being Rev Graham, Goderich ; Birks, Seaforth ; Brown, Varna e Reid,. Nile ; Stedman, Bay- field ; Kerr,' Clinton. and Miss Tele butt, Oh:atone and Beattie, Seaferth. A letter was read from Rev. Dr. Suth- erland, namieg a Brinell' Columbia Missionary for the District* to replace Rev. Mr. Stone, who will probably tour the district ebefore proceeding west.' It was stated that Rev. • Dr. Courtice, Toronto, would give sixBible lectures ; Ree. Dr. Norman, a return- ed Missionary from Japan will be pre- sent /or Fticlity, Saturday aridSunday, and others -will attend and take. part. . • Local Sporting Matters Pure Paris een for SPRAYING, at - . *R.• P. Reekle's DRUG STORE, CLINTON, 01'4IT N. IL—International Carnefac and Prats Poul- try foods. C13:11E141912, Metvereheeelhetteilenele selkeieltelliont2 PARIS GREEN There is a difference in Paris Green; and We have bought a gee ntiry of the best English Paris Green that is made. • • . • The price is the seine as the . cheaper. ones, that's all, , • • 25 cents per.lb.• • Wh ale. Oil •SOap,. IV el le - bore, and Insect Powder, W. S. .R. 'HOLMES,. ' • . Phm. a . • manufacturing oheraist;• Post @Bice i.orug Store. etielos,cob;‘," •,sebetiebesereen. CLINTON PINTO. STUDIO, ROBERTS, Having - baiaght .out the , business of Mr. Henry, I de- sire to ask for a conttnua.nce of .the patronage given this studio. All work, done .will be up-to-date, andeqyal, artistic finish and pose of the cities. • BOWLING • To-day-Fricla,y---four or five rinks go to Mitchell, and on Monthly the same number will play at Woodstock, The latest addition to lawn bowling clubs in this section is teeth, and on NVednesday last they got their first lesson on the local green. They are a very enthugiastio lot of bowlers, and are equipped with the best bowls to be had. They have spent $200 on a new green, and by next summer the village will hear nothingtalked about except bowling, Following is the score : canton • Blyth Courtice.... .... D.B.MoIfinnon WI. stevenson., . JI:P4Snebmilnlignairlehie. J.W. Irwin skip ... W. Jackson. skip 8 D MoCorvie W31, wasactiaoslekhrtisreasnint. lit r . 3As. WGBI aT8ilacovralnieey NJ BHautnIter s.kip 13... .. . . . • •CE Dowding skip 6 H Wilts° ...... . . W Miln EHoward.. • ... ..... „... . . .... ....W Mason W Bryd.ono,skiP 8 Wallis skip 10 ' 31 • 22 "Uncle" Emigh--will-mailee-a-great skip. 1).-B; 'McKinnon will make a 'fine lead. Sam Gidley didn't holler quite enough when be madea good shot, but he will improve in time, A. W. Sloan says the game is alright, and he will talk bowls for the balance of the summer. Bring the bunch down again, Jim, • The local club contains some good howlers, and for years Jake Taylor has beet looked upon as the beet lead, but during the past year other men have come to the front very fast, and it is taking Jake all his (tine to hold his reputation. On W ednesday night Dan . . McCorvie tackled him and won out in Goderich a splendid exhibition of bowling, by a DOMINION DAY. Arrangements score of 13 to 11. There were not have been completed for a splendid many visitors present, most of the old-time celebration at Goderich on people being in bed. Monday, July and. There will be call- thumpian and trades procession ohm - • .. • Exeter His Fa.nnwnta, SERMON. -Rev, R. J. M. Perkins, rector of the Trivitt Memorial Church, preached his fare- well sermon on Sunday evening last. The eburch wee crowded to the doors, Rev. Mr. Perkins has been vector of this church for over three years, ata by his influence has endeared himself not tally to his people, but to 'the ,,h citizens. Mr. Perkins eaves this n'eek for Ingersoll, where he as accepted a ean; • • Baylield Mr, and Mrs. Walter E. Lyman and daughter, with the 110V. Principal Scrinagete Mrs. and. miss Scriniget of Montreal; Were guests of Mrs. SortM7 ger% MOther, Mrs, Gairdner, during. the past two weeks. We mite a spepialty'of Out Door • neiving • CALL AND SEE US. J. ,ROBERTS Photo Artist, - Clinton. FOOTBALL ren's and adults' races and other 6nies, The Hurons of Seaforth had an easy tug-of-war open to al competitors, victory over the Rangers of Berlin at special prizee for fateMi, bringing in Seaforth on Friday, in the decisive the largest load of 'people; and also the game of the W. F. A. ehampionship, largest fatally. Liberal cash prizes in The score was 3 to 0, and were it not all events. Baseball contest, London for the splendid work of the Berlin vs. Goderich, and lacrosse, Alilingharn goalkeeper in the second half the score VS. Goderich. %r.. t,... free exhib. would have been doubled. News Notes. • Winnipeg assessors place the ..plepa- • latiou of the city at 101,057. • • • Mr. A. Muir, author of "The Maple Leaf," died suddenly at Toronto. Clark Fisher, an old min of 75. Was el er raRandkovii 11 the railway at Strathroy • The Wept Hastings License Inspec- tor has been dismissed to make room for a Conservative. ' • : Mr. Tarte says Sir Wilfrid has been dictated to by the Presbyterians in the Sabbath Observance The Government his introduced leg- islation to abolish the pension part of the Indemnity Bill. ' Arthur R • German, of Fort Hope was killed on the railway while re- turning home feom Cobourg camp. • • ' of the best in the history of the town. Lucknow defeeted Winthara on Pre LA.01•1:0SSE itioa of fireveorks in the evening on the League, the score being 8 to 6. Una A little 8011 of Mr, Jos Haevey, pire Geo. Stewart, of Kincardine, left Exeter, fell from & swing On Tuesday himself open tothe criticism by Ins de. eisions. The lastof the ninth innings and dislocated his. shoulder. pesulted in a tip, the visitors scoring Owing to ill health Mr, W. I Hawk- tenth. shaw, late of Exeter, who has been two mile rues In the conducting the hotel at Yellow Grass, The first intermediate championship Seeks, has been forced to give up bud. game between Clinton and Seaforth, ness.• In conseurience Mrs.„Hawkshaw will he played here this evening, Fri- end daughter, Miss Sean, will return day at O. An interesting game is expected. to ltitario to reside in future, Square. The da,y promises. to be one day in a fast game in t e Lakeside Mr. Devlin, of Ottawa, was given a contract to buy some two hundreA head of eastern two-year old cattle for the government, and delivered them at Calgary at a cost of $30 each. The - Oppenetion are trying to show that he swindled the fr,overninente and Ifr. Foster claimed that the cattle were only worth $15 per head. Mr. 14oster should go down to any cattle market and he would learn that you cannot begin to buy two-year olde at any thing like the priee he mentions, Mr. Devlin has made a challenge to Mr. Foster that if he will buy 1000 head at $20 each, he will take there off his hands: . •THE • Molsons Bank • incorporated 1855 • Capital Paid up $3,000,400 Reserve Fund, $3,600,000 Total Assets $30,000.000 1•1•411.1•1. — SAVE YOUR DOLLARS - by depositing in our Sayings Bank, It does not require &large amount to begin with. We pay 3 per cent interest on amounts Of $1 and upwards. Better begin now -deposit what- you can awe -add to it wheneyet possible. We Will Welcome iyour account, large or small. a A general Banking business transacted. ., um' AND EIRE,Se" *C. E. DOWDING, Moosest} Mulles I •