HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-22, Page 8June 22nd, 1900 The Remnants of Q tto . Dress O .ooddS On SatJUITC . iuurday; • lin �n STOOK. NOTES. -Mr. James Snell; BRIEFS, -Miss Eileen Hoover, of J 11.1 11 the well-known proprietor of Ha,ren•'1 town, was one or the players at a vie• • Barton stock farm., a1• few days since lin recital i`ia Seaforth on Monday... .... RIDAY, JUNE 22, 1906, sold to a dealer at Clifford, a Sphearling Miss.T.Rddd representeaWesley church Leicester ram and 2 Shea 'in Ewes at the meeting of the W. M. F. S. at Chatham last week,and Mrs.E,J.Cour-' tice, Ontario St ChurchHarvey' Beayens is boring a well for Mr. Wat• 4 son, of the Sauble Line, Stanley ,a r. W.R. Lough went to Seaforth on Saturday to see his old friend, Mr, J. McMichael, who has. been in poor 1; health , ... Harvey Davis added a fine dark iron grey team to his livery this week; they were bought from Uudmore ; & Archibald, Seaforth . • .... ; Cantelon i Bros. shipped over 8000 pounds of yes- I terdayv; a lot to handle...The friends'aof Mrs Lappine will be glad to know she has ao tar recovered that she may know: be able to return home either this week or next • Mr. W. Wheatley has a 'oh of r ing; he is working at is also affected b ,these changes. m a oy; it in 'tanley township,, ..Master Roy + y g It's a troasuro, a cern, and Tooke Like its dad, Graham narrowly escaped Which all will adroit is not very bad. y ped an accident • the other morning by the wheel of his FARb11�,11'S INSTITUTE, EKCUR• I DROWNED, Mr. T. Anderson; who buggy comingofi just as he started for SIGN. --While a fairly good crowd 1 is employed in Downs' Tailor shop, a olive ; he jumped in time to save himself, The trustees of Willis churchheld a meeting on Monday even- ing to consider the purchase of new furnaces for the church,and the instal- ling of electric light in the manse r at a big price. For two others he re - 1)11. oViteiS. Sur eon E e, klor pad Nash, fused a very tempting offer. Mr. will 1•e at W. i It 3oia,,es' larwc Store, Snell's seryices.as a live stock Judge Ulinton,Thursday, July 5t11,, Hours I0 are always in demand, and among the Ia:nt.. to 4p. m. Gtlasae@ Dropertq fitted labs at which be will officiate this and diseases of these organa properay, treated, year, is the Tema State Fair, to be held �- •----* .-'----."-►• in August, ‘,70M11 Sopit'$', , UNIQUE AND UNUSUAL -Mayor a $cover is receiving congratulations on C11•IANGI+I OF` TIME;--- slighti an addition to his family, which oc- change was made in the railway tune . curved on Saturday last ; the novelty table at Clinton Station, on Monday. ! in this instance lies in the fact that it ',Three trains only are effected ; the i is ten yearssince such an event hap- , early morning train east, now leaves 1 pened in the ltousehold,and the thrice - ' at 7,33; the afternoon train east, at i welcome newcomer is the Mayor's first It has come to the time for our spring clean up of Cotton Dress GQod,y. Three e months big selling makes lots of them : no matter how careful we try to be- There is no money in letting them stay here, , and. Saturday is 'the day for Ie i,g •:4hem go.- �'`_.. t•little that if Little prices will be - oil , 'there is an end you can use you will be well 're aid for ' the trouble of coming for 'it. Lengths run from 2 to .7 yards, and 'there are all kinds of cotton materials to select• from . REMNANTS ' OF LAWN. REMNANTS OF PRINTS REMNANTS • OF MUSLIN REMNANTS : O_F ._GINGHAM ° ; REMNANTS OF ORGANDY REMNANTS OF WAISTINGS REMNANTS OF COTTON' SUITINGS On our centre tables for Saturday. We will make the price sell them, and it will pay you to come. earnnant Day In the Carpets too. Just about a year since otir last 'clear up of -Carpet Remnants. Now it is cleaning out tune again. — There are about fifty ends`that;conie in the remnant class,=that ineans4-r2 y rds• •rsf••in-ider•in c oofl tit trn�a. fan .dr u -ager --4044 l r 4.0e--l-s cafr, T`. es.r • ),t_,H end in the store that is -under these lengths will~`'be marked up and put on sale .Satufday, ticketed at pretty near the half-price mark:" .Itis'nota.question of what they are worth; it is just a matter 'of selling them out at once, so if you have a small room you want to carpet, or can use. a short end for_ : any pur, pose, you can get it here at a bargain on Saturday.' Those who come early get the .best choice.. Selling lots of Hosiery. ` We are sellinglots of Hosieryvhese days, The Y big stock, large assortments and downright good valuesa bringing b ging plenty of business to the Hosi- ery counter. Here are five lines we find big sellers • Ladies' plain Cotton Hose, full.fa.�hioned, made' from nice, fine ;yarns. spliced heels, coine in ' A whites, tans and blacks, all sizes, at per pair. • . Z5e Ladies'. plain black cotton Hose, fine quality, • summer weight, sole of natural balbrigan or natural wool, are much cooler than the plain black, all sizes at per pair .... ..... Z 5C _ Ladies' Cotton Hose, lace: effects, blacks, tans -and whites, all sizes, per pair • Z�C- Fine ribbed Cotton Hose, seamless feet, ,full length, all sizes, suitable for small children or girl's wear; rich, lustrous black," or good shades- of tan, 25c special at per pair J The famous Black Oat" .Stocking --for boys or girls, triple knees and triple heels, seamless feet at qRC per pair 20c t0'. L U Hundreds of yards of Laces. We have been doing some housecleaning at the Lace counter, gatheringtogether ever piece that for some reason or anoterahs been here,too long; we will make short work of them now, and give you ' your choice of a table full commencing Saturday at . 10c. 20c to 25c would be the regular value. 300 or 400 yards Lace and Lace Insertion, blacks, whites, cream and ecrus, 2 to 5 in. wide. A clean, up of 25e, 30c and 35c lines, choice of all, comment,• 1 00ing Saturday, at per yard ... .. v.:... ....., r ; , New White Parasols More new white Parasols in this week,— Embroidered effects in linen. Quite new and quite the rage. 1.50, $Z.500 $3.00, $3.50 Short -Sleeved' 'Bioiisese New white Muslin Waists, with short -sleeves, opened up this week ; real natty styles. Well made and nicely finished. Two prices :—$1,90 and $*.25. Only a few left. • 3,14 ; both being 'arlier than formerly ;.bey. The 1and the noon tram.west at 101. The �.Pla,lvgpder the Mayor is beaming with o closing of the mails at .the root .Of fee Because the stork kindly' pleas brought e patronized the excnision to the Model -got a telegrani on Tuesday, conveying Farm, on'Friday, it was not as large ; the sad intelligence that his younger as on pre ,ions occasions. The first a brother had been drowned at Dungan - train, Goderich •section, carried about ;.non, How the accident happened. was 450 passengers. while the London not stated. He at once proceeded. Huron & Bruce section had not 200. ; home, where he had spent Monday We are glad tohear that Mrs Bartliff, About 80 tickets were solcl at Clinton, t night ; and leaving early Tuesday who has been on the sick list,. is now whereas as high as 275 have been sold morning, had wakened his brother to much better .... ...Mr. and Mrs,George on previous occasions. , say good -by. i Swartz have gone on a visit to their 1 to their daughter in Cleveland, and ;SENT 1'O, JAIL -A man named , GOING TO.. TORONTO ;-•At the are likely to be ,tivvayfor a couple of Caves, who has been an innate of the cordial invitation of a prominent lady' months.. , .. Mrs. Ralph ' White, of House of Refuge, came up for examin- in Toronto, Miss Clara Muuntcastle is I Philadelphia, who came here 'some ation before Mayor Hoover on. Friday, taking her extensive art collection . to `months ago' owing to the death of her } on •the ground.of being a dangerous that city, where it will be placed on • sister -in laiw, Miss, Lbuie White,expects. character, he being of unsound mind. 'xhibition in the drawing room of the to return home in the course of a week The evidence proved that .he was lady in question, iq rder that it may ,or so Five car loads of passengers dangerous to he at large, and he was be valued, . It is pralliat,bly one of the went up to enjoy the inoonhght excur- accordingly committed to jail, Mr. finest and largest • private collections sion on the : reyhound on Monday Wheatleq accompanying him and in Canada, and the pity is that it has night ; the band also went up to take 'turning hint over to tlieaothorities. HOTEL CHANGE. -Mr,. Thos Hill, formerly of Londesboro, but who has lately been living at Seaforth, has bought out the hotel at Belgrave own- ed by Mr. •Stretton, and took pos- session on Monday last, While dray- town that Mr, S. H, Smith, the well land left for there on Monday • The ing to the Seaforth station with his :known cattle buyer, .was laid up at annual meeting and Pio-nic of :