HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-22, Page 6wee -
RA,* WIsletr of the Singer,* Fellow
•.' Orlsouere A nothett Chance..
IVA ee elewspnper note Mrs. Florence
brick, the famous American woM-
illEtWV110 spent many years in au English
Con, Is reported to have resumed
, Malden name.of Chandler Day and
ffee-.;neeeLeieg. egoetly he New York in
„s ltened eirenne.lances. To thou -
.:04S Of your readers the fact that
Viaybriek was Me sister-in-law of
, siphon Artemis the eompeser of
PIEreeay City," and that Lets was the first
• Pile voice that in the hymn. will
•, e as a revelation. St enfant Adams'
3 name was Sliehael Maybrick,
F2111/421.1gest brother ot' her husband, and
1161lesershag was sung for the firit time on
pegoel his yacht: A uaost touching in -
18. connection with the liyinu oe-
.. ...
• sred hi San Franciseo several years
. fa was Monday, in pollee ceurt-
, SiOsy .day. .k lime line of "dr -silks,"
as conhl he
silfroorti 7anged Mare the bar. A former
1.4.0Seenber of a noted opera ermipeny.
bad fallen on evil .litys, WAR-Onl., of
e taken in the dragnet, though not
line. After the noise and bustle at-
ant ton getting the first bateh of
. 'toners into order a strong, clear,
• twerfill voice rolled up from the cells,
ilidifirF• .
.1test etight I lay a.sleeping
S;,$:'-•,-*.sl'here.etime a dream to fair."
• '.: '' '
4,Mile words, sung In such an unusual
see, produced a visible shock nitiong
*We .sodden wretches. Men dropped on
*ear 'knees and wept in silent prayer.
mingled music and sobbing 'inter-
esal the court's proceedings. • The
&eking no "order to stop the
it moved to a climax:
..., ,
,, Ieml Jerusalem! Sing for the
e: :night is o'er!
011ietreenna in the highest: Hosanna for
,._;:,,,.; • %evermore!"
V.Meelng the visible effects of contri-
Vere. on the faces of the men, the ;beige,
.7e*yeel1ed by his feelings, remarked to
officer .that there must he some
igxerfl left in them; they must have. an-
JOICIfer chance. Alta so it came to pass
ft/fiesit the singing of "The Holy City"
4.7cree thirty of the singer's fellow Kis.
'Wpm% another chance. -Cincinnati Com-
eilliligereial Tribune.
Paper nand k ereb leis.
eatrhe paper handkerchief, unlike the
.0siviar collar, is here to stay," said a
:,talleetielan. "It hes a good reason for
**whining, and that is What the paper
*Oar never. had. The paper le:maker-
‘oree. comes- to us from .Tepnu, where.
4/1hereesentusielie1tshas. besen in ruse. rti
and thick and strong, and it kinks
*Ise silk. It costs a cent-less.than the
of laundering a linen handker-
triing•ef. The linen handkerchief, physi-
*kitei agree, is the most dangerous ar-
'illetle ia the human wardrobe. It
eaeweernis with billions of gernas of con-
itegiesmption and grip and pneumonia, and
..21Wsitece, Instead of being laundered, it
',Iefensaid he destroyed. But it can't be
..#11serfroyed; It Is too expensive. The Pa -
',girt handkerchief is destroyed. It is
.stilffirown Into the fire. The rarity of
sAteasisrustption in Japan Is attributed,
*el& 'some show of justice, to the ex-
VJapanese."-.New York Press.ive use of paper handkerchiefs by
Thousands a women suffer unteld miser-
ies every day with aching becks that really
have no business te ache. A woman's back
wasn't made to ache, Undee ordinary
! cenditions it ought to be strong and ready
te help her bear the burdens of life.
It is hard to do hogeowork with aneak-
'lig back. Hours of mieery at leisure or
at work. If women only knew the cause,
Beelinehe comes from stele kidneys, and
what a lut of trouble eielt ltidueye cause iu
the world.
Bat thoy can't help it.. If more we' el; ill
put on them thee they cart stand it's not
o bo wandered that they get eat of order.
Backache ie sixeply their cry for help,
will help you. They're helping eiek, over-
worked kidneys -all over the world -
making them strong, healthy and vigorous.
Mrs. P. Ryan, Douglas, Ont., writes: 'Tor
ever five months I was troubled with lame
back and was unable te move without
help. I tried all kinds of plasters and
liniments but they were no use. At last I
heard tell of Doan's Kidney Pills and
after I had used three-parters of the box
my back was as strong and well as ever."
Price 59 emits per box or three boxes for
$1.25, all dealers or The Doan Kidney 13111
Co., Toronto, Ont.
What It OW *Pa WItflt Ste Preiene
Value Should He.
Seven yeare after the death of Shake-
speare his collected works were pub- „
Belted In 4 large folk, volume, now
known Ali "the first Pelle Shaltespeere."
Tils WAS I theyear'2 .ju'ioe
at which the volume ovate originally
sold was il, but perhaps we ought to
take Into consideration the fact that at
that time money had a value or pur-
chasing power at least eight times that
which it has at preseut. Ilelliwell-P1111-
lipa estimates It atfrom twelve to.
twenty fillies 1 ) iie.
this circumstance, however, full allow-
ance may be reticle by multiplying the
ultiraate result by the proper number.
This folio Is regarded as the inost
valuable printed book in the English
language, thelast copy that was offer.
,ed. for sale in good condition haying
brought tife.'record price of ' nearly
.;9,000, so-thetdt is safe te,asSIIP3e that .
a perfect copy in the Condition in
: which it leftthe publisher's hands
•WOuld readily Coussaand .610,000, , and
,The -question now arises, 'What would .
b'e• the comparative •Vithie of the pres-
ent Oiee,43.0,000, and of the original ,
price 4placed: at interest and coin- •
pounded every year ;aline 1623? ;
Oyer and over again 1 have heard it I
said thatthe purchasers of the "first
folio" had made a splendid investment,
and the remark' is frequently used in
. .
reference to tile purchase of books in
general irrespectiye i)f the present in-
tellectual use that may be made of
•them. Let na,make the comparison. •
. Money placed at compound interest
. at 6 per Ont.'s little mere than dou-
bles- -.itself In -twelee Years.. - :..e.t the
1 epreeent time and for n few ,ears back
6 per cent is a high re'itte, but it
very low rate for the average During_
a large part of the tline money brought
. 8, 10 and /2 Per cent per annum, and
eyen within the half century just past
it brought 7 percent during a literge
portion of the time. Now, ,beteveen
1023 and 1899 there Are twenty -thee
periods of twelve 'years eaele and trt.
• double pegression the ' twenty-third
• term, beginning with Unity, would be
8,388;608. This; therefore, wenld be the
ateount in pounds, whieh the voleme
had- cost. up to 1890. 14 dollars it
•would. be $40,79e,876.86. ..A.1.1 . article
.whiehcosts s4O,006,000 and. 'sone • for
.- 610,000 cannot' be Called A very good
linanelal investMent, .. . • . ,• •
, -Freak it.-literary.or intellectual standpoint, however, 'the. subject presents tin
entirely different ,aspeet.
• • foremost Slitikespearean scholarschien tthhee.';
, . Seine 'fine° ago I asked one
• world 14 ho bad a ' topy ef the "flret '
...• folio." *His renly: war that he could ,
• not afford it, --thet it would notbewiee
. _foe, him eteelteee.e8460; to 501) per, ;year
' 'efor. the-;127er..P:ga:ge• '••04':(MAkAlk.i.04::.:
, ' fOretterterye -expen
and rallevay fere ..he ecinlel cenenit an :
• one of half a. dozen chpies Wheneveility:
. • requited to do, so,7•71e.o111-es of •Science.
llY01111101 Has Been Known for
Years and is Guaranteed
to Gyre Catarrh
We have Ripen liyoniel a, num t
thorough and remarkable test.
The remedy has made so many
puree that wo have urged Its use in
the most ehronle etises of catarrh.
Breathed for a few minutes Nur
times a day, thronei an inhaler that
eedleS with every outfit, it soothes
the irritated mucous membrane of
the nose, throat, and lungs, kills the
catarrhal germs, and restores complete
health. lts healing, antiseptic frag-
rance penetratee-to -the -most-mine
air passages, as no 'medicine taken In-
to this stoi ach. cen possibly do. Ini.
mediate relief almost always follows
the use of liyoutel, and great benefit
is seen after a few days' treatment.
The complete Hyotnei outfit costs
only 1, and consists of an inhaler
-that can be carried in the pocket or
purse, and will Iftet a lifetime, a medi-
cine dropper, and iihettle- Of 'Ilyoniei,
It tnie is not suffidient for a complete
care, additional bottles of Hyomei citn
he obtained for 50 cents.
Compare this small expenee with
the tees charged by specialists.,
JL you cannot obtain lir:4nel - of
ycur dealer, it will be forwarded by
mail. Postage paid, on receipt of price,
Write today for consultation blank
tliat will entitle yoti to.services of our
medical department without charge,
The R. T, Booth .Cortipany, Hyomei
Building, Ithaca, N. Y.
ue ctige is IwulYS ruesquare, anal
only seven passengers are carried each
trip. The ascent is made in :three min.
The Latest Gold Field.
Tierra del Fuego is the latest geld;
field. A stern wheel paddle boat just
completed by a British firm is t� be
stint to Timm del • Fuego fen the per -
pose of carrying the .harid hi:Ought up
by a dredger now Ut Work. in that re,
glom Gold, It Is said, has been ,Tonnel
in great quantities. It is claimed that.
the river banks and beds abound with
gold and that within twelve • months
Tierra del Fuego will be World larueue
as a gold producing center. • . •
• Simplon Tunnel .Post Card*.
Collectors of picture post card*. will
be iuterested in the inauginetlen. card
of the Simplon tunnel. 0i3the one side
is a design thimble Labor, pointhre: the
• way to.Commerce and .tgricuiture;Qn
the ridilteee: ' 'side" is 'n etriege fiterringe•it
tabore /mi." In the lower part of trio
,frieze .are the words; "liougeuratiere of
• the Simplon." • Of this card .500,000,
• copies. will be strnek and. life :block
then destrosted.
• ,
Diamond Ink. • •
So cal/ed diamond ink for writing urn
glass Is a compound of Aeolic' field and!
barium. The latter has. he effect, it
being simply- a white powder to give
body t� the acid. Tne ink ean 'be used
with 'a rubber hand stamp, and .it•
should be allowed t� remain. fifteen::
'minutes, when the bariuin will brush
off, leaving the design on the .glass,
The Roulette Wheel.
• tiltrenge as It may seen), the roulette
'-esisLeiee that alluring machine by which
ewe enemy fortunes have been won and I
„scot (mostly lost), was devised by a
eettreemk, Pascal, during a six months' "re-
•Latstreti.." for meditation and prayer. j
:gyrobnbly little realized the lgigantic
-steori4arity as a gambling device his
jale Invention would in later years
osoartui. In Monte Carlo, the greatest
Leeigetenblin:g resort in the world, more •1
$11,000,000 are lost by players el- i
''fyr year. The Casino at Monte Carle
s'.21$ reentrolled by a firm which styles it-
;?. oaf "the Sea Bathing and Stranger.' ,
v..N.1.1 company." Though no one Wail
ederr known to dip a toe in the surf at
,IIISznate Carlo during the winter season,
Om profits of this comps.ny In the wins
elktr season of 1904-05 amounted to
,0314,000.-Booklover's Magazine.
1 Elevators to Ameend Alps. 1 • . . • •
1 01
• • •
• •
. The Greek Yeare. e • •••,
The Greek year ;consisted of .tweive-
months of twenty-nine and thirty days;
alternately. Three times in eight'
years a month wet :gilded to Make up
the deficiency.
• Cockswain. •
Coekswain• was originally the man
who pulled the after on.r ef the cane
tain's boat, then known es "eocitheet."'.
"Cock boat" is a corruption of the
-Word "coracle," and, as most . people
know, the coracle is a mall,' rdend
boat used for •fishing On seine of the .
Welsh rivers. -Sce cockswa-in conies toe
us frorn'the:Welsh. • • • • '
0 Dew is always formed upon. the sure
face of the object 'upon whiell it is,
found. On that • aveount it eininot
• strictly be said "fail." .
• ' I -Parsons not hardy enough to risk the
-eiggines of Alpine climbing are now es.
mcCieSed to mount to the summit of the
• EllYanumet-Bchwand mountain, 8,660 feet
ltatAre sea level, by means of the long-
etk ilift in the world, an elevator 800
eitet high. The elevator Is located not
sr tram Lucerne, where is a grotto in
•glidch the elevator shaft Is hidden.
Ifoe elevator is opernted by electricity.
Appetite comes with eating
each square of crisp de-
ess seems but to make
for more.
Plooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Afferent from any other
aker. Nothing heavy or
y about them but so light
void crisp that they are trans-
parent. Moorkey's biscuits will
a twist esh on your table
you,Aviff try them
" viooneet to your gocer.
Young Sea's.
Young seals do not keow, hove' to
swim. They have to Oecome
accustomed to the water, either by ete.
tering it to paddle about themselves or
by being, carried into it in their moth-
er's jaws; They have great fear of the
waves that break ..into foamrind as
soon as they see one approaching take
to flight in terror and do not turn
round until they have ascended to S.
very high plaee above the sea.
:•• Brelce. DP. the' Cord. Party. .
.•It extremely ,pleasant and
quiet card party fet- the house of the
Misses Isaacson: in Priory road, Heflin-,
stead, nutil the, butler: came upon the
Zeene with lemon. ;sqixastt and gtesses.
The Misses 'Isaacson are. two maiden.'
sisters Whe a fortnight ago engaged .e
new butler,. a yobuit and good looking
(German, who. brought with hittoexcel:
• lent teseimMilals. and eves:. IstitiWn. as
JameS:Wits• SPIertdid -servent
. untie the night of' the card parte, which
donsisted elitirely•of ladies. The ladies
• Wen? engrossed id: 'a mime: at pok.er„,
• and' Jamee was supposed be- pouring •
out the lemon 'squash, when there was
.4 eudden 'crash of glass in the room.-
EVery one stopPeaeplaying mid looked •
'up, a la felled, • 1.111t_hefOre any' one could
grasip• the situai on, .
upen the poker • table, grabbed no the •
silver nnd :purses lying' 'thereon
and: fled, locking the door behind hirn.
• „end now. the police are In search ore
• •Taines.-Lonaon Mait."
•B of Bide.
Travelers Ica cross Some riv-
ers in small, rou 4 beats made of _
bide. The boats are eushed across -lir
negroes: •
". • .
.• •
• A llowyee DeeseetT eirde.
N'ot many .persotis are aware how
greatly. Indebted ;fames. HaZen Hyde .is•
tie one of his lawyers'for •the'good
Preesion • which he made before the
• exeletrong insurlince, dernmittee.:,. Mr:
Ilvdc's sensible appearatiee befOre that
eommittee did:more than anything else.
;to dispel the popular prejudice against
his eeeentrielties. This laWyer 'prae-
tically diettited to, Mr. Hyde what.he
• should Wear :while, on the ennui. He
made. the 'penilg man discard lits cus-
tomary 'buttotthole bOuquet, had hitn
brash his, hair down fiat instead of
thnnpadont. an& ordered him to wear an
old; •simple looking: suit Of clotheS.
• Result -The cartoonists are wandering.
Yet where they got. the Ideas for the
extravagant pletures' they made a the
: young insurance. Men. .
squeezing a Led -lion. •
simple method of extracting juice
from a lemon without tho. eeeds le to I
roil the lemon until quite oft, then
puncture One •end with ,a sliver fork,
making the holes quite good size
When the lemon Is squeezed the juin*
wiii eome out, but not a -single seed.
Date of the mood.
Prom the date of t Q, twee_ 0
of the flood the Bebrew version eaten!
intes 1.656 years; the septuagtnt4 2,262, 1
the difference being 606 years, •
Era of Unipororn.
The "era of eneperors," commbilly
adopted by the Unmans after the firm
establishinent of inipMal rule, began
B. C. 21' with the accession. of A11,
gust its. '•
•shot -thane.
The first .knowti treatiee on stoner :
rephy is a eurlous little book called
"Atte et Shorie, Swift° and Secret.
Writing by Character." The eredit Of
Inventing this method belongs to Dr.
11111011:e Bright.
Zn God 'tiVe Trust.
"In God we trust" first -appeared Olt
the dipper two cent isstie at 1864 ond
Is the first use of the word God in 14/4
goveratotat Set '
Bon re.
If honey becomes sugared or candied
'place the jar In hat water for several
houra. Thelioney Will become etnooth
and clear, ,Be eareful to keep out ev- •
-.ery clrop of water. • • • .• •
•• Pearls. _ _. • •
-Bear's' are Measured by the grain.
Three and one-half grains • go tet a •
The Two • Cent- Piece.
The bronze twe :cent piece was lint
• coined in 1804,, beiug authorized by act
congrese in etie same year, • The
issuance of this.coin was discontinued
Feb, 12, 1,873.
Lsolalative Exeureion Make* a Three
Nye' Trip Through Now On-
tario -The End Of Sleel•
"'The end of steel" on the Terniskarn-
ing isrorthern Ontario Railway wa$
reached by the Legislative exetirsion
arty on Thursday, May 3L spe•
pial train on which. the party reached
N ew Liskeard lay there, and the exeur-
Sihnists• most of them -for' a • few
preferred the. side trip on Lake Tent's-
kaining-embarked on lighter ears
drawn by e, construction engine, the
property of Mr, A, Pt Mem:lone% the
contracter, who bee some 1,500 men at
work on the second section et the road.
shumber-ofemilasethostritek peseoe
hrough flat country, part of the great
elitY region, In avily timbered, it is true,
but settlement is progressing, and the
clearings along the traek prove that
the land is capable of being converted
into good farm land. Later, rock is en -
Countered, and some heavy work has
been entailed in laying the track here; •
then once more the elay country Is
reached, Steel is now laid 50 miles be- .
vend New Liskeard, and eight miles
south of the height of land, and grad-
ing Is completed for .30 more.
There,refnains to cmaniete the smoond
sePtion about 25 notes, weleh wilt bring
• the line to. the Black'IStver,
Something Yet to Conquer.
There t'in. a time being the litie will
Ind, to be eontinued certainly to the
Junction with the Grand Trunk Pacille,
arid as certainly, in the not distant fa -
tare, to James Bay. The sleet persons
encountered at the'end of eteel be.sides
the construction gangs were.' two pros-
peetors, one a man well up in yearse the
other a mere youtn, both carrying enor-
mous packs and both full of the enthus-
iasm and hope reamrding the possibill-
ties :Of riCh •mineral discoveries whIch
shall mean more Cobalt e 4ri the notate
"Thetu are minerals here," the .exeur-
sionlets avers told as they stood at the
end of steel. "Italleations of iron flare.
been irtore than once • enCountered ot
late. Some of the characteristics ef the
.Chbatte fieldemve been foimd.. • Whe
dare, orenhesy as to the mineral' pos-
sibilities of tiller section of ,the 'country?"
• Dinner •In rCongruction Camp.
• Tbe talk at the end of steel, which is
at a point where a wide. eavIne I:4 being
partly filled rind •Pertly treetled, turned
nrituralty' toward the future ef, the road,
' It Isms o on to Tam. s Bay Wi14 aim
• The TUrtedolse,
The tUrfpioise wee mice sunnosed to
',Mee the .ppwer it:Whetting:the con-
dition .01 ethe ithseat ;beloved., e While
the blue remained clear in. its color all
Was Well. • NI•lien it turned dillh. aud
green disease was nears:lad .when the
v.601.0001'11 lin to3 detrih.wtie.'fit hand.
' • •
g . .
general opinion,- and ;the convineettion.
on the subject eine silmuinteil 'by ile.
infoinnation of timee Who Icerei'•
:ceuntry that the train • was fire Every suffering •woman should ask for
mites . of that steetion.•of. the' eeentry and tollow her advice if .she wants to be
, where the welters flow frien •Jaelee Bay ,atrinig and , • ' . . •
; instead of towerd it. • At the end of-:
; steel the •rnembers of the, party* e ere
tl • • et • fn t'•
name •of Boston by aed 'nen, the.
codirector!: It was ten ,excell fit erietelf • Unarm:ma lie virtue 'of the tioevses coeta Med
yvery.citie enjoyed it. -epneti tee . Were hl a certain Mortgage which will be tiroduceil ati
ittrieeep, 1...birteyti.tileneft tgrii?trii,11/171. 'ofir•resetine (11.. on, 01: vrwomisesyo,n
lise.iiel; ttearArTIMIOUtIgfeettUtitleT„
sATulinAY, eeth dee. or
and 'In ,bush alohgside • the .tuaek. dub' A.D. lefeleat tbe hour of two O'clock in the-
• bettaittly seepeeeed,...,seMe •rar.i ' .bero,serier&zigti5e 'fltl
e excare one,- • eeteseseofellurisne.40 slag
•rieg-riPti •itt thate--ee •re found in euee - poe.,1,AinotrAtIfesiisavialltatorroluietili,se aterto E reit'
ftobutthde iFiii.aleltiltea-d'eaNic,leic flowers. • were. seyentr four-Ifeet northwasd. • •
•June 22nd,
The 147110101.3R. School
MANY PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE And General Training for •
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Railway Service,
•The new method of instruction adopted by
Pupils graduate in the shortest possible tim •
8 8(01001W:4s proved a great success.
Vegetaige Compound
„ therefore at the least expense.
Employment providee at once Write for a
. power of Lydia E. • free pamphlet wnieb. will give fall information,
sNe'e2etable Cm°P°1-lucl over hool room in Clarion Block, opposite PooOffice, the moet deinable location In the city,
the diseases of womankind is not because
it is a stimulantnot because it is lospeotion of °lessee at work cordially invited
, a
palliative, but simtly because it is the ROBERT LARMOUR, Stratford, Ont
most wonderful tonic- and reconstructor Principal and Instructor, formerly
'ever trecOveredstO-a4--direct,if-upoll th
----DietriTIrSuperintenflent-Gai-R. •
generative organs, positive y curing
• disease and restoring health and vigor. April2Oth 00-07.
Marvelous cures are reported from ail
parts of the country .by women who
have been cured, trained nurses who
have Witnessed cureS and physiCians who
have recognized the virtue of' Lydia E.
Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound, and
are fair enoUgh to give credit where it
is due, •
• • '
• If physiciane dared to be frank and
open, hundreds ef them would acknowl-
edge that they constantly presoribe
Lydia E. Pinkhene Vegetable Compound
in Revere *Nees. of female ills, ,a41 they
know by experience it can be relied
upon to effect a cure The following
letter proves it, .
Dr. S. C. Brigham', .of 4brigham Park,
Fitchburg, Masa, writes:
Pit gives Inc great preasure to say that I
have found Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. very efileachms, and often pre-.
scyibe it Su my practice fee female difficulties.
"AfY oillea daughter fienef it very beeea-
eiabdor female trouble dome time ago, and
my youngest daughter is, now taking it for
a foliate weakness, and. is -surely gaining In
health amrstrength.
"I freely advocate it as a most reliable
speciac. in all diseusee to which' woraen are
stapes: t, andeettetettelioneet.entiorierneRt. •
Women. ho are troubled with pain-
Mt or irre tiler periods, bloating for
-flatulence, ) m eaknees.ot organs, displace-
mente, inflammation or ulceration can
ht' restored to -perfect health and strength
1)y taking Lydia. E. Pinkhanee Vegetable
Compeund. If advice is needed, Write
to Mrs...Pinkham„: at L.yna, Mrs.- She
is .daughter-in-law of Lydia.E. Pinkham -
and for twenty-five years has been adviie
lug sick women.free of charge. . No other
living person has had the. benefit ()Ca
. 'wider experience in. treating feniale
She has guided thousands • to health.'
• le guests at a. ti ')fl! , N.er- , es
i .
eonetruction ' cam -which ht-arst the
. Era of the, Inartyrr4 . 'I
T e --. ern of the mai e, se" . 3
.eta- in Ilse in the early eleirels Corn-
•niemorates• the It‘iith )ind last *rent
peiseention' by .Diecietitru, beginning .
k elf,.:,...3::....,34 .A..i , • „se, e,•.'..." . '
- Sals...Seires•eiseitalises: e, s. 7:':
,• TIM' i'llby LIA the ceater of the Mat -
tee cross On the top of -the British
crown Is.the. Atone that waS given to
the Black Prince by • King Pedro of
Castlie• aftvr the battle of Nejara..
. " . • e.
toad, as far 4.4 It gees, le re:efeh yet, ae Clinton, . . • ,
is 1,6 be eel:meted, but the work is mnli • For terms ' and conditions of sithi atedr to
Ing excellent progress; and in a etin -
1- • . 13. mognesos, Auctioneer •
either of the undersienea. -
psnifi,r:ottibir,elliyo. sahoourbtt, info:eon' tthinv,illitrsbt e8e.r... DI, . W. 13KYDONE, Solicitor for vil veeder• .
teat .Clinton, the 13th,day citlanolite. •
Henry V...ef England wore 'It In his
helmet Itti Agincourt..• .•
' . lee ealninlet-•• . • •
. •
In Alleluia the Men. -wear tiretticOats
and •the women wear trousers. The
women eleeill the work, and their hus-
bands attend. to die .heavy standing
around., .
Mortgage Sale of House and
• Lot In Clinton,
Lile ;tt oiaiid «oiihed as
809414- 441f
• ti ties le the and they 're testy back fieri 011.No ft4tra &°itigilse24tliernetei.
: There iseni the. property ti small frame house
tl ' d
• • •the retorter a whieb•hag been recen renatre
. .
What's thsegood of keeping from him
• Anygoodithings yo,u may see,
That willli1f his:lead of labor
Like Roy' Monntaia 5'ea. Ask
your Drugeit. • . • .
The line on the sedond section ef et. and tho location is one of t he mosti esI raei I
e n
• .
. .
1411r1.111144,. •.• •
. Furlong want first, a furrow long.
or •theidistattee that a pair of oxen
• would plow tia half an hour.,•
The ant weimtyr.
;The nut trees 'of the world could,lt
Is cute -Mattel, proeide food ell the year
roundfor thw Poputetion, (4 the globe,
,Drezil. mits grow in suchprofusien
that thoilfuends 0,f tonal of them. ar'
wested every year.- ' ••
,•. Planted Nairn:
'When- Cnptaln Cook first visited Ta-
hiti the natives were' using • nails- of
wield,. Wine. shell alai! stone. When
'they saw iron nails they fancied thexn.
to be eheets o.f some very hard wood,
eud, desirous of securing.such a value-
., lAe cornntodit, they planted theni in
-the earth.
. . .
Emperor:: • • .
•• The title of' eniperor is of Beek
(' ty exalt-
, •
• '• Oyster Iled's a In Pompeii. *
• There Was a calamity of the Vesuvitis
eruption whieb. Was not elaronieled, tit
leilst by cable. That is the extinetion
of the Neapolitan Oyster. The bay Of
Naples prodneed an oyster eatteerded
t)y enteUres as the choiceat in all Italy.
Ter the present tit least the Neapoli.
tan, oyster is tin extinct species. At.
I :coding to Professor Dor% director of
the aquaritim of Naples, the ashei from
the volcano felling in the bay beets
novered the bottom to stich an depth
that every order in the beds Was
mothered and the bed e themselves
hopelessly burled,
• th t ot 1-
• ty. An emperor is the supteme head of
• countries tiome or all of -which are
governed by.kings.
•' • Plants. the Color �t Stones,.
There ere it few instances of protec-
tree mimicry' in plante tholigh in gen
era p p
spines. hairs and peisoneue WecretIonif
"Stone lifesembryanthelaram" of
the cape, of Good Hope resembleti the
; stones anieng Which it gtOWs and tails
escapes the notice a wild herbivorous
1 hints rotect theinselvers by
Paint lirtuthea,
I Fall&
brushes can be cleaned by
vraehing in hot soda water and soft
- The compose. e
. The etirliest record of the exigenee
Id the mariner's compass Was found in
. 1180: tit the Chinese appear to have
• .
bad knowINIge Of it at least se kerb'
A Pin Read Artifit.
Twentrobt• letters et the alphabet
end nine numerals neatly engraved on
all ordinary pin bead. This apparently
hmpossIble feat of infinitesimal etching
Itas been accomplished by Eugene
Wrenger, 2163 College avenue, Chide -
go, an expert ateel and copper plate
engraver, • Every letter and figure can
be seen plainly through the microscope
or 'without a OWN if one bas good
-yes. It him been placed 011 eIthibition
it eublic inttseetn in Philadelphia.
MA B; C. 2034,
Soft Poods.
•tiabitually eating •soft foods, even
soft bread; to the exclusion of every-
, thing that is hard or crnety, is net only
• weakening to the digestive, ermine, brit
ft leads to rapid (teeny of the teeth.
tion. •• . •
• The. Excursionists. at lihileybury.
The 'party was • .veleorned at Halley,-
bury by several decereted arehee across
the man street of the .town bore
strearners, wftle legends such "We
'Welcome the tegislators, to Haley -
bury," and "liaitayburir Greets You
Theta was rip 'formal prove -tee the'
patty contentinge themselves lei L•h) 'a
walk around the street and along the
wharf, exchangfeg informal geeetinee•
with the Whm
townspeople, each of o
believes, as. .every resident of , every
town, village and: haecilet in this- north -
ere connitry'. does, that hie .'"htmg."'Ir
'the metropolis oe'leiew 'Ontario. • .
-• . A Geeat Ccattit;y.
• Long before the train reachedi 'North
Bay, arid tight • ore to the end of steel,
and afterwards as they sailed ovei Lake '
Temagarni, the ecteurgioniets, wheivieit-
ed this part of the cotinlity for the first
time, were struck by -the ,vieible evi
dencee of the timber wealth ef the. re-
gion, the saw:Mille; pine'logs ante pulp-
wood along the line and on the freight
ears, thp great virgin street:hes OF
1pine timber on Temagamt, tellitig their
own story. In addition, the agriculture,
al pessibIllties of !the great fertile tract
are past the theory stage,. and the rain-.
era,i wealth: i9. beyond cOnception, It
is a great coutitty: perhatis the report
that it Was once referred to by one elf
Ontarici'e leading:. statesmen; as
/arid of the stunted poplar" only a
legend. • • • •
- Rennerkabli Immigrants.. ,
•the Dominion Dine steamer Ottawsi
'and the C. is, R, steamer Lake Erie ar
rived at Quebec recently. with over
eighteen hundred immigrants between
the, including twenty men, and women
of the Israelite community,. en, route to
their farm establishmente at Renton
Harbor., Miohigan. The men and wo-
men of this pecidear sect are a. strange-
lookieg people. ; Boil' sexes wear their
hair tong down their backs and present
art annearerace cominrt. 'ThOs. Rowe,
a meek, subdued individual, Manager
of the affalre of the community, wee
at • the temente. to meet the new -comers,
and in cen
nvereation with a ewspaper
come spondent said the Israelites were
founded lit MS, and • represent the
members of the 'ten-. leg tribes, and
were now gathering at Benton Harbor,.
Where they had purchased term land
and • were (-ngageel in agriculture until
the timn arrived that the stipulated
nuMber. of the temiete tribes, in all one
hundeed and forty-four thousand, were
got eogether, when they would proceed
to :lerusalein . to await the seeorid.
,tont.Ing of Christ itt 1916, when the pterse
ent world would end and n
new codi-
none pr. vall. Mr. 'Rowe vale their form
of,worship was prayer within their own
bows. Th,.7 intvo a inttetitig house,
itut •not for worehttie It is ()My Med to
receive meeeengers from • their ehosen
lender; EielJamin, end lile wife Zerei.
•When these ate not esed In the mite All their Iliteret,8 8.1`0 pooled,so that
tleation Of battler optet i
f I 11 t estli I), ail are ((108.1 sharers of the common
Otte coveted With tartar and som• e
tithes loosen in their sockets or
gums will bleed,
gqVg. YOU A BOSS? Pleat Zealot Marquis.
or ere .you.inde. /flistorimis tell us that the Med rile
*dentif yeu 'tire making money for eoine one Bah marquis -wee (Tempe. by It 4611:tn'
ke,gultand make money for yourself. Get out
Lislavery and be free. Write G Meesttete
iirZOttdOft They will show you the way. They
tee started tlegieluids an the raid to freedom.
even donate a day, every day In theYear, itbee
tag trek: handling their good.". Write now,
%Me is money.
It, Who bestowed the title upon
tavorlte, Ilobert de Vet4, In VISO. '
Birthdays were eelebrated ars loug
%Ith Se the time of Pharaoh
Phe Chtat Baena 1?ented
a i
Tones and invigorates thoWliott
115 l-)'StflhIi, make,i ne
Blood in Old -Vein& Cures 1%1'l
itcleney, ualWeaknesstBatteaisas. Sla
otte Petoilit Mental and Brain Wo,T1I• Del
otaterriaea, and 14(rette of Abuse or Ratesee
PriceSl oaf box* swot's. One winpiesso0
cure. Sold br an druggists or mane I
nroilerwre i_i, The W Mt$11101nii 00A •
Vlatn pkg. On reeeintailitice. ate/treat:an ..,
(fortTherhi WitaidM) -' 'zjOitOtItOil Chit,
In the'matter of there
Estste of Sanel pike
lateeof the Town of c inton, in the County,
pt litireen,hotelk .eper, deceased,
Notice is hereby given pursuant 170 Sec 38 of
Mai:rite 11:5.0. 1897, that all perste)* having
eat= against the estate .of the said stun-
t:el pike, deceased, who died on or about
the 20171i day of May, A.D., 1908, arterectuir-
ed to send, by post, prepaid, o the undersign-
ed solicitor or to the undersign er executor on or
before the-end...day of July, 1900, their nemes.
send -addresses with full particatire In writing
cf their claims, and statement of theiraecounte
and thenetiire of the securities fif any) held
zee them duly verified by statutory deelaratied
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said 2nd
day of juiy,inee, soul executor will prodeed to
dtetribute the assets of the said. deceeeed
among the parties entitled.thereto, h.vieg re-
gard only to the claims of which they shail
then havo etiee and the said emeeutor wfll
net be liable for said sesets or any part th-re-
of. t.:1 toy persen or pers ns of wheee 'claim
notice shall•not have been receibe& by them
rr their said senator at the time of tiecli
tiibution •
Datsd May 7th, 1906
T. JACKSON, SR •• 3;7i. ism -DONE ,
Executor Solicitor
• Neuralgia and Nal7G1ISOINIer884 rry or•
AJAX. kw: Nat...14... Cat
lobestedepteesion rilawstastsuremeertiissweetwi
Takersoother;seeawitste. Atekatweereettetforero
orris at co., Shore* el- were el mu
• • .
Itay.f....riteen.11.1.11. Juet one' true
Tewarde ,whom in tr.;y11 pee ean bend.
Vi'iteee cettes. 1 ana ittet; •
Mose heert ate] hand yeti gladly trust-
evliese. seeineithy and comf )rt flow
es wet re In the brook below;
Wheee very lank will stretheth Stipply
'.elitl brighten up. the teoubled eye.
'."1"eu. mesh a friend as this you find,
.corrie of love ids leiendship bind;
• leer emelt a one le rare Indeed,. .
eed :truly it; a triAnd .in tier d,•
Nothing adds so much to the dogrel
tion of a house as good Wall Paper.
ate in a osit4on to show you the very
best an choicest patterns, as am
agent for the
Empire Wall Paper Co.,
of Toronto.
The samples for 1906 are -entirely
new. Prices run front 5e a roll to 35c,
with borders at same price. Every
oll ofpaper guaranteed to contain 8
ards, Samples gladly shown to in -
ending purchasers, at any time.
• Rouse Decorator and Paper Ranger, .
Cor. Queen and Princ ess • Ste Clinton
We have opened up a ehoice, fresh •
stock of aroceries at Olson's Gild
Stand and now ask a share
patronage' of the citizens of Clinton'
and tne surrounding community.
Good Qualitra. Fair Prices
are our special cares. •
• Customers will find our stock the best
value in ' town. The Jed Peatteer
bands in Teas and canned 600d5
are saraeles of the values we handle
We are strangers and .must
• get acquainted,
_ will pay those wine sell farm pro-
duce to see us, beforedisposing of their
better, 'eggs and potatoes, elsewhere.
We will buy, at a good price; wha * •
you heve to sell, and will sell at.a fair -
price, what you have to buy.
BYARD, HILL 'Phone 114
. .
his ReStalerant to the store • ,
recently occupied hy F. W.
Watts, will. be glad to meet al:
his old customers,and as Maw,
ne% . ones as may favor him.
with their patronage. • „
Having also bought out the
• King -Bakery,' he will supply
the public! with first - class.
Bread and Caks.
t • .
Are you one of•tbe crowd to file Busy
Store ? Everybody is now talking
of the beautiful designs bf ,
Wall Paper.
we have in otock, 'and peices to suit the •
purchaser. Al‘re also carry a stook of
Window Shades, Curtain
Poles.„, Cot tage _Rods,
Room Mouldings,
Floor and Furniture Var-
nish, etc.,
.of all descriptionS, which a,re sold at
• prices never known before to the
Painting and Paper Hanging done.
• Estimates furnished on job work.
Smith's Wall Paper Store
N.B.-Sign Painting done. Paper
•, trimmed FREE. .
In Womanly Ailmen6'i
and Weaknesses
Dr. Shoap's Night Cure soCthes, Heals.'
and Cures while the ratted Sleeps,
The 'oest remedy which physicians know ter
Pereale Weakneeses is compoSed of parts of fg
certain white line To tais are added i
remedies which draw out tbe poisons anesiiii2
the inflamed membranee. Vile soothing anti-
septic local applicatfon is ktiownebY Urania*
and physioians everywhere US Dit, S111[00011
Nunn Otinte-betiause ie ertret Wbile. the Pis
pain, the inthennia-
tiera sleeps and tlay \tritft rti, tihn4.3gcliaaurire
tautly women • ain
abated. Tbelivesot
tecords of martyr. \ dom. They sulkies
they aro sick. el/ , ,,,,ths,leirthnieevsuerffirttedusoir
ri6tidwellsdicaltIn-es7s"/Wor1101',15\ \guorzecerzreb..
Ilvory timing
-may bO•
Matto strong
Made to Ore
Vigor tied el- ' ' N.i9h,/
t Nally k the Woe
tapentieytiosof tro.ba
anbeed, n 18 to Cuto.of steferiiittweinen
thig Erfer-ite
treesing number
,• hilimessegetif ho193
thatDr.Shoep fiends
tester.. It hi to these
nnd life and geed
el ek and ailing vvomen that DU, SW 0 o to a
Merit Certil will mat as rt lin of Gilead. ,
You may dot knovit your noun]. bY the name
physicians glee it, but remember DR. SnbOton
. limit Crum may be %tiled upon In all cams of
wome tatetation, falling ni the womb, psinsitt
t the *Web or °varlets, learaorrhtee, tw
1 inflammation, consestion. irresturo or
menstruation. Ark tot At, 81100eli
I WA Iteeoniniended and sold by
W S. R. H014110.
Aevieleideeelielr eeeemee. ee‘ei. 4. tie. Yee*
r�iWeeei %tiertial•
. •
Adver1tse in the NEW ERA
Some. Bariairis
in edd Chin a
We still have -some odd
lines .of China and Glass-
ware which we are selling
at a sacrifice. • •
Don't you need a handsome
Monet Set, or a Toilet Bet
or perhaps some odd eutta and
Saucers,! odd Plates, Salad
Betels, G I ass P Reber&
bine Pitchers, Tumblers
'Fruit had Vegetable Wailes
Cali to see them before seine
one gets ahead of you and yott
• miss the very bargain you have
been looking for..
A. D.Beaton
The People's Grocer,.
Phone itt