HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-22, Page 3* Juno glad* 1904 Lovers of Good Tea I) • CEYLON TPA A TEE' OLINTON AWN SBA • News Notes. 1 Bigh Court of Canadian Foresten. ......-..-,-- Iwill meet in $t l'hemas next year. A young son of Ernest Waspe was •drowned while bathing at London. • The O. T. P. has ordered. 150,00Q tons •of steel rails from the Dominion Iron and Steel Co., to be delivered, within two years, The•House passed a vote of censure on 31r. Cinemax's, the cpreespondent who wrote strong things about Lon, Mr, Foster. At the Faitof AU Nations at Nia- gara Fiala, Lady Laurier, in a, draw, secured the handsome silk petticoat I-louse/Clean Your System! Because of its Delicious Flavor. Lead PackAs Only. -25c, 30c, 40c, 50c, 600 Per Lb.At all Grocers. HIGHEST AWARD ST, LOUIS, 1904, • ITEMS OF INTEREST Not Strictly Local, but closely Akin Thereto. If you want your town to grow and prosper, wake up, rub yout *eyes, roll up your sleeves a nd go to work for it. Most fortunate is the boy or girl, the young man or the young lady who is given the opportunity to attend schoet in this town. Its educational advantages equal any town of. like size in the county. When the baby talks, it is time to give Hollister's ftocky. Mountain Tea. It's the greatest latiby medicines known to loving mothers. It makes them at, sleep and grow. 35e Tea or tablets. Ask'your Druggist. Farms in our county continue -to sell at Very good prices. • Real estate men .report a fair number of buyers, but the Int of farms on the markenfon sale grows smaller and it is more diffi- cult now than formerly to find snit - able farm property that can he bought cheap. Our land has not yet reached the top price is the opimon of well posted men, but the west is.pushingit • the•present. This paper is anxious to each week issue a bright, local parte, and in this desire every one can gmatly assist us. With this end in view we will supply a tablet to any one .upon which can be -ofted down any item of nein.. If :our. friends will go to the trouble to Jot down a few items each Week it will greatly assist in making the paper newsy and bright, and the favor will not only be appreciated but _recipro- cated whenever an opportunity is -Offered. A merciful man is mercifill to •his beasts. We like to see our farmers when they drive into town on a, cold,,. stormy day, put their team in a, • barn or cover them with blankets. In the. heat of summer they can always find • :shade in, which to leave the noble 'animals that brought them safely' to TireYFFireViaurgiftratever, NVI4 inthe labat of summer they •: seek the , shade 'ann. . 'Axe. their horses in the sun There is somethiug wrong de about the mart who thus abuses. his • team. He may be a . nice man, may belong to the church. natty not swear, smoke 401.' have any bad habits, lint . wnwould not want to be .hie horse. We are not given to boasting but we are proud of the farmer boys of 1 this vicinity. They are., with rare ex- ceptions, a healthy, intelligent and O happy class of young uteri. • We Teel 'like taking our hat clear off when we meet them upon our streets, and no ` clean is more welcoined to our office. Too many toys leave the' farm where I they would have made substantial and ' good citizens, and go to the city where only one in a thousand succeed in : life's,battli. There are farmers who I fairly drive their boys away, There I is no excuse for anis. The farmer boy i is entitled to his vacations, to several Irelaxations, his 'visits to the city, good booas, magazines and his home paper. To the observing one itis plain to be ' seen that the old. farm le the best place : in the world for the average young man and never fails to bring a happier_ and more useful life than the city. Young men, you who till the soil and earn your bread by, the sweat of your brow, we are proud of you ; our latch- string is always out to you and you will always have a friend in this paper. Corns and see us and give us the news from your neighborhood. The prize list of theCanadianionNat- lona' Exhibition, to be held in Toronto Out., Aug. p. to Sept. io,which is now being distributed, contains In a n y changes compared with last year. In nearly. every department there its a material increase in theasreiniume. In the horse department classes have been added for Welsh, Shetland and Hack- ney ponies. The Dominion Shorthorn Association having increased their grant tor prNes to$2.000 the eihibition management have responded with a like amount, so that there in consider- able expansion' alsnln tbe cattle depart - merit.. In the sheep division wether sections have laeen added to each breed of sheep. In the poultry department A • number of sections have been .actoled, and the list has been increased by an extra , number of specials,. Several changes have been made in the dairy department. In the flora 'division a priee is added •for the best and most. -original floral design. Seyeral sections 'recommended by the Ontario Bookeeps rin'tirsiantsanciatitirrehnve 'been, added -to the ' honey *sees: -Several sections heve also been added to :the ' wonien's and children's nepartments. The total'. increase all around Inman -Its to close upon $4.000, which means that the ag- gregate surn given in premiums by the Canadian National Thchibition is • ay..; proaching the $50,000 mark. Entries e-etr.14ate, ' a Keep saying it, over andover again. Ayer s P 1 g.kisee.s.geas.Arerspitztertir:rdz , ,, ..T4ey cure constipation indigestion, biliousness, sick-Ireadaeldr. 1 All !rep. Ayer s pi table, sugar-coated,.:it y We kart) iie socreis I We lill. S.O.AywrOone a S . , lbo formulas of all oar Idiom. ..'1.arens14 MAIL MOUS PEOPLE BY FANNIE .M.LOTHROP Otto Barony Co. New York EVANGELINE BOOTH The Salvation Army's American Leader. The Salvation Army., one of the most remarkable religious movements in the world, is a great organized body going out into the highways and byways of hu- manity. It seeks to bring the church to the people rather than merely to urge the people to the church, It has rnadinreligion a warm, inspiring reality to thou- sands; it has been practical, for it has carried the divine word to the poor, the sin- ning, the sorrowing and the suffering, and with it has ever extended the hand of humen helpfulness, love and brotherhood, Its methods need xi° vindication; the transformed lives clue to its influence are its living monuments. , The new leader of the Army in the United States IS a young woman, nye Moth; the daughter of the venerable General Booth, founder of the otganization. Tall, slender, energetic, alert, with a sweet,mellow,' far-reaching yoiee, she strikingly resembles her father, and went te America after her triumphant crusade in Canada with the reputation of being one of the best women orators in the world. She luta a strength, sincerity and spiritual fervor that carry her audiences with her and sweep thein on wavesof religious fervor to higher spirituality; As a child, with her sweet faee and her little jingling tambourine, she vera tired into lhe slums of Darkest London and faced without a treMer, degradation she could not understand; but which the sunshine of the love she radiated 'was at last to penetrate and soften. For a time she was compelled to go disguised as it flower -girl, but after searing personal violence more than a hundred times and bravely leading her people where the police rarely ventured and were always needed, she finally triumphed, and to -day the name of Iihra Booth is held in reverence in even the worst sections of London. Through her personal influence obnoxious laws regarding nubile religious meetings in the snares of England haVe been repealed, find under her leadership. the Army in England mimed the temper of street mobs end vanquished their op- position. She went to Cornwall,Tand talked to workirs in the tin mines; uncleunted she went into the mines under the see, with the surf Mari?* 'overhead, to visit the sick and dying; she carried her message to the weavers ,of the Midlands, and brayed her way through all difficulties to heht the battle of temperance and better living. She has held practically every rank. in the Army, and in Canada, where she was in command, often traveled hrevisly through the provinces on snowshoee, preaehing to men in the lumber/camps. To -day she is the ruler of nearly 4,000paid °filters and more allten425,000 of an organized force that ministere day and night, unCeae- ingly, to the temporal and spiritual heeds of three million people. amend utot4bVi7o AA et the Pettlitteet e (Wads, iti th* br W. CAM*, a the Deitittmiat of Alideultitte front the Irish booth, lhe SS,-AlliWir a arrived at 31ontrea yesterday from Liverpool with stowaways, the largest number eve brought out on one steamer. The Presbyterian General Asseitin voted to send the report of the Com by an o erwhelining majority. mitteer Union to the uongregation Mrs. Arabelle McGeachie, about 80 years of age, of St. Catharines, was truck by a train clear Queensto Heigh Oki en Saturday', and killed. George and John Benham, aged and .10, sons of Arthur Beeham, of Oro township, went into a creek to bathe got beyond their depth. and perished Jean Baptist, the la months old son of Charles Messier, a farmer of St. Simon Range, Quetiec, was drowned yesterday in a roadside drain which had been filled by recent rains. • Wm. Doughty. a 'retired farmer, living near Albert College, Belleville, died last night as result of injuries received by his horse . running away in its fright from an automobile, The Queen of Spain has sent the fol- lowing cmessa_ge to. the Governor-Gen- eral : 'The King and I heartily,. thank you and the loyal people of Canada for your kind sympathy and congratula- tions." 28 keep It Pure Riad Clean lt You °stare Good Realtd• The inside of your body requires at- tention juet the same as the outside. A.great accumulation of eftete mat- ter is clinging to the yaripus organs, and must be moved elf. Some gentle laxative and tonic should be used, The system must be relieved of its burden if you are to enjoy a happy, healthy summer. Physicians who have examined the formula, of Dr. giumiton's alarairaina and Buttermit Pills say no medicine meld be better. Whether ill cm not, thousands rely on Dr. Hamilton's Piliesvhich are truly Y marvelous in preventing debility alai s sickness. .Begin Dr. Hamilton's Pills without delay. You'll feel stronger, eat heart- ier., digest better, sleep somata-, and gazn more in Weight. Mr. Ed. Maynard, an old resident of New Westminster, B. O. writes : "I don't say nr, tholtitoo'sipintiwiti core everything, but they made a quick job of building up nay run down syetexu. I had kidney . disease and constip,ation, and was wholly -unfitted for work. Pa1118 11(.)t through my limbs and locigeil in my back. Headaches often' made me desperate. I hadno appetite an awful dolor, and felt despondent restored to my present tip-top condi- ttiocttlitreie:Tigisv Id iwtyassj abelaitatnletor kept up Dr. 11.imilton's Pills till I was renturtatnica. Oen you afford to miss the benefit of 8 Jt is understood that the contract for 65,000 tons of steel .rails for the Transcontinentel Railway will be div- ided between the Dominion Iron &. Steel Company 8,nd the Alebraa, Steel Company, Don't be fooled and made to believe that rheumatism can be cured with local appliances. • Hollister's Rocky Mountain tea is the only positive cure for rheumatism, 35e, Tea or Tablets Ask your Druggist, The London branch of the Metho- dist W. M. S., hi session at Chatham, yesterday ehanirnously carried a re- solution asking that women be repro., sentecl at the distrait meetings and general and annual conferences. Little aches never groat to be big ones if they are promptly treated with Perry Davis' Painkiller. A good thing to remember in the season of diarr- hoea, cholera aimless andother towel conrplaints that come with summer.. James Hughes,, a native ,of •Dundee, Seotland, was knocked off the super- structure of 'the Quebec beiclge • yes- terday by an engine. to the rocks be low.- .He was dashed to instant death. Deceased was 44 years: old; and leaves 01111 y. Cheeks French, a deaf • and dumb youth of Derehann was missed from his home Sunday morning till Mon- daY afteenuen. He relates that a tramp robbed hitn and ittiapped him to tree; from,' which he -freed •Itim- self after ,hours of effort, ' itte-Henesiye-ease, el -eat 70. after 52 continnous years' service in the Moncton Publie schools, sent her resignation to the School Board. They refused to remove her from the staff after such a long and honorable service, but is now first on the list of occatsionals. A. E; Henderson; secretary of the Henderson Roller Bearing Cencipany, Toroute. . was on Tuesday expelled' from the Methodist Ministerial As- sociatien of this dibtrict. His 'name was taken off the list unconditionally and his ordination papers and. cretin entiale were handed oven • this marvel -working medicine? Thin of it. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton' Pills, 250 per boir, or five boxes fo 81.00. „By mail from N. 0. Poison an Co,' Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., an Kingston, Ont. • • •...._ • . • Two AtrtretkeN end Two nicturen Anillustration of the vicissitudes of those 'who follow the theatrical profes- ,sion 15 given in an incident which hoe .beeurred at Peterborough. About •two years ago a touring company was stranded at PeterborOUglli and two ars- treeses were left in the plight Of hav- ing neither money enough to pay their landlady nor .to leave the city. .They went to a local tradesman, and asked bira to. lend _them Meilen en a Pawnticket fcir two pictureswhich bad been pledged at Notting -I -lain' for £14. 'kie lent them £1,and subsequently ad- vanced them £3 more, .on which they were !to "journeY to:London. A littls later the tradesman redeenied the plc- tures,•and Wrote to thi. girls in London 'asking 11. they cared to buy them back. He receive&. a reply from one of them, 'stating that her friend had died, and saying that he might keep the pictures.' .4. short time ago he sent them. to be sold at Christie's, . thinking that they. ,Must he a some. value. tor a pawn- broker .to advance the sum �t 14 on them. 'To:his surprise they mad& 140, .and he •• at once wrote40 th ,actreei rarrrwbonmire-had—lasiftarit Itig:t.er otatte lucky windonl.• Bat' the fctress had died a .day Or two before, • the,. sale. • • , • • • • YOU 'MELANCHOLY WOMEN ! Crin!t even sleep -restless day and night -broodid t over imag.ined tionble ar-ean..the-tias • 111010, 1)007 in the blood which is thin and innutritious. Do the night think now mad you'll be cured quickly. Just take Ferrozone ; it turnseverything yon eat into nourishment, consequent- ly, blood containing lots iron and oxygen is forthed. . Ferrozone makes flesh, muscle,•nerve- strengthens in a vveek, cures very quickly. You'll live longer, feel brighter, be free flown men lineholy if you use Ferrozone. Fifty cents buys a laix of this good tonic (fifty chocolate coated tablets in every boxst.at all dealers. The disgusting discharges from the nose end throat, and the foid, catarrh- al breath ate quicklv. dispensed with by using Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure, Such soothing agents aa0i1 Eucalyptus, thymol, Wild Lritigo, etc.. have been incorporated into.. a snow white creain making a catarrhal balm unexcelled. • Sold by.W.S.R. Holtnes, , Haunted by regret for killing two men. in • the San Fraricieco disaster,' William O'Connor, a militiaman shot himself dead 'Wednesda.y. O'Connor brooded over his act, which was pet - formed in the line of duty, until he thought the dead men's 1 elatives were hounding him. O'Connor lost, all his property as #1blacksmith shop owner through tile dieastee, and came here. ReletiveS of the dead men, he believed preyented him tom getting emplok- merit, and to cap it all his • fiancee in Lon Angeles jilted, filth because he lost his money. w If your Stonateh is weak,'t If your food distresses you, If you are weak and nervous Use. Dr. Shoop' s Restorative one b month and see what it does for S Id b W The graves of. Britain's fallen tiol- diere in South. Africa have not. been forgotten. The Guild of Loyal Wo- men of Sonth Africa have•Just issued the -report ot their special committee on this subject, showing that live years of steady prgmlized work have been now corimleted. Still, much remains to be done, In some cases, for instance, It has been found necessary to remove the bodies -L. -where proxit•nity of the. grave to dwelling houses or drinking Water has been a danger to health, or where several gravss have been scat- tered about one farm, and where a ' 'grave was so far out of reach that it is clearly impossible to undertake to look after it. • During. the „war, too, it must also •be :remembered, burials were of- ten hurriedly done, and in most un- suitable ground,' with the t'esult "in many, places bodies have been found xposed, wind and 'weather having ashed away the .soil which covered hem." Re -burial was dhSolutely neces- ary In these casts, and the bodies have ara een placed septely qt coffins. rouglit In, and laid to rest in the earest cemeteries. o y .§,R, Holmes. you. n • nabbitso Vann Rabbits' ears are singularly adapted to catch eTery Emend. The,ears-of this timorous online' are constantly on the Move. It sleeps. with ite eyes partly open arid fts ears directed backward, and anything passing in front or sound ceteing from • the 'rear attracts- inetant attention. • • Eggs. ,, Very frequently a cooked 'egg be- comes mixed with the raw ones. It may edelly be pleked'out. An uncook- ed egg will not twirl, but a Cooked one eon readily be twirled. ,An Odd Book. One of the strangest books ever welt - ten Is Pere terruger's "ImproYeinetits, on the Bible!' Ile rewrote the Settp- tures In the Style of a fashionable me- et stating in his prefaee that Moaeir and the other writers are too barren in their deserlption, A eadeente Deirrees. Academic degrees originated at Par- te and Bologninduring the twelfth ten- . ° .AfiBAD IIIWTSE 010ften causes a good deal of trouble, The best cure is a prompt applieation of N'erviline whieh instantly stops the pain, prevents swelling, removes all blaeltness and disceloration. Nerviline is antiseptic -Prevents blood poison- ing. No liniment so strong, KJ pene- trating, So SWift to deeteey pain. You mitre a lot of comfort by not using Pol. son's- Nerviline, For nearly fifty yeere it has been the standard fitmily went of Ottnealas *WEARING A •r-• WAY YOUR LUN OS ? Yes, and your strength too. Stop eoughing and get rid of that catarrh, The one remedy is "Catarrhezene" which goes to the diseased tissues , along with air you breathe ; it can't fell to reach the source of •the trouble it's bound to kill the gentle, and as for healing up the sore places, nothing can surpass Catarrhozone. . If you don't get instant xelief and ultimate cure you will at least get back your riumey for Catarrhozone is guaranteed to ore catarrh in anypart of the system. Wu run no risk -therefore use Catarrhozone-at our expense if not satisfied. ealinnta. neeennonneee. Shea -Did you everseen the tomer twins? /In --Yes. She -Don't you think the boy Is the pleture of his father? He -'yes; and I 'also think the girl ia the phonograph If her mother. -Min- neapolis Journal. itat the nersinniton "Yours la certainly an unusnal cage," said the litivyer, "and it will be ttec08. . Nary to consult a mairber of books;" • "Ser•oueried the el lent. "Yee," answered the legal light, "ad' tiro will begin with your pooketbeek.",-,- Detroit Teibutle, . • . Oetting, Akomr, "Id that timid young cortgreSernan making any progress?" Mired Grityce. "Some," , ndmitted Gladytt "After 'talking rtboet kteses for a week he flnfly aeked foe Wee in print"---Lotr- Wine Courier -Aux' „ 1 A REGULAR Hefter Skeiter Sal of Boys', Youths' and itien's Suits, coats and pants, odd pantki. Overalls, stacks Of them, Braces, Collars, Neck. stiThleifs W�kiti Shirts, MifiBliirts, in 16,-ct every.. thing a man or boy wears), even to Boots an Shoes, for the next 10 days I will be here personally to attend' to your wants. So come on MacDuff and see who will quote prices the lOWest for the nex.t 10 clays. CLOTHIER, $MITIA'S and FW. NISHER: ------il , . - A Pleasant and Interestinel Visit to Glen Park Stock Farm. A few years ago, as a diversion from the strenuous duties incident to con. tirmedsoffice work and rigidlylooking after hm is large anufacturini g nterests. Mr. Doherty, like many others of sinx- ilias calibre, gratified his old love for good live stock end invested '111 a few beautiful Short -Horns. flaying acquired a considerable por- tion of the Bewden survey farm pro- perty, where his factories, residence, barns and so forth are situated, the richest tract of land that we know of. It has produced 50 bushels of wheat per acre, and lest year 14(9) bushels of mengolds were grown onless tha three acres. :a Mr Doherty also bought from Arthur Conch poit of the flats across•the river nil idea spot for pasture. • The seenery being pioturesq lre. and interestingiothe winding river is flank- ed by wooclfd`heights with handsome villas nestling here and there among the trees. At times the valloy•narrows between rugged, woody hanks, and then widens out again into broad, fer- tile meadows, where the cattle close in among the buttercupa and clover. • Carpets and Lo eums. guarantee to give satisfaction. We have a big stock of Carpets, and ail new patterns, Goods that w.e cart Brussells • .85 1 00 125 11 NVool .80 .0.3 1.00 Tapestry • .40 .50 .60 Unions.35 .45 Carpet squares in many sixes, patterns and prices, Scotch Linoleunta.- Sitvoilit widths -The most beautintil patterns Quality' - •lthe kind that wears for a life time. Our Pvices 87 1.2, 49, 45 and 50c per sq. yd. J. 11... enELLEw, BLYTII. FUk1\1-1TU,R and UNDRTA:K1.1VG: ..::"""'"'"`"1"A"ssonssoasameemommagunzummummanumuwo.t""""".""'"""*N PARIS tt I % PURE ENGLISH A j\•best English makers at gucts, per lb. /‘ A , . t i • .-----Do - you want'.the • BeSt--at. the lowest Price - away their time in sleepy satisfaction .-. • ? , ../. , • ,. 7 'We can .siapply -y92...with Berger's, One of.ther: ..of...,. Sweet spot itinamong the "banks in. 1 braes %in the.s.unny days of June,whe the sky is without a 'eland and th ineedowrlikeitattre fluttering nnd eipg ang oventhe grassy fields. Ftantrtite fiesf. Ire -ma ithdi'pay,'for the second year gave hfl a clear profit of about $500, which was invested to good advantage in import ed Cruikshatik Short•Horn cows, the best line of stook inthe world. He sold his culls and males, annually, using only impoeted sires, leaving at the•present Hine nothing but the /nest I herd, which now numbers 25 head. ;The herd is headed by the Watso bred, Bessie, imported sir, Pride o Scotland, 45213, one of the most choice animals in this country, £200 was paid for him when only 11 months old The twenty-one females are all extel lent representatives of noted,old Soto .J. E. HOVEY, Clinton; . • - , - Dispensing. Chemist. • Nek•Ntirtlik• ."‘":1701.1"11-40n.re • . , • W....{)"„WIrrett.w.;340 . - , ..r$,P--E:•.,0 I A 1:1 S • • eftien's Waterproofs, Ladies' Wrapper n and Waists. A large stock of Gindhams, Linens and Mus. - f lins for Summer DrCaa6s, Laces andTErnbroideries, Underwear ad Hosiery, in great:Variety.' Our Wall Papers. are the best. We sell. the famous Sterling Paint 1 none better, some 'may h be as gOod. Lots -of s'eed on hand. families that have. proved their. worth • • - es money makers in the production of - milic• beef and progeny. One of the • May 1,5th, .1906. • . __ . , R ADAMS„ .Empotaurn, Londeshoiso. young cows, ,Duchess of Gloster,, traces ...:„ .. back to the Oolling's Dispersion ettle in the year 1810. . • The • Cows are all • bred1n the a . •inost fashionable linea, Cbmbining size. .birth, qualq, flesh and hone, :and up -1 g I e ▪ ' ; 1 • to -date Crui shank type, representin sueh noted Scotch familiee as the Stant fords, Jilts,Winsonie Beauties,Wimpl Blossoms,: Matchlesses, Nonpareils Duchess of Glosters, Orange Blossoms Minas, Clarets, etc. Atneng the lot ere scime famous show enima's. • Winsome Beauty, one of the import ed cows, won first at Elgin, Nairn and Doncaster as a yearling in Scotland 1901, and sold fox. 150 guineas, Orange Blostroni 2nd, Imp., another co* of show yard ordenand a choicely bred one, in her veins flow the llood of Remus, tsire of Choice Goods sold for 47100,) Scottish Anther and Wlm.of Orange: • Wimple Blossotn Was shown many times, and never *hipped until lest Spring itt the Clinton, Stock Show, when she was beaten by her sistenaleo owned by Mr Doherty. Glen Park Gilt,a broad, low set, thrif- ty, thick fleshed,stnooth, red, two year old, is considered good enough to suc- cessfully compete fbr first class honors' at the Toronto Industrial or elsewhere, -Among the yearlings we wish to es- pecially mention the twins Nonpareils they are proper candidates for Exehibi- tion honors, beautiful roans, scions of Mr. Jacob's important animal, and so near alike they can hardly be told apart. Leen but not by any means least,are Orange Blossom 4th and Wimple's arl, two of the most beautiful heifer calves we lut•ve ever seen, they. showing the Cruikshank character so well. Among the young finales • whieli are especially !offered for sale are two reds, a Matchless and a Silt, both by import- ed Sire% broad, level, smooth, well grown sappy fellows, now 15 months old, fit to head almost any herd, . The whole herd is offered for sale without any reservation,for cash or on time, and no reasonable bid will be turned down for either the imported or home bred stock, rts the herd now requires •considerable• attention and since Mr. Doherty has added the man- tifitature of pianos to _his; immense organ business, his time is fully oc- cupied. A. tabulated, illtistrated, and descrip- tive catalogue of this magnificent herd On application. Advt. Advertise in the Nigiv • 11.1•44.4.4,11.4444•1•4,44%. 11C) eentS We will send The• New Erafor the balance " of the year \To NEW StifiSCRI13... ERS, for 40c .cashv Now is, the thrte to' subscribe. alelieltnialtaiseena,114414.1nenteleen •••••••...* Buy your Buggy 'where quality as well as appearance is considered•in 'manufacturing, and have your repairing done . by exper- ienced men. • All are found at Ruthball Se. McMath's, Euron Street., Clinton. Clinton Sash, Door, and Blind Factory. The Town of Clinton is on the eve •:-.4 a "boom," If you contemplate building, Jet us give you our estimation, etc, aNlleadquarters tor all kinds of builders'`niaterials.1E1 S S COOPER Olinton Advertise in ancTON NEW ERA (914.144446.144404.014e...tet4.114gettotewt4441; . 1;oid you ever Stop to think '? When buying a Dinner, Tea or Toilet Set or Pane; China, first -plass goods, neeto-date shapes or decor/Wow be save and call at T, W. ;IRWIN'S. 5 ORATES ON THE WAY FROM THE POTTERS IN' ENGLAND, Teas, Sugars and Canned Goods ..„ Special mit:price% onaSugar in 100 lb bags • • We leita in Quantity, QiittaedlityolaoiyulorP,rAielessi.ko,' Timothy, or. i 'ES Ag a 0 ge ys : - 'Yellow Leviathan stands at the L.S40EuitEurDISFohitterlt ksitlarc,10, , chard (*r las Mangold and Turnip Seed, Ontar- head. of the list in yield per acre in 2:5 diftereht varieties." , Sold by 41. W. IRWIN CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND 1?,GGS *********************41