HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-22, Page 2The New Era plionsnea every Malty at the Now ERA Printing House, IBAACSITREET . . 44.11,12'011. Tern* Of enbscription - $1 per year ia advance 1 50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discontinue Until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is de. Doted on the label. Advertising rate- Transient Over. tsements, 10 cents per nonparel. line for fhat insertion and 8 cents per line tor eachsubsequent insertion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch euch as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," etc, inserted once for 35 cents! or one month for $1.Communications intended for publication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied. by the name of the writer. To insure publication in current issue copy of advertisements steatite be sent in early. Contract rates - The followingtable ediowa our rates for specified periods And space. 1 yr. 6nio. 3mo. lrop 1 Column $75 00 $40 00 $2,5 00 $8 50 1 Column 40 00 25 00 15 00 600 Column 25 00 100 • 800 250 Column 1)00 10 00 550 200 Inch 600 850 200 1? Rowe. }totems, Editor thAl.',4t4eeei-etee.e. , The giinton'New Er -a' FRIDAY, JUNE V, 1906. Editorial Notes, In the courae of an article a Column and a half long, devoted to au attack on lion, Clifford Sifton; the Toronto News inadvertently pays him this compliment :- Tt does seem to us that whatever his faults may be, 1r, Sifton has a genius for public affairs, that his administrae tion of the Departinent of the Interior was dIstinguished by courage, fore- sight and sagacity, and that no Other man has laid „his hand upon the west with such certain knowledge of local tendencies and conditions, and with such ability wisely to direct its settle- ment and development. , But the News cannot forgive Mr. Sliton far his contempt. of the Slander Brigade, and it avers that "he is wItIa. out excuse if /welkin s aspersions upon his public work anci motives to go en, answered." But Mr, Siam) might be better employed than in heaving rocks at all the curs that snarl at him as he goes by. 'The peblic school inspector Of East Middlesex reports 78 fewer pupils on Lile roll than 1004. . That kind of thing is not peculiar to Middlesex. The p4ople• have the western fever, and thoee have faniiiies bent On farm- ing seek the prairies -and kerns for their sons. There is, too, a tendency to seek the cities, and in two ways the rural districts are ambled of their young. This is to be regretted, from a Provincial point of , but it is rrmr? Kinds ot ParmoKS not to be doubted that te liberal ad- iTotonto World) It is 6lident that 'nen-are en- I gaged in hu41!.'flOry who would ach- ieve greater success in some other oc- cupation. One class' of men are far- mers because from force of _cirevica- .... altances they could not find a more con- genial profession. Engaged in agri- culture are many who would not rise above mediocre in any vocation, while another class are always seeking for more knowledge of their. profession and strive to improve their holdings. In no occupation is robust health of greater advantage than in conducting farm operations. No vocation is more conducive to health and longevity than agriculture. An invalid farmer is ban, dicapped in pr6secuting his profession, particularly if he is short of capital to employ necessary help. So many of the operations of successful agricul- ture demand brawn as well as brains that the farmer with rugged health comes to his task with superior advan- tage over a sickly conlpetitor It often occurs that even money will% Jnot save the season's crops, as ade quate help cannot always be obtained even when offered an extravagant price. In no occupation do youth, health and strength represent capital rnore than in operating a farm. .lius- bandmen retire on account of the in- firmities of age disqualifying thern-for strenuous physicallabor. While much of the Work on a farm is performed.by horses and ininroved machinery, the farmer with robust health and a nat- ural inclination for work is the one• that will succeed best in any branch of agriculture. There are two classes of farmers, who start with equal opportunities, and one clasS .achieyes independence while the other remairs poor. The one improves the natural advantages of hie soil and enyiropments and•is particular in executing all his farm operations to hhve the land in the best possible condition, and uses only the best seed. He is always grading up his stock and delights to give his at. tention to his work. The other fanner is not particular in selecting 1115 seed, preparing the soil for the crop, or planting at the most favorable season. The farmer who strives to de better each season will succeed, while his neighbor who does not enter into the inspiration of his vocation will proye a failure. The fine improves his oppor- tunities, the other neglects them, with the result that •the former is prosper- ous while the latter lives in the winter of discontent. Richard Yates, 77 years of Age, is dead at Detroit. Mr. Yates was said tobe the only living survivor • in the United States of the famous charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklave. He served all through the Crimean war in the Fifth Dragoons, and was honor- ably diecharged in 1863. Coming to America in that year, he at once en- listed in the Northern cause in the -civil war and served until its close. He then moved to Woodstock, Ont., later coining to Windsor,and six years ago moved to 1)etroit. • an Tiff crovoononsriamoomsomunskisocet There one thing that will cure it —Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp -medicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap- pears, had to ..disappear. A healthyseslp171Cnr, greatdeal to you 4-7,healthY hair, no dan- druff,no pimples,no eruptions. The best kind of a testimonial - "Sold ,f or ovur simty yenta." .0160410Watordr........ 1 we n o people he the west will prove benefit:4d to that part and in the end to the DOnlirtiori. But there are far worsp plaees' than Ontario, , The Piooeer, the Prohibition organ, presents this- account of, -the Canadian people with the ligoor traffic :. Cost of the Liquor 'Traffic. Paid for liquor. .$54,447,382 Labor lost • 00,515,077' Loss by deeths 204000,000 Grain destroyed; 1,850000 Misdirected labor.-- 5,2,83;100 • Indirect cost' 3,534,008 $145,580,007 Rejelpts front the Liquor Trafilc. Dominion revenue . $12,871,537 Provincial ' 744,564 Municipal reyenue....... . -721,232 ' $14 237;333. • Net loss '...$131,348,73e • 31r. John Millar', Magistrate for Walkerton, - 'has been dismiseed from office. The only reason given is that he has been, dderniseed _because he is a Liberal politicseind•not Con; servative. M. Millar his :been ex- pectingliiis ever Once.. the, change., of government and is einisegneritly- 'not disappointed, . was a. goor,rnagis- . trate and we believe, was giVing good g.eneral satisfactiOn. • So :Jar as7.•the public interest is ..concerned nothing will be gained. --Walkerton TeleseOpe. • • . . We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case 'of 'Catarrh that can, not he cured. by Rail's Oatarrh,,Cure.- F. J. CH.ENEYW.CO, Toledo, O. • We, the undersigned, have • known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly -honorable. in all business. -transactions and financially able to carry out any oblige:tit:Ms made by his firm. •• , • • • WALDING, KINNAN & MaRVII4, • Wholesale Druggists, ToIedo,.0. Rail's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon •the blood and mucous surfaces •of • the. system. Testimonials sent free. Price cente per bottle. Sold by a1,1 Druggists, • Take Halls .liatinily Pills ter • con- Six 7thfsari at: Germans eat•six ihettlki a day -break- fast. `1second” and ”third" biTaktast, dinner (a f ter .Which.l.he- men take 'their noonday nap), '"ve.spery and an Carly sultiwr, often followed 'on: their retnro. home by it Tater and more substantial meal. The -Tiger The thret. is .eouttnonly considered, na einbietn of gayety and . levity.Ire' roiee etarte of India this flower 18 re- -earthed with a superteltiorts awe akin to that felt for the animal 4r0304 which' it takes its • toque. YOU'RE ONLY.41ALV •• Bile nevertheless you feel pretty "seedy." Best prescription isDr, Elam- "ilton's Pills ; they:tone. up the entire system, streogtheri the . stomach, elevate veto* Ispirits and make you feel better in one day. It's by. elean- ing the body of. wastes, by purifying and enriching the blood triat Dr. Ham- ilton's Pifl a.ccomplish so much. Very 1011(1, exceedinglyprompt, and guar- anteeil in every ease. Your druggist sells Dr. Ilanfilton's Pills of "Mandrake and Butternut in yellow 'boxes, 25c each, or five for $1.00. Get the gen- want*5Y atom. The finest lime tree gardens In the world are on the little island of Mont- serrat, a British colony. The orchards with their' 150,000 trees laden with bright fruit are as gorgeous as an orange orchard. The lime leaf is so aromatic that in the West Indies it is used to perfume the water in finger bowls. THE ("LINTON NEW 141t& PAUPER CHILDREN'S COST.' Oliver Twists of BerineticiWY Minit Not Ask or Moree-Treacle Simply li Cut Clown For Economy. • The president of the Local Govern- ment Board has called attention to the Church «Arden Parties ' To flte Niter er Oie New .ffrra Dual Suc.-As the time of various church garden parties draws near, may be perulitted through your paper to ask Uhristlans, ministers and people, to ask earnestly of God what bearing Boaxd•of Guerdians, of Permondoey, to James ev. 4 an 6, 13 -"The friendship the high cost of the poor law soltoole. of the world is enmity with God'', and Recently a question was, put th Perlis,- "Is any merry, let him sing psalms,"-. meet about the high cost of the sohoels, has upon the peesent Mieteme$ of differ - aria Ur. Burns has -called upon the exit churches in this respect: Ought guardians to furnish him with a re- not an Outdoor Serylea ofprelee, or an turn showing the cost per child per outdoor gospel effort with its gospel week, Mr. Pitts_ Fenton, the clerk to hymns of inyitation-as some hymn has it, "The songs of the church are best" -be more satisfying to Christians and saving to the work ? Are garden mites a modern substitute for the old religious canaponeetings Ohristians Might suffer more criticism, but I be- lieve they would know more of "the joy of the Hely Ululate" with more of -"the oldetimiereligion.",andefonemey is needed, there e re excellent guide pas- sages a Scripture, such as Philov, 6 and 1 Cor. XVI, 2, In a little book on a horse and trap so that he could "get the subject of church entertainments, about" the huge pauper demesne, on Written by a Churclof England cler- which over thirty scattered cottages ge than now in Hai on, be tells the ' are 'erected, with buildings for work- Eastern fable of a earnelthat requested I shops, school, and admirestration of- of a meter to bealleWed tOTIlt its head ; noes. Roads have been made on the in through the door of the mill for a estate, which is now a, complete pauper lidle warmth. The miller gave the colopy, out y which the ohildren very permission and went on with his work, •rarely go. The children, of course, are After a time he took a look toward the ' wen looked after, but there is the ob- door and found that the camel had. ! Jeotion that they Are brought up with a worked its whole body also into the pauper taint by poor -law ofticials,ecnd mill. Upon whieh the uglier requested. I never:got tiny idea- ef life in the out- him to. get out, but the cemel replied the guardians, has now prepared this return, from which appears that each pauper chlid eves the ratepayers RI, 1s $d per •week, and that e, year ago the .00st was 1 9s. Boys. Taught Trades. These .costly poor -law schools are uatiVereShtrIey,---upon -an -estate -ot some seventy aeNs. So extensive le the oolony that the headmaster recently asked the guardian to Provide him with Housecleaningtsv. ,And Rouseeleaner's liouseeleaners' are here It's hard work. housecleaning Is, and disagreeable. The quickest Wag that it can be done takes Ions enough:, goodness knows, too long. and the easiest waY ls too hard. Wel:lave for some time tried , labor lightener& The best they ean do is only a help, of course, but it's harder without them. Can we assiet you, with any of the following? • Eiellard'S Pure Soap Comfort Sweet Home Sunlight Surprise Wool • Fels-Naptha Gold Dust Pearline Soap Chips Sapolio, Household Anainooia, 5c a pack. We iiell every kind of a broom and brush • that is made, W. T. O'NEIL, TUE HUB.GROCER side world In each cottage de the cep. that he ISMS 'quite comfortable, and told Won:1111er. .thet if lie did not like r - oily is a f arrilly of fourteen or fifteen his company, be • hod. , better get out children, and a foster -mother is In hinIself, • • -charge. The return teemed by the guar- . Throughono permission and another, diens' clerk maims it °Var. ' that • the liottlaoed i cost ef the t ' a each child has not the whole ciunel of worldly aniusemeet got ie'.or very,feereihto the Thein Is 3s ad per week. S tine`y expend- churches e • Has it °eerie in to steer e ed, .of course, goes principally In ofil- . Must the L'Iniller be content with its dollar'. On the testate is a, huge company or get Out ? . swiraming-bath .which cost hundreds of .1 tor one believe that the Scriptures pouedp, Teem are variom woeltsleeps c ill for a church reechine out to save HI Which boys, • whorl. I -hey •Aire ol0 the world, helping the world in its dis- : eliolegh, aro taught dudes, and each lad, •tresses, vet withal "erncified,, to the as a matter or fact, has a tiny plot. Of work). Such a condition - may mean - lane Th- eultivate whilst a. epace'aroand less in numbers and less iu money, but each • Sottage is ;aid out for 'flower, cul- how much more in power for impress- ture. As the estate is beautifully weed- ing the world with the reality of eter- ed, tete Poor -law whiny is a, perfect . nal considerations. For while the garden . dn. • • ' ' Scriptures say that "All are guilty be- fore God" and that "There is no differ - Cut Down the 'Treaele, ence," the worldsays of these who.pro- „Since 'Mr. Burns has be,,n in.. Com - fess :the service. of God, there is no munication with the guardians o , , 11-°n d th • . Rare you a Camera. • „ TEAOII Amateur Photography. ..at your home, • 'Under our instruction there is no elm' ori- • motatng or wasting .of materials and -Leona. You learn to ao every stop of the work your- self, • Success guaranteed. Our 5100 mase:in gold will intereetyou, Write te-,day.2‘.=0 CORRRSOON.DENCE IMPARTMENT. TORONTO, , 'T.E • difference betweenthem an the due:Aden. of the great cost of the world.” If in the Iffe of business and e I echinas; nn attempt at economy has • think the world will thin religion a boon introduced by Teducing the. die Measures the world sees hollifference, tory a,cale by taking away from each very easy thing to put oe, and will be ehlie. 1 oze of treacle, 1 I-2 pints of milk, disposed to put off the matter of ear - anti '.2 oz. of rice, . • .: • - •neatly seeking it, becauee it does not . In connection with ille eCtst of pau- seem to be a very earnest matter. • Of per pliildren it may be interesting to course • there is. mete difference than •Intqlti.--41- IthIt In T441°1)(111. -'Y--i-t."4 1;01."aek the world Sees or aokn.owledges. yet 1 seliciols , at- NorwOne, tee. cpst TS gbout -. feel sere that if- the ' church, ie to get liis per child p:q- week.. At the Harwell bitek to. the apostolic and . 'foldtiene" ' sch4els of the eit "na .s"tIthly'ark the' power; she Must- get Intel( mare of her cast per • child is '16s or •1.7s Dor Week. pilgrim character, and beingoleansed ()pinions eliffer as...to tip+ best means. 6.1 IrOni all ' that is worldly, and leaving ' (eating with poor -law children, • but , that separateness Which comes eheough ihr e -is a groWlitg feeling -Unit an ex- •being,"filled with the Spirit., speaking cellent plan, and On,- • Which is.' most ' to one another in _pealins and hymns ecorionlival,,is that' or bearding. the chil- and spiritual songs," "Awake and put deen out .with i*: mines. in the .country.• :on hey. strength arid prove herself'. - • • • • - ' . .•- --• - - • e '..'' ' thvaugh • the • Holy Ghoet powerful, - PILLS AND PILES • • . more than ever for. the, pulling de wn A prolific cause of Pilei ie t.lie• 'use of of strongholds and deliveriog et urn. . ri*i,e,,,which, is .aiway.t3 followed hy a, . -Is it not time for the church to judge • -cathartics turd pills' of drastic,. from the bonds of the enemy of sou s. ViOlent If b such passages as that quoted' drying properties they contain. , 'row aulebt I -o'er -Y-41 • COMPLIMENTS FOR A STRAT- • FORD INSTITUTION. Canadian Pacific Railway ConapanY, Didsbury Station, 21, 1006, Mr. R. Larmour, Stratford, Ont. • Dear She -You will think have forgotten uly•• premise to write you and let_ you know how I an getting along in this western country.. But I could not well 'forget the-niterest you took in scouring; pm a. position after •had completed the ours f: instruction in. your school. • (Tele- • graphy.) am more than pleased to tell you, I tira getting along well and am now , empleyed as Operator itt DiciSintry, • With prospects of pro- motion, ' Mr. Natio*, 'superintendent, has taken•a kindly interest in my welfare, as a friend. of yours. As the first gra- duate from your 8...11°01,1 trust I may yet prove • :a, worthy representative ,ot the noble art you are so- well quail - tied to te•tch• With the kindest re- aecle-te4eues. elfeandee C suecese ot • yerir school. I remain, yours • respectfidl. .• R. ft VERNON, June 22/4 1904 For Sale r To Rent PROFESSIONAL nous for Sole beLenenr110172661WWItiet• ri Vi°13460:8beoaidt trally looeted for prirtioulors.lpaply W syDoN mOr!olee-90•Eillott Xtleelt, foreierle 00oePled • e IliOINEW TO LEND, HENRY BEATTIg. iihicemer Xr iees .$ooet 13ARRISTRII, $04101.TOE, ece. .0441TON • House and LOt for Sale For stile a small image oti Rettenhary etreet west, together with lot no. 696. being ; a pitrter aore. A.pply to E. 13UTT, or NEW ERA officer lelieton. Cottage tor Sale. The cottage on Omega St, adjoining the property of pabscriber is offered for sale on Igarmattiele terrne. 1 Aleo a temple of goodhriok stores. W. SICWONIEs BARRISTER SOLICIT0/4 NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO. oeeNTON RIDOUT & HALE 0ONVEYeetogns, CoeteuSsIONExte, Real Estate sod Ineurance Agent Monet, to loan 0.03. RAM I01111 RIDGETT • diA,a,1. • tu. s3 y „ .• • dora-en--teeeteneeta•hfe-ilmeeiesiieen& e , eel_ - alcaeGeeueee,_ Tare use other Causes, bat no •Witt- that. virgin _purity Ile deniaeds, that ' '5 ter whet the oatise or what the, kind. slie eney shine- in the . brightness of it Of Piles,'• 1)r. . Leonharat's ilem-Roid aanot.illed life, iiml being lilted vvithethe f win trout the world iny- ••' d 1 ' . . • :earl he. relied . upon eure-to sta God,• • 'Didsbury, • It's au internal 'xeMedy that rentoves- think we have need: 'Of awelteriing- • the banns of ltchihg Blind, Bleeding this direction. .I believe we -shalt t Oettieh. The offensive weapon of the oetrich is 1318 leg. He tan kick as hard as a 1 • nude, and.it is a remarkable fact that 1 Idek is forward; never backward.. • • amees fie called boor WIIS Made in En• gland ft long tilue•azi by tapping spruce, flr bireh, maple, and ash 1.t,ns• and using their Jule.,s, '11115 3,11(9.4.4 ts Atilt kept 1 up In lengland mut in this country, where litationtatle beers from.roote are iimell ;reed. Safety tempo. Safety, lamps, lamps surrounded by gauge to prevent explosions of gases in mines as well as to Indicate the tit cies df polsollotie gassm, were Invent- ed br Sir Humphry navy In 18115. •1 yet . see moee Of purity, • • liberty. and • ' A guarantee goes with each' • pac age containitig it month's 'treatment. It ean,be obtained for $1.00.at • drug, gists', , or The WilsoneFyle 0o, Limit- . ea,.Niagara.ifans, Ont." • . • • • veising iromigration Tian. • According to figure's Obtain from H. 3. Tutt, agent pi the .Ontario Imirligra- tion Department at the Union. Matti:in, aioronto,.. over. 22,000 immigrants 'kayo •thie year. come .under the attention of, the trtlinheration officers .at the station. • up 'to the end of May. This. Is an in- crease over the : first five months. •' of last year of nearly 8000, and shows to what enormous proportions. the Immi- gration business is growing:- Last year May saw .5711 come in... For the •flve months of .the' two years The figures are as follows: • • • • . • • • 1905 1906• January 486 541, February 730 ' 963' Niartitt. . ' 2,598 . 4,392 .Apr!).• 5,211: - .7,46D May '-•• • 5;711 9,000 - • *Total ... 14.706 gams • It will be noticed from these figures. that each succeoding° month shows an increase over th' previous one, ;though it is .not large 'until the' spring months' some, "When to..this is ridded 'the fast that all paesehger aecommodalidn , on vt.ssois *erre:leg at •Canafflan ports has been booked Uri to September, it gives an idea of wit'at this summer may see In the Way of high tide ih linmigration. In addition to Oleic, figures, givce tint by Mi'. • •there • been a large number of.pers-ats arriving' here under „the' •eare •of tlie .Salvation Ailey and. Oirnilai erganizetione. Asked as to the typeof immigrant' Who has been corrilng.in,. Mr. Tutt ;staid he believed *most of[be at -rivals were • of a better _classthan last year. They are a, fine class- of people, lie said,. and :shouid. match good citisefiS. 'The, per.. tentage of those Included in• the they* figures who were not English-speaking, peoplels so mall as not to be -worthy of note" • •- eopte of 'the Traungreinoe.0 irm aliuso •ffirokilliomou hifforminani 114/449ton wool -Pueblo Chieftain. I Did litin it Favor. ( 1 tfunter-That. guide seems veil; fond 1 of amateur sportsmen. , 1 Postmaster -Yes; one of them m1 took hle mother -In-law for a deer loot 'year, --New York Press, crever-of-theeSeenateandesmateefeli in Christ, in the whole church, through the 'prayers of many, that'. the Spirit may be poured out upon all flesh. Sincerely, • • a RHODES EL.LIOTT // IPT/. TORONTO, ON. • A SIMENOID SC11.001,.-High•grade training for Business life. College open entire year. Our • facilities are unsurpasSed. COMMENCE NOW. • , • Handsome catalogue free, -. Bishop Kingdon of Fredericton', N. • ' • W. .I. ELLIOTT, Prin 13„ iereported ea be dying.. . •Cereee.ot Volum' and Alexaneter SIS. Twenty-five years ago it was difficult to sell spring Wheat flour for pastry.at any price. People didn't want iv—they were using soft,. winter wheat flour, and saw no reason • for changing. . • But hard wheat lour was persistently pushed and 'prejudice has been overcome. The women tried it, succeeded with it and appreciated. it. —To -day hard wheat iiour is • the favorit,e for pastry as well • as or bread. , The flou'r that is doing the most 'for the reputation of hard wheat our is the brand known as Ogilvie's Royal Household It is hard wheat flour at its best --milled by modern Methods, retaining all of the good of the wheat and none of the bad— • it is without an equal for every kind of. . baking in which flour is' used. Talk to your grocer about • isn't , enthusiastic it's only because he isp,'t • informed. Ogilvie Flour /Vlills Co.. Limited, MONTREAL.. "Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," eremites Teo pages of excellent reeipes, some never before published. Your grocer can tell you how to ' get it rttgz, 4 House for Sale The large cottage on Queen street, be- longing to the estate of the late E. Holmes is offered for sale, The lot is one-half aore, with bearing fruit. trees, bard and soft water, ,A bargein. Apply at NEW ERA office. Good 'louse for Sale•. erzWatber•offere for sale bis large and comfortable frame house on Albert Street. The bouSe has every convenience for order- er,' family. Gaol cellar; hard and soft water on the lot; three-quarterteofetn acre of land; bearing fruit trees, also good atable. Will be gold on reasonable terms. • - WILEEN, Clinton, Itch 80Stre'''' 1.101•11•1.11.10, • For Sale or to Rent Lot 15, Oon. 13, Ethilett, (150 sores) is offered for sale or for lent. Possession to be given at the close of the current year. For particulars apply to W. BR YDONE, Clinton.1 • • Farm for Sale. • Subscriber offers for pale hie farm of 103 acres, being lot 31, 3rd con. H. R. S. Taolx• • ersmith. All cleaned and ander cultivat- ion except -3 acres ; all but 18 acres in grass Frame house, bank let le, hay barn, and other outbuildings. ,eRearing orchard. Good water. Sohoolhoti on the.prernises. 6 miles to Seaforth ;less th.an ,5 to Clinton, good roads. • WHITFrOLD (RICH, Clinton. Farm tor Sale. Subscriber offers for 0010 his farm of 100 seem being lot 24, ,Con, 2nd, Stanley, • All cleared but 10 acres.. Brick house, bank barn 40x90. oement silo, 14x30; one aore ef orchard and smell fruits, 2 never- ,• ling wells, • Driving house, pig pen, hen hones. • Five miles from Clinton and three • from bracefield, on pod gravel roads. ALBERT .NOTT, • Clinton P. Q. . Choice Farm tor SUle • -t--Babscribor-:offers for sole his splendid farnti of 96 .acres on the Base being northpart of lot 2, Mattland Block, Hui lett Good Tweet house barn and all eeceesery. outbuildings; 35 mores hash; feriae well wa- tered and in good condition. 2' miles from Auburn, and one mile feene Ahe proposed C.P.R, station: JOHN SPRUNG, Au. btun P.O. '• • For Sak or Rept . • A farm of 111 acres of the best else' loan, belonging to Mrs, Ida Fraser, Gloder- ich, .situated on the first 0011. Goderioh Township, 7 miles from Goderiole, 9 from Cline" and • 5 from Beyaele.. Fairly good buildings, and 2 orchards. Reason- able terms. •Foi further particulars apply to JAMES COLWELL. Rimers street, Goderieb, or Edward Aoheadn, Goderioh. Farm for Sate.- Sui. riber offers for eale.his form 01 100 sores, b ing lot 21, con. 6, Hallett. All cleared ex. t about 0128 sore, all seeded down but a out 20 sores. Frame house, brink barn 3.80. Bearing orciaara of on acre. Good well. Abont 5 milee from lintonk • Ap ly on thepremises or address 'nton Post 4 Moe. a 41 . ••JAMES TIGHE. • Farm tor Sale; • Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 100 acres, being•lot.24, 5th con. of Bullet, 90 acres eleered, 10 acresnice hardwood bush. Frame house, kitchen grid wood- shed, good bank barn. Well watered, web fenced, well underdrained and itt first-class state of cultivation, 1-2 sore bearing orch- ard. • Only 3 miles from Clinton. e of s mulefrom school, JOHN OARBERT. on the premises or OlintOn, P.O, Farm for Sale. • TwO hundred old. thirty -ave acres, situ, sted on Bavlield Reed, Goderick Tp., three. quarters -of -a -robs froir Clinton. Soil in excellent condition, having been all under grim for five years; splendid grain or gram land, well drained. Five mires hardwd'od bush and excellent orchard. One barn, 52144, with stone stabling for 12 horses and 35 cettle,• one barn, 331 54, with silo and stabliog for 17 oattle. • Large imple- ment home and pig pen; power and prmip- ing windraille;• large frame house; two good welivand running water at rear of farm. Apply to 'MRS. ALEX. XL Mot WEN, Cilinton P,O., or Lot 28, eon, '2, Stanley.• . • t Thor° null tor Sale The imbeeriber offers for sale 1 thorough bredDrill, aged ono year, roan in color, Bitted by Bnell's Imported Short•liorn Bull. ADAM, WEIR, lot 26, con, 4, littilett. 3 Short -horn Hulls for Sale 'Three good yourig Balle, from '10 , to 15 nienthte old; one roan and two red, good toughy. Come arid see them, or Write ED. J. WISE, Olintote Balsam Grove Stook Parra Buns 14ir Sale. Two thoro-bred Sbcrt Horn bulls for aged 2 de3 years, both -red with &little White; splendid individa1 bulls of good pedigree. One by Digging' imported Fen - 0,4 Pride; the °thee by Snell's Stet of Morning. Will be sold reasonable. if JAMES SUOD.131100X . Landenboro Drs. Gunn & Gunn. Hr. W. sem., tu. it, C. P.; L. U. C. S., MOM - Dr, J. Nisbet sanio, In. U. 4). S. England, It. C. 1'., Louden. alee-Ontario_Street, Clinton. Night calls at front door of Once or residence, RattenburY Street, DR. O. W. SHAW. • PlelYSICIAN, SURGEON . 4Jectudieur etc.. efilee and residence On tail° St, °Melte English church, formerly oo canted by Dr. Appleton, Vinton Ont. DR. C. W. THOMPS00 • • . eieciaiPabtfegnietilaenn'elyuergnet°ond'iEsetacees oi tit* Eye, Bar, Throat and Nose. 15, Oilice and Reeidence. Albert streel,2 Meeks Norte& of Itattenbarf G. W. 'Nanning Smith, D. CA PEIXSIOIAN de f3DRIGEON. OPPIUE-L-Mitin Street, Bitylield, formerly occupied by Dr, Palliator; DR. F. AXON DENTIST • (Successor to Dr. Holmes.) Spectalist in Crown and Midge Work. • Graduate Of the Royal9Coliege of Dental Sir - goons of Ontario. • Honor graduate of University of pronto Den" lal DePartinent, • Graduate.of Chicago College of Dental Surgery Chicago. Will visit Bayilehl every Mondav. • 1))3. .11,41 FOWLER, pargTisT. • Offices over O'NEIL'S Eton, Special care taken to mike dente tre ment as painless as pOseible. W vi i Auburn every Monday, • 1Vliscerlaneous. "(ANTES 0Ainlq.3ELL. bONDESBORO. el • Olt sialtillaGR LICENSE/2i • No witnesses reouired .Money Private fun• ds to loan tt.434i/arDiseitand . - • •GEORP.E ELLIOTT.• . CLINTON, .0111T.,• Licensed:Auctioneer. 7- 711itifin sales a-§1780ial ;,tt it10-1:IkA8011Attg::;7"1 :Orders 'left at the NEW ;ERA :vT4Tree promptly attended to, ---- • THOMAS .QUNDR -„Lieteestor4Lauelegeneo3lAhothell GODERIOH ONT. Farm stock sales a specialty. ' Orders left at NEW ERA oxEce. Clinton, promptly attended to. Terms reasonable, Farmers' sale notes discounted, .• MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED:Wir B Rumba% Clinton. J. P. IrlsDALL. BANKEle, • ealitINTON, O,NT rivate funds to loan • on mortgagor/ :at beet current rattle General Banking •• bagmen' -rineeatedhle . Interest- allowed on delimits. Sale notes bought • G. 'D. MeTaggart M. D. MoTaggart McTaggart .Bross. 13RNICERS •• ALBERT ST, . ()LINTON • • (.;feneial Banking 72;unisitesta transacted. • NOTES DielOGONTED , • Drafts timed: Interest allowed on • depoeitse The McKillOp Mutual - Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated ..artratn Preps erty Only InSUred. •. OPPICtItS. J. B. McLean, President, Kippeti; That Eraser'Vice-pres., Brucefield;. Thos. ,E .1•Lays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth; • • •biltECTORS. • • Jas. Connelly, Potter's Hill; John Watt, Harlocke G. Dale, -Clinton; M. Chesney, Seafoith; J. Evans, Beech - *eon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Bea, neweis, 13rodhagen, ' • Each Director is inspector otlosseseln his own locality. • •AGENTS. Roht. Smith, Harlock; Ed, Hinchley Seaforth; James Cumming, EgnIond- ville; J. W. Yee), 1-loimesville. WINGTIAlVf • BUSINESS COLLEGE is a high•grade 'Commercial &heel Throe Courses Com ni ereial • Stenography Telegremhy, Write OLIO. SPOTTEN, P11114PAL RIOE, • Pito° Tuner, No. 23, 'James St., south of • the . C..,Church. Drop pedal ard when you want piano tuned,