HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-22, Page 1Job Pri.ntingt Established 1865 14,013RON EfOXiMES, Blisiness • Banking The Sovereign Bank oil Ca" nadn'S uPetreniete mothiede --ffiellittittretbe-----deenrotnIreg business for meg of affairs, No red tape. proper dnrree Van- , servals** conettinedanste enterprise nsok.€ for sostadness and salipfac- tor" kinking service, The Sovereigil 'Rank of Canada it T. RANCE, Manaker. CLINTON ; ONT. RIM 4atternormento BuFdriess Banting T, Rance. . . nage leareets e.ii.ohenew • aris Green. J.E. HoveY a Better Skelter Sale, A. Smith ..... 3 Kerr stoisk,Newoonabes 4 Sportnig goods. W. Cooper dr Co. 4 Shirt Waist suits. Newcornb.es...• .• . . 4 Victoria Shoes, Poplestoue narener'.••• • ••• • • 5 Boarders wanted.New Brat . • ... ....„.. ... t 5 Stray Calf, W. Fisher.- .. 5 New Clothier. A.R. Smitu. ...... ...... 8 Farm for Sale, ti Thiel ..... Sale tif Tenders. F. Gelinas .... ..... 6 Binder Twine, 4.A..13ord .• 5 Put out your stoves, W.W.Nircens ....' 5 Fruit season, AD.Beaton .. , .. . • 6 Cream Shirts. Galbialth Clothing Co 5 Tie values, Toier dr Brown.. • 5 Selling out. Taylor Er Son • • • 8 Store news, W. D.Fair Co . 8 Great $10 Suits. Hodgen Bros ... . ..... ....• 8 Remnant Sale, Hodgen Bros.. , .. 8 Death removed from our midst Fri- day, June 1st, Mrs. Sophia Mellin, Urediton, after a brief illness. AUCTION SAL] The undersigned has received instructions to sell by Public Auction at Tuesdag,4100t 26,1906, at 2 p. the property known as Alma Methodist Cliurch„ consisting of the Churelibuileing, Wand- . • oliei3ee!Lig , carpet, move' imps; enetecene eve.. • --All to be and vvithont reserve.--r- Thos. Brown, Auctioneer 1 • ome ee e 4032.00 to $42.50 Points in MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN. . via NORTH BAY, - via Sarnia and JULY3 17 N. it Co. , JULY 4, IS. Returning within 80 Days. Tourist Routes. . The season is here. Get away for a few dors. ana visit the Highlands of Ontario, —Tourist tickets on sale daily.— For tickets and. full information, F. R. HODGENS, Town Agent. The Invictu,st —F 0 R--; Men. Women, and Boys. The Impiess1 Shoe for Wonien,. In an styles from $2 to.$4. A trial. will convince that we keep' the best in this and other makes.: If you are looking:for shoddy 'don't come to :a. cLurps a„,,...T..,_ fienanil 3/AnOten1n'en Wienneein, - A very pretty marguerite wedding was solem- , nized at the hoixte of Mr. an Mrs. Geo. V. Youngblut, SouthRiclunond street, east,Ilensall, at high noon on,Tuesday June Inth, when their daughter, Rose Elizabeth, became the wife of Mr. J. Munro Hall, of McKee's Rocks, Pit., LJ. The-einem:a—Sy-Ye eter-performed by Rev, Dr. Medd, assisted by Rev.W. Baugh. The house was most beautiful- ly decorated with ferns and naarguer ite,, and the ceremony was performed beneath a large wishbone of mosses and inarguerite,the contracting parties standing immediately in front of a massive bank of maiden hair ferns and roses. It was an ideal creation for a wedding. As the charming strains of Mendelsohn's wedding march Planed Qrace Smith, of Goderiela, fell peedisei4„,teeeneeenatn dine the bride, 'leaning upon the arm of her father, entered the nuptial room and took her place. ,The brief,- net solemn • Service of the ritual was !moo over, and the words that made the contracting par- ties man and wife were duly sane Af- terwards the guests repaired to the dining room, where a utast sumptuous degenuer was spread, and needless to say, ample justice was done by all. During the dining hour, Miss Brown. of Goderich, playa manysplendid numbers and sang in fine voice, •'Tree till Death." The bride looked charm- ingly sweet gowned in Spanish lace overavhite taffeta with bridle veil and coronet of orange blossoms: The bride's mother wore black and white. organdie. Miss Smith, of Goderich, eniee Mar geWeandliegrerailleeoelione witte chiffon trimmings over white taffeta. Miss Watson, of Ayr, was handsoinely gowned in white eoeline over taffeta, and wore white picture hat, Mrs. W. J. Seed, of London,al.' ways beautiful, looked sweet, daintily attired in cream point de'esprit with lace trimmings over taffeta with tuella het trimmed with pink roses. Mrs. Collins,of Exeter, wore white organdie with chiffon turban. Miss Bonthron, Exeter, was dressed in black with lace hat to match. Miss K. Collins wore white swiss muslin. Mrs. (Ree) Medd looked pretty in blue' silk- waist and black silk skirt. Mrs Rev.Baugh wore a handsome costume of black, is did also Mrs. B. Bonthron. MrsA.Young- • bluti beautifully attired in fawn silk with Persia,n trirnraing and tuscan sailor trinneed roses looked pretty as a picture. Mrs.J.Bontbron wore pink silk organdie with wbite. tuscan hat trimmed with dark wings. Mrs° Cook wore cream net with white•pictute hat. Miss Lily Youngblut was prettily an, tired in white organdie. The fermi rib- bon bearers were prettily gowned in silver muslin. Others present weee Mrs. Wise, Miss Masene and Miss `Inotingtiltit, Clinton; Mr. and, Mrs. D.. • Feliefeeaforth ; Mr and Mrs,H. Youeg- IllftenZtiftelitliffen'hude-Mesn-Wilione- Brircefield eMisseSpuhl, Myth ; Mr. E. Sendai); London; IVIr;VV.1 Seed. Lon- don; Frank Smith,Goclerich, W. Young, blut, Berlin ; C.Cook R Bonthron, and Dr. McFadden, Hensall ; Mr. and Mrs: White; Rodgerville : Mrs. Moser and Miss G. Gallinan, Zurich. The bridal gifts were valuable and numerous in- '• rseveryelmedseenenineau the parents of the bride. The happy ' conple left cin the evening . train tor their home in Pittsbury, Pae, amid showers of rice and confetti. They have the hearty good wishes of thee many friends in Ontario. • Load esbOi*o Blyth foot -ball teen)won the match, but lost their own ban. • Mre,(Dr.) Bell, of Montgomery, i Mich., s visiting relatives here. Monday evening several took a trip to•Godericheind then on the steamer. On Friday. last about 40 persons front here took in the excursion to the Model Farm. Mr. Webster and Mr. Watson- com- menced to supply ripe strawberries last Saturday. Mr. Lawrence and daughter,Miss Allie, of Leamington, are visiting friends here. ' Monday a large shipment of hogs was made from here the price being $7.25, which is very • high. The Creamery made the. 2nd ship- ment of butter on Thursday,nearly 150 boxes this time and the price over 29 cents per lb. DELEGATE. - Councillor H. H. Hill has been appointed delegate to the Su- premo Grand Lodge, Sons of England, whicheneets in Chatham during Aug - Tuesday some of our citizens went on the excursion from here to Goder- leb then by steamer 'to Detroit ; Miss A. 13e11 and Miss McGuire being two of the number. • Miss Olvetta, Brigham, who recently attended the Norinal College Hamil- ton, left last week for White' Star Seek., where her brother Loreezo, has c,ommenced t.o practice medicine. Sorts on RNGLAND. -A special meet- ing of the Sons ofEngland will be held in the lodge room on the evening of Saturday, June 23, for the purpose of arranging for a picnic to be held either at Bitylield or Goderich. A full attend- ance is desired. LAWN SOCTAL-Retnember the Lawn Social to be held under the auspices of the Methodist Sabbath School on he parsonage . grounds on the inth inst. Tea consisting of strawberries, Juneer• weddings :fita6z.%ize! bltemdblitaritaeg engaged to provide a .program and every arrangement made to give a Wedding Rings first-class time to all. IS kt Are yon looking foe a suitable present? If so, our large stock of SILVERWARE, PA NC V CHINA, FANCY. CLOCKS and many other lines we carry, wilt make choosing easy for you. * ike OR.1011, Jeweler and Optician, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Mr. Joseph Garrett, who went on a visit to his sister Mrs. W. 13ruhsclen, eturned Saturday, his datightee and ister who acconfpahied him remain, ng for a few weeks longer. They were on the boat the night of the torn:there, but the storm going south f them they did not encounter but ery little of it. Ile reports erope not Coking quite so well there as here on ccoutit of the dry weathet. 8 a Tueker3mith NOTte.--The Sunday Sohool picnic mentioned last week will be heti OD Friday afternoon next in Mr. Thonias Townsendin grove, A good program of different kinds will be arranged and a good time is expected, IV. Connell 1 purchased from Sem Switzer last Week tiff:retie?? liter gldsolt for somevehere P. Landed:op:eel' orKlirot.ti. is spend. ing 4 few Weeks at his old Wein° here.. linton CLINTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, LAME 22, 1906 Orticeileid sea's Hotel, Brueefield,with 15a41 Of 800d calves George Chaproan, of Atwood. will be at ozt Saturday, June 80, about la o'clock Rev. Mr, eland will speak on Sab- bath evening next in the Presbyterian church, in the interests of Queen's Theological College, On Sabbath morning next An offer. ing wiilbe taken -up-in -the -Presby, berme Church, for the church in Fort Weenie, that has letely been. burned. Peter McKenzie lost ft 2 year old heifer by lightning on Thursday Jaen he will get 2-3 of its value as his stock weir insured in the IVIcKillop Mutual Fire Insurance. Artiong those wno attended the ex- cursion to. Guelph last week were ;- Mrs. A. Scott, Miss Beatty, Miss Bell Ross,_31iss L. Taylor, Miss Mustard, Miss E. Graham, Mr, Geo Baird. and Mr. Initcber, all report a good time.' 1VIessrs Charles Mustard and Albert McQueen naive passed their recent ex- amination in Toronto Universitysue. oessfully ; Mr. Mustard succeeded in getting a scholarship for which be will be a.warded.$50 ; we congratulate him oii his success. • Wrmintre-Messrs Robt and Alex- ander Foote, Of lifoosejow, formerly of our village were married a week ago in Moosejaw.to the Misses Elizabeth ancl Nettie •Slemnions, of Moosejew dis- trict. It was a double, the Foote brothers a,nd the Misses Slemerions: The Foote brothers, who were natives of our village bave, many friends in our vicinity who extendeheartest con- gratulations to the happy couples, for a long and happy married. life, • NOTES -A number aro on the sick list Fred Tomlinson has had his fence painted. Thos Brown of our vihage, Waned with Bayfield . football team against Porter's Bill on Thursday evenipg 14th inst. Chas Salvers has re- turned from the Medicel College in London. Mr. Frank O'Neil and son Clausin, of Moose -jaw, were in our village me Tiresclak: Mr, D. B. Ken- nedy, of' Clinton, visited in our village last week. IVIr. Cecil Simpson visited in our village Tuesday last. SONS OF TEI1IPERANCE.-The nSons, • of Temperance" held 'their picnic to Bayfield.on Thursday, June 14th, and gaitea large crowd went to Bayfielcl to enjoy the balmy breezes of Seike Huron. All report having a good time.. The "Sons of Ternperanee" in- tend holding a public meeting in the Presbyterian church on Monday even- ing, June 25th,. When it •Is exprected that the Rev. Mr. Martin, of Exeter and Rev, Mr. Shaw, of Egmondville, also .Rev. Mr. E. H. Sewers, of Bruce - field and Rev. Mr. Brown, . of Varna, will be present • to give addresees. There will also be music by the Tem- perance Choir and solo's. and recite,- tSons by.some of the Society's Mem- bers. Ooderlell Towootip Mr Amos Oele, of Belleville is home for his summer vaeation. TheMisses Louisa and Agctie Tebbutt visited their sister, Mrs, .elrakey, of Waterloo, last week. r. Norman Welsh and Fienest Thompson were among the number who wene to camp on Monday: Me John Green contemplates taking aetrip to the West in the near future partly for the benefit of his health. Framer Riley, ot leconleshoro, has been busily engaged Mr. Charlie Mid- dletouni, renovating part of his 'barns. Mrs. johri T. Anderson, although an /GIULIO, 143 efij9ylog the beautiful tinie of the year in herown weak and cheery wee'. Me. Edward Marshall is slightly' in- disposed this week as the result of an accident ; his injury is not serious we are told. A number of lads took their lassies to the moonlight excursion as it is called, on Monday evening and report a glove- ing time. k Miss 13ertba, Hayter, the teacher in charge of No. 9 School' is, preparing eight pupils for the entrance exaraina- tion ; this is a good record so far till we know the results. Tire friends of Mrs. Peter Cole Sr., Sanelac 0o, Michigan, formerly of this township, will be sorry to learn that• 'the aged lady is on a bed of efiliction ; we trust, however, her illness may not be of a severe nature, under the-aospices "of- Oole's•---Churc GARDEN PARTY. -A Garden Peel_ will be held on the lawn of Mr. W.Per. due, Baylieisi Line, Goderich to on the evening of Wedues'clay,J tine 27. A brass band will be in attendance, , Mr Wm. Rathwell, of Gren,is Rend. ing`a few days in this vicinity vIsiting, his brothers. A sbort time ago Mr. Bothwell was thrown from a load ore hay %jiving him so badly that he still feels the worse for it; we trust the short visit may do him good. GOLDEN WEDDING -11(r. and Mrs. E. Rurnball of the 14th concession, Godee- ich township, celebrated their golden wedding on Wedneedey .of this week. This is one month in advance of the actual date, but their eldest son, Rev. Mr. Ruinball, of Morden, Man., could not be present at the latter ,clete. All the naembers of the tinnily were -prase (alt exeept Mrs A. E. Sinclair of Willie - peg, Manitobiewho yisited her parents tut summenGeorge,of Flint,and Win. of Toronto. A few other friends join- ed the family in helping the aged couple renew their youth ; among them were Rev. Mr and Mrs Stewart and Rev. Mr and MrsSwann. In the days when Mr and Mre Run:Mall were married. wed- ding _presents were riot .so count:me ' they are •• eow, but this xenateileleetkhrieleeatedeferotomeseeete remembered. After the .congretulan tions of the guests, at the hour Of 0 p. Stanley no. the company sat clOW11. to a sump- tuous repast: Mark, so known to an the Thos Fraser had the misfortune around his old home, in a few welt to, have a fine lamb killed by dogs the chosen words expressed the •pleasure other day, of the familyand friends on being pres. Mr: Edward Glen lost a. valuable mit on such e memorable ocefteion,pro- -marietneTuend deed the health and ha iness of the poisening was the cause of deaeh. groom an e, an e. presse e hope that they might all be spared • to Miss May Campliell has gone to Kin- nreetagain at' the Diamond wedding carclineto visit at the home of her ten years hence. Suitable remarks by duncle, Mr. Alex Campbell, for a few Rev. • Mr. Stewart and others. Mr, ays.. • • Rumball came from Norfolk, Eng. to Mr. William Baird, 'wife and dangle- this county with his parents about 'the ter Ma,bel, of Detroit, were visiting re- year 3834, and settled on the farm' now latives and nitt acquaintances on the occupied by T; Potter on the Goderith line this week. They will rettire by read. Rumball came from New- boa,t oe ll Friday-. toreamilton County,A.rmagh,Ireland about 1852, and three years 'later, she, Miss Elia Graham,' Miss L. TaYlcri with her mother •oatne to Clinton to. Mr. John Pepper, Mr: W. Grant, Mr, her brother's. Mr. Mark Cassels, a well Tboe Jamison, Mr. Geo Baled and evife, visited the Ontario Agricultural known contractor and builder, and for • A la,wn social_ will be held on the long Precenter in the Presbyterian lawn of Mr, J: Ferguson jr., on Tues - College arid Model Farm on the -eft- church. Here .Miss Cassels • met her day, June 20th peeler the auspices of curette], Friday lent fate in the young Huron farmer. They the Ladies' Aid of SeAndieoW's church: were married in Goderich .bir Rev. A Lunch will be served, and a.good • pro- gram is being prepared. Everybody come and have a good time. Porter's Hill . County Court au4Geoeral Sessions OreB8le Elliott, who bas been eick (Cionerich Signer with quinsy is better agailli NEW SUBSCRIBERS can secutV The New Era from now till the 31$t Dec., 1906, for Piny eeuts cash. Movt •quickly, If you want a bargain. Stiesonienon len per year, in advance 4 4.50 When not a0 paid. Mrs. Sterling eitcPhail 10 visiting her The Tune session of tbe County Court Parents in Kippen tine week, / land Sessions of the Peace opened on Maud, lifericugall, of Detroit, is visit. Teetlese,da•Y afteern,°`)°,,a last week' b. eta" ing Rader the parental roof. leis zionor Judge elope. letlealleat enSrt:,0111./"Yorradeowvalhex. tlhauest:whilenn:tervaspa'ptiBEtecibeiltetiii^ ' A little baby girl Arrived at the . was made by the Crone* Attorney on home of Stewert MeDougalt pn Sat- behalf of, the private prosecutor, A. E. urFri:d.. Elliott, attenden the ' Sunday ' meet before the Grand Jure, Devitt • • Devitt, for leave to ptesent lueindict- ntliciottoyi oasteention oneton on wed. , was a driver for Bobier, the proprietor I ofii hutter•factory, and the complaint film Elliott, of Vondon,„ Misses Vanderburg's of Windsor, e aner, the : Was that some of the patrons of the ' orearaery had been defrauded by not visiting at George Vanderburges, ar being credited with the proper percept Ratan, eiverinoebeawa iseenlooafg,,edickwfoitrhd. comiowhi: age their milk tested, The case was . triad at Exeter, anti after a Iorg trial Potter for the summer, received word i .acquitted • Bobier. • Devitt -made amen. on Saturdey last that his bNither was ?anon to the Attoroey-General for seremsly ill with appeediei his. Ile bitome on Monday. Mr. A. Orr, of Kiogarf, came down on uesday to assist our local butcher, new trial on the 'grounds that there Mr. Vanderburg, in killing and cutting ; was no evidence' of fraudnlent inteute the first bullock for the beef ring, this and that if any of the patrons had bullock was furnished by 3Ir. James been unfairly ereeted,they could enter Wellis, 1st con., and was a veiy 8ee a suit in the civil enurts. swe to present, an nedietment and have a new trial and' the Attorney. General referred the matter to the judge.. Honor refused to grant a er, dressing something over five - hundred pounds of beef, this is surely adgood send off for our newly organiz- e beef association. Anniversary services in connection with Bethel church, Goderich Tie, will be held on Stinday June 24th; Rev. R. M. Manning vvill address the Sen. day School at 2.30. The evening see- xinejaeginningeat_7 Veleta, be. takenby Rev. Stedman. On Monday evening following, the strawberry festival will beheld on the grounds a Mr, John PiekArd, Cut Line. A. braes bend will: be' ite attendance, refresh- ments consinting of strawberries; ice cream &c, will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Blyth, No.res.-Mr. John Kennedy met with a serious accident on VVednesday in Mr. Livinstone's factory. on s, hoop machine, by getting his, right hand badly lacerated to, the bone.; he was herried to the doctor, where he got it dressed, the accident will lay him Aside from work for sortoe Mlle Mr. Clans Dom), of Exeter,. occupied the. pulpit of the Methodiet church last Sunday, both morning and evening, Rev. Anclereon being in Kirkton attending their Sunday Sebool Anniversary Ser- vices. Word Was received here on Friday of the seridus . :'of Mr. John Moffatt, of Tdronto, formerly of Blyth, attime of writing we helieve the doetons have little hopes of his recovery,• Don't forget the concert iia Industry Hall under the auspices of the Public Library, the principal part - _ being it play entttled "Moak- Paths:- ementeeewleiele,preinieeiseteeJaa..aegrand., treat: Reineraber the voting on fues- dey next .for the carriage factory,. • Baytieid . • Miss Soruinger, of lVfontreal, is visite ing her aturt.Miss Gardiner, Miss. Steadinan; of • Petrone, is a guest of her brother,Rey, Mr Stedman, e warm wet • er rfirginen tourists- Quito a ntimber are here al- ready to spend the summer. We are sorry td learn that Rev. Mr - McLeod, who has spent the 'last Month in town for his health is not improv. Daniel Kooks appeared before the judge, on the charge ot perjury at a trial of himself and others on a charge of the theft onsome ducks, which took place at Wroxeter last Januery, Through his counsel, Kaake elected to be tried by the judge without a jury, The Robert Bell Engine Co, et al. vs. Auderson, is an action on a peornissoeY the-price-ofea-tracelou engine, 1» this case his Honor Judge Doyle ' struck out the lurk notice and directed that judgment be entered Oismissing the action with costs. Proceedings stayed fifteen days. Wyate vs. Bell -An actiou for in- juries to plaintiff caused by an alleged. vicious horse belonging to defendant. The jury were out ten minutes and re- turned with it verdict for plaint:If for $150; On the jury's finding elis Honor directed that after fifteen days, judg- Merit be entered 1': i' thn. plaintiff for 0150, with costs en the comity court scale, including cost of examireition of plaintiff end defendant for discovery, The plaintiff,JohnWyatois a fanner of Hullete, and the elefenclane 4 well - driller of Stratford, Last September the defendant- was thil.ing a well for the plaintiff and the plalutilf gettiug the defendant's horse to go to Loucks - bora for material sustained the injur- ie$ cemplaetted of. Searle Nis. 'Goodall -An aetion for damages for sale oe an 11 eel i f eg n erior. car -load of core. The jury .breught in a eardict for the plaintift and 0143.85 damages. W. G.' Searlis, pliiintiff, is a millereof Ripley. Eine th%-.4400.da.ral "Jamte•Cenochill, a produce"-ennneission inercbant at Toronto. The plaintiff eclainied-000-ditma.ges..esein load of corn shipped bite neit being the qualiey 'Ordered.. • Leiper vs. Story. --An aetiori fog, the price of building a cement wall arin: floor of barn. , The jury returned &ver- dict for the plaintiff for $128:50. Mr. Blair moved for . jildgment .; Mr, Vest for contra. The case has been in court ne,„,„eneejeelpes, ja..aseeede t f Ilullett, andthe defendant, of McKillop. Western Foundry Co.; Ltd., vs. • derendant, •A, VV, Hamilton, is it hotel -keeper et Sunder- land, Ontario County, and purchased a, range freer the plaentiffs, who are stove reenefaeturers at Winghane and The Velunteers left fee Iiondori on ac ton is for $150,. Vie cost of the Monday last. Those who went f range and accessories. The defendant clairns the rengewas not satisfactory, and, by way of counter claims asks damages alleged to be sustainedin not being able properly to conduct his business. , By consent trial of this ac- tion was adjourned to the December sessions. . • here were as follows :-Lieuts Thome- ;ion and Wbiddcer ; Corps,W.Turner • Privates, Pollock McDool G. Irwin, L.') 'Johnston, Castle, King.. Wnonesee-The following, from the enNews-Record, refers to it :Woe, of St. Andrews chineh, July former resident of Stanley t--"1-la,zel- .2211d, 1850. The certificate bears the •dean,' the residence of Mr. John Mar- names of George and Frederick Rum - tin, was the scene of a pretty wedding ball as witnesses; They resided on the on Wednesdayt 231'd inst., the occasion old hornestead till the death of Mr. being the marriage of his daughter, Rumball's mother, when they went to jean .1sabel Urquhart to yeekeine the present home on the 14th comes - Charles Ross, local manager of the sion, Eight children were born to Regina Lumber & Supply Co. During them. Re. M. C. Rue:neat. neve of the ;Arabes of Mendelssohirs wedding Morden, Man. ; Miss Geor us, living marcle, played by Mrs. Patterson, the with her parents: Helen, doeeased ; bride, leatung on the arm of her father Geo. W., of Flint, Mich.,. Su ie, Mrs, was conducted beneath an arch of A.E.SincIair,Winnipeg,Man., ; Jennie, eherry blossoms in the parlor. Here Mrsj.A.,Ford,Olinton • W.H.Toronto ; she was assisted and supported through: Minnie, Mrs. W. Piek'ard,Holmesvill0. the ordeal by hex' sister, Miss Agnes. The New lerajoins the many friends in After the close of the ceremony by wishing the aged couple much happi- Rev, Wim, Patterson, "OPerfect Love' zi's' M wee sung by Mrs. D. 31, Balfour. Mr. only othrerFpreedrsRonuralivbianigi' Cjwihinottsisptrbee- Alex S: Balfour assisted the groom. sent at the original wedding. The young maple immediately receiv- • - ed the congratulations and good' wish. es of all present. The bride looked charming dressed in cream corded silk, trimmed with lace and ribbons to mateh, and wore a wreath of orange blossoms in her hair ; in her hand she carried a, bequet of roses. The brides- maid wove a very becoming dress of ?aline trimmed with lade and light blue ribbons. The -numerous, pretty' and tiseful presents of which the young couple were recipients, showed the The Rev, A. 1-1..Ithiedes, of Holmes - high esteem in which they were held ville, took duty for the Rev. Aroh- by their friends. When all present deacon Richardson on Sunday last, had partaken of a sumptuous wedding and his many friends were pleased to reeast, the young couple and theiti hear bin]. friends drove to Lumsden ; on the ar- rival of the train for the south, they. deperted for it two week's trip to •oortits in Dakota, amid congratulations oest wishes and showers of rice. On their return to Luinsden they will re- side on the east side of James street, RUllett Wednesdien 8. S. No. 5, held their annual picnic, and as usual it proved a very eneeeseful affair. The weather Wag not all thet could be desired. Mr. Beaton, of Clinton. at present teaching in Perth County will succeed Mt...Pugh as teaoher of the senior divi- sion of No. 8, dlullett ; he will com- mence after mideurtnner. S. S. No. gecholars enjoyed a, holi, day on Friday lest,when they had the privilege of attending the Westlluron Teacher's Association, which Met in the lifiteDobald Institute, Guelph. Leeeventee-Misa MoCourt, Who has very actreptebly taught; in the separate wheel for the last thtee and a half years leaves with the end of the pees.nt term. Iler tertificate expires-, end she purposes iittending the Normal at London:she hes been a successful teach- er; And earries With her the esteem and goon Wishes of the people of the see - tion. Her successor is Mies Lamb, Of Seeforth. . tiohnesviile The sound. of the mower is again heard, jas, Ross having commenced the haying. , The Farmers Institute excursion to Guelph was well patronized from this neighborhood, 52 tickets being sold at the ticket office here. J. 13, Cowden, of Petersburg Ten. nesse, C. Whiteman Detroit, A. J. McDougall Detroit, with their wives and family was visitors to friends in our village, having taken advantage of the excursion rate on the Greyhound up from Detroit, Tne Woman's Institute of this place intend holding an entertainment on the evening of Saturday, June 23rd, at 8 o'clock, when Miss Bertha Duneamof Emery and Mrs neW,Watts of Clinton Will be with them. MSS 'Dolman is a graduate of Ilitheilton School of Do. mastic Science. .31es, Watts is well known to the ladies of thie district, be - bag the efficient secretary of the Wo- man's Institute, of Clinton. Besides ,these speakers& good program will be furnished of violin music, selection by the Ilohnesville male quartettes reeita- tions, ete. A sneer collection will be taken tin, Everybody welooroe. ee SeafOrtb A grand union end Summer Carnival will be held at Setiforth on Dominion Day, July 2nd. An excel- lent -programme of sports has been provided and prizes 'will be given. Ret'. Mr, Larkin, Seafotthe reeeived it telegraintast week accquainting him of the death of his father in Prince Edward Island, Which oceurred on Friday. Sunday School Day (Concluded front last week) • The attendance of the delegates at the opening sessionof S. S. convention on Wednesday morning, was some- what better than that of the same ses- sion on Tuesday. The devotional ex- ercises were conducted by Mr. James Mitchell. of Goderich, the President of the Sundae, School Association. Re- ports from the -officers followed. The president gave a very full and com- plete 'report of the work done by the Executive during the year. This re- port revealed the feet that both the president and secretary, Miss Elder, of Blyth, had put a vast amount of effore into the work this year and regret was freely expressed that the results were not better. Matters of business were then dealt wither, proposition from the Christian Endeavor Convention of the previous day, for amalgamation of the two associations, was referred to the cornmittee on resolution. ^ At the afternoon session,' after the usual devotions, "Power in service, or the Place of Power and the Price" was the subject of another strong address by 31r. Ineenleyside: & discussion on the "Boy Problems' brought out some • ry helpful ideas as to management a, classes of boy's. A primary' clams was conducted by Miss Murray, of Hensall,-which delighted not only the children, bot the older ones also. 'The Gospel of the Son of God, a study in Johns Gospel," formed the basis for an Address by Rev, Dr, Harris. As on the previous day the people were de- lighted. Al; the close of these excel. lent addresses Mr. Mitchell,. the pre. sident, voiced the sentiments of 1111, when he said it had been a moot de- lightful treat to be present in u h a Hamilton vs. Stretton.-The plain- tiff is B. H. Hamilton, a physician, and the defendant,' James- Stratton, is a ,hotel -keeper at Beigra,ve,.and the ac- tion is for $248,10, balance to be due for professional services. By consent judgement was entered for $102 50 her plamtiff. . • • Grimes vs. Robinson. -The plaintiff, John Gritnes, is a laborer residing in Clinton. and was working for the de- ferment, Wm. Robiuson, a farmer of Goderich townshig. The action .is for $200 damages sustained by the plaintiff in fallingfrom the defendant's cart when being driven to dinner. The jury brought in.a verdict for the de- fendant, Bell ys. Hare -The plaintiff, Robert Anderson Bell, is it well-drillernesiding at Stratford, and the _defendant. Wm. George Hart, a farmer of McKillop The plaintiff contracted to drill a w for the defendant last Jtnyand brought suit to recover $122 and interest there- on from ()deter 1, 1905, which he claim's is due on the contract The de- fenclaut says the plaintiff did not drill ana claims he is not liable for any sum, a good well and complete his contract, ' Simpson vs Turner et al -The plain- tiff. Ann gimpson, is It widow resitting itt Brucefieldatnd the defendant.., Eliza Ann Teener and David Bell, both „re- siding in Tuckerstnith, are executrix and executor of the will of the late R. J. Turner, dated June 15th, 4895. The statement of claim ewes that on Dec- ember 12 1892, the said 11. J. Turner neade a promissory note in favor of plaintiff for $500,with interest at 5 per cent, ithd that the defendants paid the inteeest up to December 12, 1903, After the death of the maker of the noteibut paid nothing oil the principal, and the suit was brought to recover the princie cipal of $500 and interest from Decem- ber 12, 1903. The defendants say they did not make any payinents on account of the note, either fat principal or in, seesion as was jlid closing. The corn- tenet, withal six yearspeoceeding the mittee's report on resolutions pecan. commencement of this action, and mended that the convention be short- , claim that liability is barred by the ened to four seesions and the time statute of limitations. • changed to the fall. The convention • With, the Ilowlers. oldei, and entroducen the only spea or to nerhe on Friday attending to only Five rinks of .01inton Bowlere went of the evening, Dr. Harris, whose sub- tee howlers oe that team in the more. led with "The Evangelization of the 1Vorld.' Like his previous addressee itig, and go on to Witterloo and play this was a sarong presentation of the them in the afternoon, but it rained theme. A delightful ;service of song very heavily in the morning and the WAS rendered by the choir at intervals; I first match was called offe The Berlin during the evening, Taken altogether players,hoWever,getierously entertahn it may be truly said thee these twoed them et dinner, and would have conventions were a sueeetio, Ills is been glut of an eppOrtunity of testing paxticularily so from the poitzt of vieve filltutiltil,rebttkat ebad to defer it until some of the Prograinme, The officers for As it had been arranged totality with the irritating year are :-President, Mr. W, xsre, Brussels; secretary, Mt'. Waterloo at 4 o'clock, the boys Teed time te kill, and they took 4 run out lathes G°derkh Et*earii• to Preston Mineral Springs, Where e Ktheitrtrele*WWill'gnlin'MW,1131hriS6Eaftilltb4, INCt•en' they eotild not !eater without testing „ pleetiant hour was apart. • 01 Went) accepted these. The evening sessiott was largely attended. At the request of the president Rev. Mr Mannieg re - 1111 Pure Paris' •---Green- for SPRAYING, R. P. Reekie s DRUG STORE, eLINTem, r- 0 IrgiA fir, -International Carnefac and Prats Poul- try focidS. omesensionewieesesomenommeenetie seivereltelle. Perfume Time. • Our stock of perfumes is composed of it well selected toole of delightful odors. • TALCUM POWREIVEllit. We carry a full. line of all the line Talcums. We lind it impossible to buy a better powder than . EU1IIY1LQI.4 TALCUM It kills disease Ge'rnts. 41t1s detiohtfully perfumed. SOA 'TIME, • Baby's Own 30c a box. Infants' Delight 25c „ „ Witchitzel 25c „ • Castile cakes 2 for,2ec,-. Castile 2,1e ft hal% W S. 12.- HOLMES, _Plum e3, Manufacturing Chemist, Post Office urn- Store *Ivb.4443,..vvatwirvitin CLINTON PROT° STUDIO J. ROBERTS, strocEssoR TO N R HENRY, • . * 1 Having bought our the business of Mr; Behry:, 1 de- sire to ask for a continuance of the patronage given tills studio. All work .clone •vvill artistic finish and. pose to that of the cities. . We mai, e a specialty of Out 'Door- . viewing CALL AND SEE US. • J. ROBERTS, Photo Artist, - Clinton, the virtues of the mineral water. Sharp at 4 o'clock the rinks lined up et Waterloo. The bowling lawn was in splendid condition, and for two and a half hoursplay was kept up, the i result being n favor of Clinton . by .21 points. The skips ef the Clinton rinks were am follows with the•score of both • Clinton and Waterloo: • • • • Clinton Waterloo W. Jackson, ....score 41 •12 U. Den -ding • .. 20 15 Illoover ...... ....... 18 •9 D.A. Fonrester14 11 J. Harland-- IS 17 91 01 • It is very rare for all the rinks on one sideto win out,but the store shows that each of the Clinton rinks did so. The, match was an 18 end one, and at the close of the 17th endjohnHanlands ink :was down one,but he managed to eount two on the last end... At the 'blase of the game the Clintonians were most hospitably entertained by their Waterloo friends. • , Mr. J.W.Irwin was one of the twen- ty bowiers who went to Berlin and Waterloo, and in some way he had the misfortune to Iose a pocket book con- taining several cheques and a small amount of money. . The following surnnaery of the stand- ing of Intermediate group No. 2 will be reeised each week ; • Won Lost To play Seaforth.... 3 0. 5. . Goderich .. 0 3 5 Clinton e. , 0 1 ., 7 -Wingham .. 2 1 5 Kincardine 1 0 7 rHE Maisons Bank Incorporated 1855 • Capital Paid up $3,000,000 `Reserve Fupd, $3,000,000 • Total Assets $30,000.000 SAVE YOUR DOLLARS by depositing in our Savings .Bank. Melees not require a large Amount to begin with. We pay 8 per cent interest on amounts of $1 and upwatds. Better begin . now -deposit what you MI Opal* -add to it Whenever possible, We Neill welcome your account, Mtge or small. A general' Banking latish:teed traneacted, tett, anti menet/et C. E. DOWDING, manger. °unto*