HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-15, Page 7SWEET SItfGER AT REST. Trita04 t0 Miemtlry of Mrs 4%milsla ' ESped Luke. Ft'mlt Writer, Mrs, Jeminta Luke, author .of one of The roost faruoi h37r z a in our fan..: For /V'0 11 ►nage,"I think, when T °read they swet e . ,glory of old," died at Newport,. Isle of g '`R' +• "",E3 -'X` .t-�r r►SJc are the 'OBiglat. ort friday. at the age of 92, finest medicine in the world to y t enerable lady was. bora at Islin, .. ton In 1823. Tier maiden name was jemlma Tit•olnpson. 'Her father was one let the pioneers of the E1bie; ,Society, and lsted also In the formation of ieeremained Initfull ol a8 ociationtwhich till hIs death, Ile was interested in the various missionary societies, then In their in- fancy, and to 1827 ho attached himself to the Loads/ 11is'tionary Socl ---a-4 -----____ t centre its r nsittee meeting laxly'. Tet her interestiiii; "autob p y, "Early Years of ;fly Life," . .. l+uke told that her father helped to support the first floating chapel for sailers, and that he also was a founder of the Hosni • Missionary Association, which Is now, :merged in the Church Aid Society. "Ills capital never exceeded :060,000, but he and my mother lived simply and be ai. . ways had his £1.00 in readiness- to further any noble object."' '4' In glrlh•,od Jemima Thompson at- tended Hanover Chapel, ;Peckham, un- der the ministry *of Dr. Conydi-, , She Mlle. -that even in childhood it was- her i ' ambition • to,obeeoi a poet, and she composed some wises every night be - Tore going to sleep and wrote them out in the morning. She had great literary advantages, for ,notonly was. there an i excellent library in her home, but Mr, Thompson used to bring back a package of magazines , on the first -of every„ month. Among these, Mrs. .Lake tells us, was the Youth's Magazine to which Jane Taylor, under the signature "Q,Q," regularly contributed, The Jtzyenile _,. Friend was a fess pretentious 1 Tion, which the utile -gam ga c riira 1 t i Tie 1d possibly bt Insert Y ser is such verses s e s as hers. t • ai their+, in fine time, h- r first. poem ap- 1 peeed. Settree;y, less gratifying than the sight of her work in print was • e notice tic e to • the. correspondents. ,r v read, "We• Pondonts, In which shy shall be pleased tom,. bear again from 'A Little Girl of Thirteen,'. ant;, she may rest assured that with us riled-- ‘ esty and talent mall always find appre- ciation." What more welcomes eneour= agement could there be for a child an- thor? No wonder that Mrs. Luke, ions; Years afterwards,. sought out '.the,shl, in St• Paul's Churchyard whence.- the 1 1 magazine had issued, and, was disd.p- 1 ' pointed to find that the name of the ppulbcisher had disappeared from ae l For ten years Mrs. Luke worshipped '. under the ministry of the Rev, James Stratten, of Paddington Chapel,. P_ ,. and 'i •• • his church ur cI i . h e heard k a td, men n such as, Dr. L r Li .� eyt in. Thomas Binney and George Cltayt ,n• On June 28, 1838, Mrs. Luke saw - Queen 'Victoria crowed in West,ninster.l• Abbey. To the end of her life she Toyed f to recall this dazzling scerze, and. es- pecially the moment in which the girt. 1 Sovereign held •out her hand' to help - the aged Lord Rolle. Mrs. -Luke .autl her friend were obliged to be in. the.'- - abbey between tour and five o'clock"iri ' the morning fo secure .their seats -eras hours.. sar, .. earlier_tha.ri..... �, u" e e1L,re"'i - •g.-,Li3wa was. ' tion, ..•. _ Mrs. Luke's Famous Hymn. - "The Child's Desire," as Mite. %.uke. entitled her -hymn,. was written in a stagecoach between Taunton and Well - /Layton, In the• small town. of Wellilig., ton there was an association. in aid of �5e - r al' 7`c ucatipn in the Least. One spring morning Mies The/net/- son, as she %vas then, • went in a two - horse coach to se•e how the society was prospering It was an hour's ride, There' was no other inside passenger, ;:She took a letter from her pocket, alas bn the back of the envelope wrote etWci. verses of the little 1iymn now se eveii known. The composition :.originally _consisted of two ,,verses •only; 'but On response to. a request from her father to make It a rnisslonary hymn, the :third verse evati a.ddcd. 'tThe hymn. wee pub- lished in The Sunday School. Teachers', Magazine, to which Mr. -Th empson sent it. But for ,his.,fntervention it would in all probability hever have been pee- . served." Soon after - tete . hymn appeared; Mrs: Luke received a lett• r requesting; her le ntidertake the editorship of a inission- ary magazine, The. 'wort. pro'.red :ten - genial, and the magazine. 'prospered. Am•)ng the contributory were Robert' Moffat and Dr. Livingstone The title. j10f the magazine was The ieliesionery Ilepository. Though it has long dis- appeared, it has served as a .inndel .of• - later missionary magazines'. for cull.• dren, In 1843, Jeniint:, Thotiipson, •mai•iic0 the Rev. Samuel Luke. a Congregati. i.n- al minister, whom she survived .'for 'thirty-three years. "My loneliness," site „wrote, "has been cheered by the afferr- tionate attentions cif a dear and ot:tly son. with his .wlfe 'and two•gritnjj.hii: dren." • Passive Resistance. To the end Mrs, Luke retained the mental vigor of former days, and lel- )awed public events with livelyinterest, %.- or or woillen, As a nLild and gentle 1axativea-as a positive and speedy cure for Coustipatiora and Biliousness .as the only cure for wee fora' irritated h tpainits tate hack" espe- cially - positive cure for headaches—and as a general tonic to build up and invigorate the whole system - . FItt7IT",a,A,=TIVES stand supreme, In cases of irritated Ovaries Ovaria s r•:' "' pains, Vaginal Catarrh, Excessive and vsra` i — --+Scanty feitstruntiatirl _l ratjo?i ear;. ing ,DoWit Pains` ---and all those troubles peculiar to Wovoalen--. On "Num levee 'nate-re" ;have the most remarkable effect. Ninety-nine cases out of a hundred of Female Troubles,are clue to neglect'. [towels become constipated —.kidneys irregular —.skim neglected —, And the 'Ioisons of the'body,• which should be carried off by these important organs,. are` taken up .1)..r the blood carried to the thus 'female starting rgups a frain of felmale troubles. l~RUIT-A-TIVBS are made freta • fruits and by their rernarkable action ori towels, kidneys and skin, rid the system of poisons, purify the blood, and restore the delicate organs of generation to new vigor air$ health. • No woman, who suffers, shoiid ever be without thein, oc, cbobox --45 fur ur x o S -�;t•-fiaur drllgr;,ist!s or�serit ost aicl by '' FitprT.A-TIVES LIMITED • OT°TAWA. rirr appo ,Llart .ao- tae. euencatzan sans was so strong and conscientious that she refused to pay the -rate, and wall summoned., among the Isle of Wight re- sisters. its September, 1904. In an ex- quisitely written autograph letter, ad. 'dressed to' the editor of TheA2orning. Leader; and elated Sept. 21, 1•x04, Mrs, Lithe gave her reasons as follows: have refused to pay the. education rate because the: act will place: largo• num- bors of our children under Ritualistic teachings ng, , aed. so prepare theta . far the m• -re advanced doctrines of the Church. of Tome." Mrs. Luke was a regular moors i h n.er t' p a the Congregational ch a el at..p New t. i part, to Which :she. Was 'wheeled' every Sunday in a bath chair,' It Was great pleasure to her when her lignin. was sung.'in many Fres Churches and •Sunday sohools on Sun- day, Sept, 25, 1944., • in-- thousands of places of worship the singing �of these i•ities helped on 'the vast movement of censeienti•ous protest againsfithe Zeta - cation, Aets,-British Weekly, . -Feb.'ft .190-6.. ,�ABS{��CUTE SECVRIT Genuine 1 Carter's Little Liver fills. Must Sear Signature art See Am -Shoo Whipper Beleilr. ?dry email + 'a. ae easy to .tAke as ongi iris CART(RS FOR AEADACIIC EON DIZZINESS.. fort RItIOG$NESS. Fa* rOAaln,t;YER. POS CONSTIPATION SQA $ALLOW SKIN. PON t uwokCOMPLEXIONso ott *04104t4Bil iy rl.0rf')tr'"•"wrw' Out 8t0IC REAPACFIE. ' For' the.Hair. . . Hair -that is' very„ oily may ha. -re s pincih of borax or.soda •ia: this"Nater is to. heavy hair, , 1 l sed Y lint either should�be�used sparingly:.:...Ammonia •w.ili cause the Bali to turn bray.- , CANADA GL*,-: ,-• aTUG• H; , 'Manitobans Di,sguested With Red Tape In Tasmania Win. Return, 'helafa diens landed in Tasmania. Pour Men, three- women, and .three chil The men were farriers of expert with a considerable amount of .capital derived from the sale: of farms in Mani- toba. They left Canada, says The .Svd-' ney TVforning Herald, because of the cold and because, in their • own words, they heard "that :Tasitlania bad the fin,•st alleviate in' the n brld, wos free : front droughts, and. wanting -in selthr , "ani that they would be able to get fond on 'terms similar to. those Which preraii i Canada,' Theinexperit:nce.In'1'asman-,t A CANADIAN WIN. How A. t3. Forster Houlton Won'His Hatt lil Hellish Commons. Mr, A. 0. Forster Poulton' a Carl$, , who Won a seat he the iixe�w Brit. he story anadian ti le thus; tive be. ur Weelks )tor par me to hundred and five neftit)ng e labor. said to I labor - en, and I had a elp me, arrived' vt t>. g;'' tars • ncnelc,Ifelt English elections Is for' the eetanahlate to arty? round the Polling 'districts mi polling; day and encourage his support- ors;Net andknne. hide I unln ed and meeting my utiles hr tweert S./eels/0e In the m ,ruing and .X1 tit night. Tile counting of votes' trnile ranee the next day In the Corn EX- -elm -ore of St. Ives, under the sizadnw of t''rornwei's •statue, and tvhen.:the result "as deeijrrecl, and it was. found :tlr'tt 1 had .converted a Cna)serratI\,e- majority >` ti arils 1,200 into a Liberal rnajority of 381, I felt that the-romwell county had done its duty. • The custom is for the sueeessfui can- didate to Move a vote 'of thanks to. the returning otllcee, .and the unsuc- cessful one: to sc"eonci .it. Patty teatime however, .ran so high that no epee,ches could be made,. and •as' i looked out of • the wintloly on a sea of upturned faces; the cro»' dr steering grid -greening', 'acs cording to party color, .$ felt.;the reac- `T>�i fie,tn. my ttriluoua ftorfs.:`:I ages m n. s fi tip tie ht yv et e each der -high to our r carried arte-cs respective herdCauarters to be cheef'ed or lamented with as rho situation demanded. ;1V2y work was not, however, at an end, as the.�sattte e"fren- ing• I was urged to appear on a platform In a. neighboring constituency as one of the newest M. P.'s, and :s4 fen for successive evenings Until the tions In the. eastern counties were at tan end, Even then i -was permitted no rest, ase demonstrations'to•celebrate .the victory le my 'Constituency had to lbe carried out, and thankful'I was *whet the final scene carne to an end, and T'was ed to -depart in peace •ane get a, fort4 night's rest :Preparatory to Olio rneetine of Parliament, • GRILLS PROVE .Rk1TAir l . is'h house of Commons, tells t of ,his light tlx the May C Magazine, Ile concludes his ta last chapter in this narra gag at Christmas, and for fo. I knew little Ar no rest. A m placed at my disposal enabled cover something miles, and address ithree, ke t four meettnfrs a .day: The ere -it el were the .fiscal policy., Chines and education. The first may be appeal most to the aarteultura er, the sec ma to all workinggm the third to Noncomfarmfsts. goodly array of speakers to -h and when the eve of the. polling and finis to riiy cantpa gn torchlight procession after "(loin Meetings between 7 and 10 ' l snn,aille of the yes it,. T If warmth and circulation ' are not proniptly 1estored,citiils result in,fatil,i pnelltnonia, ••This necessitates keeping Nervtiine on hand, Taken in hot wnter'it breaks up a chill in two 'titin- utes. • By rubbing' Freely obex' throat and chest it prevents :colds, No lini- ment so strohg,et�),perfetrating,so swift to kill train and.. anflA.nlation,. Nearly fifty years' record has proved the :val- ue of Poison's l etviline,,. Yon. should get a:bi) ltle• to -day.. • • act we E✓ P. in ,tall: . - ,� -- ,�,.,,,,1,,,, OLINTOX S'' BBQ `'ta►cUed At thy Oven Mout We do things right et the Mooney bakery, Crackers are packed' piping hot .from the ovens, The moisture-praaf paper and air -tight tins retain all the freshness and crispness, no i They come to yours ta•. tale just as inviting and de- licipus as though you ate them at the ovens in the bakery. At all grocers in airotight packages, • EditO, ' ante Opene The town t t f Renfrew, etv> tri e Ince, hes a citizen ivies : eat sate et any kind, find. -whose- sr read frant_and-_taiend.uf this len. • He is :Air. (lravr•1,1e. t?dltd Renfrew. Journal. ,. The other re/Niel! a safe that .had been :e ten years. This is a tremencla and it tnaites nee tremble to ih' »'oeld hive hai"tttoned .if it. h enjoyed by anybody but an'< ilia t d'tor is a person wild. entrusted with 'untold wealth. not claim. that h•• Is more hon ether ;' but simply that money a111Methins (0• t iipttztione for.• the e gt iy flays Ire carried .on 1 of :s by n)r,ati , of -a -system. tete a 1, crit cd cor;l\cued, pottltoes, a i re sessuie 'for subsetfptl.,nis. rertiee) v :iftu;..lrt')'st)ns, associh,tions, and f Mame, t'fr n tff fn • z.o n t t1 n t fi. He I N\ a. thc`'n,lr ttt4, of uringing fame ij t) oppor tu.nItle,i.fe*• »4iilth to ether,, 'tldent-ti• hinasci9. rilnlr(p10 tyu to e,e atys • i toning fir'- 01191 - • ih: is }fol lir, tI ravi�lle go; • the liahii ,.i agenin„estfe , and tht:; jet wily pont our itt Vie. baht e need .be errata Meow Int, visit• i'ot'nn tr, says The Star,. '1 0•litm t ink= of fresh, dalop,t sc'hutrg,e? i.. 1.`t, c 'tract1- o and' tempting. than a lfl+t af heels bill;e or dehenttfr. s- Lnil. Voted to Fleilways., • total number 0t• Wert ' of Tine eelt'ain • the I.r 'fe t`'limlts ,;,t' ;11;111'44,h:it. ;• ` tc lc R.tn s',rid Alb rrt,1,:'. \ tteci et)f t way, c uutp i tis a ;i 50 454,600 acmes, ?MEAN ROPES. A Marini, Mot Tktst tlnr+ivr snorree Hundred Feet lL The largest nlariue plant a big One of the highest plants is ails globe Is. a gigantic seaw nereocystis, the stein of wit been found' to grow as much feet long. It was first diseo tar fru the Alaskan' coast, since been found floating in parts of the Pacific ocean a American and Asiatic shores seaweed' strews: ill a vette Put'fo tier. Large eiaautlties of it lir at a little distance fropL',shore 'depths not exceeding 800 fe loamy bottoms large thickets plant take root,-. oril a stein thickness fof ordinary cord gra 144 - s.1.-_, t.it Foy W; Mere -C a_p a balloon, which grows with tit anti when it reaches.' the surface of the water it often Lne,Lsures sig feet and more in length, with a diameter of Pour 1 feet t;i:, inches,' Vile, balloon has, of course, an upward tendency and keeps tine stem. growitt, until it floats on the surface of the water, From the top of this balloon a large tuft of strong, thick, spadelike leaves grow out, which originally are not more than two feet Ion: "anti which 'and grow.d split until from .tlte, b tll,o a roselike growth oP • -front :fifty to :di iy-ilvo feet in (Name-. ter. coved the wetter. 'Tills gigantle recti grows in slut iivautities that near the. t Note large uiefdowlike Is- lands are formt'd which impede nevi, t gallon, Tbo natives of the Aleutian _ • 1 Islands make lal 111M iii usage of .tills r.' ' plant. Prom their arid,' dried steMS t tl' -• li e , i u• , s aif. ' 1) ra- > 3 t x p 1 f tc .,.tU feet and IinOt'e t alien o lonri, . wltUe halloo is of this Iveco fur- fftrite has 111811'tht1111 W1111 Ialge.vessels after they Dwain- are n , dried, the Ic K � n r Of The • Weibel'. bouts 1 b t 1 r out W being tThe t0 bail-<ittt Witter. The . clay. he longs leaves, at'tec being . clued, are cut. la.;ed Sett into narrows trips tints used for wicker- us .t who t• sem., it, the uutl.itt'„ of l,asl:cts end sinal tali what e ad lr. en tar furniture, - dikor; _ niay lie. We do - est than Svelet Runners on Snoy dill' htts'nc . S1iori 'Wirt:' for.. the Ile a s• . cite titixt, Tn ,, a tt.v,. . is bust- he 'Swedish Lames live • entirely' i Willi,' '1);." ,inti aPoll ,their 1101111PPr,• .1, f barter, +f a iltem. ono. O probe, nOirn.. Ona eed, tie fell batt' as 800 vered not but has various long the This tlxt man- e found and at et, On of this of the ws up- r�sha,�ied e LAPP WOLF HUNTERS, ' ncl ,Lapin lrho oivits tt tlt-tustititl deer is a-' lir ari- vei'3'.r•It'il mit: hut,. as tuxes ziit' tis- sessetl .up0i1 -tier? netnt'c'r of tlt'er, • lacl• 11 lac tl. to fun:lc*rt>';.tinlaie Itis ,,,,,, 1'bee most c11ttgertleh c+lientr to the. is ,t,ite welt' wive, •if ,•u d 5i),,;cn.j, eau thirty deer lin it -night ;`i .b Intl, Wait c:, ran a.a'tiec a rk•b Ial1)p • 1earn,' tI i f t i r• ±t',c• i t flet i) •,x;!11 511:'1 ilial ": , ;,,t,,•u,i.•e'1 that V.cc,ll' t!•at•k:•t liar • •�rri'u milt int '1!:t' neighbgorhood of i,ifet'ti:e. swIllevt g'lillnel`a on s lines ltt•4'•1),t for lit. eSei''ittg� '! 7'l:c 'wort i et, lute c .,t start .of u or a n cl, 'fait 1 [ t tt c t. .:,,:• flerp loft• Trot o' pl'ntftf'-lirnt tees, the h sitteio tete . i r,iaoly it. ;11 Illeir speed.. a retest:let. ' .. •ill, P c t!1...L'r flit, S110rt diet. 't1 ao en a,nowsitlit ; tliruu ,it' the Wood', dart down teen) bills atiil Junk) .from ietlge5 several yaetis in height. I': ic.it- hunter clot': 1i:.; best to -outrun the others, for the 1ytr''f Belongs to 'ti:e l.ul .-i • who st:`i'-;ea ,Ibo first 1)1 OW. .\s,soon .85.. the {c'ttlili l�:ts 1����^t%:"3,p'1're'rtr,-•�S:'^�,:^-iii b cn striving .to armee .pub - lie tete/len t,e the Shameful 'eanilitiolis that )rwail Irt•'1Talitreal jail, has taken ct navel liaeoos of attracting ,the: public nasntT.. Tie Ti;e;i himself locked no In a c'o'i• foe three -hour's; tuttb•ftotn thele ie - sued' a 1ettc.'1•. tt) the citizens, In this 11e ai . ntti ,ng other tiling,: dretr. pi`isoraers in the Malttreal jail, The cel; once; 3 nen in measures Sea, with a small enc.- window •tip high in . the earner, and tt { creaking door, barred and lacked. There are five other. prisoners hi the cell with me.. • '.'This building Was bul3t in 1837 — 00 years ago; With 'a capacity. of 225; 'and to -night .35' pra; ,nets are herded •• lllcs: cattle within its walls; • "''tTearly 6.000 .people' pass throli•ge tilt's jail' every year. This has been'•go- i-ng,on for nearly seventy years. Every 'I Year 'this human •pest hole, has beetr..i growing more sold more 'defapitated, "Think of -it; after 70 years' Wear anti. tear.; walls •art eriinbling, woiidwork i- rotten, the cell. wails are like' prink,' galleries leaning over•, floons with. Weit-,. 70 Years of ozze belching.. out . four .lm . purities, wards. in total:darkness from - sundown to sunrise, • •"We read. of these.. things in Russia,. in Bulgaria, but don't' ltnoyv •dial In our city of Montreal exists all these hor- rors,- right -under• our nose, 'fin the east - wing :there. are four wards, with 33 cells In each -ward, et 132 cells in all, melt arcked with an' in- dividual look, find there are only trt't gas jets -to light 'these whole ward; with their 'huntatt freight 0Y,132 soui, • ""What 'would.-ilani,en in eaitatet a Bil- is hardier possible to lonceive. . Th,`st 132 eons cou'h1 wimply net be . emeneti at all, and their ,.inmates would • bs roasted alive., -"The .thassac:re of the Jews In Bessie has called forth oily indignation and out storrmv.'. What ;will haptien s0nid morn trig it` the read that 852 Prisoners in.the: . .ter Montreal jail 'have .•.been burned to - mous L death. 'The jail is tic, constructed that the than a warders cannot see or hear what is go -that c Ing on where the prisoners are. few 1 'tOn night -,duty' ..for the it ll wards there are only three wha"orleena hit, hit The human mind meoils at' what might fo tanR happen in ease' oT,,..� • ant# gt "Seo was 'bitter. • We arrived; says 1Ir A. rt. 'Stci 'one of the • party, ; "ori a Pat or to and 110 the ti)liawiog elcett1 Mr: Moore, Who • Was aecomprt i ,his twel sons,_ called at rhe La ce. We saw the clerk, •told bit» s, and he saicl he Weida write t„ tater:for Lands We thong/it t could get j� it tt arc' called esetti ets' in. Canaria -railway •tickets at a, reduced rate of a, cent (1-2 ririle — 80 that we - could .see try-Tisitts a view' to picking out 'la out .ha.ving to spend too miieh *emitter to do it, .Chat's, the 'w gration. Is t itci)ttragocl .in 'Came next day..t •triyeelf wrote a is t e Minister for ?.ands. Althou y ; a fortnight has elapsed . sin was -done, we have not' evert - r d the co0rtea:y, of a reply, nor h leek at the Lands ()dice-recciv oniteuziicatien ori the subject: given uli expecting any.. Wh e think of it?, W"e are thcoitgh sted, and we arts': going back Oa. They don't want settlers he thoroughly ,understood farmin he h tndiing of ep-to-date agr rl mach 'nary. 'W e are not me . for a 0 ty'rs work. We have Slee t rt loss In Canada, and have eapital among us What We wan a i1pnn which to settle down." re le .tiething remarkable in 11811 tangs Department iceeplri s would be settlers with move, sit walling for to few weeks o 8 on aht. door that.. l3ut. to, rhes, tins the absence of Departnaefta y must have been an eye-opener. nada" tit'y remarked "you tlon't , go (chasing round after the land .1Ie looks you up. If you are alit you will receive a. 'settlers' ter the railway. When. you have 1 y.tur land you get 100 acres 11 you have to pay is $10 ("..2) •Its and :sur t• ey ora fees, 'That tilt //dice, You can ' you in and go straight oil 'for the part of the ensnarer. is cleared or the Plough,'" these (:'arnadtatrs failed to ne- ev!on tits' fnutsisirts of the 't'as- rFed--tap' entanglements they vised to trr'2'iew South Wetiee ensiling, But they - had laid of Austt't111a, and remained firm determination to return to Tasmanian 0dmintstration may what behind that of settle status mainland, but, malting allow* adds Tlio Herald, is not a oh exaggerated sample of rho humbug W-bIolt disgusts land., in this 'and some of the othet Such an experiencti should be 1e, i:etnunoe. t, this in 19 tate sort part cif t of incident ken iii hand and distorted has 'a. far•reaehing effect In Mg immigration t,i Australia yr Irondott (lope, dale nigh 'and by fact Min w`e tick sued •per noun with our. brim! The to-th near! this eeive the c anyc have do w dlsgu Cana. We. . and t .cult 0- Idnit,`:a our , bit of Is ian The nu ttra •anxiou end g inornh (`anadi ,der ette in (a3) tla e, t' agent. ttottt f ticket' . Sol' ctrr fret -1 for clot goes 10 014:11;h hlg;g;e.tt ready f When gotiate rrtitnktn were, ad 01' Grte enou.yli In their Canada, be some on the antes, el Very mu oiilolat seekers states. Inipossib wealth, fn 'vhieli, tit abroad, dtscourag g1'en+erall sec - dee y' 1 1101 :tile t *t;, hit t 0.) nd ay la:. ter gIe ce e. aa ed '•'Ve at ly to r0. gi n n - a t a g eat neras ;lee ant of the Caeatlian • :11 ehaeoneienein-lsall. -rho canadiaq ;see .2; Ares ; I. he eateseppelle •LongeLehe elle big g•r<Cri e:::prvIng Ports. et the At. ,si;n1 w inter. The- extent af this t rade Taist fifteen days Lie. Canadian Pacific tor at Ceileton te the oixtgoing steam - sea 1,010.8e0 ,busliels of grain, "while lir titan six million bushels haoe been ship- ned through the elevator.. In tho time that rentable until ,the .cleseaT the trin;- terport season .It'is expert ad _to itterea8e .of any oreeions winter. be unwards of two nitnion bushele. Tire shipments. 4% sgeneaat peroinodfiles Ale() Chow a. gen- eral enceettse, and the, total exports Rile seasem to; fur tieambeut :1' Wen children,". said the teaeher she had finished eicolainitt:j; an be bought by the foot?" e Inevitable Johnny described hmetary orbits in the air Witli guish himself by being the first tined : Nothing Relieved • appara of gret big eon', ett box - and the mosplte Ihe way 5150 of His Kidneys HO Tried DIAnxtuar, Opt, Dec. z, zgo3 "I had suffered ttor seven years 'with kidney trouble. Could scarcely walk /del was unable to attend to my farm. Saw "Ittesitt " advertised, and after taking the first few pills, felt Much relieved. After taking half a box, was able to do a fell day's work. I know one $40.00 doctor bills. "Alois AttitOTT," It costs 'only se a day to take 4'llu.Ste «the kidney pill that never fails. All druggists have " or will jet them for you, • The Telentoldloneentite. et as the - telentobiloscope, tits which is expected to prove it use to 8111ps at night or 11 yeather has been invented by n 1 engineer at Dusseldorf. thie- ves are generated by a spark- , which la'itoittained In a pivot - :and fastened on a ship's bridge, se, being projeCted 'into lite at- reo-net as "feelers" for metallic Should Another 'vessel he mar es reflect and record on tlid-re- Int othee ship, " The London milkmen have . a cow whose funetion corresponds to the "Sltereanktemi1 prifant editor of .the German press. When 41 IN111011(th Is at - rested for selling below legal grade he is entitled to 1411111111011 Ilk cow Ids defense and have her milked before the , judge and so prove that the poor ton 11PaS the POW'S fault. Arany milkmen have evaded lines lit this way et hue, mut recently it Wail disco-vered that there Was ono cow' which was famous for her bad Intik that eonid hired ORKIN° EN . !Their !lard Struggle Made Easier—Interesting State, meats by a Young Lady in Quebec and One in Beauporto Que women. work, ; some in their the whirl of society: And. in•stotee; mills and 5140115 lt:1111 of thou/etude are- . All are subject to the sante physical lams; ail stiffer alike front the Fame phy- into the horrors of ail :kitela• of female ingk sustaining. • Medicine' which will enable them: to lear etteilv the •fatigues Ofsthe day, to Riese) won at night, and struggling -to. earn-- livelihieotl. Or ..per. back and innut are waling, She is So tired she tem- hardly date abont• err sitUld.tin;: 01,-711 elm St. we 18 how to avoid quell suffioiner ; writes!: -Overton-le and, long.hoerS ratite Makes a. very Kee/es 1.1Ta016 recovery Was very rapid, rued I was Wel well rted able to go back to work agein. 1 , mon vorthe. ofpreise, and ant indeed glad. to indorse it." "Miss Clara 13eaubier of Beauporti Quebec, writti: Dear 1%frs, "Poe several years have suffered with , female trouble which has beer a seriouo': tiraie on, my vitality, miming my. strength and causing Norm lielicitlelws, bearing -down • pains and a goner:it .worteout feeling, until really, had no desire to live. I tried -many medicines lett did not get perrnanert relief nutet, better end laroug,er, funk' four dieeliergaelo more pain, So I have every . reason, to ereies4 the Vegetable Conipound and I consider it wit/iota ctittal for the ilia uf won tea, Lydia K. I'inkilattl'f3 'Vegetable Com-. pound is the unfailing cure for all thee( troubles. It strengtetem the proper; muscles, real. ilisphteement with all its. horrors will no mom crush you,• • Back:101e, tlieriness, fainting, bearing - symptoms ' of -the . one cause-- will be quickly .411Spelictli and it Will make ygn you caft tell the-s.tnry of your suffer- ings' to .Womait, and nicelve helpful advice free of cost: _Address Mrs. Pink - ham, Lynn, • 1liass The preseet Airs.. • nhhant is the datighter-iii,law of Lydia was, ems sae-elle:sae ,„.• helm, slue lets, tinder her direction ',and %nee tlic„ . tini.shed that' r.;:!d t'4'f/ ii,;1.01;(% her decease,- been *adyising sick Women i„.„,, ' Lydia E. Pli,tazi,m's Veot,,t6bIe Commyund. SliCeeeds iivirtere Others Fall. with strong spiked •snowallue ,slisttbles it mid ;watts till all the litint- .ers arrive before -giving the 'death On Tipping. the • New Yorkers' still tqing to the .411- icietit custem of tipOing URAL- hats when airdsperouS fooklug business men lie he !passes an tietputinterioa tipping his 11e:. •although the other is. alone .and mute- . somewhere,. et dinner, Proleiblya or at the theater. You -will notihe that 10.= one separates himself, from the otheiv. be will say good. tilght or au, revoir.a.al :then tip his bet. Als& when one man is introduced to another it is dollar:4i, .to a subway ticket: that he mall 11:: ites. don't A.16'11 in Pittsburg. glittered In the 1/0181 of attielight poured 'through the WItuloW or tIT• Ilut old 'limo, the' book -keener, had, Ind eyes for the giel's beauty. Tie light-. ..ed cigar and set to work. '"11fr, Said the eienograplier. "TIult?".the old 011111 ovule fel. "Look hete," 8110 inour•Ionsty, Said wilhout nip, "don't ever smoke." CURES ° PaInslu thoStonutoD, Cholera, Choler* nos*, Summer CO.:41aInt, soot all quxes of the Dowels. • • Wealc,..-nervous,.:.Dtseased Men.- Thoesands of roar:geed Nelda Aged -Aro; are an tutaily swept to a premature erre Diseases have ru no au wreated the mew. xiiat'rpronitsing reWiartis HAW; You any..Of the following symptoms: trervonaarid Despondent; Tired- in Morning; No Aitillition; Metnory Poor; Easily ratigued; Excitable and Irritable; yes Blur; V Pimples on the Face; lareami and Drains at Nigia; Restless: *laggard imoltingl ,Fi" BloteheS; Sore Throat; Mar loose; P:ains in the Body; Spike% yes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of EuergY and Strength. Our New Method Treatmeni will build you 17p mentally, physitally arse sexually. Cureca tautsursonteed' or In 0 Pay. JIWN0 Names Used Withotit Written Consent. • n live on a farm, At ,schoot I teamed ea early bahlt, which weakened rue pltyptrally. sexttally and mentally. Family Doctors ''''', said I was going into "decline" (Consumption). Finally, l'Ttie Oolden Monitor," edited by Drs. Refuted), de Bergan fell Into My . bands. 1 learned the., 'wile and ratro. Self abuse had sapped ray 'vitality. I trial( t he New Meetild rreatw*nt all cl was cured. My -friends think I was cured of Consumption. I havesent them mata3r patients, all of whom were -cured. Their New method Treatment supplies vigor, Vttality and reanhood.e Consultation Fres. BotikaPree. Write for Question Blank for Nome Trostmina . , ESEEK CURSIONS Ask: for Nomeseekers' Panillftlet 824 GO • socute full particulars of return limitt, rates, ete„ from nearest 0.P.R. agent, or .JUNE 5 AND 19 "A NG creened -; The LARNIVIR SFhool al t Telegraphy, I' i And General Training tor' W. Scranton Coal. Orders I The may method of instruction adopted 1,3*.• left and money receive..d at thleigprils ptaclitalie Inthe shortest rossibla time all kinds of Coal • . , free pamphlet which win give full inforatetian. . I Offlee, the most de,iteble location Jo the city. Bohol; or M,4 tk Mitt Cellferfl finery tee cream etoigeg S4.101001, Pt 1441 llOaroloiss. 11,0AERT I:MI.1%10VA 'Stratford. (Mt District 811 perintendelit G.T. R.' • We have opened 'ep it eboice„ fresh ' Stand and now ask a share of t he . patrotiage of the citizens of cunton • and the surrounding community 'Good Quality tt,' raft, Prices' NIMENS' CAFE (,i,,,,,,... win. find our stock the hest . Afbert,.st,.;.1`finfolt. ,,,i. We are strangers , anti must get acquainted,. sw1,44%,41-4141411"1'41"1 '.. duce to see- its; before disposing of their ' than 'I tiesday 11101111ifig. Advertisers ehanging tn.rtir „if We win 'buy,. at a good price, wha ' Das boon In u*o tor hourly ODyoutt $ oud 44 Over tallotl to give Midi $