HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-15, Page 64
I, 1Motiveit''s • Ear 14 '
..... IN Nrprmgma logs wNIEN
11 71
oupewm3,17141.3 gATRIASTRA'NAITIf MP
.143 NouRf ssa , ;an& _so. AINPENNANY SON
e..11 TH0 tgamis op porti. MOT1ERAN0-
,9 ctin-rp. ,
Scud:tor tree sample.
Scorr& 1OW, ChetnIsts.
sac. and $,M0i all dnIggi5t3*ntar
• Our stock of high art Pianos of latest
'ease designs, and containing finest
•--actions purchasable for money. See
' our very latest style,: of sea et
'oned organs, at low prices. instrti-
Allents rented, tuned or repaired.
•Gramophones and music in variety al
;.,7. •
4 ;
Before placing your orders for
your season's supply of Coal, get
our prices. The very best' goods
carried in sto3k and sold at the
lowest possible price.
• Orders may 'els left'at Davis
Rr Rowland's Hardware store, or
W. J*1Stevenson,
At Electric Light I? lant
Subscriber Paving moved
his Restaurant to the store
recently occupied by F. W.
Watts, will be glad to meet al
his old customers,and as many
new ones as may favor him
with their patronage.
Having also bought out the
King Bakery, he supply
the public with first - class
Brea-1;and Cakes.
The 01t1 Tisne' bee or Torture in Legal
The eenstitution of the 'United State:(
and the constituttons of the vaulons
states In prohibiting ernel and unusual
punishments were, net •fighting an ab-
surdlty. The use of torture in legal
processes was not, when these Instr.).
ments were framed, so. remote as it is
now. •
Wheu Sir Thomas Dole optic as high
marshal to Virginia he chtshed a Con-
sniracy by killing the ringleaders by
torture. One had a • bodkin •tbruiit
through his tongue awl, was chained
to a tree until he died, Others • were
broken on the, wheel. Is quaintly.
stated that, Sir Thomas, was "a man
of good conscience pod. knowledge in .
divinity." Dole's date was .11111."
The next notable Afistanee.of the trte
of torture was In 102, in the Salem
witchcraft excitement, when 011e.-;
Cory was pressed to deeth-,the "twine
dure et forte," the. most. horrible of -
deaths.' •••
Executions were in public throrigh- -
out the'east until comparatively recent
times. WhenOnelch, the pirate, and
six ,others were hanged in Boston, Sew*,
all wrote In his dltu•y, "When the Scaf-
fold was let to sink Alien. MO a
Screech of the wothen that mY wife
heard it, sitting in our mitty. next to
the orchard," though the gallOWs. Was
mileaway and thewindtitiffivorable,
The use of tortlwe to"Wtieg the truth:
from witnesses Is said to have been rec-
ognized as legal in .Austrialintil well
within the century. - • , •
the llivalvve °mune and Whew*
They Are Located. e 4,
and other necessary
liver, a stomach. 1 • FOOD
Every oyster has a month, a heart, A •
internal organs, ineluding a set of eUn- 1
ningly devised intestines. The metith
IS at the.inuall end et the oyster's body's
near tile hinge a the sbell. It is oval
in shape, and, though not feadily dis-
covered by tut Unpracticed eye, it MaY
be easily located by gently pushing a
blunt bodkin or similar instrument
along the folds of the surface of the
body at the place mentioned. Connect
_324_4%4..41 no teeet4_ ie4he canal which bocornes thin, weak and debilitated, eneig,y
the oyster uses hi conveying food WI I i41ai1tingT bael1'amsf--411PT 'ilia vim-41111-
ppe4te, depression and langour. It takep
little set of netted and 11 k 1 d to know when one has
Owes e
When the food is imperfectly digested
the full benefit is not derived front it by
the body and. the pntpose of eating is de.
feated ; no matter bow good: the food or
how carefully aclepted to the wants of the
body it may be, Thus the dyspeptic often
LouWo1d 11e ag Journey liven Wiala
Tranaportat Vakeilitieo.
Them le a perpetual fascination about
the stars aud the immense distances at
which they. lie from one another and
"from us To demonstrate the met die-
- tanee a Centauri froni this planet a .
popular scientist gives the following
illustration in London Answers: "We
-shall suppose that some weelthy direct-
ors, for want of outlet .for their en-
ergy and capita15 construct a railway to
Centauri. We shall neglect for the
present the engineeriug dillieulties, a
mere detail, and suppose them over-
t:A.1_4e railway open for trafile.
We shall go further and suppose that
the directors have found the construe -
firm of stieli a railway to have been pe• 5
IR. Fitzsimons & Son
We—dr-6 --s-filtiritte
chering business, and are
in a position to fill all or-
ders for seasonable meats,
intrusted to our care.
Our new business stand
s n the Cornbe Block.
R. Fitzsimons 86 So
MK 76 Clinton
lost, and in their.placo °Om dullness, lost
the stetufieli, from wltenee it passes In-
to thecurious
twisted Intestines referred to la the tIriafgreesatiollrNsvoine oge of the following symp-
.onis generally exit,st•torii:a..ci:oetee. p ,
opeul ng,
To discover the heart of an oyster our stoma* variable appetite, headache,
the fold of flesh. which oystermen call heartburn, gas in the
the "mantle" must be renewed. ThiS The great point is to 'cure it, to get back
is fatal to the oyster, of course, but in bounding health and vigor;
the interest of science and for the ben-
efit of the "ellvious" it is occasionally
done. When the mantle has been re.
Moved. the heart, sbaped like a ere.seent BLOi0" BITTE
er horned moou, is laid: to •the view., • - - __RS•
The Oyster's heart is made up of
parts, just like that of a human being,
one' of which receives the blood from
•the gills aud the other. drives it out
througli the arteries. The liver la
. found in the immediate vicinity of the
heart and stomach and ' is. • a queer
shaped little organ, which is supposed
to p'erform all the ftMetions of a blood
They Keep Their Eggs in Naturn1
• rockets In Their 111.inihs, '
In the sea of Galilee, or Lake • Tibe- 1
rias, as It is also called, • there a
strange fish Denied the Chromia shno-;
nis whieh is .more careful of Its. young •
' ' • •
is constantly effeottn lerea.of 4014Pat&.
bee:Luse it acts in " actiral yet eneetive
way upon all the organs involved in the
process of digestion, removing all clogging
impurities and making easy the work of
digestion and assimilation.
Mr R G Harvey' Ameliasburg, Ont.,
writes: "I have been troubled with dys-
p3psia, for severalyears and after using
three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters
filter. • . • . was completely cured. I unmet piaise
•• . B&B. enough for what it has done for
. . • ,
JAVA'S ISLAND OF FIRE. me. have not had a sign of dyspepsia
• dace."
It Is Really Lake "of Boiling,. Bulb.
• blink Med anat. slime. •
The greatest natural wonder in ;feva,. •
If not in.the entire world, is the justly .
celebrated "ellieko Ramdka Crunike,'; ' • ^
or "Home of the Hot Devils." known.: . THE KING DIDN'T 4:IUAK. .
This. geel'ogical singularity is really a When •Sh°Ots Sh°0<ed.th3 9o."11 Ple°Ple
Do not accept a suhstitete for B.B.B.
There is nothing "just. as good,"
AO the world as the Island of . .
lune 1541 1006
Try a CO
orbitaut in their terrus fer right of 2, e, 30e, ,i0c,50e, 600 Per Lb
. .
euliarly easy anti that the proprietor$
, of interstellar space had not been ex -
"Therefore with a view to enbourage
• traffic, the directors have made the fare
eXceedingly moderate -viz, first class
at 1 penny per hundred miles. Desir-
• ing to. take advantage of these teeth -
ties, a gentleintin, by Way of providing
„hiluself with small ehange. for the Jour-
•ney, buys pp the national debt of Brit-
ain and a few other countries and, pre-
senting himself at the office, demands
a first class single fare to Centauri.
"For this he tenders in payment the
• price of the ticket, £1,100,000,000,
• 'Waving taken his seat, it occurs to
him to resk: •
• "'At What rate do you travel?'
• " 'Sixty miles an hour; sir, ineluding
stoppages,' is the answer,
• "'Then when shall we reach Centau-
ri?' , - •
• "'In 48,663,000 years, sir!'"
lake of boiling .mud situated at about ... ••of the Riviera.. •
the center of the plains of • Grobegana
a.aii -is called an Wand.' beietuse the
veat emerald sea of vegetation wiiiei.
surrentak; it gives It that appearanke;
Tire "Island" is about two miles, in .cir-
cumference,. and is situated at a
tunee' . of almost exactly fifty. IntleS. .
from .•Solo. igehr the ceater of this • and. Italian Riviera,, whice.i howled oym
geolegical freak Immense coluinfig of
. a number of bully oonstr!iet.x1 build- -
les. knocked ethers. out or, pluinb; and
selt,,.het mud 'Any .i)o. seeit ccZntinually ' .b raateLdir•a good deal of bti.rm. It came
rising and "falling like ..great timbers very suddenly during II,. '' night time.
.thrnst flirt:nigh the boiling. substratum The was of every emin• In the•.- hotel
by giant liands'auct the again ,quickly • where 4ing,-; rodward, then-. Prince • of
..wlilliltaWn:. BeSides the phenomenon . Wales, wais staying% greened: 'Phe hoors
' of the boiling mud• columns' there are creaked „and .th- furititur. rattled. All
Scores. of gigantic bubbles of hQt. slihm • the dogs in it howled togeth,r, and the
that 1111 noisy 2111.1Caiv Oh lhe nrinager's • office
11P 111,:e'tillge:b111105MS.alla-V.edl?' ' scipeelied at thti top of his V flier.. ThPii
thanfish generally tire. The male up a -series. of 'eceastant'estplelens,• the :camei,a•liali,.as .suddt i.l. as tlu• disturb
lakes the eggs in bis mouth and keeps, :ietenSity of . the detottationa .varypag a.nee,.anci`ttie srnotherod.sound of,marty-•
them in his nateral side pockets where with the siZe ef .the,-litibille... 'fit thee 1, slipperea -.feet,..artirs)ft,..rtsstg kownr
-thersnre-44gningY.,,hatchttl:Land'..rena4i11'..: zpeqe:se,thez Avithese 'iutbolitles say, wese. huertlne- ;irons ' ills tee:eidors and -
•.until able to shift for themselves By 1 hot L ..--ira Terf"-=u-fveit 'R.T40'.44iniiiit .:116w11 °I:4'1- .111414)1c'• •gtt1163';' -A-D-51 tlie
this ingenious .arrangement the , breed • • ' prince . .A t -Litt ! s .. ste.,getteree-e-gr • daree..,
• ger•-hts'faithfei equerry,. Oen. Sir Stan- •
is comparatively • guarded. against ' its ley••Clarke. bounded ,out of 14tit, • and '
natural enemies It is ettally fed, too, :making his way across the•ameking sa-
bot it ie a puzzle. how the• little .ones loon, knecked at the•iloor oE the prince's
escape beiog.eaten ell•Ye. • Awhile. ago,
says a traveler writing to a •religious..
atelparapf,,, in', net a__
number of these -fish without eyes. .
- Others of the species, When I lifted
them up, dropped a number of . little
fishes out Of their mouths, which swam
away hastily, . The •natilies :explained
the phenomenon. •The bliralL chromis.
is the vietini of sea Ain:Wks. When
these birds have eaten their fill they
begin .W look out for tidbits. . After
catching a fish they hit its forehead
with their sharp beak, • knocking • out '
the middle part, in. Which their eyes• are• '
set.. The- bony. •struCture, is dropped .
• Into the water, but• the eyes are eaten
by the birds . • With . ,•great • relish.
King Edward's experience with eartb,
elualtes„ although of. a. restricted. char-
acter,. is 'sufficiently entertaining to be
•placed. on record, wrItes the Marquise -
de Fonteney. muy he reniembered
that about 15 years ago there Was quite
•a .severe earthqualtd along the French
vi.ner1 1,2010 120112. , ••
Prof, Henri Moiesan has been trying
some interesting experiments in vap-
orizing gold in the Electric furnace, He
finde'lhat- it bolls at 2,400 degrees C.
a.nd that 100 to 150 grains can -be eva-
porated in two or three minutes. • By
condensing the gold vapor : on a cool
surface either tiliform masses or cubical
.crystals can be obtained. It is found
tha,t gold, like eopper and 'iron, dis-
• solves a certain =dant of carbon when
in •the'llquld state, but this separates
out as graphite on cooling, -Oold is
tound to be less- volatile than copPar.
The pronerlies of distilled gold are the
same; as: .those of hammered gold or
the melted metal rediac-ed to a. fine
powder. Prof. Moissan has found no
indications of. an allotropic 1n:edifica-
tion of gold. When an alloy of copper •
an4.1 gold IS th..vapor of cop-
per come§ nyer first, showing that there.
Is no definite' &impound. In the. case
'of alloys of g•old and tin the latter met-
al burns in contaat with the air. This
•tIuoxidc is found to be of a. purple col-'
or, duo t depihelt of fine gold , on its'
surfa,ce.-TIOndon;Globe,.. , •
baited mud' on the west edge of the
lake which Constantly belched 'a pure -
stream of cold Water,..nut this has long
now a seething Mess Of bubbling mud bedroom.• . inueh into society, .and hot faverite
been. 'obliterated.; and everything is
New 1001 41114 Shoe shop
Subscriber desires to notify the people of
•-elintqn and vicinity that he will open a
Boot and Shoe Shop in the old Post Offiee
nildmg, where he will undertake the mao-
. a facture of Boots and Shoes, and giye spm
a isl attention to repairing. All orders will
• eoeive;prompt attention. A share of pat
renege:respectfully solicited.
• (r. w B. WATTS
*awn irromr ,rommr •••
Lead raelit.ts Only.
Eighth Annual 3 days 'xcursion
derich= Detroit
The Big New Steel Steamer
- of t.he White Star LitIC
Will legve Detroit Mondayi-June-i8thi-8:oo-a:
arrive in Goderich 5 :00 p. •
•••• •••• •
\From GODERICH to DETROIT: leave Tuesday,
8:3c\ a: rn„ June igth, (Canada Time), stopping only at
Port Huron, arrive at Detroit at 4:00 m.
A special Excursion Train will leave Stratford the morning
of _Tune 9th, .stopping at Mitchell, Dublin, Seaforth, Clinton,
and Holniesville, andarrive in Goderich 8:15 a; m.• .
• - •
A •ibuflg•d-ge-frientleet o ureace eel f
a.nce has • recently. •reeelyed a shock.
A\ lit ,ng 11,r 'extensive reale acquaintancs
there is a blue-eyed youth. He gobs
among. the "nicer sex because Of WS
"What's the mat ter?". ask; d• drOsYsY. • oyes, ',Mack! one of them Is glass.; but
and slime.
voice. ' . •
„ i,e,s an.,earthcol.aei there is no need; as he says, for every-
. W044 the shoutetl
"Then, why dont you fiend it away?"
How ti, lint Tbeni en and Take'Thena
. "Won't you romp selF.ids, eiro"
Pro7perly. .. "Outside? Nii, certainly' not. I'm in
There IS 'nothing which moi•e coin- bed. Go 'away:"
Pletely .changesthe effect of a pdir• of' - The •equerrjr. his du'v performed,' fol-
eyeglasses than the habit of crowding lowed the hurtying crowd out into' the
them ep the.nOse with ()AO; • The open air; under the :deep.blue..sky and
' hest efforts at fitting And adjusting ere tranquil stars. • After an hour of this
US aequired that habit.. : ' • •
a person who, Peaceful scene, alarm died away, and
all brought to naught by
everyone had returned to the hotel to
..AreSs when the second shock- •came
• The Proper ..way te take Off glaSses h F')
driving t ern all pet; age, iota •
garden. seems of its -presence. 51g81
js to take hold of -the bridge. and lift
knotv -that, and, really, seem
SO reueh "Tlre"Mart/r-p-Ner--of-eire--ertelere
-that not onmin a htindred would detect
• n is oceas on e eseOrted the
Ynene hub' lo• etties;ion ti.) a refreshment
rimin, -As ;they ,Wer'e :taking tea and
coffee he leolted unutterable things,, at
her, when tall tif a sudden: she gave
; vent to a Startled eke's:I-nation, Her
eyes fixed on his with a mysteriOus
• tentness and horror, A had kik-
• tled tim-.etantre of his 'glass eye, and
remained. there -he, of ;course, oncon-
• that eye. looking. at her wien fly on
off gently ;without dt egging. or pulling The equerry's; thooglits again gat.•
• It, and the oVener making no attempt
t of• Slmpe To 'take off spectaeles flew to the sleeping prince. The heir ..
to brush it off, was' too much fut. his
8omtenton.. It over -Powered. her.. and
• she Shudders When she. recalls the gin-
cenistance.--Answers. . - • •
. •
Strangely enough, the fish generally ttl'e 'hold a the right teinple With the • apparent, to the throne of Greet Br tai
i1 charg
SUI( ie this tough :treatment. • .1 t. right hand and lift it..off the ear.' Then was, lo a measure, in Is sp.
wound heals tip quickly in wAter, and' turn the head to the•rIght and the left How had he acquitted himself •of :his
they continue to Ply the •Ialce for food teniple will fall tiff e,I1y. r sacred. steikunisTrip? ,.A. twinge of con
t1 ir nothing, had .happened.L-London. ' •The average wearer Of glasses when
• ! s
science made him feel uncomfortable
Ste tie rd. • • he .is cleaning -them as he sat out there in the. till garden takes hold of the'
• -• • •
beidgeThe consequencon an Inverted watering Doti e' xe "
. e is ;that - •
the tall chimneys of the diplomat's
itn Unappreeie
melodrama.gradually 'works the bridge out of•hous,e across the. square. to come tole-
• • •
•shape, and every rub "n' the lens riling clown over him. He • had not
2 Bays in Detroit
Wrne E. R, Ryer, Rats, Detroit,
Moose Jaw
$32,00 Strassburg • $36.25
- 33.6(1 Sagicatoon - 37.26
- 33.65 Prince Albert 38,00
• 34.20 Pio. Battieford 39,00
- 34.60 Macleod . 40.00
Calgary • 40.60
"'" Red Deer • 41.50
• 35.75 Stettler
36.00 Edmonton - 42.50
euno Eth, good to return until August Oth.
June lath, ,, " August Otth.
'.i' Ord. SI " &pt. Ord.
ay lith,
si . " Sept. lids,
Per rates to other pointa attd eomplete ia.
formation apply te hearestriteedianPaeine
,Agent, et Write to 0, Ts, Ebert% District
Paste:Igo Agent, 71 Yong* Eit,,, Toronto,
t• . ...'' , "4:•,..:.
'''''•••• .....,...._ ...„.‘,...,77,,,,,,,.....:z....,,i,,,.e3.0. se.
11 - '
----'.-----e-----"•-•-• - • --r.-- •
---e-...,--._ • • JP) • .
Ile- e we alonel , . .
Voice i'rom. tie, flallery-Not now,
but you will be tomorrow night.-
lge lerevored ii. • . •
Mr. XIdder-'--Are you•in favor of the
open door policy, Hain? . .
Sam Johnson-l'a-as, suit. 'When Ah
want to play polley Ah hate to have to
sneak arottnd to de side do'.-Phila.
delehia Record.
gives a tWist to the hridgm and in aroused the prince at the second shock.
course of tithe the bridge or the. lees So he kat up, returned to the hotel, and.
.breaks when he least expects R., There •Passing through the public rooms --His.
Are probably more glasses lirelten in.
this way than any other. •
The correct way to clean them is lo
teke hold. of onepf the .eye ineees:
where.the gl rtso is ScreWe On the. ottt:‘r 'again.. Sall no answer...A. third, louder .
edge and :010011the lens, and then re- • than before -loud enough, In .fact, to
verse the glasses,' take it:by ilk, other rouee all the: seven, sleepers.: But still
n answering Voice. And then the hor-
Royal Highness Was on the ground /
floor, in a sort of a.nnex; that proJected
into a private 'flower-plantod ceurt-- ,
reached the prince's door and knooked:
There was •no response. He knocked
end' piece and repea•t. itio•. a on
.that leas. .
• She Eldn,i Wen.
wortan Wi10 lives in an •11118.11f1
town, while going to 41. vonvention.in
11 dashed across the anteroom, • The ea
distant city, spent one night of the t'tains rat the doer •irf the. beilechamber
• .,
rid truth, sudden as was the earthquake
'shock, flashed: inte• the WretChed
equerry's.mind. Scimething was wrong..
Had the prince perished? In an
stant he had flung the door open mid
the. first tithe sliaiiitd eyer traveled by
water. She reached her, journey's end,
eXtreieely fatigued. ••To a f riend who
remarked it she replied:. . • •
' "Yes,- I'M tired lo &Lille 1 don't
know that I care to travel by wilier
again. I read •the card in my state-
- room abouthow to put the 'life pre-
server on, and,I thought I 'understood
it, but 1 guess I didn't, SomolloW
• couldn't go to Sleep ". the thh3g
r..... -•••••r"-...: •
• An Irish Co.mpitmente
• An Irish gentleman said to an Eng,-
41lah officer, "Do you know Ntr. X.
Of -2" The officer disclaimed having
that pleasure, "Ali, be is a very Mee
fellovt and a good friend of mine. But
he has been dead these six years. An',
• allure yotrre very like him!" The 'of-
ficer said he had been compared to a
good many things in the course of lila
lifetime, but never before to it-
9,rear-o1d corpse. -London Speetator.
Lettr-:./ Day Breeziness.
"Holt often do your housemaids
"DO you wenn 1s3w often do they an:
the furniture," asked slangy Ntrfa.
Wedd, "or how often do they ekip
it poverty It the mother of crIntet
Want Of Mite 11 tht. Who of Wino.
Are no
•e close together • With a
vot drawn, . .
frenzied hand he se4zed them and
drew thern apart. As he di(1 so, some-
. thing --; but whether • an nerollte, a• .• . ' .
not ••-- struck him, full in the face. The -Signs of. -
thunderbolt, or. a falling ibeam he knew
Strange lights danced before his eyes.
Ills head swam, and M a momentary Heart Trouble
faintness he leaned against -the door.
But t &neat a voice fell on his .'• •• . •
From Wingham, 640 a.m., Blyth, etc, the morning train,
June igith, connects at Clinton, 7.4.0 a m., with Special train '•
for Goderich. • •
• • Not nt Leas. •
• "I suppose • old Cashnian has More.
money than he knows what to do
with." .• •
"Yes, but his wife and daughters are
ready to supply the needed informa.
tion." -Houston Post.
. ,
, Tonarny's Wish.
Father -All, Tommy, you don't know'
When you're well off. I wish I were a
Tommy (who has recently been chat!.
tised)-So de I -littler than me too. -
London Sereps. •
• RETURNING: leave Detroit (central 'time), Thurs- •
day, .June 2ist, Loo p. in., Port Huron 5.3o p.m. sharp.
Thursday night, special train leaves Goderich 11 00 p,m.
for Clinton and way stations to Wingham and Stra.tford., cri ., .
arrival of ,Steamer.' • - '
I 50 cent Dinner will, be served in the beautiful dining
• • .-roOni for the Ev5ursion. Other meals •
A goodlifirch can be•IffiraraluiFehan •• t-
••• • , r .•
Leave Goderich. on last -trip for. Detroit, Friday .
•une -_d, at 8.30 a. m. (Canada time,.)
• Round -Trip Fare, either. way, with hand baggage, 81.00.
Rattler Noisy.
Ber-Andyou say she -was loudly
•• Hlm-Well, eot exactly that, per.
haps, but her silk skirts made alot of
noise.-chieugo NOM. .
•journeir •en board a steamhoat. It was•
Goderich B?nd MoonlizhtEXcursion at G6derich, bight o'clock,
• •
Monday Evening, 25 cents. /
A Special Train .for the Moonlight; leave4Clinton at. 7 I
Round. Trip fare 50 cents. Tickets on sale .at •the .
• .
, .
p.m. and return. leave vrouericn L3o p. m.
. •
Grand Trunk ticket office. '
Bu not • in .
• ear, 'grave and; repriaelifult, "Look -
here, Clarke, 1 .won't have any More Of
this, and if you don't shut tip making
that.bedstly row and let 'me go to. sleep,
People in every Walk pr life are troubled.
Have you 8 Backache? If you havelt
is the first sign that the kidneys are net
waking propet•Iy.
A neglected BaclEaclie leads to seriout
Itidney Trouble..
• Check it iittime by taking
They cure all kinds of Ridpey Troubles
from Backache to Bright's Disease,.
50o, a box or 3 for $1,23
• oil deader. or
Toronto, On
rli shy the other booi'.alt you.
• Impossibility;
• Two iri4innen •were moving some kege
of powder when one noticed that the
other Wee smoking, and the following
conversation ,..nsued:
"Look here! Ain't ye got any better
Sense than to be smoking Whtloto,We're
handling these 'ere kegs ef powder?
Dora you know that there was an ex.
plosion yeeterda.y, *hi& blow up a
dozen men?"
"Faith, but that cud neVer happen
"Why not?"
"Be.kase there's only two of tie est this
job:, •
Misplaced Sympathy.
' .A. TiVench judge visiting Pliglanta was
riding in a London tram ear when the,
conductor o.pited ,or his fare. The
judge offered a sixpence :ma whild ba
received fourpence change gave thl
O onattotor twopence, saying: ,
"Ilere, my Matt, gilif#yOurse11 a. class
of beer."
,A. elergyznata, sitting moslio,
"Oxottee Me, sir, but lilt Wiats to en-
courage drinking? I have not touohed
• tin.aio Of baiet for Years."
"Poor Mani" exclaimed Om Sate
oltake tie oador twoAcncs."
You can Surely Secure- Heart Health
•, and Strength through Dr. Shoop's
Restorative. • 2
Heart 'Weakness which can be dealt with at
nil is nerve weakness, Just as Your hand trenr
bies when its herves are weak, -when your heart
ner es are weak your heart flutters and Dalai.
teters. Other signs aro shortness oehreath after
slight exercise; tainting spells; Vain or tender*
. ness about the heart caused by irregular heart
action: choking sense, tion as if the heart was
In the throat; uneasy sensation in the
the heart 120%
chest, slLowin: that
wiao tight trigtht;
osinacoinebustitdree.- • ' usuanst the left
t4. quently the .
TAM when you lie
n d difficult
s o tit e red
tooling. b.
Solutely en.'IY one way
to treat a weak' heart.
That is tobringbitek
nerves. Canyon'
tiling else can bo
ltrs toratire w 111.
strengh to the
There is nothing in
• thin that
natural and
s tree u th to its
imagine how any,
donel, Dr. hoop's
b lug back the
heart nerves always,
leads to reaction. The strertrith that it gives 15
natural and eon.
101 8nir J4J't`r
the result, leor stile encl. recounnended by •
this remedy to stimu-
it. anent. It, le j0,41, the amnia
strength as Nature eiveS to those who are welL
overeomes the cause of the trouble Marietta*
Cook's COtton Rod .Coinpound'21,
The great Uterine Tonic, and $ 50 e t
\only safe effectual Monthly en s •
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength -No. 1, $1; No. 3,
10 degrees stronger, $3; No. 3,
foy special eases, 45 per box.
Sold by all druggsts, or sent
prepaid on receipt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address: THE
COOK ME010111C0.,TosoNTO,OHT. (formerlY Windsor)
Airrottise in the NEW ERA
We will.send The New
Era for the 1 balance of
VRS, for 56c -cash. NO.Ar .
IkJ the time to subscribe.
Wan Paper Store
Are you one of the crowd to the --Busy,
Store? filverybodyis now talking
of the beautiful designs of
Wall Paper
we have in stock, and prices to fotit the
purchaser. Weeds° carry a stock of
Window Shades, Curtain
Poles, Cottage- Rods,
.Room Mouldings,
Floor and Furniture Var-
of all deseriptioes, which are sold at
•• nish, etc., ,
prices neve• r ltprtiotbwiinc,hefdre to the •
Painting and 'Paper flanging clone,
Estimates furnisind 011 job work.'
Nest/kik and Nervousness toed or 41,I
AJAX ArnitgAttilla
�hcartdIQtsLi1dtreatesAwisar isteftrea
Smith's Wall Paper Store
14.Th-Sign Painting done. All Paper
• tationed MEM
'Nothing adds so much to the (1000111-
(108 of a house as good Wall Paper. I
am in a -position to show you the very
best and choicest patterns, as I am
agent for the
Empire Wall Paper Co.,
. of Toronto,.
The samples for 1006 are "entirely
new. Prices run from 5c a roll to 35c,
'th orders at same price. Every
roll of paper guaranteed to contam 8
yards* Sanniles gladly shown to in.
tending purchasers, at any time.
ttonno DecorstOr and Paper Hanger,
Con Queen and Princess St„ Clinton
Advertise in the NEW En
itstigu lhvn
Steam re leaVe Hamilton 4.80 stem;
• oron t at 4.30 p. Tuesdays an d
Thursda , and Saturdays, for Bay
of Quin e ports,: 1000 'Islands,
Montreal and Intermediate point
Comin,oncilig June 2, steamers leas,
Toren 1643.30 p.m. • Daily except Sun .
days, from July 1st. • Daily for Rochr
ester, 1000 'ilslandt, Rapids, St.
Lawrence Montreal and Inter .
mediate ppints:1
For tickets apply to R. R. agents, or
Western 'Passener Agent. Toronto .• .
Stne argains
edc China
We still have some odd
lines onChina and Glass-
ware wIllich we are selling
at a salrifice,
ymt awed a, handsome
Dinfieti' Set, or a Toilet Set,
or pertains sotne edd Cups and
Sattee1/4.s, odd Plates, Salad
BwIti‘, GI ass Pitchers
( Moat 'Pitchers, Tumblers
ePtrehit end Vegetable O'Shea
'Ca1 to see them before some
one gets ahead- of vet, and yon
miss the very bargain yott have
been ltooking for.
Ae . .Beaton
The; rpeohponlee's Grocer*