HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-15, Page 4TUE CLINTON SEW ER.4.
I3ig Sale of Men's and Boy's
Cioiing is Now in Full Swin
tiL200cundreds of Dollars Worthof
1. ess Than Wholesale Price.
Another lot of those $9.90 Sults for
Last week we sold every suit adver-
tised for $9.90 This week we place ten
more on sale (which we have kept in re-
serve) on .the following conditions:
Ten only Men's Fine Tweed Suits,
made in the newest three and four -button
sacqu'e style, broad giouldet-s,—equal, in
fit, to any tailor-made suit.—Por Saturday
of this week,'we give you,these high-clasS
suits, and your choice ot an extra pairof
pants, or if you wish any one of our best
brands of $2.50 Hats. The whole outfit,
-eomplete, for the lowest priee on •
You can compare these suits with any
$12.00 suits,
Now For the Boys.
en--only-B-oy's-extra flILe Tweed»Si •
eNorfolks and three-piece dark, medium
and light colors, newest styles this year.
Regular prices $4.5o, $5.00, $'5,5o
U p to $7.5o, Saturday's price
Just a few left ---small boy's, two-piece
suits, worth up to $4:00, clearing
Saturday at
A Great Shirt Event.
•5 dozen 1V1en's fine soft -front Shirts. in
•halt -a -dozen different patterns, black and
white, etc, The finest Shirts Shown any-
where at SLoo, $L25 and $1.5o each.
The entire lot on Sale now, sizes 14 •
to i6i, at each
See us Grow.
For the ten months ending Aprit30,
our fofeign trade totalled $435,742,955,
or nearly $09,000,000 more than for the
same period of the preceding year: The
imports amounted to $226.257,576, are
increase ef $25:280,200, and the exports
to $180,757,157, a 'gain of $35,815,751
The increase in exports of dotnestic
produce was $10,535,554,more than that
in imports. A notable feature is the
increase in exports of manufectures,
'which was nearly $3.000,000 over the
Same month of the .preceding year,.
reaching 191 millions. When it is re-
. membered that the benne demand is
active and gyeater: them itehas . ever
aaeeeehefeoeiae.eheeagnrnameas.ef zhe fig.
tires is greater than appears. at 1Yrst
sight. Canada ie peospering under
good government. Whiners and
feult-fieders are having a hard job to
get anybody to listen -Le them, Even
the balance of trade theorists are as-
tonished to fina that o rexports are in-
creasing much -more rapidly than our
imports. Canada is bound to develop
amazingly in the. next few
the giinton illetr Era
there's ecarcely any limit to the nes- ,
sibilities that lie befere us.•
' County Council Generosity
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1906.
The Ontario. goyeenment has dis-
missed the -Liberal Registrar.foeSonth
Perth; azed 'also the Registrar tut:East
Northumberland. Improperrise of in-
formation is the charge in ' one ease,
and partizan -prectices in. 1803in the
other. Both are succeeded by. Con-
servatives. It le quite, 'evident the
Whitney Ceovernment lS going tete:lee
advantatie eif 'every, -opportenity to re -
.ward ialriendee.eyen it it .has L: tna1c.0
,opportuni ies, and it is hardly, human,
nature to expect • this 'San o on with-
At the recent meefing of the County
Council the members displayed a spirit
of generosity in sonie dinentiens that
was comtneudable, while in others
they acted in a spirit' that was Oita
the contrary. ' •
Q9upty CleileLaise, who is a; most
efficientand deserving officenhad $100
added to his eatery.. He is in every
Way entitled MA: • " • '
7e -bra Ainsletyi-whis'a •Irirs,e‘t een •
ut e erale being cal pd unon to
retaliate ip Fed.eraf eppointme t
ea .
,Comritiesionernf One °entity ,,The 20.
years, evae grantect.the eerie pf
..hiarettremetik .with which to fault,
can be found • ita be • deeervei all he
-0 F—
To be had at our Dry Goods
Store opposite Town Hall
Hosi ery.
• Princessellosiery-for-Gielsein-black and tan, fine rib
• 25c ,
cotton, all sizes, 5 to 10 in
Hercules Stockings for Bos, all sizesin black
cotton, at
• Children's white cotton Hose, at.... .... . . . ., . , .. : . ,ie up .
Ladies' fine cotton Hose, in white, tan and black, at, ... 25e:
Best values to he had in Cashmere Rose, for Ladies, Girls'
and Boys, et
e 1.5c to 75c
Ladies' Lisle Gloves, in tans, black, White and grey; all •
sizes, at
Taffeta Melees in black and grey, at
Silk Glows, black, cream and gkey, at
25e and 50c
25e and 50e
Ladies' Isaticy Parasilts, ...... ...,$2.00 and $2.50
Children's Fancy Parascihi, at ......25e. 50c and $1.00
Ladies' knit Cotton Vest.s, • short sleeves (Sr long; .
10e, lg 1-2e to 50e
Children's Vests, in all sizes, long or short sleeves
at B&C and Crompton's Coesets, all styles, at ....350 to $2.00
Nezereth Waistefor Bays rind Girls, all sizes at 25e
New patterns in Embroideries and Insertions just opened
this week, at per yd ...1.21-2c to 25c
Fine French Val Laces and Insertions, at per yd ..3c to 2e
Cerset Cover Embroidery, new designs, at per yd 35e to 85e
Ladies' Lisle Gloves, in tan, black, white • end grey, all
sizes, at
25e and 500
Taffeta Gloves, in black and.greyeat...........e.,23cand410e,
Silk (Stoves, in black, cream and grey, tit ..., • 50c ,
Wash Belts, Embroidered Collars, etc., a big range of
new patterns, at ....... .. 4. ... #1,4140.1.4.64g5O to /150
Ladies' Wash Suits, in dark Grey, Linen, 13100, Grey ad . •
pale Blue- perfect fitting and fast colors, $4,50 and $5.00
• A. grant of $1000 was Made • towards
the Goderich Marine Hospital, hich
is the equivelent of the amonet with-
• drewn from this institutithe by the
January Connell. IVe are not going
• to take exception to this, because a
number of contributions were,made
and expenditures incurred at the out-
set, on the etrength of the original
grant,• . •
• The House of Refuge Committee
strongly; recommended an addition ef
$100 to the salary of Mr, French, of
the House • of •Refuge. The Council
had not got its generous cap on when
.it dealt with this report, for it cut the
recommendation in half, giving Mr.
French $50, and Mrs. Simpson .$25.
They both deeerve all they got and •
'more. Let us make a ' comparison.
Jeiler Griffingete MOO a year, and his
wife $200 ; total of $800 -on an a,ver-
age their have eight or ten Prisoners
to look after the year round, and in
addition have the services of a Turn-
key at about $500 to help them. • Mr.
French: gets $375 a year and Mrs.
Simpson 273 -total $6a0; in the House
of Refuge there is an average of 85
inmates the year round and there is
• no assistance. Mr. French teed Mrs.
Simpson get a little more in the; way
of their living than do Mr. and Mrs,
Griffin, but otherwiSe the comparison
is about equal. Why then sheuld their
be such a disparity in the salary e The
Ootiety•Council should be both just
and generous. In dealing Nvith this
particuhir case it has been neither,
'County Council •
(Concluded from last week) •
• Notice was given . that Mr. ' Plum -
steel, Teustee of Clinton Collegiate had
resigped, and Rev. . Mr: Gunne Was
eppointed his succeasor ; J. Ache-
son, of Goderich Bowed, having die,d,
alr. W. • McKenzie. was appointed
• sueeeeson .• • .
A deputation waited on the Council
asking for a grant to the itioderich -
Marine Ilespital. The matter waa re-
feered to the Executive Committee,
together-svith a motion that $1000 The
granted to Winghatu hospital: The
committee reported against both
motions, but that.giving a. grant tO
Goclerich was carried on the following
votee-Yea, Gardner, Lamont: Morri-
son, Miller, McLean; McKenzie Dile-
leeinghton, McQuillari, Spackman.
Nay :-.43ryans; Cantelon,Ourrie, Doig,
Ferris, Grieve, Isbester.
Mr. Lane, County Clerk made a re111
quest foe an increase of salary, • and
100 g • inn.
Moved by Mr, Miller seconeci by Me.
Oantelon, that in the event of an ate•
peal from the report of the Equalize -
time Comnittee, ale) Matter. be ieft. to
tha County Judge -Careied. •
arovecl by Me. McKenzie seconded
by Aft.. McQuillan, that whenever the
Inspector of the Douse of Refuge finds
that any inmate has min propertee
that. he and the Warden and. Keeper
be instructed. to have the proper
transfer made -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Gardner, seconded by
Mr, laryante, that the salary of the
Road &Bridge Engineer be SOW Per
Moeed emendrectit by Mr. Me.
Lean, seeonded by Mr. Cantelou, that
the Engineer be paid $800 pee year.
Iloth teatime were• referred • to the
lexeentive.Commtttee, which reported
in favor of the latter amount. •
The report of the Equalieettion Own -
name recommended the ex1option of
the Valuator's Report.
Mr, Ishister moved, seconded by Mr.
Doig, that the following_tovenshipsbe
reduced 5 per cent ureY,
Morrie, Stephen and Hay. Lost.
The report was then adopted.
A motion was passed granting Mr.
Ainsley a bonus of $100 on his retire -
meet from the position of Road Conn
nussioner •
Itneone OF BOUVATIOzt Clongirreat
In reference to the petition of G. E.
Essery and others, asking that S. S.
No, 1, Stephen be fornaed into two
eeetiees the uew min to be known as
S. S. No, 14; recenrinend that the
petition be !granted, In reference to
the claim of Listowell High School for
the tuition fees of pupils belonging to
Huron ; recommend no action. Clain
pupils from this county ; recommend
that it be paid according to the basis
decided 'upon in June session of 1905.
The coramittee recommends the grants
inade fon continuation plass work be
made according to statute. In re-
ference to the petitiOn of Mr. Ziler and
otners, of S. S. No. 8e Hay, asking that
arbitrators be appointed to define the
boundaries and fixing a, site/ for new
school (Hite Council heviiig refueled
to take ectine) we recommend that
petition be granted.
ESTIMATED ExeneitaTtine...8 AND RE-
Ad in inistration of Justice..$ 5500
41 **** 4.
Division Court Jury Fund., 100
Schools .. 10000
School management 2900
Municipal GOVernMent• • • • 550e• -
Greets 2300
Stationery, printing, ste... • 800
Lunatics and charities .500
Jnterist 1000
Mr. 0. X. Wattle returned front
Winnipeg on Friday night,
Mr& J. McGuire, of Liman, is visit -
hog her father, Mr. A. 0, Pattison.
Miss Jennie Barr was lent week the
guest of her friend, Mrs, J. Fermin
of Hullett.
Mr. W. J. Taylor, Bele ra,ve was
he guest of his rtend, Mr, A. E.
Cook on Sunday.
Mr, Andrew Tilerlor attended the
funeral of his brother's daughter at
Listowel on Wednesday.
Mrs, Stewart Seymour and \sister,
Miss Ida Walsh, are visiting eisters in
Detroit and Battle Creek,
Mrs. SMel, of Ripley, sister of Mr.A.
D, Beaton. and Mrs. Mason, have been
guests of Mr and Mrs, Beitton,
County property
1V1iscellatieous •
Industrial Howe •
• Sterling debentures
Roads and bridges. - .. ,272001)9101
Deficit 1905.. , , 5500
. _
r„• 'twat of Los Angeles,
grandson of Mrs, 8, ()rich, is here on a
visit, and may rensain tor afew eveeks.
Mrs. Gregg, of Toronto, mother of
Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart is here OU a visit.
Dr. Gregg was also here over Sunday.
"iN.ELICerre of the Brussels Post, was
a visitor to his brother, Rev, W.1.4.1,,lerr
at Ontario Street'. parsonage on Tuee-
Jane 15th, 1900
Have you a verandah, or a shade tree on your
lawn? If so, you should have one of our new Ham-
mocks, to lounge in. .A.n hour spent in one of these
hammocks is worth half -a -day sitting in any chain
• Mrs, Jas. Twitchell and daughter
Ida lefe on Tuesday for a months viSit
in Detroit; • They were accompanied
lel Mr. Twitchell. •
Messrs la R. and IL Hodgens
left on Monday for New York, where
they go to seeure American novelties
for thenehusiness. .• ,
Mrs, Newton P. Cinch and little
daughter, Evelyn, of Reward, Sask
arrived...last Thursday, a,nd intend,
spending a couple of months With her
mother, Mes. Nott, Ontario Street.
Mr, C. Byer, who has been in the
Western Provinces for the past five
months, in the interest of flodgens
Bros. (nothing department, has re-
turned to tpwn, He was most suc-
Mr.' Andrew' Porter was in town
this week on his way to Goderich, to
take the management of the Sovereign
e pankeGoderich. Mrs, Porter will re-
• $7850-s inteiti Teeswater until Mr. Potter
gets fairly settled, • •
Mr. A, Ingram; who has just, resign-
! ed his seat in the Dominion House to
! become a member of the Ontario Rail -
Way Commission, -was- at one •tirne
resident of 'Clinton • where he worked
as a harnessmaker for Mr. J. Q. Miller.
tProyincial License Inspecter-Gordon
was in town on Wednesday -on his
regular teur of inspecting thebooks of
,• License Inspectors. He eertified to
I the. accuracy •of those- of Inspector
I Torranee, and was .pleased with the
Manner in which .they are kept.
JudgesHolt came down from Goa,
- ---Reemeere
• Registry office •$ 800‘
Licenses.. 1200
• $76502
. Messrs W. Se McCrostie and W.
aleKereher, Anditors,certify that they
made an audit. ,of the books of the
County, and examined the vouchees
connected therewith; and find that
- both agreeand are eorrect. The books
tire well kept a•ne all required infor-
million was frnelx given. • .
ExEct7T.tyE. CloinufrTEE
In reference to. the petition asking
that the village OE Crediton••be made a
Police ; reeommended that it
be granted. lie reference to: the re-
quest for a further grant to G reveal-
hurst Sanitarium ; necommended 110
action. In reference to the emetnitt
went. of. L.• MeNtiniara to the inclusa
trial Home, Termite, 1)v the. -Mayor•af
Seeroett,.. we tecommeeded ..thet the
-maintenance of. McNamar& be .paid.
neelended glean() aettenbeetakeir
!Vii-Varafel—t—ice •o membership in thseal
Conatabliee Asseciation . •Torcnitc
refeience to -the requestfrom Gran
Bend to .Stephen a akin g foe as
sistence to build ;block -up, We recoil
mended thatthe Matter be seat tO the
Coimcil. of Stetihen. referenee .to
the motion of Messrs McKenzie tied
Miller,. that. a geints of $1.000 he .made
Hospital in Goderich, we recommend- .
ed that no action be taken.- (Thi e .was. •
arneeded- in . Council ttnd the grant .
made I Regarding motion • of Messrs,
Outrie and . MeQuillan, asking for .
giant of $1000 to assist in building a
hospitaA iir'Whightian ; that no action
p taken. Recommended a ;grant of
erich on Friday, for the puepose of
' proceeding to Blyth, where he was to
- hold count, while here be got word
there was nothipg for the Court to do
at Myth, and he returned •to Goclerich
by the hrst train:
• Miss Henrietta Holmes, late a
teacher on' the steff of Toronto school,
is ; visiting her sister, Mrs, 'Beaton,
Miss •Ilohnes tesigned her position
.owing to ill:health. and leetves
00 a trip to the Weat.. She dees not_
expect to resume eeitehing: e..:
Mrs[.. B..„ Gibhings and . daughter,
left On ,Tnesday, , a Visit to.' her
a Mother and sisters in Winnipeg. She
was IICCOUSpi1010a by het brother
Rufus Andrews, -of Cleveland, who
will alece speed • a week or ,. so. in the
wean They cvere tIcketed throeigh by
by W. Jackson, C. P. U. Agent •
ton Chant, Arthur • Stephenson re-
presenting Varna, and R. Sims,. re-
presenting lalytle left here an Monday
for Ottawin•to attend the meeting of
the Hig,h ,Court Clinedian Order of
Foresters. The two first named sveee
ticketed thrmigh by To, R. , Hodgens
Agent G. T. R.
to the Duren County alitle League,
This Comauttee recommeded pay-
rnene of a lot of apcounts, The Tres-
urer's Bonds were examined and found
sa is actor ; the tote' amount of sec-
urity is $65,000, conaposed of 040,000 it
first tnortgage on real estate, and
$25,000 personal bonds. The total
equalized assessment or the county Is
$42,501,400, and the Treasiirere. eati-
mates ampunt te $76,502, whit% will
require at rate ef 1 1 -5th mills .nn the
, eepassAWeeeeeeeeteereeye eeseee• ANN
• te .ee.„ ale, 'Manning will exchange -
, • • WESLEY • . •
iNlyeixtht.Ree.air Kerr on Sunday nateenin
• .
My. Ain.sley•- reported as 'follows :-
1 .have arranged to have •eteel Mete
andnewefloor•••put . oil part of , Man,
chester bridge. Have made arrange-
ments for a new abut:Meet 'at St,
Joseph's 'bridgea. A new:bridge veill
be necessary at Dunlop. -With regard
to Duff& Stewart's ccanplaint at Blue -
vale, nothing can bedone at • present ;.•
a new dant changes the current, 'but a-
new bridge will be necessaree probably.
ext season.' Mr:. Hardy and I re-
neasured the ciencrete work at Stan -
eke bridge, •and pee no reason: why-
Neagle• Looby should have any
more than .oriennally allowed • them
he Blyth bridge has beenargidered
nsafe by the • corporation -Of •Blyth
eying' attached a eveter pipef and I
econatnend that they be required to
hange it so as to reprove the danger..
he north abetment mid pier of • • the
roposed bride at Bayfield is in first
hiss order ; the south abetment is
ust as it was last fall, and can be re -
aired at small cost : the old bridge
ound in good state of repair; and with
roper attention, will earry the reptile „
afely fora ,couple of years.
ThiS Committee recommeedecl the
eliding of •Dunlop beidge at once,
het no action be • taken "concerning
lte enteplitint•of Duff & Stewatt,Blue.
ale, as We (19 not consider the County
able. • That Myth ,Cornoratien be
°titled to at once remove the watee
pe endangering the safety of the
edge That the cracks in Bayfield.
amnia be filled with cement' and
nil. • Mr. .Lamont was appointed Iti- .
ector of St. josepli Bridge and re-
ired to see•that the abuttnent be put. •
.PAAJL's caiuscii
The ladies of St. Paul's church pur-
pose holding a garden party on th
Rectoty groundsea the evening °
Tilly 8th. :. •
These Hawn -locks are large and.comfortable, you
need not fear a tumble as they have been tested •and
are guaranteed to hold two.
ti A NI M. O. C. K
Some of these are direct from New York, others
from some 'of the leading Canadian manufacturers.
Some are in bright, attractive colors, and some are in
the quieter shades, such as .black and white..
Prices' rang from $1.o,) to $,50
Christian Endeavor
consisted in the use ma,de of it, and the
Sunday School Convention.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Jun
.12-13, the Huron County. Christian En
deavor and Sunday School AssOcia
tions held their annual join% cenven
tion here, the meetings taking plac
in Weslee. Methodist church, the us
of which' was kindly granted . for th
()melon: Some years ago this Oen
vention attracted a large "attendane
from every part of the county, an
was in every sense of the word a live
wide-awake institution. LatetY th
annual gatherings have not been a
successful as formerly. Many reasoo
have been assigned for this, the genet
ally accepted one being that the rind
tiplicity of organizations throughoe
• the county along denominational tine
and otherwise has taken vitality from
the parent conyeetion, and left. it in t
somewhat. enfeebled condition. Thi
year it was thought that with. an en
thilsiastic effort upon the part, of th
executive, and with such a centre
point as Clinton, the interest; would his
greater and the attendance better
The fest cpndition hae been attained,
so far as the convention itself is con
.cerned, but • the attendanCe. has not
been materially increased, Plans for
improvement have been laid, and it is
earnestly hoped they will result in a
ler& revive' ot interest in, this lemon-
tankeyork. •, •
On: tees '.':at 1.1,. t..
speeker urged the people to put their
gold in the greet enterprize of Chris- ,
e tian work, where itlyould bring good
' results. "Loyalty" was the next topic,
• and was taken by in very
" of Kipper's who in very ,earnest and
O eloquent language' urged that loyalty
e to truth ‘vits the great principle that
O would make a nation great. During
the evening musical selections were
e rendered by the •choir and by a male
d quartette from Camel° street chureh, •
= At the close of the evening sess:on,
e everyone seemed to be of the opinion
8 that though the attendance of outside
delegates was not what could be hoped
for, yet tl..4.3 'convention was a real sun-
, cess.
„e The folloviing are the offacerielected
b, Presicletit, Rev. W. D Magee, Clinton
Vice, Chas. Girvin, Nile; 2nd Vice,
l• • Miss Care, Blyth ; Secretary, S. Whit-
s more, Brucefield ; Treasurer, Miss O.,
Tyndall, Oaelow ; Executive -Rev. Mr.
6, Fitch, Wingharn ; Rev. Wrin Martin
Exeter,. A. T. Cooper, Clinton ; W. H.'
Kerr, Brussels.
• [Owing to preesure on our ?pace we
• aee compelled to hold over the report
notextitie wSeieikndlay school. convention unti
taluidianOitaey Of Forresters.
The 27th aninzahaessien of the Htli
heditatsdi'-4: -------
ogee 000 UC e evo eonal exereiseg;'
; tees °peeled in Ottawa .Tuesdast after,
noon, with an the telleersof th5'• high,
Court and a large aelegation in attend-
ance from sutiordinate enerts of every
eftet WhiCh Mr, Chas, Gievinof Nile,
.President of ' the C. 4 Aesotiation,
took the chatr., Ways And means of
inereesing• the nsefielness . of county
conyentions," was the nest topic on
program. W. II. Kerr, of Brussels,
and A. '1'. Cooper, of Clieton. were the
speakers, and both having had a large
allerience 17-rtyerurepr-1
able to point out many waysitt which,
the usefulness of the convention could
be increased.-
• • ,
At the ' afternoon session the devo-
tional service was led by Rev. Dr,
Stewart. A • Oorference on Missions'.
followed, This was tohave been taken
by M. 0.B. Keeeleyside, of Londozi,
but owing - to his unavoidable abeence
it was led by M. Kerr, of Brussels,who, though called cm enddenly, proved
niIf an excellent: leader in sucia a
confetence. After some business met -
were a ten ed to, Rev. j.
of Nile, was intrOducedand spoke On •
,"Consecratien of our social powers."
Mr. Reid ie an excellent speaker, and
his teeetteent 'of the thetne was of a
very superior order. "The Holy Spirit"
was the eubject of an address by Rev.
Dr. Ehnore Harris, of Toronto. Many
people had looked forward to the coni-
ng of Dr. Itaeris with pleasant expec-
ations, and aftet hearing him were
ot at ail disappointed. . During the
Province in the Dominion,
I The lapel t ef the High Chief Ranger
• J.A.Stewaravres a very coirprehensive
; one, and showed the order to be in a
; with a membership of 60.21 and a 're. -
serve of. $1,949,862. 15 in the insuranee
branch. The sick and funeral benefit
; branch had a membership of 35.700,ands
la balance of $69.861.91 on hand. On
the first ot the present nienth (June )
,tlte insurance i..eserve amonnted to $2,-
028. 278M7, and the reserve in the sick •
I and funeral benefit brancheto$74.057.87
The report of the 'High 'Secretary,
George t aulkner, shows the laege vol -
1 ume of business transacted through the
; head office of the order at Brant-
' ford. There were reported 6.806 initia-
t:0118 during the year. The number of •
deaths ;vas 333. There were issued
front the High Secretary's office 8,646
insuranee certificates,5,631 membership
dertificates, 355 death claim cheeles.and
4,812 sick and funeral benefit &dm •
checks. The ailment paid in death •
claims was $344.180.30, and in sick and
fitaeral benefit claims $108 549.78.T1Ie1'e
were 971 courts in good standing at the .
close of the year,of which Court Doll-
ard, No. 689, Montreal, is the banner
eourt, having reached during the year.
a Membership of 627, the largest court
iuTthh:irtitdnoetrin. t of tnsurance reserve at
the close of this yekr was $9.949 862.15,
end the balance on hand in thesick and
funeral benefit branch $69,861.91. ' The
net gain duringthe year in the itisur•••
ance reserve was $232.32a49 and in the
sick and funeral benefit b1a11ch$23.271-
e t
afternoon a resolution looking toward
, the amalgeonation of the two associti-
. • tines was passed, and WAS left•to the
y notion of the Sunday school convention.
A very large audience had gathered
at 8 o'clock, when the President took
t the chair, after devotional exercises
, had been conducted by Rev. Mr. Kerr
In C. 13, Keenleyside, of Loneon, was
introduced, and spoke on the subject,
. "Money and its use." The -thought ,
pee teeth was that the value of money
Rev. pr. Gregg,feitheisindaw of Rev
Dr. Stewart, preached here ow Suncla
eveninr g, • Fole inan his•90th.' year
he is tnarvellously vigoroue, b.-..th•men
tai and physical, His: -sermon deal
with theprovidence -ofGod to old men
arid he allededto the fact. that during
his 00 years Ministry', he had preached
the same clocttin es arid never found oc
easion to departfrom the religious
principals that had been ineuicated
hem itt. his youth. • • . •
.A 'strawberry festival and -hewn sue -
111! 1(118 been arranged he the Yeung
Ladies' Guild end the Christian En -
'cleaver Society ef Willis church, to be
• h eld on the evening 'of rrnovsday. June
28th; on the specious • grounds to•tha
rear of Mr, Beeiver's late residence.'
Ali attractive .prograin is leen s
ranged, and the Oitizens'• Bend will lie
in attendance, Pullet, details wili• be
given next week, .Be.suve and keep
the date open, • „
The 'Young AVoinen's Guild met last
Monday- might,. the topic, •"Life of,
loaances Ridley Havergal," a most' in-
teresting one, was taken by 'a -Ilse Annie
Watt. All the musical selections and
readings of the evening wove taken
from Miss Thivergal's weeks. -Follow-
ing tock part in the progratne-Solos,
Misses. McCovvie and 1C. Seat ; read-
ing, Misses O'Neil and Malec% and a
due) t by Mrs, iteekie and Miss Castel'.
The Guild• will not meet again midi
the second Monday in September, •
Speeial meetings will be held on
Sunday Juno 17th, in the Inirrack's,
at it le ne, the subject will be "Aim"
Mates ituff," et 7 la• in., the "Impish.
live, Woman.", On Titesden night,
June 10th, 8 p, ni., a very special meet-
ing will be held, Adjutant Bless, from
strattord, win give his famous lecture
on the "Klondike." The Adjutant
spent some years in the Klondike and
w•ill give some real wattling. facts of
life etenong the gold diggers of the
froeett Northsvese, the lecture ail the
Way through is interesting. A. splen-
did tittle is assured every body ('01110 to
this service. An admission fee will be
.taketz at the floor, •
ON'TArtIO ST. 0111111OR,
• Bev, IL A.L.Manning and Rev, W. E,
'Kett Will exchange pulpits next Sale
bath morning. The services ere at 11,
Rev, Ernest Phillips, eo well and 1nv-
'-",bly *known he tine vicinity, -will '
,eac , °Merit> street .Methocilst
ureh next Sabbath evening.
The Committee' ree,omtnended th
appointineet of Ur. Donald Patterscin
as County Engineer,
Sit. Hector reingevin died at Quebec
Monday, Deceased, Who had been in
failing health for some years past, had
been able to go about, theugh in a
feeble condition, up to a week before
his death, He held office from coded,
eration till 1891, and was Minister of
Publie Works. At the time of the
taingevin-McGreevy scandal, the Min-
ister of Works WAS driven from his. post
by the force of outragedptiblic opinion*
His friends declared that, his great loy.,
alty to his party and his chief 'minced
him to take. silently mime his owe
shoulders the political tiles of many.
he sat in the Commons foe five years
after the painful episode of 1891, but
only arose upon two oe three occasions
to address the House. In 1806 he re-
tired from public: life, and since that pi
tittle had lived quietly In quebee. eh
e e'Our Lar
Stock- o
Binder 'Twine at best prices.
asoline and Oil Stoves,
Lawn Mowers,
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