HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-15, Page 3et • • a News Notes N004.4, Mrs, .Asken or Perth oettnty is dead„ aged 102 years, Samuel Vaughan, a sectionnaan, was killed by an express train near embus - by. Alex McMillian, a well-to-do farmer • VIA MANTON NEW BBL, Keeps Up With Times A meet peculiar thing haPPened 1nJ. - THE• OUPEY TREE. Pouotie's lerecery, AYInifirs Ana. afternoon laet, when it large /*IMO of bees entered his store and took possee- slon of sixteen sectloris of honey on the counters. , They Made short work of the honey, and. also managed to sting the proprieter. Arrangements have been corn toted. of Finch townslup, committed suicide under a platrtretlinecl. by Alfred osely by hanging. to send between November and Mareh five hundred British teachers to the Qtleell'S county, p. E. I., young 41 United States and. Canada to Study favor of prohibition, brtligs the Wildie ale educational systems of the two Island under that law. ' \ countriee. They will be chosen from all parts„of the United KIngtiont, ancl will represent all the ',classes in the schools. - Mr. John Purvis, .farmer near Call nington, set fire to his barn and then committed suicide by swallowing poison. Sir. Hear Joly de Lotbiuiere, re- tiring Lieutenitne-Goveruor of the is Columbia, left Victoria for Quebec last week. It is understood that Hon. J. 0, Mc - Corkin, Provincial Treasurer of Que- bec, will have a surplus of $100,000 by the end of the fiscal year. David Hobbs, who as customs agent for the C. P. R. at Montreal absconded. last October with a sum estimated at li60,000, is under arrest in New York. Mr. Thomas McCormick, one of the wealthiest menufacturers of London, • Ont., died near Kansas City in the train, on his way home from Cali- fornia. • - • • Lax-ets-A Candy Bowel Laxative, If-Yottehave-censtipallan, lf yon have a coated tongue, If you are dizzy, bilious, sallow, If you have headanhes,sour stomach, • • risk 5e on Lax-ets. See for yourself. W.S.R, Holmes. Ona of the Moat Callous Growth of the West Xastless, The cUPeY, Or, is a is serettetically called in the English possessions, "the attorney," Le ope of the most curial" as It is one of the• most picturesque, denizens of the virgin; forests of the Westliallan islands, 'It belongs to the but, terrible to relate, • It !maul:tiny, g . 4 , 4 es tots all life in the unfortunate tree that cherishes It in its early growth. The seeds are borne on the winge a tile, wind and deposited on. the *branches of other trees, when they hoist . into roots, winch are dropped towara the ground all aroutid the "num" tree. In, vino these roots reach the ground and strike into the sell. • From this moment the roots grow stronger aria strange- until they resern- 1/40, FOND OF FINERY. , .„..._,.. mookant• Delight In Dress, and Ger. aeons Trapping's. ' Elephants are passionately fond of finery and delight to see themselves -decked out with gorgeous trappings, The native princes of India are very particular In choosing .their state ele- If your Stomach is weak phants and -will give fabulous sums for • If your food distresses you, . ' lf you are weak and nervous au animal that exactly 14:wets the some - Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative' one what fanciful standards they bave month and see what it does for you, erected. Sold by W.S.R. Holmes. • 'orlthese they have made clothe of silk So heavily , embroidered with gold Two hundred trains and engines in. that two men are hardly able to lItt eluding seventy-six passenger trains, them pass oyez the main line of the Grand I ' • Trunk Railway west of the Toronte 1 . An amusing instance of elePhantine Union station daily. • I pride is narrated: The elephant Which A new stamp has been issued by the usually led the state procession df a CanadianPostalDepartment to be used rajah being ill, the magnificent trap. by Postmasters on letters not fully pings were placed on one which had prepaid, instead of stamping a number Up tothat time occupied only a sinter - cal. thent IN et PrRefent. ' - dinate place. • , .... .........„, • ........ Three men working in a, well near The' ardnaallighted with its-iinerh- Battleford struck natural, gas and showed its glee by so many little were asphyxiated, and a fourth, who squeaks and kicks of pleasure that gen- was trying to rescue them, fell out of eral attention was attracted to It a buellet and was killed.' 1 . I Not long after another state %proces- Lewis Heyd, while working 'on w • wearer of the gold cloths, being re- ceived a shock that caused him to fall off the pole He was killed. Frede- stored to health, took his accustomed rick Franklin was bably burned th Place and trappings, when the now de - suspended, and Sinclair was released • • • acy to stuff the ballot boxes in recent ed from attacking the leader of the Albert, Sitsk,on the charge of conspir- Provincial electimis. Sentence was parade. Jas. Sinclair was convicted at Prince graded beast, hatagini.ng, perhap.,s, that a: he was being defrauded of his promo- • ton, was with great difficulty restrain- .atcempting to save Heyd, Boysfall and b " I Recently a retired English judge was on his awn recognizance. • •.• A, swages* Advice. • • (Grownup athletes sprain muscles by asked what was the most prominent ..A)verdoin wholesome exercise. The %conviction that remained with ban aft - aches an soreness are taken out with. er his long judicral experience, and he Perry Davis' Painkiller, Rub it well • le said to have replied, "That every into the throbbing flesh and relief is means sbould be tried for the settle immediate , went of a dispute before. it be taken •• 1 to the law courts." 1Vhat's the good of keeping from him ' •• Any good things you may see, •• I• ... . That will lift his:load of labor ' Ber nnemlnii.. • . • Like Rocky- iVlountain - Tea Ask Yonne athtron-Why so pensi'sk Ani -In -]c1 atee-Will .` • _ • 1, adoiem Male pale pink. aelille iine says • 1. he Ontario Railway and Municipal I'm en angel in lilne. 1 enn't have but Board was appointed by the 'Govern- , One' gown, so yon see nn whole fultne ' depends on • the color .1 select. • It is • sending. me erazy--London Tit -Bits. Rittson, wholesale grocer, Hamilton s . . , Secreotry. Henry C. Small,• barrister, f courage is resistance to fear. mastery --eerie-time? . • ear-Lernertrotietrewerfaar'—''' .......................i... slon as formed, and the previouS telephone pole at St. Catharines,- re • - nient, as, follows : -James Leitch, K. 0., Cornwall, Chairman ; Andrew In- grain, M. P. for East Elgin; Henry, FL •• oslrig , use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair luxuriant hair. Don't you? Then And doing'nothingto beep xtrirOW women like thick, heavy hair; long, dr\ Renewer. You stria what hair you ytbe our ••ai•r• 1•1;hoarythe.'wlanketirreend. antostach• wee rlch ,gneh• el; • or a sett black. R. P. HALL 19Crifislitui. N. H. Photo by Notmen, Korman SIR . JAMES, M. LiN101111tit Paresitical family of 1.rees or pleats; • ble a lot of rope lin lers thrown aVer the tree. Next the pal site sendseldwn a great cord, which twines around the trunk of the.eimportIng tree, atfirstus though in loving embrace, but it grows tighter. and tighter, eventually stein- ellugits henefactor..out of existeece. • The nurse 'tree thus killedrots to de- cay, and from the immense fibrous roots, of the destroyer noir springs • great trunk, which rises high into the air. When a cupey Is full grown it presents a magnificent spectacle, for • the cordlike roWrises often to fifty or sixty .feet and supports In midair the vast tree jtself. • • • • • ivIARI E, ANTOINETTE. Two Draniatie ad entrasthigg Epi- sod0i,- In -Her Life. • • .7:histelton-Dyer, in hit "Royalty An All Ages," describes two -dramatic and tragically contrasted episodes 'in the ited of Marie 4antoinette, the lovely and 111 filier qUe-eri" Iviiinee.- rieti;- New iletnedY tOr Stomach Troubles That Will Coo • LI keeping. with their custom of always ordering supply of new remedies as soon es their value has been established,. our leading drug- gists* have obtained a supply of a remedy for stonutoh trete, bles that absolutely owes and re. attires lost functions of the digestive organs, ;ii-reeently it-waerathatighte atirat i161 wtis valuable ia the treatment of stomach troobles, but it is now known that while pepsin aids in di- gesting meats, it has no effect upon starchy foods, such as potatoes, rice, bread, corn meal, etc, As the ma- jority of stomach tr tubles tomes from indigestion of starchy foods, this makes pepsin absolutely useless in most cases.' On, the ogler hand, Mi-cena, con- tains no pepsin, acts directly upon the gastric glands, restores the lost ft -motions ot the digestive organs,' revives flagging nutrition, aids. in as- similation of food and, in fact, so 'Strengthens the whole digestive sys- tem that you can eat anything at any time without fear of indigestion. Weakness, nervousness. sleepless- neste,headache, pain and distress titter eating, and debility are the result of a weak and faulty digestion, 'Use Mi-o-na. and all these • symptoms will be overcome, and you will have per- fect health. • Get a 00 cent box of Mi-o-na, tablets today. If you cannot obtain Mi-o-na of your druggiats, it will be sent bY mail; post-paid. on receipt of price. Write us for advice on your cage from a lead- ing stomach specialist which 'will be sent free. The .11. T. Booth Company, Ithaca, N. Y. In the days of her greatest popularity, • • • when she went to the opera of "Iphi- HENRY BELL'S COMET. .gema, when Achilles cant to the line • ,, "Let ns sing and celebrate. the .queen," he turned toward the radiant young sovereign and sang two. additional im- promptu linesof cher/rang compliment - This graceful and unexpected homage So delighted. the audience. that "all was shouting and chippingof hands, and - what never happened at the opera be- fore -the chorus was , eueoted, and there were-, cries • of- `Long live ..the queent'. ttwhich expression, of feeling her. majesty was Sp affected that she On 'the next occasion, when Marie Antoinette's sun of popular favor had Set and. she was, nearing' the . tragle close other life, one of the actresses ln PUnforeseen Events" bowed to hor as • she sang the wards "Ab, bow I love my mistreser In a moment all was in UProar, and the theater was full 'of hoar anoTv eries of..."No. mistress! INp master! Liberty! and No Toaster. IS'o.queen!'? and it Was .Some minutes ' before:411d tumult quieted. down and it was -possible to 'proeeed. With the , SOUPS AND BROTHS. IIISElIdAltra—ILIAL„FigLve tre-alatritiwe • Soups and broths made of the meat leces alone and without the 'addition • of meat substance, egg , •les -e cereals have little nutritive value, al- • ,though they do possess- stimulating properties. • A dog would starve to death In ten • days if fed upon beef broth pure and simple: . • ' • • . Soup Interferes with digestion whete ever a full meal is eaten. I coesider it as being . entirely superfluous and ad- • vise its .discontleuence in a substantial dinner menu. • Soup, being' praotically. .water, plays an important part In conjunction with the large quantities •of other • liquideehrjected-daring meal laying and iuterfering- With digestion • and laying •a foundation • for stomach _itroithle. Through i it and the other lieulds used, the „stomach is not only • overfilled and unnecessarily, Irardennd; but the gastric secretions are so weak- • ened by dilution that they can act but slowly upon the food inass. Here agaiu we have :the food rein:1111111g in the stomach for too long a 'period, and there is likely to be produced all'of the symptoms and signs ot an intoxication .due to the absorption Into the system of the product§ of decomposed foods, • Soup eaten byitself or with:a 'light -meal, as it tole, does not net harmfully. -What to Eat: ••..• card • "titled' a. lot of cards," said the elder woman,' •• "Why?" was the hutried • "Wen ir you don't band in caough,". she Said, ne her companion dived deep into her ease, "they will say yen don't knoiv whet is light. If you give too iuniiy, however, they will think that yon know better than they.do and that• .. there is :401110 1101.11 style they. heard notiiing about, Hand bizn: a The First Steamer That Plied rem' • Jibe Ire Qrent Britain. Among the curiositiesof advettliing may surely be placed the. first ad- vertisement of . the first steamer that piled for hire in Great Britain -namely, Henry Bents Comet. Thu e ran the ad- vertisement in the Glasgow Courier of 1812: • • "Steam passage boat, the Comet, be- tween Glasgow, Greenock and Helens, • hufg. Foe passengers only. -.The sub-: Scriber baying at much 'expense .fitted lip a handsome vessel to ply upon Clydebetween"GI d Greenock:4o sail by the Power of wind, air and steam -he Intends that • the vessel shallleave the Broomielave on Tuesdays, • Thbradays and Sitter - flays about midday or at such time . . . thereafter as . may. answer from the State' of thetide andto. lettytt-Greetiock • Mena .IntegaliLteed.gatittz_s • In thentornieg to suitthe tide "-The " elegatteei ,• doinfort, " sefete.; and: '.spied of this Vessel require only to be proved . to •tneet tbe, approbation of the public, ,and the Proprietor is determinea te'do everylbingin his po'yer to merit Public eneonrageinent. The, ternis are for the • ,ien shillino-s for the best cabin and 3 shillings -ler the Second, but be - :voila these rates . nothing Is to be an lowed to servants otany other person . -ontpeabaiit.ii vess•ej.,, •1Vhat would Poor "ileglected Henry • Bell have said could he hiwe seen .his humble little Comet, of wboseelegance, comfort and speed• he Was so proud, alongside a modern Ocean racer col, one of the"latest. palatial river steamers of the Clyde et Thames, all so Well ad. vertised? 1 •• • • ' • • • MOONFYS CAlirjANE; • First Canadian Nanufactiweis to adopt.a system of private freight . • Cars • • Canada's Historian and LittAtateur. At "Spencer Grange," a sunny homestead amidst great trees overhanging the St. Lawrence, near the quaint old fortress city of Quebec, where every square foot of ground seems consecrated to historic memories,lives Sir James MacPher- son Le Moine, Canada's genial historiareenow working still in the sunshine cit optimism, though in his eighty-first year. • Born in the city of Quebec, a deacentiant of one of the old end distinguished families of Old France, he spent some of his early years under the kindly tare of his Scotch maternal grandkather•at 'Isle aux (trues. After eernpleting his educa- tion at the Seminaire de Quebec, he entered the public service as collector of internal revenue at, the age of tavetity-two. Three years later he was admitted to the bar and practised law for a few rake but his heart was not in it. Ile preferred study- ing history and birds and writing about them. Surrendering to the spell of the legendary and histerie- lore of hiS-native•city. and its stirroundings,..he loved to breathe new life into the old remanees, or to dive into the sea of historic research and investigation.. Tharange of his work ean,he best suggested by the comprehen- sive title "Canadian Ilistory, Legend,' eicenery and Sport" -a veritable treastire- house of Canadian lore, written with a -fine literary toutle and pulsing with vital human interest. The love of birds, which led him fort; -five years ago to write his first contri- bution to periodical literature on land an seit birds around Quebec for the "Can- adian Naturalist," is a lloininating note it his life. His splendid collection of Canadian birds in the museum of his hornsattests his loyalty to his feativ;red friends, and "Spencer Grange" is the, mecca ot students of Canadian annals, keenly alive to the rare privileges it affords them. • His !Agate morns are filled to overflow g. with books, amphlets, pictures and literary treasures; but the Most intereet'ng shelves are those containing the thirty volumes of his Writings, eighteen of whiei are in English and twelve in rench, Like Professor Goldwin Smith, Sir James' prin ed hooks represent the smaller part ef his literary product, for he has numberless r, mphlets and magazine articles to his credit that are unfoOunately buried in the t Whir of eplureral periodieels. His interest in contemporary matters is as deep and vital as ever; his mind is keen, alert, sensitive as barometer to e ry impression, and he tarries his years with a grace irtd cage that laugh at titre nd its terrors. For many years prise- deut of the Literary and Histoneril Some of Quebec, he has also had the highest literary honor in the Dominion -the pre ideney of the Royal. Society of Canada. • ttraerdattardinktio Act 61 150 raellaMent ot &lotto, Inj4te yett, UAW W. 0.. WA, at Oho Doottment ot Agticult!M 11 •• • • These Pills onto all dicenSes and dia. Inters arising from weak heart, worn out Sierveit et watery lood !Melt as Palpiet- thee, Skip Beats, brohhing, Smothering, Dizziness, 'Weaker Point Spells Anaemia, Ishiritonsness, Sleeplessuese; 4ritin Pag, admiral Debility and Lack of asAity., Thy ars a fide heart teak; sorts food and blood. 'neither, building up itt4 rouvrluk all ilia worn out and waits* Omuta, of the body and tvaimlag paztoot hoalth, ?Ade IS0a. a hot, or 110 tht iU atuggilic • N1V• ..‘t ter•tX AV 1:W . • • It takes a. lot of confidence in . one's Success, and an abiding faith in future proeperttYtto invest the money necess- ary to equip' a line of private freight cars in connection with one's business. Yet that is just what the itiooney Bis - cult and Candy Company Limited of Stratford, Ontario have done. Even in the 'United States, only a. few of the largest concerns own and oPerate their own cars, so that it speaks volt -Imes for the Mooney Own- whq have been in business only three year. , The new ears are of the standard size, weighing 80.000 pounds, and having capacity of 60,000 pounds (30 tons.) They are painted a rich cream color. On each side of the doors is the familiar blue .and. purple oeMooney'ttPerfection Cy eau) Sodas'. • • '. . , The Mooney Company is the, only eon c'ertnin Canada owning arid operat- ing their own freight cars --and their 'liminess has so iticreased in three years that they have been compelled to double tlinfieu-oftheir-nremlsee, The first; private car the 'Mooney flompany to he loaded left the bakery at 'Stratford fot Edmonton last week, over tli4 Canadian Narthex") Itailsvay, and wiil doubtless .attract , bench at- tention en-roote and on arrival at its destination, • • q- teener -10 erahr, "Tbese editors are hard to please." • 'What's the metier •nowe" • • "They used to send Wee; my stuff be. cruise they couldn't read It." eYort ought to get a typewriter." and now they send It back 'because they tan read it • What's a fellow to deY"-d'hillidelphlit Ledger. • liter ' "My goodness, I wonder why they don't diseberge that chorus girl, She. valet eingn. little bit, end her; dewing is awful." • know it; but, yon eee,-one ot her grandsons is manager of the ishons."-- Chicago Record-Heeithl. •A. P6,0430110. • "Great financier, ain't he?" "Yes, indeed. Very able man. Ho would have succeeded in any nae." "Iteyond a doubt, I think le. he hid tried he could even have made an hon est living." -Detroit Free Press. OW* Very r,11(e13'. • "What do you consider the best fon;- dation," asked the ambitious youth, "en which :to build a successful busi- ness?" "Hocks," promptly replied the multi - mil I lona !i.e.-Denver New. SPECMLS. • just a few lines on which we are quoting SPECIAL pRICES for one week, and that are of interest, . Boys Shirt Waists 5QC, Boy? Shirt Waists, of English prints, in neat, attractive patterns„ with one cleta,tchable collar of Same Sizes 1-817.------Speeialce each 31.11 • Linen Collars 3 for .zse. Men's and Boys' slightly soiled linen collars, in ail shapes and sizes. All perfect, no seconds, Spitcial for,250 CLOTHIER, Children'a Stookihrs pairs for ,25c,, Children's Black Cottons Stocking Fine ribbed, fast color, guaranteed stain- 'izes--L-r-to,tx--Special-2-pr-for-ZDC e•—..—e—e••••••••*..e. . . ' • •••••••••••••--ee Boss' Cottonade Knickers zsc. 'Boys' Cottonade Knickers, strong dur- able and of g:ood pattern for ,lioy'§ wear. Sives• 23 to 31, Special 24 Yours or Men's and Boys' Wear, ., ..., , . ,. ..- ' ' - ••-• - - • .. - • 9 and • YO, PURN.I$HER'., 1 A Pleasant and Interesting Visit to Glen Park Stock _porta. ."7" -."- • A few years ago,. as a diversion from the strenuous duties incident to con- tinued office work and rigidly looking al ter hielarge naanufactering Interests, Mr. Doherty, like many others of sire, flier calibre, gratified his old love for ToOdireerateek awl invested--in7a- few beautiful Short -Horns. Having acquired a considerable por- tion of the Bawden survey , farm pro- perty, Whete. his factories, residence, barns and so forth are situated, the richest tract of land that we know oL It has produced 56 bushels of wheat per acre, and last year 1400 bushels of mangolds were grown on less than three acres. ',Mr Doherty also bought from Arthur Couch part of the fiats acroe's the river, an ideal spot for pasture. The scenery being picturesqueand interesting, the winding river is flank- ed by wooded heights with handsome villas nestling here and there among the trees. At times the valley narrows between rugged;. woody banks, and then widens opt again. int o broad, fer- tile meadow's, where the cattle dose . away their time in sleepy satisfaction among tile buttercups and . clover. A sweet spot it is among the "banks and bra& in the sunny days of June,When the sky is without a cloud and the • meadow -larks are fluttering "and. sing. • ing over the grassy fields. . . , ..retari titetiaLst he inA4 ki0 PrftW*§2.1 line' Pay; f0111614e&ind'Year gaVe' a Clear profit of about 0500, which was invested to good advantage in import- 1 ,ed Cruikshank Short -Horn cows, the best line of stock in the world: ' He sold his eellsand males annually, . • • . using only imported sires, leaving. au the.preSent time nothing but the ntO.st • :S. P E.0 I..A choice and profitable producers in the p ier , WIIRTITITOWLfnuftfers- ' Tdhe herd is headedted by the Prdewatsen Ladies' and.Gentlernen s:NVatericirools, Ladies'. 'Wrappers , i . sire of tn ▪ ekes: • We have.% Good Strong Couches. With Spring,Seats, covered in Ib - most Iteautifril Goods. Marie. of thein_have six inches friege- .all aeound.., We are gi'ing special.peices- to clear this" lot, • • . • Faney figured cong, Oft •long, 2 ft.wide worth $0 cofoe esse Figeredye ores, Fringe' all' aroinut, worth $7.50 for $6 50 - 7 Verona; Spanish Leather, Quarter Out 04k Frame worth $45,00 for tft4osteti • _ • eheliew.. SLYTII. • • . • p.• - • Furniture and Undertaker. • . . .fi A .. The New Package Dye : . . DY 0 1.Pi is something entirely dif• - lit .•• • V repent freie any other .peckage dye The makers guarantee it fully, as. per the following statement • • • or rroney refunded : Each package will color wool, cotton, silk oe mixed goods. DY -0 -LA rill color more goods, package So r package, than • heri . , DY -0 -LA does not•contain any. poison or acid, and can be • . used With safety on the most.delicate of fabrics. • ,.. DI .0 -LA colors are fast and •beautiful. . . • • DT- 0 LA is simple to use mid will gie perfect sittisfaction.. ' ' ' ' ...... .Tel.spensitii:.gliiiiniat • • .... , . • , • • e - . .,..,.. ....• .... .:...-,....iia...t., e . Scotland, 452.13, one of thnniost choice -animals_ in_ thiscone try. i'.200 eves paid for him when only 11 monthSold. - The twenty-one females are all.exdai lent representatives of noted;old Scotch families that have. -proved their worth as money makers in the production of milk, -beef and progeny. One:' of the. •young:pows;:puchess of Glca ter, tratee back to the Calling's Dispersion sale in the year 1$10.,,, • . ." • •. • . • The cows are. 11 bred • in the most fashionablelities, combining size, birth, quality, flesh and bane, and up. to -date Oruikshanktype, representing! such noted Scotch families its the Stam - fords, 3iltsiWinsome Beauties,Wimple Blossoms, Matchlesses, Nonpareils, , Duchess' of Glosters, Orange Bloseonis, Minas, Clarets, ete, Among the lot are some famous show , . . I Wtnsothe Beauty,one of the import-. ed cows, won at, Elgin,sNairmand Doncastete as a yearling in Scotland, 1901., and sold for irA) gu1nea4; Orange. BloSsom 2nd; Julia, another . cow of show yard order.and a choicely', bred • (Mei in her veins flow the tlood of Remus, (sire of Choice Goods, sold for 07100,1 Scottish Archer and Wyn,of Orange. • Wimple Blcissinn was shown litany times, and never whipped until last . Spring at the Clanton Stock Show, 'when she was beaten by her sieter,also owned by Mr Doherty, • Glen Park.Giltaebroadi low set, thelf-• tY, thick fieshed,sinooth,,lc'ed,.two year old, is censiclered•good eneugh to sue- cessfally compete for first class honors at the Toronto industrial or elsewhere. Among the yearlings we wish to es- pecially mention the twifis,Non !miens, they are proper ni for Exehibi- tion-limanre„belititiful. Name Felons of Mr, 'Jacob's, important animal, and en near alike they. can' hardly be told apart. • , Jlatst, but liot by any mmns least,are Orange Blossom 4th and •Mrimple's Pearl, two of the most beautiful 'heifer • calves we have ever seen. they showing, the Cruikshank characterso well. Among the the young males which are eSpechttly. offered for sale 'are two reds, a Matchless 11101 11 Jilt, both by import- ed .sires,broad, levet, smooth, well - grown sappy fellows, now 15 months old, fit to head almost any herd. The wholeherd is offered for sale. Without any reservation,for cash or on time, andno reasonable bid will be turned down for either the imported or home bred stock, as the herd noey requires -considerable attention and since Mr. Doherty has added the intim. ufacture • of pianos to .his immense organ business, his time is tally ()e. mimed. . A tabulated,. illustrated, and descrip- tive cataloguenf this magnificent herd on application. • Sleep Likee. Top Don't lie awake with the remedy at your elbow. To banish wakeful- ness, nervous starts, bad dreams- • to sleep soundly and waken re. freshed-take • Beec am s Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxee 2(t dentS; and Waists. A large *Stock of Ginghanis,. Linens and Mus - Ens for Summer I)resses Laces and Embroid.eries, Uaderwear and Hosiery,, hi great variety. Our Wall Papers are the best. We sell the famous Sterling- Pamt ; none. better ; some may be as good. •Lots of seecl on hand.• . . ; .ADAMS, EmpOrtinn,,Londeshorch , • • Mar 1tb, • AN' Buy your Buggy where quality as :"well as appearance is considered in rnpufacturing, and have your repairing done by experienced men. All are. found at. Rumba.11,& McMath's Huron Street, Clinton. Clinton Sash, Door, and Blind Factory, • The Town of Clinton is on the eve ©f -a "boom," • If -you contemplate--buildingo let us give you our estimation, ete. TW'Readquarters for all kinds 01 builders' materialS.-E) S. S. COOPER olinton 1. Advertise in THE CLINTON NEw ERA .. • • Did you!ever Stop to think.? When hiving- a -Dinner, 'Pert- or 'INdlet Sot or Pitney 11111111,- firSt-elrissgoods, rip.to.date shawls or decoration:41)e sure and call at J. W. TRW IN'S. 5 (Inxrps ON TUE WA1. FROM THE POTTETL.S TN ENGLAND, , Teasf Sugars and Canned Goods • 'We lead in Quo:utile, Quality and Prices, Speeial eitt'pricee ort Sulzer in 100 lb bags • SEEDS *All kinds, itoa Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Ote chard thetse, Mangold 4tnd 'remit" Seed. Ontar. iu Agricultural College says 1 - "Yellow Leviathan stands at the head of the list in vield.rier :we in 23 different valieties." Sold by • J. WI, IRWIN • • CASA PAID FOR DITIVIIM AND BOGS 44-444-4444-$444*****444444