HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-15, Page 22 YOH NAIUNO $2.003.22 A XtI being dorm With oer Kopek 10 olsvotet, eermaieet end profitable - Wald. ist tette loouse, every deee no false, notteedtoereate the devsend. Zegithustso time busitiess. You eau start witlieet ci cant co eel. write to dey. G. ereenutet. tale Teesaud coffeesOnoaden, Ont. The New Era pet:mimeu every r may ae the Ni.t.w Etta.. Printing House, Its.e.Ao sTaour . . . crateroei. Terms of subscription - $1 pet year 40t(kmuce ; $1 50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discontioued Vettil all arrears are paid, unless at the Option of the publisher. The date to 14I'MOIrevery subscription 4s -paid Jane, *toted .ori the label. A.dvertising ratee- Transient adver- feements, 10 cents per nonparel. line ' or fitst iusertion and 3 cents per line or each each subsequeut insertion. Sinall Advertisements not to exceed one inch /Wit as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen," 'Ieete, Pakierted once for 35 cents, or one ".toensthfoill.Corninunications intended .tor.pubneation must, as a guarantee of etnect faith, be accompanied by the eoarrse of the writer. . TO insure publication 'in Current t• pine copy of ativertisements•should be • sentsin eas ly. se • ' Contract rates - The follow ingtalete. hews our rates for specifitd periods Ind space. . 1 yr. emcee 3rno. lino i I; Column $75 00 $40 00 $25 00 $8 50 .1. Column .to to 2500 15 00 6 00 • Column • 2500. 15 00 800 2 50 •I .Coluxun IS 00 10 00 550 200 , In h • a 00 3 50 200 1 20 RoBT. HOLIIBB, ' Editor and Proprietor gliLltaa 1110/1/ Ea FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1906. Farm Labor carce. Albeit the number of new arrivals ..f.00m the Old Country has been large •. during the spring months, the supply .of labor is quite insufficient to meet „the demand for both farms and factor- • ies, ' The latter especially are :eying .ior help, and special inducements are coffered for men with families. Insuch 'as there is work of a light character, lads down to the age of 10 years can. ,eount on earning at least two dollars a ancl more as the yeare roll by, and simply as the King of Britain His Ma - jest), would meet with a big' recePtion from the United States people. Brit we imagine that the services he has reudered to the yeople of the world vvouirl appeal more strongly to them than would the mere fact that be was Great IdtitainN Ring.' The Toronto Worldhas a canard from Montreal to the effect that Sir proposes au early diSsolotion of the House end, an appeal to the country. The thing is absurd on the face of it. The present parliament is only in its second session, and there's no meson why the Governor-Orenerel ovould-grantaellesoluthatee the ,pres- ant time, The yarn is silly. An interesting point has been raised by the Gananoque assessor, who Pot toe sessional indemnity of Mr, bleerge Tixylor, M. P,, on the assessmeht roll as income. He appealed te the Court of Reeisiere eslooll dismissed the ap. peal, and Mr. Taylor says he will carry , . it to the eounty judge. Seseional in- deauffifff has never been regarded as eincome" heretofore, and it will be in- teresting to see the outcome of this ease. In the North Atlantic Trading Com- pany examdriation, Mr, Jury, front whose evidence the Conservatives ex-. pected much, told. the cono!nittee he did not believe in a hereafter, or re- wards arid punialunent after deathetnd. the niembere of the 'eonneittee very properly said that his testiniony would not be received -in a oourt,of Yet • this is theman who wee ekpeeted t� show the government's alleged .short- coming.. . • The committee appointed to inveeei. gate the prirelias-e-Orenpplies- far* the Arctic, have been taking the 'evidence of different departmental officers cone neeted therewith. • So ,far not the sligtest evidence has been iidyariced showing that there Was any. wenng-do- sng or graft, even in the , purchase of liquors ard cigars. The witnesses, every one of them 'Conservative office- holders, have testified that the articles' purchased were all reacessarye Week, increasing to six or seven for A TeRoxi,o. tot Tffig, ,•'hoys of foortcen or fifteen. Men's wages in fri ctot les are not les's etinsti $1.50 per day, but usuelly run Irene $1,75 te 0,00, which is good These ' figutes e it lrery difficult for farmees to .get work - 'es and compel them te'. pay:. mild! ' en:ewe-than -they haye..thanelermerly, •- • •There are many excellent opportuni- ties for boys to secure good homes end lair wages if they are willing to serve •.a. time on farms in the endsavor to learn. It may he mentioned that;white 'Many suppose tharanybody can work a. arm e ac .evensettresse _ .number of la,borersaccusteniedte-ofeems- ing are undes'rable. The best farm hands are those who require no super - Vision, thus'relieving the employer of. the necessity of leaving his personal duties in order to look after the help. Edilorial Notes. • A Cal,4 is actually being tried in old London to decd e "What is Whiskey?" One would think, from the experience '-that people in the old land have had, that it would be easier to decide 'What ain't Whiskey': Andy Ingram, Al, P., has accepted a kposition in the Ontario Railway Corn- le- mission, and will have have to resign his seat. ,He is a very good man for the position. But watch the by-elec- • thin for East Elgin ad see how easily the Liberals will carry Andy's constitt nency. He could hold' it, but We do not believe dray one else ca.n. If King Edward were to come to Cenada, and it is to be himed he will, "most certainty that he would also visa the neighboring Republic, where, judging by the United States • press comments, he would receive al- anost as warm a welcome as he would • in this country. The Buffalo Com- • mercial, for instance, says ; "Such a Visit to Washington would attract the Attention of the world to a far greater , extent, than any tour King Edward - ,could make. It would break all pre- •c;edents, and open a neW era in inter- • national intercourse." Britain and the States are seeing eye to eye mote My Hair is Extra Long Peed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only hair -food you can buy. For 00 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. -It will not disappoint you. My hMr ,,,Ree to be von" abort, tint ON? t� krOW, sed Ugli.Xtri:41gg ratirebar. Dusi steins t splendid respit to reeitnethoing almost without any:heir.' -Iarts.d.H.r,Innt) W01140 springs, cote *awry Ayer 06.6 tows% Wei. Aare mosiociattirato Of SAittAtiAltiLLA., P1143. • v tetrad. s SOMETHING' NEW 211,410 ISDE. gPITED,FEELS 11.11MMC Pi BOY r. . N. Dafoe, Manager The Dust- less }Oral). 00, 20' • Col berne • $ t.; „Toe- ---gto ten ie- . tatin g7- kiss Mende show he found "health. after years; of illness and • P-1'7. He 15I'$ ; 1, *•el' "I have 1 eon. al ii.,,,):4. At great sufferer frora Dyspepsirtfor many years, I have -been rar Iv -.17.--treated-bykoa ' ' ..-• temand hay_e_takene Me NI NeDNFOTt ne.arly all the ad- vertised remedies with only temporaey relief, itany at all, but sioce usine Anti -Pill 1 can eat anything the same as when a boy. I have been taking one Anti -Pill at bedtime for . the past tbree menthe, and find they regulate both eitornach and bovvels. My. old thee vigor has returned, se that Inv spirits are buoyant and temper normal • As a resift of this onhoped for ex- perience I am in ditty .bound to give all credit to ON wendereful remedY, ry Anti -Pill." • . Eve411.1.iggisi sells Dr. Leonbarat's Anti -Pill, or 11.sample will be sent frog by The Wilson -Pyle Co., iiinda, Niagara Falls, Ont. • . . . The remedv that, tin:ed.-Mr. Defoe so con1111003T IP. eurelY worth a trial. County_ Clippings. Robt, Mutray, of Laird, Algorna,for- merly of Tuckersmith,had, his damaged by fire. Dr. Lutz, or Exeter, has purchased a drug store at Lansdowne, a email place near Kingston. Kobert Laidlaw, formerly of Bruce - field, died in Kansas last week, where he has resided for some years. Treleaven,treasurer of Asidield has had quite a severe attaekof iilness, but we are pleased to say he is recover, ing,heitig uow abl a to be out a tteediug to his:Maim Mr John Plulter,of West Wetwanosh delivered eight hogs at Blyth on Mon- day that areighed, 1050pounds and were leee than six months old. Who can beat this ? A very odiet wedding Was celebrated at the Fereter Reetory On Saturday, June 2r1(1, when Miss Clara Maude, eecond daughter of John atankike Of Stephen, was married to Wesley At high noon, Wednesday, a happy event took iplaee in Carmel church at Hensel", when Jeareeldest daughter of Robert McArthur, of the 2nd line was made the wife of Peter Manson,of near Rieke. •'.A. young, ran. nained Badman, of :Aar Dashwood, entered S. Rannie's groeery store at Zurich on Thursday night and stole $50. He was arrested and tried at Zurich and committed to jail at Goderich. Rev. G.M. Dunn will preach his fare- . well sermon, at Whitechurch on Sun- day,June 17th, The Presbytexians are tosing a, faithful pastor and a powerful preacher. and the community a highly. respecteclecitizen. -Don't be fooled and made to Lelieve that rheurnAism can •be cured with local appliances. Hollister's Rocky MOuntain, tea is the only positive cure for 'rheumatism, '35c, Tett or Tablets. A very pleasant event took place tit the residence of .Mr, Johnston, near Blake, Wednesday afternoon, when his daughter Lena, was united in mar - Tinge with Israel Linderfield, now of Londore;but-fornaerly,of A report in a daily paper of Monday stated that amen named Jessop had committed suicide at Melita,Ale,nitoba, :As this is the place where Mr. H. W. Jessup, formerly Of Blyth, resides, many citizens think lie ie the man re- ferred to, 0 Word wee recervecl this week ot the death of Mrs. W. 8. Lang, at Virden, Man, Deceased was a resident of Exeter for tioind few yea,rs and had many friends here •Orho sympathize with the bereaved husbadd and two children in their Is. On Sunday evening of last week the death 'occurred of Mrs. Win Moore, of Bentuiller, after au illness ofaboat siX , mouths.. The deceased, formerly a Miss Crewe was a native of the Owe - ship of Colborne, and was twice Marri- ed. Her first husband was the. late. Richard. Walters. ''.A.MOther of Seaforth's residents has paseed to the great beyond in the tsetse son of Mts. Rath well, :vvho ' died yeey strelderiTy7Oo':Monday-elrenitige- in epee estreiteestiseseleceasecLote 0!: Pardite about ten days,i1go to visit her sisters in that eit-predtIYe.hewsOf her sadden :deetla molests e.great 1ok. She ,for:, •meiIy reskled Thom, died on Wednesday last at MattiechOthe infantechild of IVIr. and Ales. Alex. Leishasau. • Mr. letchard Leashman.grandfatre-r-ef the ebild, has ca e at eiffilffiW-tneelerce-etines--ele: tild-overea-r' epeeeentativenfsthe. filth gertera,tion duringhis First was the death of his grandiansther,theo his mother, his brother his „,son, and now his grandchild: Mr..Leisheakta by. no means "an aged" look kInd appears geed for many years yet. 'It is ssrange, too, thatthe seine undertaker, (Air. Gracey, of Wingharn] had charge of the fnneral k tc1i • case, Thi aces notf€ o en c u • , • On Wetinesday itfl acti011 ariSlog. from thest4e ef a horse .vas tried before ;fridge Holt inthe Exeter . court. The PlatIltiff., *as Mr. .T.J.Merner of Zurich, ttbd the defendant Mr, Elliott, .of :Oahe. A few Weeks ago. Mr. blerner sold a. horse to Mit Elliott, • the. latter giving Mr. Merrier a Cheque of $100. as part payment. When the cheque *as presented at the bank in Exeter! pay - merit was refined Mr, Elliott 'claiming that the horse wae not ite it Was not 'as it was represented to be, and he refus- ed also to keep the horse. AC Merner sued :for themotley, avid judgment vOas given in his favor. Dearing. Ask your Druggist. OLIZIT4N Ew ERA Proper Medicine For The ,B103d., Drives nwsy That Tired Polollso Makes You Peet ariok To every One is Imre to come that tired, exhausted feeling. When the blood is weak, thin and debilitated, circulation is slow, and in consequence the system is congests(' he dr lthipveenisoontr. 8awastes etes that should ree seizable person acts on the terieldngs of -expel:I:nee. sAul eleanotm his Vamp, with a course of Dr. Haiti- I:Pan:4 Pills of Mandrake and HoZter- No medicine can be more certain to onickly cure. Coiavenient to take, pet one pill at bedtime ; safe, because entirgly vegetable ; unfailing, because proved-bythousands-that-Dri--flamil ton'sPills (set you up in a few days, krone Cbeboque ,Pt.. N. S., cornea the following front Mrs, W. A. Rey- . nolds ; "'A year ago my health. began , to fail, I lost appetite, became nervous and sleepless. My weight ran down, became thin, hollow-clieolcecl, aull had black rings under my eyes. I veally foit as if t (3 ClIittfll o lite had left me and when springtime arrived was in the "Blum" 1 read of Dr. ' Hamilton's PilIs and got five boxes at , once. I "Within a month my appetite and color were • good. 1 gained strength and felt like a new woulatie New life i and vigor returned, and lily, friends :melee y kn.,w inc. A medicine that will do this shoiltd be in every home." Good health Means much to you. Success and happiness depend upon it: The Maintenance end source of health is found in Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25e per box, or five boxes for $1,00, at all dealers, or by mail from -N. C. Poison and Oo„ Hartford, Cotin„ U. S. A. and Kingston, Ont, ITEMS OF INTEREST Not Strictly LOCaio but closely Akin Thereto. When the baby talks, it is time to give Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, It's the greatest baby medicines known to loving mothers. It makee ,hem eat, sleep and grow. 85c Tem or ,i'ablets. Ask your Druggist. Why not make the best of things as they come to us ? There are certain Ones In this town who have been corn- . plaining of hard times ever since we Knew them. They know that crops will be a foilnre this veer. There is always something disastrous going- to happen. It itemst as cheap and Yon. are worth more to your family and the ' town if yquwill look on thestuany side of life. When wesee so many young men I with their hair parted in the middle 'andebangingelown-ootiesetheireefore-re heads so as to obsture every trace of intellect, and so many young worn--, ell with their hair ell frizzly -frowsty and flopping around over their faces , in fifty dillerent directions, we are not surprised that the followers of Darwin are now positively sure, that mankinIl descended. from the monkey. This paper is endea,vering to eive its patrons the best service that is pos, Bible to'give snot all thae the patronage will permit. Our paper is being fre- quently complimented on its appears came and the amount ahcl: kind of mat- ter it contains. Our citizens elm make the papee still more effective by liber, al patronage, 'both in subscriptions and advertising. . The paper wi I al- ways endeavor to. merit thepatronage. We have residing in town ie young man sob°, if reports are time, is won- derfully and fearfully' made. Hisdod- tor.saicl. he had an iron constitto ion ; his friends said he had nerves of steel ; his uncle that he had e wooden head ; the girls said he had a heart of stone ; his enemies declared that there Was more brass to him than anything else ; others declared he had lots of sand, while his admirers declared he was all wool and a yard wide. Pink Lips, Dilte-Nelvetl---konglir. Chapped or•Cracked Liles can be made AS soft as velvet by applying at •fied- time, a light coating of Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. The effect on the lips or skin ot thrierilest excellent- ointinentia- always hninediate and certain. Dr. Shoops GreeriSalve takes out complete- ly. the. soreness of cuts, burnSebruises and all skin abrasions., It is surely a wonderful and most highly satisfe,etorY healing ointment. In glass jars at 250. Sold by -W.S.R: Holmes. - The best man. we ba,ve in our town for the general good of the town is the one you you will: always see ' on the front seat in the progressive "band wagon." He is the Rept man to extend an open and warm bandto greet the stranger. teal 'Welcome him . to the best town in the county. Heowill resent ate insult to town -as geickly•as hewould a slur at a, then -ibex. of his family. He very politely invites • the chroeic croaker to eniosre on." He is ever toady to give his lusts Proportienr to every, public err- terprise. . He talks up 'One town at „home and abroad,and believes it the best' plade upon God's green earth 'in which th live, 181(1 desires to be buried .:.bizelloavvh.teAhrxeia.1.1,7,01.,pgi.2Lcktier4:evv' C8i, 181(1 k.,.acinudr prove es newilebetore leis history. - The Lord's Day Act • The bill respecting the Lord's Day, as atnetaled by the Special.Committee, Iias been reprinted, and it is now pos- sible to gather a clearer conception of the provisions than was possible in the first rough draft. The eXemption clause is of interest to many callings and industries, but there is one sec- tion, which provides, among other things. that a domestic servant who is „employed on Sunday is to have a, tll day off during the ensuing week. Any work if necessity or rnerey may be done on the Lord's Day. All kinds of excursions are baited on this day. Under clause seven, Grimsby Park ,end similar vesoits will not be able to charge an aclintssioin fee to.the Sunday services. The clause sa,ys It shall not be lawful.for any person on the Lord's' Day to open to the publie any park or pleastire ground 01 011103. -place main - tabled for gain to Which an admission fee is charged directly or indirectly, or within which a fee is charged for' any service or privilege. Hunting on Sunday is aimed at by clause O. It shall not be lawful for any person on thetday to shoot et eny tai -get, mark, or other object, or to use any 'gun, rifle, or other engine for that purpose. Clause 10 is of interest to riewsdeal- ers. It shall not be lawFul for any pet-, son to bring into Canada for sale. or distribution, or to sell or distribute within Canada on the Lord's Day any foreign. newspaper or publication clas- sified as 8 nesvspaper. THE SOURCE .OF NEURALGIA, It runs' hand. in hand withpoor bleed and weak nerves. Healthrims down, nerves get irritable, neuralgic torture follows. For the inothent applicatiOns may relieve, but to thoroughly cure, the system imist be strengthened with nutritious blood. • , • • 'What can egad Ferrozone ? It in- creasee the appetite. fortns abandance 'of blood,supplies nutri- ment and:building material for worn- . out nerves. Iterfozorie cotes neuralgia. Every root and brunch of the disease Iit kills., Absolute 8800095 in every Cusp,' Stop suffering- fifty cents buys Ferro - Zone. Fifty chocolate coated tablets in a box at; ally drug store, • • . Success °floral Option. Notwithstanding that 'local- 'option has been 111 force but one month in Owen, Sound, says the Sun, and the circumstances under which it has ex- isted have been sometvhat precarious et best, it is interesting to note the de- gree to which local option has reduced viciousness and raisedthe general mor. al tone of the town during the month just closed, the first imonth of jfq exist- ence. Of course, sympathy and prep - dire inVal'in 1.11 y prevent, and render 1,1as. p ()>1))})•))t1-11 (MOS tiOnSfbli NI rift4tes •ea 1 I nor • lien'. false Witness. Inirmg the month of Vay there were but 11 cases at the pollee mutt as cont., Jutted, with 31 clueing she Previous month. In May 1901, 23 elms' were dealt with at- 1n' police eonrt, and in M ay of last year 28 cases were d isposetl of'. In view of these eloquent .flgures,• who would venture to assert that loom option will not prove a blessing to Owen SoundP • se • Wintihana Fitr.r, COWN CEMAR. - Dr. IL Ill, W. Tamlyn tnet with what might ektsily have been a tatal accident on Vtred- neaday evening of last .'week, fie had oceasem to go into the National hotel to meet a friend and in going through thehall lie walkecl into the cellar Way, the trap dom. 'being open. He re- ceived several lemises anti was badly shaken up and was confined to bed for several days. •Kiresem AT Witienetxt. -miss jermie Stewart received a telegrern on Tues.; day informing her that bee brother, William Stewart had been killed at Winnipe . .Deceassa *Its teamster , for a wholesale oil company and his Ideath was cansed by a heavy eray up- setting on him,- Air. Stewart formerly, 1 lived in Wingintni .p,rior to going to Wirmipeg sotne eighteen years ago. MiSs Stewart left for Winnipeg teat - tend the funeral. I ,.. 1, IN II.A.T CAUSES APPENEICITIS. IThe commonest eause of appendicitis is constipation. When you require physic don't Use clicap drastic pills, get I I)r. Hamiltonsi4 Pills which strengthen -I the stomach) regulate the bowels, and I prev.rnt any tendency to appenclicitie. i In one clay you'll feel the tremendous benefit of Dr liamiltene Pills. Hy purifying the bloocl and cleansing the system they prevent heatiaches,lift de- pression, and drive away Weariness, No Medicine so successful as Dr. Hain - litotes Pills. Sold everywhere in 25o boxes with yellow cover; get the gem= low ,According tothe weekly report of the CeP.. It at . Winnipeg prospects for a great wheat crop were :never better throughout western Canada, and seldom so good. In al1.150stetions 'reported, and , all were sanguine in theie estimates. The rainfallnas been ample, with the possible exception of •kesection west . of Prime. A libert.'_ Mr. E. Oakes, ex -manager of the Trad- • ers' Bank ett Calgary, . is here. • Mr. Oakes has just.returned from Alberta, and says that while considerable Of •the wheat has been a disappointment in southern Alberta, still no. material ' lose will be suffered by the farmers, as they,ploughed the land this spring anci seeded. with oats, end, a valuable crop of these will be Ramrod. , COUGHE RS, IIA W KERS, SP ITTERS Public expectoration is ageirist 'the 'coruniori law, against the. 'eves of health also. When the throat tickles, thatti the time you need Catarrhozone; it seethes away ,the irritation, cuts out the phlegm and loosens the tight feel- ing: You'll quickly cure that catarrh and throat trouble with Cattarrhozene. It positively prevents new attacks and cures catarrh forever and for all time to come. Don't take our word for it, try ()tamely:S.4one yourself. Ogee used yob% be delighted with its pleasant kiiiO helpful inteoetiee, • The National Ligtic77-15-es sOciatitai which opened its amnial cod- Ventionat Louisvfile, Kye ou 'Wed - nes ay, issued an address to the people of the 'United States in which the rie• lief a its members in temperence 18 expressed, otiedierice to the taw le en- Oorsecls the work of the various tam- geseeekneties is coniniended, and, the statement -Mat 77Ti-itr-i WM—a cite -On Shonld be considered -a -eel in The disgusting discharges from the nose and throat, and the foul, tatarrh- al breath axe quickly dispensed with hy usirig.Dr. .'hoop's Catarrh Cure.. Such soothing agents tsOil Bucilyntue, thYmol, Wild Indigo; etc.. have been incorporated into .t snoiv white erectile making a catarrhal balm uneicelled. Sold by W,S,R, lioltnese 'v. • • , ur • pular , The worm :is .proverbiolly the' laSt ot created 'thins to turn againat' 'the arin'y of. those, who • secli :to coeree it, and the silkworm Is evidently no exr ception to :the rule, for it has' fer etr•e been patiently laboring te gratify hu - Man vanity. 'Not so . the spider, ho* - ever,. whose beautiful silk has not yet been similarly applied; simply because that wily bea.st. refuses to work to or- der, but a determined onslaught upon his pride and prejudices has heen inaile in Madagascar, where a regular fac- tory his been started. ..to ma.lce silk I:tresses. from spider web. .The* old .dif- floulty has still to .he faced, however, and time loii will shoW whethsr man •or the ..spider is to be the .vietor.. The spldera, Which -spilt luxurioesly In Orli native 'groves, 'Sulk ' or fight . or devoni their, young Or otherwise amuse them- selves when brought to the factory, but. they 'will not work except .fust occasien- allY, when the mood happento strike them. • Then. they sometimes spin tot • days at a time and -die of overwork -Their habits Ond customs are bOng carefully „Itudied,• and if oniy• they will° de.'What.i.S required 'rif thorn they will be Made • as cornforta:br, as ermine •.stance wlltpermtt. Altogether . it • is prettiest lltLle eerier. .Perhaps the .stilder. may yet be induced to 1Wa4k in and favor the proprietor :With these silk dresses foe wheel the world Is. still waitirigv-Chrimher!U ,loutrnal. . An Extraordinary Woman. Dr, A.bernelliy, the famous Scotee surgeon, was a- men of few Words, but once he rivet ills mitten in a woolen. She called at his office in Vidlnburgif one day and Showed: a hand badly Milemed and swollen, where the following logue, pow d btethe doctor, took P1a.O01 ."Burns?" The next ilaY 'the women called' again, ncl the dial ,gvfo was as .follows; ' "Better?" "Worse." • ' "Moro poultice." • - Two days later the woman Made Mi. either call, and this oonVoreation oc. • 1 cuered: "rtetterV "Well. -Peer" • sricothing,'" exclaimed the doctor. "Most sensible woman 1 ever met," A local newspaper is absolutely necessary to any commanity. It ie the hOme paper that keeps the people of the community in touch with each other by giving them all tire news of their owe neighborhood and county. For that alone the3r are of value and r-reere--them..-t ' scriLlIiou 100. TheV keep the local pri e progriL arotised.- and in. various 'ways are worth far more to a comenupity (11)81 11 commun.. ity ever spends on them. The daily paper, with its large news service and quicker facilities, • may, in somein- stances overehadow. the weekly, but the sveekly beim paper.fills a place in thu. hearts of the people theta daily cannot fill. It comes to your berne as 811 .01(1 and tried friend, while the daily enters as a strangex: • , • limes This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re - Ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by hall's Catarrh Otire. •• F. 3. CHENEY Ss CO , Toledo. 0.. th t. dersiened h ve• kno 17. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions kind financially able to catry out any obligations made • by his firm. • • • WALDING, KINNAN* MARVIN, . Wholesale Druggiets,-Toledo, O. Hall's Ca.tarrli Cure is taken inter- nally) oa11h:1g directly upon the bieod and mucous surfaces of the systene Testimonials sent free. • Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take HalOs Family P'llis for con. stipation .orm•IIMEN01•04. THEIR REWARD. -The OntariO Statutes for the year of Grace 1900, Will be out in a .few days, and *ill coritaie over 1000 pages. • The hew 1 P.'s have their work cut' Out for them, for they are expected to read the book from cover to cover. A,copy. • of the statutes once a year is about all _most of than will get out of the Office:. • . Knights Of Windsor: The M•ilitery Itnights of 'MIAMI* itr1 an exceedingly. ancient' Institution, • They date from 1340, The neliclour vary hem 450 to 6130 a Sreat, end or( supplemented be • free quarters, • whieh rilne months" reekleece eta ot tht tredve* Is oorepulsorto Their duties in4 nonuoa-cutenatult.• til t, Oteorgett Chepel et taints' days, and at MY*: •redd1ng atid furiexals, and trtletAyhtill • guard et honor when forelipt terell# ' dna Visit Windsor Cantle. " A .otroi - • - • • • Are you a success as a bread - maker ? Is your cake and pastry complimented by your friends ? If not, whose fault 4 it—yours or the miller's, • If you are success- ful ia other lines, your reputation as a cook is vindicated, and k is . plainly the fault of the flour. Look up the good bread and pgitry makers of your amr.-aintarter - • and get their flour experience, You will find that Most, Of Mena arc using , Royal Household Flour •• gladly paying a little more eer bore; for it and getting for that extol me purer, better flour, For bread or pastry, it has no equal. • 'Ogilvie's Royal Plouseheld--- repeat the name to your grocer. Ogilvie tient Hills Co.. 1,14.. Montreal, • "Ogilvie's Book for a f'oolt," tete tains 130 owe of excellent reelnes, some never published before, Yew Eacer can tell you how to get HYRUM • iiikT0 TOR a Ottmera. • WZ • Amateur Photography. at your home. Under our Instruction there is a expetj- fllQUtlfl$ ar wastfint ot toseetials and moneY. You learn to Oa eve* Sten of the work your- self. Success guaranteed. Our 11100prizejtv gold will interestrou. Write to-dav..-- CORgssPONDENCS ORPARTMONT, TORONTO, ONTARI 0 ale orTaRent House for Sale _Ten rooms, with woodshed and stable hard and soft water, acre of land, con. traliv lobated for Partleulara apply so * W. BRYDONE. House and Lot for Sale • For Sale a email house on Reitenbure atreet west, tpgeteer with lot no, 090 being a qa /ter are, Apply to E. BUTT, or NEW ERA. °Oise (Minton, Cottage tor Sale, The cottage on'Orange St. adjoining the property of subscriber is offered for sale on reasonable termo. W. C. SEARLE. Aesoa couple of good brick pores. Rouse for Sale The large cottage on Queen street, be- -hinging to the eetete of the tete E. Holmes' is offered for sale, aore, with bearing fruit trees, hard and soft water., A, bargain. Apply at NEW ERA offige, • Good Rouse for Sale. ' Subscriber °Here for sale his large and comfortable frame house on Albert Street. The house has every conveeielage for ord,n- ary taroily. Good oilers hard and soft water ou the lot; three -quarters -of -an acre of land; bearing fruit trete, aloo good stable, Will be sold on ressonebla terms. A. WILKEN, Clinton, Paola 30tli 'For Sale or to Rent Lot 15, Con. 13, Rallett, (150' saxes) is offered for sale or tor rent, Possession to be given at the close of the, current year. For partioutarti apply to W., BRYDONB, Clinton., . . • Farm .10r 'Strhsarilier offers for tittle his faint of 103 acres, beinglot 31, 3rd cen, H. R. 8. Tvick-: Altaregined-and-etindei.t.oulavat,- 1012 except 3 acres ;ell but 18 acres in grass Frame house, bank barn, bay barn, arid other' oetbeildings. . Bearing orehard. (ilciod water. Schoolhouse ori the preroises. 6 miles to Seaforth ; less, than 5 to " . • WHITiolgELD Clinton. rm— Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 100 acres, being lot 24, Con. 2nd, Stanley, Alt clectree• but 10. sores. Brick house, bank barn 402030. consent silo, 14x31); one acre of orobard and small fruite, 2 never - ling wells., Driving house, pig pen, hen , houoe. Five miles from Clinton. and three • from 1 ,racefield, on good gravel roads. '• • ALBERT NOTT, Clinton P. 0. thOlee Farm tor Sale • Subscriber offers for sale his splendid forth of 96 sieves no the Sakai Line, being north part of lot 2, MiatitindBldok, Hallett Good •briols house, barn and all necessary outbuildings; 35 sores bush; farniavell wa- teredand in good cendition. 2 wiled from Auburn, and one mile frodi the proposed C.P.R. -station. JOHN SPRUNG. Ase., barn P.O. . .14114Y1. For Sale or Rent A farm of 111 acres of the best clay loan, belonging to Mrs. ida Fraser, Goder- iota, atuatee on the first_con. Goderich Township, 7 miles from Goderich, 0 trent . Clinton, and. .5 from Beyneld. •Feirly good haildings, and 2 orchards. Reason- able terms. For further particelare apply. to JAMES COLWELL, Hiocks street, Gocierioh, or Edward Acheson, Goderich. Farrn tor Sa,le. Subscriber offers for sale his far ra of 100 ThdreS, being lot 24, 5th con. of .Hullet, 00 acres bleared, 10 acres nice hardwood bush. Frame house, kitchen awl wood- shed, good bank barn, Well watered, well maderd,rainatin first. oleo state of cultivation, 1.2 acre bearing ard. Only 3 reties 11 on, Clinton. e of it • mite from school, J WIN CAltBh'RT on the premises or Clinton, P.0, , Farm for Sale. Two- hundred and tbirty-five acres, situ- ated Bsetiold Road, Goderick Tp., three: quartera-of-a.roile from Clinton, Soil iii excellent condition, having been all linear grass for five eiiers; onlendid grain or gram land, well drained. Five mores hardwood bush and excellent Orchard. One barn, 52174, with otone stabling for 12 horses and 35 cattle; one tare_ $a, 54, with Silo and stabling for 17 cattle, Large imple- ment house and pig pen; power and punitee ing windnaills; Is.rge frame house; pWo good tone and running water at reXr of farm. Apply to MRS. ALEX M. MOE WEN, Olinton P.O., or Lot AB% Con., 2, Smalley, 3 Short -horn Bulls f r Sale • Three good young Dulls, from ' to 15 month's old; one roan and two re s, good quality. Come and gee them, or wr le ED. S. WISE, Clinton, Balsam Oroy Stook Vann , Hulls tor Sale. Two theta:bred Short Horn bulls sale, aged 2 St3 years, both toa with litt or a White; aplendid individual bilis of goo pedigree. One by Biggins' Disported Pan. cv'e Pride; ths other by Snell'a Stet of Morning. Will be sold reasonable. tf JAMES S11013411tid0110 7 anno 15th, 1006 PROFESSIONA. ar HENRY IMATTIE 03secessoar la Mr Jai Pan TallEISTER, SOLICITOR. /co, OTANTO byCOM00—.1011ott Blook,formerly oesuposr- Mr Saatt Malin TO 1.1670 A W, BRICIDONE.. BASUISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY' PUS1.40, ETC. CAINTON RICIQUT .4-111AILE , CONVETANCERS, COMMISSIONER A, Ile* Estate and Insmaraie Agent .• ; Money to loan 0.113. gam, • SOHN RiBegOr rormr,maromoro, Medical • Drs. Gunn at ealln. Dr, 'Sy, Culla, L. It. C .,16. 18. C8,. Eilln• or, .1. Menet A4 gnu, Al. R. C. S. England, L. It. C, P., London. diace- Ontario Street, Clinton. Night rolls as front door of °Rice or residence, liattenburr !Street, DR. J• WI, SHAW. PfiestoieN, e1teetX011( A :trcuobour et�., Once and residence On , tario Rt., °await° English church, formerly so envied bV Dr. ApPleton, Clinton Oat, QR. C. Vira TIHUIVIPS00 • Physician, Surgeon, speelal atteution giVen tediseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat andleose. Office and Residence - Albert Strect,3 Bleclis North et Rattealburir O. W. Nanning Smith, N. D., (LK paYSIOIN& s-unGEori.' OFFICE -Main Street, Daytield, formerly, occupied by Dr, Palliator:. DR. a. axoN• roalatriar • (successor to Dr. Holmes.) Crown-andillrldge-WOrli, Graduate of the Royal:College of Dental Sur- geons of ontario. • Honor graduate of 'University of Toronto Den- tal Department. Ciraduate.of Chicago College of Dental SuraerY Chicago. • • Will visit Be,rneK every Monday. DR, H..FOWLER, • DENTIST. Offwee over 'O'NEIL'S Opre. Special care taken to make dents Sr°, ment as painless as •possible. W vi t Auburn Ovary Monaay. ' • 1V.r.:1SeellaneCraSe -1 AMES oardr.BELL, LONDESEORO, • w..,f4. OE ealiatistoe 1,10ellena • No' witnesses recuirod Honey Private funds tia loan at 4Xper cent a wards • W. 1311,1(DONE, d GORtE ELLIOTT.. :cIANIviv, cwt.. - Farm sales a'SpecialtY• .• •, .,TERMS REASONABLE, - Orders left at -the NEW 'ERA vvill be • preroptly atterided ee; ' THOMAS—j.GLALIDRL__:_:_z_ Live stock and general Auctioneer, • GODERIOH ONT. • Farm stock -sales a specialty. Orders left as Naw ERA wiles, Clinton, promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale notes discounted, . MARRIAGE LICE1sTSES ISSUED Ry J. .B1 Rumball, Clinton,: • J. F. TINDALL. • BARKEIC • OMNI:obi ONT • Yrivate funds • to • loan on mortgages Oat \ beat current ratee • General Boenking but/1nm •reneeetedill • ;Merest allowed. on deposits, Sale notes banal ci. 'D. NICTagrrt M. D. hieTaggart. McTaggart Bros. . • • 13114ICERS • ALBERT T, CLINTON A-. General Banking .13ua1iels • . 11 trait aacted • NOTES 11 liCOUNTED , Drafts issued. Interest allowed ou de0 site. • ' 'Aire McKillop Mutuab Fire Insufance e -o, Penn and IsOlati 41 Town Prop. erty Only Insured. OPPICE S. •', , j. B. McLean, President, Kippen; Thos Eraser, Vice-pres., Bruc)efield; t Thos. ,E Hays, Secy. Treas., Sc, aforth4 ........-....... DIRECTO' S. Jas.' Connelly, Porter's Hill; Jelin ' Watt, Harlock; . G. pale Clinton; M. Chesney, Seafoithe J. Evans, Beech- wooni J. G. Geleve, Winthrop, J. Bello neweis, fleirodhagen. , Erre% Director is inspector of.losses:in hiz .ewn locality. , I ArkRobt Smith, IlizIcr; Ed. • HE.inchled.y Seaforth; James Cumming, gnion ville; j. W. Yeo, Hohnesville. WINOPIAM • omm .erolal - stenography • Telegraihy. le a leglegradeCoitonnetel Sabaol Write 0130. sPOTTIM, Prinetpal, BUSINZ§S ,Three courses ••' .00IeligGE RieE, Plat o Toner, No. as, James St., .south of the 13. C„ Church. Drop TiQ'til 'eard1;1;00 you Went piano ned,