HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-15, Page 1• pl*d at e JO Printing Established 1865 . tsOisnitT BOWLES, nuallther. $ /400 OPENS AN ACC9UNT People who go to the Bank regularly and deposit a part or their earnings, get something _mous than, exercise Wral the money saved, they are lays ing the foundations upon which, a fortune may be built. We credit Interest Quarterly • in our Savings Department. Sovereign. Bank OF CANADA H. T. RANC E, Maths of Clinton and 13rucefield branches. 111111111111M111111111111111111011INIIMINIMMINI advfrtiorments luctio 3 Sale, T. Brown .... •••1 Hoxneseekers Excursion. F. 11•Ho5gens Paris Green, B. P"Reekie • 1 Perfume Time. w .S.R.Hoillaes•• 17",:' • • 1 Big Sale, Newcombes... . . ...... .• • • 4 Special,the Gatbraith Clothing Co...............5 Refrigerator for sale, John Carter.,..., ..... .„,••• 5” Barn for Sale, John Stirling... ....• • •• ..... • Caution. JohnPiekett.• •• • • •5 Farm kr Sale. James Tighe -5 Mortgage Sale, W. Brydone • 5 Boy Wanted. New -Era.,.. •-• • ••• • - -• Store News, W.D.Fair..... . . 8 Just Good Clothing, Hodg,ens Bros ' . Colored Summer Stiles. - 'Trinity Methodist church, a new $30,000 edifice, was dedicated at Berlin by Rey, R. S. Elliott. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned has receiyed - instructions to sell by Public Auction at . ivesgag June 26 1906 • • • at 2 p. rn., the property known. ads Alma Methodist Church,. shed,as 1 organ, 1 pulpit, 1 settee, °helm, , a, seats, andseto, - • atienneetierve TRIMS enS11.--- .. Thos. Brown,. Auctioneer GRAND HUH RAILWAY SYSTEM Home Seekers Excursions. Points in MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN.' via NORTH BAY, - via Sarnia and JULY 3, 17, N N. Co, JULY 4, 18. Returning within 60 Days. Tourist Routes. . The season is here. -Get away for a tea days; and visit the Highlands of Ontario. Tourist tickete on sale daily. -- For tickets and full information, F. B. HODGENS, Town Agent. • ?he Inviet is —F 0 Sise•-•- I • _Men Women!. and Boys. The' Empriegs Shoe for itif/omen, in all styles from $2 to $4. A trial will conviAce,that We'keep the best in this 'and other makes. ii If you are 1' IOkine.fOr shoddy, don't come tc- R. p UPTS 4::OyNTON- June Weddings Wedding Pin‘ds 18 kt Are you Ionising for a suitable present?' If so, our lerge stook of 'Si LV ERWARE, FANCY CHINA, FANCY. CLOCKS Wand many other lines we carry, lac, will make choosing easy for you. A.J. Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage License Godorich Osportar., Comm --His Honor Judge Holt heard a case of alleged theft In the Oennty judge's Otitninal Court on Monday. Mrs Lancelot Beatty, tile will -known implement agent, formers ly of Varna and now of Exeter, was a charged with the theft of a buggy from one Henry Ituroobr, of Exeter. It appears Beatty sold a buggy to •Rumolar and was to get a horse in payment. The hurse neversd livered, but in the meantime liernohr had got possession of the buggy. When he refused to deliver the horse, Beatty went to the complainant's stable and took the buggy, back. A charge of theft ensued, and though dis- missed by the magistrates at Crediton, it was re-entered. Judge Belt after hearing the evidence„egain discharged Beatty, and gave him an honorable acquittal. County Crown Attorney Seeger prosecuted, anifJ: G. Stan burYi of Exeter, defended Beatty. BAD Faxes --Monday evening Mr. J. S. Nesbitt, 'owner of a eoal-hoisting machine, was ettecting.sorne repairs to the upper part of the equipment, when •he fell to the ground, a distance of about twenty feet. 'When found he was lying in a state of seinhconseious- ness at the foot of the hoist. One cheek bone was severely shattered, also the nose, besides other injuries to the lower part of the bead. Goustenee W, Ross, McKillop, recently had a horse badly cut on a wire fence. Miss Jennie Love. of Walton, iS en- gaged as clerk in Robt. Make's store, Clarke is attending the Fores- ters' Convention at Ottawa as a dee- gate this week: Mr. anti Mrs. Thos. Andrew, Gorrie, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. 13, 13. Stephenson. s, Mess- Snow -den, of -Morden, Man., is the guest of her brother, Mr, George Stephenson, John Wyatt son and daughter, of New Liskeard,are hereat present, contbining business with pleasure. . Bert Williams, of the Soo, accent - panted by his niece, Miss Ida Cole, cif Ethel, were visiting friends in this vic- inity recently_r. It is' about. twenty years since Mr. .Williams removed from this villege, and he no doubt sees many changes here. Matthew Annastronn has put over 400 rods of tile • draining On the farm he lately bought from Roland Snell, of Yorkton, Sask, and had a very sun • cessful plowing bee on Monday last, when In the neighborhood of thirty teams turnetj. out, which meent the turning oyer of a lenge Amount of land. Los% is -Boutniller BAix'S sthelmehangisehleitsfesessestestaniaietness heretofore formed part of the Beinnii- ler mrcuit of theliEfethodiat church, bite. •sheertschicied;aarie this • trusteeaseaseeaRa. nOwered.by' Conference aceeell it. one time there was a good cimgregas lion hero, but changes Incident to re- newals and other canses, have made a decrease 'in the members tatending, and it hasbeeri deemed advisable to close it. In the. opinion ofsome it would have been just as well to close it • lityang,arestiss_e vi- scinity who were in the habit of attkid: leg will probably join *sheen church; Which is-onlysinteviamile • Rolutesville Mrs. Leach and Mrs.N.W.Trewaatha 'attended the W. M. S. convention in Chatham. Rev. A.H. Rhodes and family have gone to Ettrick to visit the parental roof of Mrs. Rhodes. ' Mr. Thos. Potter has a field of Bar- ley that is heading out, which is con- sidered very early. • Mr. and Mrs. Win. Knox, from liar - lock, were calling on friends in our village on 'Wednesday. . . The Creamery is doing well this sea son, the patronage being so great that the milk drawers ha,viabeen compelled •to make double trips occasionally. The heavy wind and rain storm on Friday night did considerable damage to some of the orchards and woods in breaking clown and uprooting large trees. 'Invitations are out foe the wedding on the 20th inst of Dr. A. T. Courtice of Maple Creek, Sask.,. SOD of A. 3: Courtice, postmaster here,toMissEdith Wilkins of Branchton, Ont. . Reztegneat.-The friends of Mrs Jno. Holdsworth, one of the staff of Drexel Institute, Philadelphia, will be glad to know that he is still climbing the lad- der of fame and success. He expects, next year to secure hierlegree of Ph De one of the highest degrees gra.nted by any universay, ' Rev. E. Phillips has returned from his wheeling tour and reports a very fine time. He was at Niagara Falls during the season of the Hamilton Con- ference of the Methodist church, The scenery of the Falls was inagnfficent, and he was greatly impressed with the appearance of the ' country through Which he passed. VISITORS.-mr Wellington Wigle,of _ leingeville, was a visitor over Sunday at J. Brovviis. Mrs. George Swallow, of the Dominion' Poultry Station is visiting her father end friends at Fuis larton ; she expects to be absent for a couple, of weelcs. Mt R. McKenzie, of Goderich, ' was visiting his mother -in law, Mrs, John Holmes on Tuesday of this week. Witmer Partases-Last Menden ev- ening, Jamealth, proved to be rather colder than had been hoped for, but this did not daunt a very considerable crowd from gathering at the ,garden patty at Mr. W. Proctor's, in comma - Men *ith St John's church, Holmes- vill' . A very generous and bountiful Despi Osthe cold the Salvation ArMn \ supp et, was served and enjoyed by ell.' band prciwided a splendid program, and won the eppreteation of eneryone The tee c earn tett, AS OSHA; 1)140Ved a great att action and, censidering the coolness of the night, the ice cream dis- appear a in a marvellous manner. Two fire -bid OoriS WeresuccessfUllyliberated and fo lowed one another meekly its a north ivesterly directiori, amidst ad- mirin , remarks ham the eroWd, sev- eral e whom were heard to rergark tbitt they would. not mied "taking a tri in one." Taking the eoldriess of lit night into consideration, the gav- ot party, though not as ruccessful ail h ad been hoped for, WAS Voted to have assecl off veins .well. 1-learty thanks are due to Mr, and Mrs, W. Proctor for the kind use of their plitee, and to all wbo gave their esitisices in contribu- ting tO the attitinmeet of sticcese, The receipts were SU CLINTON, ONTARIO', FRIDAY, JUNE: 15, 1906 NEW SUBSCRIBERS can The New Era from no till thc3ist Dec., 1906, Fifty eclat"; cash. Mole, quickly, If you want a bargain.' s. eaeseemselose t I 00 tor yew., nd•oPint 1.64 when not anima. . earlow Vitnninneo.-On Wednesday. the Oth ot June, the home of Mrs and Mrs. fl. .Beauwas the scene of j YelY baPPY event; one of these eccasions that glad- dens the hearts of so many, and, make life worth living, when about one hun- dred ani nay -relatives and friends es- sembled to witness the marriage of their eldest daughter, Blise Salem's to Mr Hugh klilneldest son of Mr and Mrs 14. I I 0 esteemed young men of Colborne, the ceremony being ably performed by Rey, Ma Small, of Auburn. The wen- ding march was played by Ma and Miss Craig, of Morris, cousins of the bride, the attendants being Mr Colbert and Miss May Bean. After congratula- tions all sat clown to a sumptuous . re- past served on the lawn. Miss Bean is a grand -daughter of Mts. Hesselwood, of Kellett. ItInan,aterals Format AeneinsmeenX -The fourth anniversary of Rev. 3. L. Small's pastorate at Auburn and Car- low, wee celebrated on Sunday • and Monday of last week. •The sacral -neat ofthe Lord's Supper Was dispensen at both places and the attendance was the largest in the history of the con- gregations. At Auburn in the evening there was a song service. Mr. Tyndall assisted the oboes of the church. Mr. Small gave an address on "The, Har- monic Life." Both congregations are in a flourishing condition. The addition to the membersbip during the last four years has been seventy at Auburn and 46 at Carlow, an average of 29 a year since Mr.Stnall'i -induction The Iran - cos are in good eondition in both places, and the Animists congregation is con- templating the repairing or rebuilding of the sheds this summer; The meeting oriMonday evening washeld at Smith's Hill,Carlow church, and took the form ' of a- missionary meeting under the aus- pices of the W. F. M. 8, Rev, E. F. 111-cl.Sreith, B.A., of -Hensel), svae-pres- Sant and gave an inspiring address on foreign nnssions, which was much ap- preciated by- the audience. Mr. Smith will always be a ivelconte visitor at Smith's Hill; Besides the address the following numbers were given: Chorus by the choir; sleets byTyndall brothers duet by Mises0ourtney andT.Jobnston, and a recitation by Miss EvelynGillrie. af Arthur. The offering was liberal and 'the pastor presided. IFiullett Jas Freeman, who has been woricicg with S. McCool, left last week to ac- cepti a position n London. . It is expected that work will be tome menceci on the bridge on the eighth and .ninth eoncessiOns, the latter end of next Week, • "• During the storm of Thursda,y evens nig lest the lightning -struck the barns of Messrs R. _Carter and ns.lifcCool- orbffi-ifrelyssiitensintirt done. ' We understand that the house in ifinh itfts-siVenteraVodilen sis at peesent, was struck by 'lightning, on• Thursday evening' last. Min. Vodden received a severe shook, but we are glad to know -that. she has recovered Goon HORSE. -A few days since Mr. _ge ar ert sold a fine gelding is.asenneemosanseeasssfors-the-s . . to ter• in Asthabelai Ohio. The Lawn Social held under the auspices of the Presbyterian Sabbath du -min -will bis tharMaiThe groun s on the evening ,of July 2nd. Rev. Mr. Clement arrived home from Conference last week and occupied his pulpit on Sunday ; he is busy packing up so as to remove to Goderich this mouth. A foot -ball match between Blyth end. a team from near Olintolt has been arranged and will he played on the picnic grounds of S. S. 1ST°. 5, on the afternooh of their pienic the 20th Inst. The usual arrangements ,in re- gard to dinner &c will be followed, • intended for. lest week.. . Mr and Mrs AlfredJervis and family of Hohneeville, 'were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Philips on Saturday. Mrs John jf. ShobbroOk is this week visiting her parents et Seaforth. The teeny Mends of MaRobertsonat a , former teacher, are pleased to see him around again after his recent ill- ness. The new Pastor of Wesley Cbureh, Clinton. eftibert) DeATTI or A r OltAMat . former well known and highly esteem- ed resident of this township died at Boolsevain last week in the person of 1. Th,onias iliorrish, itt the age of 81. years.. Deceased was pne of the pia. neer residents of this townsbip : his wife died suddenly several years ago, The remains were brougirt Immo and interred on Vic nday from the residence of hiesepneinslaae jejaaja REV. W. J. &LIPPE, 13.C.L. Thestbove is a fairly good photogra- vure of flev. Mr. Joliffe, of Peterboro, who aseumes the pastorate of Wesley Church, Clintoo, on Sunday, July 1st Mr. Joliffe was born in Cornwall, England, and entered the ministry of the Wesleyan church in 1869, being stationed that year 'at Prince Albert He was received into full connectron, end ordained by Rev. Dr. Rice et the Conference in London in 1813. The following year he became a member of the Montreal Conference, vvithin• the bounds of which he lanored until 1891, when -be-vves sstationed at-Oshawama. the Bay of Quinte Conference. He has filled • unusuaily successful pastorates at Vankleek Ltill, Gananoune, Douglas Church, Montreal, Coaticook,. Quebec Cite,Stansteed,Simcoe Street,Oshawa, Division Street, Coburg, First Cherch, Picton, Bowtnan villa, and Charlotte Street, Peterboro'. Mr. Jolliffe. has been honored by his brethren all throu his ministry by election te many Posi- tions of responsibility, having been chairman of Quebec, Stanstead, • Bow- inartville, Picton and Peterboros Dis- tricts, and a member of the last three General Conferences. He is a graduate in law of McGill University, Montreal, is an earnest and faithful student, and a preecher of marked eloquence and effe ti e c ven ss. • ondeshoro Mrs. D. W7. Boyd airived here from Chicitgo on Monday. . 43siyfield, visited her, sister Mrs. .1. Bill, on Sunnily. . Miss •Clara Young. arri'ved _home Min 13011eViTIFInatitiffElhiVlire-eIC-'-' 'Mrs.- McCallum returned .honie • en Monday after a, week's yisit here. • Rev. Mr. Leckie took Da: McLean's place in Blyth Sundey evenings. • On Tuesday Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon started from here fcir a visit to h . is an unusually good price, but it was1112exee tionall fine horse, ne ed Gon SOARED -During the heavy rain and thunderstorm on Yrida,y nigha. D. rIoggart was returning from his son's. He was in the act of -unhitching his horse when a heavy flash of lightning, closely followed by thunden.frightened his horse. It dashed'aerosa the yard, jangled the • fence, tuinbled into the creek into three feet of water, being tangled in the harness and attached to the -bug y over the fence. Mr liag art acing the storm, having lost his a waded. into the water and saved. hi arse, which in a few minutes nould have been beyond rescue, DEATH OF A FORMER RESIOnSIT.-A, banner resident of Hnllett, died at the home of his son near Brigden. last Thursday, in the person of James Quigley, brother of the late Thomas Quigley. Deceased foe a tithe owned what is knovvn as the Brennan fan% afterwards moving to Auburn, where he kept hotel, from there Ile moved to Brigden. He leaves a large family, most of whom are in the farwest. He wan a man who was well liked by his acnuaintances The remains were brought here for interment, • the fun- eral taking place froni the home of Mr T. Tighe, On Friday, to the R. C. Cemetery', .and being eonducted bv Rev.• Fr. Hanlon ; the pall bearers were Messrs Jno. Shanahan, la J. Reynolds, jas Reynolds, sr., at Blake, C. McIntosh and D. Flynn. ' rori. Tockersunith' Mrs. J. ()rich is spending this week with friends at Witicheosea. ' Mrs. Straith„. of Clinton, is spendieg it few weeks with her brother, Mr, .los, Holmes. A number of the niembers of Tor- nee's attended the Convention in, Wes- ley chetah, Clinton, This week. • Meta Geo, Clark, of Putney, South Dakota, is spending a few, wecks visit- ing rellaives here. • A Sabbath scheeil picnic in connec: tion with Turner's will be held some time in the near future. • -see Reuse!' On 'Thursday afternoon G•eo joyilt wits moving the building formerly used as a litunilry to hisevaporator property tweparatory to building e beak houses At was necessary to have the electric. wires got out of the way, so John Welsh had looseeed thetn from the pole wh.ch happened to be old and rottee at the ground.' As a result Sack fell down atid landed on his .feet, but the cords and tendons of the one foot were torn from their places so De. MaeDairmid. said, Joint is home now, and it will be five or snit ereeks before he seill he at work egain, Nonnse-Meevin Brown last week received his Ph. In from Varsity. Geo Reynolds isnow fttil fledged deug- gist. This- week Mr. T. WeIsh will hove tfie old fretne building on Xing street west to Mr, tleorge Aenold's, re- moved, so Math() cen Imild a brick house on the bite. Ma 'Urquhart is having it flax mill emoted east of his oatmeal mill he has had the sew mill taken down, Mr. G. MeRweis is hoes- ing his salt well put in repair and it is mcpected to be in operation goon. More workmen will he added to the staff at the fotmdry this Week, auburn • 'Miss E. Tyndalt visited Clinton and Brucefie/d friends this week. • ' Miss 13all a,nd IVIiss _Knox attended the County Convention in Clintein, Mr. Lorne anti Miss Wilson Bruce - field, spent a few days einong'friends, The gang on the railway is now working °tut cut through Mr. Plaet- zees form, • Several' memberi of the Selater fam- ily, Seaforth, visited at Robtnson's the first of the week. . Mr, E. J. Jenkins and sister,'Of near Olintoe, spent Sunday at the home of their sneer, Mrs. J. Washington, Statute labor is being performed this week, and all the roads in this neigh- borhood are receiving their dose. • Conference has complied with the invitation of the Methodist church and is sending Rev. A. Jones, of Belgrave, Who will occupy the pulpit for the first tune on july lat. . PRESENTATION. --The W, AL S. of the Methodist church held a successful Quilting at one of the village homes on Monday afternoon, in the course of whieh Mrs. J. G. Fallis WAS presented with a handsome teacher's Bible. She has very acceptably lilted the ofilte of President, .and has proven herself will- ing and capable, and the inembets of the Auxiliary are sincerely sorry to part svith her. Swoon MATTERS, -At a meeting of the ratepaners of U.S.S. No. 5, called for the purpose, it was decided that the pupils be plated under cne teacher, lite charige to take effeet in Augusta The change meens considerable, as it will be necessary to remodel the school, and in the end, may not be done, The present dispensers of knowledge leave at the end of the present term, leippen Mr. Ouchnore's ninny friends APO pleased to see him out again. Lest Friday's storm was quite sever. here. Resides numerous trees, Mr. MeLetons silo and Mr. Cooper's wind- mill were blown doWn. Donald McDonald, of Shoal Lake, Mae., it delegate to the Genera' Ate ;earthly in London, arrived here on the 4th inst., anxious to see his brother, the late Gilbert McDonald, who was then Vety loWs 1 -Reynold Waco:pen Insnrrusrn, A cooking • demonstration under the auspicesof the W otnerns Institute will be held in the, town hell, Bayfield, on Thursday afternoon, June 21s1, at 2.30; Mrs. Watts and Miss Bertha Duncan are the demonstrators appointed forthis division; Mrs. Watts will speak on the eCare of the Face, gentls and liaise Hints for,• the Women who work." Miss Delman will demonstrate no tagennomy In Surall Things'arid "48alads." Gentlemen as well as ladies. are cordially invited to attend and eus joy the afternoon's proceetfings. • The ladies of the eocietn will serare a free lunch to all who wish to remain for it. A collection will be taken up, to help defray expenses in connection wan the demonstration. Be sucre you re, member the date, June 21st at 2.30 pan. (Too late for last maw Mr, T. .T. Moorhouse hae gone on a visit to friends in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Donaldson, of the Soo, Ont. have arrived in town for the summits They are going to take charge of Mr. J. Fraser's store during -the summer, Whne Mr and Mrs Fraser take a trip to the Cid, Country. Her many friends will be pleased to hear that alesoll. McKay is:able to be arouncl :wain after a couple of week's Mr. W. 11 thi iTs ittzzi t • Gode ship . attending in Goderich es juryman Mr Livingstone has porchasedot new • Loouurn NoI:S.-Several teams were bolping blr. Percy Stewart on Wednesday to draw gravel, to put a foundatton un- der a Omit, he enpecte to have moved frith) his brother's, place. James Tay - tor lost a valuable eow festal Milk fever,. James Linklater was a dity iu Goderieh last week, cloingscarpenter work at the manse. Jos, McGrew is sintering eon- siderably from sciatica, but is eine to move around. S. 13. Williams. our Tom satibe, hasbeenlaid up with rheumatism, but we are glad to saw he is improving nicely. Miss* Annie McGraw gave a. party to a inatener of her girl friencls.en Saturday efternoon last. The Leeburn Literary Soeiety will hold a ,pitinic at Bayfield on June 23ra ; band weggons will leave Seeder- ich at 10 o'closik nienaberspiease take notice. ,Mrs.. •Ferrislie of Detroit, ar- rived here on Moodily to visit her son John, and relatives in other pieces,' , • ' Porter 11111 Aim Dawson and •children faurnen _to their home at Springbenk Tuesday. Mr Ilodgens and daughter, kinloes, visited at %e.o. Vanderburgai last week. 0. W..Potter has engaged Asawrence 'Wise, of Michigan, to assiet MID in the sbop, 1Vhat might hove been a very ser- ious accident occurred At the home ie. Mr. John Gardner on Tuesday ale Gardnea was repairing the well, and while his son Dolby was down in the well a stone fell, striking him on the head and shoulder, but we are pleased to note he is not seriously injured. Mrs. Searson and children, of Kin- garfs came last week to spend a few days with hen sister' Mrs. Walter 'Weston, intending toretuen to her home on Monday, On Sunday her little boy was taken seriously ill, and a phesician being called in, said the symptoms- Were very -much like ty- phoid fever ; he is stid contined to bed. The Ebenezer Sunday School pienies 20 horse nowise traction engine. Burns' farm on Saturila.y afternoon visit to BI ,A on the flats onthe Maitland behind Mr. rs.a.G.,11, Dickson, Exeter. paid a ileXt GARDEN PARTY. --On Wednesday June 6th, at Mr. J. G. Steep's, was held the garden party in cinmeetion with Stjantes' church,. Middleton* After a dell and threatening clay, the•weath- er seemed to settle dowe into perfee- tion as fnr as garden startles are con- cerned. The crowd began. to gather about half past seven, and continued YLodge . 1 & A. M. on ues ay evening. .A nrunber of teeth: ren were present from the neighnoriug _lodges. The large bar of soap in Ur. James Cutts window was weighedon 'Tuesday by Chief Westlake, the corrent weight being 102 pounds. Mrs. W. J. Taylor, of Morris made the nearest guess to In it's weigh't(101.1 pounclentnd was award - en the old w t h Pure Paris men for SPRAYINO; at - R. P. Reekie's /.2R1,.1G STORE, VILINTON*. ONT . - N. R..— Inteptiationat Camerae and Prats Poul- try foods. Slare,111%111111111~1,16110111 Perfume: Time. Our stock of perfernes is composed Cif a well selected stock ondelightful actors. TiltalM MDR Thlt, We carry a full tins of all the SCO 9.'aletims, We and it imPoSsible • to buy a better nowvier than EISTRY,ROL TALCUM ft kins disease ce.ms. It ispdertueilgulhetra ly sOni a c to steadily increase till about half past •BusINEes -Mr. 'George •Olawell le the c rat o Ayer ,& Co Montreal,. au 1 Baby's own Mc a box $ „ Intantss Delight 25e „ „ • Witchaziel 25c „ „ Castile cakes 2 for 25c, Castile, , 25c a bar. • W. S. R. tioLmE, B. Manntaeturing Chemist, Post entice Drug Store. nine. An excellent supper was served Western representative of the large — by the ladies of the church, vs everyone duly enjoyed and apnrecia d aft this firm, last year hitndled over. on gained universal approbation. Al isle a subscribed membership. of 42 end rate, took lace, nanfelya the fireivo ced ..n.ayseassassaasitamber oaslaysenabaivls have Duo •been ordered; and our filiiniSTRIT- ate soon be a position to shoves:heir pro esay .ficiency to outside clubs. .43, THE Boeins Fly -Lew -A great deal the of interest has not yet been msnifested spersed by the liberation i3f &not The Salvation Army, bandprovide excellent lied leegthy programa o cloek the great 'event nt` the nigh the estimation. of the •childeen nt CEINTON PHOTO STUDIO' ee J. ROBERTS, SUCCESSOR- TO N.' B. HENRY , • ' • . • b • , - business of Mr. Henry, de-: . • Sire to ask for a continuance. of the patronage . given this studio All work done will be up-to-date, and equal.. irf st-temih ted among his other pur chasers to and million pounds of butter.' BOWta.mei LAWN. - The bowlers hey itity have noitipleted a, sneny nice lawn diettleasS .eannonnntlingasn'attlanola With. the liberatiop• • of • ..a Ore-ballo Which, :le. it .roee.gtadeftilly.inta the and'drifted- away • in, a northWest direction•sWassgreeted with'•elieers the aedience.• . Then.. fOl1nwed. rks which wilt be read for-uee in a few rockets, rRciman candles, etc., in ter- in the proposed' loan of $10.000 te the her Stephen:Aim OarrianeFactory.. Voting re eagessmasssZowealasstauesselpsegsstkes, fire -balloon, nhich rapidly followed its takes olace on the 261h when it is ex - wind rose slightly, and mafortunalely roved too much for the last fire -eon, hie . . • the ground. The fireworks were voted .by 'all to be it great success, and cer- tainly merged a red-letter day in the calenclers of the youthful generation. The icescrearn tent, under very capable management, clid a rushing business, and proved a great attraction to large numbers. The garden party was ack- nowledged by all to be a great success, and everyone went home happy- and contented, Great thanks are due to Mr. end Mrs. J. G. Steep for the use of their place, which was all that could be desired; and like to the willing army of workers who helped to make everything pass along so sitmothly. The receipts amounted to $60. '--Prueefield Several in our village have fast drive ing hors. ' Mrs. Wolfe and Miss R. Landesboro continue very. ill. , . Rev. ?Jr. Coutts and wife left last week for Los •Angeles, Cal. ' Mr, Harry McGee has _gone to God- erich, where he has secured employment Chas. A: Mustard preached in St. Andrew's church, Kippen, on Sabbath. We learn that W. Cook of Hensel', formerly of Varna, has slecided to lee cabs in our village. • Rev. Mr. •Davidson, of Varna, con- ducted 'service in the Presbyterian ohurch 00 Siurday night. Rev. E. IL Savvers returned to Lon: on to itttend the 'General Assembl fi ltIonday morning lasts • • The Sons of Temperance intend hay - nig a very enjoyable time at their pic- nic atl3ayfield today (Thursday). • Our valla,ge is gradually. growing -A, bank and a barber shop have t een added within the past few months. The Epworth League held its regular meeting at the home of Mr, John Mc- Knight, sr, , 01.7 Monday evening last. Wellington Wilson, formerly ism- )3'Cd hy tiie 0. T. R., has opened u a barber shop in John Sn ide r's old stand Rey. E. H. Sewers, who was it ems inissioner to the General Assembly in London, was called home to attend the funeral of Mrs. Sohn McDermid. "...The Sons of Terripera,nce held their bele-monthly meeting on Thursday evening last, when bliss la Robertson bectune a member of the society. Tt was decided to hold a leetute on or about June 251h, when it is expected that Some prominent speakers of neighboring towns will be present. Lineani,-011 Fridey lest Mee. John Mthermid passed eway, at the good ago of 88 years, iit the home of her daughter, ltIrs. Ales. IsIcBeetb, Stan. ley. She had been ailing for some time, so that her death WAS not urt- looked. for. She was for a numbee of years e resident of our village, living with her late husband in the house now occupied by Robt. Murdock, She had meaty friends in our rindst, who paid the Ittet tribute to her memory by attending her funeral, which took piece on Sabbeth afternoon to BairgIPS cemetery, Rey, E. 11. Sewers officiats leg. Sim leaves set daughters to mown the loss 01 12 food feather A. litc13eath and Mrs. J. Cemeron of Stanieys_, Mrs, Gilmour of Turriberila Mrs, Wm. Logan, Mrs, Geo. Logan and Mrs, Delgety of Manitoba. Her husband died a number Of eare ago. We have no extensive industries hese, and it is felt that if we do not get me -some we -never -wills . of the cities, Luier TOWNS -Mr. C. W. Vail, whit has been G.T.R. station agent here•for some years past left last Thursday for London. lie has been appointed to the relieving force of the -railway and tvill. have his headquarters at London, During Mr. Vail'sresidence in our yil- Istge,he has proved himself to be a care- ful and obliging official, and he end his .fa.mily will be greatly missed. His sue- cessoe is blisE.incTeggartof Allenford. The following, from the Winnipeg Free Press, refers to a former resident: Mr. H. Jessop, one cif the most re- spected citizens of Mentos cornntitted suicide at his residence here this even- ing by cutting his throat with a rattor, the wound extending almost from ear to ear. Drs. Byers and Creighton were unfortunately both out of town, and Mr. McKinnon, a third year stu- dent of the Winnipeg medical college, was called in, but svas too late to be of any assistance, lhe deceased has re- sided in Melita, for the past eight years being chief clerk in McJanetts general store,. and was highly respected by everyone wbo knew him. The cause of the rash net is attributed to family troubles He left a note with the words "Not guilty, 1.1,, Jessop." lie leaves a wife and two children, a boy and a girl. • -Mr. C. Lowery has his barn moved. and mounted on as fine cement found- ation, the later work being done by Mr. Cousins, of Clinton, and, the mov- ing was managed by Mr. Riley, of Londesboro. Mr. I. Jones, AV. IL Lobb arid J. Smith are improving their- respective properties by the addition of neat wire feheing. • •staniey Mrs. Loney and her two children. of London, are visiting' at Mrs. John Mc- Cowane an present. • Mr. and Mrs, Admerson were visit - p mg at the home of Mr, Albert Nott on ". Wednesday of this ineek. The new frame barn ot nits. Thomas Baird has been raised and le now being closed in. Inspector Tom visited the echoed in S. S. No. 10, Stanley, on Wednesday aftertmon. Ile found everything in good order. • Seatorth 13y.Liw CAR1rIED..-011 Tuesday the by-law to loan the W. 11, Ellis Shoe Co. $10,000 to establish a, children's shoe trienufacturing establishment in Seaforth, was carried almost 'unani- mously, Nil for 1111(1 15 against. Ot* PNEUMONIA. -.11/44r. of this place, who was employed with Mr. Gutteridge in the erection of the 0, 11, It, station houses, died on Priday last at Milbank, The remains were brought home for interment. . Mi88 ItAISOP, who is employed at the Central Telephone Exchange, had a narrow escape tiering the progress of the storm rriday night, 'While sit- ting in front of the switch board she had a premonition of evil, and had barely moved away when lightning 1 passed over the wires and fiIIed tile room with sulphurous smoke, Rad she remained where she was, she would probably have been seriously hurt, CALL AND SEE US. J. ROBERTS, Photo Artist, - Clinton. • June Weddings. ALsansose - MCARTHUR. -- Another . Blake resident in the person Of . Mr. Peter alanson,joined hands in wedlock with Miss McArthur, of nem ,Elensall. •Wrarens-Annstenrs-A. very happy event took place iri Groderich ou Sitter - day when Ala Robert Winter, jr, Seafinthr was milted in marriage to Miss Mary Andrews, of Goderieh. • 611/ 17V7s --YOUNGBLUT Avery pleas- ant event took place at 'the home of Mr and Mrs. YoungbluttEtullett, on Wed'nesclay, when their daughter, Miss Ro- selle,. was united in marriage to,MrW. Griffiths,. ASHBAUGH-Bniaffp-A very pretty wedding was solemnized onWednesday at high noon at the residence of Mr. .and Mrs. A.J. Bright, Seaforth, when their eldest daughter, Edna 31„becarne the brine of Mr Gale Ashbaegh,of Ayl- Monntscik-- Pomo- OnWednesd a y afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, Wm. Morrison:sir , el the 10th concession of McKillopoeas united in marriage to Miss Sarah Forbes, a most estimable young lady of the Lead - bury Line. • : , ' L1NDSPIELD JOHNSTON: Qlfita a unique affair occurred at the home of Mr. Thomas Johnston, sr„ Blake, on Wednesday last, when his daughter, Miss Sarah, was united In the holy' bomb of matrimony to Mr. Israel. landefield, of London. , _ eiarstena-MoLanen. -- A. chartning " June wedding took place at the house of Chits. McLaren, Esq., Goderich, on Jane 6111, when his datighter, Annetta was united in marriage tollenryli, linmber, of Red Derr, •Alberta, son of 0,AS. Humber, of Goderich. IHE Molsons Bank • Incorporated 1855 Capital Paid, up $31000,000 Reserve Piaui, $3,0000000 Total Assets ssp.00wo SAVE Youn DOLLARS by clepositinsr 111 otus Sayings 13enk. It does not require a large amount to begin With. We pay 3 per cent interest oil amounte of t81 and upwards, Better begin, now -deposit vvhat you Cart spare -add to it whenever possible. We will welcontte ,your account, large or small. A general Banking business transacted, 4101 SitE,ArS C•' DOWDINt, conuoter, Clinton