HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1906-06-08, Page 88
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Tag 01414'iON' .01,EW BA&
Corset Maker.,
Clearing $1.00, $1.25 and
Corsets at 75C the Pair
We are changing our Corset maker
—because we have —found one -who --makes
better Corsets to sell at $1.00, $25 and
81.50 than did our old one. Now We
want to get rid of all the old makes and get
rid of them quickly. To do it in a hurry
we put them all on the Bargain Table Sat-
urday marked at 75c the pit*. All are
-5i-ft4ard :well-known makes :that sell all
over at $1,00 $1,25 and $1.50. Our only
reason for marking them 75c is that we
, /aye found something beVer and cannot
kwitp both in stock On sale'Saturday
Ahnut 100 pairs (3orsets, blacks, whites and
greys. Styles and makes such as Crompton s, B
& I, W B etc. Sold all over at $1.00, $1.25 and
$1.50e Every size in the lot, but not every size
in any one kind. Because e have found a
Maker who is giving ns better goods we clear 7ns
these out commencing Saturday at perpair lab
Two Lace Bargains
For Saturday
Two Bargains in Laces for Saturday. Hun-
dreds of yards at a saving of halt regularl price,
Cotton Torchon Laces, Cream Silk Laces, Black
Silk Laces. All at prices that are just about half.
their real worth. • •
Torehon Laces 5c • Silk Laces .10c
30C yards CottonTorchon
Laces. just the thing for
• trimming Under, wee r,
Ohilcren's dresses, etc
dozens of patterns, assort- •
• ed widths, regelar 8 and
Dec. A table full Saturdayo
at per yard dy at per ,.yard. yowl no .
The cleaeance of hun-
drede •of yards of .Black.
and. Cream Silk ',twee.
Widths 3 to 6 inches. A
dozen or so patterns, •
Regulae-20, 25 to 40e, suit-
able for trimming, Satur-
Makers /Seconds in 'Cotton
A ..32tOr 25C
cdse of maker'sseconds in ribbed Cotton
Vests selling at 2 for 25c: There are Vests in it
worth all the way from 15 to 25c each I3eeause
there is some flaw in the weaving •or some .slight•
oil mark from the rnachinery, they cannot be sold
as far as that goes they are jUst as good as firsts.
500 of them to seiliat *
2 for 25c
Towels,' sc
Another Linen Special this time in Towels.
Values good enough to make it worth your while
to lay in a season's supply now.
Heavy Crash Towels, red borders, large,size.
Will wash and wear well. 15 dozen of them te 15c
sell commencing Saturday at each
More Good Underwear•
Values • -
More news about .our good stock of Ladies'
Whil-e Underwear. We are doing more Under-
wear business right along beca.usepeople are find-
ing out that it it does not pay to make it themselves
when they can buy garments such as we sell atour
prices. Every garment well mak from goodmat-
erials and in the cleanest best equippedU nderweak
-factory in Canada. Here are four rood
Drawers 85e
Drawers made from good quality English Cot-
ton, 5 inch frill of fine Embroidery vvith 3 CIustere 05n
of tucks, special value at per pair • U
Skirts $1.65
Skirts made from extra fine quality English.
Cotton, bright cambric finisb, full size, 15 inch
flounce with rows of Insertion tucking ad frill
of Embroidery; 5 inch dust frill, a garment that
will wear and look well, special each... .... e..
Gowns $1.50
Gowns made from fine English Cotton,
bright cambric finish, solid Yeke of fine -Ern-
breidery and Insertion, front and cuffs trinirned
with frill strong Embroidery in neat, petterns, ti An
special each • Is • • .......... 441 I IV III
Corset Covers 09e
Corset Covers of good English Cottore, two
rows of fine Insertion across front, top trimmed 39C
with fine wide lace, all sizes, spatial. each
411 •
1-losiery and Gloves'
This is a good store to, come to for your gloves.
and hosiery. There is a splendid .assortment in,
blacks and colors and every size from the tiniest.. to
the largest. Splendid valueg fititi: the lowest to
the highest prices •
Ladles' Cotton Hose 12 1,2 to 2Se
Lisle Thread Hoss Rae, 5oe •
Fancy Ross 25c, 50e*
Children's Eliseo Blacks* :Whites and arana in all
Qualitles. •
Plain anil Ribbed easiltilereirOge 2Se. 350 And 5te
Chilkren s Ribbed Cotton Matt goo nod 25e
Children's Cashmere Rose .25C to Sot
Lisle Thread GlOves,Blaelts,WhiteS and Colors 2ge -
and Sae
Lace Gloves, Meeks or whiteo 2Se and noe
Silk Glotten, Bloat, whites or etooro 50e to $1,05
The thin gun NeW Erd
Ceu as, of winghsin, was the &St Local Notes.
• - • railway conductor to run a passenger Mr. Doi. whblateiv. returned from
i'RIDAY, JUNE 8, 1906,
veda4egeasee omof these omens properly, eat. o' vs Surgeon Eye, ear and tease,
wilt ee at w1 to ti, es' Drug Store,
°Mittel. 'Thursday. July Stix., mews is
a.m.. to 4.p. es. Grasses properly fitted
Zoluxt goyim.
train from Hanulton, north to Guelph.
Mr, I), Holmes, (uncle of B. Holmes)
wski the first coneueter to run a
passenger train into the town of God-
erich. Both conductors have retired
front active eervice, and etre taking
the balance of life easy.
Taylor has sold his eesidence- on Rat-
tenbury St. east to Mr. David Tiplady,
for the slue of 41500. The property is
in every way an admirable one. and
we welcome Mee Tiplitey and wife as
future residents oftown.,•
FOR THE ww.r. — Among rho
who took advantege of .the excursi
to the west Tuesday were r--Ao
Shrenk and Roland Jenkins to Lloy
minster, Miss Gray, •Londesboro,
Fisher and wife to Regina ; W Dune'
to Saskatoon. All were tieketed,
W. Jackson, agent C. P, R.
__PIANO SALES. - Mr. Walker
WinghaexiDistriet, agent for the Mas
& Reich piano, has tecently made sal
in .this vicinity to the following p
sons :-Rev, ler. Leckie; Lendesbor0
Rev. Fr. Hanlon, Clinton ; W.H.Lobb,
Goderich township arid. Miss Holds-• •
worth, Holmesville. • • • • . •
A -GOOD VAN, e -Mr. Albert Seeley
has been appointed Western -.repre-
eientetive for Gould Shipley & Muir, of
Brantford, •to set up . and look after
the running •of gasoline engines for
them. He is a first-class man for a
position of this kind; haying had acre-
siderahle experietsce with gasoline
en THE BANDS The town band which
ee, has been reorganized under tile leader.
ti ship of W. McLeod, commenced its
vie summer open -ter concerts oh Thursday
te night of this week, the pi oeram being
by as follows: -
of meraerreobe. .Trernont
ta medley overture.-- • Hernias Elits
Bonanza Baud
4 WeAtZe., .. SUe EA Meer
°111 Mi0012 . .. ... . .. Kick Corning
es 6 nosoriptiveierture. trip to the term
r- Soloists s-ew t eattenbury, Ealatetvine
Metreh A, l•.•
• • CA ..
a seam .
Thursday mill be the regular idea
for the town band. The Salvation
Ai my band, which also receives a grant
from the town, has not yet decided to
accept it, as there is some objection to
the conditions imposed.
BRANCHING OUT. -The business
of the eratelcson Manufaoeuring Co-,
has increased so much that it is abeo-
lutely necessary for them to extend
their insinifasturing Notilties, or else
curtail their orders. For sonar, time
they have.been endeavoring to secure
additional help here in the shape of
female operatives, but have not • meet
with much success ; they would at
once give employment to at least 25
additional hands if they could be had.
As they cannot therefore, secure the
help they want here, they are negot-
iating for premises in Goderich' where
they can start a, branch factory, and
secure a certain nuinber of local till.
ployees. We would a great deal
rather see them enlarge their plant
here, but under the circumstances it
seems to be more a matter of necessity
than choice on their part, that they
should branch out,
BRIEFS. -The Merry -go -Round is a
source of delight. to a good Many
children,' end a few older people as •
welle...Mr. George Trowhill is work- '
ing in the Foundry att Seaforth, but
will not move bie family there.. -Rev
Fr, Itanloe went to Wingham on
Monday, ore soree business of his own
....Mr. Andrew Ginn wishes the per-
sons who damaged one of his shade
trees, to take warning that if it occtu•s
ai, egain, they will be prosecuted accord -
Andrew Porter, at present located at
Teeswater, has been. appointed man-
ager of the Sovereign Bank at Goder-
itee a tact his many old friends here
will be delighted to jeans. In suc-
ceeding Bo genial 3 person as the late
James O'Connell, lief -has no easy task,
but we can heartily - commend both
Me and Airs. Porter to the good offices
of the Goderichspeople who will find
them both admirab e citizens.
1 a
1'• HOSPITAL NOTES Mr Tigheetvho
has beets in tbe Hospital for some time,
leaves this weeke,he IMS Made marked
improvement.-- Mrs. ?file, of Zurich,
underwent an operation last week for
appendicitiseand is getting along well.
Mr. David Patton, Bluevale, was
brought to the hospital on Wednesday
and underwent an operation for appen
received by Mr. S. Pratt on Saturday,
. .
'‘o the ea • his sonen-law,Mr C. W.
Ilanscombe, of Winnipeg, 'from. dipth-
eria. • Deceased was a proinitient and
popular newspaper Man of the city,and
was publisher- of a paper celled The
Town Topics, ' Ile leaves a wife and
daughter, -
Henry has sold his . Photo hesiness to
Mr. J. •Roberts, ofPaisley, Mr. Ito.
berts a young man.cf • practical ex-
perience and •will do his. best to main-
tairtthe high standard' of artistic ex • •
cellence whioh has given this studio so
enviable a reputatioh . for superior'
photographic work. • • . • •
• FINE MO NUMENTS -Mayer Hoov-
er, of 'Clinton Marble Works, puts up
the following menuments this. week:
To A. Trumneee Zutiche a red swede ;
W. iinuswatiger, •, elc-
Iseae, Dashwood ;•chitcl of • J. Dietrich
Dashwoodeane Mr .3 no.Gainble,Grenti
Bend, esperenza 'mown's-len ts In
Bairde cemetery he putsup a red swed
to the memoty of Mrs, A. Jenox, and
Bedford for the Sinclair family. '
the merry month of June-- the mon t
of weddiries. ,•How inany will it pr
or says that at least try() eleirch choli
...willebe invaded to provide channin
aind .that tbere, dee eeyetal pyo
'motive leriees' :Who are 'Ant in ehure
choirs. It is even rumored that; th
school staff will be brokeirep, if not i
Stine, at least before them:en-net: is over
DIED IN ENGL AND. -A few clay
since death claimed a former Clinton
fen w o died at Clinton 'Rouse, Wes
ar epoo , Mani 7eThis WaS rs
J. Ward, whose maiden name was
Miss Sarah Jackson, sister of Messrs
"Tborrias, John and Isaac Jackson, o
town. Some 30 years ago she conducte
a millinery 'business here, but makin
a visit to a married sister in the 01
Ociuntry, met and married her late hue
band. She leaves a grown-up faniily
suger,beet growing district •surround
ing Clinton,. comprising • twenty-foui
shipping points for beets, eontains 365
farmers who are growing sugar beets
totalling. 768 acres, ' being one-seventh
part of. the whole crop grown for th
Berlin Sugar Factory.• It is to• be
heeled the sugar beet fields of this die
trict will receive thorough cleaning
and' cultivation so they may • coMpare
favorably when inspected in .June by
Dr. Shuttleworth, with beet fields o
other dietricts, and bring highly. pro
fitable returns to our farriers.
Sibley, of London, England; son of El.
P. Sibley, Clinton, is the inventor and
mentifacturenof what is knowlias per-
orated music, similar to the Pianola
rrinsic. It has become very peptiler
he Old Country, and Sir Thomas Lip.
011 was so inueh impressed with it that
he recently ordered a special quantity
f it, end had it forwarded ae his wed.-
ing present, to the Princess of Batten-
bure,e now the Queen of Spain. It is
leo-being lekgely used by the wealthy
eople of.England. .This TOW an
onor for it former Clintonian, • •
dicitis ; the operation was successfele
and he is doing -well: ... -Ed. Rowald,
of liensall, who underwent an opera-
tion in the hospitafer an alicets on
the bowels, is improving as fast as can
be expected, anciently be able to leave
soon Mr R. Webster,of Lucknow,
had a gland removed from his neck
last week and was able to return home
soon after. •
Scotland. imis rented time house of 'Mr. •
P. Alcoa.
The family of Mr. Feank O'Neil,
which has been at, Moosejaet for sorne
time, expect to return to town about
the let of July,
Mr, Murray, of Stratford,who is
takine a position with the Jackson
Mfg. Co. has rented Mr. Ladd's house,
Albert St., north.
• A gigantic reception awaits the OK
Boys and eirls of Brockville and Leeds
on the return on the occasion, of the
reunion to be held there July 28th to
August 3rd. Councillor H. 'Wiltse
will be one of those present.
Mr. IN orman Iolliffe, son of Rev. 'W.
-J.eTolliffeeof reterbore,ewho --sang --so
acceptably at the Tripp concert last
winter, intends to spend July and Aug-
ust in town and mill endeavor to for,n.
a vocal class. - •
Dr. Lindsay having sold his medical
practise at Blyth, his wife and family
are stopping et the hove of his father-
1Vr. R. Murray. The doctor
had'sonse notion of locating in Ed-
monton, but it is possible he may not
go there, but locate somewhere in
Ontario instead.
Mrs. W. A, Killough received thee
pleasant news ofthe safe arrival as far I
as Bracebredge of her sister, Mrs 13,
Chapman, and daughters, of Chilli -
whack, B. .0, They will' vie* the
country there and rest; and then con-
tinue the journey here, and mike
lengthy visit.
When the 33rd Battalion goes to
cansp, James W. Manning, son of Mr.
Walter Manning. will accompa.usr•it as.
Supernumerary 2nd Lieut, and be at-
tached to No. 4 Oompany,as he will be
ozetted for this eosition in a. few
da s. He is an enthusiastic soldier,
having3rtaken •;m course at the London' ,
Military College, and will fill the posi-
tion with honor and distinetion. • •
The last car on the train leaving
Goderich at 3 o'clock on WednesclaY,
was beautifully decorated. 'Wherever
a bunch of lilacs or snowballs could be
-attached otstside, they were there; the
parcel racks inside were likewise cle•
corated, while to the guard rails were
tied old shoes and rnbbers. All this
in honor of Mr, and Pers. J. Staanton,
of Goderich, who were starting on
their wedding tour, ,
The following persons attended the
funeral of the late James O'Connell, at
Seeforth, on Monday morning r•-• Re-
presenting the C. 'el. 33. A. -Messrs J.
J. McCaughey, J. Weise, J. Shanahan,
N. Brown, Jos Reynolds and A.
Flynn ; representing the Bowling •
Club, W. Jackson, D. A. Forrester, J.
Felt., E. Cautelon, of, Wiseman and
Taylor. . Representing the Severeign
Bank, H. T. Renee, eeiVerden Spack-
ms.n came up trom Exeter bY mon-
day s train, spectrally to attend .the
feneral, and was very sorry to find he
was too late.
me tp law, as he knows who the guilty • .
i,. pertiee are-- Mr. V. Cudmore is • 001141VIENCEMENT. -e• The annual •
h putting granolithic walks to his house sports of Clinton Collegiate will be
e • wfoguanz eves iii ton 11 ehre week" se
o- on Victoria, Se.... Lev. B•ennett, of held on . SA turday, seitind fees.. and the
eele, ,,eeeeeeeee=eeee-, 'Neseeeiseseseessetrevec(etraeseeeenniericeineritseestereiger oriethiOlitee '•
g ceriag mep to help lie buildine„theneve Menem e i eArtaieE-60 0eArL 'eScitinEe,8.614; tEhYete:0°Itine
se riligh '‚1 10)01 WI; 'net eliey nave 1111.•
of err7lirieiee-erieeisretty, Chesley,,,, vvas •
h , contract ; •Mr.pistmeet is 'an, 01C1.Ttlekc
gene ecene of L very ;sleety event,- Whien ,*
e ; .ersmith'boye being boin there about
n TT years. ego.. -Seeeral section teen his telly daughter, May, became the.;
Chesley, formerly of Clinton. Only
the immediate friends were present. i
The bride is a popular and highly ei-
teemed young lady. 14,1r. andMrs. •
leeelsoqess • 0 d e days at •
e liTeeTneTOWeiralifirrrrefiii, eke
• employed in • the G. T. R. have been
laid otf, the work in • the *utrorier . not
s being so strenuous as lbat of the
tee.... Mr. • T. A...Resting, :Clerk of
t Works in 'the Pee) ic Works. Dept.,
s been inspecting the Post Office a
• Wi &Lin ; MI'. CoOpel'haS a gang o
fmen at woke: pushing the sae t
d completion .....Peopee who aromow do
aing statute labor in the country ar
only spoiling the roads so far as sum
mer use is concerned, and it does seem
• a pity that some better method of roe
improvement could not be adopted..
e P1.. WIT). Robb left on Monday for
- North Dakota to visit members .of his
family there, and will tikely be absent
most of the summer.. ...A real. good
, soaking shower is needed, as gardens
are suffering from lack of water.... „ .
e Mr John Shaw, who hgs been visiting
his daughters at Porteelgin,ha.s return-
- ed to town..." ..Dr Freeman moved
to Goderich this week... :Mr J. Bailey,
of Brocefield, has movedto town, bay-
' ing secured a situation on the G.T.R. ;
f he has rented a house below the sta.-
- time .... .MeG.D. McTaggart has jest
dpurchasedrivers a very handsome span of
Ner Ed. Howard, late of
wffe of Mr. ristopher J. Tebbutt, of
f up their residence he Chesley. We ,
0.extend congra u atlens.
eoetteckifts of der Collegiate Institute ;
see make a very creditable showing in the
University list just published.. We I
d give the names and standing: -Fourth I
year- John M. Laird, second in first
class honors in Mathematics ; W. Be
Hannilton, first in second chtss honors
in Physics. Third year -Ed, J. • Jen-
kins, third in second clateseteteLeteee1.
maties and Physide. "cas, yeer-
O. A. .111ustardefirst in first class in
Philosophy and Sir; John A. McDonald
Scholarship ; IL Gunn, second in first.
class in chemistry and' mineralogy ;
W. W. Courtice, first in third class in
Greek and Hebrew.. First year -Miss
I. Gunn, sixth irethird class in Modern
Languages. Third year Household
Science, Miss M. Stewart, second class
honors, Mr; H. Colclough also passed
his first year in Wyckliffo College.
FUNERALS, -The funeral of Rev.
G. M. Itilty, from Clinton station, on
Friday, was very largely. attended,
and was an eloquent tribute of the
respect and esteem in which . he was
held. The pall -bearers were all mem-
bers of his congregation at Granton,
while the members of the Orange
Ordev marched in proceseion. The
Rev. Mr, Doherty, of Renee% . was
also present. It was evident that
some people are not aware that it is
-had form to cut through it funeral pro-
cession, as several did this, no clbubt
unthinkingly. A funeral has right of
way over everything except His
Majesty's Melte and a Five Company.
The funeral of the late Samuel Pike,
took eerie° fvorn the home of Mr. Dtal.,
ford, on Sunday afternoon, and was
under the Auspices; of the Sons of lenge
land of town, assisted by iiretheen
from other • lodges, The funeral
eervice was conducted by 1tev, .Mr.
. Gunne, and from there proceeded to
the Oemetery. Mr. Will Fisher, whet
bed been etopping in Regale, and was i
with Mr. Pike during his last illness,
accompanied the body • hotne, Mr.
Feenk Nash, of Regina, forinerly etn-
ployed with Mr. Pike here, who hap.
pened to he in Toronto, also ctune' here
to attend the funeral, as did Ni., Pike's
son, Goldie. A great many carriages
formed the procession.
Louisville, Ky., has returned to town
and taken a position in ,the Doherty
Factory again ; his old friends are glad
to see him backs Lt. Col. Young,
the active and efficient commanding
officer of, the 33rd Battallion was in
town this week arranging for the vari-
ous companies going to camp the
middle of the month....Fair Bros.
sold four farm horses the other day
realizing good prices foe the same..
We are pteased to bee that Mr. W.
Cuchnore, of Kippen, -ekes recovered
from his recent illness, and is about
again as usual.....Messrs I/mover-1 and
Archibald, of Seaforth, both ' well
known horse dealers, were here on
Wednesday, trying to pick up some
stock ; it is said the demand for horses
was never better than now The
Meeicts Herald of a rFt@nt date refers
to General Manager Hale, of the Tele-
phone Company, and the placing of
the -telephone wires under ground
Mr, Hele, as our town readers know,
is a, ion of Mrs. H. Hale, of town....
Mr. Ic rank Evans has got hi new bill -
boated erected. at the station ; teeshow
what it costs to keep large aelyertise-
ments before the public, we may state
that the advertisers pay 3e cents a
sheet for so many day's exposure....
A special train will run from Clinton
on the evening of June 18, td Goder-
ich, for the moonlight exeursion on
the Greyhound ; and return the same
night....Mr. W. 1. Tozer, who has
branch tusiness Lakefield, has gone
there to look aftee his interests ; he
will be away ie month, Mrs. Tozer
also went With - ..A chimney
on what was formerly known as Math-
eson's old blacksmith shop, on High
Si. was blown down on Tuesday, and
the building looks as if it will sollapse
'at any Limo; it, is dengeroue ....While
visiting Brook's monument, near
Niagara Palls, a few day's sines, Rev',
Mr. Newcombe, climbed the inside
stairway to the top, an unusual feat
for a man of his years,- ..1Vir Ohilhiunn
is putting in electric machinery to aid
hint in his clothes cleaning business ..
The S A band • played at the Garden
Party, at Steep's, Goderich Tp, Wed-
nesday night, and play at a similar
event near Holmesville, Monday..."
Those who want an enjoyable outing,
should take in the Vermer's Institute
eltetit'SiOri tO Guelph, on June 15th
Mrs Alex Taylor end clan hter who
have been stopping with lir Wilbur
Manning, 1501000, Inc some time, will
occupy their home in town in a few
days It is said that Mr. Robert
Marshall, the propt e or of the pool
voom, will go to Kingston next week,
not to be placed within stone walle,btle
to accept a "coininittal for life' With a
popmilarynuzjg lady f th
Jane $00906
N(:) • 18
Devotee/ to the ctiosemination pinata about Node jou ought to km
you aught to pay.
6 the prices.
It is our privilege to make you
one of the very best buyir g offers
in Chinawere that ever came the
way of an appreciative public.
Good, white, smooth face, decor-
ate in get and color, 34 shapes,
in price from Sc to 18c ;'four sizes
in plates ;• five styles in Cups
end Saucers. A shaped pitcher •
-5 inches high 15e-4 -Salad
diameter 18c ; Saucers $1,00 per
dozen ; Salt and Pepper 5c each ;
Sugar and Cream 10c each ; Cel-
ery Tray 12 inches long 15e, etc.
Rememberit is ail the same pat-
tern. Tne only way to have you
appreciate it is to come in and
see it. At present the assort-
raent is complete but we will not
be able to make this statemeut
• long.
enunsher*''WoMen's Home
Companion " contains the first
• article of the Child Labor Crus-
ade, " To Save the Children ".
it is it first-class Woman's Magis
azine, the only one we :can selt
you for a dime. •
Price ALONE is a poor' argus
metre we like to talk quality ton,
and can do it quite freely in in-
traducing- to you our special 34
piece assortment of chinaware
to 18e, nine snore.
'Oh for a good lead pencil use
an " Ophir." Its the hest 5e pen-
cil we ever had,
feeling that ar hammock will not
help, We fuenisle the Hammock
yen do the " Rest ". - -
A little 10c piece will do for
reaching duty if expended in our
north window, A smaller. 5e
pieee will do considerable too,
that is where our 34 piece Chine -
ware assortment is displayed.
For Brain Fag read a good
• novel. One of our 20e Cloth;
bound ones will do. 2 for 350,
• 3 for 45e;
Dominion • Money Orders are
• oheap, sole and convenient. We.
issue them, • .
The W.D. Fa r .0o.,
Often the Cheapest. — Always the Best.
Straw c.liats
•.Nobby Straw Hats just in .this week. The,
correct shapes for Summer. A.' big assortment
and good values. The best time to buy is NOW,
...before sizes get broken.
Z5c $1 00 $1 25 and $1.50
• 9 •
For May. 1906 -the highest maximum
temperature was 8850.on the 25th,
• the lowest minimum temperature was
300 on the 10th and 20111The highest
range was 32.50 on the 5th and 19111,
:the lowest range WAS 00 on the 28th.
The Mean max, tem. ,for the month
was 62.60, the mean min. tem. was 430,
and the mean range was 19.60. There
were tbunder stomps on 'the I2th and
17th, and frost on the 10th, 20th, elth.
25th and 29th. There were snow
• showers on the Oth. The total rainfall
• for the month was 8.01 inches The
woods leafed out on the 13t11; the wild
plum blossoms on the 14th, and apple
blossoms on the 21st,. For the month.
of May, 1905, the mean max. tem. was
031:880, the mean min. 'tem. 1ye34a530,
and the Mean range was 21.350. The
total rainfall for the Month was 3,28
inehes: The wild plum blossom was
out on the 12th, and apple blossoms on
the Ned. .
VVotnen's Institute
On May 31st the regular meeting
was held at Mrs. Kearns'. The sub-
ject. "'lowers, their treatment wider
different conditions," was ably taken
by Mrs. Geo. Doherty'. The next
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. L. Trick on June 28, 'when Mrs.
W. S. Harland will take the question
of "ice cream' and ices of all kinds,"
Mrs. Trick will speak. of "Beverages,
including tea, eoffee, and home -jade
drinks of all kinds." Arrangements
are already being made for the dem-
onstration on the 22nd, of Which
further notice will be given.
A Juvenile Trayeiler
"A Tittle ghl, certainly riot )mite thati
three years of age, with it couple of
small parcels in her hand, waited at
the station on Tuesday as if anxious to
boerd the train standing by. Asked
Where she was going, she said,
"To grandpa's."
Asked where he lived, she replied,
"Where the ttain goes."
She •I'VaS of 'course too young to
travel "to grandpa's" alone, and short-
ly after a boy came and took heti back
home, from where she had evidently
strayed. - •
We avail ourselves of thisopportunity of ex-
pressing our heartfelt gratitude to our mettle for
the many sincere- .expressions of genuine syne
riathy towards us in our sad bereavement ia the
sadden loath of per only and beleyea amighter,
nettle Words tamp express our appreciation of
tee extreme kleanesses elauitcatea Iti se UMW'
WaYd. Mu. mei Mae aollflOtif
• • .
• Our Annual Clearing -up Sale of Men's. Felt
Hats started with a rush last Saturday. We will
keep at it all next week, for 200 Hats cannot be
sold in a day or two, "even if they are selling at less
than half-price. 1 -Lard Hats ana"Soft Hats. 'Hats .4
for Men and ,Hats r Boys: Black Hats, grey
Flats and Brown ats. that sold tor $1.5o,
• 82.cio and $2.50, are selling during this Annual
Sale, for
lialf=a-,Dollar each.
not miss it, buying'one of them, and the
e to come is .as early in the week as you
can, before the best ones get picked up.
• Is a good one. It has been a, trade -winner
from the start. Quite the best suit we ever had
for the money. Good enough to sell at $12 00 or
$13.00,1but we had to have a good One for this big
new store, and we got it. You will not find one its
equal in the trade.
Men's Anus3 made from good quality sepal
_ Tweeds And Serg, es. •Serges come in black or
navy, the Tweeds in good quality of new, neat
patteres. Every Suit is just as well made as
expert tailors eau make it. The fit is perfect.
They will keep their shape. The style is right
and the material, inside and, outside, good. All
sizes, each